Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 04, 1907, Image 8

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    We have just unload-
l ei
I -w ulS' % vbleaseE JSp
li'ave all * -bur friends
call and see samples
which we have set up ,
consisting o'f
John Deere Eiding and Walking Plows ,
Ked and Moldboard Breaking Plows , Disc
Harrows , with either Pole or Tongue
Truck ; Riding and Walking Listers ; List
er Carriages to convert any Walking List
er to a Biding Lister or any Walking Plow
to a Riding Plow ; Breaking Plows to fit
this lister carriage ; Double Cast Hoosier
Endgate Seeders ; Riding and Walking
Cultivators ; Disc Cultivators ; Steel Lever
Harrows and riding attachments for har
rows ; Single and Double Row Listed Corn
Cultivators ; Tower Surface Cultivators ;
Oliver Chilled Plows ; Moline Wagons ;
Yelie Buggies. Call and inspect them.
Pi. Ellis and T. C. Eeece were
gathering horses last week.
E. E. Still well and wife are the
happy parents of a baby boy.
C. S. Beece dehorned cattlp at
Mr. Young's one day last week.
G. K. Sawyer was over from his
ranch Saturday.
Silas Serson , of Brownlee was do
ing some well work here recently.
Miss M. E.Grange is visiting her
sister , Mrs. Af. B. McAlevy , near
Thos. Beach was over from Beav
er lake Saturday , and returned with
S. Searson who will put a well down
for him.
Sparks Qnills ,
A uico crowd attended church
C.V. . Hudson has been selling ,
some wheat lately.
* s
C.V. . Hamar and family were in
Sparks Monday forenoon.
Ed Allen has been hauling hay
from John Groom's the past week.
Had you heard about quarterly
meeting at Sparks Tuesday evening
April 9 at 7:30 p. m. ? Come out
and hear A. B. Julian , the presiding
A Sunday school was organized
at Pleasant Valley school house
with Frank Grooms as supt. , Tom
Evans as sec'y. , and Miss Nora
Bower , trsas. Come Sunday affcer-
ternoon at three o'clock.
Mr. Geyer and Jb'rank Grooms
* * V
drove to town Tuesdayjm business.
Mr. Geyer has recently invested
some money in a good way by buy
ing a , couple of Jersey Be4 sows
from Neligh , Neb. His motto is
good stock ; good prices.
Ye correspondent has always be
lieved in foreign missionary work.
But now , something else comes up.
When people become so wrapped
up in other amusements that they
have no respect for the dead and
when people have no respect for
the dead they have no respect for
the living then there is no self
respect for themselves. It seems
that there is ignorance abroad .some
where. This was proven Saturday
afternoon when the little child of
Harvey Newland's was laid to rest
in Sparks cemetery ( after a short
illness ) , and a bill game started and
continued throughout i H evening.
Which place were j'ou ut-V
' W. C. T. U. Colanin.
Bethel hall will be open next
Mrs. Simmons will be in Valen
tine on the lOfch and llth inst. We
earnestly solicit everybody's' pres
ence at the M. E. church both eve
nings at 8 p. m. and at Bethel [ hall
in the afternoon.
Supt. Press Work.
Teachers Association.
High School Building 1:30 : p. m. ,
April 13 , 1907.
Essentials of Teaching "Reading
Chaps. 10 , 11 , 12 , E. H.Watson
Language Exercise
Laura Pettijoha
Geography Scrap Books
. .Effie Carlson
Paper Sadie C. Joy
Putman's'Psychology chapters
10 , 11 and 12 .Miss Kortz
Down the River.
Mr. Hale and family returned
from a visit al Simeon Sunday.
The Prairie View school will have
two more months of school this
D. Burner returned home from
his work in Valentine Saturday to
begin farming.
Mrs. Epky recently purchased L.
Tayl or's place west of Louis Nol-
lette's. The price was $1900.
The revival meetings at the
Prairie View school house were
closed Friday night on * account of
the busy time and many not being
able to come.
. Parties wanting wiring done or
needing repairs to their light ser
vice .will please phone No. 9 or
.notify the office by noon and their
wants will be promptly attended
to. Grain or feed order should
also be placed at office to insure
prompt delivery.
Anyone noticing street arcs not
in working order will confer a ,
favor by notifying us.
6tf S. .F. GILMAX.
Get .your property insured by 1.
