EST I SICK HEADACHE Positively cured 1 > 3 these Little Pills. They also relLero Dla tress from Dyspepsia , In digestion and Too Hearty IVER Eating. A perfect rem cdy for Dizziness. Nausea , Pi US. Drowsiness , Bad astt In the Mouth , Coated Tongue , Pain In the Side , TORPID LIVER. Thej tegulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SHALL PILL SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE GARTERS Genuine Must Bear 1TTLE Fan-Simile Signature IVER PILLS. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES , for Preserving , Purifying and Beautifying the Skin , Scalp , Hair , and Hands. Cutlcura Soap combines dellcato msdlclnal. emol lient. Banatlve. antiseptic propertiea derived trom Cutlcura. the greatSkln Cure , with the purest of sap onaceous Ingredients , and most refreshing of flower odors. Depota : London. 27 Charterhouse Sq. ; Paris , Ruede la Pair : Australia. R. Towns & Co. . byd- ney : India , B. K. Paul , Calcutta' So. Africa , Lcn- on Ltd. , Cape Town , etc. : Boston. 137 Columbus Ave. , Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. . Sole Props. MrMaHed Free. How to Preserve , Purity , and Beautify too SJOo. Scalp. Hair , and Hands , To convince any woman that Pux- tlno Antiseptic will Improve her health ana do all we claim for it. Wo will send her absolutely free A largo trial box of Paitine with book of instruc tions and genuine testimonials. Send your name and address on a postal card. cleanses and heals mucous m e m - brane af fections , such as nasal catarrh , pelvic catarrh and inflammation caused by femi nine ills ; sore eyes , sore throat and mouth , by direct local treatment. Its cur ative power over these troubles is extra ordinary and gives Immediate relief. Thousands of women are using and rec ommending It every day. 60 cents at druggists or by mail. Hemembcr , however , IT COSTS TOU NOTHING TO TRY IT. THE R. PAXTON CO. , Boston , Mass. FREE Orcr loo.oco American farmers who have settled In Canada during the past few years testify to the tact that Canada is , bejond quetion. the greatest ( arming- land in the world. Over Ninety Million Bushels ef wheat from the harxest ot 1906 , means ijood money to the farmers ot \ \ fbtrrn Canada when the world has to be Jed. Cattle raisi : : ? . Dair\ine , Mixed 1'urniinx arealso probable callings Coal. tarood , water in abundance ; churches and schools convenient , markets easot access. Ta\es 'ow. ' For adtiic and information address the Superintendent of Immigration , Ottawa , Canada. fir the authorized Canadian iJmcrnment - < cent , Ttf. D. iicott. Superintendent o ! Immigration , Ottawa , Canada , or E. T. Hoimei ; lick on Bt. , St. Paul , Minn , and J. M. M.-uLachlan , Uor 16 , Watertown , So. Dakota Authorized Govern- fcent Ayents. Pl use gay where TOU saw this ndvertinocrst. MENTION' THIS TAPER Camphor Farm. Im Texan. A camphor farm is to be established neur Floresville , Texas , under the aus pices of the bureau of plant industry of the United States Department of Agri culture. The government has already a large experimental farm in operation near Wharton , Texas. It is believed that the new Industry has wonderful possibilities and that the time Is not far distant when , Texas will be one ot the greatest camphor-producing regions of the world. A Vivid Imagination. "Tommy , " called Mr. Stinjay , "what have you been doing ! ' * "I bin skatin' , " replied the boy. "Nonsense ! You haven't been out of the house. " "Well , I bin skatin' on make-believe ice with the skates you promised ma last Christmas. " Philadelphia Press. NERVOUS PROSTRATION CURED BY DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. By Toning upihe Blood and Nerves Pa tient Recovered Weight , Strength and Good Spirits. When the nervous system is broken down from overwork , or whatever cause , lifo loses its joys. Not only is the ner vous victim a sufferer himself but he is usually a trial to the whole family. Nervous breakdown is often gradual , appearing at first to be merely an unu sual fretfulness. