Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 07, 1907, Image 8

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    We Lave just urijoad-
ed our first car of
farm implements and
would be pleased to
liave all our friends
call and see samples
MENT which we have set up ,
consisting of
John Deere Biding and Walking Plows ,
Eod and Moldboard Breaking Blows , Disc
Harrows , with either Bole or Tongue
Truck ; Biding and Walking Listers ; List
er Carriages to convert any Walking List
er to a Biding Lister or any Walking Blow
to a Biding Blow ; Breaking Blows to fit
this lister carriage ; Double Casi Hoosier
Endgate Seeders ; Biding and Walking
Cultivators ; Disc Cultivators ; Steel Lever
Harrows and riding attachments for har
rows ; Single and Double Bow Listed Corn
Cultivators ; Tower Surface Cultivators ;
Oliver Chilled Blows ; Moline Wagons ;
Yelie Buggies. Call and inspect them.
Sparks Quills ,
Now we tliink it is surely spring1 ,
The day is mild and fair ;
When suddenly so thick and fast
A snowstorm fills the air.
That's March !
The sand comes cloud-like from tbe
west ,
It scours o'er hills and. plain ;
The veering wind then does its best
To pile it back again. .
That's March !
The river's ice goes crashing out ,
The gurgling brook leaps free ;
The grass blades creep the hills about
Brave Crocus stars the lee.
That's March !
From this upspringing vernal life ,
Hint of resurrection morn ,
To the aged , the weary of earth's
strife ,
A radiant hope is born ,
That's March !
Miss Blanche Hutchison was a
visitor at Penbrook Sunday school
Miss Alma Tillson visited her
sister , Mrs. Geo. Poster , last Sun-
Frank Grooms filled her place as
secretary in the Sunday school.
David Hainar and family are
staying at C. W. Hamar's , while
making their final arrangements to
move to Dawson county , Neb.
G. E. Burdick and wife , Mrs.
Sorby , Clara and Percy Sorby ,
Frank Burdick and Mrs. John Hit-
tie were visitors at Mrs. N. A. Bur-
dick's last Sunday.
C. W. Hamar bought a double
seated carriage from Mr. Layport ,
and a team from Mr. Bishop of
Valentine recenttly He is fixed
now for visiting or farming.
Mrs. David Hamar made her par
ents at Hot Springs , S. D. , a short
visit ; and also , with her family ,
visited Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hamar
m Valentine a couple of weeks.
About two weeks ago the elder
Mr. Eoosa fell and broke his leg
near the hip joint. His advanced
age and the fracture so near the
joint , make the recovery serious.
The quarantine \vas raised and
Dr. Keyes disinfected and fumigated
I '
M. J. Strain's residence last week.
As they were the last ones to have
the small pox in the neighborhood
it is hoped the danger of its spread
ing any farther is past.
Mrs. Theo. Tillsou has been stay
ing the past month with her daugh
ter , Mrs. Geo. Foster. Miss Alma
. * . is „ f. keeping , . ; , . ' house J * for her father and
is surprised that there is so much
work connected with keeping a
home in order. ( It is kept in ord
er. ) A great many have experienc-
el that amazement over the endless
tasks of a good hous ekeeper.
G. E. Burdick has moved onto his
place recently purchased of D.
Hamar. He is extremely busy try
ing to get his placed fixed up be
fore farming begins. He has laid
new floors above and below , cut the
half windows full size , cut windows
upstairs and will point it with new
lime inside and out and saw down
the corners this week. He has a
very nice location for a home.
Capt. Jack Crawford's stanza
might be completed thus :
"The sweetest thing I've have seeu ,
The grm ; nest yet. most simple ;
In all the world it reigns supreme , "
A lovely baby's dimple.
It all depends on Capt. Craw
ford's point of view as to what is
"the sweetest grandest , simplest
thing in all the world. " A young
man might think "the sweetest
thing , etc. " would be a blushing
maiden's dimple.
Niobrara Falls.
Grant Heth is nursing a pair of
swollen jaws.
