Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 21, 1907, Image 2

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The Valentine Democrat
bf. .
Valentine , Neb.
I. M. Rice. Publisher
JpFompt Action Taken l > y trie District
Attorney in' an Effort to Fix Re
sponsibility for the Disaster on the
Ne\v York Central.
Twenty-two dead , two fatally hurt
and 145 others more or less seriously
Injured is the result of the AA'reck of
.an electric express train on the NCAV
tYork Central at Two Hundred and
JFifth street and Webster avenue Sat
urday night.
Of the large number of injured , fifty
are , according to hospital and police ,
seriously hurt and the death list may
be increased within the next twenty-
four hours. Most of the others are
suffering from lacerations or shocks
and Avill recoA'er.
. The New York Central has a list
< > f persons said to have been injured ,
tout in the great majority of the cases
> the injuries Avere so slight as to be of
little consequence , and most of the
persons AA'ent at once to their homes.
The cause of the wreck is a matter
, of speculation. All Night Inspector
Flood , of the police department , Coroner -
ner SchAA'annecke and Assistant Dis
trict Attorney Smythe , together with
other members of the district attor
ney's force , endeaA'ored to ascertain
what brought about the derailment.
The most significant statement AA'as
made to the Associated Press by Cor
oner SchAvannecke. He had secured a
statement from Motorman Rogers of
'the ' wrecked train. In this , according
to the coroner , the inotorman stated
"he was running on schedule time when
the accident occurred and admitted
that the speed of his train was seven
ty miles an hour. Rogers said the cor-
orner declares he did not know any
thing AA-as Avrong until an eighth of n
mile beyond the place of derailment.
The train consisted of a doubleheader -
header motor coupled onto one engine
drawing five coaches. The first Avas a
smoker , the second is described as a
power car , though it is commonly des
ignated as a combination baggage and
smoker , and the three folloAving were
ordinary passenger coaches.
The smoker showed only little dam
age , but the other cars gaA'e evidence
of a drag along the roadbed.
When the wreck occurred the three
roar coaches , tilled with passengers ,
were throAA-n on their right side just
above a sharp curve at Woodlawn
road bridge. The shock was terrific
and people were hurled violently from
their seats and the most of those who
were killed Avere pitched through the
windows as the cars slid on their sides.
The third rail held for a time , but
finally Jiroke with a flash and a roar
seen and heard for a great distance.
Between the Avreck of the "current"
rail tand the main track the bodies
were wedged. They Avere held here as
the cars passed along , and in this AA'ay
svere terribly mangled.
President's Plan for Settling Jap Issue
The administration plan to settle
.lie California-Japanese situation Avas
approved in the senate Saturday by
bhe adoption of the confrence repoit
on the immigration bill. This report
Contains a provision which authorizes
the president to exclude Japanese la
borers from the United States at his
discretion. The report now will go to
the house for its approval , which' , it
has been stated , is assured.
The entire day AA'as deA'oted to de
bate on the report. The opposition
presented as an alternate plan a resolution
elution instructing the conferees to
bring in a provision positively prohib
iting the entrance of Japanese labor
ers. It Avas declared not in order ,
and on motion of Senator Lodge an
appeal from this ruling AA'as defeated ,
45 to 25. being practically a party
Death Penalty for Doctor.
Dr. J. Herman Feist , of Nashville ,
Tenn. , charged Avith the murder of
Mrs. Rosa Mangrum , was Saturday
morning found guilty of murder in the
first degree. The verdict carries Avitlj
It the death penalty.
Favrot to Go Free.
The motion to quash the indictment
against Congressman-elect Favrot , of
Baton Rouge , La. , charged with mur
dering Dr. Metcalf , Avas sustained by
Favrot's successor on the bench , Judge
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Saturday's quotations on the Sioux
City live stock market folloAv : Butch
er steers , $4.85. Top hogs , $6.95. I
Harry Corhelt is Dead.
Harry Corbett , the Avell known
sporting man and brother of James
J. Corbett , ex-champion heavy Aveight
pugilist , died of heart failure at hia
home in San Francisco Saturday.
