"THie Yalentine Democr ; VALEXTIXE , NEB. , 31. RICE , - - - - Publish FISH TO SHIEE AM 3IAY LEAD GOULD WAR OX E. IIARRIMAX. Gould Lines Prepared to Spend $1C 000,000 in Betterment and ExH aions , While Harriman Lines Pirn Policy of Retrenchment. That George J. Gould , with Steyi -Bant Fish as his chief lieutenant , is become an active foe of E. H. Har man in the west and southwest , is o of the interesting stories following t xecent storm in Wall street. The a aiouncement that Mr. Fish , whom Hz Tlman recently ousted from control the Illinois Central , had become proi Jnently identified with the Missouri P cific , was made several days ago. ithere is now to be a Gould war JHarriman , as reported , it is taken f granted that he will enter the cai paign with the utmost enthusiasm. Announcement was made Mend ; that Mr. Gould expects to spend $10 ( 000,000 in improving and extendii the Missouri Pacific system , and th 'Mr. Fish will take an active part this work. That Gould can obtain such c amount of money for improvemen while Harriman has to economize . /the extent of canceling contracts f < 'office buildings , new rails and coi struction work , and even has to tal toff some of his finest western trains , Jsaid to be significant in Wall street. ' Mr. Fish's entrance Into the Gou : o-oads is also significant Fish is a d rector of the National Park bank , Jstrong competitor of the National Gil ibank , and almost as potent when comes to financing big deals. On whi terms Gould will raise his money is n < yet known. The Gould management , it is sail figures on fighting Harriman hard i all points where the two systems com In contact. FRANCE HONORS THE DEAD. oVfcn Killed on Battleship lena Give a National Funeral. The victims of the explosion o ( board the French battleship lena wer vgiven an imposing national funera 1 * at Toulon Saturday. All business wa suspended. The coffins were piled on gun car riages draped with the tricolor o France. Almost the whole populatioi of Toulon , dressed in mourning , linei jthe route of the funeral procession. A jPlace d'Armes President Fallieres , ii jthe course of a touching oration , ii which he expressed his high apprecia jtion of the devotion of the sailors , re called Abraham Lincoln's famous Get tysburg speech , saying : "Like Lincoln we ask the glorious dead , whom we sa- dute with sorrow in our hearts am tears in our eyes , to strengthen us ir Jthe religion of courage and love oJ jduty. " Cabinet ministers , representatives ol 'all ' countries and many deputies , sen- , 'ators ' and officers of all arms attendee ! 'the ' funeral. The president conferred a number of decorations on the injured members \ot \ the crew of the lena in the 'course .of a visit which he paid to the hos pital. BLOODY STRIKE RIOT. flVo Men Probably Fatally Shot at Iltinunoiid , Ind. In a strike riot Saturday at the East Chicago mill of the Republic Iron and Steel company at Hammond. Ind. , sev- neral men were shot , two probably fa- 'tally. ' The trouble started when , fifty ( laborers struck for higher wages. ( Twenty later went back to work , and ( the remaining thirty broke throught the gates of the steel plant to get at 'their ' companions. When once within the plant a bloody riot followed , in which a hundred shots were fired. Neosho Zecevich , a foreman , was shot through the shoulders. The wound will probably cause his death. John Kalinki , a laborer , was shot and 'beaten , probably fatally. Several other foreigners were wounded by knife thrusts and bullets. ! i The East Chicago police , led by Chief Higgins , arrived on the scene and after an hour's work , as.s'ted by citizens. arrested twenty-one men and ended the riot Trust Plumbers Admit Guilt. Six members of the so-called Allan county plumbers' trust , of Lima , O. , pleaded guilty to conspiracy against local trade and asked for sentence. ( The court fined each $50 and costs. Sioux City Live Stock Market Saturday's quotations on the Sioux City live stock market follow : Top beeves , $5.50. Top hogs , $6.55. Slayer of Girl Convicted. After deliberating for. twenty-four hours a jury at Graf ton. N. D. , found Otto Weberg , charged with shooting Anna Enggalrud. guilty of murder in ( the first degree and sentenced him to 