Engine drivers working from Crcwe fo London and back have to notice no fewer than 570 signals. Fl T Ci * * T'tUi ' * Dane * nJ Ml rVervoui Dlttatei I O I'crmuncntly Cured > > y Jr" Kllne' t r : t Nerve Reitorer. Scud for Free ISU trl l lx > Ul and trentiw. Oli. It. II. KLINE , LJ. , ell Arch Street , Philadelphia , IV Heatlier will last longer out or water than almost any other flower. Mrn. TEVlnloW DooTKXXa DT U ? tor fMtblnxi oftoTU tbe rnru , rcdnosi Inflmucnion. ! m pain. COTM wind ootlc. 25 oasu a bottl * . Positively cured by these Little Pills. Tliey also rellere Dis tress from Dyspepsia , In digestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness. Nausea , Drowsiness , Bad Taste la the Mouth , Coated Tongue ; Pain In the Side , TORPID LIVER. They regulate tbe Bowels. Purely "Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SHALL PRICE CARTERS Genuine Must Bear 1TTLE Fac-Simile Signature IVER PILLS. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Ely's Cream Balm is quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at Once. It cleanses , soothes , heals and' protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh , end drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. { Restores the Senses of Taste and SmelL jFull size 50 eta. at Druggists or by mail ; ( Trial siza 10 cts. by mail. Elv Brothers , 56 Warren Street , Now York. For Baby's First Bath and < Subsequent Baths. Because of its delicate , emollient , sanative , anti septic properties derived from Cuticura , united with .the purest of saponaceous ingredients and most re freshing of flower odours , Cuticura Soap is all that the fondest of fond mothers de- 'siresforcleansingpreserving and purifying the skin , scalp , hair and hands of infants and children. Guaranteed abso lutely pure and may bo used from the hour of birth. Depots : Ixmdon. 27 Charterhouse Sq. : Paris. 5 JUie de ! a Pals : Potter Drue & Chem. Corp. . Boston. D.B. A. . SolePropa. co-Post-Iree. Cuticura Boot ee < Jle i App1 Treen cb 98. Fruit eeraltn. Aenb ft. I nutod. T\rltt Western > ur erle , fcroenwood , Mo Our' catalogue jontains a choice collection of teed , with clear direc tions for cultivat ing each variety. J. J. . GREGORT It 80.1 , Urfalfh * d.lltts. A Pretty Experiment. A very pretty effect may be produced by using some aniline dye in powdered form in alcohol. Fill a small glass with the alcohol and drop the smallest portion of the dye on its surface. It will shoot down through the liquid , like a strand of color , dividing into two branches , which will subdivide again and again until you have , apparently , an inverted plant In miniature growing before your eyes. An arrangement of mirrors may be made to throw the re flection of this on a screen or a wall , and the enlarged shadows will be verj Interesting to watch. DON'T DESPAIR. It cud the Experience of a Minnesota "Woman and Take Heart. If your back aclies , and you feel sick , languid , weak and miserable day after day don't wor ry. Doan's Kidney Pills have cured thou sands of women in the same condition. Mrs. A. IJeirnan , of Still water , Minn. , says : "But for Doan's Kidney Pills -would not be living now. They cured me in 1899 and I've been well since. I used to have such pain in my back that once I fainted. The kidney secretions were much disordered , and I was so far gone that I was thought to be at death's door. Since Doan's Kidney Pills cured me I feel as if I had been pulled back from the tomb. " Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co. , Buffalo. N. Y. Trouble for Xothinsr. To smuggle a human skeleton into Canada from Detroit a medical stu dent dressed it in female attire and. seating it by his side in a buggy , cross ed over the boundary line. After he got safely into his house he learned that there is 110 custom duty on skele tons. Her Coolciiifir "Wax IJnd. Mrs. Burnitt I can't keep a cook to save my life. The Doctor Well , you'll have to keep one if you want to save your husband's life. HomeOIntlo Cntnrrli Cure. Any one can mix at home the best remedy of its kind kuown. The name "Cyclone" is given to the follow ing prescription , it is supposed , be cause of its promptness iu driving from the blood and system every vestige of catarrhal poison , relieving this foul and dread disease , no matter where located. To prepare the mixture : Get from any good pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion , one ounce Com pound Kargon and three ounces Com- pouud Syrup Sarsaparilla. Shake well and use in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime. This is a harmless , inexpensive mix ture , which has a peculiar action upo'ii the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys , assisting them to filter and strain from the blood and system all catarrhal poisons , which , if not eradicated , are absorbed by the mucous membrane , and an open sore or catarrh Is the re sult. Prepare some and try It , as it is the prescription of an eminent