Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 28, 1907, Image 1

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    Historical Society
raraioff JtftcajB * }
We wish to call your
attention to our ex
tensive line of "Keen
Kutter" tools. We carry at all times a complete
line of carpenter tools , including the best of every
thing in hammers , saws ,
planes , hatchets , auger
bits , bit braces , squares ,
draw knives , chisels , files ,
etc. In fact everything that an up to date carpen
ter will .need. Try one of our "Keen Kutter" axes
or forks. They are tem
pered right , hung right , y _ _
and made right. Always
buy a "Keen Kutter"
pocket knife. We also
have the exclusive sale of
"Manard" spades and shovels. Their are many
imitations of these goods. Always watch the lab
el and accept nothing but a "Manard" and
profit thereby. Each
and every article is
thoroughly guaranteed by us and backed by the
makers. "The recollection of quality remains long
after the price is forgotten. "
Clothing , Suits and Pants , Caps , Underwear - J
wear , Mittens , Shirts , Sweaters ; Ladies' and |
Children's Cloaks , Jackets , Skirts , Shoes. |
D Valentine , Nebr.
Durable Chairs $3.50 set.
Desks § 5.00 to 126.00.
Side Boards $4.50 up.
Stove Boards lOc up.
Established in Vaei.tlne ! since 1885.
IT ,
"Wagons and Buggies
Lumber and Hardware
Pictures Framed to Order.
Lamps , Crockery , Lime , Coal. Paper.
- We- will sell 21 pounds of sugar ,
, . . 1 case of corn , 1 pound 60c tea and
.1 gallon table syrup , all for $3.55
.1. . r
Read the Advertisements.
Jit-dines at tlu 151. K. Church Every
Sunday School begins at 10:00 o'clock
" " '
Preaching 11:00
Junior League " " 2:30 p.m.
Epworth L swrue begins at 6:30 o'c'nck.
Pnwhi , g " " 7:30
KEV. 0. E. COXXKLO , Taster
No , 2 , Daily exwpt aiUimlai 9:45 p. in. , I'ass
No. 0. l , ui > -l:3jii. m. . I'a5
Is'o. 82 , L > aily , except rfimaay . . .4Uj p. m , local
2s'o. 110 , JJ.tily 50a. in , lucu
S'o. 1. Daily , except Sun.iay 0:50 p. in. , I'ass
So. f > , lJalJ > 1:47 a. Jiu , l'ii.s
No. SI. Daily except smuday Ulu a. m , local
Ko. Ill ) , ulousa't c.irry passeugers ) 11:45 p.m.
Talk of the Town.
Buy White Star at Davenport's.
LOST A child's light grey
muff. Reward for return to this
Don't forget the men's meeting
at the M. E. church next Sunday
FOR SALE 1 six room house ,
water in the house , good barn ,
sh clp t coos , uiokvj. . . In
quire if . \
A wonian hung herarms around
tier husband's neck and begged
him to buy her an E Z washing
machine , sold by J. P. Hee'an ,
Arabia , I\Tebr. T 5
No sir , you don't get me to
those meetings at the M. E. j
church any more. I got enough
the other night. Ha. ha , ha. It's '
the dog that's hit that always i
howls. i
Albert Fairchild and family
moved np from Bee m or the first
of the week and has moved into
the house south of R. A. Mc-
Quacle's. Mr. Fairchild has a
homestead near Marsh lake.
Jake Stetter buys cattle and
hogs and anything the farmers
have to sell. Office is where
Lee's barber shop was , east side
of Main street. If you want to
buy or sell anything see me. No
deal is too large and none are too
small. J. W. STETTETC ,
50 Valentine , Neo.
Say. who hit you ? Why. Cap
tain Houston gave me aside swipe
last Sunday night that knocked i
me off -my pins. How ? Oh ! he
just handed me one of those gospel
swipes that makes a f.ellow feel j
sick. Why didn't you hit him ? j
What's the use in hitting back i
when von know vou j'Kt got \vhit ;
you deserved. If you don't want
to get hit quit your meanness or
take your medicine.
Miss Mary Becker and Thomas
Jelly were married by Jurlge
Towne in this city last Sunday
morning , Feb. 2 ± , 1907. Miss
Becker is the oldest daughter of
Martin Becker , who lives several
miles northeast of town. Mr.
