Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 04, 1907, Image 5

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- * - * - " -
* ' * * " "
Did you
Coffees and Teas
re the FINEST in town ?
'Nuff Said.
T. C. Hornby ,
Cut Prices on
are Unknown
We will meet any of
fer on Phonograph Out
fits made by any dealer
in the United States and
save you freight or ex
press charges. Come
in and let us demon
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch
So'dier Cree > Hol-
umus 17th 1C"050.
a son of Columbus
17th. a half itrother
of the § 10 000 1'1 am-
pinn i ) le , a n d
Prlnc. ' BoatJdfl 131.-
693 ai head of herd
I \vill have no bulls for sale until 1903 , 'having
sold all of 1906 bull calves.
X * I r
Tubular wells and windmills.
me up by Telephone.
Valentine - Kehr.
All work will be given prompt
and careful attention.
. J. AUSTIN , i
General Blacksmitfting
and Wood Wor § .
< *
Handles the
Opposite Postoffie. Phone 71.
Office over the grocery deparmeni
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Rosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904.
First-class Shop in Ever } KeBper.t
Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic. 'e woldeirar h i'
Tonic. Herptcid * * ami < 'o ( . ' ' Daudrutf '
Try Pompemn Face iylaHBage Great *
De Laval Gream
Separators FO \ ' - > A
-Valentine . A t ? WTmR
-Nebraska A. . VV JiJ5J5
Buy White Star at Davenport's.
Judge Mogle of Cody came
down yesterday.
Oliver Walcott is enjoying his
'spring vacation at home.
Tom Hornby was an Omaha
passenger Tuesday evening.
Chas. lleece was in from his
ranch near Simeon , Tuesday.
Miss Florence Morris visited in
Valentine a few days this week.
Miss Blanche Springer has gone
to Eli for a fuw weeks visit with
her parents.
. Dan Jeffers and family are
moving back to their farm -west
, of town this week.
Miss Nancy Hancock of Wood
Lake visited with Valentine frierids
. a few days this week.
Mall Jeffers and family have
moved to town and are living in
the Harve Shepard house.
John Ferstl handles all kinds of
fruit and shade trees , small fruit ,
shrubs arid flowers. 5
We enjoyed a pleasant visit from
W. A. Metzger while he was in
town the past two weeks as juror.
M. B. Trussell of Purdum was
one of the jurors who stayed to
see the finish of court proceedings.
; M
Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Metzger
ase in town today from Merriman
and called for a short visit at our
Jas. McLean spent several days
in town the past week attending
court. Last night he evened up
with us on checkers.
Mrs. C. E. Connell went up to
! Gordon Monday evening to visit
h.r father , Mr. VanBuskirk , who
expects to depart soon for Mos
cow , Idaho to make his home.
Wm. Skelly of Arabia was in
town attending court this week as
a witness in the Pike vs Thompson
case. He made this office a visit
and extended his subscription to
Yesterday evening the gambling
wheels and devices , which had
been used as evidence in the Stet-
ter-HilsiLger case , were burned
by Sheriff Simons. A big demon
stration was made by the W. C.
T. U. at the burning. They joined
hands and circled around the fire
singing songs of praises and really
had a high old time all but some
thing to drink.
Ft hic turt and the Bast.
Fast splendidly equipped trains
daily to Chicago , making direct
communications for points east ,
via The Northwestern Line , the
only double-track railway between
the Missouri River and Chicago.
Also fast daily trains to Sioux
City , Mankato , St. Paul , Minneapolis - '
apolis , Duluth and points in South
DaKota , the Black Hills and Wyo
ming. For rates and full particu
lars apply to your ticket agents.
Snubbing a Budding Statesman.
. After Senator Beveridge's three days'
speech hi the senate , in which he tried
to prove'thatwoman and child labor
could be controlled nationally under
the interstate commerce clause of the
constitution , the judiciary committee
of the house of representatives sits
down on the project by saying :
"It is not extreme or ridiculous to
say that it would be just as logical and
correct to argue that congress can reg
ulate the age , color , sex , manner of
dress , height and size of employees
and fix their hours as to contend that
congress can exercise jurisdiction over
the subject of woman and child labor.
The agitation of such legislation pro
duces an uneasy feeling among the
people and the average mind
as to the power of congress and the
power of the state. "
It may be pr5' " : that these Democratic
and Republican statesmen , most of
them very able lawyers , were unani
mous in snubbing Beveridge , whose
verbosity is only exceeded by his ego
Mooro's Summer Retreat.
