Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 14, 1907, Image 8

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    FAft We hate just unload
ed our first car of
farm implements and
would be pleased to
have all our friends
call and see samples
ME which we have set up ,
consisting of
John Deere Riding and Walking Plows ,
Rod and Moldboard Breaking Plows , Disc
Jiarrows , with either Pole or Tongue V
Truck ; Riding and Walking Listers : List
er Carriages to convert any Walking List
er to a Riding Lister or any Walking Plow
to a Riding Plow ; Breaking Plows to fit
this lister carriage ; Double Cast IToosior
Endgate Seeders ; Riding and Walking
Cultivators ; Disc Cultivators ; Steel Lever
Harrows and riding attachments for * har
rows ; Single and Double Row Listed Corn
Cultivators ; Tower Surface Cultivators ;
Oliver Chilled Plows ; Moline Wagons ;
Yelie Buggies. Call and inspect them.
Down the River.
Miss Ina Spratt went to Valen
tine last Saturday.
Melvin Eoby and' family have
moved onto Capt. Archer's place
near Kewanee.
Grant Spain and family have
moved onto the Dave George place
on Sand Creek
Frank Mumford purchased a
Louse at the fort and is moving it
onto his farm. Girls ! That looks
a little suspicious.
Crookston Items.
Max E. Viertel , our popular
merchant went down to Valentine
last Saturday and attended the
farmers' sale while there.
Eev. Magill attended meetings in
Valentine last week , which are be
ing conducted in the M. E. church
by the evangelist , Capt. Houston of
The old school house was sold to
the St. Francis Mission , and as soon
as it can be moved onto a lot pur
chased for it in the west part of
town , it will be made into a Catho
lic church.
Last Friday while H. H. Wake-
field was in Valentine his daughter
Fannie fell off a box and hurt her
arm in the elbow , causing consider
able pain and swelling , but she is
growing better.
Crookston is to have a M. E.
church soon. We hear that § 200
or more has been subscribed and
§ 80 subscribed-for an organ. A lot
for the church will probably be do
nated by the Pioneer Townsite Co.
in the north part of to\vn.
Crookston now has three general
stores , lumber and hardware store ,
two liveries , one blacksmith shop ,
one saloon , two coal dealers , three
grain buyers , one minister , one
one school and two teachers , a
depot and no agent , a hotel build
ing and no keeper.
Why " don't someone write regu
lar items from our town for THE
DEMOCRAT ? Our town shou'd be
represented and here's a chance for
some live local writer to get a copy
of the paper , his postage , writing
paper and envelopes free for send the
ing in items. Why couldn't one of
our teachers take up this work and call
create a little interest in our town ?
John Ferstl handles all kinds of
fruit and shade trees , small fruit , M.
shrubs and flowers. 5
* f- >
Sparks Quills ,
Tom Evans is going to have a
Alva Todd and Frank Kapliri
were in Sparks Monday night.
The smiling face of Grandad
Tillson was seen in Sparks one
, .
day last week.
F. Grooms and George Hancock
were iii Sparks doing some hog
business last week.
A letter from eastern Nebraska
states scarcely no snow this win
ter , but lots of mud.
Mr. Valentine is living on tie
Portivan place , better known &s
the Albert Haley place.
Dick Owens took a car of fat
cattle to Valentine Monday and
sold them to Jake Stetter.
_ , , _ ,
The scales at Sparks are kept
busy nowadays weighing the dif [
ference in peoples' opinion.
Mr. Cramer of the North Table or
Telephone Line put in a line south
of Norden with 8 phones recently.
Sunday school will commence at 4
Sparks April 7th. A cordial in
vitation is extended to everybody. or
A ball game was pulled off Sunby
day between Sand Creek and
Shadley , resulting in a victory for
the former.