Henry Porath recently joined
the River telephone line.
Master James Crosby returned
from Schuyler Saturday.
F. M. Tyrrell came up from
Lincoln Friday , returning Satur
Mrs. Lucy Eedfern and son Na
thaniel visited L. W. Parker's the
first of the week.
Frank Bush has been down with
the measles at Grand Island , but
is reported better.
The new foot bridge is so nearly
complete Ihat the pupils are cross
ing and school1 is going nicely.
C. C. Thompson's family reports
six cases of mumps. All are im
proving and hope to be in school
again soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Adams started
for New York Tuesday. Mrs.
Adams goes to nurse her father
who is very ill.
I want to buy a ranch direct
from the Downer. No real estate
man need answer. I have § 5000
cash to invest. Want it within
20 miles of Valentine. No atten
tion paid to letters after March
15. Address Box 256 , Valentine.
Notice t > NontResident Defendant.
To Joseph TatH , neil resident defendant : j
You are here'-y notified that on the 16th day
of i l > ebrtiary. 1907 , Matilda 1'atp filed a i titiou
against vu in ti e District ourt of Cherry
county , tebraska. the object and prayer of
which ; are to olrain a decree of absolute di
vorce from voti and to be awarded the care ,
custody and control o Helen Tate. the minor
child < of said plaintiff and said defendant , on
the ground that you have wilfully deserted and
abandoned i said plauitlfi withoutgood cause for
more tha two ypnrs last past. You are hereby
required to answer said petition on or before
c 4 Plaintiff.
In the matter of the estate of Nelson Polen ,
dpciased :
Now on the 27th < iay of January , 1907 came
C. P. Hamar , administrator of the estate of
Nelson Polea. deceased , and frays for leave to
render his final account as administrator. It is
therefore ordered that tht-icth d-iy of March
1907 at 10 o'clock a. m. at my otlice in the Cher
ry countv court hous * be fixed astbe time and
plare for xamining and allowing such account.
And the heir * of tne said deceased and all per
sons interested in said estate aie required to
appear at the time and pi ice so designa'ed and
show c tu e. If such exists , why said account
should not be allowed. It is further ordered
that H copy of tins no'tice be published in tha
Val-ntine Democrat a newspaper printed and
in general circulation in said county , for tlirea
successive weeks prior to the day set for hear
Witness my hand and seal of said County
* Court , this 27th day of Fennurv. 1907.
. 7 3 County Judge.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Broken Bow , Nebraska. I
February 23 1907 t"
A sufficient contest affidavit navlng be--n filed
in this office by Carl Sauer , iont slant , against'
homes ead miry No. i2G19. made January 13 ,
1902 , for ' /iSEJ.i \VJiSWfc , section 20.
township 25 , range Orel Lemeii , con-
testae , in which it is alleged that said
claimant has w holly abandoned the
said tiact fr rnor * than six months last
pa t , that said tract is not cultivated , improved
or resided upon as required bv law , t'sat ' the
land is now iu its wild state and that the above
allege i defects exist at tins date aud have not
been cured.
Said parties are hereby notified to app ar
respond aud offer evidence touchinc said allega
tion at 10 o'clock a. m on April G. 1907. be
fore the register and receiver at th United
States Jand Office in Broken Bow. > ebraska ,
The Sa > d contestant having , 'in a proper affi
davit , filed Keo. 23,1907. set forth facts which
show that after due diligence personal service
of tin- notice cannot be made , it is hereuy
ordered that such notice be given by due and
proper publication. DAKIUS M. AMSKKRKY ,
7 5 Receiver.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office Broken Bow , Nebraska.
February 23 , 1007.
