Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 25, 1907, Image 7

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    Women Who Wear Well.
It Is astonishing how great a change a
few years of married life often make in
the appearance and disposition of many
women. The freshness , the charm , the
brilliance vanish like the bloom from a
peach which Is rudely handled. The
matron is only a dim shadow , a faint echo
of the charming maiden. There are two
reasons for this change , ignorance and
neglect. Few young womou appreciate
the shock to the system through the
change which comes with marriage and
motherhood. Many neglect to deal with
the unpleasant pelvic drains and weak
nesses which too often come with mar
riage and motherhood , not understanding
that this secret drain Is robbing the cheek
of Its freshness and the form of it *
As surely as the general health suffers
wlien there is dehyjcement of the health
of the delicate womaWyorgans , so surely
organs ar Sestablished In
healbh ther ceami < 6frhxjitoR e witness
to the fact in nHve\Tcd comeTfn g Nearly
CLmilHon women havn found health and
happiness In the use of Dr. Pfcrce's Fa
vorite Prescription.r It makes weak wom-
cn strong and sick women well. Ingredi
ents on label contains no alcohol or
harmful "habit - forming drugs. Made
wholly of those native , American , medic
inal roots most highly recommended by
leading medical authorities of all the sev
eral schools of practice for the cure of
woman's peculiar ailments.
For nursing mothersor for those broken-
down in health by too frequent bearing of
children , also for the expectant mothers ,
to prepare the system for the coming of
baby and making its advent easy and
almost painless , there is no medicine quite
so good as "Favorite Prescription. " It
can do no harm in any condition of the
system. It is a most potent invigorating
tonic and strengthening nervine nicely
adapted to woman's delicate system by a
physician of large experience in the treat
ment of woman's peculiar ailments.
Dr. Pierce may be consulted by letter
free of charge. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce ,
Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute ,
Buffalo , N.Y. -
If ? f Thompson's Eye Water
What have you fo
Sell or Exchange ?
93 So. Jelferson Sfrect , CHICAGO
The Canadian
West is he
The testimony of tens of thousands during the
past year is that the Canadian West is the best
West. Year by year the agricultural returns
have increased in volume and in value , and still
the Canadian Government offers 160 acres free to
every bona fide settler.
Some of the Advantages
The phenomenal increase in railway mileage
main lines and branches has put almost every
portion of the country within easy reach of
churches , schools , markets , cheap fuel and every
modern convenience.
CROP of this year means $60.000,000 10 the
farmers of Western Canada , apart from the
results of other grains and cattle.
For advice and information address the
Superintendent of Immigration , Ottawa , Canada ,
or the authorized Canadian Government JAR cm ,
W. D. Scott , Superintendent of Immigration ,
Ottawa , Canada , or E. T. Holmes , 315 Jackson
SL , St. Paul , Minn , and J. M. MacLachlan , Box
xrt , Watertown , So. Dakota. Authorized Govern
ment Agents.
Pleosa BE ? vbarv jon sur thla advertisement.
Hide and Seclc with a 3Ionnlnln.
For the past two years a curious sort
of a game has been played up in that
little-known region of Chinese Turkes
tan , the great mountain ranges of Tisin
Shan. The chief participants of this
game , which has not partaken of thu
nature of play , were two , Dr. Merzi
bacher , an alpinist , and KhantengrI ,
the highest peak of the country.
This part of the world has been en
veloped In obscurity , and until Dr.
Merzbacher's survey no good- maps ex
isted. The mountains are wild and
picturesque , covering ground four or
five times as great as the Alps.
Many of the peaks measure over
twenty thousand feet in height. Khan
tengri , the monarch , overtops all others
by at least four thousand feet. The re
gion is regarded as very hard of access ,
and old Chinese travelers have left ac
counts of its difficulties and dangers.
Khan-tengri had never been definite
ly located , and Dr. Merzbacher under
stood the task. Per nearly two year ?
his search lasted before he could pi a
the elusive mountain down to topographical
graphical accuracy. It has been a ver
itable game of hide-and-seek , and the
interesting and curious part of it i >
that often and again the mountain has
been most difficult to trace , and the
seeker realized that until he was actu
ally at the mountain's base he could
not show its relations to the rest of tbe
range. After long months of hanl
travel and many disappointments , the
mountain has been trapped and the
riddle solved.
to the ProccsH.
