Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 07, 1907, Image 8

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Commissioners' Office , )
Valentine , Neb. , Jan. . 4 , 1907.
Board met as per adjournment.
Present : Arthur Bowring , chm. ,
and A. E. Morris.
Commissioners proceeded to the
Minnechaduza hill northeast of
Valentine for the purpose of in
specting. the work recently done on
said hill , same being inspected.
In the afternoon the commission
ers proceeded to go to the Hanson
hill for the purpose of letting work
1.1 . to be done on said hill by having
the road leading up this hill made
ten feet wider.
Commissioners proceeded to check
the offices of the county judge and
sheriff and the sheriff and their
statements approved.
Whereupon tlie board adjourned
to Jan. 5.
Jan. 5,1907.
Board met as per adjournment.
Present : Arthur Bowring , chm. ,
and A. E. Morris.
In the matter of the application
of F. L. Rose for a license to sell
malt , spirituous and vinous liquors
in Georgia village. Georgia pre
cinct , he having filed his petition
with the county clerk Dae. 20,1906 ,
the said F. L. Eose appeared before
the board in person and requested
the board to allow him to withdraw
said application and his request is
In the matter of the application
of Wm. Story for license to sell
liquors : And now on this 5th day
of January , 1907 , the cause of the
application of Wm. Story to sell
malfc , spirituous and vinous liquors
in Georgia , Georgia precinct , Cher
ry county , Nebraska , came on for
hearing on the petition and the re
monstrance and the evidence , and
the board of county commissioners
having heard the evidence does find
that the petition does not contain
the majority of resident freeholders
in Georgia precinct , Cherry county ,
Nebraska. Whereupon the board
refuses to grant the license as pray
ed for and said petition is dismissed.
Whereupon the board adjourned
to January 7.
Jan. 7.
Board met as per adjournment
and proceeded with the checking up
of the office of the county treasurer
from day to day until the morning
of Jan. 11.
Jan. 11.
Board met as per adjournment.
Present : Arthur Bowring , chm. ,
and A. E. Morris.
The board completed the check-
in of the office of the county treas
urer and find the following report ,
which was submitted by W. D.
Armstrong , to be correct and same
is approved :
Bal on baud last setCem't S 563JO S3
Miscellaneous collection 3074 36
Taxes collected 102042 52
Docket fees 1328 50
Fees as per fee book 510 75
School lauds 10718 00
1'rotest 1184 32
Redemption 1C10 23
State app'tmt : J191 99 S1S0388 01
School vouchers
Stats treas receipts 28875 15
Soldiers relief
Bonds and cupons 17837 31
Road -warrants . 1971 00
Judgment 465 Oj
Bridge fund 4348 20
General 2994:1 : 1C
Tabor 1G29 7.5
Redemption 1C03 74
Protest 1363 TO
Milage warrants SO 12 7S
Traas Co nml-islons 211S 75
Treas foes 510 75
ill Balance on hand 5S11S M 31S0383 01
The following report submitted
by Lulu Kortz , county superinten
dent , found to be correct from an
examination of the records in her
ofiice and is this day approved :
Receipts from July 1 Oil to Jan 1 07 :
Hal July 103 S 72 20
Examinations and registration * 120 59
Board of commissions 100(0
Institute t itlon 5 00 ? i)7 70
Expenditures July l OCto Jan 1 07 :
0 ,
" Paid Suite Examiner 37 Oi
Normal Instruction ! X ) 03
Institute Music Lectures & sup On 35
lien Association lectur.t 10 00
Epenses 4 51)
Hal Jan l SO 95 § 297 70
Commissioners opened bids on
county supplies as was advertised
for and the contract f furnishing
material in-class "B" except the
envelopes , and all of slass ' > " was
awarded to tha State "Journal'Co.
All other bids rejected.
The county officers are instructed
to purchnse nil envelopes for the
coining year from tha government
and to purchase in open market all
supplies in class "A" and "C. " .
Bids were called for to furnish
one car of coal for the court house
and upon the opening of same con
tract was awarded to J. VV. Yeast
to furnish 1 car of White Ash coal ,
delivered in bin at court house at
§ 7.60 per ton.
