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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1907)
I "Chancre" to De "Ladylike. " The governors of the New Yorlc stock exchange have issued an order that hereafter there shall be no run ning on the lloor. The new rule does not please tlie brokers , who fear that the dearest tradition of the exchange , noise and hurly-burly , is threatened. It is protested that further reforms in tuis direction will make the exchange - change such a "ladylike" * affair that It will no longer be one of the pic turesque sights of the great city. Springfield Republican. If ? ; BABY TORTURED BY ITCHING. Covered Face and Feet Would . Cry Until Tired Out Had "Cradle Cap , " Too Speedy Cure by Cnti- cura. "My baby was about nine months old when she had rash on her face aad feet Her feet seemed to irritate her most , especially nights. They would cause her to be broken in ber rest , and sometimes she would cry until she was .tired . out. I had always used Cuticura iSoap myself , and had heard of so many 'cures by the Cuticura Remedies that I thought I would give them a trial. The 'improvement ' was noticeable in a few \ \ hours , and before I had used one box of the Cuticura Ointment ber feet were well and have never troubled her since. I also used it to remove what | ls'"known as "cradle cap" from her head , and it worked like a charm , as ! t cleansed and healed the scalp at the ! same time. Now I keep Cuticura Oiiit- jment on hand in case of any little rasher or insect bites , as it takes out the in- fflammation at once. Perhaps this may jibe the means of helping other suffering ibabies. Mrs. Hattie Currier , Thomas- ton , Me. , June 0 , 1906. " Of the seven Presidents France has had paly one has served a full term. ; How's This ? ' We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward , ior ai > y case of CatJrrh that cannot be cured by IlalUs Catarrh Cure. , F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. We , the undersigned , have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years , and believe iJJlui perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his Urin. ' f I WALDING , RINNAN & MARVIN , fI I TT . Wholesale Druggists. Toledo , O. Halls Catarrh Cure is ' 1 taken in'ternallv , 1I I acting directly the 1 upon blood and mucous I surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent irce. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. There are four millionaires in Great Britain to one in France. M PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT IB guaranteed to cure any , case of Itching , Blind , Bleeding or ProtrudIng - ! Ing Piles In 0 to 14 days or money refunded , 1 SOc. /I IIo-.v Colors Affect Mentality. i CThere are good and evil effects even ' jn trolor , not only in the inartistic ar- . - rangeinent of them to the trained eye of an artist , but in plain every-day red > -and blue and green , to say nothing of Vcothers. j According to Medical Talk for the rHome , if a person were confined in a prooin with purple walls , with no color , but purple around him , by the end of a ; jnouth lie would be a raving madman. Scarlet lias even worse effects. Blue is . ; .very depressing ; hence "the blues. " < ; reen is quite soothing , and yellow also has good effects on the vision and j spirits of most people. H PROVE EVERY GLAIiHl ! Williams' Pink Pills a Specific 1 For Anaemia and a Safe Family Medicine. When the body becomes run down either as a result of overwork , worry , or a severe illness , an examination of ! the blood would show it to be weak and watery. This condition is called t anaemic , which is the medical term ; ; or "bloodless. " The common symp- 'ionis are paleness of the lips , gums . .and cheeks , shortness of breath and , ; -palpitation of the heart after the slightest exertion , dull eyes and loss Tof appetite. Mr. Louis L. Clark , a painter , of 19 Lincoln Place , Plainfield , N. J. , says : "Last May I was obliged to undergo an operation for appendicitis and IHeig j-while the operation in itself was successful - Brea , -cessful , I did not recover my strength Helg and health. I was confined to my bed Brea ; for over a month and was under the oc ' 'doctor's ' care. When I was able to get up my legs were so weak and