'imprisonment for life. Big Fire Loss in London. Three big warehouses in the Fins- bury district , London's businest in- .dustrial center , were gutted by fire /Saturday / morning , causing damage t < 5 | tha amount of about $1,000,000. BROKERS SOBER UP. Big- Wall Street Spree is Finn Checked. An unusual jcene was enacted t.he floor of the New York stock i change Friday just after the marl had closed strong and buoyant , sharp contrast to the demoralizati of Thursday. Brokers gathei around the trading posts and cheei loudly in demonstration of their : lief and satisfaction at the da change in speculative sentiment fr < the panicky feeling of the day befo Congratulations were exchanged around the room on the fact that t members of the exchange without ( ception had * successfully pass through the severe declines in pru of the past two weeks , and hopes we generally expressed that the worst A\ over. over.A A feature of .the day was the stal ment by William Rockefeller. ] said : "The present astonishing decline 'he values of securities is as much mystery to me as it can be to anyor I know that public confidence h been disturbed , but I do not think th it could have been in any such mea ure as to justify so great a fall prices. With genuine , overwhelm ! ] prosperity throughout the count there certainly seems no adequate re son for it. As for myself and ass elates , our faith in the future of tl country has not been shaken at a and we have been buyers and not sel ers throughout the past ten daj Throughout the business troubles v have done and are doing all we cc to restore and maintain public conl dence. It is very clear to me , that tl people who are throwing away the securities at panic prices will sore regret it within the next six months. JEFFRIES TO FIGHT AGAIN. Cliampioii Heavyweight is in Need < Money. Jim Jeffries , the greatest pubilist < ihem all , has been compelled to com out of retirement and will be see again in action in about four month Jim needs the money badly and o that account he has notified Matcli maker McCarey , of the Pacific Athleti club , of Los Angeles , to match hir with Bill Squires as soon as the AUE § tralian champion arrives in Califor nia. Jeffries has lost considerable mone gambling during the last twelv months. Word has been received i New York that he has given up hi ranch outside of Los Angeles and ha moved into the city. It is said tha his money is all gone and that hi wife has refused to give him any more That is why the big fellow is read ; to fight again. LABOR WAR AT GOLDFIELD. Every Mine and Business House to B < Closed. Thursday night the citizens of Gold field , Nev. , organized to fight the In- [ ndustrial Workers of the World. Ev- 2ry mine and store will be closed in- Jefinitely. " It is agreed that no persor n Goldfield shall employ any workei who is a member of the Industrial tVorkers of the World. It also has jeen determined to back up the Amer- can Federation of Labor in its effort : o organize local trades. The citi- : ens have appointed 100 special offi- : ers to patrol the city to preserve or- ler. TWO NEGROES ARE LYNCHED. 'lans of Louisiana Mob Carried Out Without Slightest Hitch. A .special from Monroe , la. , says Hint Williams and Henry Gardner , \vo young negroes , were taken from he city jail about 1 o'clock Friday nd hanged in the court house square y a party of about fifty men. Gardner confessed to having entered lie room of Miss Bessie Bumpus about o'clock Thursday morning. The hole affair was planned after the Jipture and confession of the negroes nd was carried out without a hitch. Banker Walsh Indictments. Judge Anderson , of Chicago , Friday istained the demurrer filed by the ttorney of John R. Walsh , former resident of the Chicago National ink , to twenty-two counts in the in- Ictments charging him with misuse ! funds of the bank , and overruled ie demurrer to the remaining 160 mnts. Burns Herself to Death. 