Commissioners purchased for use
in treasurer's office , 1 Omnibus for
The following appointments were
made : A. Casn , overseer road dis
trict No. 20 ; Geo. B. McNamee ,
justice of the peace Merriman pre -
The following bonds were ap
proved :
A Casvoverseer dist No. 20 : Mat Biltz o , A
Fisher 9. L C Starr 13 J D Spall 22 , Peter Lower
2 , CPavlikT. JVm Miemoth-Jo , Ernest Hetli 30.
Fred BjuclileSl , G H Kolsoin 15 , H F Miller 4
M Moue 12. 8 M Woodward 17 , D Hend rdhot
23 , O W Halm 3 , T P i reen 19 , Joj Fathead 18 ;
A W Epke constable German precinct
A Ericksou Sharps Ranch
FT Lee " Loup
W F Meltendorff justice of the peace Valentine
M Bolt/ " N nzel
R Grooms " River
Ed Lee Loup
Wm Beamer " Lavaca
Dan Barnes " Gillaspie
0 B Wiesflug " German
G15 McNam ° e " ' Merriman
J W McDanfel , co surveyor ; J W Shep ird , dep
uty sheriff ; John JI Tucker , co attorney.
Upon proper showing made by
Elmer Shannon , the § 3 labor tax
assessed to him lor the year 11888
is ordered stricken from the tax list
for that year.
It is ordered by the board that
the county clerk and county assessor
ser make requisition on the auditor
of public accounts for books and
blanks necessary for use in their
offices for the year 1907.
Whereupon the board adjourned
to Jan. 12.
Jan. 12.
Board met as per adjournment ,
Present : Arthur Bowring , chm. :
and A. E. Morris.
The following claims were allow
ed on the General fund :
Scholtes case :
R Barnes $10 00 M Boltz $90
E il Chase 1103 Dora Hoffman 90
Emilia Hoffman 9 CO J Lawrence 9 0
C Linebrlnk 9 00 John Scholtes 10 0
E Shannon 10 00 F Scholtes 9 0
U SchAt-ltr 9 00 J Stusch 8 4
A Stasch 9 00
Burroughs Adding Mac Co l machine 375 0
ED Clarke insanity b ard 0
Dr Hoxey co physician 18 5
JTKeeley iimne board ! ) ! >
Ludwlg Lumber Co wood CO 01
A Lewis insane l o rd 5 o
J Mogle Hendricks case 7 5 (
L Piper Treadway case 3 5 (
G F Roberts Fitch cash 3 0 (
Iron Rope 100
State Journal supplies C 0
Smith Prem Tp Co " 70
C Treat Treadway case 7 5
Villaga of Valentino water rout 15 8
The following claims were allow
ed on the Eoad fund :
Bishop & Young supplies 44 2
C H Beckman work ; 3 o
C W Bennett \ 18 0
D Heudershot overseer 30 o
G H Hornby supplies „ 17 9
H Hobbs work 3 0
Krotter & Hall lumber 24 li
J R Lee work 20 5
C Larson overseer 27 0
J W McDaniel surveying road 3 0
Wm Niemoth overseer 6 &
JD Spall " 5t5 Oi
S Q Spain work 2 Oi
PH Young work 30
Application of A. W. Petersor
for a refund of taxes paid him 03
him for the year 1906 evidenced
by tax receipt No. 2291 , rejected
Personal taxes and road tax as
sessed to Allen Gould in Valentine
precinct for year 1906 ordered
stricken from tax list on account
of his being under age.
The § 3 labor tax assessed C. M
Sageser in Valentine village foi
year 1906 found to be erroneous
on account of his having been as
sessed in Cleveland precinct and s
refund is ordered made to him foi
said amount.
Eef und of § 3 labor tax ordered
to G. L. Jaquins , same having
been paid by him for the year 05.
and was exempt from such tax.
being over age.
Personal tax assessed to C. E.
Pollard in Cleveland precinct for
year 1906 and paid by him , amt.
