Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 14, 1907, Image 8

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    We have just unloaded
ed our first car of
farm implements and
IMPL would be pleased to
have all our friends
call and see samples
MEN which we have set up ,
consisting of ' . . .
John Deere Riding and Walking Plows ,
Rod and Moldboard Breaking Plows , Disc
Harrows , with either Pole or Tongue
Truck ; Riding and Walking Listers ; List
er Carriages to convert any Walking List
er to a Riding Lister or any Y\7alking Plow
to a Riding Plow ; Breaking Plows to fit
this lister carriage ; Double Oast Hoosier
; Endgate Seeders ; Riding and Walking
Cultivators ; Disc Cultivators ; Steel Lever
Harrows and riding attachments for har
rows ; Single and Double Row Listed Corn
Cultivators ; Tower Surface Cultivators ;
Oliver Chilled Plows ; Moline Wagons ;
Yelie Buggies. Call and inspect them.
Captain Houston has more calls
for meetings than he is able to fill.
Get your property insured by 1.
M. Kice and you will be safe. His
companies pay losses promptly.
FOR SALE 1 six room house ,
water in the house , good barn ,
large shade trees , nice lawn. In
quire of W. A. Pettycrew. 4-i
Jake Stetter buys cattle and
hogs and anything the farmers
have to sell. Office is where
Lee's barber shop was , east side
of Main street. If you want to
buy or sell anything see me. No
deal is too large and none are too
small. J. W. STETTER ,
50 Valentine , Neb.
T. W. Cramer called at our of
fice yesterday while in town and
during our conversation we learn
ed that he had recently returned
from down near Norden where he
has been engaged in work putting
up telephones for the JN"orth Table
Telephone company. This com
pany has ordered about 40 phones
since the first of the year and al
ready have about 120 phones in
operation. The lines extend from
North Table to Springview on the
east and nearly to Cody on the
west. The service is good , the
cost low and the farmers and pa
trons satisfied with the best and
cheapest system in this part of the
state. The line is being extended
rapidly and we hope people will
avail themselves of the best for
the money and the cheapest line
in operation.
Fred and John Janssen , sons of
George Janssen living eleven
miles northwest of Valentine , call
ed at our office last Saturday to
see the press run. Their father
and mother are visiting relatives
in Bremen , Germany , since last
November and the boys are taking
care of the farm and stock during
their absence. It has been nearly
thirty years since Mr. and Mrs.
Janssen came from Germany and
they will no doubt grow young
again during their visit this win
ter. We have often wished that
we had been born across the water
so we could go back after many
years to enjoy a visit with relatives
and friends. George and his frau
will be back in the spring and we
h ; shall be interested in hearing what
It he did while back to his native
land and note the changes since he
left there. Meanwhile their big ,
sturdy sons will talr - good care of
everything on the farm during the
absence of their parents.
H. H. Wakefield was down frore
Crookston last ' Friday , bringing
two of his little girls with him t (
be examined by a doctor , as it hac
been reported that they had diph
theria. A letter had been sen
him by the county attorney , re
quiring him to have the childrer
examined and Dr. Compton in
formed him , after making an ex
amination , that the children show
ed no symptons of diphtheria ,
This is the letter :
February 5 , 1907.
Mr. H. H. Wakefield.
Crookston , Xebr.
Dear Sir :
It has been reported to this
office that you have diphtheria ii
your family and you are hereby
notified that it will be necessary
for you to have a physician ex
amine the parties at once and if i
is found to be diphtheria you ar <
to immediately quarantine all per
sons afflicted. There is a seven
penalty for a violation of the lav
in this direction and I do this t <
save you any trouble and costs.
Very truly ,
What do you think of it ?
Latest in Thaw Trial.
New York , Feb. 8. Harrj
Thaw drank a glass of water this
morning and remarked that the
water was fine. Then he cast i
glance to the right and one to the
left. Evelyn Nesbit Thaw ap
peared in the court room with i
thin milk white vail made frorr
veiling. She bought the veil be
fore she wore it. Her lips open
ed an eighth of an inch some saj
a trifle more--as her eyes turnec
in the direction of the prisoner ,
but she said nothing audible. She
may have spoken nnderjier breath :
she may have thought unspoker
words. Bulletin : Harry Thaw ,
the prisoner on trial charged witt
the murder of Stanford White ,
twirled his thumbs ! A court at
tendant sat down in a chair on the
north side of the room and ther
moved to the next chair adjoining.