"Come , Tommy , ; it's time for you to
take your bath. "
"I don't want to be washed mammal
Give me a dry cleaning , like they dc
papa's -white vests ! "
: ?
< The Proved Remedy
X For Over 50 Years.
X Price 25c and 50c X
To convince any
woman that Pax-
tine Antiseptic 'Will
improve her health
ana do All we claim
for It. We will
send her absolutely free A large trial
box of Paxtino with book of Instruc
tions and genuine testimonials. Send
your name and address vii a postal card.
and heals
PAXTINE mucous
m e m -
brane af
fections , such as nasal catarrh , pelrio
catarrh and inflammation caused by femi
nine ills ; sore eyes , sore throat and
mouth , by direct local treatment. Its cur
ative power over these troubles is extra
ordinary and gives Immediate relief.
Thousands of women are using and rec
ommending it every day. eo cents at
druggists orbymail. Rememberhowever ,
THIS B. PAXTON CO. , Boston ,
Nothing- Too GOOD for the American
people that's why we started
to make Cascarets Candy
Cathartic. The first box made
For the its appearance in 1896 , and the
enthusiastic endorsement ol
American People the people has been bestowed
upon Cascarets ever since ,
The sale today is at the
BOXES A MONTH , proving" that the American people recog
nize , that what is BEST FOR THEM is none too good.
Why this enormous patronage ?
The answer is simple : Cascarets are pure , clean , sweet ,
mild , fragrant , harmless but effective little tablets for the treat
ment and cure of Constipation and all Bowel Troubles. They
are put up in neat little enamel boxes , easy to buy , easy to
carry ( in vest-pocket or purse ) , easy to take-and easy of action ,
always reliable , always the same , they "work while you sleep"
and wake you up feeling fine invthe morning.
They not only regulate tr.e movement and stimulate the muscular walls ol
the bowels , but they keep the ENTIRE CANAL CLEAN and antiseptic , forcing
out and destroying all disease germs that breed in the accumulated filth unless
promptly and regularly discharged. Therefore , they are a great preventive of
disease , and may be taken continuously as a precautionary measure.
The new Pure Drugs Act , adopted by Congress on June 30 , 1906 , and in
effect January 1 , 1907 , is a GOOD LAV/ and means better and PURER
drugs for the American People. We endorse it and will live up to it in
SPIRIT and LETTER , an easy task , as we have always been actuated
by the same principles and no changes are required in our formula or pack *
age.We adopted OUR OWN PURE DRUG LAW in 1896 when the first
box of Cascarets csme en the market and haveMived and worked and produced -
duced under it ever since.
To-dayafter a record of nearly 100,000,000 boxes said , Cascarets STAND
the greater in PURITY , QUALITY and MEDICINAL MERIT than anv
other preparation for Bowel trouble in all the world.
a 2reat argument for any one , to try Cascarets AT
1flha picr f ° r. iLSime people have CHRONIC
CONSTIPATION with all the horrors derived from if others haw WAR
promptly taken care of is liable to result in its degeneration into the worse
forms and cause great suffering and perhaps death. '
f ll ? HC ? Patiently and regularly , will remedy all of these
but 1ftaken Promptly at the very first sign of an irregular-
3Ct S the FINEST PREVENTIVE ever discoid
keep all the machinery running in good order. 755
We advise you to get a little lOc box of Cascarets TO-DAY and
it m your purse or vest pocket. Take one when you feel
n * U 8dlyou fiber
or money refunded. All druggists , lOc , 25c 5 < fc.
"Take my seat , madam. " "I thanl
you , sir , but I get off here , too. " Chicago
cage Tribune.
Sillicus How can a man tell wdes
' he is really in love ? Cynicus He can't
tell till it's too late. Philadelphia Reo
Jack I hear that Miss Passe is en
gaged. Dick Is that so ? Who is th
happy man ? Jack Old man Passe , ol
course. Familie Journal.
"Doctor , how can I ever repay you
for your kindness to me ? " "Doesn'1
matter , old man. Check , money order ,
or cash. " Milwaukee Sentinel.
