Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 07, 1907, Image 7

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    to tJio Occasion.
book-keeper , thinking * the boss had
homo Cor the. day , had invited. a
Iriends to assist him in dbiyosins of
fyt that had been brought iu from a
Wtile tlja wock of dcuspution was in
prbgytiisa the boss ujucipuetedlv n uorjucd ,
He- stood in. the doorway and surveyed the
ieatfc e accse.
lfl5r cocuc in , 2Ir. Spilkcr , " afasuner-
cdtftje beelike Hi > r. "and and bcip a hun
gry uncb crunch hintih. "
'r , thanks , " said Mr. SpiHcer. "I
prcfor to .sttuid here and watch on idle
dork shirk work. " Chicago Tribune.
Leather \va.sttx i no longer wasted.
Manufacturers u.- . it ij : t oo.tjprtMwed
form , uisttUil ofon to r.iV.c cogwheels.
New Wlieaf
Canadian West
additional miles of railway this year
nave opened up a largely increased ter
ritory to the progressive farmers of Western
Canada , and the Government of the Dominion
continues to give 160 Acres Free lo Every ScIJIer.
The Country lias
No Superior
CoaL wood and water in abundance ; churches
end schools convenient : markets easy of access ;
taxes low ; climate the best in the northern tem
perate zone. Law and order prevails e % erywhere.
For advice and information address the
Superintendent of Immigration , Ottawa , Canada ,
or the aut'iorize'i Canadian Government cent ,
\V. D. Scott , Superintendent of Immigration ,
Ottawa , Canada , or E. T. Holmes , 315 Jackson
St. , St. Paul , Minn , and J. M. MacLachlan , Box
116 , Watertown , So. Dakota Authorized Govern
ment .Agents.
Please car where you cav : this advertisement.
ft tA / , =
ill rss
! b
Positively cured y
these lAttlc Pills.
Tlicy also relieve Dis
tress Ircm Dyspepsia , Indigestion -
digestion and Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect ; rein-
edylorDizzlncss. Nausea ,
Drowsiness , Bad Taste
In the Slouta , Coated
Tongue , Pain In tlic Side ,
regulate the Bowels. rurely Vegetable.
GARTERS Genuine Must Bear
ITTLE Fac-Simile Signature
j. MUI.UAI.I. . aiouz : CITT.
A Positive
Ely's Cream Baim
is quickly Absorbed.
Gii os Relief ct Onco.
It cleanses , soothes ,
heals and protects
tbe diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh
und drives away n Cold in the Head quickly.
Restores the Senses of Taste and SmelL
Full size 50 eta. at Druggists or by mail ;
/Trial / sizs 10 cts. by mail.
Elv Brothers , 50 "Warren Street , New York ,
What have you to
SeH or Exchanoe ?
93 So. Jcliersan Street , CBICASO
If you are a
sufferer from
nioctlily Irre
We Can Kelp You
A proscription by one
of Mlhvaukco's lead-
JiiK bosniutJ Pliysi
ciniiR will jrlre you
relief. Used "hi prac
tice for years.
We will seud you.
free of cliarsp , n few
days * treatment of
our tonic hi plain
wrapper. Confiden
tial. Write nt once
mil talre advantage
of this free wffer.
Tfte Germanla Reinsdiss Co.
Suite 522 GertKnla Eidg. Milwaukee , Wis.
The third act climax > f the Chrlst-
meloilrama Cell very Hat.
"Iish , " sold the manager , ? peak-
Ics , low in the dead silence o tbe the
ater , "that L had some of thoss clai > -
i machines like they use la the
jail and German thoitcr * .
"These machiwjes are made or vriniL-
Jiled leather. They are Uio to nat-
tlsh footballs. Bou # them together and
they make a sound exactly Hka hand
"They are hidden la dia'ereat parts
of the house , and an electnc wire con
nects them v/ith the wings. You ju
touch a button when a climax cornea
and the theater resounds with machine-
made applause. "
oJ JacJc Homer.
