Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 04, 1907, Image 6

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The Valentine Democr
9. M. RICE , - - - - Publish
Otfuslmnds and Wives Returning frc
Easter Sunday Picnic Meet Insta
Death Trainmen Say They Dro
Directly in Front of Engine.
Four persons in a buggy two m
and two women were instantly kill
late Sunday afternoon at the Fifteen
ton railroad , two miles east of Kans
street crossing of the Chicago and /
City , Mo. , by-the Alton's Red FIy <
westbound from St. Louis.
The bodies were horribly mutilate
The dead : George Henry , aged 3
and his wife , aged 30 ; D. H. Montu
' aged 30. and his wife , aped 40. Tl
men were salesmen for local merca
"llle houses.
Trainmen say that the carriai
drove directly in front of the engln
although the electric bell at 'the cros
ing had been ringing several minute
Two of the bodies , a man and a wor
an , were picked up by the cowcatch
of the locomotive and carried son
distance. The other two were throw
clear of the track. The horses ai
carriage escaped injury. The four pei
pie were returning from an Easter pi
in the country.
'Question of Water Payments Submi
ted to the Attorney General.
The national forest service has sul
milled the question of the 'legality <
the praclice of so charging eoimnerci ;
companies for Ihe right of conduclhi
-ivater through the reserves for the d <
Telopment of power and other pui
poses as to cause them lo contribute 1
the expense of maintaining the r <
serves. The service has heretofore ej
acted payment for pipe lines takin
water from the streams in the r (
serves , , but the right to do so has bee
questioned , and it is now the purpos
to secure Ihe attorney general's vie
on the subject. The forest deparl
men takes the position that the con
mercial companies should pay some
thing for the service they receiv
through the conservation of the watei
of the streams on which they relj
and they find their only opportunit
in the charge for right of way. Prac
tically all Ihe water used by them i
conveyed through pipe lines for th
production of electricity , and the de
mand is constantly increasing.
Former President. Makes Aekmnvledg
ment of Birthday Greetings.
Former President Glover Clevelan <
has furnished the following to th
newspapers and requested its publica
tion :
"It seems to be impossible for me t <
acknowledge except trhough the pres ;
of the country , the generosity and kind
1y consideration of my countrymer
which have been made manifest bj
congratulatory messages and newspa
per comment on the occasion of mj
70th birthday. These have deeplj
touched me. and in the book of grate
ful recognition they are written whert
every remaining day of my life I car
turn a page and read them. "
3'orpedocs in Car J'lvplode. Demolish
ing Train.
A car loaded with railroad torpedoes
and iron tubes containing carbolic acid
gas , located near the middle of a rap
idly moving eastbound Baltimore and
Ohio freight train , was blown up while
passing Patterson's Creek , eight miles
east of Cumberland , Mel. , Sunday. The
car was demolished , the connecting
cars smashed , two steel hopper cars on
an adjoining track were blown over ,
the Irack torn up for some distance
and telegraph poles and wires de
stroyed. Thousands of exploded tor
pedoes rained on house roofs many
yards away. No one was injured.
Boy Slain by Farmer.
Charged with having shot and kill
ed Oscar Brown , a 10-year-old son of
J. W. Brown , and a neighbor , Adam
Pelty , a farmer living near Celeste.
Tex. , is being searched for by u sher
iff's posse , and if captured a lynching
is feared.
Girl's Assailant Lynched.
, "Jim" Williams , colored , charged
with attacking Ltllie Miziner , white ,
near Colbert. I. T. , Saturday afternoon ,
was lynched at Durant Sunday night
by a mob of 1QOO people.
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Saturday's quotations on the Sioux
City live slock market follow : Top
beeves. $5.00. Top hogs , $6.45.
. Henry W. Geode Dead.
Henry W. Geode , of Portland , Ore. ,
president of the Portland Railway.
Light and Power company , and who
iwas president of the Lewis and Clark
.world's fair in 1905 , died Sunday at
Atlantic City.