This creatad a sensation. Evelyn
Nesbit Thaw looked mysterious
and Harry Thaw said nothing.
Just outside the court buildings
man was noticed smoking a five-
cent cigar. These were some of
the sensations which featured the
horrible , awful , frightful , notor
ious , famous , absorbing Harry
Thaw case today. Boyd County
Register. '
Surely , such sensations as the
above are enough to shock the
modesty of even our most strenu-
oils TdSdy and cause him to put a
bm ; upon publishing the full evi
dence in the Thaw trial I
U. § . Wfittlipr Bureau Report
tor week Ending Fpl > . IS.
The daily mean temperature is
36 ° and the normal 24 ° , showing
a swing to the other extreme from
a seasonable standpoint , being as
much above the normal as it was
below the previous week. The high
est was 56 ° on the llth and the
lowest 1 ° .
Tuesday , Feb. 26 , 1907 , the
Valentine Skating Kink , will as a
compliment , present to the best
lady skater present a free skating
ticket for the rest of the season.
Three competent judges will be
present to decide. Married ladies
not included. T. H. W ATKINS ,
5-2 Manager.
W. C. T. U. Column.
It was directed in the meeting
of the W. C. T. U. to enter into
contract with S. Moon to build a
kitchen 16x20 ft. on the back of
Bethel hall. This will be a great
help to churches and' societies
wishing to give suppers and soc
ials in Bethel hall , for we have al
ways felt the place was two small
for comfort at such times. Any
one wishing to help us out on this
movo. will be given a "hearty
welcome" by Mrs. Callen on Sat
urday at the rest room.
Supt. Press Work.
Houston Meetings Postponed
Until Feb. 24h.
A letter received from Captain
Houston says that owing to the
intense interest in the meetings he
is now holding at Wenona , 111. , he
ill not be able to reach Valentine
until February 24th. This will
probably be a disappointment to
some , but the excuse offered by
Captain Houston fully justifies his
action , inasmuch as he is laboring
for the salvation of souls. In the
meantine let everyone make such
preparation as will enable them to
get the most out of the meetings
when he comes.
Niobrara Falls.
"Sink or Swim" is our motto.
Everybody is afflicted with bad
John Thompson has a slight at
tack of the mumps.
Born , to W. 1ST. Ballard and
wife , Feb. 12th , a boy.
Louis Hoenig will teacli the
young ideas how to shoot in district
No. 100.
Miss Pearl -Telly is superintend
ing affairs at W. N. Ballard's home
at present.
John Grooms , Jr. , passed thro
this locaHty Friday enroute for
Milt Latta's.
Misses Harden , Burge and Adamson -
son and Gordon Burge spent Satur
day and Sunday in town.
Grandma Lansing is up looking
after her daughter , Mrs. Orrnesher ,
who is in very poor health.
Charlie Williams went down after -
ter his wife Sunday. We imagine
batching is not to Charles' taste.
The foot bridge across the river
at the falls is now hunting a new
location , having been struck once
too often by the ice.
E. W. Eeed started up to the set
tlement in a sled one day last week
and wound up at home three days
later with a borrowed wagon. He
do'nt think this weather is very
good for sleighing.
Don't forget the date and place
of the Captain Houston meetings
Feb. at.
De Laval Cream
Separators FOR SALE BY
ValentineA "i ?
Nebraska,5 *
Sensational Chcrss r\T Js Against th
Trust Government Plundered.
Congress seems loath to o-vor the
building of r.ny mere -warship * . . pl
judging by the report of the ordnance
department this decision is * undoubt
edly a wise one , for we arejnforaed
that there is only enough powder and
shell to last a half hour of fighting
This report Is so startling that in case
there should be sudden occasion t :
employ force for the protection of auj
of our interests there would be no for
giveness for those responsible for the
shortage. It is also more startling to
be told that itwill take two or three
years to provide enough shells to refill
the magazines of the largest ships and
still have a surplus. The Republican
majority in congress will have to wake
up and attend to business instead of
politics , as they will be held strictly
responsible for their slackness in pro
viding the necessary ammunition to
allow our warships to be serviceable
in time of need.
