Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 18, 1907, Image 5

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    v'v tiicll
Coffees and Teas
are the FINEST in town ?
'Nuff Said.
T. C. Hornby.
. Your Name
To letters written on
good stationery. Noth
ing marks the man or
woman so much as the \
letters they write. Many
firms direct applications
for positions to be made
by letter because they S
are thus better able
to judge the applicant's
character. We sell high
grade writing papers kt |
25c to 60c a box.
The Loup
illii us 17rh 1C 051
f } f > n ! Colun : u-
17th : ! . , t.r.nlif.
of riif.-iOO'h. ' ain-
j pion u le , a : i -i
I'lUifr M ( : i'l 131 -
6')3 ) at he.utl of Jlc-rrt
I will hsvf no bulls for si ! until IPO ? , liuvtim
sold all of 1006 hull calve ? .
Tubular wells and windmill ? .
all me up by Telephone.
Valentine -
All work will be jriven prompt
and careful attention. >
General Blacksmithinjr
and Wood Work. .
Handles the
Opposite Pos.fli ! ' . Phone 71.
H. bAiLEY ,
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store. '
Will bp in Kosi'huil ajrono.v July
. Out. 2uU .nns .fail. . . . > > .
First-cluB * Shop in Kver Respect
Bui de Qulninr Hatr Tonic. Oolrteu Star hair
Touie Hn'i < "df nud r ) kt * ' Dandruff ' 'or- .
fry Fompeiau bact-
De Laval Cream
Separators KQK i K.
Valentine . A t
TtfnViT-ncUn XX * JL.
I i , * r. tr. bu q cattle anc ]
t.itl . . .Ting tj | farmers
irnve to sell. "Officeis where
Lee's barber shop was , east side
of Main street. If you want to
buy or sell anything see me. No
deal is too large and none are too
small. J. VV. STETTER ,
0 . Valentine , Neb.
The trial of Tom Huntington
and Fred Hoyt of Gordon and
Ami B. Todd was called last week
at Omaha and they will now oc
cupy the attention of the public
press as well as Judge Hunger
and Prospcuting Atty. Rush who is
trying to make a big case out of it
no doubt. These defendants were
acting as agents , we believe , for
persons who desired filings.
for Sale.
A good , desirable , well built
modern 7 room dwelling for sale
at a sacrifice. Will rent at a fig
ure paying 12 per cent on invest
ment. Good location. Hot and
cold water. Bath , lavatory and
closet in building. House is new
and in first class condition. Ap
ply to I. M. HICE , Agent.
Parlies wanting wiring done or
needing repairs to their light ser
vice will please phone No. 9.or
notify the office by noon and their
wants will be promptly attended
to. Grain or feed order should
also be placed at office to insure
prompt delivery.
Anyone noticing street arcs not
in working . order will confer a
favor by notifying us.
6tf S. "F. OILMAN.
To Chicago and the East.
Fa t splendidly equipped trains
daily to Chicago , making direct
communications for points east ,
via The Northwestern Line , the
only double-track railway between
the Missouri River and Chicago.
Also fast daily trains to Sioux
City , Mankato , St. Paul , ' Minne
apolis , Duluth and points in South
Dakota , the Black Hills and Wyo
ming. For rates and full particu
lars apply to your ticket agents.
aye I or
i from W. E. Halo.v's ranch about
miles south of Kilgore , the first
of December , 1906 , one brown 2
year old mare , blazed face , weight
about 700 pounds , branded
on left shoulder. Liberal re
ward for return to OLIN HAKT-
? .IAX. Valentine , Nebr. 11 4
Let Us rtire
on Insurance -in the
best state companies.
ai * li * 3. K. Church Every
n i ! -Wol lire ! is nt 10:00 o'clock.
' rvadiii K " " 11:00
J ininr Leaeiif ' " 2:30 p.m.
Epwort'i L-JUjue beirn * at 6:30 o'clock. - '
Prwuhi'g " " 7:30
REV. C. E. CONXXLL , Taster
| No , 2 Daily except 3HtiitlAv..O-15 p. m , Pass
! o. G. Diliv . 4:35 a. m. . Tas
No 82. iiHilv. except Sunday . . . -4:0' > p. m , local
N > . UG 0 Hv . 5:20i. in. , loca
N i i Dally , except Sim ay . 0:50 p. m. . Pass
NONe 5 , i > : iih . 1:47 u. in. . Pass
No M Dally except Sin day . 9:40 a. m. , local
No. 119 , ( doesn't carry passengers ) . . . .11:45 p.m.
