Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 21, 1907, Image 8

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    > . 'A
have just unloaded
ed our first car of
farm implements and
would be pleased to
have all our friends
call and see samples
which we have set up ,
consisting of
John Deere Riding and Walking Plows , ,
Eod and Moldboard Breaking Plows , Disc
Harrows , with either Pole or Tongue
Truck ; Riding and Walking Listers ; List
er Carriages to convert any Walking List
er to a Riding Lister or any Walking Plow
to a Riding Plow ; Breaking Plows to fit
this lister carriage ; Double Cast Hoosier
Endgate Seeders ; Riding and Walking
Cultivators ; Disc Cultivators ; Steel Lever
Harrows and riding attachments for har
rows ; Single and Double Row Listed Corn
Cultivators ; Tower Surface Cultivators ;
Oliver Chilled Plows ; Moline Wagons ;
Yelie Buggies. Call and inspect them.
; i
The Shamrock is used as a na
tional emblem by the sons of Ire
land and their decendents. St.
Patrick in the fourth century
plucked a leaf of it for use in il
lustrating the doctrine of the
The Shamrock is really what
we call in tLis day in the
Western Hemisphere the three
leaf white clover.
St. Patrick was born in France
in the year of 400. When 16
years of age he was sold into Ire
land. He escaped from slavery
and went to Rome and stud
ied for twenty years and became
a priesfc , and later a bishop. He
returned into Ireland and drove
forth from the land error , super
stition and crime. He discomfited
the Druids , established Christian
faith , converted the courtiers of
the King , and lef this imperishable
name first on the roll on Saints.
Why do the sons of Ireland
honor the Shamrock ?
It is this : When St. Patrick
was christianizing the Irish people
they crfuld not believe that the
Father , Son and and Holy Ghost
was one ; this is to say one God in
three Divine persons , and to con
vince them in an open field when
there was thousands present , he
stooped down and pulled up the
tjhree leafed white clover and hold
ing it aloft he used it as an illus
tration , saying : uThe stem rep
resents God , the first leaf God ,
the second the Son and the chird
the Holy Ghost. " This convinced
them , and now for more than fif
teen hundred years on thethel7th
clay of March , not only the Irish ,
but other nationalities in all parts
of the world honor St. Patrick's
Day and the Shamrock.
More than thirty years ago in
the flush , prime and early man
hood , I crossed these plains of Ne
braska as a newspaper reporter
when on my way to Australia.
Hence" 1 was on these plains when
. the only sign of living people was
the smoke that curled from the
tepee of the Sioux Indians. Sincp.
then 1 find myself living in a coun
ty by the name of Sheridan. The
Sheridan , the hero of Winchester
Heights , an Irishman by descent ,
who loved the Shamrock and his
'faith.who said after he passed
through'that bloody ] ye of our
history , when dying : "I want no
display , all I want is my wife ,
children-and the sisters of charity
about me and to be buried with
the honors of the American army. , ,
Yea. since that time when the
sons of Ireland placed their names
upon that immortal roll of honor ,
the Declaration of Independence ,
until the present time , the pages
of American history have been
dignified and honored by their
signatures. Whence came such
men as Patrick Henry who by his
mighty eloquence kindled the
flame of American liberty ; An
drew Jackson who said to the people
of/S. Carolina that the Union must
be preserved and the constitution
must be obeyed. Yea , the Car-
rolls , the Rutledges and thousands
that I might mention were' de-
cendants of the Island Saints and
loved the green and the Sham
rock. P. H. O'Rourk in Gordon
SUPT. R. H. WATSON , Editor
Miss Myrtle Pettijohn , class of
' 99 , and is working in the state
auditor's office in Lincoln , made a
brief visit to Valentine last week
and called to chat over old times
in the high school.
Bernadine Barker wanted to be
sure tbat she would be the first to
find the Anemone in bloom so she
took up a plant from the bluifs
near the mill and placed it in a
flower pot in the house. She had
flowers over a week ago.
Two members of the llth grade
are out of school this week. Chas.
Lewis has the mumps , and Geraldine -
dine Trace well has a sprained
Owing to conflicting dates it has
been found necessary to change
the high school entertainment from
March 20 to April 5.