Dick Stillwell accidentally set a
prairie fire Sunday afternoon , in
which burned ever a small sco.e { for
of country and doing little dam- that by
age. lor
John and Willian Grooms went in upon .
down to Omaha last Thursday ,
John going to a hospital for treatment
ment and William will take care Office
of him. - \it
Miss Delia Osborne resumed dem of
teaching m the Bristol school due
house Monday , after about two
and half months
vacation ou ac
count of smallpox. °
George Foster was in Sparks
last week and he was stepping chattel 1906.
high , smiling and setting up tbe 21st clerk
the cigars , all on account of the ruary county
arrival of a bran' new baby boy. feld the
Wel/I / , we don't see through that : sum
Sparks Quills and Eagle's name sairt ceeding
signed to them. That's one on sell black
editor.When the Eagle and weight one
Porcupine comes to town we will roan old.
in for the treats. cows
PORCTjriXE. one brands
Get your property insured by 1. Cberrv the
. Rice and you will be safe. His MaMi Dated
companies pay losses promptly. ; Byv
to Non-Resident Defendant
T.I .fo-pt 11 T tf. nou r si Jt'tit dfi ndnt :
Yon an ; i e r"v ii"t ! Jed tli ; t on the if.rh HHV
o. Fobrniin i'JOT. 31 t'ltlx ' r tffllKl t p-titiM !
nyiiist , y u in i' i Jjistrirt ' 'oirt : of Cherry
cniinly. cbra ka. thu object and praywr n'f
which arc to ob afn : i decree .of absolute di-
vorcw from v u and to t-e awarded the car * * .
onsto 'y and control o Helen Tsite. the minor
child of a.iid phintiff an4
stiil < Mei < danl on
tbe ground timt you liuv wilfully desettfl ami I
* < ! pla'iiMli without good cause' for
in. re 1 ha' two JMU-S lasi j-ast You are hereby
ivijuirtd I o answer said ptil ion on or I efore
All Jl 1. IE07. M * TIL1JA TATK
G 4 i'laiiitiff.
In the matter of the estate of Nelson Poleii ,
deceased :
> o\v on tbe 27th i uy of January , 1907 came
C. P. HaniHr , administrator of the estate of
Nelson Poleii. deceased , and i-rays for leave to
render bis final account as administrator. It Is
tli refer ordered that the ICtli day .f March
1907 at 10 o'clock a. in. at my oflice in the Clier-
ly county court hous1 * be lixed astbe time and
p'lare for exauiining and allowing such account.
And the heirs of tue said deceased and all per
sons interested in said estate are icquircii to
appear at the time and pi-ice so designated and
sh"\v can e. if such exists , why said account
should not be allowed. It is further ordered
that a fopy of tins notice be published in tha
Val-ntine Democrat a newspaper printed and
in general circulation in said county , for three
successive weeks prior to tbe day sec for hear'
Witness my hand .ind seal of said Conty
Court , this 2"th dav of Kehnrtrv. 1007.
. , 7 S County Judge.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Lane Oflit-e , Uroken Cow. Nebraska. I
I'euruary 23 1D07 t"
A Miflit'iPnt contest affidavit Having berii lil r )
in this ollicebyCail Saut-r. tout slant , against
homes * au < 'iit.ry No. i2G19. made .January 13 ,
1H02 , lor t J SK5.i N\VJ4S\V4 ? , section 20.
townsliip 25 , mngo : i3by Orel Lemen , con-
t-fltt-e , in which it is alleged that said
claimant has w holly abandoned t h (1t
sahl tiact for in UP- than six months la > * t
jia-t , tliatsaid tract is not cuitiVdted. improve' d
or rt sidet1 upon as r-quired bv law , t' at the
land is now in its wila state and thai the above
allege. ) defects exist at this date a..d have not
been cured. jtr
Said pai ties are hereby notified to app ar
respond and offer evidence touchiim said allega- ,
t on at. 10 o'clock a. m on April 0. 1907. be
fore the register and receiver at thu United :
States laud Oflice in Broken Bqw , > ebra.ka ,
The sa'd contestant having , in a proper atli-
davit.-liled i'"eo 23 , l)07. ! ) ct forth facts whicli
show tbat after due diligeiice iersonal Iii
of thi" notice cannot be made , it is hereov
oidered that such notice be given by due am
proper publication. DARIUS M. AMSP.KRli i-
7 5 Receiver.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Ottce Broken Bow. Nebraska.
I'ebrnary23. 1907.
