Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 18, 1907, Image 4

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    f >
I. M. HICK Editor and Proprietor.
MA UK ZAIIU- Foreman. -
J '
Entered * at "the pvostofh'ce at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr" . as Second
" " * - _ , ' _ ' ' Class Mrifft.T- .
Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; $1.50 when notpaid in advance.
" "Dlsplify Advertising 1 inch single column 15c per issue or $6.00 a year.
/.Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue
c per line per issue.
TJrands , H inches- 00 per year in advance ; additional space $3.00 per
car : enjiraved blocks extra $1.00 each.
10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears.
Parties Hvinif outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance.
Notices of losses of stock free to bntnd advertisers. '
, „ „ Last Monday a man from Ivush-
villc or who bad been in Ilughville
the.past week " informed us that a
large A number of Indians were in
the town to witness the departure
of.about 30 Indians who start out
wifcji * a wild west show. 'There
was considerable drunkenness
! i though there are no saloons pay-
it g license in Ilushville. This ?
rr an told us that there were five
d fferent joints where one could
O3tain the where-with-all for
- - a jag
aid that it wasn't hard for a
{ ; ranger who casually dropped in
to town to find a joint , a blind piir ,
a blind tiger , a hole in the wall
or dew drop as" the different terms
imply , a drinking resort. Add to
this a few Jboot-leggers , two or
f- *
tjiree drug "store saloons and a
club house and draw upon your
imagination for a town without
saloons. Of course good people
arc not "put next" to these con
ditions until a son or son-in-law
A *
comes home with a jag and then
they wonUer where he got it. If
saloons are run right they are
preferable to such conditions as
the "above , if the good people
want the screens taken down from
the windows they want saloons in
preference to the blind pig , the
drug store dram shop , the cltil >
house and the boot-leggers , all of
j >
If which are a secret snare for the
unsophisticated. Let it- * run as a
saloon and be known as such if
you are in favor of taking down
the blinds. But i saloons are not
conducted according to law they
will bring the wrath and condem
nation of the. people upon them
and wilj fall because of their evil
influences. They should not try
to run the town. They have
enough weight to carry without
loading up with objectionable responsibilities
sponsibilities- \
/ 'Government Homestead * * if *
* South l > ak t.a.
Plenty of government laud along
-thcincw line of the Chicago &
-Northwestern between Kapid City
.and Pierre open to settlement'
There are no charges except the
* > ilandollice fee of from § 14.00 to
$20.00 for quarter section. It is
chance of a life time. It will
to investigate. Ask any tick-
.efcagent of the Xorthwestern Line
to give yau maps , pamphlets and
if eomlete information. 11 i
ofew Jjinc and Kevr
Tow si ? * .
Pierre , Rapid City & Northwestern
Ey. Completed toYasta. .
Opportunities for Business and In
vestment !
The construction of the Pierre ,
! Rapid City & North-western Piy. .
j which is now being rapidly pushed
I from Eapid City to Pierre , will cu
| an important figure in thelmsiness
I interests of the Black Hills and of
the entire state of South Dakota
It is attracting a large \amount o
attention among all classes ot people
ple , traversing as it does a section
of country that has hitherto
been neglected by the railroads , anr
that is comparatively unknown. It
will surprise many to know that
the country through which this
new line passes is really a rich ag
ricultural country , and the know
ledge of this fact is already gather
ing along the line of this , railroad n
large population of farmers. The
line is now completed and in opera
tion to Wasta , Pennington Co. , S.
D. , and , as is the usual practice in
such cases , the railway Las estab
lished stations at different points
along its completed line. *
The title to the town lots has
been taken in the name of the
Western Town Lot Co. , which com
pany will offer for sale within the
next few days lots in eacli of the
towns of Box Elder , Underwood
and Wasta. . Each of these towns
is located in a good agricultural
district , and it is expected that each
will be the center of distribution
and supply for a large section of
valuable farming and grazing coun
try. These lots will be put on the
market by the Town Site Co. , at the
usual low prices to start with , and
lots in any of the three towns will
undoubtedly prove good investments
but particularly valuable for loca
tions in almost any line of profes
sion , trade or business.
Prices of business or residence
lots ou application tojocal station
jigent or to P. Whitney , General
Town Site Ageut , Omahn , or to J.
-Cleveland , Land Comrn'r 'C. : & N.
WEv. . , Chicago. ' " *
Fruit and shade trees ofall - kinds ,
and small fruit , ghrubs and flowers.
Send in your o ideisor see me at
the cellar in Valentine. Trees will
be re.'idy for delivery about middle
of April. 5 " JOHN TERSTL.
Oculist and Neurologist
. . - Valentine 7 Nebraska.