un- Beer jsteady that I could only walk with a are cane with difficulty. " side "I was getting no better and could -not think of going back to work. I 'ivas discouraged , when a neighbor told me that Dr. Williams' ink Pillr had cured her and advised me to tr them. I began taking them about the mer middle of June and soon felt so much wer better that I kept on and was cured. erw Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured - wou ed rheumatism , chlorosis , after-effects In * of the grip and fevers , and , as the mar N ' .health of tlie nerves depends upon the arti < , 'purityof the blood invaluable , they are > m zine i able in neuralgia , nervous debility , artil sleeplessness , dizziness and even lo- comotor ataxia anfl paralysis. phia i Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by tota all druggists or sent , postpaid' on re frou ceipt of price , 50 cents per .box , six ners 5 boxes $2.50 , by the Dr. Williams Med- foun slclne Co. , Schenectady , N.-Y. nese i * i.t/-w aA .j Ma. a.j. inions of Great Papers on important Subjects. * § ABOUT 1IASEIAGE. IIEI E appears to be a tendency these days' to put off the Question of marriage until/pne has reached the age which might weir be called the "age of indiscretion."Decrepit bachelors totter to the altar to exchange the vows of matrimony with acrid spinsters where once two youthful lovers stood. It has been said , with reason , perhaps , that the ten dency to postpone marriage has grown'up with the in creased cost of living and the desire of the man to attain financial independence before requesting a woman to share his lot with him. But there is another reason. In these days no man is so old at any given age as bis father was before him. To-day the young man of 25 is looking backward rather than forward. He is more engaged in regretting the good times of his college ftdays than in mapping out his future. Nothing tends more to the wak ing of the responsibility in a young man than marriage. It is the natural order of things that every'man should take under his protection and care one woman. For her ' he works , for ber be plans and for her he lives. Jour well-groomed , well-fed , well-bred bachelor of 50 may impress you as one who is leading a useful life. lie may be a cog in that great machine known as the world of commerce. He may be an eminent member of the bar or a leading member of the medical profession. But he has disregarded the greatest law of nature. Marrying late in life is a decided mistake. It is shown by the records of the divorce courts. One marries in youth because one feels the need of a kindred spirit on this little journey to the grave. One marries hi old age through whim or wheedling. It is given to man to love and live but once. If we miss this , why live at all ? Des Moiiies News. A NEW FARMER'S UNION. IORMER attempts to unionize the fanners of the United States haye generally ended in politics and disaster. The Grange and the Farmers' Alliance , while they lasted , had some power , but they passed away as soon as politicians began to control them. The "Farmers' Union , " recently born in Texas , and now numbering nearly 1,000,000 members , is organized on different lines. Instead of trying fo force down the prices of goods they buy , its members aim to get better prices for what they sell. They aim , by cut ting out middlemen in both buying and selling , to get the best possible prices for farm products. The new "Farmers' Union" is allied with the labor organizations of the various States and with the Ameri can Federation of Labor. The union is strongest as yet in the South and West , but if present gains continue for a year there will be 4,000,000'organized farmers in America , or nearly 50 per cent of the entire farming population. This is perhaps the first time that farmers have en tered the ranks of union labor for the avowed purpose of forcing up prices. The theory of the new union is that if workingmen , in all'branches of industry , receive high wages they can pay higher prices for farm prod ucts and will consume mqre of them. Th ? farmer and artisan thus pool their interests. The main purpose of the Fanners' Union is to make prices for farm products. The farmers have learned , by repeated experiments , that they can beat grain and