There is stormy weather in the neigh
borhood of the weather bureau , and
Willis Moore , the chief of the bureau ,
had a very uncomfortable hour or two
. when the committee on expenditures
, In the department of agriculture was
. Inquiring about the unauthorized ex-
1 pendlture of $250,000 at Mount Weather -
er , in the Blue Ridge , Virginia. It Is
. caid this station , which is fitted up
I with most luxurious furniture , is In
fact a summer resort- for Professor
Moore and his friends.
Lrv * r . * ' * * * 4I * < sr * ? i * * , r C'l * * * * * tk IV
District court adjourned yester
day. A big docket was disposed
of. Some cases were passed , or
continued to next term of court ,
some dismissed. Three gambling
cases were tried and defendants
acquitted , a fourth was dismissed
because the evidence was similar
and with present available jury
men it was impossible to convict
no matter what evidence. Judge
Westover severely reprimanded
the juries in these three cases for
disregarding their * oaths and the
evidence , stating that many a man
had been hung on less evidence
than was produced in these cases
and said such juries were a dis
grace to the county and the com
munity. Five jurors : Mat Boltz ,
Fred Johnson , John Adamson ,
Geo. Hunter and Al Thacker were
called before the judge last Friday
and fined § 5 "each and costs for
contempt of court in disregarding
the court's instructions. W. F.
A. Meltendorif was also cited to
appear before the court and fined
$50 and costs for furnishing beer
for the above named jurors.
Ed Pike was given a verdict in
the replevin of a black mare from
Joseph Thompson and awarded 6c
damages , which throws the costs
onto the defendants about § 100.
Peter and Wm. Detgen were
allowed to plead guilty to a mis
demeanor in the in the case of
shooting G. W. Burge's cattle and
were given 30 days in jail and a
fine of § 10 each and costs.
Dave-Archer was found guilty
of shooting with intent to do great
bodily harm on the person of Louis
Bock and was sentenced to one
year in the penitentiary.
Attorney for John House en
tered plea in abatement. The case
against J. W. Ward was passed.
Matilda Tate was granted a di
vorce from Joseph Tate and giv
en custody of the child , Helen.
Charles Greenleaf was sentenced
to one year in the-pen for stealing
a set of harness.
State vs D. A. Hancock was
continued until next term of court.
Albert Ward having left the
country , his bond was forfeited.
Weather Data.
The following data , covering a per
iod of lg years , have heen complied
from the Weather Bureau records at
Valentine. Nebr. They are issued to
show the conditions that have pre
vailed , during the month in question ,
for the above period of years , but
must not be construed as a forecast
of the weather conditions for the
coming mcnth.
Mean or normal 45 °
The warmest month was that of 1895
with an average of 53 °
The coldest month was that of1893
with an average of 42 °
The highest was 91 ° on 20,1902
The lowest was 0 ° on 1 , 1899
Average for month 2.49 inches.
Average number of days with .01
of an inch or more 9
The greatest mpnthly precipitation
was 7 03 inches in 1892.
The least monthly precipitation
was 0.40 inches in 1904.
The greatest amount of precipita
tion recorded in any 24 consecutive
hours was 2 05 inches on 30.1895.
The greatest amount of snowfall
recorded in any 24 consecutive hours
( record extending to winter of 1884-85
only ) was 5.80 inches on 22 , 1902
Average number of clear days , 10
partly cloudy , 11 ; cloudy , 9.
The prevailing winds have been
from the NW.
The average hourly velocity of the
wind is 13 miles.
The highest velocity of the wind
was 68 miles from the NW on 24.1906
j. j. MCLEAN ,
Observer Weather Bureau.
, U. S. Woatlier Bnreau Itopnrt
tor week Ending : April. 3.
Daily mean temperature 477 ° .
Normal 39 ° .
Highest 79 ° ; lowest 28 ° .
Precipitation .00.
Republicans 'ATI Staid Fat Until
T910 or Longer.
How McKinley Revision Sentiment Was
Scared Out of President Roosevelt.
Continuation of Trust High Prices
end Increased Cost of Living to Be
Pondered Over.
Tlie foundation of the doctrine of
protection is to monopolize the home
market by raising a tariff wall that the
foreigner cannot climb over. On the
other hand , the protectionists are very
desirous of getting their surplus prod
ucts over the tariff Avail of the foreign ,
er , and to do this they sell cheaper
abroad tlum here. Germany , France ,
Canada and some other countries have
lately built up their tariff wall con
siderably higher , for the purpose of
either compelling us to lower our tariff
Avail or to reciprocate with them by so
reducing the present rates of tariff
duties that certain products can be ad
mitted Avhich both countries are anx
ious to obtain.