Charges have been made by Robert
S. Waddell of the Buckeye Towder
company of Peoria. 111. , that there if
a povrder trust , headed by the Dupont
International Powder company , which
is plundering the United States gov
ernment by charging exorbitant prices ,
and that some members of congress
are aiding and abetting that mo
nopoly ; that it requires six month ?
to manufacture and dry a supply of
powder and that the combined daily
capacity for the trust factories is 33-
200 pounds ; that a single twelve inch
gun burning 300 pounds of powder at
a shot and firing twice a minute con
sumes GOO pounds a minute , or 30.00C
pounds of powder in one hour ; that
there are over 200 such guns to be
served and hundreds of three , four ,
five , six , eight and ten inch guns , with
numerous small rapid fire and battery
But these charges against the trust
are supplemented by a much more se
rious one namely , that the officials
of the trust have offered to the Ger
man government the method of secret
manufacture of 'powders and dynamite1
used on American warships and by
the United States army. Extracts from
a letter written by Henry C. Watts ,
vice president of the Dupont company ,
have been sent' to congress showing
an attempt to sell powder to the Ger
man government which is prepared un
der patents granted to United Htate ?
naval officers. As one of the Dupouts
is now a Republican United States sen
ator from Delaware and the adminis
tration has taken no steps that are
known to investigate and protect the
United States from this conspiracy ,
which looks serious if the facts are as
stated , there should be an investigation
by congress , and any one guilty of the
acts charged should be dismissed from
the service of the United States and
the necessary stops taken to protect
the government in the future.
Political Trust Busting.
Prosecuting the lumber trust and
standing pat on the tariff on lumber
at the same time is the way the ad
ministration pretends to help the pee
ple. Unless the Republican party is
prepared to invoke the criminal sec
tion of the antitrust law and put the
lumber trust baron Weycrhauscr in
stripes he will laugh at the prosecu
tion and if fined by the court can easi
ly get even by putting up the price of
lumber another dollar a thousand feet.
But if the tariff protection to the lum
ber trust was abolished and lumber
from Canada and other countries could
be imported free of duty the lumber
trust would have to reduce its price.- *
to meet the competition. Every one
who builds a house or a barn or who
rents a building would then directly or
indirectly be benefited. The Repub
lican leaders have , however , determin
ed to prevent tariff revision and are
thus playing into the hands of the tar
iff protected trusts , while pretending
to prosecute them for combining in
restraint of trade. That kind of trust
busting on its face is merely for po
litical effect , for not one trust has re
duced the price of its products , and
nearly every trust has enormously in
creased prices , so much so that the
Bradstreet Mercantile agency reported
Dec. 1 last that the average increase
in prices of commodities since 1S9G is
oG per cent.
Worth Remembering.
President Woodrow Wilson of Prince
ton was the principal speaker at the
annual dinner of the New York South
ern society , and his words about great
men are worthy of recording. "A man
may be great , " said Dr. Wilson , "and
yet misuse his power. He may be
s reat iu capacity even when he is
selfish in employing that capacity. We
never speak of a man as 'noble' who
spends his -energies upon his own
selfish interests alone. " The vast dif
ference between our great politicians
ftiul our "noble" men who are states
men and philanthropists Is well worth
L'oniembering In these days , when stren-
noslty is often mistaken for statesman
The Panama Shakeup.
Panama matters are all topsy turvy.
Shouts is retiring from the canal com
mission , with Chief Engineer Stevens
to succeed him. This Is the most Im
portant event. President Roosevelt is
urging congress to abolish the commis
sion and create a one man po wer to
run the wabbly machine. The real rea
son for all this shakeup has not yet
been made public , but there must be
something radically wrong with the
administration of affairs to need such
i radical reorganization. And yet It
! s only a few weeks ago the country
tras assured that every detail was in
ipple pie order.
R M Faddis & Co.
Po tomcft addr * sq Valentine or
Ml It it
Hors ' . nr mled
ton 1 ft
[ shoulder
| . r thigh ,
Some Some branded
i rnnded _ . ' on rMi thigh
on left J or Miuuuler
or thij.h iii
N. S. Rowley
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
Same as cut on left
iide and hip , and ou1
left shoulder of her
ses. AlsogSS i on
left Hide -
V 4on ieft
tie .