A sufficient contest having been lil d in this
office by Carl S-tuer. contestant , against
Homestead entry No 3573 made June , 1904 ,
for SJiSWfc , Section 21. and E / NWJ4 Section
28. Township 23. ttauge 33. by William H. Head , '
jr. , contestee. in which it is alleged
that contestee wholly has abandoned said
land and changed his residence therefrom for
more than six months last past , that the land
is not settled upon tuir cultivated in good faith
as the law r < quir < s , and entrymau has never
established hs resilience upon the land as the
law requires , ana he has tailed to cure his
laches up to this date ; and said alleged absence
from thw said lanu was not due to his employ
ment in the nrmy , imyy , or marine corps of the
United States as a private soldier , oiticnr , sea
man or marine during the war wiih Spain or
during any 01 her war in which the United
States may be engaged ; aaid parties are hereby
notified to appear , respond and offer evidence
touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. on
April C 1907 , before the register and re
ceiver at the United S'ates Land Offlce in
Bioken Bow , Nebraska.
The saiu coi'te-tant. having , in a proper affi
davit , lileo February 23.1907 , setforth facts which
show that after due diligence personal service
of this notice can not br made , it is hereby order
ed and directed that such notice be given by due
aud proper publication.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Va'entine , N ebraska. I
February 25,1907. f
A sufficient contest affidavit baviug been filed
in this office by Mads A Jens -n. contestant ,
againht H rnestead Eulry No. 17222. made tc-
tober 20,1901 for the EELi section 22 , W ,
SK'/i , SW.section 23 , vvj NEW. N\VJ-i , Section
27 , lownsnip 32. Range 38 , by Emerson
Spence. , contestee , in which it is alleged
that said Emerson Suencer has never
established residence upon said land also
t' ' at said claimai t ha- * wholly abandone * ' said
land fur more than six months last past and hns
failed to c ire his lach-s up t < > date.and thatsnid
alleged absence from the said land was not due
i to his employment as an ottlier , soldier , sailor
or marin in tne army , uaw or maiiu > - cor s of
the United States during t < e war with Spiu or
during any other war in which the Unitx-d
Sla es may be engdd. . said turtles are hereuy
notified to app ar , respond and offer evidence
touching said allegation at 10 o'clock.m on
April 3. 1907 , before Che Register and
Receiver atth < - United States La d Oifl2e iu
v alentiiie. Nebraska
The said con estant having , in a proper affl-
davit.filed February 25 I907set forth facts which
show that after due diligence per-onal service
o ti'is not.ce cannot be made , it is hereby
ordered and directed that such notice oe given
bv due and proner i ublication
" "
75 E. OLSON , .Receiver.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Broken Bow. Nebraska , (
February 23.1907 f
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
in till * office byCail Sauer contestant against
homestead entrNo. . 3574 made June s. 1901
lor NEJ4 Section 28 , Township 25. Range 33.
' by Wein Re d. contestee , in which it is alleged
that contestee has wholly abandoned ihe same
lor m-re than six months last past ; i hat the
said tract is not improved , cultivated or resided
upon as requin d by law , that said tract is now
in its wild state ; that the alleged defects above
ex'st nt this date aiM have not been cured.
S/.id parties are hereby notified to appear ,
respond and > ff-T evidence touching said alle
gation at 10 o'clock a. in. on April C. 1907 , be
fore the register and receiver at the U. S. Land
Office in Broken Bow , Nebraska.
The said contestant having , in a proper aihda-
vit filed February 23.1907 , set forth fa'-ts which
show that after due diligence , personal service
of this notice can not be made , it is hereby or
dered find directed t' at sucli notice be given by
due and proper publication.
Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mort
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage dated the 20th day of March ,
190(5. ( and dully 11 led in the office of the co nty
clerk of Keya Paha county Nebraska , on the
2Ist day of March , 1900. and in the office of the
county clerk of Cherry county , Nebr ska , Feb-
ruarv 7.1907 , and executed by Heraun Shoeii-
feldtoW A. Parker , to secure the payment of
the sum of § 230 00 and interest at 10 per cent per
annum innn elate , upon which there is n iw one
sum of § 252.00. default having been nnule in the
payment ot paid sum and no suit or other pro
ceeding at law Having been iu titued to recover
said debt or any part thereof , therefore , I will
sell the property herein described to-wit : One
black stallion , six years old , tour white feet ;
one bay horse , ten years old. blind in right eye.