A sufficient content having been lil d in this
oflice t > y Carl Siiier. contestant , again t
Homestead entry No 3.T73 msule .June , 1901
for SKSWi4. Section 21. and EV NT\VJ4 Seciioi
28. Townslni ) 2. * . Kaiige 33. by William H. Read
jr. , contestee , in which it is allegec
that contestee wholly bas iinandoned sue
land and changed his resideii'e therefrom for
inore ihansix ni'iuths last pane , that III * land
is not settled upon n r cultivated in good faitl
at tile law n quir s. and eiitryman 1ms never
cstabli-hnd his residence upon the land as tht.
law requires , ami he has jailed to cure bis
laches up to this date ; and said alleged ubsenct
from the said lamlvis nut due to bis empl' > etn
ment in tlie srmy , navy , or marine corps of tin
United States as a private soldier , olhcjr. sea
man or marine during the war wi.h Spain or :
during any oilier war in which ihe United :
Stales may be engaged ; said | arties are hrei > V
notified to ajipear. respond an.l ofter eviiencc
touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. 01
april B 1907 , before the register and iiit iie
ceiver at the United S'ates Land Oiuce ii
Bioken Bow , Nebraska.
The saiu e.ot'te-tant having , in a proper afli
davit , iileu February 23 1907 , set forth tacts whicl :
shuw that xfter due diligence personal sertic
of this notice i-annotbr made , it is hereby order -
ed and directed that such notice be given by due.
anu proper publication.
Receiver. i
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Ofiice , Va'entine , N ebraska ( .
February 25,1907. |
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
in this oflice by Mads A .lens > n. contestant ,
against -mestead Entry No. 17222. made < ) c
tober 26,1904 for tlieE'/i-EJn
/ - section 22 , W }
SH'/s , ' SW .section 23 , WV..NEM.Vli , dectioi !
27. i'ownsfiip 32 , Range 38 , by Emersou
Spencei , contestee , in which it is ullegcu
that said Emerson Spencer lias nevei
established residence upon said land ; alsc
that said claimai t ha < wholly abandoue said
land for more than six mouths last past and In
failed toc.ire his lach-s up todule.aiui thats id
alleged absence from the said laml was not due
his employment as an ottije.- , soldier , sailor
inarin in ( lie army , navv or marine cor s of
the United States during ti-e war with Sp in or
during any other war in which the Unitci
Sta-es may be engag-d. said uurties : re lierenj
notified to app ar , respond and offer evidence
tpuching said allegation at 10 o'clock a.m. jei
April 3. U 07 , before the RjgHter and
Receiver at th United States La.d Om"2 in
alentuie. Nebraska
The said con-estant having , in a urn per affi i-
davitliled 1'ebruary 25 I907set forth facts which :
sliow that alter due
diligence per-onal service
tiiis notice cannot be made , it is hereby > .
ordered and directed that S.0 (
such notice DC given
due and proper publication. 8
75 E. OLSON , Receiver.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Laml Office , Broken Bow. Nebraska , i
February 23.19J7 f
A .sufficient contest affidavit bsiving been filed
tun oflice by Carl Saner contestant against
homestead entrj No. 3o74 made .Tune 8. 11)01 )
NEii Section 2S. 'iownslnp 25. Range 33.
vvern Re d. contestee , in whiuh it is alleged as
contestee has wholly abandoned ihe same
m'-re than six months last past : ilint the
tract is not improved , cultivated r > r resided
as requir. d by law , that said tract is now
its wild state ; that the alleged detects above inf
at tiiis date an-i have not been cured.
S-id parties are hereby notified t > appea * , output
respond and -ii > r evidence touching said a le
gation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Aprilti 1907 , be
the register and receiver at the U. S. Laud
in Broken Bow , Nebraska.
The said contestant having , in a proper atnda-
filed February 23.1907 , set forth fa-ts which theiI
that after " due diligence , personal service
tins notice" can not be made , it is hereby or-
* > d and directed fnit such notice be given by WOl
and proper publication.
Receiver. , .