I'd liusk-SilSSEiliJing peg ( either side up ) on
'eft side or hip. p on left jaw and e t shoulder
of horses , QJ
QJQ on left hip of horses.
| > J on left jaw of horses
C. W Bennett
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
with 7 on left hip
also same as cut
Range between
Gordon and Snake
; reeks uiid on tiie
Niobrara river
f'ody , Neb
Hranrt reglstereu
- M 1027
. dorses branded on
'it shoulder
Ranee north and
of Cutcomb
in Cherry Co
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
Some Q.Yon
on left jaw of
V horses.
ttange on Gordoa Creek north of Simeon ,
Postofflce address
Hyannis , Neb
On right aide
* n left
right H.
Range 10 mUea
C. H Little.
Merriman , Nehr
On either side
Horses same on
hip. Also
Range Lake
Pat Peiper
JLfi ?
lohii Roan's
mvate mark , slit
left ear
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJBK JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for informatioj
leading to deifctfo .
of rnstlers of st v
aringany of these brands
Albert Whipple & Sons
Rosebud , S , D.
Cattle brande <
SOS on left sid.
OSO on rtehtsirt'
Some cattle als
have a - { - on neck
Some with A oi
left shoulder and
some branded
mth two uar-
, -icross hind qna
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
branded O on leit side and some2
in left side. _ _ _
Corses branded SOS on left hio. Some e.m
randed AW bar connected on both sides an-
htn of horsfw
K-I-P-A-K-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5-cent package s enough for usual occa-
ions. The family bottls ( CO cents ) contains a
iiDDlv for a year. All druesists sell them
January 15 , 1907.
PerCwt. Per Ton.
5ran , sacked § 90 § 1700
Jhorts , sacked 1 00 19 00
> creenings , sacked 70 13 00
) hop Feed , sacked 1 10 21 00
} orn , sacked 1 00 19 00
yhop Corn , sacked 1 05 20 00
) ats , sacked 1 15 22 00
Oor < inrj.
on Iff t sfdp a
cut , 6-inch c <
i -ft shoulr
Inobc clrcu * 1-ln
) ox. Kegistered 878. Italian mllHw south
Twin on Niobrara mar
Paruielee Cattle CoRe
Ro ebud.8. D ,
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
with stripe under
Horses branded
left thigh.
Kange on Soldier creek.
Metzger Bros. ,
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
left thigh.
Range on Gordon ami Snake Creeks.
A Reward of $250 will beaid . to any person for
information leading to the arrest and final
conviction of any person or persons stealing
cattle with above brand.
Jos. bristol
Valentine , Nebr.
Range on Nio
brara river four
miles east of Ft.
Horses and
cattle branded
fiB connected on
left hip or side as
shown in cut
Postofflce address
Hyannis , Neb
Branded on left side
Range eighteen miles
north of Rvannis
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
Sandy Williams.
Merriman. Nebr.
Mostly on left
tide. Some on
ight side.
Horses same on
eft shoulder.
Range Lake
Tek , S. D.
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
w on cut.left side
on left hip
Horses same on
sft shoulder.
ttuuge Squats
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cut on
left side.
branded !
on left
Range 6 mile :
south of Irwin.
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
same as cut back
right shoulder and
en right hip
Range on the
Postofflce address
Cody , Nebraska
On left
side. Hor-j
ses left
Range north
Cutcomb Lake
Garner Brothers.
Cody , Nebr.
Anywhere on cat
Horses on left
Range- North
Sawyer Bros.
ostofflce address.
Oasis. Nebr
| ' G. K. Sawyer has
charge of these cat-
1 tie Horses D 8 on
k left shoulder. Some
IstockKr ? ! left side
A. , . . . ' WHorsp&a es same
t thign. Kange on Snake riverlSS
ebraska Land and Feeding Co.
irtlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. ? .
Chas c Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the following
brands :
lorseu Branded tb't
.Bange between
gortd ° n JntheF .
- SM. V..K. R. and
-annis on B
, & M . in Northwestern
: braska. Address
Isworth. Nubraska. '