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tone up the nerves in the most direct way and not only cure minor troubles but serious disorders as well. Mr. W. W. Munroe , of 16 Hazel Park , Everett , Mass. , says : "About four years ago this September I became all run down from overwork and from confine ment to work during warm weather. For two months I grew steadily worse. I lost in weight and strength and had no appetite. My memory railed me quite rapidly and I became in. a very low state , both physically aud mentally. I took no interest ia life , neither in busi ness nor recreation. In my position , as foreman in a large manufacturing chemist's establishment iu Boston , a good memory is absolutely essential to success because of the immense amount of detail that must be carried in the head. "I grew very despairing , could not bear to have people meet me and my friends remarked ou my condition. About the middle of December a friend told mo one day that he had tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and found them reliable. I commenced taking them and at the end of two weeks the change for the better was remarked by friends. I continued using the pills until I was thorouglily recovered. I regard them as a fine remedy aud maZre this statement voluntarily iu gratitude for the benefit I received from them. " These pills actually make new blood and have cured such diseases as rheu matism , nervous and general debility , indigestion , nervous headache , neuralgia and even partial paralysis aud locomotor ataxia. As a tonic for the blood and nerves they are unequalled. If you are a sufferer from any disor der of the blood and nerves write for proof of what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have accomplished in cases similar to yours. Every testimonial usedvby this company is carefully investigated before being published and is authentic. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists , or direct by mail , postpaid , on receipt of price , 50 cents per box , six boxes for $2.50 , by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company , Schenectady , N. Y. CURE FOR Ely's Cream Balm is quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at Once. It cleanses , soothes , heals aud protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Pull size 50 ct . at Druggists or by mail ; Trial size 10 cts. by mail. Elv Brothers , 68 "Warren Street , N w York. Money Pssily Made ijO. shouM Ooornment select your lot for P. 0 fit * irt'llpaj * J..J for It. Aunlej Kcul Eitnte Co. , T.lUhaw . Fli Mica Axle Grease J lengthens the life of the wagon saves horse power , time and tem per. Best lubricant in the world contains powdered mica which 'forms ' a smooth , hard coating on axle , and reduces friction. If you want your outfit to last and earn money while it Ifists grease the axles with Mica Axle Grease. $ STANDARD OIL COMPANY R. E. PARKS' EXCHANGE LIST , . Si'c. 21-l-JO-r 7. Day county. One hundred acres under fences , -10 IUTIA to crops. 20 acrcr > of meadow. T\vo miles and one-half north- jeast of lily. Also S\Y ' , 22-119-.VJ. All under fejiee. . Living spring water. * T\vo miles from sidetrack < JM the M. & St. I. , , extension west from Watertown. exchange for -cm-mi merchandise : it $2. > . ( )0 per acre. ROSS E. PARKS , Lily , South Dakota ; . _ - -r - - - - - - - mrv * e * v > H * 0r .j j\ W. L. DOUGLAS $4.00 GILT EDGE SHOES CAHROT BE EQUALLED AT AM PRICE. SHOES F ® & EVERY8G3Y AT ALE. FRIGES : Mcn'b Iioes , S3 to S1.50. UMJ- , ' Mines , .S3 to $1.25. Women's Shoes , S4to SI. . . JVIissos'i : Children's Shoes , S2.25 to Sl.OO. , ; W.L. Douglas shoss are itcu mzoil by expert judjf-wj of footwear to be the bes : m style , fit amivcir ; produced in this countrv. Each part of the shoo aud every ilct.ul ol Uio making is iooiced after and -watched over by skilled shoemakers , vrithout regard retime time or cost. If I could take you into my largo factories at | Brockton , Mass. , and show jou how carefully W. L. Douplw Kssaaxw ESia/AWW/X ® hoe3 arc made , you would then rnderstand why they hold their shape , fit better , wear lonjrer , and are of greater value than any other makes. H.b . . , cl'LnanYnnd ? , ? ' 'e.19 sj .i r < > < t on the bottom , which protects the irwrer acnlnst hlph price an. . Interior ihofy.1'n tSu Si ! Mlliite. Sold liy the be MJOC