Epidemic Cripples Road.
Two thousand of the 12,000 em
ployes of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit
Vcompany are Idle on sick leave , ac
cording to a statement issued by Vice
President CalderAvood.
i' *
Jerome Believed to Be Heading
Close observers of the Thaw trial
believe its present trend is toward a
commission in lunacy , to determine
Harry Thaw's mental condition. This
belief is suggested by District Attor
ney Jerome's apparent willingness to
admit part of the will , by his readiness
to withhold technical objections 10 the
testimony of Thaw's family physicians
tending to throw light upon the de
fendant's mental status , and by his
admitting without opposition the con
versations between Thaw and Dr. Ev
ans when the latter was examining
the prisoner in the Tombs.
Counsel for Thaw are so fully con
vinced that Jerome will make this
move that they are planning to fight
him on this line. Thaw himself is
credited with having declared he
would not face the asylum in prefer
ence to the death chamber , so it can
be seen with what feeling this expect
ed move of Mr. Jerome is creating in
the camp of the defense.
One of Thaw's lawyers , in speaking
of the probable plan for a lunacy com
mission , said :
"We have become more and more
convinced by the conduct of the dis
trict attorney and his experts , who are
observing the defendant , that it is and
has been his purpose to lead the case
to the point where he can apply prop
erly for a commission in lunacy. We
don't want the boy declared insane.
We want him acquitted. "
Rivets Removed from Boiler of the
Cruiser Yorktoivn.
It became known in Vallejo. Cal. ,
Friday that a secret inquiry is being
held at the Mare Island navy yard in
sonnection with the condition of the
boilers of the cruiser Yorktown. The
Yorktown had been ordered to Magdalena -
lena bay to protect American interests
In trouble Central America , but just
before starting it was found that her
boilers were leaking badly and ex
amination showed that eleven rivets
had been removed , apparently delib
erately. Had the Yorktown been al
lowed to proceed It is alleged the Bcn-
tiington horror would have been du
plicated. The flagship Chicago was
dispatched south in place of the York-
Great Army of Slavs on the Verge of
Alexis Alladin , a leader of the peas-f
dnt party in the Russian duma , ar
rived in New York Friday on the
steamer Majestic. Alladin proposes
making a tour of the country deliver
ing lectures on the cause of freedom
In his natice land. Alladin said he
would not be at all astonished if the
new duma is never organized.
Alladin said the condition of the
poorer classes in Russia is extremely
desperate. He believes more than a
million persons will die in that coun
try during the next three months from
Philadelphia Manufacturer Fails for
The councel for the James Dunlap
Carpet company , of Philadelphia ,
which operates large mills in that
city , announced Friday that the com
pany is temporarily embarrassed ,
tt is stated the liabilities are $600.-
000 , and it sexpected the assets will
be largely in excess of that sum.
The reasons for the embarrassment ,
the counsel said , are failure of tenta
tive subscribers to the company's
stock to pay for it and the fact that
James Dunlap , president of the com
pany , "had run up against . the Jute
trust. "
Conscience Stricken ; Tells of Crime.
Becauses his conscience troubled
him so that he was unable to sleep ,
Rene Vanooteghen came all the way
from Pittsburg , Pa. , to South Bend ,
fnd. , gave himself up to the police ,
and confessed to killing Swan Lind ,
who was found dead on Dec. IS.
Vanooteghen said he acted in self-de
For "Open Door' ; in the Orient.
A national association of canners
and packer was formed at Buffalo , X.
Y. , Friday and adopted resolutions
asking the president of the United
States In negotiating a treaty to give
Borne attention to the advisability of
placing American canned goods on a
reduced tariff list into the foreign
Chinamen Offer a Bribe.
Chief of Detectives Tayldr has been
offered $1,400. a week by an associa
tion of Chinese gamblers for their pro
tection and to secure them a monopoly
ely in gambling In Honolulu. The chief
accepted a payment to bind the agree
ment in order to secure evidence
against the would be bribers.
Standard Oil Dividend.
The Standard Oil company Friday
declared a quarterly dividend of $15 a
Burglars Loot Illinois Bank.