§ 1.56 , ordered refunded , he hav
ing paid taxes on same property
in Valentine precinct.
Kef und of $13.9i ordered to C.
J. Treat on taxes paid by him for
year 1901 in Goose Creek precinct
same , having been assessed in Loup
precinct and paid by him.
Eef and of § 1.08 ordered "made
to Frank Rickett of Wood Lake
precinct , his property having j
been assessed in Wood Lake vil- '
hijre and he being outside limits.
Refund of $7.27 ordered to L.
M. Bates on personal taxes paid
by him in Valentine village for
year 06 , erroneous assessment.
Personal taxes assessed E. D.
Spencer in Cody village for year
02 ordered stricken from tax list
for said year , he having paid taxes
in Minnechaduza precinct.
Schedule Xo. 1643 of J. F. Gey-
er of Woodlake precinct ordered
canceled and the taxes assessed to
him by yirtue of said schedule be
ing for year 06 , ordered stricken
from the tax list on account of his
being assessed on same property
twice in said precinct.
The following warrants were
ordered drawn on the Judgment
fund in payment of judgments
rendered by the district court
against Cherry county at the ad
journed Oct. term 06 :
Valentine State Bank $31 85
Alfred Lewis 11 40
The following Bonds of banks
designated as depositories for
county funds were approved :
First National Bank of Valentine.
Anchor Bank , Merriman.
Bond of the Canton Bridge Co. ,
covering the contract for furnish
ing and constructing three steel
bridges in Cherry county approv
The following amounts were de
ducted from claims allowed this
date and applied on delinquent
personal taxes :
L I'ieper 1899 tax Lavncn : ; ft
C W Bennett 1903-05 tax Cleveland 18 0 :
J W Mc-Daniel 18 ! ) . ' Woodlake l H
The commissioners ordered the
county clerk to notify W. S.Bark
er that they this day waive the
time limit of 20 days given him
under date of June 27 , 1906 for
the appealing of his claim o1
§ 561.90 , filed in the county clerk's
office on the 21st day of December
1905 , and on which said claim
§ 350 was allowed by the board ol
commissioners on June 27 , 1906 ,
said claim'being for services ren
dered by him in printing the de
linquent tax list for the 1905 , anc
that he is allowed 20 days fron
this date in which to file his ap
peal in the district court , the ob
ject of the waiving of said time
limit being for the purpose of al
lowing said cause to be tried is
the district court on its merits.
Whereupon the board adjournec
to Jan. M.
* Jan. M.
Board met as per adjournment
Present : Arthur Bo wring , chrn. ,
and A. E. Morris.
Commissioners ordered warrant ;
issued on the General fund for the
redemption of the following cer
tificates of tax sale of real estate ,
the lands having been erroneously
placed on the tax list and sold foi
taxes by the county treasurer , saic
real estate being government land :
Cert No. 33 for ssw wse 24-27-28 amt $6 3 ;
332 Lotslini2 : 31-2V3S 5 CJ
310 smv nes\v mvse 23-32-33 S3
107 sue CUW 18-33-27 60
All of the above lands are alsc
ordered stricken from tax list.
The following estimate of ex
penses for the year 1907 were
County and precinct officers $700C
Jail and board 200 (
Court and jury S5X (
Supplies for poor 2tiO (
Bounty on wild animals 200 (
Fuel and repairs . ioo (
Books , blanks and stationery > 100 (
Judgment 50 (
Bridges 870 <
County roads 40K
Sinking , - 23W
Commissioners proceeded t c
draw 60 names from which to
draw petit jury for regular March
term 07 district court.
Commissioners allowed the clerk
a deputy at a salary of $700 per
year to be paid out of the fees of
his office.
Commissioners allowed the clerk
a salary of § 400 per year as clerk
of the board.
Commissioners allow the county
superintendent a salary of § 1000
for the year 1907.
Commissioners allow county
treasurer a deputy at a salary of
§ 700 per year to be paid out of
the fees of his office.
Upon request the commissioners
changed the name pf JBoiling
Springs precinct to Cody precinct.