catarrh spe cialist of national reputation. Eleven thousand couples have been married by Rev. Dr. Mitchell , of Souti Leith , Scotland , during his ministerial ca/ reer. 1S47-1007. Siity years ago Allcock's Plasters were were first introduced to the public. They are to-day the world's standard plasters. This invention has been one of the greatest blessings imaginable and affords the quickest , cheapest and best means of healing and relief for certain ailments , that has ever been discovered. Allcock's are the original and genuine porous plasters and are sold by druggists in every part of the civilized world. The cow tree of Venezuela gives off an excellent sap very closely resembling ani mal milk in its chemical nature. How to Trap Wild Animals. 40-pape trap hook illustrated , picture 46 wild animals in natural colors , also bar- ometer& calendar , aiso gun & trap catalog ; also prices on raw furs. All sent post paid forldc stamps or silver. FllEE to those who ship to , or buy of us. Address Fur Dept , X.V. . Bide & ' Fur Co. , Minneapolis , Minn. Russia suffers from forest fires. It is aot unusual for fire to destroy 250,000 icres of forest a year. Only One "BROMO rhat Is LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. Slml- arly named remedies sometimes deceive. The arst and original Cold Tablet is a WHITE PACKAGE with black and red lettering , and bears the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c. The wall in frout oC Glasgow cathedral is built almost entirely of tombstones. < . . -A. c C E fcdl ni ht lon from I eL or rheumatism iic iit i i ) c b f ; Po kills tke g.sdn quiets the .7 .7si nerves dhd induces sleep siVI AteJi < dealers. Price 25c 50c &HQO s inti ti tiCJ The Senate passed the army appropria tion bill carrying $81,000,000 , Monday. The amendment to permit the govern ment to accept reduced rates on army supplies and officers and enlisted men to nccept reduced transportation was defeat- ? d by a point of order. An amendment increasing by 20 per cent the pay of offi cers an.l enlisted men also was defeated by si point of order. Amendments were accepted to build monuments to Revolu tionary officers , as follows : To General John Si ark. an equestrian statue at Man chester. X. IL , $40,000 ; a statue to Gen eral Xntlniniel Green at Guilford Court House , X. C. . $ lfuOO ; a statue to Gen- 9"al James Schrivncr at Midway , Ga. . $3- 000. Senator Carter secured the adop tion of an amendment placing William IT. Crook on the retired list as a major. Mr. Cicok s * r\ed as a private through the Civil War and ever since has been em ployed as a clerk at the White House. Semi tor Berry wesented an argument for the expulsion of Senator Smoot on the ground that the Mormon church advo cates the doctrine of polygamy , and held hat the ? Hiate could exclude any Senator by a majorilj vote. A special message Was received from the President urging ( ho ennclnvnt of a bill to grant white rsonsvlio have intermarried in the Cherokee Xation sixty days in which to dispose o improvements on lands from which they have been di.spossesed. Bills relating to the District of Columbia were considered in the rtouse. In committee of the whole the House went on record in favor of a flat 4-cent street railway fare , with a 'rrevision for eight tickets for 25 cents , in the District of Columbia , but in tle House the amendment was declared defeated. Thereupon the point of "no quouim" uas made , and the House at . " :10 : p. in. adjourned. During the ses sion the Indian appropriation bill Was sent to conference , the House managers being Sherman of Xew York , Lacey of Iowa , and Stephens of Texas. The Senate occupied Tuesday in argu ment on the bill granting the government the right to take an appeal on points of law in criminal cases. Xo action was taken on the measure. The District of Columbia appropriation bill , carryin 910.T24.o32 , an increase of $ OST,29S over the amount as passed by the House , was reported and notice has been given that the hill would be put on its passage Wed nesday. The new Santo Domingo treaty was received from the President. After the passage of a number of bills under unanimous consent , the House in commit tee of the whole considered the naval ap propriation bill. While the bill was un der consideration Mr. Sluyden of Texas made an address in which he declared the rumored dancer of war with Japan as ridiculous. The army appropriation bill , the fortifications appropriation bill' and the omnibus light house bill were sent to conference. The Senate Wednc.sd.