Mr. Bach I suppose you tind thit a
baby brightens up the house ? Mr. Bene
dict Yes ; we burn nearly twice thi
gas we used to. Boston Transcript
"That new roomer paid two thousand
dollars for that violin he practices on. '
"I wish he'd trade it for a ten-dollai
violin he colild play. " Detroit Fre
Chairman I'm sure we be all verj
sorry our secretary Is not here to-night
I cannot say we miss 'is vacant chair
but I do say we miss 'is vacant face.
"I am afraid , darling , you will verj
soon forget me. " "How can you thin6
so see , I have tied two knots in mj
pocket handkerchief. " Meggendorfej
"Most iv th' ol' marrid men I kno\i
threat their wives like a rockin'-chalr ,
a great comfort whin they're tired , but
apt to be in th' way at other times. "
Mr. Dooley's Dissertations.
"Do you think you could learn to lov
me ? " the young man inquired. "Learn
to love you " exclaimed the rapturous
inaid. "Harold , I could give lessons
at it. " Louisville Courier-Journal.
"Why force your child to learn fig
ures at so early an age ? " "That's all
right. I want him to be able to tell
the number when he is knocked down
by an automobile. " Fliegende Blatter.
Charwoman ( mending carpet ) 1
never thought as 'ow I should come to
this , mum. Me that was that well ed-
dicated that afore I was married 1
couldn't even make a beef pudden.
"But you know , madam , that in Tur
key a bride never sees her husband
before the wedding day. " Lady ( wife
of an inveterate clubman ) How odd I
We never see our husbands after !
Literary Digest.
Her Husband If a man steals no
matter what it is he will live to regrel
It His Wife During our courtship
you used to steal kisses from me. Her
Husband Well , you heard what I said.
Chicago News.
Proud Owner of New Cottage I've
been wondering what creepers to pul
on the cottage. Which do you think
would be best , John ? The Gardener-
Well , sir , one of them Virginias would
cover it up quickest. Punch.
"A woman always insists on having
the last word , " remarked the man who
thinks he knows human nature. "Yes , "
answered Mr. Meekton , grimly , "and ,
as a rule , also the first word and most
of the intermediate words. " Washing
ton Star.
She Did you enjoy the opera last
night , Herr Schwarz ? He No. I
couldn't hear anything. She Why
not ? He Two ladies sat in front ol
me and chattered the whole evening
about how much they loved music.
Kleiner Witzblatt
Passenger ( in slow train , to conduc
tor ) I say , what on earth is this train
crawling along so slowly for ? Round
the corners we hardly move at all ,
Conductor Ah , but you see , sir , we
have ten baskets of eggs in the baggage
car. Meggendorfer Blatter.
The second day drew to its close
with the twelfth juryman still uncon
vinced. "Well , gentlemen , " said the
court officer , entering quietly , "shall I ,
as usuau , order twelve dinners ? "
"Make it , " said the foreman , "eleven
dinners and a bale of hay. " New York
"Do you think that people will ever
be able to secure a perfectly satisfac
tory government ? " "I doubt it , " said
Senator Sorghum. "Histoty fbow * that
no government bos been p ? etly sat
isfactory to more than one person at
a time , and he was the one who hap
pened to be the boss. " Washington
Knew Him Too "Well.
The late President Chester A. Arthur ,
although he was a man of warm friend
ships , had a high sense of personal
dignity that would brook no undue fa
miliarities. A lifelong friend of Mr.
Arthur , who had accompanied him on
one ofhis hunting trips , was telling an
acquaintance some of the incidents of
the hunt
"I know it's the general impression , "
he said , "that Mr. Arthur is a cold ,
self-centered sort of man , but it isn't
true. He Is one of the most genial and
companionable of men when you be
come well acquainted with him. I
thought I already knew him pretty
well , but I came to understand him
better while on that trip than ever be
fore. "
"I suppose you know nini well enough
now to call him by his first name , "
ventured the other.
"On the contrary , " was the rejoinder ,
"I know him well enough not to caU
bim by his first name. "
The ChrlHtinn Sunday.