weight 1200 poundsoue ; gray mate five years
old. dark iron gray , weight 1000 pounds ; one
roan cow. four years old , branded O , six ivd
cows from four to seven years old. not branded :
one black hors * . nine years old. no white or
brands , weight 950 pounds : one bay horse , six
years old wirh strip in forehead , weight 1100
pounds , at public auction , at the iront door of
the postomce in the town of Wood Lake , in
Cherry county , Mebraska. on the 30th day of
Man h , 1907. at 10 o'clock a. m. on taicl day.
Dated February 14,1907.
W. A. PARKER. Mortgagee.
By Walcott & Mornssey. lib attorneys. 8 4
In the District Court of Cherry Coun
ty , Nebraska.
In the msfter of the application of Albert K.
Webb. adininMtalor of th- estate of Samuel W.
Uiikclaw deceased torh ivc to sell real t-s'ate
Nolle" is herebj given Ihat in pursuance of
an order o tr.e H n W M Wetov -r on - of ibe
judges of the district court of ( 'he rv county
Ne raflka made on the 2nd day of May 190G.
for the ale of real state hereinafter descri ( !
thre w-11 be S' Id at public vendue to the highest
est nidder for cash , subject to encumbrance'
record , at tli front door of the courthouse in
the Village of Val-i tin in said countv on the
16th day of March , 1907 at the Inur of 10 o'clpck
a. m. the following d scrloed real estate to-wit , : |
N'/iNEJ4and - N \ X ( or lot-1,2.3 and 4)
Section 2 , Township 33. lunge 28 west of the 6 h
P. M Cherry county , Nebraska Said sale'
will remain open one hour
Dated this 21st d y of Fenruary , 1907.
Administrator of the estate of
Samuel W. Holsclaw , < lt ceased.
tValcott & Moraisbey , Attys for Adm. 0-4
Order ot Clearing 011 Petition for Ap
pointment of Administrator.
In the County Court of Cherry County. Neb
To the neirs and to all persons interested iu
; he estate of Joseph Ziefes. deceased :
On reading the petition of Thomas Lindberg
praying tnat the administration of said estate
be granted to himself as administrator
It is hereby ordered that you. and all persons
teres d in said matter , may , and do. appear
it th Comity Curt to be lielu in and for said
ounty. ou the 9th day of March. A. D. 1907.
; it 1 o'clock p. in. to show cause it any there be.
why the prayer of the petitioner should i ot be
jranted , and that notice of the pendency of said
.tetition and that th hearing thereot be given to
all persons interested in said matter t > y publish-
"ng a coDi of this > rder in the Valentine Demo
rat a weekly newspaper printed In said county ,
for three successive weeks prior to said day of
Witness mv hand , and seal of said court , this
19th day of'February A. D. 1907.
, G 3 County Judge.
Order of Hearing and Notice on Pe
tition tor Settlement of Accout.
HIE STATK OF NEBRASKA i „ , , In the County
T the heirs aud to all persons interested in
the estate of Edward McDonald , deceased :
tu reading the petition Df Catherine McDon
ald , praying a final settlement and allowance of
her account filed in this court on the 18th day
of February , 1907.
-It is hereby ordered that you and all
persons interested in said matter miy. and
do. appear at the County Com t to be held m
and lor s-tid county , ou the 9th day of March
1907 at 10 o'clock a.m .to show cause , if any there
he. why the prayer of the petitioner should uol
be granted , aud that notice of the pendency of
said pet'tion and the hearing thereof oe given
to ah persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in the Valentine
Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said
county , for 3 successive weens prior to said daj
of hearing.
, C 3 County Judge.