NIAGARA IN BRAZIL. tt mMu'KJM.'yl.i.i.xiiy./ . , . . - ' ' , < f f S * ff * * - ' ' ' ' ' - t' * ; CATARACTS OF THE IG UAZU. BETWEEN BRAZIL AXD THE ARGENTINE RKPTTBOC. NIAGARA. Jht of U. S. A. Fall 141 feet idth of U. S. A. Fall 000 " ; ht of Uorseshoe Fall 132 " idth of Uorseshoe Fall 2,745 " 'he ; falls on the Iguazu have been i by very few Europeans , as they accessible only from the Argentine and are about six days' journey Getting : Our Third Teeth. The flippant remark of the druin- from Phihidelphia , that if there e < any gnashing of teeth in the oth- orld ( 75 per cent of the gnashing * ild be doneby artificial teeth made America was not far from the k. " So says II. D. Jones in an cle in the Technical World Maga- . "America leads the world in the ficial tooth industry and Philadel- supplies a large percentage of the 1 ! output. False teeth are shipped n this country to the rcmcte cor- of the earth. They are to be id in the mouths of Japanese , Chl- . Hindoos , and even , it is very like- i . cotton speculators at their own game. When prices are low , they can , through organization , hold back their crops until normal prices again prevail. Even with par tial organization -they have done this repeatedly in the South. Another aim is to establish a system of exchange by which surplus crops of one scvction may be shifted to other sections where there is a shortage , without giving all the profits to middlemen. The principle is to corner the market on the farm , and not in boards of trade. Chicago Journal , A CONSTITUTIONAL WEAKNESS. I HE Constitution of the United States may be , Gladstone said , the most perfect instrument of government ever devised by man ; yet the most ardent patriot , if lie is both intelligent and sincere , will admit that it lias its lit tle weaknesses. One flaw , well known to students of po litical history , has come into new prominence through the action of the San Francisco school board in assign ing Japanese children to separate schools ; namely , the possible inability of the national government to deal with the matter. Unless it can be shown that this action is in violation of some treaty agreement with Japan the government will be helpless. The treaty of 1S94. appar ently secures to Japanese in this country the commercial rights and privileges of the most favored nation. The inability of the government at Washington to re dress international wrongs , when the wrongdoer is a State of > the Union , has been the cause of serious diplo matic embarrassment in the past , and will undoubtedly cause dilliculty many times in the future. The case of the Italians who were lynched in New Orleans is still fresh in memory. Foreign governments demanding redress of grievances are not satisfied with a statement that the national gov ernment is powerless , that the police power is vested in the States , for they do not deal with States but with the nation. The ability of a State to do with impunity things which may direct the enmity of a foreign nation against the whole United States is a source of weakness , not of strength. Youth's Companion. UTILITY OF POLAR BESEABCH. T will have to be admitted that even in the world of science and of statesmanship opin ions differ as to the utility of modern ex ploring expeditious into the extreme north and south , although the weight of opinion among scientists would perhaps lean to the view of the Pearys and the Amundsens and the Abruzzis. Among these , no doubt , the love of adven ture and the ambition to be the winner of "the last great geographical prize which the world has to offer" are potent motives , but so it must be remembered was it the case with the explorers of three and four centuries ago. In the latter case commercial grain also entered as a moving force , but for all that their achievements were one of the chief inspirations of the New Learning and aroused the spirit of enterprise and daring that founded empires and discovered new worlds. So far as tiie past is concerned it will not be disputed that the deeds of the voyagers into tlie unknown were worth all they cost. They helped to teach men habits of close observation and to realize that all- facts concerning the earth were related. Philadelphia Ledger. VICTORIA FALLS ON ZAMBESI. Height 330 feet Breadth 