The editor-in-chief of the Coy
ote says the business men are
showing a very friendly feeling
to ward r the senior ? this year.
About § . > 0 worth of advertising
space has been taken by the busi
ness interests of Valentine. This
, vill go a long way towards meet
ing the expenses of printing' the
class annual this year.
Get your property insured by 1.
M. Rice and you will be safe. His
companies pay losses promptly.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Lana Offlue , Broken Bow , Nebraska. i
February 23 1&07 f
A M fllcl lit ronteet affidavit navuig ben filed
In t' is olllcebyCail r > tiuei' . cent slant.
> 'iiu my No ,201 ! ) . mude January 13 ,
HHW. tor S SKH mv.iSVV4 } } , section 20.
tovnship 23. range 33.hy Orel Lemen. con
in. which it is aliened tliat said
claimant liasv holly abandoned t li
said tiact for iuur * than six months labt
pa-t , that said traqt is not cultivated , improve' !
or resided upon as required bv law , that the
land is now in its \vlln state and that the above
allege i delects exist at this date aid have not
been cured.
haid' parties are hereby notified to apn-ar
respi iid and offer evidence touchlntr said alleKU-
t.on at 10 o'clock a. m on April G. 1907. tie-
fore the register and receiver at th United
States laud Office in Broken Bow , > ebraska ,
The sa'd contestant having , in a proppr alli-
davit , filed Kei > 23. 1007.ict forth facts which
show tbat after due diligence personal service
of thinotue cannot be made , it is hereoy
oi dered that sucli notice be given by due and
proper publication. DARIUS M. AMSBKRKY ,
7 5 Receiver.
Sheriff Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
Jerk of the district court of oherry county. NebrasKa -
brasKa on F-brnary 20. 1907 under a decree of
tax lien foreclosure wherein Krnerson C. Pow
ers ii plaintiff and Walter C. Clark and
Clark ins wite , first aittl real name nm-nown.
aie defendants , J w.llnell at the front door of
the court house in Valentine. Cherry c-unty ,
N-b > aska , thatDPinoc the bu Iding wherein HIM
last term of eaid court was held , on the 23rd
day of March. 1907 at 10 o'clock a. m. to satisfy
judgment of 5549.59 and intereat 10 per otnt
Irom dat--of judgment , February G. 1907. and
costs taxed ar S25 90 and accruing costs , at public
auction to the highest bidder lor casu the fol
lowing described property towit : Th SEjf oi
section 24. township 35. range 25. m Cherry
county. Nebraska.
Dated this 2lst day of February. 1907.
6 5 Sheriff.
E. D. Clarke , atty for pltf.
Order of Hear in sc and Notice on Petit
ion for Settlement of Account.
THE STA'TE OF NKHRASKA „ , In the County
CHERUY COUNT * ' . )3 ) ! > Court.
To the heirs and to all persons interested in
the estate of Lucy K. Elliott , deceased :
ON reading the petition of F. M. Walcott
administrator , praying a final settlement and
allowance of his account : tilrd in this court
on the cth day of March , 1907.
It is hereby ordered that yon , and all per
sons interested in said matter , may , and do. ap
pear at the uounty Court to be held in and for
said county on the 23rd day of March A. D 1907 ,
at 2 o'clock p. m. , to show cause , if any there
be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted , and that notice of the" pendency oi
said petition and that the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in said matttr by
publishinu a copy of this order in the Valentine
Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said
county , for three successive weeks prior to said
day ot hearing ,
8 3 County Judge.
Contest Notice.
V. S. Land Office Broken Ltow. Nebraska.
hebrmiry23. 1907.
A sufficient content having bren lil d in this
office uy Carl S ner. contestant ; , again t
Homestead entry No 3573 madts June s. 1904 ,
for SV' S } ! , Section 21. and E'/JNWU ( Section
28. Township 25 , iuinge 83. by Wi ham H. Read ,
jr. , contesree. in which it. is alleged
that contested wholly i as abandoned sid
land and changed his residen e ther-from for
moreihansix "months lasr. pa . that tlin land
is not settled upon nur cultivated in good faith
as the law n-qutr'S , 'aud entryman has never
catubli hrd his resi'iene * * upon the land as the
law requires , an < i he has Jailed to cure his
ladle * up to ibis date ; and said alleged absence
from the said laiui was not due to his employ
ment in the rmy , navy , or marine corp * ot the
i.'iiitt-il State.s as a private -oldier , oiJic'r , sea
man or marine during the war wi-h Spain or
during any other war in which the United
States may lie engaged ; wild iartps | are heivny
notified to appear , respond an J offer evidence
touching suid allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. on
April (5 ( 1907 , uefotv the register and re
ceiver at the United S'atus Land Omce in
Bioken Bow , f ebraska.
