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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1907)
Historical Society X a VALKKTINE NEBRASKA. THUESDAT , FEBEoABT 21. 1907 NUMBER 6 i t < We wish to call your attention to our ex tensive line of "Keen Kutter'7 tools. We carry at all times a complete line of carpenter tools , including the best of avery- thing in hammers , saws , planes , hatchets , auger bits , bit braces , squares , draw knives , chisels , files , etc. In fact everything that an up to date carpen ter will need. Try one of our "Keen Kutter" axes or forks. They are tem pered right , hung right , and made right. Always buy a "Keen Kutter" pocket knife. We also have the exclusive sale of "Manard" spades and shovels. Their are many imitations of these goods. Always watch the lab el and accept nothing but a "Manard" and profit thereby. Each and every article is thoroughly guaranteed by us and backed by the makers. "The recollection of quality remains long- after the price is forgotten. " RED FRONT H Clothing , Suits and Pants , , Caps , Underwear - 2 wear , Mittens , Shirts , Sweaters ; Ladies' and | Children's Cloaks , Jackets , Skirts , Shoes , j . , . - _ . - . . - , . . , . , i ii iiniii D. STI CLOTHIER Valentine , Nebr. FRED WHITTEMORE , I'res CHARLES SPARKS , Cashie- . J. W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAH JL. BKITTON , Ass't. Cashier. Persons seekinff a place of safety for their tnoney , will profitb y investigating the methods employed in our business. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' | : Durable Chairs § & .50 set. | i Desks $5.00 to $26.00. - j i Side Boards $4.50 up. Stove Boards lOc up. . . Established in Va eitius since 1885. Wagons and Buggies Lumber and Hardware Pictures Framed to Order , TI N WARE , OILS. ETC- Lamps. Crockery. Lime , Coal. Paper. EQRNITURE AND COFFINS. Licensed Embalmcr Winter Goods We have just received a fine line of Linens and Mexican Drawn Work Good assortment of Christmas Candies. PHONE 97 , . A * the - Advertisements. gs at the M. E. livery Sunday. MORNING SEIIVIOKS- Sundav School bes'u s at 10:00 o'clock " " " Pmichiiijr 11:00 Junior Lftaeue " " 2:30 : p in. EVENING BKKV1CE * . . ' ' . Fpwoith L.'siiiiiebe.rinsatSino o'c'ock. " " . " Preathii x 7.30 KEV. G. E. CoxxEi.r. , Pastor NEW TIME TABLE , C.&H.W. KAST ISO I'M ) JN'o. 2 , Daily except aaUmlav 9:45 : p. m. . Puss . , . . . . . * . AO. 0 Otiiy .J3.i : ; ! in. . l.i : > .No. & . ' , Oiiily , except , SiiiuUiy . . .4UJ : p. in , i\o. 11(5. ( IJuly 5 : 0 * . m. , wissr uouxi ) Ni. 1. Daily , except diiii'Jiy 0:50 p. in. , Pass Ai > . Hi ) , i.Uoci > ii'Lc.ito l as > sreiiiscrs > . . . .il43 p.m. Talk of the Town. Buy White Star at Davenport's , i \ Don't i'ail to hear Captain' Houston next Sunday morning at the M. E. church ! Mrs. Sarah llayrnerof Atkinson is visiting at the home of Rev. C. E. Connell and family this week. * James and C. AV. Hudson called at our. office last Friday to get a whip each. They brought corn to town. Q. D. Careyand ; .Geo.-Cyphers were down from the Rosebud boarding school last Monday after freight. A general invitation is extended to all who will to assist in the music during the meetings at the M. E. church.- Ja-'k D\mblv : and J. A. Mitt sold a car loid < " > f corn f < i l horses ! toVm. . Bruce of Ba sett lust week at at a good figure. The music during the revival meeting at the M. E. church will be under the direction of Prof. Seth Ernest Gordon of Chicago , Illinois. Mrs. Clara Magil -Crookston was in Valentine last Saturday consulting a physician ' for a case of eczema with which she has been troubled for some time. Dave Dunn of North Table was in town Saturday , making this office a call , paying a dollar in ad vance for TITic DEMOCRAT and getting a good buggy whip. Henry Becker and wife drove to town as usual Saturday , and' Henry called and said he wantetT. a buggy whip. After his produce ing the proper credential ? we supplied - ' plied his want. The previously announced