4 Despondent because she feared she as losing her eyesight. Miss Mary llinger , of St. Louis , Mo. , 27 years d , committed suicide by pouring irosene upon her clothing and ignit- g it. She desperately fought per ns who attemptel to rescue her and cd soon after she was taken to the ty hospital. Small Ohio To\m Destroyed. Reports of the practical destruction the town of Derwente , O. . are true , ie flood practically damaged or rept away every buildjng in the ivn , which contained 200 people. Maurice Gran is Dead. Maurice Grau , the well known 5m- usario , is dead in Paris , at the 58. int Mail for Thirty-Year-old Crime. Sov. Warner , of Michigan , has de- ned to honor a requisition by the vornor of Ohio for the return to lliams county of Ira Bryan , a resi- j it of Huelaon , Mich. , who is alleged have been connected with incen- .ry fires in that state thirty years Bodies Brought from Wreck. : t is announced that 103 bodies had ; n recovered from the hulk of the jiich warship lena at Toulon. OIHO FLOOD IB IMSASilJOCS. Property Less of Mlillnns In Gr Valley. Serious flood conditions prevail western Pennsylvania , West Virgi and eastern Ohio. At 7 o'clock Thu day the water reached a stase of J feet at Herr's island and 34.3 feet Market street in Pittsburg , and at headwaters the rivers are now statl- ary. ary.At At 4 o'clock Thursday afternc the thirty-mile ice gorge at Parl : Pa. , broke. The immense gorge the Clarion river has also started do stream. Conditions in Pittsburg are 1 worst ever recorded. The whole In er downton district is under 'wat Duquesne way , Penn avenue and L. erty street , running parallel with t Allegheny river , are submerged to depth of several feet. Hundreds business houses located in this d trict are flooded. In a number of i stances the water is almost up to t second floor. The guests in the Colonial , Lincc and Anderson hotels are either in rooned or compelled to use skiffs and from the buildings. Trolley ser ice between Pittsburg and Alleghe was suspended early Thursday , and the Pennsylvania depot thousands excited people were trying to boa trains for Allegheny and other su urbs. Trolley , elevator and telephone ser ice is demoralized in different se tions. Within thirty-six hours fou teen fatalities directly due to the flo < have occurred. CONFESSION EXTORTED. Denver Prisoner Said to Have Bei Cruelly Beaten. Unless new and important eviden < Is found against Benjamin C. Wrigh formerly of Chicago , he probably wi never be tried on the charge of mu tiering his wife and child at Denve 2olo. District Attorney George u Stidger admits that evidence to coi rict the man is lacking , but he has n < > ret dropped the investigation. Tli Uleged confession made by Wright 1 -hief of Police Michael A. Delane s said to be Avorthless as evident laving been obtained by use of phys : al force. Three physicians who ej imined Wright in jail after he mad lis confession declared that he ha > een cruelly beaten , as the prisone isserted. No poison was found in th > odies of Mrs. Wright and her chile Liid it is alleged by the defense thn heir deaths probably were caused b arbon dioxide from a defective wa leater , in which fire had been burn ng all night when the bodies wer ound. As a test of this theory th efense placed a dog in the house wit ] he gas heater burning , and after tw ours it is asserted the animal wa aken out asphyxiated. WAGONMAKERS SCARED , TOO. hreatcn to Advance Price ef The ! Goods 50 Per Cent. The retail price of buggies , wag ns and general products of the wag n craft are to be advanced nearly 5 ( er cent this spring unless condition1 Jgarding raw materials and transpor- itioii take a beneficial change. Thh ecision was reached at a specia iceting of the National Wagon Mak- -s' association held in Chicago Thurs- ay and ratified unanimously by the irty-seven members. A scarcity oi ie right sort of raw material and the ir shortage were given as reason ? hy an advance would be necessary Italian Village Destroyed. In the town of Borsano , Italy , 2,000 ? rsons were Wednesday made honie- ss by a fire which destroyed thu eater part of the village. The peo- e were indifferent to the spread of e flames because their property was sured , and the authorities were iliged to force the peasants to work check the conflagration. Japanese Students Adinitted. Late Thursday nine little Japanese rls who had applied for admission l e Redding primary schools in Sa ' . ancisco that morning were admit- 1 after an examination as to their .owledge of the English language. Rural Carrier Alleged Embezzler. Deputy Marshal Skaggs , of Harris- rg , 111. , arrested John Morgan , a ral letter carrier at Maunie. Morn - n is alleged to have embezzled mon- left by patrons with which to pur- ase money' orders. Vote on Strike Question. Forty-seven thousand men , meni- : s of the Brotherhood of Rail- y Trainmen , west of Denver , are : ing at Oakland. Cal. . whether to go a strike to enforce their demands an increased scale of wages. Soul Weighing- Nonsense. 