Tne saiu oot'te-tant having , hi a proper affi
davit , lileo Febi uary 23.1907 , stlorth facts which
show that sifter due diligence personal service
of this notice ran not t > made , it is hereby order
pd and directed that such notice be given by due
and proper publication.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Va'entine , X enrasica. I
February 25,1907.1
A sufliciont contest affidavit tiavu g been filed
in this ofiiee by Mads A. Jens > n. contestant ,
27. Townsnip 33 , Range 38 , l y Emersoi
Spence , contehtce. in which it is alleued
that said Emerson Spencer has never
esfdbh'-hed residence upon ald land ; also
tbat said clainiartha * whollj' abandoue sak
land for more than six months last pa ; > t and his
failed to cure his lachup : to dnle.and that sale
alleged absence from the said laiU was not due
to his employment as an ulhee'- , soldier , sailor
or inarm" * in the army , naw or ujatiuf cor s of
the United States during the war with Spin or
during any other war in which the United
Sta-es may be engag-d. said parties ; ; 'e hereoy
notified to appar. . respond and oifer evidence
touching said allegntionat 10 o'clock * . m. on
April 3. 1907 , butore tne Register and
Receiver at tin * United States Laud Ottbe in
x iileutiuc. Nebraska.
The said contestant having , in a proper affl-
davit.filed Felmiary 25 I907set forth facts which
show that after due diligence personal service
of t'lis notice cannot be made , it is hereby
ordered and directed that such notice oe given
bv " due and proper publication.
75 E. OLSON , Receiver.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Broken Bow. Nebraska. ( .
February 23,19J7 \
A. sufficient contest affidavit baying been filed
in this office by Carl Sauer contestant against
homestead entry No. 3574 made June S , 1904
for NEJi Section 23. Township 25. Range 33.
by Wern Re d. contestee , in which it is aliened
that contestee has wholly abandoned the same
lor in iv than six months last past ; ihat the
said tract is not improved , ctilrivati'o or resided
upon as requir- by law , that said tract is now
in its wild state ; that the alleged defects above
exist nt this date an-i have not been cured.
S.'id parties are hereby notified to appear ,
respond and .ill'-r evidence touching said alle
gation ac 10 o'clock rt m. on
fore the register and receiver at the U. S. Land
Office in Broken Bow. Nebraska.
The sad ? contestant having , in a proper aflida-
vit filed February 23.1907 , set forth fai-ts which
show that after ( foe diligence , personal servicn
of tins notice can not be made , it is hernbv or-
der"d and directed t > nt such notice be given by
and proper publication.
Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mort
Notice is Irreby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage diit'id the 20th day of March.
1900. and dully filed in the office of the co nty
clerk of Keya Fa list county Nebraska , on the
21st day of March , HXW. and in the ofiiee of the
county ierk of Cherry c unity. Nebr ska , Feb-
rnarv 7. 1007 , and executed by Hrroian Sho'en-
fckltoV. . A. I'aiker. to secure the payment ; cf
the sum of ? 2HO 00 and interest at it ) percent per
annum trmn date , upon which there is n nv due
sum of § 25200 , delimit having been nude'ln the
] > aymeut of t-aid sum and no suit or other pro
ceeding at law having been in f itued to recover
sai'l debt or any part thereof , therefore , l will
sell the property herein described to-u It : One
bJi''k ! stallions'x ' years old , lour white feet ;
one bay horse , ten jears old. blind in right eye.
weiuht 1200 pounds ; one gray mae five years
old. onrk iron grav. weight 1000 count's ; one
roan cow. four yeais old. branded O ; six red
cows from four to seven years old. not branded ;
one black Jiors" . niiiH jears old no white or
brand- * , weight ojjo poii'Ms : one bay horse , six
ytard old wirh sirjp in forehi'nd.weight 1100
pounds , at put-li'c auction , at tlif. front door of
the poatotnee in the town OfVo d Lake , in
Cherry ciiiity , vebraska. on the HOih day of
Man h. 19u7. at 10 o'clock a. in. ou taid dity.