This tariff war has been in progress
for many years and Avas a matter oil
concern in 11)01 ) , Avhen President Me-
Kinley said at Buffalo that "If we Avill
not buy AVO cannot sell. " That tru
ism throAV the stand patters into a
panic Avhich it took them some time
to recover from and has kept them
busy explaining ever since. There Avas
nothing/iew about it , but to think that
McKinfey , the high priest of protection ,
should openly avow it Avas a thunder
clap in a clear sky to the protected mo
nopolists and to the politicians Avho do
their bidding.
But the protected interests have'not
hung together since that time and still
persevere in their staudpatism and
under the protecting aegis of the Re
publican leaders have successfully con
tended for continuation of their mo
nopoly. When the apostasy of McKinley -
ley Avas likely to be imitated by Pres
ident Roosevelt , there Avas a genera ;
chorus of alarm , and all the influence
of the monopolists was brought to bear
against tariff reform. Reliable wit
nesses declare that the president said
he favowl tariff revision , but under
the extreme pressure of the monopo
lists and the leading Republican poli
ticians he declared Avith an oath , as
St. Peter did Avhen charged Avith being
"one of them , " that he knew not the
man and had made no such do-Jar * ,
tions. A smile of delighted surorise
overspread the ctfsehardened features
of monopolists and politicians alike
when they found the president had
backed water , for they Avero much
afraid that Roosevelt Avould follow
what McKinley intended to do if he
had lived to the end of his term. The
fact Avas that President Roosevelt was
looking for a renoniination and did not
dare to antagonize the strong protec
tion sentiment in his own party , for
there is no doubt that serious threats
were made b.r the great protected in
terests through their Ropubl'can po
litical agents AVO : controlled congress.
Since that time President Roosevelt
has not bcn heard to utter a "peep" '
for tariff reform. Secretary Taft has
declared for tariff revision , but was
careful not to commit the administra
tion , and Sec-rotary Root has just ad
vanced the proposition of a maximum
and minimum tariff AA'hich the monop
olists declare they are quite ready to
adopt if tae minimum rate" are high
enough. "Tinier these- depressing condi
tions the few Republican tariff revi
sionists in congress have fa Peel in get
ting fifty s-irncvs for a caucus to even
consider Avhon the tariff revision
scheme should be brought forward.
All the talk that "tho tariff will be
revised by its friends" is therefore
superfluous , for it is evident that the
stand pat element is firm enough in
the saddle to prevent it. This victory
of the monopolists postpones tariff re
vision at least until after the next na
tional election and until 1910 and prob
ably longer unless the Democrats are
successful. wh * n a special session of
congress Avould be called soon after
March 4. 1909. Those who foci tha
pressure of the trust high prices and
feel that the cost of living is unduly
burdensome should reflect on IIOAV they
are in the hands of the monopoly and
stand pat Republican congress.
- Ccngrceciona ! Wagss.
Th : ; salary grab has been put through
by congress , and the senators Avere
honest enough to record their vote on
the r.O ptM' cent increase. The members
of the house of representatives IIOAV-
OA'cr , doJIged a roll call , so as TO evade
personal criticism and be able to say
the other fellows did it. "not I. " As
the cost of living has increased"over 50
per cent under the Republican system
of piv/tectinpr the trusts , there of course
must eA-ent"ally be a similar increase
in all salaries , but members of congress
showed their selfishness by adding oO
per cent to their own allowances Avhile
leaving the army and mu-y and Hie I
government clerks and laborers at their r
present rate. Avhich in many instances ,
is none too generous under the changed
conditions from ten years ago. The ,
taxpayers \vlio pay the bills and whose |
Incomes have not kept pace Avith the (
increase 1 cost of liv-ing , JsjJjll through |
this salary grab have < still further _
cause to reflect adversely on Repub
lican policies.
They Have Hopes.
The ship subsidy steal is still where '
the ship trust barons are not yet able
to make demands on the United States
treasury , but they have hopes that a
Republican' congress will help them ,
.OS y.
Calumet makes
light , digestible
wholesome food.
Only one heap
ing teaspoonful
is needed for one
VTHElSS quart of flour.
W. C.T U.
The proceedings in the Cherry
county court during the last week
were such as to disgust every
moral , right-thinking individual in
the country. In fact , many who
make no pretension to Christianity
or even temperance , in a literal
sense , have expressed themselves
as dumbfounded , horrified at the
verdicts rendered by the juries in
the three gambling prosecutions.
With evidence enough piled up
before them to convict our ad
versary ( the devil ) himself , in the
face of the most reasonable and
just pleadings by the counsels for
the state , in defiance of the law , in
violation of their oath to render a
just verdict according to the evi
dence , men who sat as jurors ,
spent more time slurring W. C.
T. U. women , and talking about
things that had nothing to do with
the case , than they did in weigh
ing the evidence , and acquitted J.