School tax assessed to O. J.
Body for yrsir 06 in Pleasant Hill
precinct district 35 ordered strick-
eii , as he is outside the district.
Commissioners appointed Dr.
A. N. Compton county physician
for year 1907 for the following
precincts : Sparks , Minnechaduza ,
River , Woodlake , Steen , Goose
Creek , Kewanee , Valentine , Loup ,
Schlagle , Dewey Lake , German ,
Table , Cleveland , Kennedy and
Pleasant Hill.
and appointed Dr. McDowell of
Merriman for the following :
Georgia , Eli , Lavaca , Buffalo
Lake , Sharps Ranch , Merriman ,
Nenzel , Enlow , Gillaspie , Cody ,
Mother Lake , Irwin and Barley.
Whereupon the board adjourned
to Jan. 15.
Jan. 15.
Present : Bowring , chm. , and
Morris. *
Application of F. M. Gochey
for admission to the Soldiers
Home approved by the board.
County clerk is instructed tc
draw a warrant on the General
fund for § 147.30 , payable to the
clerk of the district court , said
amount being his fees in the case
State of Nebr. vs The Several
Parcels of Land in Cherry county
Nebr. , recently sold under the
"Scavenger Tax Law. "
Commissioners designated th <
Cody Cow Boy as the paper ir
which to publish the commissioner !
proceedings for year 07 and als (
the delinquent tax list for year 06 ,
Corns , ordered a warrant drawn
on the General favor W. S. Jack
son for § 4.69 in payment of re
fund of taxes year ' 89 , same hav
ing been a double assessment.
§ 3 labor tax ordered strickei
from tax list 06 of Frank Fischer
Jr. , he being under age.
The following claims were al
lowed on the General fund :
Elmer [ Jauen Treadway case r f
W K Towne stamped envelopes 21 2
Lulu Kortx 21 2
Whereupon the board adjourn
to Jan. 16.
Jan. 16.
Commissioners proceeded t <
the mouth of the Snake river fo
the purpose of viewing the pro
posed road as petitioned for by L
W. Parker et al.
The following claims were al
lowed on the General fund ;
Arthur Bowring comm'r fees 51 ' <
A E Morris 39
Whereupon the board adjourn
ed to April 8 , 1907.
J. T. KEELEY , Clerk.
An Abrupt Finale.
Joaquia Miller bad just v * on recognl
tion as the poet of the Sierras and \vai
working on a paper in Oregon. H (
had been contributing verses and shon
stories and bad just begun a tale abou
the soldiers on the frontier who suf
fered with scurvy. The editor wautec
the scurvy story for the morning pub
lication , but Joaquin Miller could nol
concentrate upon his work. His mint
leaped to the anticipated joy of a greal
Bocial function occurring that evening
for at this time he was a social lion
LTowever , he had proceeded in his storj
lip to the point of the conditional cure
for the disease where all the soldiers
suffering with scurvy had been buried
with only their heads exposed to view ,
The editor was yelling "Copy ! " The
poet's mind refused to work. lie could
not finish the tale , leaving his soldiers
in such a plight. Suddenly an inspira
tion came to him. He grabbed his
pencil and wrote rapidly the following
words :
"And a she wolf came along and ate
off all their heads. " Then he niade a
bee line for the door and was not seen
again until the next day. His story
was not published.
A Cause of Divorce.
"What is the most frequent cause of
divorce ? " the lawyer was asked.
"It is nearly incredible , " he said ,
"but a thing that causes divorce oftener -
er than you'd imagine is married pee
ple's quarreling over their right to
open one another's letters. The hus
band will claim that he is entitled to
open the wife's mail. The wife will
claim that she Is entitled to open the
husband's. In the letters of neither
will there be anything of a private or
compromising nature , but nevertheless
they both want to get their mail in
violate it enrages them to have it
opened and read. Quarrels over this
letter opening question vex , I suppose ,
90 per cent of married couples. Of
this 90 per cent a distressingly large
proportion go on from bad to worse
till they wind up in the divorce court.