Senate Bills Passed and Signed by
Governor Ghcldon.
S. F. No. 2 by King The anti-pass
bill , it shall be unlawful for the rail
roads to give away or any person to
receive a free ticket or pass from a
railroad except these specially desig
nated persons : Officers , agents , bona
fide employes , the major portion of
wnose time is devoted to the service
of the railroad company , and the de
pendent members of their immediate
families ; children under seven years
of age , officials and linemen of tele
graph companies , ex-employes retired
ircm service on account of age , or be
cause of disability sustained while in
the service'of the railroad ; caretake'rs
of live stock , poultry , vegetables and
fruit , including transportation to and
Ironi the point of delivery ; employes
of sleeping car , express companies ,
mail service employes and newsboys
on trains ; persons injured in wrecks
and physicians- and nurses attending
them ; one trip pass for a discharged
employe and his. . family for use with
in thirty dcys of discharge ; inter
change of passes for employes of oth
er roads. Railroads may issue free
transportation to provide relief in
case of general epidemic , pestilence or
calamitous visitation. Railroads must
file a monthly statement with xthe
state railway commission , giving a
statement of all persons to'wnom
passes ha\-e been issued and specify
ing the kind of employment and the
class designated for which the pass
has been given. 'Ra.lroads or tke-per
sons violating this law are liable tea
a fine of not less than $100 nor moro
than $1,000. Emergency clause.
' S. F. No. 5 , by Gibson Employers'
liability act.
S. F. No. G , by Root Prohibiting the
shipment of intoxicating liquors un
less the words "intoxicating liquor"
are placed on the outer package and
prohibiting consignment to a fictitious
person or into a city or incorporated
villag9 in which a license has not
been granted for the sale of intoxi
cating liquors. Penalty a fine of from
$100 to $3CO.
S. F. 7 , by Root Llaking the place
of manual delivery of and payment
for intoxicating liquors the place of
S. F.12 , by Root Making the max
imum penalty for adultery one year in
the county jail for both man and
woman. Emergency clause.
S. F. 17 , by Thomas Reducing mar
riage license fees to 01-50 and provid
ing a fee of $3 to be paid to the coun
ty judge for performing the marriage.
S. "F. 21 , by Thomas Providing the
roadbeds of permanent roads con
structed under the .inheritance tax
lav/ must , not be less than twelve nor
more than sixteen feet in width and
allowing the county judge to fix a
reasonable appraiser's fee. Emer-
cy clause.
S. F. 2G , by Saunders To prohibit
the corrpt influencing of agents , em
ployes , or servants in relation to the
principal's , employer's ror master's
S. F. 2Sr by Root Giving the gov
ernor power to discharge the super
intendent of the hospital of the in
sane at his discretion.
S. F. 29 , by Root Authorizing coun
ty judges to receive payment of costs '
and fees and unclaimed legacies , to ;
pay such costs , fees and legacies to ]
the person entitled thereto and to pay j
to his successor in office any such
fees or legacies remaining in his pos
session at the close of the term.
S. F. 33 , by King Prohibits dis
crimination in the price of commoclij j
ties between various sections of the j
state. Violation of the law is pun-1
ishable by forfeiture of the corporate
S. F. 37 , by Epperson Declaring
boats or other vehicles used for im
moral purposes nuisances.
S. F. 41 , by Ashton Extending the j
operation of the inheritance tax law I
to small estates.
S. F.16. . by McKesson Legalizing
a system of fees to be paid by lega"
reserve life insurance companies to
the state insurance department. Emer
gency clause.
S. F.19 , by McKesson Provides fee ?
to be paid the state by accident , sick
ness and insurance companies. Emer
gency clause. ,
S. F. 50. by Thomas The compul
sory schooi law. Requires attend
ance in metropolitan cities for the
full school year when children are
between the ages of 7 and 1G years.