B. Hull , Geo. Hershey and W. F.
A. Meltendorff , when the jurors ,
as well as the majority of the town
people know they have been no
torious for allowing gambling in
their saloons , not even excluding
minors , and by the evidence pro
duced in these particular cases
were guilty of the charges made
against them. Such unjust , un
reasonable , dastardly procedure
must surely cause the better think
ing class of yeople in Cherry
county to believe the time has
come to place in authority men
who will work for the good of the
town and county in justice , under
the law. These -decisions called
forth a reprimand from our Hon.
Judge Westover that will not be
easily forgotten. He said these
decisions were a disgrace to every
juror who sat on these cases , that
many men had been hung on less
evidence than was brought before
them on each case , and that such
verdicts were a disgrace to the
county. After these three cases
had been decided , complaint was
brought against some of the jurors
and W. F. A. Meltendorff for dis
obeying the instructions of the
court , in that Meltendorff treated
the jury to beer before the verdict
had been handed in to the Judge.
The jurors who partook of the
treat were fined § 5 and costs , and
Meltendorff $50 and costs.
Notice of Application for a License
to Sell Liquor.
is hereby /riven that- have file * ] with
tin * Hfirk of th * Hoard of Tnist s of rhe Village
of Valentin * * . Nebraska , a petition nc"f > mnaii > rt
hy si hond duly attfstPd , said petition pravinsr
tbMtl be granted alicpnsp to sell m it spirit-
nous and vinou1 * liqtnrs in said Village of Val
entine , niierry county , Neb -aska for the year
ending May 1. 1903.
Dated this 4th day of April , 1907.
Notice of Application for a License
to Sell Liquor.
is hprebv eiven that T hv. " file' '
the Herk of thp Board of Trustee * of the Village
of Valentine. Nebraska , a petit 5 n ccomi > anipd
hy a hind only attested , svd petition prtyine
that. I he granted a license to q ll malt , sn'Ht-
iiou ' ami vir ms liquors in said Villaee of Val
entine , Cherrv fnnntv. N'ebniska for the year
ending May i. 1003.
Dated this -1th day of April. 1007
Extrnyed or
rfrom W. E. Halpv's ranch .about
imilps south of EEilgore , the first
of December , 1906-onp. brown 2
year old mare , blazpd face ,
about 700 pounds , branded
on left shoulder. Liberal
ward for return to OLIN HARTMAN -
MAN , Valentine , Nebr. 11 4
at the M. E. Church Every
Sunday School bcpins at 10:00 o'clock.
Preaching " " nee
Junior Leacue " " 2:30 : p.m. -
Epworth League Ijt'Klm at 6:30 o'clock.
Preaching " 7SO
ICEV. C. E. COXXEU , , lU'itor
Vo , 2. Daily except Saturdac _ 9:45 p. m. . Pass
No. 0. Daily . 4:35a. m. . Pas
No. 82. Dailv , except Sunday . . .4:00 p. m , local
No. 116 , Dtily . 520a. m. . loca
No. 1. Daily , except Suniay . 6:50 p. in. . Pass
No r. , Dailv . 1:4" a.m. . Pass
No l Dailv except Sm day . 9:40 a. m. . local
No. 119 , ( doesn't carry passengers ) _ 11:45 p.m.
Government Homesteads lit
South Dakota.
Plenty of government land along
the new line of the Chicago &
Xorthwestern between Eapid City
and Pierre open to settlement.
There are no charges except the
landoffice fee of from § 14.00 to
820.00 for quarter section. It is
the chance of a life time. It will"
pay to investigate. Ask any tick
et agent of the Northwestern Line
to give yau maps , pamphlets and
complete information. 11 i
Let Us Figure
WithYou = =
on Insurance in the
best state companies.
Now is a good time to
take a policy before -
you have a loss. : : : : : : * :
I. M. Rice.
Order of IS earing : and Notice on Petit
ion for Settlement of Account.
THB STATK OF N"FBRASKA / . „ In the Countv
CHERRY COUSTY. fs : > Court.
To the heirs and to all oersons interested in ,
tlie estate of H. K. Brown , deceased :
ON reading the oetition of C. H. Cornell ,
administrator , praying a final settlement ami
allowance of his account tiled in this court
n the 4th day of April. 1S07.
It i ? hereby ordered that you , and all per-
ons interested in said matter , may. and do. au-
o -ar at the uonnty Court to be held in and for
said county mi the 20th day of April A-D. 1907.
110 o'clock a. m. . to show rause. if any then *
be. why the prayer f the petitioner should not
he granted , and that notice of the pendency ot
sa id petition and that the hearing thereof te
given to all persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this Order in the Valentine
Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said
county , for three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing ,
10 3 County Judge.
. . . . COPYRIGHTS &e.
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