' '
Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mort-
gage. long
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a may
mortgage dut d the 20th day of March. has
. and dully liled in the ollicts of the co nty
of Keya Paha county Nebraska , on the than
day of March , 1900. and in the office of the
clerk of Cherry county , Nebr ska , Feb
7. 1907 , and executed bv Her.uan Shoen-
toV. . A. Parker , to secure the payment of
sum of S230 00 and interest at 10 per cent per of
irom date , upon which there'is n w due
< f S252.UO. default having been nnde in the
payment of nald sum and no suit or other pro
at law having been iu titued to recov-r
debtor auy part thereof , therefore , I will
the property herein described to-wit : One in
stallion , six years old , lour white feet ;
bay horse , ten years old. blind in right eye. is
1200 pounds ; one gray mae live years
uark iron gray , weight 1000 pounds ; one are
cow. four years old , branded O , six red
- not
from four to seven years oid. not branded ;
black hurs" . nine years old. no wbite or
, weight 05(1 ( pounds : one bay horse , six
old with sirip in forehead , \veight 1100
, at public auction , at th front door of
postumce in the town of Woud Lake , in
' "unty , vebraska. . on tlie 3qih nay of
, 1907. at 10 o'clock a. m. on said day.
February 14.1907. for
W. A. 1'ARKKR , Mortgagee.
Walcott & Alomsgey. his attorneys. s 4
In the District Court of Cherry Coun
ty , Nebraska.
In tne matter of tbe app/icaMon / of Albert F
, \vvi l > b. arJinln tiator or th estate ol Saranol W.
llohclaw decra t'd lorlr veto s ll n ; I e.vatP
Jsulic * is hrivbj yiveii Miir in nnsnancf of
nnnUr < > li f Hon \V H Wotnvr oiit-otibf
jwtef ! f the ti'-t'ict court of Oh" rv coat'tv
Ne rxo-a tt-adcon tbf iul day < ( Mu11)00. ) .
fi r the ale of r > al state hereinafter dp < cri d
. th r - w'll ! * ; > ild at puttlivendn ' to ih * hig'i-
i est f'iddt-r for cash , subject to eiifiunbrance of
I record , at th"-front door of ibe courthouse in
1Ifl Village of Val rin in said connron ib
itith day of March , 1907 at the hur of jo o'clof-k
a. m 'he following d scritied real estate to-wit :
and * i > . - , ' , ' ( lot1. .
: or - 1. 2.3 and 4) )
2 , Township 33. Uiime'JS wet of ihefi-li
P. M ( . 'h rry coimly. Nebraska Sai i ala
will remain op , n one II.HI
audthi.2std ! y ot Fniarv , 1907.
Administrator of the esUte of
Samuel W. llolsclaw , < U ceased.
Wa'cott & Morjissey , Attys for Adm. 6-4
Sheriff Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
clerk of the district court of cherry coimty. NebrasKa -
brasKa on F-brnary 20. 1907 under a decree of
tax lien foreclosure wherein iCmeson C. Pow-
etsis plaintiff and Walter C. Clark and
Clark Ins wife , first aid real name unknown ,
are defendants , J wll .sell at the front door of
the court house inaientine. . Cherry enmity ,
N b'aaka , thacbiue the bu Id ing wherein th *
last term of said court was held , on the 23rd
day of Mrtrdi. 1907 at 10 o'clock a. m. to satisfy
judgment of S49..ri9 and inrere-n at 10 per ccnt
from datof judgment. Februa-y (5. 1907. and
costs taxed ar S2r 90 and accruing costs , at public
auction to the highest bidder lor cas n the fol
lowing described prope ty towit : The SEJi ot
section 24. township ? 5. rauge 25. m Cherry
comity. Nebraska
Dated this 21st day of February. 1907.
C 5 Sheriff.
E. D. Clarke , ally for pltf.
Order of SI earing ; and Notice on IVtit-
ion for Settlement of Account.
riiK STATK OF NKIUIASICA i In the County
CIIKBUV COUATV. f 9ei Court.
To the heirs and to all persons interested in
the estate of Lucy U. Elliott , deceased :
ON reading the petition of F. AI. Walcott
administrator , praying a final settlement and
allowance of his account til d in this court
on the Gth day of March. 1907.