Dated February 14 , lOOT.
W. A. PARKER. Mortgagee.
By Walcott & Mornssey. lii * attorneys. 8 4
Notice to Creditors ,
„ „
CHEIIUV COUNTv. fes * Court
In the matter elf the "State oi Ro ert F.
GillaBDlf. der. iased :
To the t'redUorjt of srtM Fsute :
You are heretiv imUiieJ , Th/it I will sit at the j
Coi nty Court Room Iu Valentine in said connry 1
on the 13th day or A pin , 1907 , ° t 10 oMock I
a. in. to receive and examine ? .ll claims ajrainst
said estate , with a view to their artjusun nt and
allowance. The time limited for the presenta
tion of I'laims against said t-stat is the 13 h
day of April , A. D. 190" . aud the time limited
for payment of drbts is one year from said 4th
day of vuiiiist , l XG ) , J I
Witnens my hand a > d seal of sa'.d county court
this I'Jlh day of March. A. . I ) 1007.
, 10-1 County JudK -
Notice to Creditors.
COUNTV. i Court ,
In the matter of the estate of Daniel Fowle
deceased :
To the crediters of said estate :
i'o n are hereby notified , That I will sit at the
County Court Room t Valentine in said county
on the 13th day of April , 1901 at 1 o'cloch p.
m. , to receive and examine all claims against
said estate , with a view to their adjustment uud
allowance. The Mine limited for the prt-senta-
tioii of claims against said estate is the 13'h day
of April. A. I ) . 1907 and the tim limited for
payment of debts is one year from said 17th nay
of September 1900.
* Witness my hand and the seal of said
HEAL county court , this 19th day of March
, 1907. w. R.TOWNE ,
10 4 County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
clerlof the district court of cherry Coun-y , Ne
braska , March 2. 1907. under a decree of
nortgagrt foreclosure wherein Patrick MilJivan
.s plaintiff a u a Olive M Crane ,
May Jones , Dei-jis Crane , minor heir of Elmer
E. Crane , d-wj-ased , and Olive iM Oraue. and
Shanes Larson , executor ot the estate of Elmer
E. Crane , deceased , defendants , 1 will
sell at the Ironti'oor of the court , house in Valen
tine. Cherry County , Nebraska , that being t e
building wherein the last term of said court was
held , on the 6th day of April. 1907 , at 10
o'clock a. in. to satisfy judgment of S10.-5.00 and
interest at 10 per cent irom date oi judgment.
January. 21,1U07 , and costs taxe 1 at $16.SO acd
accruing costs , at pubnc auction , to the highest
bidder , tcr cash , tin- following described prop
erty lo-ttit : S-J4FE& , NE SEtf ot Section 10 ,
anu tbeNW Svy of s cuou 11 , township 33.
rai KK 30 , in Cherry coun.y , Nebraska.
Dated this > 7th day of March , 1907
8 5 Sheriff of Ch-rry County ,
Walcott & Mornssey , Attys. for fltf.
Contest Notice.
U. S . Land Office , Valentine , Nebraska. >
Marc11 1907. f
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filad
in this ottice by John C. Jones , contestant
against homestead eotry No. 179G4 made No
vember 1C , 1907 for SJ section 4 and NVs secti-m
9 , township 27. ramie S9. by A 1 Mullen , contes
tee i" which it is aliened that said Al Mullen
has wholly abandoned said land and change i
his residence therefrom for more thdii six
months hist past , thai , the. land is not settled
np-in nor cultivated in go faith ai the law re
quires. and eutrinan has nver established his
residen e ti-on the laud as ill law requires am !
has failed to cure his lache i -i to tub dat > and
said alleged absrnceva not due to uis etuplov
mem in the aimy navy or marine corps o the
United States as "a private soldier , Bracer , s a-
iiian or marine riurii g the war with Spain 01
du ing any other war in which the United
'Slat- may h * engagf d
Sam parties are hereby no i led to app a , re
spend a-d oiler evidciii-e toucn nu said u.nga-
tion at 10 o'clock a. m. on April 23 1907 , beloie
the rr-uMer and receiver at the United Stages
Land Ottlee. Vaeutine. : Nebraska.