M. Eice and you will be sa.fe. His
companies pay losses promptly. J
-For Sale-Good Blue Victor S
Seed PotatoesY , Inquire of John e
Ormesher3 Valentine , JNeb. 12 /
. - , . . < * &
-ltv , r : . „
I'nr. STATK OF NKBUASICA . In the founty
I : CHXKitv COUNTY , fs Court.
' To the heirs and to nil persons Interested in
the estate of Fidelia A. &wan , deceased :
On leading the petition of James W Hedms
praying H Imal settlement and allowance of
nis account Hied in this court on the 14tn day
of February , 1P07.
It is hereby ordered that you and all
persons interested in said matter m y. and
do , appear at the County Court to be held in
and tor sid county , On the 13th d y of April
1007 at 10 o'clock a.m .to show cause , if any there
be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted , and that not-ce of .the t > endeoc > of
said pet tion and the hearing thereof we given
to all persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in the Valentine
Democrat a weekly newspaper printed iu said
county , for 3 successive weeiis prior to said day
of hearing.
, 11 3 County Judge.
Notice to G'rerfirorw.
CiiEitRY COUNTY. fSH Court .
In the matter of the estate of Daniel Fowle
deceased :
To the crediters of said estate :
1'ou are hereby notified. That I will sit at the
County Court Koom i Valentine in said county
on the Kith day of April , 1907 at 1 o'cloch p.
m. . to receive and examine all claims against
said estate , with a view to their adjustment mt
allowance The rime limited tor the pivsentac
tion of claims against said estate is the 13'h day
of April. A.I ) 1907 and the tiniH limited lor
payment of debts is one year Iroin said 17th day
of Septem e. 1WJG.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
HEAL county court , this I9rh ( lav of March
, 1907. \V. li. TuWNE.
10 4 County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
CiiEiutvCouxTV. l Court.
In the matter of the estate of Ho ert F
Gillaspie , deceased :
To the Creditors of said Estate :
You are hereby notified , That I will sit nt the
Cornty Court Koom iu Valentine in said county
on the 13th day ot April , 1907 , ft 10 o'clock
a. m. to receive and examine all claims against
said estate , with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the presenta
tion of claims against said ( state is the 13 h
day of April , A. 1) . 1907. and the time limited
for payment of drbts is one year from said 4th
day or August , 1900 ,
Witness my hand and seal of said county co urt
' this 19th day of March. A. i > . 1907.
, 104 County Judge.
Sher ill's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
clerk ol the district court of cherry Cmmry , Ne
braska , March 2. 1907. under a decree of
mortgigfrrnclosure. ; . wherein Patrick > ullivan
is plaintilf a u a Olive M Crane ,
May Junes , ueljis Crane , minor heir of Elmer
K. Crane , dec-aied , and Olive Al I'raiie. ami
Chanes Larson , executor ot the estate of Elmer
E. Crane , neceased. defendints. 1 will
sell at the front coor of the court house in Val en-
tiue. i 11 is Cherry t County. . . . . t Ncuraska. _ . . . * . e that . i being _ _ _ t"e _ _ _
- -
building wherein the last term of said court was
liela. ' oil the Bill day of April , 1007. at 10
o'clocK a. m. to salisfy'judgiuont of $10 < > .00 and
interest aMO per cent from date 01 judgment.
January. 21,19i 7 , and costi taxed ar $16.80 aad
Hccr.hi co ts. at public auction , to the highest
bidder , tcr eush , thn following described prop
erty toit : M/'LE& , Is'E'iSEk'otriecnon 10 ,
anu tbeNW4Svv } of sVcilon ll' . township 33 !
rai-K < J 'M , in ( jherry eoiin.y , Nebraska.
Dated this , 7th ddy of March , 17.
S a Sheriff of Clin-ry County ,
Walcott & Mornssey , Attys. for 1'ltf.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Valentine , Nebraska , i
March 11.1907. ) '
A sufficient contest affidavit having been h'lad
in this office by John C. Jones , "contestant
against homestead entry No. 179U4 made No
vember It ; , 1907 for S section 4 and N } secti-'U '
9 , township 27. ran e 20 , by Al Mullen , contes-
tee. i t which it is aliened that said Al Mullen
hii s wholly abandoned eaid laua and changed
his residence therefrom for more than six
months last past , thai , the. land is not settled
iipiui nor cultivated in good faith as the law re-
quiiea. and ei.trjman has never established his
residence Uf'on the laud as the law requires and
HAS i failed to cure his laches up to this datw and
said ] alleged absence wai not due to nis employ
ment in the army navy or marine corps oi the
United \ States as a private soldier , officer , sra-
man or marine dnrn g the war with Spain or
dii'ing any other war in which the United
iiatts may be engaged.