It i ? hereny ordered that you , and all per
sons interested in said matter , may , and do app -
p ar at the uounty Court 10 be held in and for
said county on the 23rd day of March i. D 1907 ,
at 2 o'clock p. m. , to show cause , if any there
be why thepiajer of the petitioner should not
be granted , and thai notice of tbe pendency ot
said petition and that the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested iusuid malt r by
publishing a copy of this order in the Valentine
Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said
county , for three successive weeks prior to said
day ot hearing ,
8 3 County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
clerk of the district court of Cherry Coumy , iee
braska , March 2. 1907 , under a decree e3f
mortgagtt foreclosure , wherein Patrick hiillivan
is plaintiff and Olive M. Crane ,
May Jones , Delois Crane , minor heir of Elmer ,
E. Crane , di c-jned , and Olive M Crane , au.i
Charles Larson , executor ot the estate of Elmer ;
E. Crane , deceased , defend tuts. 1 will
sell at the t rout < oor of the i-ourt bouse in Val en-
tine. Cherry County , Ne. raska. that be-ng t iie
building wherein the last term of sai l cotnt was
held ' , on the tilh day of April , 1907 , at 10
o'clocK. a. in. to satisfyjudgment of > 10H5.oo and
interest at 10 per cent from date oi judgment.
January. 21 , li ! i7 , and costs taxe I a $16 so aud
accr.iing costs , at public auction , to the hignest
bidder , for cash. th ° - following described prop
erty lo-wit : . - , FK , NE'4 : E4 01 Section 10 ,
anu theN\V 4Sw of section 11. township 33.
rat jre 30 , in Cherry coun.y , N'etmiska.
Dated this 7ih day of March , 1907.
P. F. SI-.ION'S ,
S Sheriff of Ch-rry County ,
Walcott & Mornssey , Attys. for Pltf.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office. Valentine , Nebraska >
March 2 , 1)07. ! t"
A sufficient coutea'.affidavit hiving been filer
in this office by t liai le E. Meeban contesiee ,
atrainst honitjst < ad entry No 17n5t mad - i\I \ W
24 1905 f. r section 12. township 28 mug-30 b >
John Sheets , co tsfee. . m wnicn it id allege'
hat saiit John Shee.ts haj wholly abamionei
said land an i chamred his 'esi ii - -Iwrefo
for nure than s-v nuuths ast past ; that the
land is not settled ur-on uor cultivated in gooc
faith as the. law n quires , and et'trymau has
never estm-lish'-d his residence up'W the lam
us tbe law requires , and he has failed to curt
his laolies up to this date , and said alleged ab
sence was not due to his employment in the
arm } ' , navy ormarine c.irps of ihe Uui ed States
as a private soldier , officer , seaman or marine
during 1h < - wa-wliu
Spain or during any other
war in which the United States may be engaged
said parties are hereby notified to appear , re
spend and offer evidence touching said al e.-a-
tiou at 10 o'c ock a. in. on April. 17 , 1907 before
the icuister and reoe'ver at tae United atates
uuid Oflice. Valentine , Nebraska.
The said contestant havi gin a proper affida
vit liled .vianh 2 , J907 bet forth facis whicl
sbow that after due diligence personal serv ce
ofibisnotics cannot be made , is is herebj
ordered and directed that such notice oe given
by due and ' pro , tr publication. in
8 5 E. OLSON. Receiver.
him at his plttce m Sriid precinct to-wit : One
bay mare. 5 years old. small > Uir in forehead
nlotched brand on left shoulder , weight abuiii
pounds. RICHARD
5 Justice ot the Peace , River Piccmct
W. C. T. U. Column.
Bethel hall will be open Satur
day of this week.
The work on the kitchen to
Bethel hall will be'begun as soon
the weather will permit.
California Leg. has just voted
favor of full suffrage. Four
of five political parties had
a woman's suffrage plaiik in
their state platform.
Years ago Garfiekl saw the i
woman question "looming up on on cattle
horizon" larger than the size Horses
a man's hand , and predicted ' "ffhi
'some solution , this question ere
* must find. " 'This solution
still be for the future , but it
assumed proportions larger
any man's hand.
