Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 14, 1907, Image 1
' * . ri fR : VOLl'MK XXII VALKNTiNF N BKA > K A. THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 14 , 1907 NTTMBEE 5 We wish to call your attention to our ex tensive line of "Keen Kutter" tools. We carry at all times a complete line of carpenter tools , including the best of every thing in hammers , saws , planes , hatchets , auger bits , bit braces , squares , draw knives , chisels , files , etc. In fact everything that an up to date carpen ter will need. Try one of our "Keen Kutter" axes or forks. They are tem pered right , hung right , and made right. Always buy a "Keen Kutter" pocket knife. We also have 'the exclusive sale of "Manard" spades and shovels. Their are many imitations of these goods. Always watch the lab el and accept nothing but a "Manard" and profit thereby. Each and every article is thoroughly guaranteed by us and backed by the makers. "The recollection of quality remains long- after the price is forgotten. " RED FRONT MERC. CO. W W tf * W 9 Half Pric Clothing , Suits and Pants , Caps , Under wear , Mittens , Shirts , Sweaters : Ladies' and Children's Cloaks , Jackets , Skirts , Shoes. D. ST CLOTHIER Valentine , Nebr. FRED WHITTEXIORE , Pres. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier J. W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAH L. BRITTON , Ass't. Cashier. Persons s ekintr a pl.icr ofat' 'iv t > r ttu'f tiine \ . \vili profit > v investigating the methods employed in our nut-ir-- Durable Chairs § B.50 set. Desks § 5.00 to § 26.00. Side Boards § i.50 up. Stove Boaris lOc up. Established in Valentine since 1885. 5 Wagons and Buggies Lumber and Hardware Pictures Framed to Order. TI N W A R E , OILS , ETC. Lamps , Crockery , Lime , Coal. Paper. EURNITURE A\D COFPINS. .Licensed Embuimer Winter Goods We have just received a fine line of Linens and Mexican Drawn Work Good assortment of Christmas Candies. PHONE 97 , Read the Advertisements. Meetings at the 31. K. Cliiirc-Ii Every Sunday. MORNING SE11VICES- Sunday School belies at 10:00 o'clock. " " 11:00 " Preaching : Junior Loaeup " " 2:30 : p iu. EVF/vfNC. SKKVb'ES- Kjnvorth L"igno : begins : it 0:30 o'clock. Vi-'Whi' g " " 7-3' ' ) ' KEV P. E. CoxxELI . Pastor NEWIIMEFABLt , C. & H. W. EAST ISO CXI ) No , 2 , Daily except :5atimlay..9:43 p. m. , Pass iNo. 0 , Dally 4:5Jd : , . m. . P.ii .No. & . ' , JJaily , uxuepi ailiiUay . . .4UJ p. m , ioeal JN'u. 110. D.iily 6 : 0 a. Ill , loja WEST liOUXD .No. ,1. Dully , except Smiuay G :50 : p. m. , Pass .No. fyoJail/ . 1:47 a. in. , 1'ass ixo. si. Daily cxcfcpt ouuday 9:40 a. uu. , local JS'o. ll'J , ( .doesn't carry passengers ) 11:45 p.m. Talk of the Town. AY. F. A. Meltendorff makes an elaborate change in his ad this week. Read it. John Fersil handles airlands of fruit and shade trees , small fruit , shrubs and flowers. 5 Rev. Magil of Crookston was in Valentine a few hours Saturday , having some dental wortc done. The flashlight picture drew a large crowd to the skating rink Tuesday ' - night"Two pictures were taken by Capt. Shaw. Dr. Shipherd , dentist from Ains- worth , will be in Valentine Feb. 19 to 20 at the Valentine House prepared to do dental work , 4-2 Perry Swearinger , the "horse man" , called at our office Tuesday to get a whip. He brought a load of corn to town with him which he sold to G ; Carlson. Captain Houston writes to Rev. C. E. Connell , pastor of the M.E. church , that the Lord gave them a wonderful blessing in the meet- in Forest City , 111. , which closed Jan. 31st. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Swain of Hay Springs , "eb. , are here on a visit to H. B. Swain of Ragged Top. The two brothers had not met before in twelve years. Dead wood Telegram. There will be a silver medal con test given by five young lady con testants Saturday evening , Feb. 23. Good program , good music. Admission 10r ; . Further an nouncements next week. A committee of ladies have been visiting the homes of the com munity the past week extending personal invitations to every fam ily in town to attend the avange- listic meetings at the M.E. church Feb. 24th. John Jaquins and his mother were up from Sparks Monday , do ing some trading and bidding good by to their old friends and acquaintances before leaving for Gretna , Neb. , where they have rented a farm. Their sale last Thursday was well attended and everything sold at top prices. Considerable interest is being shown in the prayer meetings which have been held for the past two weeks preparatory to the evangelistic meeting to be held in the M. E. church Feb. 24th. The prayer meetings will be continued next week and announcements of places will be made from the pul pits of'the different churches next Sabbath. Watch for the an nouncements and plan to attend the meetings. 2 * , ? : * Delicious in Flavor Pure in Quality 4 ? Economical in Buying Healthy in its Use Four room house to rent ; also , 3 rooms over the Democrat Office for rent as an office or light house keeping. I , M. KICE. Sam Grooms and family went ' * downlto Ainsworth last Monday to visit with Mrs. Groom's sisters for a few days. Frank Grooms is staying at Sam's place taking care of his stock during their absence. The supreme court yesterday ( last Saturday ) finally dismissed the cases against Chauncey Dewey - ey , the millionaire ranchmen , atd his cowboys , Clyde Wilson and" W. J. McBride , charged with taking part in the killing of the Berry family in western Kansas in 1903. World-Herald. ' "N" . A. Bullis returned Monday from Sturgis , S. D. , and reported that he and his nephew had bought a stock of hardware at that place and had taken possession Monday morning. John Bullis will , re main in charge until his uncle can move his family to Sturgis. John expects to move his family as soon as his uncle gets located. Thomas McCIean of Brownlee was in town Tuesday on business. As usual , when he comes to our city , he made this office' friendly call. Mr. McCIean informs us that hay is getting scarce and that he intends to unload a car or two of corn at Woodlake soon which he will freight out and feed to his large herd of cattle. In attempting to ford a stream , swoolen b.v water from the sudden thaw , former State Senator Frank Currie and J. Ulrich of Bradshaw were almost drowned , Saturday afternoon. They tried to cross in a buggy. The horses lost their footing , and the two men jumped from the rig and swam to shore. The horses were found dead today , several miles down the stream. Omaha Daily News. We sadly regret to announce the death of Wm. Allen at his home near Sparks on Feb. 2,190 T , after an illness of about one month of pneumonia. Mr. Allen was born in Green county , Kentucky , Dec. 25 , 1S41 , being 66 years , one month and 6 days old at his death. At the beginning of the Civil war he enlisted in the 116th Illinois Reg. , Co. E , was in the battle of Gettysburg and in the march through Georgia. In 1S71 he was married to Miss Jennie Swager of Pawnee county , Neb. He leaves a wife and five children to mourn his death. The children are Mrs. A. Haley , Mrs. John Helenbolt , William , Eichard and Edward Allen. The remains were laid to- rest in Sparks cemetery. We are through invoicing and have odds , and ends of different lines to close on tat a bargain. We have got a lot of shoes and shirts we will sell below cost. Come and see. CROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , MAX E VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. . fl what you have to sell. what you want to b Call and see us. Phone 23 W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERALISE , " * 4 Chartered as a State Bank Charten d as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 10.02 , . , The Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID A General Banking- Exchange and Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President , VT IX' . TT . . oy , Osshiar. Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods 3CZC Lunch Counter. Phone 7 FRESH FRUIT AND GAME { IN THEIR SEASON. 90909 First class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Salt Heats Smoked Breakfast Bacon. Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. I AT THIS OFFICER