Sheriff Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
clerk of the district court of her ry county. Ne
braskaon F-bruary20 1907 under a decree o
tax lien foreclosure wherein rime'-sou C. Pow
ers is plaintiff and Walter C. Clark and
Clark ! us wife , first aul real name un nown
aie defundantfi , 1 w'll sell at tliK front door o
the court house in x aientiue. Cherry county
N biaska , thap being the bu kltug wherein the
last term of said court was held , on the 23rc
day of March. 1907 at 10 o'clock a m. to satisfy
judgment of and intereat 10 per criii
Irnmdatt- j idgment. Februa y G. 1907. and
costs taxed ar S25 90 nd accruing cost s. at public
auction to the highest bidder lor casu the. fol
lowing described propety towit : The SEJ4 of
snctiou 24. township 35. range 25. in Clierrj
county , Nebraska
Dated this2lst day of February. 1907.
6 5 Sheriff.
E. D. Clarke , atty for pltf.
Order of Hearing on Petition for
Appointment ofAdministrator. f .
In the County Court of Cherry County Neb
To the heirs and to al' ' persons interested m
the es'ate of Alexander Seager , oeceased :
On reading thi petition ot George H. beager
praying that the administration of said estate
be granted foEdga C. Cole as administrator
It is hereby ordered that you , and all persons
interested in said matter , may , and do , appear
at the County Court to he held in and for said
county , on the 9th day of March , A. D. 1907 at
10 o'clock a m. , to show cause , if any there be
why the prayer of the petitioner should not be
granted , and that notice of the pendency of said
pt-tition and that the hearing thereof be given to
all persons interested iu said matter by publish-
a copy of this order in the Valentine Democrat
a weekly newspaper printed in wiid county , for
3 successive weeks prior to said day ot hearing.
' Witness my hand and tr.e seal of .said
SEAL court this 20th day February . D.1907 ,
G 3 County Judge.
Order or Stearins : and Notice on Petit
ion for settlement of Account.
To the heirs and to all persons interested in
the estate of Lucy B. Elliott , deceased :
ON reading the petition of F. Al. Walcott
administrator , praying a final settlement and
allowance of 4ns account tilfd in this court
on the Gth day of March , 1907 ,
It i ? hereby ordered that you , and all per
sons interested in said matter , may , and do ap
pear at the t/ounty Court 10 be held in and for
saidcounty on the 23rd day of March A D 1907 ,
at 2 o'clock p. m. , to show cause , if any there
be why thepiajer the petitioner should not
be granted , and that notice of the pendency of
said petition and that the hearing thereof be
given to all persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this Order in the Valentine
Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said
county , for three successive WCCKS prior to said
day ot hearing ,
8 3 County Judge.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
clerk of the district court , of oherry Counfy , Ne
braska. March 2. 1&07 , uuder a decree of
niortgdgn f.irrclosure. wherein Patrick sullivau
is plaintiff and Olive M Crane ,
May Jones , Uelois Crane , minor heir of Elmer
E. Crane , decrased , and Olive M Crane , and
Charles Larson , executor ot the estate of Elmer
E. Crane , deceased , defendants , 1 will
sell at the frontdoor of the court house in Val en-
tine. Cherry County , Neoraska. that being the
building wherein the last term of said court was
held , on the Gth day of April. 1907 , at 10
o'clocK a. in. to satisfy judgment of S105.00 and
interest at 10 per cent from date ot judgment.
January. 21 , l < xi7 , and costs taxed at 5516.80 aud
accruing costs , at public auction , to the hignest
bidder , fcr cash , th * following described prop
erty , towitISFEtf , NEJfSEh of rfecuon 10 ,
andtheN\V 4SW of section 11 , township 33.
range 30 , iu Cherry coun.y. etiraska.
Dated this 7th day of March , 1907.
P. F. SIvlONS ,
g 5 Sheriff of Cherry County ,
Walcott & Morrissey , Attys. for Pltf.
in Up.
Tins is to certify that G. C. Thompson has on
the 2Gth day of February , 1907 , filed with me iu
Uiver precinct a notice of estray taken up by
him at his place in said precinct to-wit : Cue
bav mare. 5 years old. tinall f-tar in forehead ,
blotched brand on left shoulder , weight about
800 pounds. RICHARD iUO.JMrf.