So , young man , when you come to mar
ry , leave your wife's mail alone , no
: matter how she may pry into yours. "
.New York Press.
R M Faddis & < T-o.
Pwtnmce address Valentin or Kennedy.
l ran led
] it
Horses Itr-tnded
.on 1 * It
iir thigh ,
Some Some branded
t-rn ruled g on riyh. thigh
I on left or .shoulder.
' shoulder !
or thUh
N. S. Rowle\
Kennedy , - Nebraska
Same as cut on left
side and hip , and on
left shoulder of horses
on ieft
Some cat-
tie brand-
d husk-i ng pec ( either side up ) on
eft side or hip. p on left jaw and e t shoulder
3f horses. m
mQ on left hip of horses.
M"on left jaw of horses
0. W. Bennett
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
with 7 on left hip
also same as cut
Range between
Gordon and Snake
creeks and on the
Niobrara river
Oody , Neb
Brand registeren
No 1027
Horses branded on
left shoulder
Ranee north and
south of Cutcomb
{ > ake in Cherry Co
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
Some Q.Yon
on left jaw of
V horses.
Range on Gordoa Creek north of Simeon ,
Postofflce address
hyaums. Neb
On right side
on left
also cattle
on right s'
Range Itt miles
north of Hvannis
C. H Little.
Merriman , Nebr.
On either side
Horses same on
hip. Also Q >
Range Lake Creek
Pat Peiper
Simeon Nebr.
Roan Brothers
Woodlakt ) Neb
John . Roan's
'Drivatt- ' mark , slit
in left ear
C. P. Jordan.
Roaebud , SD
Horses nnd cattle
same as cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
bearing any of these brands
Albert Whipple & Sons
Rosebud , S. D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on rtehtside
Some cattle also
have af fen ceak
Some with A on
left shonlder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind qnar-
§ ters. Some Texas
cattle branded a O on left aide and somej
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left hln. Some cattu
branded AW bar connected on both sides and
bio of horsas.
K-I-P-A-N-S Tubules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5-cent package s enough lor usual occas
sians. The family bottle ( GO cents ) contains a
supply for a year. All druc its sell them
January 15 , 1907.
PerCwt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked $ 90 § 17 00
Shorts , sacked 1 00 19 00
Screenings , sacked 70 13 00
Chop Feed , sacked 1 10 21 00
Corn , sacked 1 00 19 00
Shop Corn , sacked 1 05 20 00
Oats , sacked 145 22 00
Gordon. NaD )
Oaiue brands-
> n leftside
cur. rt-lnch b.
. \t-lncbcircl !
Brand reglsterer
ft ahou
incba circle. I-ln
box. KeVstered 876. KanKe-- mtles soatb
Invln on NIobrara river.
Parmelee Cattle Co.
Ro ebud.S. D ,
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
with stripe under
left thigh.
on Soldier creek.
Metzger Bros. ,
1 o i
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
left thigh.
Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
conviction of any person or
cattle with above brand.
Jos rsristol
Valentine , Nebr.
Range on NIo
brara river four
miles east of Ft.
Horses and
cattle branded
nB connected on
left hip or aide as
shown in cut
Postofflce address
Hyannls , Neb
Branded on left eide
Range eighteen miles
north of Kvannis
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the rr-
covery of cattle
strayed from my
Sandy Williams.
Merriman. Nebr.
Mostly on left
side. Some on
right side.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Lake
Creek , S. D.
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cut on
left sirle.
on left
Range 6 miles
south of Irwln ,
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
same as cut back
right shoulder and
en right hip
Range on th
Postofflce address
Cody , Nebraska
On left
side. Hor-i
ses left
Range north
Cutcomb Lake
Garner Brothers.
Cody , Nebr.
Anywhere on cat
Horses on left
Range- North
Sawyer Bros.
oatofflce address.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Sawyer has
charge of these cat
tle Horses D s on
le/t shoulder. Some
> stockB3 < left side
eft thigb. Kange on Snake riverE
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3artlett Eichards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P.
Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also the followinz
brands ;
Banga between
Gordon on the PJB.