-IT . -or - _ _
r : - -
. .Jones i- * graduate of the Vermont Medical College arid post
90-Iurkdilat6 of London ruiid Yfoima. Ht practiced in New York 20..vears
inrOcultetjn the U. S. AiTny during the war with Spain.
- If-yoUf' yps F > urn < f-Tnirt ; , feel sticky in the , pain , itch ,
, .nr\if\you Tiftve ( ears in your pyes. if you hold your reading too near
oYJnio fff ; if \ uf eyes huit. ; sifter ri > adinir , if sjrong light and bright
sunshine hurl you : if you IWi likv > f. losing . \onrV.ves to rest them , if
ouMiavVhvaduche r-im nervous di rdei- see Dr. Jones and he will
awiijr.v rr-r ; , r . - . : , - ' . . j
saiJ flV' V - -n
.TbO-.iS .IvtftuiCt ? frpnTijp'cent tesiimoniuls : "Be sure to let us , know' when
/ ! = : = ! W\y \ i iTmnreyfcr frry-hn biuttl-nnd fljui htf r n ed "lasses. " * % r have
All pxaminati' < free during April ; after that § 5 to § 10 will be
charged for ricli : cv.initiation , according to the case. Positively no
free xaminalion nJ t-r April 'JO.
jEy.Tesfe d Glasses Fitted Satisfaction Guaranteed
Talk of the Town.
Buy White Star at Davenport's.
W : M. Pike was in tov.-n on
business Tuesday.
The Junior Normal begins June
10th and will last six weeks.
John Ferstl handles all kinds of
fruit and shade trees , small fruit ,
shrubs and flowers. 5
Clarence Sageser came in yes
terday from the west and is visit
ing friends in town.
Wanted A girl to do kitchen
work at once. Good wages. Dono-
her Hotel. It
For Sale Good Blue Victor
Seed Potatoes. Inquipe of John
Ofmesher , Valentine , Neb. ' 12
The lreomen organized a lodge
of about 50 members a couple of
weeks ago in Valentine.
Get your property insured by 1.
M. TJice and you will be safe. His
companies pay losses promptly.
FOE SALE Small frame build-
irg with floor. Suitable for coal
or buggy shed or claim house. In-
qai e of Louise M. Webb , Valen
tine , Xebr.
T\vo more of the village bonds
( § 1,000 each ) have just been paid ,
making four in the past three
years , representing the sum of
Wednesday evening , April 24 ,
supper will be served at the M.
E. parsonage at 5 o'clock by the
ladies aid. Supper 25c. Cream
and cake 15.
The Valentine Social Club gave
their last dance of the season last
Friday night. It is thought that
the club will reorganize under a
new management.
Anton Bolte of Johnstown was
shot , in the shoulder last week
through the earless handling of a
revolver by one of the train men.
He is getting along nicely.
Dr. Jones , the oculist , has rent
ed rooms over T. C. Hornby's
store and will have his office there
after May 10th. Until then his
office will be at Chicago Hotel.
T. C. Hornby is in Omaha on
the grand jury the past two weeks.
It was not pleasant to leave his
business during the busy season
but had to go at the time he was
wanted there.
The Chase-Lister company made
their third appearance in Valen
tine Tuesday night. They prob
ably think Valentine good picking
but Valentine seemed delighted
with their productions.
Geo. Tracewell returned Sunday
morning from Sioux Falls and was
glad to get back to his building
which will occupy his attention
during spare time from auctioneer
ing for the next few weeks.
Yesterday morning the ground
was covered with snow and it con
tinued snowing lightly all day but
ituis not cold and there was little
wind. Today the sun shines and
the snow is mostly melted.
We are informed that Jake
Stetter has purchased a meat mark ?
et at Crawford and that H. B.
Foerster , now employed in the
Citizens market at this place , will
take charge of the same May 1st.
Miss Helen McDonald departed
yesterday , going to Ft. Mclntqsh ,
IYxa , to visit her sister , Mrs.
Lieut. Wiegenstein and expects to
accompany her sister to the Phili-
pines when the Twenty-fifth goes ,
which is presumably early in the
John M. Todd returned Mon-
3ay morning from a trip through
Wyoming , Idaho , Ut.uh and Coloj j Jade J
-ado the past , winter.Ve are in- !
'ormed that he traded ft r some
, 'uluable property in Pueblo and
peaks favorably of the country
n some parts that he visited.
M. L. Smith of Woodhike was
n ? Valentine last Saturday and
sailed 'at our office on < business.