5,400 " On the Niger Lenfant discovered even larger falls. from Buenos Ayres. They lie almost at the intersection of the frontiers of Paraguay , Brazil snd the Argentine. The upper fall makes a leap of ISO feet , and then the river rushes in ae - ly. assisting in the mastication of the daily rations of the Zulus of South Africa. Indeed , it is not beyond the limit Of possibility that caimilxil feasts are conducted with the aid of Ameri can-made artificial teeth. "The largest plant in the world for the making of artificial teeth is to be found in Philadelphia. The industry has grown to its present mammoth pro portions within a comparatively short time , for the dentist , of old days made the teeth for liis customers in a room adjoining the operating department. They were usualy ill-fitting and , being made from bone or ivory , 'would not stand the wear long. Tlie discovery of IGUAZU , BRAZIL. Height 210 feet Extent of cataracts 3 % miles The energy of the falls is about 14,000- $ 000 horse power. ries of wonderful cataracts round two sides of an island. Just below the isl $ and there is another leap of 70 feet The spectacle is one of the most mag nificent in the world. a way to make false teeth by a compo sition that was practically indestruct ible marked the beginning of a new era 2 iu the ability of the human family to repair the ravages of time. " Wisdom. do Candidates , . _ . _ " . are rarely consistent , p. remarked the voter. "Whafs the trouble ? " 'They say they rely on the wisdom of the common people ; but they insist on giving us nothing but brass bards and comic pictures. " Washington Star. 11 Everything comes to the man whc lets the other fellow do the waiting CIAL CHICAGO. Trade conditions in the Chicago district - . trict , according to the weekly review is sued by R. G. Dun & Co. , continue en couraging in spite of the snow blockades and other unfavorable factors. Continu-1 ing , the report says : " ' New demands for ra'vv and heavy finished - ished materials remain , strong , , with the average cost for supplies-a trifle higher. More firmness appears in , 'hides , leather and lumber , and their absorption is larger than a month agor Railroad extensions involve much buy ing of various materials for early use , and new plans for buildings , track elevation and other improvements exceed in amount ; those of a year ago. It is now certain that the pressure upon capacity is to become - ' come more extended in rails , pig iron and car building. The ship yards are unable to accept further orders for this year's , deliverj- . Distributive trade exhibits an expan sion which would be of notable proportions tions were transportation facilities and weather better. Increasing numbers of visiting buyers operate in spring and summer wares , orders - ders exceeding those at this time last year in the textiles , boots and shoes , food products - ducts , men's furnishings , carpets and other - er household needs. Marketings of the principal grains show further increase , ( those of corn being doubled , and the gen- ' eial demand for breadstuffs and provisT ! ions is stronger. | Failures reported in the Chicago disj j trict numbered 25 , against 20 last wed and 32 a year ago. HEW YOBK. First effects of the past week's widespread ! spread winter weather have been to dull trade at most markets , to quiet spring demand , retard collections and in sec tions accentuate the already congested railway situation. Some sections , partic ularly the South , report benefit to trade ; in winter goods and footwear. Business failures in the United States for the week .ending Feb. 7 number 198 , against 211 last week , 20-1 in the like week of 1900 , 207 in 1905 , 202 in 1904 and 217 in 1903. Failures in Canada for the week nuraG ' ber IS , as against 2G last week and 27 in this week a 3car ago. Wheat , including flour , exports from the United States and Canada for the week ending Feb. 7 aggregated 3,319,930 bushels , against 2,102,210 last week , 3,241,939 this week last year. 987,775 in . 