-jy passed the bill giving the government the right to appeal to the Supreme Court for a construction of the constitutionality of any law in volved in a criminal suit. The District of Columbia appropriation bill , carrying nearly $11,000.000 , was passed. The bill establishing an agricultural bank in the Philippines was taken up , aud the Philip pine tariff bill , which passed the House at the last session , was interposed as an amendment by Senator McCreary. No action resulted on either the bill or the ! amendment. The conference report on the immigration bill was received and read , but action was deferred. A message from President Roosevelt urging consid ration of legislation affecting the public lands was received and read. The firs night session of the Senate during the present session was held to consider prl rate pension bills. The House consid jred the naval appropriation bill. The ipproprialion for a steel floating dry dock to cost not exceeding $1,400,000 was stricken out on a point of order by Mr Mann of Illinois. After completing forty- ive pages of the naval bill the House ad journed. _ . . . An attempt in the Senate Thursday to ; orce action on the conference report on : ho immigration bill , carrying an amend- nent designed to settle the Japanese con- roversy. resulted in a filibustering move- ncnt headed by Senators Bacon and Till- nan. A truce was finally declared until Friday. The agricultural appropriation )511 gave rise to considerable discussion m the proposed increase in the salary > f the chief of the forestry bureau. Xo ! ction was taken. Senator Knox made an iddress in defense of the right of Senator Smoot to his seat. The naval appropria- iou bill occupied the entire time of the louse , and it was almost completed. The ingle remaining section is that increasing he naval establishment. rational Canital IVotcs. Representative Ilopbnru introduced a iill to prevent the .sale of adulterated ol aisbranded .seed. The Senate parsed a bill placing th ; ontrol of the 1'unamu railroad under thf isthmian canal commission. The Semite committee on public lands onsidered the bill advocated by the ad- linistration to reserve lands which have eretofore been open to entry. The Perkins expatriation ' bill , provid- ig that five years' resid'ence outside the fnited States shall make an alien of any itixen , was ordered favorably reported y the House committee- foreign af- lirs. lirs.The The Indian appropriation bill was re- orted to the Senate. It carries $14,509- 10 , a net increase of $0,300,132 over the ill as passsed by the House. c The ere lent ials of Jonathan Bournek r. , electrtl to the Senate for Oregon for x years beginning March 4 next , ivere iceived in the Senate and placed on file. ( . 'hairing Shouts conferred with the resident aud Thomas J. Dolan , secre- iry of the International Brotherhood of team Shovelers and Dredgemen , about creasing the salaries of those engaged in tat branch of work on the Panama mal , * JAP MUDDLE ENDS. Pulled Siat ; .M , Japan and Californln Unit' ? In Agrrceiuuiit. According to Washington advices a final settlement has been reached of the vexatious Japanese question. It is entirely satisfactory to the President , to the Japanese , and to the California representatives , a correspondent as serts. Action already has beeii taken by Congress , sin amendment has been made to the immigration bill , and the Japanese representatives in Washing ton have notified the President that it is entirely satisfactory to them. It provides for the exclusion of Jap anese coolies from the in inland of the United States , but allows them to be admitted as at present to the Hawaiian Islands. This is' all the Californiaus have ever asked. In return for the actual exclusion of Orientals they will rescind their resolution segregating the Japanese school children. In settling the difficulties Avhic-h have required the consent and advice of the Prer Mit , CVigress , and the municipal authorities of San Francisco , the rarest and most delicate diplomacy has been manifested. The wording of the amendment leaves the execu tion of the decree of exclusion in the hands of the President exclusively. In this way , if the California people fail to carry out their part of the agree ment , the , , President will allow the Japanese to come into the United States until Congress takes positive a * - tion. tion.The The amendment as adopted makes it possible for the President to wait for the School Board of San Francisco to admit the Japanese pupils to the schools on equal terms with other children once more before barring out adult pu pils , of whom the people of California are particularly afraid. Mayor Schmitz and his colleagues from San Francisco would not agree to restore the children until they had some guarantee that .T.