desJe everywhere fat Color Evclcti vied excluwdv. Calaha mailctSrtc. W. I/HOUGHS JS if CIAL NEW YOUK. Trade responds to seasonable weathe. distribution of spring merchandise , full ; equaling sanguine expectations , and coun try merchants purchase liberally fron wholesalers at leading centers. Report from principal cities are uniformly favor able , active business being accompaniei by further improvement in collections Leading industries are fully occupied un < no strikes of more than .loc-al significant have materialized. Manufacturers an busy on goods for early shipment am sample business for later seasons promise : continued activity. Improved traffic con iitions make deliveries more prompt. l > v lines of finished steel can be deliverei promptly , mills averaging four to si : months' capacity engaged , and quotation : are consequently well maintained. Pri lunry markets for textiles are more quiet hue there is no diminution in the outpti or mills except where labor cannot b < secured. Commodity exchanges have re sumcd normal conditions and prices show sonic recovery from the unsettled positioi after the Easter holiday , which was pro longed abroad. Dun's Iteview. Despite some cross-currents in demand due mainly to the withdrawal of tin Mister stimulus to trade and a succeed ing spell of cold weather , the develop inputs of the week have been mainlj favorable. Chief , perhaps of these is tin final satisfactory settlement of the western orn railway men's demands by arbitra tion. All reports as to trade in wholesale and jobbing circles in the first quarter an in a high degree favorable , and failure returns confirm the smallest number ol casualties for a generation past. Report ? from most leading industries are still oi full order books and of backward deliv eries. There is , however , slightly more manifest disposition to move more con servatively as regards distant positions , some easing of metal quotations and a softening of asking prices for various pro ducts , and the jewelry , shoe , leather auti wool trades note quiet , pending a clearei view of later developments. Business failures in the United States for the week ending April 4 number 137 , against 1UC Ia ? t week and 151 in the like week oi 1000. Canadian failures for the week number 29 , against 21 last week and 17 in this week a year ago. Bradstreet's Report. CHICAGO. Spring trade shows steady advance in the leading branches , and the remarkable volume of new demands reflects continued strength in the buying power , making the best testimony that confidence in the out look for industry suffers no impairment. The city election interrupted dealings in the primary markets and the operations in' breadstuffs and live stock were less ened , but factory production , wholesaling and forwarding of finished products anil general merchandise exceed those of a year ago. Failures reported in the Chicago dis trict numbered 13 , against 22 last week and 22 a year ago. For the first quar ter of this year the similar failures to taled 20G , against 339 in 190G and 300 'u 1905. Dun's Review. Chicago Cattle , common to prime , $4.00 to $ G.7o ; hogs , prime heavy , $4.00 to $0.80 ; sheep , fair to choice , $3.00 to $0.00 : wheat , Xo. 2 , 75c to 77c ; corn , No. 2 , 45c to 4Gc ; oats , standard , 41c to 43c ; rye , Xo. 2. GSc to G9c ; hay , time thy. $13.00 to $18.00 ; prairie , $9.00 to $13.00 ; butter , choice creamery , 27c to 30c ; eggs , fresh , 14c to 17c ; potatoes , 30c to 48c. Indianapolis Cattle , shipping , $3.00 to $0.00 ; hogs , choice heavy , $4.00 to $0.75 ; sheep , common to prime , $2.50 to $5.25 ; wheat , Xo. 2 , 74c to 7Gc ; corn. Xo. 2 white , 4oc to 4Gc ; oats , Xo. 2 ' white , 42c to 44c. St. Louis Cattle , $4.30 to $0.50 ; hogs , $4.00 to $0.75 ; sheep , $3.00 to $5.75 : wheat , Xo. 2 , 70c to 77c ; corn , Xo. 2 , 43c to 44c ; oats , Xo. 2 , 40c to 42c ; rye , Xo. 2. G7c to GSc. Cincinnati Cattle , $4.00 to $5.50 ; hogs , $4.00 to $0.05 ; sheep , $3.00 to $0.00 ; wheat , Xo. 2 , 77c to 79c ; corn , Xo. 2 mixed , 40c to 47c ; oats , Xo. 2 mixed , 43c to 44c : rye , Xo. 2 , 73c to 74c. Detroit Cattl" , $4.00 to $5.25 ; hogs. $4.00 to $0.05 ; sheep , $2.50 to $5.50 : wheat , Xo. 2. 