5ir William Crookes. of London , s that the story from America > ut the weight of souls , as cabled to idon , is absolute nonsense. Dr. C. Saleby said : "It is a new and most ) ecile version of materialism. " Four Are Drowned. V'illiam Francis , wife , son and ighter were drowned in an effort escape from the partially submerg- and tottering home at Riverside , Va. , to a place of safety. o Convey $2,000,000 to Manila. , ieut. Short , of the Twenty-fifth in- try , stationed at Fort Bliss , near Paso , Tex. , Thursday received ors - s to report to San Francisco and 3 charge of $2o6o,000 of Philip- 2 currency and convey it to Manila. Mctcalf to Inspect Warships. ecretary Metcalf left Washington sntly frtr Charleston , S. C. , where will board the United States ship phin for a cruise of inspection in an and Prto Rican waters. I Nebraska ESTATE SOLD BY COURT. Life of William Haycard Will Rcm Mystery at Cairo. The sale by the administrator public auction of the William Hayes place at Cairo closes up an incid that is still fresh in the minds of people there. A little over a year i Mr. Haycard. a hermit and odd ch acter , was found partly sitting up his rude bunk in the miserable ho where he made his home. Haycc came to Cairo twenty-seven years i and homesteaded the place which \ sold recently. The land is onjy a fa ly good sample of the sand hill la which lies just south of the Loup r er , and while not being the best v capable of making a good living : the owner. During all this time 3 Haycard had made no attempt at i provement. When the hut was searc ed at the time of his death all th ( was there in the shape of provisio was a handful of oatmeal and egg. Communication was establish with a sister in Chicago , her addre being found in a letter among his c fects , and through them his fami from whom he had been estranged i years , was located in England , j administrator was appointed for t estate , and the place was sold to sat fy the expenses incurred by the cc oner's inquest and burial , as Avell a judgment which was filed against t place some years ago. Thus is closed up the business a fairs of one who was long a reside of the community , and was alwa considered an odd character. Wl he , a man who had seen better daj and who for years had been urged 1 relatives well off in the world's gooi to give up his lonely life and come them in the east , should choose to Ir th.e hermit's life and at last starve ai reeze to death in hi. ! lonely hovel a matter hard to understand. BAN OX SUNDAY BASEHALL. So Legislation for "Fans" Will I Passed in Nebraska. No Sunday baseball legislation ca be expected from the present sessio of the legislature. The senate has r < fused to pass Aldrich's county ant option bill. A similar measure IK been slain in the house. > Acting on the message of Gov. She don the senate reconsidered its aetio 311 the .Tenison anti-lobby bill an = ; ent it to the judiciary committee fc definite changes. Sheldon has aake that a lobby bill be passed. The mea ; ire had been indefinitely postponee By a unanimous vote the senat passed the anti-pass bill. It diffei slightly from the bill passed by th louse , but limits free railroad trans 50rtation practically to employes an heir immediate families. The senate passed a bill providin 'or the forfiture of charter for thre 'ears of any insurance compan ; vhich removes suit against it to th ederal courts. 