Chilly Easter In PHtsburg.
Pittsburg , Pa. , experienced the cold-
-st Easted day in many years. After
{ hovering around 25 degrees all day the
( mercury * made a rapid descent at
School Near Marvin Farm IB I
A report that gained wide clrcul
tion at Dover , Del. , Friday night to tl
effect that Horance N. Marvin , J
the kidnaped boy , has been found
a woods near the home of his fath
at KItts hummuck , upon investigatit
was found incorrect. The report gall
ed circulation "from the fact that tl
Logan school house near the Marv :
residence was broken into Thursdz
night and practically torn inside 01
by some unknown miscreant.
This is the school at which Luc
Killen , who was held up Tuesdz
night by two men , is the teacher.
Pinned to the black board in tl
school room was a note which bore
skull and cross bones and read : "B <
ware ! You told ! "
When Miss Killen came upon th
two men they were talking about tr.
kidnaped Marvin boy. They drew r <
volvers anfo threatened to kill the gi
if she breathed to any person the cor
conversation she had overheard.
IVilliam A. Proctor , of Cincinnati , Die
of Bullet AVound.
William A. Proctor , of Cincinnat
O. , president of the Proctor & Gambl
company and son of one of the firm
founders , is dead from a bullet woun
self-inflicted at his home in Glendali
a suburb of that city. Coroner Cam
eron began an investigation of the cii
cumstances of the shooting , and i
the meantime refused to make an
statement except to say that Mr. Proc
tor had died from a bullet wound. Mi
Proctor was widely known in busines
circles and was a prominent layma
in the Protestant Episcopal church , t
the institutions of which he was a lib
eral giver.
His wealth was estimated at man
millions , most of which had beei
made by himself. He was noted fo
the co-operative scheme for a divisioi
of profits with employes which he hai
iesigned for his company.
Accused Murderer Rushes from Cour
Leonard Leopold , who , with Howan
Nicholas , is on trial at Chicago charg
ed with the murder of Margaret Les
lie , an actress , Friday took the wit
ness stand in his own behalf. Afte :
denying that he killed Mrs. Leslie h <
was asked :
"Did you ever see her ? "
To this he made no reply , but sud
rlenly sprang from the seat of the wit
ness chair and dashed from the room
Bailiffs , lawyers and spectators rushec
for him. He had gone but a short dis
tance in the hall when he fainted. H <
was taken to the jury room and re-
rived. It is not believed the rush f ron
the room was an attempt to escape
but was due to a nervous collapse fol
lowing the strain to which he hac
been subjected on the witness stand.
Bx-Minister Talks Before Going tc
the Gallows.
Thomas Harris , a young white man ,
formerly a Baptist preacher , was
langed in the jail yard at Gaffney , S.
2. , Friday for the murder of Mrs. Hor-
; ense Morgan , an aged white woman ,
ast November. Before the black cap
vas adjusted Harris preached his own
'uneral sermon. He killed Mrs. Mor-
ran by cutting her' throat , after which
ie took $800 from her clothes. Har-
is narrowly escaped being lynched at
he time of his arrest and was taken
o Spartanburg for safe keeping.
Drastic GamblingLaw. .
Gov. Campbell , of Texas , signed the
ill making gambling a felony in Tex-
.s. The bill provides a penitentiary
entence for any person convicted of
ambling , a jail penalty for the own-
r of any building in which gambling ,
evices are kept and imprisonment
3r thirty days for any person found
uilty of playing cards in a private
ouse for a prize.
Speaker Cannon at Havana.
The steamer Bluecher , with Speak-
r Cannon and his congressional party
ti board , arrived in Havana Friday
lorning from Colon. The visitors
ere received by Gov. Magoon at the
ilace. A Cuban band played in the
ilace garden during the reception.
Divorced from Eighth Husband.
Mrs. Polly Weed Baker , the most
arried woman in Indiana , was grant-
l a divorce from John Baker , of
ooneville , her eighlh husband.