Te purchased two span of- fine
nares from W. T. Bishop while
n town. Mr. Smith desires to
) urchase 100 head of young steers , t
leifers and cows. Address him at 1
( Voodlake , Nebr. a
Wl S t 9 B 2 ika IVi
Mt ] Members in County In
vited to Be Present at
Class Initiation.
The M. W. A. of Valentine took
in nine members last night and
have about a dozen members com
ing in the next meeting which will
be in two weeks , Wednesday ,
May 1st. All the M. W. A.
lodges of the county are requested
to invite their members to join us
that time for time. '
at a big 'Sup
per will be served and it will be a
revival of the M. W. A.
Town JLot Sales.
The new towns of Underwood and
Wasta , S. D. on the Pierre , Eapid
City and Northwestern Ry. , now
being constructed from Rapid City
to Pierre , will be open for sale of
lots on Wed. and Thurs , April 24
and 25.
Maps and prices can he obtained
on application to station agents at
Wasta and Underwood or at Rapid
City , or to P. Whitney , General
Town Site Agent , Omaha. Mr.
Whitney will be glad to meet all
who are interested in these new
town site propositions at the fol
lowing places , on the dates named :
At Eapid City , April 23 , 24 , 25.
At Underwood , April 24th.
AtVarta , April 25th.
Prices and maps will also he
furnished on application to J. V.
Cleveland , Land pomm'r C. and N.
W. Ry. , Chicago.
from my place , six miles south
west of Crookston , about March
20 , 1907 , two bay mares , one live
years old , star in forehed , weighs
about 1100 pounds , blotched brand
on left shoulder , crooked-ankle on
left hind foot. Other is eight
years old , branded D,3 on left jaw ,
left hind foot turned up from cut
in sickle. ' JOHN DEY ,
14 tf Burge , Xebr.
St. Nicholas rhurcla.
A week from Sunday , April 28 ,
services will be'held in the St.
Nicholas church in Valentine as [
folluws : Low mass at 8:00 : and
high mass at 10:30 : a. m. Instruc
tion for the children at 3:00 : p. m.
Next Saturday , April 20 , in
Arabia , and Sunday , April 21 , in :
Nenzel , Catholic services in those
places at the usual hour.
LEO M. BLAERE , Rector.
Paul L. Lane , son of Charles |
H. and Myra M. Lane , was born
July 20 , 1887 and died April 8 ,
1907. His death occurred ot Fre
mont where he had been for more
than a year. His body was brought
to Woodlake and funeral services
held at the Union church April 11
at 4 p. m. , interment being made
at Woodlake , J. E. West officiat
ing. The pall bearers were H. S.
Lake , Ed Young , W. A. Parker ,
Dr. Cohee , James Day and Elmer
The floral offerings were beauti
ful and completely covered the
casket and were presented by
Fremont friends.
The deceased was a young man
if high Christian character , and al
though far from home , clung to
ihe , teachings of his childhood. He
Belonged to the Epworth League
ind was ale a member of the M.
E. church at Fremont. His marriage - \
riage to Miss Lela A. Rand was '
; o have taken place in June. His
jarent ? , brother and sister have
, he sympathy of the entire com-
nunity. ;
f1 av < l < sf
To the many friends wlio gave
is their sympathy during our rec-
int Bereavement we extend our
incere thanks.
The ladies aid will serve a su-
) er Wednesday evening , April 24 ,
icginning at 5 o'clock , at the M. - c
C. parsonage. Supper 25c. Cream c
nd cake loc. c
- -
i > - % r
I have a fresli Supply. Garden ' Tool's ' "
Bubber Hose. Lawn Mowers
Builders Hardware.
Hardware , Furniture and Coal.
In all aorps of the World and in all Countries men
have induced in "social drinks and have used
Whiskey for medical purposes. " They have always
possessed themselves of some popular beverage
apart from water and those of the breakfast and
tea table. Whether it is Judicious that Mankind
should continue to indulge in such things , or
whether it would l be wise to abstain from all en-
.loymeLts of that character , it is not our province
to decide. We leave that question to the Moral
We desire the PUBLIC TO KNOW that we
NOR RECTIFIERS ; also that we use the utmost
care to purchase our goods from the most reliable
houses in America , and just as we get them , thev
pass into thehands _ of our customers NO
After superintending things for quite a little t ° rm
"ADVERTISING" Johnson then WSG taken in the firm
' Jenkins , Jsnes & Johnson" was the name upon the store
Ana the ir.cre the business grew he ADVERTISED the more
Chas. E. Swanson is the new
lerk in the Red Front. He
omes from Ainsworth where he
lerked for Otto Berger.
H. G. Becker , a son of Martin
Becker , got his hand caught in a
corn sheller Tuesday
near taking off two of his fingers.