The legend of Little Jade Llorner , as
, told in Somersetshire , is as followa :
At the time of the dissolution the abbot
bet o GlastonLury wished to send
some important deeds to the brother of
Queen Jaue Seymour. For safety he
eonceaied them in a pie and intrusted
them to one Jack Homer. During the
transit Jack Homer pulled out the
plum in the shape cf Iho title deeds of
Mells Park , where his descendant now
One "Way.
Si Haymow Gimme a ticket t' Slab-
town , mister.
Agent One way ?
Si Haymow Why , of course , y' durn
fule. There's only one way t' Slab-
town. Toledo Blade.
Keep tlie Kldneyw Well ami the ICI 1-
neys Will Keep You Well.
Sick , suffering , languid women are
learning the true cause of bad backs
and how to cure
them. Mrs. W. G.
Davis , of Groesbeck ,
Texas , says : "Back
aches hurt me so I
could hardly stand.
Spells of dizziness
; and sick headaches
were frequent and
the action of the kid
neys was irregular.
0 Soou after I began
j ' taking Doan's Kidney Pills I passed
several gravel stones , f got well and
I i < the trouble has not returned. My back
J is good and strong and my general
health better. "
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a bor.
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Tramps lit 3tniy A
There arrived in London last even
ing an aged man named Mark All who
has been wandering for the last six
Mark All is an engineer by trade
and lie set out from Fleet street on
Aug. 0 , l)00 ! ) , with the object of walk
ing ( JO.OCO miles in seven years. The
idea of the enterprise was to disprove
a theory , which All attributes to engi
neering employers , that after a man
has reached years of age he is use
less for manual labor.
Some gentlemen who were desirous
of disproving this theory agreed to
pay All 500 if he could walk 60,000
miles in seven years , earning his liv
ing at his trade , and that he shall
not bog. sell photographs of himself or
pictures post cards , make speeches or
exhibit himself at music halls. All
these conditions , he says , he has faith
fully observed. He has been all over
the three "Kingdoms and has visited
France , Spain , Switzerland , Belgium.
Holland , Italy and Germany , but failed
to get into Russia. His record BOW is
33.000 miles.
He proposes to take a week's rest in
London , then walk to New Haven antl
cross to Dieppe , where he will resume
hN pedestrian eercises through
France. Throughout his travels Mark
All wears the union jack on his right
arm. London Chronicle.
Nearly all the safety matches , \vhicli
are safe ngainst friction on sandpaper ,
stone , wood or brick , ignite readily frora
a quick rub on sr.r3. !
Thni Cna&cs All tlic Trouble.
When the house is alire , it's like a
body when disease begins to show , it's
no time to talk but time to act delay
is dangerous remove the cause of the
trouble at once.
"For a number of years , " says a Kan
sas lady , "I felt sure that coffee was
hurting me , and yet , I was so fond of
it , I could not give it up. I paltered
with my appetite and of course yiel'ded
to the temptation to drink more. At
last I got so bad that I made up my
mind I must either quit the use of cof
fee or die.
"Everything I ate distressed me , and
I suffered severely almost all the time
with palpitation of the heart. I fre-
quentlj- woke up in the night w.ith the
feeling that I was almost gone , my
heart seemed so smothered and weak in
its action that I feared it would stop
beating. My breath grew short and the
least exertion set me to panting. I
slept but little and suffered from rheu
"Two years ago I stopped using the
old kind of coffee and1 began to use
Postum Food Coffee , and from the very
first I began to improve. It worked a
miracle ! Now I can eat anything and
digest it without trouble. I sleep like a
baby , and my heart beats full , strong
and easily. My breathing has become
steady and normal , and my rkeumatism
has left me. I feel like another per
son , and it is all due to quitting cof
fee and using Postuin Food Coffee , for
I haven't used any medicine and none
would have done any good as long as I
kept drugging with coffee. " Name giv
en by P&stuin Co. , Battle Creek , Mich.
"There's a Reason. " R ad the little
book , "The Road to Wellville , " In pkgs.
AH grocers.
I Nebraska I
V < *
Leislature ?