Said parties are here y notified to appear , respond
spend a d otter evidence touching said allega
tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on April 23 i90/ , before
the rt-gNter and receiver at the United
Land Uiflce. Va-eutine. Nebraska.
The said contestant havmg in a proper afli-
davithled Maich li , 1007. set loith tacts which
show umt alter due diligence peisonal service
of tiiis u tice cannot be nude it is hereby order
ed and diiected that , such notice be given by
due and proper publication.
10 5 E. OL50 X , Receiver.
Contest Notice.
u. S. Land Office , Valentine , Nebraska , i
March 1 , 1907 f
A sufficient contest aflidavit having been liled
iu this ollice by JM.chael S. Grigg contestant ,
ag-iin.-a homestead HI try No. 14117 made No-
veiii' ' er 3 , PJ i3 , lor W SvVJi lection 1 and W1/
.NV\.i } seciion 12. Town hip : } : ? Kange 39 by
Mar ; J lleuth , coiitestee , in which it is al
leged that -aid Mary J. Heath has wholly
abandoned said land uud changed her residence
therctiom lor moru tlr-jn six monttis last past ,
that tlie laud n not se.tled upon nor cultivated
in good lai h as the law requires , and el iin.tnt
has Mevi-r estai-lished her resideiie- upon the
laim as the uw require ? , and Mi * has Jaued to
cure h-r 'aches up 10 thus dale and her .said nb-
beuce tr m the s.uii land v\as not due t > her
emplovm-iii in the army , navy or manne corps
of the U nited S'ates as a private .soldier , olhcer.
-eaman or marine during the war with Spam or
during acy other wai m wliica in ilit ; United
slates was engaged.
baid parties urn hereby i otifled to appear ,
respond and utter evidence touching saiu allega
tion at Iu o'clock a m on April 25 , 1007 before
trie register and receiver at the United States
Land otlice in Valentine. rsebi\
The > aid contestaut having in a proper affi
davit filed March If , isor set forth facts winch
show that Hlter du diligence personal service
ol this notice cannot be made it is bereny order
ed and diiected tuat such notice be given by
due and proper publication.
10 5 K. OLSON ; Receiver-
Order ot Hearing on I'cticiou for Ap
pointment of A lmsn2Hlrator.
In the County Court : of Cherrj County , Neb
To the ueirs and to all persons interested In
the estate of Kd ard H. Lemen. deceased ;
On reading the petition of Mary E. Lemen
praying that the administration of said estate
ba granted to herself as administratrix
It is hereby ordered that you. and all persons
interested in said matter , may , and do. appear
at the County Court to he held in and for said
county , on the 20th day of April A. . D.1007 , .
at 10 o'clock a. .show cause , if any there be
wr'iythe prayer of the petitioner shoula not t-e a
granted , and that notice of the pendency of said o
petition and ibat the hearing thereof be given to J *
all persons interested in said matter by publish Jil
ing a copy of this order in the Valentine Demo ils
crat a weekly newspaper printed in said county , ft
for three successive weeks prior to said day of If
hearing. Iff
Witness my hand , and -seal of said court , this n
' 30th day of March A. D. 1907. nh
, C 3 County Judge. S
Notice of Application For a License f
to rfell Liquor , s
i is hereby given that I litve fied ! jvjtlj ( ' ti
the Clerk or tlif 15ard of Trustees of the Village : ' tj
Valentine Nebraska , a petition accompanied . L
a , nond duly Mtestcd. said petition playing : I
that 1 be granted a license to sell malt , &pintuvi <
ous and vinous liquois Insaid , Village of Val' s !
entine , Cherry county , cxebraska , for the year J ol
ending May 1.1008. 01
iated April 4 , iPor. 13 i
Americans to Pay the Tariff Tas
For Foreigners.