'A concurrent resolution providinj or a legislative insurance invesliga ion was indefinitely postponed. St. Paul Gets Tax 3Ioney. Ihe Union Pacific followed the lene 't ' the Burlington and paid into th Toward county treasury dellnquen axe.s for which judgment had beer endered in supreme court in th < mount of $16,957.90. This , togethei ; ith the $8,43-1.46 which the Burling- an paid in a few days ago , makes atal of $25,392.36 paid by the re- alcitrant companies. Fire in School , But No Panic. The fire department was called out hursclay by a small blaze in the attic f the West school building at Frej lent The children marched out ithout any panic or disturbance , al- lough when those on the second floor inie into the halls and saw the people ishing in they were strongly tempt- 1 to run. Sent to .Tail for Assault. Clifford Chadwick. the second young an to be arrested in connectio ith the attack made upon two mar- ed women on the streets of Teemm- h Sunday night , is now in jail. He as apprehendet at Elk Creek , taken Tecumseh and tried in Judge Law- nce's court. Pie pleaded guilty. Brink Pleads Nor Guilty. Frank Brink , accused of having ot his sweetheart , Bessie Newton , Ponca , on the eve of her wedding in Jbruary and of having attempted icide immediately afterwards , was sld to the district court on the charge murder by County Judge Fred W. own. He pleaded not guilty. License or Xo License. The municipal reform and citizen' rty are the high sounding name. = cler which the anti-license and li- nse factions of Oakdale are mar- iling their forces for annual fray at 2 spring election. Warm Fialit ; at Blue Kill. rhe independent peoples' party at ne Hill held a causus Saturday for i purpose of placing in nomination" o village trustees. This is the first ie in fifteen years that two tickets i'e been placed in the field. Wedding at Atnswortli. Dlof Waldo Remy. one of the lead- druggists of AInsworth , and Miss die Osborne were married at Ains- rth in the presence of a large coni- iv of relatives and friends. More Road Work Off. Jnion Pacific officials Wednesday irnoon announced that work on the 10 ! Hill cutoff near Cheyenne , Wyo. , lid be discontinued at once be- se of adverse legislation toward t road , ending in a cut in rates. New Depot at Columbus. 'he Union Pacific will build a new senger depot at Columbus large ugh to accommodate the immense iness of the road at that point i thought it will be east of the new ght depot just compjetedv \ BIG ODD FEliT/OW MEETING. Many Tovms Attend Convention Carroll. The fifth annual meeting of Northeast Nebraska Odd Fellows' sociation was one of the largest ga erings in the history of the assoc tfon. Addresses were made by Grc Master J. E. Morrison , of Ganby ; D uty Grand Master Clark O'Hanlon , Blair ; Rev. Mr. Carroll , of Bloomflc Rev. Mr. Hughes , af Thurston ; Grc Chaplain Mead , of South Sioux Ci Grand Patriarch E. L. Dimick , Laurel , and others. The degree work was done by tea from Winside , Belden and Rrandol ] the latter being especially praised : the work In the second degree. The newly elected officers of the ; sociation are : President , Charles Flynn , of Wai field ; vice president , F. A. Berry , Wayne ; secretary , H. L. Peck of Ra dolph. The meeting next year will be h ( at Wakefield , although Bloomfleld \ \ a strong bidder. TO FIGHT CREIGIITON WILL. Disinherited Nephews and Nieces L Plans for Content. Aggressive fighting plans are bei made by those nephews and nieces the late Count John A. Creighton w were not mentioned in Mr. Creightoi will , and an attempt will be made break the instrument. Seven of t ; most prominent attorneys in the ci have been retained by these seven re atives who were cut out of beques : and a fight will be made to prevent tl will being probated. The amount left by Count Creight < is estimated at $7,500,000 , one-four being bequeathed to relatives ar three-fourths to charitable and educ ; tional institutions. An attempt h : been made to settle the matter out < court , the heirs all contributing to fund with which to buy off the dish herited kinsmen , but the plan failed. The will is to be probated Saturdc unless a contest is instituted. BOY SHOOTS TXTO SCHOOLROO3 Charge Shatters Glass , but the Chile rcn Are Unhurt. A 17-year-old boy by the name < Taylor , who makes his home wit Fred Story , about five miles west c Tekamah , went hunting with som companions recently. On their wa home they passed the Spellman scho ( house. While in front of the schoe house young Taylor told his chum to watch him break some window ? lass , and he shot twice , scatterin ? lass all over the school room. Th 3hot went over