Gen. Kuroki Coming.
It was made public Thursday that
en. Kuroki , of Tokio , will represent
e Japanese army at the Jamestown
lebration in 1D07.
Sidney Salisbury Ends Life.
Sidney Salisbury , s"on of Monroe
Habury , the well known horseman
d former society leader of San
ancisco , Friday committed suicide
gas asphyxiation. Despondency.
Freneli Troops Enter City.
French troops arrived in Oudja. Mo _
ico. Friday. The Moorish governor
Jt the French commander and gave
n assurance of the friendliness of
ipopulation. . No further incidents
: urred.
Eartl ) Shakes at Taeoma.
Fliree distinct shocks of earthquake
ro felt at Taeoma. Wash. , a few
nutes before 7 o'clock Friday morn-
r. No damage is reported.
Many Killed and Injured on Soutlit
Pacific ,
A 'disastrous wreck on the South *
Pacific occurred one and one-h
miles east of Colton , Cal. , shortly af
4 o'clock Thursday afternoon wh
westbound train No. 9 , New Orlea
fOr San Francisco , ran into an op
switch , while going at the rate of fc
ty miles an hour , and ten of the foi
teen coaches were derailed wl
frightful results.
Twenty-six peusons are known
have been killed , and the final list ,
Is believed , will total much high
than this number.
The injured number about 1 (
many of whom are seriously injur
and will die.
The wrecked coaches were hurl
in every direction. Four of them we
smashed into splinters. Most of t
dead were Italians from New To
and New Orleans going to San Fra
cisco. They occupied the smoker ai
day coaches.
The dead were terribly mangle
Thirteen of them were taken to t
undertaking establishment at Colt
by 8 o'clock , and eight additional bo
ies could be seen underneath one
the overturned and demolished cai
This car could not be raised until
derrick was brought from Los Ai
geles , sixty miles away.
The injured were cai'ried to poltc
in vehicles of all sorts , and the ho
pital was quickly filled to its capacit
Many were then taken to the Presb ;
terian church and to private res
dences in the vicinity.
Two Missouri Bankers Arc to Be Trk
for Grand Larceny.
An effort is being made to secure
jury to try the case charged again
Maj. Harvey W. Salmon , charged wil
grand larceny in connection with tl
failure of the Salmon & Salmon bar
of Clinton , which closed its doors i
Tune , 1905 , with liabilities of ? 1,000
Maj. Salmon and Dr. G. Y. Saline
had been prominent in business an
politics in Missouri since the civil wa
A month after the failure a recer\
jr reported assets amounting to $860
300 , with liabllites amounting to $1
)00,000. But in these assets were ir
eluded $661,000 in bills receivabl
icarly all of them alleged to be of
spurious character. The investigatio
leveloped that the bank had been i
L questionable condition for some tim
is the result of cattle deals of th
Salmons , and the taking by T. M. Cn
> ey , cashier , of the bank's funds to pa
: he debts of his father , George Case :
in extensive cattle operator , who fail
id in 1904.
Thirteen indictments for forger
vere returned against Casey and si
igainst Dr. and Maj. Salmon for gran
arceny in receiving deposits when th
mnk was insolvent , and four agains
Dr. Salmon's son , Frank , for gram
arceny. Casey pleaded guilty las
rear and received a sentence of flv
rears in the penitentiary.
The Salmons are to be tried sepa
Campaign Was Bitter.
R. D. Holt , liberal , was elected t <
epresent the Hexham division o
Northumberland in parliament , by ;
najority of 1,157 over Col. Bates , un
Dnist candidate , in England. The va
ancy was caused by the elevation o
Jeaumont , liberal , to the peerage. Thi
ampaign was fought with great vig
r and was marked by wild scenes o ;
Maude Roosevelt in Opera.