S. F. 51 , by Wilson Empowering
cities of the second class * and villages
owning and operating electric light
plants , waterworks systems , heating
or other municipal plants to furnish
electricity , power , steam or other pro
duct cf such systems to any person or
corporation within such city or vil
lage. Emergency clause.
S. F. G2 , by Aldrich Providing that
the physician of the Milford indus
trial home may be a man.
Pure Food Law.
S. F. G4 , by Burns For the purpose
of carrying out the provisions of the
law a food , drug and dairy commis
sion is created , the old food commis
sion being abolished. The governor is
made the commissioner and he ap
points a chief deputy commissioner
at a salary of $1,800 a year. A chem
ist , dairy Inspector , stenographer and
corps of deputy inspectors are provid
ed for. The commissioners or any of
his inspectors are authorized to seize
samples of any foods or drugs for the
purpose of anatysis and it is made the
duly of the department to furnish
county attorneys with the evidence
of violation of the law. Food is de
fined as adulterated if substances
been mixed or packed with it to Inju-
rio , s.v afrert $ * ? = t J' th. A'u ] > ft-
cd ci ' . i
bo confiscated. Violations of the la-w
are punishable by fines of from $15
to $100. Effective July 1.
S. P. 76 , by Gibson Forbids manu
facturer of malt , vinous or spiritous
liquors being interested in any retail
liquor license. Effective July 1.
S. P. 77 , by. Gibson Providing that
Douglas county joint election officials
shall receive $ G each.
S. F. 87 , by Sackett A joint reso
lution memorializing congress to
enact a-law to prevent railroads and
other tax debtors from interfering by
injunction in the federal courts with
the collection of state , county , school
district and municipal taxes.
-S. F/90. by Thomas Providing fees
for county coroner.
S. F. 95 , by Thomas Fixing maxl-
imum salary of police captains in
metropolitan cities at $150 per month.
S. F. 97 , by Thomas Providing for
appG"tment of a coroner's physician
in Douglas .county.
S. F. 98 , by Root Provides that ap
plications for reprieve or commuta
tion or pardon must be filed with the
governor first in writing , stating the
grounas on which the executive clem
ency is invoked. The governor sets a
day foe hearing such an application
any time between three and six weeks
thereafter. Emergency clause.
S. F. 112 , by Randall Amending the
laws relating to saline educational
lands and making the statutes con
form to general revenue law. Emer
gency clause.
S. F. 113. by Randall Reducing the
rate of interest on unpaid principal on
sale contracts for educational or sa-
j line lands from 6 to 5 per cent. Emer
gency . clause.
S. F. 114. by Thomas The bulk-
sales bill , declaring void sales , trades
or other dispositions of stocks of
merchandise or portions thereof in
bulk otherwise than in the ordinary
and regular course of the seller's
-.Suppressing Bucket Shops.
S. F. 137. y Epperson To suppress
bucket sh/.r * or I'rv bliDg in slocks.
\ bonds or options. ErrVcti/e July 1.
S. F. 144. by fKbsoii To ro'luce
number of fire and poiice commission
ers in South Omaha to three.
S. F. 148 , by McKesson To pre
vent foreign insurance companies from
removing its suits to the federal
court and providing as a penally ths
revoking of their license for a period
of three 3enrs. Emergency clause , j
S. F. 151 , by Epperson Providing
that county teachers' institutes shall
bo held during the months of June ,
[ July or August and that * wo or no
counties- may conduct joint institutes.
S.'F.'IGI. ' , by Aldrich Allows ths
governor to appoint the commandant
at the Milford soldiers' home and
gives him a salarv of $1QOO a year.
S. F. 1G3. by TTi"a Proposing a
constitutional p. n ri'-Qt to allow the
investment of f ° ' < ' ' * ' Bine's of the
state , or such o'1 - --"rities as tlip-
leg' ' Iaturo may f.-\i : : time" to time
Foreign Corporation ,
S. F. 1G8 , by King Provides that
foreign corporaIons } , except insurance
and railroad companies which main
tain an agent in this state , before
they are authorized to do business
here , must file a certificate with thf
secretary of state and with the reg
ister of deeds in the county wh re
their principal of'ce is. desi naTrg
their business headquarters in the
state and appointing sn agent or j
agents , one ofvlorn ? V. 11 he tlr > s'ate
auditor , upon whom service of pro
cess or notice of any proceeding
served I'pon the am'tor or a nt phall
oe valid and binding. Emcnrency
clause. Corporations are given twen
ty clays to comply with the provisions
of this set. Failure to do so subjects'
them to D fine of $1.000. Any agent
failing to comply with this law may
be sent to iail f om 10 to 30 ( lavs. .