8 5 Justice ot the Peace , River Precinct
* > Paddis& Oo.
- Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
on If ft
> r thigh.
Some Some branded
-randed on ritih' thigh
| on left or > houider
or thigh
N. S.
Kennedy , Nebraska
riame as cut on
aide and hip , and on' '
eft shoulder of hor-
eft Hide
V 4on iefr
Some cat-
e brand- - „ , . . ,
'd htisk-freOMV 11 ? peg ( either side up ) on
eft side or hip. p ou left Jaw and e t
it her > e- > UJ
UJQ on left hip of homes
fsj * on left Jaw of horses
W BcmiH.1t
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
with 7 on left hip
also same as cut
Range between
Wordon and Snake
creeks aud on thp
Niobrara river
George Heyne
Cody , Neb
Brand registered
No 1027
Horses branded on
left shoulder
Ranee north and
south of Cutcomb
Lake in Cherry Co
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cul on left side
- en left jaw of
V horses.
Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon ,
Postofflce address
Hyannis , Neb
On right side
on left
also cattle
on right sdf
Range lb miles
north of Hvannis
C. H Little.
Merriman , Nebr
On either side
Horses same on
hip Also >
Range Lake Creek
Pat Peiper
Simeon Nehr
Roan Brothers
Woodlake Neb
John Roan's
. slit
i left ear
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
same as cut : also
CJ BE IJ on rijrnt
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
bearing any of these brands
Albert Whipple . & Sons
Rosebud , S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on riehtside
Some cattle also
have a - { - on neck
Some with A on
left shonlder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind quar
ters. Sorn Texas
cattle branded e > O on left side and some
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattir
branded AW bar connected on both sides and
' ffr hio of horsan.
K-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5-cent package s enough lor usual occas
sifins. The family bottle ( CO cents ) contains a
supply for a year. All druggists sell them.
January 15 , 1907.
PerCwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked § 90 § 1700
Shorts , sacked 1 00 19 00
Screenings , sacked 70 13 00
Chop Peed , sacked 1 10 21 00
Corn , sacked 1 00 19 00
Chop Corn , sacked I 05 20 00
Oats , sacked 1 15 22 00
left-tide * < '
cut , 8-inch o >
ind 24-inch circi
. , , -ft
"der ,
Inch" c'rcle. t-ln
, . RRnce--6 ralle south
box. Registered 876. Kange--
Niobrara river.
Irwin on
A _ _ _ _
Parmelee ( JattleOo
RO cbud , S. D.
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
with stripe under
Horses braadefl
left thigh.
Kange on Soldier creek.
Metzger Bros. ,
Cattln branded
anywhere ou left
Earmark , square
crop rigfit ear.
Horses have
same brand on
left thigh.
and Snake Creeks , i
R-uve on Gordon *
cattle with above brauu.
Jos. txristol
Valentine , Nebr.
Range on NIo-
brara river four
miles east of Ft.
Horses and
cattle branded
rsB connected on
left hip or side as
shown in cut
Postofflce address
Hyannis , Neb
Branded on left Bide
Range eighteen miles
north of Ryannis
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
Saudy Williams.
Merriman. Nebr.
Mostly on left
side. Some on
right side.
Horses same on
left shoulder
Range Lake
Creek , S. D.
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cutlef t side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cut on
left side.
Horses 1 !
branded !
on left
Range 6 miles
south of Irwln.
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
same as cut back
right shoulder and
en right hip
Range on the
Postofflce address
Cody , Nebraska
On left *
side. Hor-i
ses left
Range north i.
Cutcomb Lake
Garner Brothers. I !
Cody , Nebr.
Anywhere on cat
H ° rses on left
Range- North
Sawyer Bros.
ostofflce address.
Oasis , Nebr
G' K. Sawyer has
charge of these cat
tle Horses D on
left shoulder. Some
left side
eft tiugn. 01B B. es S8me
on Snake } I
Nebraska Land and Feedimj Co