The .cafe of the bank of Ellisville ,
111. , was cracked Friday morning at 2
o'clock by burglars , and the entire
contents , consisting of $1,400 in geld
dnd $1,600 in currency and some val
uable papers , were taken.
Mrs. Rockefeller 111.
John D. Rockefeller , who has been
/fa Augusta , GSL , for a month , left sud
denly for New York on receipt of a
telegram announcing the dangerous
illness of h'ls wife.
Czar Fails to Suppress Sensational
War History.
Gen. Kuropatkin's history of th ;
Russo-Japanese war. which was con
fiscated by the Russian goveinment ,
has at last become accessible , despite
the most extreme precautions to pre
vent this galling official indictment
from reaching the public. The work * to
remarkable for its historic value UD
the closing chapter of the war from
the pen of the commander in chief
and for the merciless criticism of the
: ien and measures which , in Kuropat
kin's estimate , swept Russia and ita
arms to defeat.
The work consists of three bulky vol
umes , respectively devoted to the bat
tle of Liao Yang , of the Sha river and
of Mukden. The voluminous general
orders , statistics , reports and other
documentary matter with the "con
clusions" constitute most amazing rev
elations of disorganization and inca
pacity , and even of disobedinece of
specific and urgent orders by certai ; '
'general officers entrusted with high
commands in the field , notably Gen.
Kaulbers , against whom a formidable
indictment is framed , saddling upon
him the entire responsibility for the
defeat at Mukden.
Kuropatkin's reasons for the failure
of the war are based chiefly upon a
comparison of the warlike spirit of
the Japanese ; their preparedness and
valor which , he says , had never been
seen in any previous war , and their
ability to maintain the numerical supe
riority necessary to assume the offen
sive with the disadvantages of Russia
owing to the inadequacy of the single
track railway from Europe , with
commanding officers disobeying order * *
and in a hopeless state of confusion
and cross purposes , with a low state of
morale and confidence among the
troops , and continuous news from
home of internal troubles and insults
and reproaches against the army.
The general pathetically concludes
that if Russia had been united and
ready to make the sacrifices necessary
to safeguard her dignity and integrity
the "valiant Russian army would have
striven till the foe was subdued. "
Prominent Sunday School Worker Vic
tim of Ptomaine Poisoning ; .
Bradford Hibbard Cox ; a Sunday
school worker and evangelist with a
national reputation , died at Kansas
City , Mo. , as the result of ptomaine
poisoning from eating oysters in a lo
cal restaurant , Mr. Cox awoke with
severe pains in his stomach. His wife
too was ill , and a physician was sum
moned. An emetic Avas administered
at once to Mrs. Cox , but Mr. Cox said
he did not believe in medicine and he
refused to be treated. He became rap
idly worse and died , but Mrs. Cox wil !
Mr. Cox as a Sunday school worker
employed his methods for more than
twenty-five years in Boston , St. Louis.
Omaha , San Francisco. Cincinnati and
other large cities. He was 67 years
old. A son in Columbus , O. , survive ?
Again Sends the Supplementary Sep
aration Bill Back to Committee.
The speech made by the minister of
education , M. Briand , in the senate
Thursday in the course of the debate
upon the supplementary separation
bill , a feature of which is the doinrr
away with the necessity of notifica
tion for the holding of public meet
ings , was most conciliatory in tone.
M. Briand declared the measure was
brought in a spirit of 'tolerance , con
ciliation and pacification and that the
government sought its rapid enact
Much surprise was created when the
senate by a vote of 16S against 12S
passed a resolution to send the bill
back to committee for further consid
Two Perish in the Fire.
Two lives were lost in a fire at Pine
Bluff , Ark. , Wednesday night which
destroyed ninety cottages and resi
dences , three hotels , the Carr Memo
rial church , 200 barns and outhouses ,
entailing a loss of $200,000. Nearly
1,000 people , including 150 families ,
are homeless.
3,778 Deaths from Tuberculosis.