-ipan would agree to a treaty of ex clusion. * The amendment agreed upoi > ny the Conference Committee is automatic in its action , aud gives the President the necessary power without regard to Japan. On the other hand , the Japanese would not sign a treaty as a matter of national pride until after their children had boon given the same status as oth er aliens on the Pacific slope. n n rrr i nr s-rk tfiiiM&lP f $ * IlllW ffigfr > ' # t& ' * * SS &r S- The method of financing the heavy car and equipment expenditures of the Penn sylvania railroad has been disclosed by the filing of leases by two trust com panies for the use of 19,537 freight cars during a term of ten years at a valuation of $24,000.000. The leased cars are con trolled and managed by the Pennsylvania directors. A yearly rental of one-tenth the cost of the cars is to be paid. Railroads are becoming keenly alive to the disadvantage of photographic evi dence of disasters. The wide publication of pictures of ghastly scrap heaps of lo comotives and cars is much more effective than columns of print in arousing public sentiment to the increasing railway death roll , and it is now a general rule on all roads to remove the wreckage as rapidly is possible. Commerce Commissioner Lane , in his report to the President upon the western car shortage says he found no evidence sustaining the charge that the railroads were party to a conspiracy to maintain the price of coal , but that such an agree ment had been entered by the coal deal- ? rs. One of the chief reasons for the shortage of cars was the overwhelming grain crop in the Northwest , and that but 30 per cent of the crop had been shipped. Again it is said that trainmen and en gineers are overworked and that there is i pernicious system on all the big rail roads of making trouble for the "safe" engineer who fails to make the time re quired by schedule. There can be no 3oubt that many lines have failed to fully jr properly adopt the various safety de- rices and systems developed by practical railroading. Then there are a lot of ivretchedly constructed cars running ibout the country that are death traps ven in minor assidents. The railroads spent fully Jiree-quorters af a billion dollars during 190G in the jffort to take care of the traffic which has nearly overwhelmed them. Of this vast ; um , according to the Railway Age , fully 1)350,000,000 was expended for new equip- nent and power. The year broke oil rec- ) rds for new cars , the total , according to : he Age. being 313,400. and according to : he Railroad Gazette , 243,670. in loco- notive building the year was not quite Hiual to 1905. In 190G there were about 5.050 locomotives built , which is about 323 less than the previous year. The car ) uilding was divided between the freight uul passenger as follows : Freight , 310.- K)0 ) ; passenger. 3.400. Of the freight % : ars , 142,172 , or 40 per cent , were con structed of steel uuderframes ; ? nl the 'ullman company has about completed its Irst all steel car and is going to adopt ; teel as its future standard. The balance f the expenditures referred to was for milding 0,000 miles of railroad. The grand jury which has been inves igating the accident on the Pennsylvania ailroad near Atlantic City made a pre- entment , exonerating the aged bridge- ender , Daniel Stuart , who was held by he coroner's jury , and censuring the rail- oad management for faulty construction f the bridge. They say that there were 10 signals at either end of the bridge to how that the rails were connected. Western railroad managers reached an greement at Chicago to grant increased ; ages to engineers , aggregating over $5- 00,000 a year , and affecting over 15,000 icn on all lines west of Chicago Is acknowledged to be the most suc cessful remedy in the country for those , painful ailments peculiar to women. F5r more than 30 years it has hecn curing Female Complaints , such as Inflammation , and Uloera- tibn , Flailing1 and Displacements , ancl consequent Spinal Weakness , Backaclie , and'is peculiarly adapted to the Change of Life. Records show that it has cured more cases of Female Ills than anyr other one remedy known. I Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage gf development. Dragglng'Sensationscausing- paOi.weight , and headache are relieved and permanently cured By its use. It corrects Irregularities or Painful functions , Weakness of the Stomach. Indigestion. Bloating , Nervous Prostration. Headache , Gene ral Debility ; also , Dizziness. Faintness Extreme Lassitude. "Don'b care andwanttobeleftalone" feeling , Irritability , NervousnessSleeplessness , .Flatulency , Melancholia or the "Blues. " These are sure indications of female weakness or some orprrr" - derangement. For Kidney Complaints rtiliier sex Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a most excellent A-emedy. Mrs. Pinklnam's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs Pinkham , Lynn , Mass , for advice. She is the Mrs , Pinkham who has been advising sick women free of charge for more than twenty years , and before that she assisted her mother-in-law Lydia E. Pinkham in advising. Thus she is well qualified to guide sick 'women back to health. Her advice is free and always helpful. toSSK iV.Vl .c-.J'jtf ' * ; - , , - ; : ' tftfy W ? , . ; : > & ! < ; { ' ti I-VJ . .i # , * * . . 