Jelly had been employed as team
ster at Fort Niohrara until its
abandomnenkcv ! , bo wenr to
Fort , Wyp _ in charge
of a car load mules and where he
is now employed as corral boss.
Mr. and Mrs. Jelly and Henry
Becker , Martin Becker's oldest
boy , departed for Ft. Mackinzie
The coming' season gives evidence of a decided - * to
? cided popularity for trimmings "and braids. The tote
K . . showings in these particular lines are novel and tote tote
and in . the lines of to
new surpass .every way previous tote
years. We have just received a nice".assortment ? of to
this stuff comprising the Soutach Braids , the popu rte
lar Pull Braids , the Motiif Trimmings and new tote
4 ? to
patterns in Pearl Buttons. When you are planning' ' * ' tote
your new dress look our line over. You will be tote
pleased. . ' - - tote
George Carnm's Little Girl
is Burned to Death = =
Barn , Two Horses and a
Calf also is Burned
Arlola < arorn. the 6
vcaroM tiau ihlH.roi ; Mr. , a rid Mrs.
Gee > C 'arniu , riving two miles north
of town , was burned to death in
the flames which consumed their
barn Monday about 11 o'clock a.
in. The little girl and James , a
brother , 9 or 10 years old , were
playing in the barn when the girl
struck a match and dropped it
down into the manger from the
hay mow. Jaraes va. down below
anl ; f-a\v the ma'.oh fall. H tried
to the fire but did '
put out not sue-
ceed and ran to the In.ns i'or help. \
Mr. Camui and his two older chil
dren ran to the barn but found the
flames too hot to go through.
Miss Hazel ran back into the barn
three times but was driven back
by the flames. She heard her sis
ter scream and made a heroic ef
fort to reach her but the flames
drove her back. She then tried
to untie the horses but had to give
way to the rush of the flames
which filled the barn and burned
her eyebrows and hair from the
front and side of her head.
The barn was soon burned to
the ground arid left the charred
remains of the little girl , apparent
ly crouched in the hay next to
the wall at the north end of the
barn. Beside her lay the' charred
j remains of 1W little dog that stay-
| e * I with her and was found close
beside her nestled together.
j The big fine black team lay on
j their right sides just a > they had
! stood in the bini : with tlieir heads
to the south , and roasted black.
A little calf in the south end of
the barn was burned to a crisp. -
Several sets of harness and oth
er articles were burned.
| The child was dug out of the
1 cinders and a mass of half burned
hay , burned beyond recognition ,
almost , and the funeral was held
at the house during the afternoon ,
conducted by Rev. Beale. A
number of neighbors quickly
gathered after the fire and lent
what assistance was possible. The
body was laid to rest in Mt. Hope
cemetery southeast of town.
Mr. Camrn had some insurance
on the stable and horses. It was
only a few years ago that Mr.
Camra lost a little girl , being run
over by a wagon.
r * i t
ft tft UJ Mil El
We are through invoicing' and have odds and
' " & * - § & - * ' . -
-ends of different lirie&to ese out at a bargain.
"We have .got a lot of shoes and shirts which-
we will sell below "cost. Come and see.
what you have to sell.
what you want to buyl" :
A * r"
Call and see us. Phone 23
* * ' ' RFNFRAi"
s F\ . isZ.1 I -I wt\a.VVj wL-iLuHL
vir ryW'nrytfys. rir Y3
Chartorpd as a State Bank Chartered is a National Bank
n 3 , 1884. August 12,1902 ,
The , L BAN
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
PAID IN A General Banking
2 Exchange and
O , Collection Business.
G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vicfr-President.
1VF. V. NTOHOT OK , Cashier.
v' ' STX 1 % . TTr' " 5 * 7A 5 y / v TV T1T 'R 7"
ti llryl lCyS 1 a 9 l\I 8V
sKJ l H Ja- < aA H\x ! -B 4 Ja\ a
Tobaccos and Cigars.i ;
\ ' > a ; Canned Goods ? Lunch Counter.
Phone ry-8
lif S
First das'- line of Speaks. Roasts ,
Drv Salr MUAK Smoke i
Breakfast ! > ; - n.
Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs.
We Can Sathfv Y u io OiwUtv