The Berlin correspondent of th <
> aily Mail says Maude Roosevelt
'resident ' Roosevelt's cousin , has sign-
d a contract to appear at the Munici-
al opera house , at Elberfield , Eng-
lynamitc Explodes ; Several Victims
By an explosion of eight cases oi
ynamite in a freight car near the
authern railway freight depot at At-
: nta ; Ga. , two negroes were killed ,
le fatally injured , and several other
arsons were injured.
Dual Chicago Tragedy.
Paliceman W. E. Leonard , of Chica-
) , who has been sick for several
onths , Thursday shot and killed his
ife and then committed suicide. Both
ed before they could give any ex-
anation for the tragedy.
King Alfonso a Consumptive.
A dispatch from Rome says news
is reached the quirinal to the effect
at King Alfonso of Spain is suffering
om tuberculosis and that the Spanish
urt is extremely uneasy regarding
s condition.
Two Killed by Lightning.
Walter Cardacy and Elecey Farmer
ire killed by lightning at Milbury ,
, while working in a stone quarry.
> th men were found by a searching
Permit Paris-Pekin Auto Run.
The Chinese authorities have au-
srized the automobile run organized
the Matin to Pekin from Paris. The
.rt will be made on June 10.
Inventor Brislin Dead.
Fohn Brislin , of Pittsburg , Pa. , 73
irs old , blind and a well-known in-
itor , is dead from a broken heart
eged to have been brought on by
verses sustained by litigation
mght by him to control his patents.
3IcMilIan is Defeated.
n straight falls at Satch-as-catch-
i wrestling , Oscar Wasem , of St.
iis , defeated Duncan A. McMillan ,
Seattle. McMillan had a rib broken
the first fall.
< # $ * * < H J < S # 3 > * $ * ,
Nebraska Legislature Refuses to T
Single Tax Theory.
On Wednesday the senate inde
nitely postponed the bill to tax real e
tate mortgages and put the single t
theory of Gov. Sheldon into practh
The senate began cutting , down a
propriations made by the house , ai
announcement was made by leadii
members of the finance ways ai
means committee that house appr
priations must be reduced $1.250OC
The house passed two railroad bil
both originating in the house , o ;
compelling roads to furnish sidetrac
to elevator owners ; another requirii
them to furnish scales and weigh shi
ments in carload lots at division poin
and providing for a state \veighma
This was the sixtieth day of tl
session in the house , and membe
from now on must work without pa
The house sleeping1 car reduetk
bill was revived , following the defe
of the senate bill , an/I reeommeridi
to pass.
By a vote of 32 to 30 the prohibitoi
amendment bill was reported for pas
Gov. Sheldon signed the railw ;
commission bill. It carries the erne :
gency clause and-is immediately e
fee live.
Motions for a Change of Venue and
Continuance Overruled.
The Kennison case at Scott's Blul
contrary to expectations , will be trie
at this term and the work of impane
ing the jury is now in progress. Th
motion for a change of venue was sut
mitted and overruled by Judge Grime ,
A motion for a continuance was mad
and overruled.
The regular panel of jurors has a
been exhausted and as the question
ing proceeds talesmen are being sum
moned and deputies are out over th
portions of the county remote fror
the scene of the killing bringing thei
in. It is not supposed that a jury ca
be completed inside of several days.
The defense is making a very siren
uous fight , but there is reason to believe
liove that new evidence surroundin ;
the tragedy itself has been held bad
and will for the first time be presentei
on the trial , which will prove the orig
inal theory to be correct.
The self-defense theory is apparent
ly the one on which the defense wil
rely , although there is still a rumo
of sensational allegations to be madi
in the defense. There are over fift :
witnesses subpoenaed.
Kennison is on trial for the killin ?
of Samuel D. Cox.
Nebraska Child Labor Law Before the
Governor for Signature.
The child labor bill has passed botl
louses of the Nebraska legislature anc
? one to the governor for his signature
While the actual work of seeing tht
bill through the legislature has neces
sarily been confined to a few , the clut
women may justly take much credit tc
themselves for this progressive legisla
tion begun at their instance. Of those
who have been untiring in their efforts
in behalf of the bill Mrs. Draper
Smith , of Omaha , deserves especial
recognition. As chairman of the in
dustrial committee of the Nebraska
Federation of Momen's Clubs , Mrs.