the children's head ind struck a picture at the other em Jf the room. Sheriff Phipps was noti led and the boy was arrested. H .vas brought before Judge Bassler am entered a plea of guilty and was finci > 50 and costs. NOT TO LEAVE OMAHA. Jiiion Pacific Manager Denies Such i Move i < Contemplated. General Manager Mohler , of the Un on Pacific , denied that his company I : lonsidering the question of transfer o ts headquarters from Omaha to some > ther location in Nebraska , but do- lared that owing to the unfavorable utlook a policy of retrenchment ha * 'een ' inaugurated. He said orders were ssued stopping work on the Maryvillc utoff in Kansas and also on a branch , 'hich is under construction in Colo- ado. Preparation for the erection of $1.000,000 headquarters building in maha was stopped several days ago. Expect Lively Election. The spring election is going to be lively one in Plainview this year , he temperance people will make a etermined effort to dispense with the iloons. The farmers who patronize ie city demand saloons and the heel district needs the license mon- r. It will be a close contest , the ty being about evenly divided on the lestion. Beatrice Prepares for Teacher . Elaborate preparations are being ade for the Southeastern Nebraska ducational association , which will eet in Beatrice April 3-5. Two of e prominent speakers from abroad e E. G. Cooley , superintendent of e Chicago schools , and p. J. Kern , perintendent of the Winnebago unty schools , of Illinois. "Corn King" Returns to Farm. Anton Psota , the well known "corn ng" of the Elkhorn , has taken up his sidence on the farm which he has , -ned for some years adjoining West > int. The tract of land , comprising me 240 acres , is widely known as e of the most productive farms in B state. The farm is now completely tilized. Successful Revivals. Rev. Geo. White and Re . Mr. Z av- with their chapel car , "Glad Tid- rs , " closed a very successful series revival meetings at Plainview at 5 car and the Baptist church. There re 173 conversions in the trree eks that the car was in that ity. 11 Knoun Randolph 3fan Dead. 5. Wentworth. of Randolph is dead the age of nearly 77 years. He was awn and loved by nearly everyone Randolph and familiarly known as randpa Wentworth. " Land Up at Upland. ? he record price for land in the inity of Upland was secured by tnk Osterlund recently. He. sold quarter i-ection two miles north of n for $12,500 cash. Bloodhounds to Rescue. 'he Fulton bloodhounds were tak- to Valparaiso , Neb. , recently to be d in running down the parties j robbed a store at that place. Randolph Improvement Club. he Randolph Improvement club i organized at a well attended meet- of citizens in the opera house. "VV. 3ill is temporary president and H. 5eck secretary. Permanent officera a board of directors will be elect- it a meeting Friday night b Retrenchment at David City , he 2-cent rate and the paying of is did not stop the Union Pacific ti making improvements in David . They have adorned the depot i a coat of paint. , The railroads just at this time ai\ working hard to create Jealousy be tween the members of the senate and ? the members of the house so as to de feat any anti-railroad legislation which * is now pending1. This is an old game and it has been worked successfully lr > the past. It is being- worked now on the anti-pass bill , one of which hair passed the senate. The railroads arc- telling the senators they are not orig inating any legislation and therefore- they should stand out for their anti- pass bill and they should turn down some of the house measures Just to * show the representatives they are not * the anti-pa- so many. In discussing bills now pending , Attorney GeneraF Thompson said : "I believe the anti-pass bill. shoi'UT it become a law , .could be more easily and effectively enforced if it contained a provision similar to that of the Wis consin anti-pass act that no pers ) „ association , co-partnership or corpora tion shall offer or give , for any pur pose , to any politjcal committee , or any- other member or employe thereof , or to any candidate for or incumbent of any public office or position under the constitution or laws of the state , or under any ordinance of any town or municipality , any free pass or frank , , or any privilege withheld for the trav eling accommodation or transportation- V of any person or property , or the transmission of any message or com munication , and also providing th it no person should be privileged from- testifying in relation to anything therein prohibited , and that no person having so testified should be liable to any prosecution or punishment for any offense concerning which he Is re quired to give his testimony or to pro- tluce any documentary evidence. The terms "free pass" and "bona flde em ploye" should also be distinctly defined * in the act. " * * # The Pullman lobby , consisting or Thos. Benton and Frank Ransom- Dumped up against a stone wall where t tried to head off a bill by Harrison- ) f Otoe , to reduce Pullman charges in > ; his state. The hearing was before : .he house railroad committee , and the Pullman spokesman waxed eloquent irr pleading the poverty act. Thomas- Benton had figures to show that the Pullman company ought to be In the ilms house because it was a losing- noney all the time on its Nebraska * msiness. Ransom Insisted , as of old hat the Pullman company is not n ommon carrier at all , but simp'y a- lotel keeper on wheels , and sugge tr-d hot people would like it better anj- vay to have the prices up high so a o keep the common herd out. The ; ommittee decided on a 20 per cent' eduction , instead of a 30 per etnt eduction in the bill as originally in- reduced , would give relief for the- iresent and will so report. * * The railway commission has IssueC iie following address to the peopk ft Tebraska : "The railway commission is anx'oua ) discover the exact condition regr dig - ig car shortage in this state , and irough the public press requests dippers to furnish it with inforrna- on of their necessites , so that relia.- le data can be collected. When aT ic facts are before the commission if ill take such steps as may be within s powers to relieve the situation , ommunications should be addre ? ec ' the Nebraska State Railway Com- lission , Lincoln. Answers should bt ven to the following questions : "First Number of cars you actual- need for loading March 20. "Second Number of cars of eacft nd of grain on hand. "Third General condition of corn.'f That the railroads are bending ev- ry energy to block the railway k-g- ! ation demanded by the people is early evidenced by the influx of n > il- iy lobbyists , high and low , who ure > w gathered so thick that no one can eve without running into one oi em. The list of railroad manipula- rs Includes for the Burlington Gen ii Manager Holdrege , Tax Commis- > ner Pollard , W. A. Dilworth , Lee ratlen , Frank Young , Superintcnd- t Byram for the Union Pacific , At- mey Edson Rich , Tax Commissioner ribher , Charlie Lane and the re- ubtable Bob Clancy for the North- stern , Ben White and Bob McGin- i. General Manager Holdrege came wn in his private car. and brought th him the bulk of this delegation join the retinue regularly retained ! re. X.v Uliem. of Red Willow , who Is one oi s old timers in the house and who- 3 good ideas about legislation which , -er fail to impress the house when- speaks them , is in favor of the tax- an of railroad terminals for city 1 village purposes. "When I fir t ne down , " said Mr. Gliem. "I wa. : in favor of the taxation of railroad iperty locally for I was not sure it nld not injure the small towns. I died the matter very carefully and hout prejudice , and I am heartily favor of the bill now pending. It t help every city and village in the : e. Besides it is a part of our plat- * m and we should pass the bill. " * * -s udge Roscoe Pound , former su- me court commissioner and now n of the university law depart- it has given his indorsement to the rke bill for the taxation of rail- 1 terminals. 11 the members of the Douglas nty board of county commission- were in conference with the house imittee on fees ; md salaries over bill , to put an end to the jail feed- graft After threshing the sub- out , with Sheriff McDonald pres- the consensus of opinion -was thaf bill should be put through fo : ract to supply meals to the prls s , and that the sheriff's salary ild be fixed at $4,000 without any uisites , both propositions to go effect Jan. 1 next