88M < * jSf Sfeoss are made for genuine comfort It * * & ] a aplc23ure and relic" to t e ; hcnr. ? ere arc no buttons ( o button laces m m m 2o lace. You juat slip them on and off at will. The elastic at the sides expands and * m contracts vrith the natural motion of the Xz "foot , insuring psrlccl case and comfort. Can be worn all year round. Three styles , low , medium and high. Your dealer rail supply you. If not , write to us. Loci ; for the came and trade-mark on the sole. We also make the popular "Wesfsrn Lady * * shoes. ft * m FOCjQ Send the name of a dealer who docs nc ! haadfc. S\L/Li f < larlfe3 Was&Jngioa" ehoea and & > 1 > we will send you free , postpaid , a beautiful picture of "Martha Washington , " size 1&20. v S F , Mayer Boot & Shoe Co 9 f-M safeST ( . Milwaukee , Wis. m * T 5t ! U ? Z : & How to Exercise the Bowels Your Intestines are lined inside with 9 millions of little suckers , that draw the Nutrition out of food as it passes them. But , if the food passes too slowly. It decays before it gets through. Then the little suckers draw Poison from it instead of Nutrition. This Poison makes a. Gas that injures your system more than the food should have nourished it. You see , the food is Nourishment or Poison , just according to how long it stays In transit. -/N A The usual remedy for Cascarets are as safe- this delayed passage to uss constantly as they ( called Constipation ) is to take a big dose of Castor Oil. This merely makes slippery the passage for unloading the current cargo. It does not help the Cause of delay a trifle. It does slacken theBowel-Musclesmore than ever , and thus weakens them for their next task. Another remedy is to take a strong Cathartic , like Salts , Calomel , Jalap , Phospate of Sodium , Aperient Water , or any of these mixed. What does the Cathartic do ? It mere flushes-out the Bowels with a. waste of Digestive Juice , set flowing into the Intestines through the tiny suckers. * * * But , the Digestive Juice we waste in doing this today is needed for tomorrow's natural Digestion. We cannot afford to lose it. That's why Cascarets are the only safe medicine for the bowels. Govern' 1" W W" W Iff" M W M JS f \ FREE fARMS ) ver 200.0CO American farmers who have settled Q Canada during the past few years testif j to the act that Canada is , beyond question , the greatest firming land in the world. ) ver Ninety Million Bushels f wheat from the harvest of 1906 , means good icney to the farmers of Western Canada when he world has to be fed. Cattle raising , Dairying , Hxed Farming are also probable callings. Coal , rood , water in abundance ; churches and schools onvenient ; markets easy of access. Taxes low. For advice and information address the uperintendent of Immigration , Ottawa , Canada. r the authorized Canadian Government Agent , if. D. Scott , Superintendent of Immigration , ittawa , Canada , or E. T. Holmes. 315 Jackson t. , St. Paul , Minn , and I. M. MacLachlan , Box 16 , Watertown , So. Dakota. Authorized Govern- lent Agents. Please say where jron saw this advertisaiarst. MENTION TfTIS PAPER WCEK wam.i to They do not waste any precious fluid of the Bowels , as Cathartics do. They do not relax the Intestines by greasing them inside like Castor Oil or Glycerine. They simply stimulate the Bowel Muscles to do their work naturally , com fortably , and nutritiously. And , the Exercise these Bov/el Muscles are thus forced to take , makes them stronger for the future , just as Ezercise makes your arm stronger. * are pleasant to take. They are purposely put up like candy , so you must eat them slowly ancl let them go down gradually with the saliva , -which is in itself , a fine , natural Digestive. They are put up purposely in thin , flat , round-cornered Enamel boxes , so they can be carried in a man's vest pocket , erIn In a woman's purse , all the time , without bulk or trouble. Price lOc a box at all druggists. Be very careful to get the genuine , . made only by the Sterling Remedy Com pany and never sold in bulk. Every tablet" stamped "CCC. " OUR. FRIENDS I We want to scad to onr friends a beantifni French-designed GOLD-PLATED BONBON BOX bard-enzmelsd in colors. It is a beaaty for the dressing table. Ten cents in stamps is asked as a measure of good fajth and to cover cost of Cascar ets with whlcFtEIFdainty trinket is loaded. Send to-day , mentioning this paper. Address Sterling Remedy Company , Chicago or KevYorlc. . FARMS FG8 HEHT JT. MULHALL. SIOUX CITT. KB S. C. X. TJ. - - Xo. 8 1907. To convince any woman that Pax- tlno Antiseptic will improve her health 3Rd do all Te claim It send her absolutely free a large trial box of Paxtine with book of instruo- tions and genuine testimonirls. Send your name and address on a postal card. cleanses and heals mucous m e m - brane af fections , such as nasal catarrh , pelvic catarrh and inflammation caused by femi nine ills ; sore eyes , sore throat and mouth , by direct local treatment. Its cur ative power over these troub'les Is extra ordinary and gives Immediate relief. Thousands of women are using and rec ommending it every day. co cents at druggists orbymaU. Eemember , however , IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO TKTIT THE K. PAXTON CO. , Boston ,