Smith was largely instrumental > n
bringing about the concerted action of
the clubs and subsequently in gaining
the active support of the state and
Omaha Bar associations , the State
Teachers' association and others who
contributed their influence. Two years
ago Mrs. Smith gave the same valua
ble assistance to the juvenile court bill
and it was her continued interest in it
ifter it became a law that convinced
tier of the necessity of the supple
mentary legislation embodied in the
: hild labor bill.
Father. Suggests that Young Man Be
Left in His Care.
Frank Brink , whom the jury on
Tuesday acquitted of murder , on the
ground of insanity , may not be com-
jelled to go to either of the state in
sane hospitals at Lincoln or Norfolk.
Doctors and attorneys who are inter
ested in the case say that Brink , now
hat the cause of his mental trouble ,
nfatuation for Bessie Newton , has
emoved , will recover his senses within
. month under the care of a friendly
loctor. Brink's father will propose to
he insanity board of Dixon county
hat he be allowed to keep the young
nan at home under the care of a pri-
ate. physician. Young Brink is now
rith his parents.
Bridges Guilty of Incest ,
The case of John Bridges , of Ne-
raska City , charged with incest ,
. hich has been on trial for the past
liree days in the district court , end-
d Wednesday night. The jury re- \
timed a verdict of guilty after being
ut one hour.
Dead from Blow by Falling Limb.
Andy Bane , a prominent farmer re
ding east of PJatLsmouth , who , while
ugaged with a force of men chop-
ing trees about three weeks ago , was
: ruck on the head by a limb and ren-
ered unconscious , has passed away.
wife and .six children survive him.
High Selioi Declamatory Cor > cst.
A high school declamatory con- was held at the opera house in
earney. The gold medal was won
; Jay Parrish , having- the highest
ink in the three classes , and he will
'present the Kearney high .school at
le state declamatory contest at York.
Contractors Ready to Work.
The contractors who have in charge
e erection of the Masonic temple and
e Odd Fellows building are in North
atte , and arrangements have now all
en completed for the work to begin.
Recovery Expected to Come Within
Few Weeks.
Believing that Frank Brink , who <
* he ground of insanity was acquitt
of murder , will recover his mental bi
ance in a short time , now that t
cause of the insanity has beep remo
ed , M. F. Brink will.ask the authoi
ties to allow him to place the youi
man under the care of a private phy :
cian. instead of sending him to one
the state hospitals for the insane
Lincoln or Norfolk.
Mr. Brink believes that his son wit
out doubt was insane on the day
the shooting of Bessie Newton. I
believes that he was insane for son
days previous to that fatal day. I
believes that he is still insane" B
he is convinced that his son's ment
condition is of that sort which can 1
quickly repaired under the circun
stances , the aggravation , which w !
nothing more nor less than his ma
infatuation for Bessie Newton , beir
now a thing of the past. He wou
put the patient in charge of Dr. J. 3
Davey. of Sioux City , who is a su
geon at St. Joseph's hospital , an
thinks he would fully recover h
senses within a month's time uml <
friendly treatment.
rnion Men Want Foreigners Exclude
from Paving .Jobs.
The labor unions at Fremont hav
petitioned the city council not to allo
Chinese , Japanese and Italian labc
on the paving contracts which are t
be let next week. The delegation pre.
ent said the union men had voted fc
the paving bonds with the expectatio
of having an opportunity to do th
work and were strongly opposed t
having cheap labor employed. Th
matter will have to come before th
board of public works. Those of th
council who spoke were in favor o
home laboring men having the firs
chance. Reports are current that on
or more of the bidders , if awarded th
job , will bring in cheap labor to d
nearly all the work.
Nothing was done about the ne\
water and light plant proposition , th
committee evidently not wanting to d <
anything until after the election nex
IMeree OUicial Barred from Holdiii !