The keeping of Sunday. t\ie first day
ot the week , us a sac-rod day in mem
ory of the resurrection and of the de
scent of tli ? Holy dliost dates from
the hoginnin-r of Christianity. It was
called the Lords day in all the cliureli
es , but gradually acquired the name of
Sun-day from the Romans , who called
the first day of the week dies solis. or
day sacred to the sun. The first official
recognition of Sunday as a holy day is
in an edict of the Roman Emperor Constantine
stantino in 321 ordering that all work
should cease in the cities "on the vener
able Sunday , " but permitting necessary
farm work to be attended to. St. Louis
Splendid April Tonic.
This Is known as "Blood-Cleaning
Time , " especially among the older
folks , who always take sometlrinjj dur
ing this month to clean the blootl of
impurities and build it'up.
The following is the recipe us given
by a well-known authority , and any
one can prepare it at home :
' Fluid Extract Dandelion one-half
ounce , Compound Kargon one ounce.
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla three
Get these simple ingredients from
any good pharmacy : ind mix by shak
ing well in a bottle. The dose is one
roaspoonful after meals andat : bed
Everybody should take something to
help the blood , which becomes impov
erished and almost sour after the win
ter season , especially those who are
subject to Rheumatism , Cuta'-rh. Kid
ney and Bladder trouble.
It is said that one week's use of this
mixture will clear the skin of sores ,
pimples or boils.
This is sound , healthy advice , which
will bo appreciated by many readers.
The Useful Earthivorjii.
Darwin estimates that there are
100,000 earthworms quietly at work
for the advantage of the upper six foot
of every acre. They continually turn
over the soil and drag down leaves and
grass , , and thus they loosen the soil ami
fertilize the ground , so that necessary
air can reach the roots that spread and
Merely Paxsiiitc Fancy.
Dennis Fwhat's nil this Cuss they're
makin' about the pa-ackers ? f
Larry A lot o' crarks is sfar-rtin * 8
fad f'r "lane mate. Chicago Tribune.
For constipation , biliousness , liver ilis-
furbanccs and diseases resulting from im
pure blood , take Nature's remedy , ( iar-
field Ten. It is made wholly of lienlth-
ifiving Herbs.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Sought
Bears the
Signature of
In England ninety-nine towns IMVH their
own jas works , the average net incoin
being $1,047,125 per annum.
Mr * . "WtoaleWa Booms * Krsmr tor Ohllirw
; * ofUBB the gun * , redact * Inflammation. o >
. ours wind oolio. S5 cnu a bottl *
Served It on Her , Anyway.
Mistress ( indisposed ) What is it you
wish to say to me , Bridget ? I am too il )
to sit up.
Domestic Well , mum , ye can take no
tice widout sittin' up. I lave ye nixl
Sath'rday , mum.
Sensible Advice to Women from firs. Henry
firs. Fred Certia and firs. Pinkham.
Owing- modern methods of living
not one woman in a thousand approaches
preaches this perfectly natural change
without experiencing a train of very
annoying and sometimes painful
This is the raosb critical period of
her whole existence and every woman
who neglects the care of her health
at this time invites disease and pain.
When her system is in a deranged
condition or she is predisposed to
apoplexy or congestion of any organ ,
the tendency is at this period
likely to become active and with a
host of nervous irritations make life a
burden. At this time also cancers
and tumors are more liable to form
and begin tboir destructive Xvork.
Such warning symptoms as sense
of suffocation , hot flashes , headaches ,
backaches , melancholia , dread of im
pending evil , palpitation of the lieart ,
irregularities , constipation and dizzi
ness are promptly heeded by intel
ligent women who are approaching
the period of life when this great
change may be expected.
Mrs. FrcdCertia , 1014 So. Lafayette
Street , So. Bend , Ind. , writes :
DearfMrs. Pinlcham :
"Lytlia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Com- the ideal medicine for women who
are passing through Change of Life. Foi *
several mouths I suffered from hot flashes
extreme nervousness , headache and sleep
lessness. I hnd no appetite and could nOfi
sleep. I had made up my mind there wag
no help for me until I began to use Lydijj
E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound , my
bad symptoms censed , ami-it brought m
safely" through the danger period , built
up my system and I am in excellent healthV
I consider Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcgetablql
Compound unsurpassed for women during
this trying period of life. "
Mrs. Ilenry Lee , GO Winter Street/
New llaven , Conn. , writes :
Dear Mi's. Pinkham :
"After suffering untold misery for three
years during Change of Life I heard ot
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ;
I wrote you of my condition , and began to *
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and followed your advice , and to-day
I am well and happy. I can now walk anywhere - "
where and work as well as anyone , and for
years previous I had tried but could not gefi
around without help. I consider your medf- :
cine a sovereign balm for suffering women. "
Women passing through this critical
period should rely upon Lydia Ej <
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Il >
there is anything about your eas $
you don't understand write to Mrsrt
Pinkham , Lynn , Mass. . for advice. It ?