S. F. 178 , by Wilsey Provides that
school district bonds amounting to
more tbnn 5 per cent of the total as
sessment of th < 5 distr'ct may be is
sued in those districts which have
more than-150 school-children.
S. F. 179 , by Byrnes Making it un
lawful for a tenant or lessee to con
vert to his cwn use the share of croirs-
or pro.'Tucls bslonin to his Indl3ru. \
S. F. 18by Srkrtt A hill providing - j
ing for th'e removal by quo warranto
of any county attorney , prosecuting
officer , sheriff or other officer who
shall wilfully neglect to enforce lav/
S. F. 217 , by Iv'ng A free hirh ;
school act providin.e tbat p'ojls 01
school districts in wl. h a fall hih
school ) course i = not maintained may
attend' ' high school in any oth'r district - j
trict , the cost of tuition to be j s--vssf d i
against the resident district at the
rate of 75 p&r cents per week. Emr-r- :
gency clause. - '
S. l'V2. .o , by Kin ? AlD'shin\j ! \ ire ;
school iac levy statute. , Einersency i
S. F. 2C2. by I-Ianna and PhiHps !
To allow an increase in the ni"TiVir !
- - * - - ' - n-- . *
of junior norrrr-
Emergency cltus.
S. F. 234. by Barns El. miurrj ; tne
word Incurable from the legal name-
of the listings
S. F. 243 , by
jbenevdlent. protective and fraternal
societies of the state to own. , hold
and control real estate. Emergency
S. F. 244 , by Randall Authorizing
fraternal- , benevolent and charitable
associations to maintain , homes for
widows and orphans , permitting them
to hold property to any amount and
free from taxation. Emergency clau -
S. F. 250 , by King Makes L.- ,
state treasurer ex-officio treasurer of
the state university and gives him
authority to disburse the Morrill.
Hatch , Adams and cash funds of the
tirVp'- < - ! T\lthout
-ty \ appropriation by
> T - . so.
H' r. i-ov , o. . i
requirement for the aamiision to nor
mal schools to a two-year high school
course or its equivalent.
Terminal Taxation Bill.
S. F. 2'I1 , by Tron-rs Prj-'Idcs for
the la.a1 : = . . . ; : - . . . 1
purposes 01 in. .o uS. ui'.on 5 > ; . . s ,
car companies , treight line companies
end depots , and provides that all
fixed tangible property shall be listed
with the local assessor for local tax
ation. The local assessor shall be
the assessing officer. Street railways
are excluded from the operations of
the act. t
S. F. 2C4 , by Patrick To allow the
supreme court to designate ether law
schools beside- the state university ,
whose graduates may be admitted to
' practice without examination.
j S. F. 270 , by Clarke" Providing for
i an equitable division of taxes in
1 joint school districts.
S. F. 297 , by Ashton Provides that
railroads must furnish track scales at
division points and furnish certificates
of weights , applicable to coal and
S. F. COS , by Thompson Making 10
per cent of a man's wages liable to
execution for debt.
S. F. 307. by Sackett Providing for
system for appointing county offi
cers in Gage and other counties of
the same class.
S. F. 309 , by Clarke Providing that
where hildren are transferred from
their own district to a school in an
other district nearer , the parents
shall vote in the school district on
school matters where the children at
S. F. 311 , by Sackett Providing for
security deposits by mutual fire insur
ance companies.
S. F. 313 , by King A joint resolu
tion malring application to congress
for a constitutional convention to
authorize the election of United
States senators by thX people.
S. P. 316 , by Phillips of Holt To
disqualify a judge or justiceffrom act-
inc as such except by mutual consent
of par'iewhen he is a p ° rty or intfr-
es'cr ] cr when-h1 Is rplatc-1 to cit'ur
party within the fourth degree , or
where an attorney in any cause in the
district court is related to the judge
in the degree of father , son or broth
er. Emergency clause.