70c to 79c ; corn , Xo. 3 yellow , 40c to 47c ; oats , No. 3 white , 45c to 40c ; rye , Xo. 2. 70c to 72c. ' Milwaukee Wheat. Xo. 2 northern. 7Sc to 82c ; corn , Xo. 3 , 40c to 43c ; oats , standard. 41c to 43c ; rye , Xo. 1. 09c to 70c ; barley , standard , 70c to 71c ; pork , mess , $10.50. Buffalo Cattle , choice shipping steer ? , $4.00 to $0.00 ; hogs , fair to choice , $4.00 to $7.15 ; sheep , common to good mixed , $4.00 to $5.40 ; lambs , fair to choice , $5.00 to $8.50. Xew York Cattle , $4.00 to 0.00 ; hogs. $4.00 to $7.20 ; sheep , $3.00 to $5.87 : wheat. Xo. 2 red. Sic to S3c ; corn , Xo. 2 , 52c to 53c ; oats , natural white , 47c to 49c ; butter , creamery. 29c to 31c ; eggs , western , 15c to 17c. Toledo Wheat , Xo. 2 mixed * . N7Gc to 7Sc ; corn , Xo. 2 mixed , 44c to 45c ; oats. Xo. 2 mixed , 42c to 44c ; rye , Xo. \ GSc to 09c ; clover seed , prime , $9.15. Sparks from the Wires. A coolie riot occurred at Port of Spain. Trinidad , during which the manager of an estate was killed. Former President Cleveland wus pre sented with a silver loving cup by the entire undergraduate body of Princeton university in honor of his seventieth birth day. day.The The Rothschilds have purchased for $5,000,000 the famous Beatson group of copper mines on La Touche Island , Prince William Sound , Alaska , according to reports received in Seattle. * he Ideal. Little Joey is the youngest member 5f a family where vital faith in the Dower of thought-concpntration Is fully recognized. Quite logically , therefore , svben his recent acquirement , a couple ) f bantam hens began to lay very small eggs , much below Joey's stand ard of size , he put his mind on the natter , with an original if slightly un scientific result. Going to the hen-house one morning , Joey's father was surprised to see an ostrich egg tied to one of the benms. ind above it a card with the words : "Keep your eye oi this and do your est"A A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. Hovr a Veteran " \Va.i Saved the Am.- IHitatlou of n Limb. B. Frank Dorcmus. vcterui. of Roosevelt Ave. . Indianapolis. ln-L , says : "I had boon showing symptoms of kidney trouble from the timevns nws- toretl out of the army. but in all my life I never suffered as in 1897. Headaches , diz ziness and sleepless ness , first , and then dropsy. I was weak and helpless , having run down from ISO to J25 pounds. I was having terrible pain in the kidneys , and the secretions passed almost involuntarily. My left leg swelled until it was 34 inches around , and the doctor tapped it night and morning until I could no longer stand it , and then he advised amputa tion. I refused , and began using Doan's Kidney Pills. The swelling sub sided gradually , the urine became nat ural , and all my pains and aches disap peared. I have been well now for nine years since using Doan's Kidney Pills. " For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Fdster-Mlfburn Co. . Buffalo , X. Y. Side I.i Jit.on History. Croesus was trying to stand off the as sessor , who was respectful but firm. "The wealth of rich men , my dear sir , " said Crcnsus , "is ahvajs overestimated. Look at Rockefeller. He was supposed to be worth a billion. According to the state ment of his man of business he has only a beggarly $300,000,000. and I'm worth only a small fraction of that sum. as you can find out by consulting any good cycle pedia. " Whispering confidentially that the most of the stories about him were campaign lies , and that Herodotus was a worse pre varicator than Eli Perkins , he succeeded in getting the assessor to place him in the J. Pierpont Morgan class and dis missed him with a han < l--oine present. Sursuimrilla. Time. Make your own Sursaparilln or Spring Blood Medicine by mixing one- half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion , one ounce Compound Knrgon , three ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Shake well in a bottle and take one teaspoonful after meals and again at bedtimo. Any good druggist can M. ; > ply these ingredients. This is said to be a splendid Spring Blood Tonic and system renovator be cause of its gentle action in restoring the Kidneys to