1905 and 4,800.457 in 1902. For the past thirty-two weeks of the fiscal year the exports are 113,383.475 bushels , against 80.909.480 in 1905-00 , 41,049,918 in 1904-05 and 171,410,188 in 1901-02. Corn exports for the week are 2,407,089 bush els , against 2,157,077 last week , 3,000,750 a year ago and 2,448,450 in 1905. For ro the fiscal year to date the exports are 35.030,797 bushels , against 72,088,790 in 1805-00 and 35,492,101 in 190405.H Bradstreet's Commercial Report. ; W1 i to tei a Chicago Cattle , common to prime , S4.00 to $7.05 ; hogs , prime heavy , $4.00 en to $7.20 ; sheep , fair to choice. $3.00 > to $5.50 ; wheat , No. 2 , 75c to 7Gc ; corn , Xo. 2 , 42c to 43c ; oats , standard , 3Gc to ren SSc ; rye , No. 2 , G7c to GSc ; hay , timo- the thy , $13.00 to $19.00 : prairie , $9.00 to poi $14.00 : butter , choice creamery , 2Sc to the 33c ; eggs , fresh , 23c to 27c : potatoes , -he SSc to 45c. ec : j Indianapolis Cattle , shipping. $3.00 cji to $0.50 ; hogs , choice heavy , $4.00 to bui $7.20 ; sheep , common to prime , $2.50 to reg $5.25 ; wheat , No. 2 , 75c to 77c ; corn , j No. 2 white , 45c to 47e ; oats , No. 2 ® d t white , 40c to 42c. be r the St. Louis Cattle , $4.50 to $6.75 ; hogs , $4.00 to $7.15 , ; sheep , $3.50 to $5.50 ; wheat , No. 2 , 7Sc to 79c ; corn , No. 2 , 42c to 43c ; oats , No. 2 , 39c to 40c ; rye , No. 2 , G4c to G5c. Cincinnati Cattle , $4.00 to $5.05 ; hogs , $4.00 to $7.25 ; sheep , $3.00 to $5.25 ; wheat , No. 2 , 79c to SOc ; corn , No. 2 mixed , 45c to 47c ; oats , No. 2 mixed , 40c to 42c ; rye , No. 2 , G9c to H 71c. mea Detroit Cattle , $4.00 to $5.30 ; hogs , all $4.00 to $7.00 ; sheep , $2.50 to $5.00 ; wheat. No. 2 , 77c to 79c ; corn , No. 3 yellow , 45c to 47c : oats. No. 3 white , ' 42c to 44c : rye. No. 2 , OSc to GOc. petl : Milwaukee Wheat , No. 2 northern , ° SOc to S3c ; corn , No. 3 , 41c to 43c digeB oats , standard , SSc to 40c c B ; rye , No. I. ctood G7c to ( J9c ; barley , standard , 5Sc to GOc ; teed > pork , mess , § 17.90. tlie s Buffalo Cattle , choice shipping steers , beco : $4.00 to $6.15 ; hogs , fair to choice , S4.0C we to $7.30 ; sheep , common to good mixed , too $4.00 to $5.40 ; lambs , fair to choice , tion $5.00 to $8.15. tionA New York Cattle $4.00 to $6.30 ; hogs , $4.00 to $7.50 ; sheep , $3.00 to and I $5.25 ; wheat , No. 2 red , Sic to S2c ; fron corn , No. 2 , 54c to 55c ; oats , natural tion white , 49c to 51c ; butter , creamery , 27c time to 33c ; eggs , western , 23c to 26c. iy d Toledo Wheat , No. 2 mixed , 79c to Sic ; corn , No. 2 mixed , 43c to 45c ; cinei oats , No. 2 mixed. 39c to 41c ; rye , No. dolk , Cue to G7c ; clover seed , prime , $8.05. "A Post AH Around the Globe. SOHH The Norwegian bark D. n. Morris was prisi driven ashore off Chandelier island. Gulf have Mexico. Its captain and crew ea- , . . .T Caped' left Col. Richard W. Blue , formerly a well- known Kansas politician and attorney , died suddenly of heart disease at hia that home in Bartlesville , I. T. , aged G5 years. who Following the success of the Philadel and phia upholstery weavers in obtaining an by I per cent increase in pay , the Cloth Reat and Dress Weavers' Union has decided to Well ask for a 15 per cent increase. son. " COMMON SENSE Leads most intelligent people to use only mecfiaines of known composition. Therefore - fore ( t is thai Dr. Pierce's medfcrnes , the I wflich print every Ingjedlen * enteringfcAo Wiem upon the bottle wrap pers and att its correctness under oath , ing in favor. The com are daily gi § 11 * * * * * position of DVJPierce's medicines is open to p-vpryhodvA/Dr. / Piercft lining desirous , of having fho soajrh Uglitqf investiga tion" turned fully upon his formulae , being confident that fjio.bouor the composition. the more will their.-great cjinuiv mgrjts he recog- : nJzpd. Being \vhdlly matte of the active medicinal principles extracted from na tive forest roots , by exact processes , original with Dr. Pierce , and without the j use of a drgp of alcohol , triple-refined and I used instead chemically pure glycerine being stead in extracting and preserving the curative'virtues residing Sn the roots employed , these medicines are entirely free from the objection of doing harm by creating an appetite for either al coholic beverages or habit - forming1 drugs. Examine the formula on their bottle wrappers the same as sworn to by Dr. Pierce , and you will find that lite "Golden Medical Discovery , " the great , ; blood-purifier , stomach tonic and bowel regulator the medicine which , while not' recommended to cure consumption in its' ' advanced stages ( no medicine will dothat > yet does cure all those catarrhal condlj tions of head and throat , weak stomach , torpid liver and bronchial troubles , weakV lungs and hang-on-coughs , which , if nog-1 lectcd or badly treated lead up to and , finally terminate in consumption. Take the "Golden Medical Discovery' ' in ] time and it is not likely to disappoint ; you if only you give it a thorough and. ' fair j trial. 