S. P. 318. by Sarkett Fixing salar-
ips of sh5ffS. .
S. F. 3J9. by Sacl"tt Providing
&that in the smaller cc-mties sheriffs
Jthall not be paid more than 75 cents
a day for feeding prisoners.
Maximum Freight Rate Bill.
S. F. 323 , by Aldrich Maximum
freight rate bill. Provides fcr a 15
per cent reduction on grain , live stock.
vegetable , coal and lumber. Effective
July 1. unless set aside by railway
S. F. 3i2 , by Burnt Lu oln r itr
ter arnenclsment.
S. F. S-iS , by Gc'iMs.v. . t.t ;
treasurer to invest the trust funds of
the state in reTistered state warrants.
Emergency clause.
S. F. 349 , by Byrnes Making it op
tional with counties to have the com
missioner or supervisor system.
Express Rates Reduced.
S. F. 355 , by Sibley Provides that
before May 5 express companies shall
file with the railway commission a
complete schedule of all rates effect
ive Jan. 1. Express companies can
not charge hereafter more than 75 per
cent of such rates unless the sched
ules are .changed by the railway com
mission. ' Prepaid rates on merchan
dise of one pound are left as at pres
S. F. 365 , by Gibson Authorizes the
organization of burial associations.
Effective July 1.
S. F. 275 , by King Curative meas
ure providing for a repeal of the law
providing for separale ballot boxes for
ballots on constitutional amendments.
S. F. 376 , by Epperson Any county
may 'establish a county high school.
S. F. 377 , by Luce Providing for
the entrv of townsites by the corpor
ate authorities of incorporated cities
and villages or by the countjudge. .
S. F. , 380 , by Clarke Provides for the
employment of a state accountant.
S. F. 402 , by Randall Provides for
systems of sewerage in cities of the
second class. Emergency clause.
S. F. 410 , by Clarke Permitting
county depositories to give two or
more bonds to secure county deposits.
to extend for one term.
S. F. 113. by Sanndcrs Permitting
private citizens to contract and lay
water mains.
S. F. 44 < i. by Thompson A curative
measure legalizing issues of bonds in
cities of less than 5,000 when votd
to build heating and lighting plants.
Eir."r.crnpy clause.
House ? ; ' ! ; Passed and Signed.
H. R. 9 , by Clarke The child labor
law. No child -under 14 can be em
ployed in any theater , concert hall ,
places where intoxicating liquors are j
sold , rser-antiie institut'ons. store. '
' '
" - - -
- or fr---t
< l < < < ' * - - wo--shop. Chl-
dr < ' ' 5-1--W- . 51 . - ' i"-o ] ie em.
pVr in , T'J. ; > ( - nie with
thrfmrovor a f'ifra.of brvth
and education , tl- - child must 'have
complete : ! the eighth grade or its
equivalent or must be attending night
5chool. Emergency clause.
H. R. 12 ; by Fries Provides for a
special levi of25 mills for the im
provement ' "of" country roads and al
lows work without the approval of
county surveyor.
H. R. 18 , .by Jenison Anti-lobby
bill. Prohibits lobbying by agents , at
torneys pr employes of any person.
firm or corporation.They may not
by any m ° ans attempt to influence
any member of the legislature to vote
for or against any bill otherwise fhais
by appearing before legislative com
mittees , or by public addresses , or by
newspapir publications , written or
printed argumosts or briefs. Any
person retained for a compensation
by any association or firm to promote
or oppose bills must file in the office
of the secretary t > f state a written
statement , together with the brief
description of such , legislation , and no
notice so filed shall be valid for more
than thirty days after adjournment ol
the session. They must file a com
plete statement of all exepnses in
curred. Any violation of the bill may
be punished by imprisonment for not
more than a year or a fine of $1,000 ,
or both. Effective July 1.
H. R. 23 , by Culdice of Saline To
limit the liability of villages for dam
ages arising from defective streets.