A report by the Wisconsin state
board of health shows that in twenty
months covered by the report there
were 3,778 deaths from tuberculosis ,
or nearly 10 per cent. The state is
now building a sanitarium. The report
urges a crusade against the disease.
Kills Prisoner ; Goes to Prison.
Dominic Fonchetto , a policeman of
Dalsell , 111. , who killed Frank Delatte
while endeavoring to place him under
arrest last summer , was found guilty
of manslaughter Wednesday and giv
en an indeterminate sentence to the
Oust Chaplains from French Xavy.
President Fallieres Thursday signed
a decree suppressing the official chap
lains in the French navy. Chaplain ?
of 21 years' service are to be pension
ed , while others will be given allow
ances based upon the length of their
To Investigate' Water Resources.
The senate Thursday passed a bill
to provide for an investigation of the
water resources of the United States.
The investigation is to be made by the
director of the geological survey.
For 2-Cent Fare in Pennsylvania.
The Pennsylvania house Thursday
passed by a vote of 175 to 0 , a bill fix
ing 2 cents a rr.ile as the maximum
rate for passenger railroad fares. The
bill goes to the senate.
Water is Xine Inches Over Railroad
Tracks Near Fremont.
Reports from Union Pacific sources
were to the effect that between 1:30 :
' the water
and 2:3'0 : Thursday afternoon
ter was rising in the Platte , and at
mile post 44 , west of Valley , the wa
ter had risen three inches an hour ,
making it nine inches deep over the
tracks at that point. A report a short
time before showed the water falling ,
but when the later report reached
headquarters it was decided to detour
all east and westbound trains over the
Northwestern between Omaha and
The first trouble was from the Loup.
which blocked the main line of the
Union Pacific at Columbus. When the
water had subsided at that point it be
gan to flood the tracks at Schuyler
and then blocked the trains by run
ning over the tracks at Rogers. By
Wednesday night the high water had
reached Fremont and had dr.l'en over
200 families from their homes. Bc-
r fore noon Thursday the water wa ?
over the track of the Union Pacific ut
Mercer , between Valley and Fremont ,
and the Union Pacific was compelled
to run its trains via the Northwestern
from Fremont to Omaha. The water
was six inches deep over the tracks at
Mercer , and the Union Pacific offi
cials feared it would break through
to the Elkhorn -
and come via the Rawhide
horn , which would endanger the Un
ion Pacific at Elkhorn.
Little Improvement in Flood Condi
tions in XcbraV.ka.
The Platte river flood Friday carried
out two more railroad bridges , that
of the Missouri Pacific , near Louisville ,
and of the Rock Island , at South
Bend. Conditions at Fremont are
somewhat improved , but the -Union
Pacific main line is still out of serv
ice between that place and Grand Is
land , and Union Pacific trains are run
over the Burlington tracks from Oma
ha to Grand Island via Lincoln.
Nearly a mile of Burlington-Great
Northern track is washed out east of
Conditions are worse around
Springfield , South Bend and Louis
People living in the bottoms near
Springfield received warning to mave
to higher ground. The warm weather
continues .and the ice in the Platte is
breaking up fast.
Farm Ilajul Dteippears with Pension
Savings of Several Years.
John Tried , a feeble old veteran of
.the civil Avar , was robbed of three
years of pension savings at his farm
house in Holt county , presumably by
his farm hand , Fred Miller , for whose
arrest a warrant is now in the hands
of the sheriff. The money stolen
amounted to $1,305 , and was mostly in
gold coins of the $20 size. The gold
was in a bag , which the old man hid
in a bed for safe keeping.
Left alone at home with the hired
man , while his son -was called to
Omaha by a surgical operation upon
his mother-in-law , Mr. Tried had
been in the habit of counting over his
gold frequently , so that the man knew
where it was. Miller went out to herd
cattle. He was to return in two hours.
He did not return and his riderless
pony was found later.
Col. S. W. Hayes Presented a Gold
Medal by Brethren.