Ofliee of Mayor.
Postmaster A. L. Brando , the citi
sens' candidate for mayor of Pierce
ms filed his withdrawal with Citj
Jlerk Frank Mohrman. When he wai
lominuted for this office he did no
, vish to accept the same. His manj
riends insisted and he consented"
However , he wrote in to the postofllct
iepartment and asked them regarding
iis serving in that capacity in case he
vas elected and received a reply say-
ng that third class postmasters wert
lot allowed to hold any city office. A
> etition was circulated containing the
mrne of Sam D. Berg for the office ol
nayor and as his is the only name on
he ballot Mr. Berg will undoubtedly
ie elected. Mr. Berg is the proprietor
I' the Pierce clothing store and a
ourig man of push and enterprise.
'he City Will Operate a Light and
Water Plant.
A special municipal election was
eld at Tekamah for the purpose of
oting electric light bonds to the ex-
2nt of $10.000 and $2,500 additional
ends for the extension of the present
ity water system. The bonds of both
repositions carried by an over whelm -
ig vote , there being not more than 60
ho voted against the propositions ,
k'ork will commence at once to re-
love the poles and fixtures of the old
rivate light company , which had to
iiit operations last January because
f the lack of funds to meet its obli
vions. Both of the plants will be
perated and conducted under one
> of and owned by the city.
Prairie Fire Near Wallace.
A disastrous prairie fire occurred in
ie southwest part of Lincoln county
st Thursday , and the town of Wal-
ce came very near being wiped out.
tie fire started near Ogallala and
hen it head reached within five mile's
: Wallace , the wind suddenly chang-
l and drove it directly towards Wal-
Minors Must Keep Out.
An ordinance prohibiting minors
om loafing in , drinking intoxicating-
luors or playing cards in the saloons
Plattsmouth. was introduced and
commended for passage at the last
gular meeting of the city council ,
ie measure was drafted by City At-
rney II. D. Travis.
Five Years in Pen for Heiidce.
Former County Judge Hendee , of
ilber , convicted of embezzling $3,385
longing to the estate of George
lith , the hermit was sentenced by
dge Hurd to five years in the peni-
Burlington Engine Fires Bridge.
Only by the hardest work of section
jn with pumps was the complete de-
uction of the Burlington bridge
ross the Platte river prevented at
and Island.
New Theater for Tekainali.
E. W. Shafer. of the Shafer Hard-
re company , of Tekamah , has
aght ttt building which is occupied
the Adams Drug company , and will
a short time , as soon as the lease
ich Mr. Adams has made with Mr.
ifer expires , erect a. new brick
Iding theie.
No Twine Plant , in Pen.
rhe house indefinitely postponed the
appropriating $200.000 for estab-
ling a binding twine factory at the
te penitentiary.
In a lengthy opinion written by-
Judge Letton and concurred in by th-
other members , the supreme court ha -
sustained the demurrer filed by the at
torneys of Gov. George L , Sheldon Ire
the suit wherein the attorney general ,
at the governor's request , sought to-
collect $100 rent for the governor's
mansion for January. The court holds--
that the occupancy of the executive-
mansion by the governor , during tim
term of ottice. is , not a perquisite of
office or other compensation as pro
hibited by the constitution. On gen
eral principles the court says that
when the legislature has construed : L
provision of the constitution in an ad
ministrative matter in one or u\ < > -
equally reasonable ways it will n it
take the opposite view , but will adopt
and follow the legislative construction.
Judge Letton goes on to say that there-
is nothing in the constitution which ,
provides that the legislature shall fur-
n'sh ' a state eapitol building or that it
shall fucnish any office for the execu
tive , but there is no limitation on its-
power to do so and the creation of the
office implies the power and the duty *
to provide means , accessories and in
strumentalities for the purpose otV'ar-
rying into effect the purpose for whie-h >
.he office was created.