V t f
Senate Cuts Out Postage.
The senate at the afternoon session
Wednesday rcfusod to concur with the
house in an appropriation for postage -
age stamps to be furnish ' ! ' 1o"y M
members of the house. The bill appropriating
propriating- money for the expensps of
the session was amended by striking
out th word "postage. " The vote was
15 to 10 In favor of a motion by Me-
Kesson to concur In a report of th
appropriation committee that the
word "postage" be stricken from the
* * *
'f Up Primary Committee.
Friends of a state wide primary law
are not satisfied with the progress be
ing made In this direction , and many
of the members have so expressed
themselves. The joint committee has
as yet held no meeting and so far only
the Dodge bill has been introduced.
Chairman Farley , of the house com
mittee , said McMullen , of Gage , had
promised to have his bill ready some
time a ? o , but so far he has not intro
duced it. Phillips , of IP > lt. Is chair
man of the senate committee. Farley
said Wednesday night hevouM en
deavor to get his committee together
and get the members busy. In the
meantime the opponents of the pri
mary are getting in oed licks. They
are trying to get a bill reported mak
ing the primary days of the two dom
inant parties separate ; they arc telling
it around that it will bar the poor man
from running for office ; that the west
end of the state will never'get a nom
inee. and other things along these
ft * A
Semite Bills Passed Tuesday.
Providing for the appropriation i r
$20,000 to pay the expenses of the leg
By Root Abolishing the $5,000
limit to the amount which may be re
covered for death due to negligence.
Py Root Providing civil cases shall
not be reversed by the supreme court
where it is shown substantial Justice
has been done the litigants.
By Root To authorize the county
judge to receive costs , fees and un
claimed legacy and to pay them to the
proper persons and requiring an ac
counting of the same.
Py Root Abolishing the hearing of
charges against superintendents of
state institutions by the baonl of pub
lic lands and buildings.
By Wilson Permitting cities of the
second class and villages to sell elec
tricity , steam , heat , light or other
products of municipal plants.
Py Aldrich Allowing the employ
ment at the Milfortl home for the
friendless of either male or female
By Burns Making county , district
and supreme judges ineligible for elec.
tlon to any but judicial offices during
their terms.
Ey Gibson Providing- the pay
ment of election board at joint election
by the city , county and school dis
tricts in Omaha of $2 by each division.
By Root Requiring the words "In
toxicating liquors" to bo placed on ex
press packages containing the s = ame
and prohibiting the consigning of same
to fictitious persons or the bringing of
it into "dry" towns for the purpose of
illegal sale.
By Root Making the place of deliv
ery of liquor the place of sale.
By Root Abolishing- Fourth of July
Py Thomas Giving the state the
same number of peremptory chal
lenges as the defense when two or
more defendants are' on trial.
By ? .TcKesson Providing for foes to
be charged life insurance companies
by the state insurance department.
Py McKesson Providing for fees to
be charged accident or sickness in
surance companies by the state insur
ance department.
Decedent , Bill Recommended.
Senator King's decedent bill , known
as S. F. 73 , drawn by a rumber of
Omaha attorneys , was recommended
for passage in thG senate Wednesday.
The committee made several am nd-
mcnts to the bill , none of which , how
ever , change the general terms of the
measure. One of the principal change. ?
give to the surviving hu.iand . or wife ,
where there are no children or grand
children living , one-half of tbe real
estate instead of two-tain ! " , as pro
vided for in the bill origins.drawn. .
The provision that pre-nuptial con
tracts must convey at least a forcehold
estate in the lands of the survivor was
stricken out , leaving no limitation
on to terms of the contract. The
section providing the bill shall take ef
fect Oct. 1 , 1907 , was ale eliminated.
> * *
Must Publish Statements.
Mclvesson's bill requiring- insurance
companies to publish statements an
nually developed : v small light over
whether or not the publication should
be in one or two newspapers. After
a discussion it was indefinitely post
poned , but afterward the vote was re
considered and it was recommended
for passage.
* * *
Increases Registration FCCP.