Col. S. W. Hayes , of Norfolk , was
presented with a medal by the grand
lodge of Masons in Nebraska , as be
ing the oldest of the order in the
state. Col. Hayes is now 86. He came
to Nebraska in 1866 , and organized
the Masonic lodges at Fremont and
Norfolk. By the death of an Ashland
member Col. Hayes became the nec-
tor of Nebraska Masons. Past Grand
Master Mason C. E. Burnham made
the presentation address and among
others Supreme Judge J. B. Barnes
spoke in honor of the father of Ma
sons. Master Viele. W. R. Hoffman
and Grand Custodian French made
BaTicock Becomes Banker.
County Treasurer F. C. Babcock ,
of Hastings , who was a candidate for
state treasurer on the Democratic tick
et last fall , has tendered his resigna
tion , to take effect April 1. Ernest
Hoeppner has been elected by the
Jcounty board to succeed Mr. Babcock.
lit is understood Mr. Babcock will suc
ceed Geo. T. Brown as vice president
in the First- National bank.
Puts Ban on Tips.
The state senate has recommended
for passage Senator Sackett's bill to
prevent pooling on bridge contracts. A
clause was added to provide for an im
munity bath on confessions. A senate
committee also recommended for passage
bill. It forbids
age a drastic anti-tipping
bids all fees or tips.
Fiillerton Man Killed by Accident.
O. H. Crow , one of Nance county's
oldest settlers , died at his home in
Fullerton from injuries sustained last !
; Friday night at his home by falling
'down an open stairway , striking one
of the lower steps Avitt his head , rendering - i
dering him unconscious , in which ]
state he remained until death.
Preliminary Debates at Peru.
A final debating squad of thirteen
has been selected as a result of the j
[ preliminary debates held at Peru dur-
ling the past week. Enthusiasm ha-i |
rrun high , as several important inter- j
'collegiate ' debates have been arranged
ifor. j
Mortgages Show Big Inn-case.
The record of indebtedness for
Platte county for the week ending
Feb. 9 , shows that farm mortgages
iwere filed to the amount of $41.700 ,
and released to the amount of 519.700. i
Trial Opens at Fremont Which Prom
ises to Develop Sensations.
The case now on trial , Ellen Hart
against the Maccabees , at Fremont , to
recover on a $2,000 certificate in that
order , is likely to prove almost as good
a drawing card as the Thaw case. The
father of the plaintiff , William Hart ,
was killed at Douglas. Wyo. , and the
circumstances of his death were de
cided ely sensational. He was shot in
the head by a 15-year-old son of the
woman with whom he boarded after
having first shot her twice , once
through each shoulder. Several depo
sitions have been taken in Wyoming
in regard to the shooting and the rela
tionship existing between them , one
of the defense being that the deceased
met his death while committing an
unlawful act , and that they are not
therefore liable.
The jurors were subjected to a
searching examination by the attor
neys for the defendant and a good part
of the day was taken up with getting
a jury. The beneficiaries under Hart's
certificate were his children. He was
a member of a lodge of the order in
Hooper and lived at Fremont for a
long tine.
Sudden Rise ! n the Loup River Catch
es Family Seeking to Escape.
The breaking of the ice gorge in the
Loup river , a few miles northwest of
Columbus , caused the water to rise
over five feet in an hour , reaching the
highest point within the memory of
the oldest residents. A family of rour ,
"Doc" McCone , his wife , daughter and
sister-in-law , were drowned while at
tempting to escape to higher ground
in a spring wagon. They were drown
ed a few feet north of the north main
line on the Union Pacific in West Co
lumbus. The team was also drowned.
The whole south side is under Avater
and many families are imprisoned in
houses surrounded by from four to
ten feet of Avater. A large number of
hogs and cattle Avere drowned in the
Union Pacific stock yards.
All Avcstbound trains AA-ere stopped
at Columbus. A long stretch of the
main line track Avas submerged.
Property losses Avill run high.
Ordered to Rejoin Twenty-fifth ai
Earliest Possible Moment.