'Don't expect miracles. If won't do supernatural things. You must1 \ exercise your patience and persevere in its ! ' use 1 for a reasonable length of time to get ! its ? full benefits. The ingredients of which ! Dr. Pierce's medicines arc composed have ] the j unqualified endorsement of scores ofi medical leaders better than any amount of lay , or non-professional , testimonials. ] They T- are not given away to be experi-j mentcd with but are sold by all dealers ic/ medicines at reasonable prices , J The postofBce at Ancomarca , in the , Andes of Peru , is 10,000 feet above the ! sea and is probably the highest inhabit- eI spot on earth. _ ' Clovci4 < fc GJrUs Secila. " Everybody loves lots and lots of Clover Grasses for hogs , cows , sheep and swine. We are known as the largest growers of. Grasses , Clovers , Oatg , Barley , Corn , Po tatoes and Farm Seeds in America. Oper- Ue over 5,000 acres. acres.FREE FREE Our mammoth 148-page catalog is mail-f ? d free to all intending buyers ; or send 8 CENTS IX STAMPS md receive sample of "perfect balance ra .ion grass seed , " together with Fodder Plants , Clover , etc. , etc. , an'd big PlanC md Seed Catalog free. John A. Salzer Seed Co. , Box C , La 3rosse , Wis. \\rag ; < m Roads In Klondike. There are many miles of good wagon oads in the Yukon territory , especially ] n the region immediately tributary tot V ) awson , according to the New York lerald. The. construction of these1 rays of communication is due entirely } the enterprise of the government' ' nd assists materially in the opening p of the country. The building of roads in this Im- icdiate region has reached a total of ast about SOO miles , not including ! lie White Horse trail , which is in- inded only for winter use and is not first class carriage road. Stage lines are maintained on sev- al of these roads , but they are open r the free use of vehicles of all' inds and are in constant use. They greatly facilitate not only the 'gular travel between Dawson and ! le creeks , and between principal ! ints on the different streams , but ; ley assist greatly the movement ofj avy machinery and afford a distinct enemy in the working of properties. The roads will not be less appre- ated now that a railroad is being ! lilt through a part of the Klondike'- igion. This road has now been construct- ! as far as Grand Forks and willj i extended if the promoters carry out I eir plans. it She Murders It. "How long is the life of the average called popular song ? " "Till the girl who lives next door to gets bold of it" Houston Post DREADED TO EAT. A Quaker Couple's Experience. ETow many persons dread to eat their als , although actually hungry nearly the : time ! S'ature never Intended this . should be for we are given a thing called ap- ite that should guide us as to what system needs at any time and can But we get in a hurry , swallow oun d very much as we shovel coal into a furnace , and our sense of appetite omes unnatural and perverted Then eat the wrong kind of food or eat much , and there you are indiges-i and its accompanying miseries. Phil , lady said , the other day My husband and I have been sickj nervous for fifteen or twenty years ! drinking coffee feverish , indiges-i ' totally unfit , a good part of the ! , for work or pleasure. We actual- ' areaded to eat our meals. We tried doctors and patent medl- , that counted up into hundreds of lars , with little if any benent Accidentally , a small package of. . um came into my hands. I madj according to directions , with surl ng results. We both liked it and not used any coffee since The dull feeling after meais has- us and we feel better are so well satisSed with PostuS we recommend it to our have been made sick and D , miserable by coffee. " Name \m" lattle Creek * little book " , "The Roaci tor in pk Ss"There's a Rea j.