* * *
Special Assistant Attorney General
5. R. Rush , who , with Assistant Attor
ney General Burch , will have chaige-
of the mineral land fraud investiga
tions and prosecutions in Colorado ami
Wyoming , are busily engaged in drau-
Ing up their plans of work. "Wliilc-
we cannot now name the men who
will be caught in this act , they will be-
big fish , " said an official connected
with this work. "I can tell you the-
recent prosecutions in Nebraska ,
which caught such men as Bartlett.
Richards and W. G. Comstock , two off
the biggest cattlemen of the state , will
be mere child's play us compared with ,
the upheaval in Colorado and Wyo-
iiing. When the names of the do-
'endants are known it will shake the-
ivest with sensation. And there ilt
je no let up. Attorney General Bon'a-
larte personally is determined that
; his shall be the most swcreping an
: horough of all these land investlira-
ions. With the president he is hope-
'ul of putting an end to such frauds"
his time. "
In the case of Rock county agaiiL
-lolt county the court holds that th
iection of the statutes providing for
he care of non-resident paupers by
he county wherein they are found ard
eimbursement therefor by the county
> f such pauper's residence applies t r
.11 counties in the state. Holt county
laJ contended in the lower court that
he provisions of the statute did not
.pply to It because it had never e'stab
ished a poor house. The lower court
uled that this contention was goo < V <
> ut the supreme court did not ajree\
ith this view.
Gov. Sheldon did not make the ex-
ected appointment of a police com-
ilssion for Omaha to succeed Com-
ilssioner Spratlen , whose term has
spired. Said the governor recently : "I
elieve an entire new board should be-
ppointed. I have had for some time-
le resignations of two of the po'Jee-
Dmmissioners , subject , to acceptance-
t pleasure , and I am deferring the-
ppointments in the hope that the-
mrth member also will retire volun-
irily and enable me to reconstruct thc-
hole board at once. "
* *
The passage by the Nebraska Iegi -
.ture of the bill for taxation ot rail-
> ad property in cities and villages .or
cal purposes , on the same basis or ?
hich other property is taxed , marks-
ie end of the fight that began in thc-
gislature of 1901 and has beers
aged by bitter spirit in every stc-
; eding session. It was inaugurate I
' the late Edward Rosewater. editor'
the Omaha Bee.
* * *
The Pullman lobby won a. victory
hen S. F. 409 , by Thomas , providing ;
r a reduction of sleeping car rats
$1.25 for an upper and $1.50 for a-
wer berth between points in this
ite was killed by a vote of 13 to IS ,
ifore the bill was placed on its pass
; e , Aldrich of Butler sought to have-
recommitted to make the rate flexi-
e and to give the railroad commis
> n power to change unjust rates.
* * *
The senate passed the house child !
aor bill , amending it so as to exi
ipt from its provisions boys v/h >
> rk on farms , and other boys be-
een the ages of 14 and 16 years who
ve an eighth grade school education.
, e house concurred in the senate
lendments , and the bill goes to the
The senate committee on public
ids and buildings submitted its re-
rt to the senate recently covering Its
imination of the various public in-
tutions of the state. It was made
C. A. Randall , chairman. The con-
ion of the different institutions ami
; ir equipment is declared to be gen-
illy good.
* * *
rhe senate wielded the pruning
ife on the house appropriation bills
killing H. R. 403 , by Blystone oC
ncaster , appropriating $50,000 foi-
: erection of a building for men at
Lincoln hospital for the insane-
2 committee report indefinitely posr _
ling the bill was adopted without
> osition.
S 3 3 :
The Clarke child labor bill , known ?
H. R. 9 , passed the senate by a bet-
vote than even its friends expected ,
ing to tfie fact that the bill had :
n recommitted twice for specifier
endment those who were back of ic
e not sure it would be passed until
final vote was taken.
* * *
Irs. A. L. Albright , superintende'iit
he Industrial home at Milford , ha T
gned her position and her resig-
ion was accepted by Gov. Sheldon.
: governor will appoint a new
intendent shortly.