Imports of Raw Materials to Be Free ,
So the Trusts Can Sell Cheaper
Abroad Than Hero Protectionists
Evidently at Their Wits' End id i
Foreign Markets. * *
The strange economic theories of Sec
retary Shaw will soon not be of much
consequence , for after ilarch 4 lie will
sink into political desuetude. But as
showing1 the perplexed condition of the
stand pat mind in seeking to escape
the inevitable tariff reform his proposition
osition to create three free trade zones ,
i two of which are to be located on the
' ,
' Atlantic .coast and one on the gulf
coast , 'where manufactories may be es
tablished and allowed touse free raw
material for products to be sold abroad ,
is remarkable. These free trade zonea
would be for -the advantage of for
eigners , so that American products
could be sold to them cheaper than to
our own people , for the full tariff
rates are to be paid by the American
consumer whether manufactured in
the zones or elsewhere.
As the tariff on actual imports aver
ages over GO per cent and on some
articles is over 100 per .cent and this
high protection to the trusts and com
bines has had considerable to do with
trust high prices and the greatly in
creased cost of living , very naturally
It costs much more to manufacture
here : than In such low tariff countries
as England and Belgium and else
where , where the cost of living is much
cheaper. The absurdity of the Shaw
plan is evident from the fact that the
wages paid to labor In the free trade
zones must be just as high as are paid
to those working in the tariff territory
of the balance of the United States.
for it would cost the workmen there
as much as elsewhere. Everj'thing
used ; or consumed in the zones by the
workers there would pay the present
high rates of duty , and only the raw
materials _ imported for manufacturing
would be free.
The important fact that this Shaw
plan brings out is that the protection-
ists acknowledge that the present high
tariff is too great a burden for our
manufacturers of products for export
to bear and that as the retaliative tar
iffs of other countries become opera
tive against our exports it must end
in so decreasing their volume as to
virtually be destructive of our foreign
trade in manufactured articles.
The trust barons , who are now so
highly protected , may obtain still high
er rates under the proposed maximum
and minimum tariff , which would give
them a further mouopolj- the home
market and would surely result In still
higher prices for manufactured prod
ucts , because even the little competi
tion from abroad which we now en
joy would be effectually cut off. That
would increase the cost of living still
more and make it more difficult to
compete in foreign countries with our
products , and apparently the plan is
to overcome the partial annihilation of
our foreign trade that the prohibitive
tariff of other countries is likely to
cause. As Secretary Shaw is high in
the councils of the stand patters , his
new plan is perhaps a scheme of
the protectionists xto add to the tariff
taxes * the American people now pay
by creating free zones for the benefit
of the trusts aud tlis foreigner and
maximum rates for. us. It b r--so ' evi
dent that under the Shaw plan , instead
of the foreigner paying the taxasthe
protectionists have tried to make us
believe he does , the American people
not only pay the tariff tax , but the ex
pense of keeping up the fi'ee zones
and the increased profits on trust
products which the tariff protects them
In charging in the home market. Does
not all thfs indicate that the protec
tive system is breaking down of its
own weight and that its votaries are
at their wits' end to continue plans to
keep their hold on foreign markets ,
which they find slipping away from
them through the retaliation of other
countries against our high tariff ? How
long will the people continue to submit
to this trust and corporation plunder
ing under foe guise of law ?
Fruit and shade trees of all kinds ,
and small fruit , shrubs and flowers.
Send in 3our orders or see me at
the cellar in Valentine. Tree s will
be ready for delivery about middle
of April. 5 JOHN
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Oflice. Valentine , Nebraska. I
March 2 , ia07. )
A sufficient contest affidavit tuving been filed
in this ollice by Charles E. Meehan. conteste3 ,
aeainst homest , ad entry No 17551 madtMtrcu
24 1005 f r section 13. township 2S. range 30 bv
.lohn SiieKs. coi tcstee , in whicn it is alleged
that sain John Sheers has wholly abandoned
said : land am changed his lesiaunceiher forrn
for nure than six months last past ; that the
land is not settled upon nor cultivated in good
faith ; as the law requires , and entrvmaa has
nevi-r establisliPd his residence upon the land
as the law requires , and he has failed to cure
his lanhes up to this date , and said alleged ab
sence ( was not due to his employment in the
army : , navy or marine corps of he Uni ed States
. a private soldier , officer , seaman or marine
during Ih' war with Spain or during any other
war iu which the United States may be engaged
said parties are hereby notifjed to appear , respond
spend and offer evidence touching said al.'e-'a-
tion at 10 o'clock a. m. nil April , 17 , 1U07 before
tJiBiCKisterand receiver at tlje United atatvs
Land OlHue. Valentino. .