Word has just been receiA'ed in
Norfolk that Captain Mapes , Avho has
been acting as captain of scouts in the
Philippine islands , and A\-ho Avas for
merly a captain at Fort Niobrara over
one of the companies of the Twenty-
fifth regiment of colored soldiers , some
of AA-hose discharge has attracted much
attention in the United States senate
this Avinter , has been unexpectedly or
dered to return to America and re
join that regiment immediately. His
detail did not expire until Feb. 28 ,
but he received a cablegram recalling
In view of the court martial which
has been going on doAA'n at El Reno
over the shooting up of BroAA'nsvllle ,
it is thought this recall by cable of
Captain Mapes must be significant.
The cablegram ordered him to return
by first aA-ailable boat.
Careful Search is Made for Body Bin
None is Found.
Some men who haA'e been cutting
ice east of the Avogan bridge on the
Platte at Fremont reported that one
of 'their long saws had brought up a
Avisp of human hair about eighteen
inches long and of a dark broAvn color ,
evidently of a woman. The bottom of
the river at that point was dragged
Avithout finding any body. It is thought
by some that it may have been the
body of Mrs. Emily Greenlief , Avho dis
appeared last December , and is sup
posed to have drowned herself in the
Yomi" ; Man Killed in Runaway.
Harry Stack , of Kearney , aged 21 ,
Avas killed in a runaway about 5
o'clock Thursday evening. He was
driving a fractious horse to a cart.
Crossing the railroad the horse took
fright. Stack lost his footing and
caught his foot in the shaft brace. He
was dragged , head doAvn. over a blqck ,
his head striking the Avheels and
crossings. When picked up he was
Bylaw Void and Policy Valid.
The decision of the supreme court
in the case of Lange against the Roy
al Highlanders , handed doAvn at Lin
coln at the last sitting of the court ,
ends litigation Avhich has extended
o\'er four years. The decision is a vic
tory for the plaintiffs , Avho sued on a
certificate for $2.000 insurance , pay
ment of Avhich contested on the
ground that the deceased committed
suicide. <
( .lenn Mofiatt Found.
Glenn iloffatt. the Gordon boy Ayho
disappeared from his boarding house
in Chicago so mysteriously on Feb. 5 ,
has been located in Louisiana , from
which place he wrote his parents.
StK-cceils Count Crcijihton.
Charles T. Kountze , son of the late
Herman Kountze , has been elected }
president of the First National bank ,
succeeding the late Count John A.
"Rei'oril Price for Hogs.
A new high record for average price
AA-as made at College View in the sale
of Duroc-Jerey hogs. T. C. Callaham
sold for the Morrison brothers thirty-i
six head , which averaged $228. Thei
highest price brought by any one ani-1
mal was a sow , Avhich sold for $1,050.
i'rmvn Appoint * Secretary.
United States Senator Norris Br.own
has appointed Miss Anna Howlands
his priA-ate secretary to servo wntif
December , \vhen he Avill appoint some
man to the place.
hj l " " -
"I don't see why c.ny man shouldjj
want to be a member of the board og
of Omaha
fire and Police
from experience - '
" talking
ha Lee Herdman ,
perience at the state house ropentljW
when asked if there was any possibll
' put oa.
ity of Dr. Miller's shoes being
called on Go\V
" merely
his feet. "I
.Sheldon , " continued Mr. Herman , W
pay my respects to him. I do not car *
to membership nrO
who is appointed
the police board and I did not come *
here to discuss that matter \vith the *
govertfor. I remember that for tAVOJ
member of that boardj
years I was a
home to dinner in thw
and I never got
evening without someone serving
injunction on me or a mandamus , be
fore I got to the front gate. It AVOS &
constant nightmare. Injunction pa/-J
pers haunted me in my sleep. In fact *
the court
1 have not finished paying
costs which were stacked up against
me. though I thought I had until aj
day or two ago when T Avas informed
I still had a feAV debts to settle at thej
court house. Being a member of thai
board for two years was like holding
a bear by the tail for that length oC
time. At breakfast the Bee would
and at
redhot roast
serve me up a
night Judge Scott would jump on mg
for supper. No , I am not here to get Ql
job on that board , and my sympathtf
goes out to the men who serve in suctt
capacity. I think AAC should elect out ?