normal activity , forc ing them to tilter from the blood all impure matter and acids , destroying microorganismswhich produce ill health and sour blood. Every one should take something to cleanse the blood at this time of year , and the above simple prescription 5s the most highly indorsed of the hun dreds of home remedies generally xised. Mix this yourself , then you will' know what you are taking. l-etii for Life. "I came very near getting married three years ago , " remarked the spinster who happened to be in a reminiscent mood. "Indeed 1" exclaimed the grass wid ow. "Tell mo about it , dear. " "Oh , there isn't much to tell , " re plied the spinster. "One evening a gentleman escorted me home from church and as we were standing on the front steps I said , 'This is leap year , you know. ' " "Well , ? " queried the g. w. "Then he leaped , " continued the oth er , sadly , "and 1 haven't seen him since. " How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catnrrh than cannot be cured bj Hall's Catarrh Cure. LJ. . CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. We , the undersigned , have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years , and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry Out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING , KINNAN & MARVIN , Wholesale Druggists , Toledo , O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Didn't AVorJc. "I wonder why it is , " remarked one if the two men who had just lunched , curning to speak to the other , "that they ilways have pretty cashiers at these res taurants. " But the pretty cashier , though she blushed and smiled , did not fail to detect the Canadian quarter he threw down in payment of his check. > Garfield Tea the indispensable laxa tive ! Take it in the Spring : it purifles the blood , cleanses the system , eradicates disease. It is made wholly of 'simple Herbs. Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drills Law. Just a. . "Of course , " /said Miss Gaussip , "some of the stories you hear are not worth believing. " "Xo , " remarked Mis ? Knox , "they're merely worth repeating , eh ? " The Catholic Standard nnd Times. 3Ir . WlKAloTT'e BOOTKETO BTaTjy tor CMlftr-ra hibt ; loftons the sr nn , rvJuco Inflammation. iv ! > cain. core * wind oallc. S3 o nt * a bottla. S. C. X. TJ. - - ? < o. 1C 1907. * . (7 ( , * " . > . ' 7.1 * ? * * ' * * r \ Are both symptoms of organic de rangement , and nature's warning to women of a trouble which will soon er or later declare itself. How often do we hear women say , "It seems as though my back would break. " Yet they continue to drag- along and suffer with aches in the small of the back , pain low down in the side , dragging sensations , nerv ousness and no ambition. They do not realize that the back is the main-spring of woman's organ ism and quickly indicates by aching MISS LENANAGEL a diseased condition of the feminine organs or kidneys , and that aches and pains will continue until the cause is removed. Lydia E , Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs has been for many years the most successful remedy in such cases. Ko other medicine has such a record of cures of feminine ills. Miss LenaNagel. of 117 Morgan St. , Buffalo , N. Y. , writes : "I was completely worn out and on the verge of nervous prostration. My back ached all the time. I had dreadful periods of pain , was subject to ts of crying and extreme nervousness , and was always weak and tired. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound completely cured me. " Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints , such as Backache. Falling and , Displacements , and all Organic Diseases. Dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage. Jt strengthens and tones the Stomach. Cures Headache and Indigestion and invigorates the whole feminine system. Mrs , Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs.Pinkham , Lynn , Mass. Her advice is free It means the hottest and cleanest flame produced by any stove. This is the flame the New Perfection Oil Stove gives the instant a lighted match is ap- pfied no delay , no trouble , no soot , no dirt. For cooking , the is unequaled. It gives quick results because its heat is highly concentrated. Cuts fuel-expense in two. Made in three sizes. Every stove warranted. If not at your deal er's write to our nearest agency. The llmW w rs7T ff-g * * % * n 's tne best , all-round household use. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly constructed ; absolutely safe ; unexcelled in light-giving power ; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's , write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY 34 YEARS SELLING DIRECT Onr vehicles and harness have been sold direct from our factory to user for a third of a century. V > e ship for examination and approval and ffuaranteo ante delivery. You are out nothing it not satisfied aa to style , quality and price. We Are The Largest Mannlactnrers In The World celling to the consumer exclusively. "We make 200 styles oJ Vehicles , 65 styles of Harness. Send torlarge , free catalogue. Elkhart Carriage & Harness Mfg. Co. . Indiana. There is NOTHING TOO Nothing Too GOOD for the American people thafs why we starteq Good to make Cascarets Candj Cathartic. The first box mads For the its appearance in 1896 , and the enthusiastic endorsement oi American People the people has been bestowed upon Cascarets ever since. The sale today is at the rate of OVER A MILLION BOXES A MONTH , proving that the American people recog nize , that what is BEST FOR THEM is none too good. Why this enormous patronage ? The answer is simple : Cascarets are pure , clean , swee mild , fragrant , harmless but effective little tablets for the treat ment and cure of Constipation and all Bowel Troubles. They are put up in neat little enamel boxes , easy to buy , easy to carry ( in vest-pocket or purse ) , easy to take and easy of action , always reliable , always the same , they "work while you sleep and wake you up feeling fine in the morning. They not only regulate tne movement and stimulate the muscular walls oi the bowels , but they keep the ENTIRE CANAL CLEAN and antiseptic , forcing out and destroying all disease germs that breed in the accumulated filth unlesa promptly and regularly discharged. Therefore , they are a great preventive 04 disease , and may be taken continuously as a precautionary measure. The new Pure Drugs Act , adopted by Congress on June 30 , 1905 , and ia effect January 1 , 1807 , is a GOOD LAW and means better and PURE1 | drugs for the American People. We endorse it and will live up to it Ifl SPIRIT and LETTER , an easy task , as we have always been actuate ! by the same principles and no changes are reouired * in our formula or pack ate. We adopted OUR OWN PURE DRUG LAW in 1895 when the firs ! box of Cascarets came on the market and have lived and worked and pro * duced under it ever since. To-dayafter a record of nearly 100,000,000 boxes sold , Cascarets STAND the greater in PURITY , QUALITY and MEDICINAL MERIT than any other preparation for Bowel trouble in all the world. This should be a great argument for any one , to try Cascarets AT ONCE , and be healthier and happier for it. Some oeople have CHRONIQ CONSTIPATION with all the horrors derived from it ; others have HAB ITUAL CONSTIPATION from carelessness and neglect , but nearly EVERYBODY has OCCASIONAL CONSTIPATION , which , if not promptly taken care of is liable to result in its degeneration into the worse forms and cause great suffering and perhaps death. Cascarets , if taken patiently and regularly , will remedy all of thesi awful troubles , but if taken promptly at the very first sign of an irregular * ity of the Bowels , will act as the FINEST PREVENTIVE ever discovered and will keep all the machinery running in good order. f We advise you to get a little lOc box of Cascarets TO-DAY and carry it in your purse or vest pocket. Take one when you feel anything unusual your bowels. Your own druggist will sell you the little box , unde * ANTf of satisfaction , or money refunded. All druggists , lOc , 25c , Cetor cwrc ooois brloStc faster colors tfean any other df ? . 0 e lOc package colors ail f&er * . TteycJvefn cold wattf belter tnas any oth > r iJyc. Xou ay earnest wUUoat Write fw frtt < booUet-Ktfrfc Dye , BicadJ aad MirCokn , MOJVROB WRI/O CO. . Vnibn ? j7.c