H. R. 27 , by Thiessen Allowing
mutual fire insurance companies to
organize on the basis of risks the
same as number of members. Three
tundroc1 risks arerequired. ,
H. R. 31 , by Hensen To permit
precincts , townships , cities of the
second class and villages to issue
bonds for the aid of municipal tele
phone systems and to repeal the pro
visions of the statute permitting the
issuance of bonds in aid of railroads.
Emergency clause.
H. R. 52 , by Keifer Appropriating
$20,000 for the payment of incidental
expense incurred by the present leg
islature. Emergency clase.
H. R. 54 , by Harrison Reiro e
the $5.000 limitation to recovery .of
damages in cases of death. Emergen
cy clause.
H. R. 56 , by E. W. Brown Providing -
ing for the quieting of title to real
estate against unenforceable liens.
H. R. 57 , by Gliem Appropriating
$3,000 for 400 copies annotated stat
utes to be delivered to the secretary
of state.
H. R. 61 , by Killen To prevent '
pooling of bridge contractors. Emer
gency clause.
H. R. 63 , by Dodge Amending the
law providing for the incorporation of
hospital associations.
H. R , 64 , by Keifer Appropriating
$80,000 for the payment of salaries 'of
members , officers and employes of
the present session of the legislature.
Emergency clause. '
H. R. 65 , by Lee South Omaha an
nexation bill Emergency clause.
H. R. 70 , by E. W. Brown Provides
for two justices of the peace and two ,
constables for Lincoln.
H. R. 72 , by Cone To provide for a
library in every public school dis
trict in the state , to be maintained by
funds amounting to 10 cents per pupil.
H. R. 73 , by Cone Prohibiting the
employment by common carriers . /of
persons under 21 years of , age as. >
night telegraph operators or tower-
H. R. 77 , by Hart Making burgla
ry with explosives a separate crime
and providing a penalty of from twen
ty years to life imprisonment.
H. R. 78 , by Best Increasing' the
salary of deputy register of deeds in .
Douglas county.
H. R. 82 , by Keifer To prevent the
obstruction of highways , streets or
alleys in villages' by railroads for
more than five minutes tt a time.
H. R. 80. by Bryam Giving village
boards power to license , regulate and
prohibit billiard halls , pool halls and
bowling alleys. Emergency clause.
H. R. 86 , by Hamer To appropriate
money belonging to the state normal
library fund Tor the purchase of books
for the Kearney normal school li
brary. Emeirency : clause.
H. R. 87 , by Redmond To appro
priate money belonging to the state .
library fund for normal schools for
the purchase of books for the library
of Peru normal school. Emergency
H. R. 94 , by E. W. Brown Authoriz
ing county boards to make appropria
tions for the establishment and main
tenance of dcccntion homes.
H. R. 98. by Fish and Game Commit
tee Prohibiting the sale at any time
of game birds or fish protected by law
or the possession of such game ex
cept during the open season or five /
days thereafter. Emergency clause.
H. R. 99 , by Fish and Game Com
mittee Limiting the open season on
quail to the last two weeks in No
vember and the open season on prai
rie chicken and grouse to November ,
October and the last two weeksV in
NH. R. 102" , by Fish and Game Com
mittee Providing a penalty for un
lawfully pursuing fish or game pro
tected by law.
H. R. 105 , by Steinauer Making the
minimum capital for state banks
H. R. 106 , by E. W. Brown Provid
ing that persons convicted of having
burglar's tools in their possession may
be sent to the penitentiary from one
to five years.
H. R. 110 , by Scudder To prohibit
the stealing of rides on trains , en
gines or cars or climbing thereon.
Penalty , a jail sejitence of from , five
to sixty days hUrd labor or a fine oC '
not less than $5 nor more than $25.
H. R. 113 , by Cone A joint resolu
tion memorializing congress to enact
a lav/ fixing a standard for testing
H. R. 115 , by Wilson Providing for
the closing of the affairs of school dis
tricts , which for a continuous period
of one year have less than two'legal
.voters residing therein or for two
consecutive years shall fail to main
tain its district organization.
H. Tl. 116 , by Qi'ackenbush To al
low court reporter : 10 cents per 100
words for making transcripts in all
cases and providing that the county
siall pay for transcripts in criminal
cases vhere the defendant files a
povH-ty a irlavit.