police commissioners. It would re
Hove the governor of a most disagreej
able duty , as Avell as save about halt
of his time , and , incidentally , it would
be to the best interests of Omaha , be
cause Ave could keep our fights at
home and not have to settle therd
iown at Lincoln. "
A big bunch of railroad employe
ivere relieA'ed from their usual work
Monday and sent to Lincoln by the
oificials of the Burlington railroad tc ?
do political work. They came for
Burlington to protest against the pass
age of an employers * liability law and
came under agreement to tell the leg
islators they are regularly employed
by the Burlington and are speaking.
for their fellow employes. During thg
last Aveek employes have been senj
over the line of the Burlington to
number of shop towns , including Wy-
more , Plattsmouth and other places
and several employes from , each toAvil
consented to come to Lincoln at ther
expense of the road and knock on th <
liability act. These men have been
induced , some of them against their
will , to do this , and while they will
say they are talking for the employes ,
there is sufficient evidence at hand to
how they are talking wholly for the-
interest of their employers. In Lin
coln HOAX- are a few engineers fighting.
the passage of the bill , among them !
Sandhill Moore and Engineer Beatty ,
who Avhile AA'orkinj ? as railroad en
gineers are more thoroughly recog *
nized and identified as political en
gineers of the Burlington. They , of
course , oppose the passage of such an
act and they Avill take charge of the-
delegations of employes Avheii they ar-
With United States Senator-elect-
Norris Brown , GOA- . Sheldon , Lieut ,
Gov. HopeAvell and Speaker Nettleton
as special guests of honor , the eigh
teenth annual banquet of the Youn f
Men's Republican club was held Tues
day night at the Lindell hotel. It wal
attended by 250 Republicans frontf
Lincoln , Omaha and other parts of th
state , many of them being members
of the legislature. The banquet hafi
Avas gorgeously decorated with ilagi
and greens. A reception to the guests
of honor and the speakers was held
in the parlors of the hotel before thp-
banquet. John N. Dryden precide
as toastmaster and the folloAving re
smponded to toasts : Representative
Adam McMullen , of Gage county ,
"The Constitution ; " William Hay-
Avard , of Nebraska City , "Direct Vote ; " '
Samuel M. Rinaker , of Beatrice , "The1-
Young Man in Politics ; " Frank S
Howell , of Omaha , "The Nation's Her
itage ; " Senator George H. Wiltse. of
Cedar county , "The Politician. "
The future of Representative" DodgQ
in politics is assured. A photograph
of Speaker Nettleton taken forty-
years ago Avas shown in the house re
cently and nearly every member xvho
saw it thought it Avas a present ( lass-
likeness of Representative Dodge. .
With all due respect to the speaker , . c I
Mr. Dodge is hoping the picture will :
not find its way to Boston.
John N. Gustus. sheriff of Phelpa-
county , AA-ants a little for looking after-
a prisoner by the name of John R *
Lucas. His bill against the state-
amounts to 5427.50 , and is itemized as
folloAA-s : Laundry , at $1 a month , for
nine months. $9 : jailer fees for same I
from March 9 , 3905. to Dec. 13. 1905 , t
S41S.50. *
* * *
Warden Becmer , of the state peni 1
tentiary , says the institution is able to
stand alone and he estimates it can
pay its OAVII expenses during the next 1f
two years Avithout any money being
donated or appropriated by the state
other than the penitentiary labor' : f
* * *
The road laAv is yet in the hands oil
the committee , and Avill not be report-I
ed out for several days yet. The stick
ing point appears to be that some of
the committee wants the question of-
putting the law into effect left to a.
county option vote , leaving each county -
ty of the state to accept or reject it as *
they see fit.
A daring robbery Avas perpetrated'
recently in the committee room of'
finance , ways and means of the senate ,
Miss Frederickson , clerk of the com
mittee , says she locked her purse con
taining $10 in her '
desk and went tt > .
the senate gallery to listen to the de
bate on the bulk sales bill. When she-
returned she found the desk had been
pried open and the money A\-as miss
ing. The robbery is unusually daring
as there were a number of people in *
the vicinity of the room when if hap