The a-iid contestant havi < s in a proper affida-
yit hied March S , 1907 set forth facts which
show that sifter due diligence perjoual ssrv-ce
this notice cannot be made , is is hereby
ordered and directed that such notice ue given
duw and proper publication.
35 E. OLSON , Receiver , s
Madchs & 'Co. *
Some branded
on If ft
Horses bruidcd
Some Some branded
Branded on riglK thigh
or left i ! or .shoulder.
or ( hith
N. S. Rowle *
Kennedy ,
Same as cut on leff
ride and hip , and on
eft shoulder of her
< es Als <
eff side
* ilp.
v * on icfr.i
> > rne rat- !
t1 braim-L.i _
; = = =
ed h us k-e&SggjlBg ng peg ( either Hide up ) on
eft i.ieor hlj.- . f. on left jaw and
Q on left hip O !
on left jaw of horses
; . W
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
with 7 on left hip
also same as cut
Range between
Cordon and Snake
; reeka and on cue
> iiobrara river
George Hey HP
Cody , Neb
lirand registered
< ol027
Uorses branded on
-ft shoulder
Ttactre north and
-lulh of Outcomb
nkc In Cherry Co
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
Some Q.yon left
on left jaw of
V horses.
Kange on Gordon Creek north of Simeon ,
' itotfloo address
fayannis , Neb
on right side
on left
also cattle
< m right s di
Range lb miles ;
north 9f Hvannis
C. H Little.
Merriman , Nebr
On either side
Horses same on
hip. Also g >
Range Lake Creek
Pat Peiper
Simeon Nebr
Roan Hrnthers
Aoodlake Neb
John Roan's
pi ivate mark , slit
in left ear
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud. SD
Hordes and cattle
> ame as cut ; also
CJBE fj on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks' .
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of -
stoc-- ?
bearing any of these brands
Albert Whipple & Sons
Rosebud , S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on riehtside
SOS Some cattle also
have a 4-on neck
Some -with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind qaar
| ters. Semi Texas
cattle branded s > O on left aide and some ;
on left side.
Horses bwnded SOS on left bin. Some "came
branded AW bar connected OB both sides arrfl
ft. hio of horses.
K-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5-cent package s enough lor usual occas
sinus. The family bottle ( GO cents ) contains a
supply for a year. All druggists sell them
January 15 , 190T.
PerCwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked 90 SIT oo
Shorts , sacked 1 00 19 00
Screenings , sacked 70 13 00
Chop Feed , sacked 1 10 21 00
Corn , sacked 1 00 19 00
Chop Corn , sacked 1 05 20 00
Oats , sacked 1 15 22 00
InchR circle l-in
box. Kejristered 870. Kange- * mile * wmth
Irwin on Nfobrara river.
Parruelee Cattle CoKe
Ko . V ,
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
with ntripo uudor
left thigh.
Hange on Soldier creek.
ftletzgur Bros. .
brand d
anywhere , on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Hors"s have
same brand on
left thigh.
Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of $250 wih be paid to any person for
iufmuation leading to the arrest and final
conviction of any person or peraons stealing
cattle with above uraud.
Jos Bristol
Valentine , Nebr.
Range on NIo-
brara river four
miles east of Ft.
Horses and
cattle branded
. B connected on
eft- hip or side as
ID cut
' "
Postotttce aadrtS8r'"i
Hyannls , Neb
Branded on leftside.
Range eighteen WHw
north of Gyannig
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded .Hr
on right side
Horses branded .FY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from m ?
Sandy Williams.
Mfrriman. Nebr
Mostly on left
side. Some on
right side.
Horses same on
left shoulder
Range Lake
Creek , S. D.
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
l ake.
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cut on
left side. "
Horses i r -
shoulder ,
Range e
south of Irwln.
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
Bame as cut back '
right shoulder and
en right hip
JrJange on the'"l
Mobrara . „
Postofflce address \
Cody , Nebraska .J-/ '
On left ,
side. Hor-1
ses kft
Eange north s i
Cucco'mb Lake
Garner Brothers.
Cody , N
Anywhere on cat'
Horses on left
Kane- North
Sawyer Bros.
ostofflce address.
OaaiB , Nebr
G. K. Sawyer has
charge of these cat
tle Horses D on
left shoulder Some
left side
, . _ e' same
thign. on SnaKa
Uebrasfca Land and Feeding Co.
3artlett Elchards-Pres Will G Comstock , V P
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brands :
horses\ \
Bange between
Gordon on the F.B
dyannis on B , & M B. a