is free and has guided thousands to1
When a medicine has been successful in restoring to health ,
actually thousands of women , you cannot well say -without trying *
it. "I do not believe it will help meIt is your duty to yourself
f. - „ -LVT , Lv < lja E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
lea B GLAS
S3.OO AftiD $3.5 ® SHOES
Men's Shoes , S5 to SI .50. Boys' Shoes. S3 to 81.25. "Women'B
Shoes , 84 to S1.5O. Mi.ibcs' & Children's Shoes , $2.25 to tSl.OO.
W. L. Douglas shoes are it-cognized by expert judges of footwear
to be the best in style , fit audwear produced in this country. Each
part of the shoo aud every detail of the making is looked after
aud watched over by skilled shoemakers , without regard to
time or cost. If I could take you into my large factories at
Brockton , Mass. , aud show you how carefully . L. Douglaa
ahoes are made , you would then understand -why they hold their shape , fit
wear longer , and are of greater value than any other makes. \
VT. L. DouKla * i name and price IB stamped on the bottom , which protects the 7rear r K lnst high
price * and inferior ihoc.K. Tjxke Jfo Substitute. Sold by the best shoe dealers T ywbere.
feat Color bvclctfutedexctixrtelv. Catalog mailed /rtc. TV. ! . DOUGJLtAS , *
Xo. 3. NW Yi 7-119-58 and XE i/i 12-J 19-59. All under fence ; 100
acres under cultivation : seed wind mill and well. Four miles west from neyj
town on the 3r. & St. extension west from Watertown. Price $25.00. Will
exchange for merchandise. A snap. Come and see it.
ROSS E. PARKS , Lily , South Dakota ;
Pins have been found among the Egyp
tian mummies and in the prehistoric caves
of Switzerland.
c say you > avr Che
in thla paper.
S. C. N. TJ. - - Xo. 17 1907.
The Genera ! Condemnation of So = CaIed ! Patent
or Secret Medicines
of an injurious character , which indulge in extravagant and unfounded pretensions
to cure all manner of ills , and the
National Legislation Enacted to Restrict Their Sale
have established more clearly than could have been accomplished in any other way
" *
? *
The Value and Importance of Ethical Remedies.
Remedies which physicians sanction for family use , as they act most beneficially and
are gentle yet prompt in effect , and called ethical , because they are of
Known Excellence and Quality and o Known Component Parts.
To gain the full confidence of the Well-informed of the world and the approval of
the most eminent physicians , it is essential that the component parts be known to and
approved by them , and , therefore , the California Fig Syrup Company has published for many
years past in its advertisements and upon every package a full statement thereof. The per
fect purity and uniformity of product which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical
character are assured by the California Fig Syrup Company's original method of manufacture ,
known tathe Company only.
There are 'other ethical remedies approved by physicians , but the product of
the California Fig Syrup Company possesses the advantage over all other family laxatives
that it cleanses , sweetens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts , without
disturbing the natural functions or any debilitating after effects and without having to
increase the quantity from time to time.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of
Syrup of Figs , and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives , and as its pure laxative principles , obtained from Senna , are well
known to physicians and the Well-informed of the world to be the best of natural fl
laxatives , we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna , as more fully descriptive of the remedy , but doubtlessly it will always be
called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs ; and to get its beneficial effects ,
always note , when purchasing , the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package , whether you simply call for Syrup
of Figs , or by the full name , Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna , as Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Company , and the same heretofore known by the name , Syrup of Figs , which
has given satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists
throughout the United States in original packages of one size only , the regular price
of which is fifty-cents per bottle.
Every bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company , filed with * the
Secretary of Agriculture , at Washington , D. C. , the remedy is not adulterated or misbranded -
branded within the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act June seth , 1906.
San. Francisco , , Cal.
Louisville , Ky. tl. S. A. New York , N. Y.
London , England.