The saiu contestant having in a proper afii-
davit filed March 11 , 1S07. set toth tacts which
show tnat alter due diliuence per sonal seivice
of thifl n tice cannot be nudr it is hereby order
ed and diiected thai such notice be gi\'oa by
due and proper publication.
10 5 E. OLSON , Receiver.
Contest Notice.
u. S. Land Ofiiee , Valentine. Nebraska f
March lo1907 J"
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
iu this olllce by M chael S Grigg contestant ,
ugdinsl homestead t-ntry No. 14117 made No-
veim er 3,19 r > , for \VJ4S\VH Section i and \vy-
N\V4 Seciionl2. Town hip 33 ttangu 39 by
Mary J Heath , eoutestee , iu which it in al
leged that said Mary J Hearh has whoi ly
abandoned said land and changed her residence
therefrom for more than six montus last past ,
that the Und is not seitled upon nor cultivated
in good fai-h as the law requires , aud cl.iimant
has never established her resideuc" upon the
land as the law requires , and slit- has laned to
cure her laches up to this date and her aaid b-
seuce fr m the s-ud land \\as not due to her
employment m the army , navy or manne corps
of the U nited States as a private soldier , omcer.
teaman or marine during the war with r paiu 01
during any other war m whicn in the United
states was engaged.
Said parties ar. * hereby i orilie.d to appear ,
respond aud oiler evidence touching sai i allega
tion ar. 10 o'clock a. m on April 25 , luo" before
the register and'eceiver at the United States
Land Olfice in Valentine. Nebr.
The -aid contestant having in a proper aoi-
davit filed March U' , 1007 set forth facts which
show that alter due oiltcence personal sei vice
of this notice cannot be nude it is hereoy order
ed and directed tuat such notice be given by
due and proper publication
10 5 E. OLSON ; Rtceiver
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Ofiiee. Valentine , Nebraska , t
March 2 , 1907. ) '
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
in this ottice by Charles E. Meeban. contestee ,
airamst homestead entry No 17551 madeMtrco
24 1905 for section 12. township 2 . rang * 30 by
John Sheets , coitestee. in wiiicti it H alleged
that said John Sheets has wholly abandoned
said land aiu changed his lesiueoce therefonn
for more than six months last past ; that the
land is not settled upon nor cultivated in good
fiith as the law irquires , and eutrymau lias
never estaolish d his residence upon the land
as the law requires , and ho has failed to cure
his laohes up to this date , aud s-ud alleged ab
sence was notjlue to his employment in the
army , navy or marine c. rps of ihe Uni ed States
as a private soldier , officer , seaman or marine
during th wa wli h Spain or during any other
war in which the United States may lie engaged
said parries are hereby notified to appear , respond
spend and offer evidence touching said aliena
tion at-10 o'ciock a. m. on April , 17 , 1907 before
the icgister and receiver at the United states
Land Office. Valentine. Nebraska.
The said contestant havi. gin a. proper affida
vit filed .March 2 , 1907 t > et forth facts which
show that after due diligence personal serv-ce
of ibis notic" cannot be made , is is hereby
ordered and directed tlv.vt such notice be given
by due and proper publication.
S 5 E. OLSON , Receiver.
T tkea Up.
This Is to certify that C. C. Thompson has on
thft25th dc-iy of February. 1907 , filed with me iu
River precinct a notice of estray taken up by
him at his place in said precinct to-wit : One
bay mare. 5 years old. .small j-tar in forehead ,
nlotched brand on left shoulder , weight about
8f. ( ) pounds. RICHARD GROOMS.
8 5 Justice ot the Peace , River Precinct
Parties wanting wiring done or
needing repairs to their light ser
vice will please phone No. 9 or
notify the office by noon and their
wants will be promptly attended
to. Grain or feed order should
also be placed at office to insure
prompt delivery.