The letter carriers association The
Washington has just endorsed sions.
woman's suffrage. The mayor of supply
Cleveland has declared himself
favor of the same. He said he
not able to see why women who
compelled to obey laws should
have a voice in making them. Bran
Supt. Press Work. Shorts
Four room house to rent ; also , Chop
rooms over the Democrat Office
rent as an office or light house hop
keeping. - I. M. RICE. Oats
R M Paddis& Oo.
f'osrofflce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
MI It ft
( ft
I thigh.
i Some
' or ( hi
2s. 8.
Kennedy , Nebraska.
Same as cut on left ,
side and hip , and ou
left shoulder of her
ses. AlsoRSSI on
left side
K + on ieft
tl brand
ed husk-i ng peg ( either side up ) on
left side or hip. p on left jaw and e t shoulder
of horses , | jJ
, left hip of horses.
on left Jaw of horses
0. W. Bennett
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
with 7 on left hip
ilso same as cut
Range between
Gordon and Snake
creeks and on the
Niobrara river
Cody , Neb
lirano registere * .
No 1027
Horses branded on
left shoulder
Ranee north and
south of Cutcomb
in Cherry Co
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on lefc side
- on left jaw of
V horses.
Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon ,
Postofflce address
Hyannis , Neb
On right side
on left
also cattle
ou right s d j
Range Its miles
norrh of Hvannis
C. H Little.
Merriman , Nebr.
On either side
Horses same on
hip Also Q > left
Range Lake ( /reek
Pat Peiper
Simeon N'ehr
Roan Brothers
Woodlake Neb
John Roan's
private mark , slit
left ear
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
bearingany of these brands
Albert VYbipple & Sons
Rosebud , S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on richtside
Some cattle also
have a - fen cenk
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind qnar-
_ ters. Som Texas
branded S O on left side and some
left side.
branded SOS on left hip. Some cattle
branded AW bar connected on both sides and
hip of horse1' .
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
G-cent package s enough for usual occas
. The family bottle ( CO cents ) contains a
for a year. All druggists sell them. ,
eft thigh.
January 15 , 1907.
PerCwt. Per Ton.
, sacked.90 17 00
, sacked 1 00 19 00
Screenings , sacked TO 13 00
Feed , sacked 1 10 21 00
sacked 1 00 19 00
Corn , sacked 1 05 20 00
, sacked 1 15 22 00 Jyannia
OJUUP brande'
in 'pft ' side *
3Ut rt-lnch D.
circle 1-In
box Kc--Mstere < 3 W7 . KuugtJ-- miles outb
Irwln on Nlohrara river
t ; rrk 'o
Ho * bnrt. . ) ) .
< fettle branded
as cut on'left side
with stripe under
Horses brandea
i left thigh.
Range on Soldier creek.
Metzger Bros. ,
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
left thigh.
Ran"p on fionlon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of $250 wlh bfad ! to any person for
Informationleading to the arrest and final
conviction of any person or persons stealing
cattle with above brand.
, Tea Bristol
Valentine , Nebr.
Range on Nio-
brara river four
miles east of Ft.
Horses and
cattle branded
xB connected on
left hip or aide as
shown in cut
Postofllce address
Hyannis , Neb
Branded on left aide
Range eighteen miles
north of Hvannls
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
Sandy Williams
Mcrriman. Nebr
Mostly on left
side. Some on
right side.
Horses same on
Range Lake
Creek , S. D.
D. M .Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
on cut.Ieft side
Some on left hip
Horses same on
Range Square *
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cut on
left side.
Horses ,
branded. ]
on left
Range 6 miles
south of Irwln.
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
earne as cut back
right shoulder and
en right hip
Range on the
Postofflce address
Cody , Nebraska
On left
side. Hor-i
ses left
Range north
Cutcomb Lake
Garner Brothers.
Cody , Nebr.
Anywhere on cat
Horses on left
Ranee- North
Sawyer Bros.
ostofflce address.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Sawyer has
charge of these cat
tle Horses D S on
left shoulder. Some
left side
, HorslB' . < i ! es same
. Kange on Snake river !
Land and Feeding Co.
Richards Pres Will G Comstock
, V. P
Chas C
Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brands :
orses branded tht
.Range between
Gordon on the F.E ,
on B , & M B R. in * „ .