skating - j ing contest .in this paper at the | Valentine Skating Rink for Tuesday - j day , Fob. 26 , will be held Monday i evening , Feb. 25 , 190T , instead. ! T. \VATKINS , Mgr. The.Ludwig Lumber Co. have a large ad on the last page of this issue and call your attention to the fact that they furnish Tongue Trucks with Disc Harrows in place of pole if desired. They sell 16-inch Oliver Chilled Plows for § 11.50. Arthur Yoerg has resigned his position as operator for the C. & N. W. and accepted the position as manager of the Minnechaduza Mill for S. F. Gilrnan , succeeding C. S. Gould , deceased. Mr. Yoerg began his duties at the mill Mon- day. This item should have ap peared last week but for some reason was overlooked. res turnings The coining' season gives evidence of a de cided popularity for trimmings "and braids. The1 showings 'in these particular lines arc novel and new and surpass in every way the lines of previous years. We have just received a nice assortment of this stuff comprising the Soutach Braids , the popu lar Pull Braids , the Motiff Trimmings aftd new patterns in Pearl Buttons. When you are planning . your new dress look our line over. You will be : * pleased. . - , % / V > r r - - ' We present to our readers this week a photograph of Captain IT. EL. Houston , who is to conduct the evangelistic meeting at the M. E. church beginning next Sabbath. ' Capt. Houston is a man of large' oxpi-rienc" in evangelistic work , : being conm-clml for several years with the Volunteers of Americ.a , but later entering the general evangelistic field where his labors j have been crowned with great | t success. He is a man Of pleasing ! personality , possessing those quali ties which win their way to thei hearts of the people , establishing confidence and impressing men with the true elements of a christian - tian character. The general pubj lie is most cordially and earnestly invited to attend all of these ser vices. A grand ball is to be given in > ' . < hall at Woodluke , to morrow night , Feb. 22 , under the 'management ' of H. A. Lyons and jPuffy Hanna. All are cordially 'Invited. * ' ' John Marty , Jr. , representing 'i'he Marty Land Dealers of Valen tine , was a social culler at the J Graphic oilice yesterdayMr. . ! Marty informed us that he had ! already located six of our r-iUzuns and four more were ready to be taken out and located on Kinkaid homesteads. Atkinson Graphic. Married , at the home , of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. YT. H. Hooper , on Saturday , Febru ary 16. at 12 o'clock noon. Mr. Oscar O. Newman and Miss Van- nie B. Hooper , the Rev. C. E. Connell officiating. Bnth parties are prominent young people of Valentine , Mr. Xi-wman having resided with his mother here for some time. Miss Hooper has been oi ! the accommodating "hello" girls in the central telephone olKce. They will reside on the farm of ,3jr. Newman's mother near Dor- se.y , Neb. THE DEMOCRAT joins in wishing this worthy young couple all the prosperity possible. IV , < : We are through invoicing and have odds aiia J' ends , of different lines t Slose out at" We have got a lot of shoes and we will sell below cost. Come and seev . ; : > NEBRASKA. MAX E VIERTEL. DEALER lr-4 EVERYTHING. what you have to sell. * ? : > \ A- what you want to buy- : : 1' * * Call and sec us. Phone-28 * " : r W. A , PEITYCREW , DEMI 1B8E. 1 Chartered as a State Bank Charterr d as a Rational Batik Jun-3 3 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , The Valentine , Nebraska. j ( Successor to ) ! Kxch'ange "and 0. H. COP.KSLL , President. J. T. IVAY , Vico-Presiflent. ' Nf. V. Xiir-rtiJi oN. Cs. > li ! W Clears. -I Canned Goods 3C2C Lunch Counter. f , Phone aery. . | FRESH FRUIT AND GAMS Jif'f ' igjL 1 Jls1 TH EIR SEASON. | t'SlM iiflS5 . # wM i iirt VF ' w v.Vr'i - $ \ © oe © ? wfei , = asfisesSi - , . , . , - fcdfiSsiS8asS ! ! rirst ; class line or Speaks , lioasts , I Dry Sain Meat ? Smoke \ Breakfast Bacon. Highest fflarkel Fries Paid for Hogs. GET TTvTAT THIS YOUR liNVjr OFFICE