Anyone noticing street ares not
in working order will confer a
favor by notifying us.
6tf S. F. GILMAX.
E M Faddia& Co.
? n tnffice address Valentine or Kennedy.
Som4 branded
on 1 f f
Hnrst's branded
on Ifft
[ shoulder
; or thigh.
Some ! Some branded
t-randed i * on rlulir. thigh
on < left or Mioulder.
shoulder s
or < thUh
N. S. Rowlev
Kennedy , - NenrasltH
Same as cut on left
ide and hip , and on
eft shoulder of her
eft side
V Jon iCft hor"K
Some cat-
ed "K pec ( either side up ) on
or hip. p on left Jaw and e t shoulder
> f
Q on left hip of horses ,
on left jaw of horses
< 5. W Bennett
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
with 7 on left hip
ilso same as cut
Range between
Wordon and Snake
creeks and on thp
Nlobrara river
George Heyne
Cody , Neb
Brand registered
Horses branded on
left shoulder
Range north and
south of Cutcomb
Lake in Cherry Co
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on lef c side
Some QV ° U
on left Jaw of
V horses.
Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon ,
' *
Postofflce address
Hyanms , Neb
On right side
on left
also cattle
on right side
Range la miles ;
north of Hvannis
C. H Little.
Merriman , Nebr.
On either aide
Horses samu on
hip Also Q >
* *
Range Lake Creek
Simeon Nebr
Woodlake Neb
John Roan's
pi ivate mark , slit
in left ear
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
dame as cut ; also
CJBEJ on riR
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
bearing any of these brands
Albert Whipple & Sons
Rosebud , S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on riehtside
Some cattle also
have a - fen nesk
Some -with A on
left shonlder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind quar
tera. Some Texas
cattle branded O on left side and some
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left bin. Some cattle
branded AW bar connected on both sidea and
hio of horses.
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5-cent package s e.nough for usual occas
siens. The family bottle ( CO cents ) contains a
Bupply for a year. AH drusgiats sell them.
January 15 , 1907.
PerCwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked § 90 § 1700
Shorts , sacked 1 00 19 00
Screenings , sacked 70 13 00
Chop Feed , sacked 1 10 21 00
Corn , sacked 1 00 19 00
Chop Corn , sacked 1 05 20 00
Oats , sacked 1 15 22 00
tuchf * circln i-ln
box. Kegistereo 876. Rangemll "outh
Irwtn on Niobrara nver
Parmelet * Oartle'-'Q
Ro obint. ii. D.
Cattle branded
as cut on'left Hide
with atripe under
Horses braHden
; left thigh.
Range on Soldier creek.
Metzger Bros. ,
Cattle brandPd
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
left thigh.
Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of $250 will be raid to any person for
iSmation leading to the arrest and final
conviction of any person or persons stealing
cattle with above brand.
Jos. rsristol
Valentine , Nebr.
Range on Nlo
brara river four
miles east of Ft.
Horses and
cattle branded
nB connected on
left hip or side aa
shown ID cut
Postofflce address
Hyannis , Neb
Branded on left side
Range eighteen miles
north of ntannls
Pullman , Nebr
'Cattle ' branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from iny
Saxidy Williams.
Mcrriman. Nebr
Mostly on left
side. Some on
right side.
Horses same oa
left shoulder
Ranpe Lake
Creek , S , D.
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr
Cattle branded
as on cut.lef t side
Some on left hip.
Horses same ou
left shoulder.
Range Square
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cat on
left side.
Horses ,
on left
Range 6 miles
south of Irwln.
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
same as cut back
right shoulder and
on right hip
Range on the
Postofflce address
Cody. Nebraska
Oa left
side. Hor-j
ses left
Range nortn
Cutcomb Lake
Garner Brothers.
Cody , Nebr.
Anywhere on cat
Horses on left
Sa-wyer Bros.
ostofflce address.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Sawyer has
charge of these cat-
tie Horses D S on
left shoulder. Some
ockKjrS le" side
. - , 'FJJ es same
eft thign. Range on SnaJce rlver S
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co/
3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock. Y. P.
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brands :
Bange between
Gordon on the F.E
Nebraska iyannis on * & ! ? $ - * - * B * * * ' * *