A clash between the lawyers and the
doctors came when Dodscn's bill , re
lating to the fee5 ? to be ci'frgcd by
the state board of health. wa taken
up Wednesday. The bill i croose'l th
fee for registering a phy > : c.u ky ex
amination from § 10 t > $ ! ; and the
"reciprocal"- frsi I--torJr 7 T/I < " >
a diploma from $ " 5 to $1rt.v It un
provided the fees collected'houfl ! >
divided up among t o f ur member-
: > f the sate board.
* a *
Veterinary Bill Kir d.
At the afternoon ? psi n YV'e-'ne--
day on recommenclat'on cf tV sir-l
ing committee en crftl"t : ' " "
amendments , the senate kTlrstl ! tri ? If !
brook bill , changing the rw r * * > ting -
ing to the licensing or veterinary sur
geons. The bill was fought i y t"c fnc
tlon of the here doctor ; \\V. > ra lo '
themselves regular and v ; * " * roof - o
of a contest before the c.'mrr.Ittaft be
tween the two faction' : a v. coi cr I-.V.T
- *
Wolf Bounty ILillai.
The greater part of the time ( f t'Tj
senate Wednesday morning \vn tak
en up in a discussion cf the wolf 'nun -
ty and at the close the bill providing
tor a repeal of the bounty wa : ; fcSile'l.
Pleased with Deaf Se
Representative Rejcha. o * Lancaster
county , who is a member of the com
mittee which inspected the institute
for the deaf and dumb at Omaha Tues
day , 19 well pleased with the \ray In
which the school has been conducted
and spoke in ' very complimentary
terms of the mana v ne"t.
Tarlin , of Rock county , Introduced a
bill Tuesday relating to remarriage af-
tr divorce , making It necessary that
the applicants for license to shohat
the divorce was granted more than
t\vi year0 r > * " * - . Another bill by the
im auth r i akea It necessary for
j applicants for license to show that the
divorce was grartorl mr r t'-m tw >
i years prior. Another bill by the same
I author makes it necessary for appli
cants for divorce to have been a rest
dent of the state at the time of mar
mlage pr for two years prior to begiij
ing action. '
* * *
The following bills were passed ir
the house Wednesday :
Py E. W. Brown of Lancaster Put
ting the Lincoln city library under the
general state library laws.
T y Culdice of Saline Limiting the
liability of villages. *
Py Armstrong of Xemaha Provid
ing a penalty for not cutting weeds
along tbe country roads.-
By Hcffernan Providing person5
who have practiced veterinary surgery
for five years be allowed to use the ti
tle was killed on third reading.
The chief clerk in the engrossing
and enrolling rooms and the time
keeper were allowed $4 a day salary
* * *
HouUno Proeeeilinirs of House.
Speaker Nettleton called the houst
to order at 2 o'clock Monday. Standinj
committees reported as follows or. th <
following bills :
Appropriating the money in the li
brary funds of the Kearney and Peru
normal schools to tbe use of tbe libra
ry ; to be engrossed for a third read-
j ingTo
To prohibit the importation of af
flicted children to become a care OK
the state ; indefinitely postponed.
To * prevent judges from being canj.
didates for any other office except foi
re-election ; general file.
Allowing interurban companies * <
do a heating and power business ; re
ferred to the railroad committee.
Defining burglary ; general file.
Providing county judges in countl ° i
of over 15,000 must be lawyers ; gener
al file.
Repealing tbe dipsomaniac law ; in
definitely postponed.
The bulk sales law ; providing M
merchant selling out must notify hi *
creditors beforehand or the sale ia
void ; general file.
Cone introduced a resolution to have
all the 2-cent fare bills in the hands of
the railroad committee reported for
general file.The resolution was ta
bled by a vote of 71 to 11 , only thu *
many fusionists voting with their
Child Tabor Bill.
Tbe child labor , bill , sponsored in
the house by Clarke and in the senate
by Thomas , seems to have slippe1
through far enough to come up for i
third reading in the bouse without any
j-ealizing the far reaching and drastic
Character of the measure. Tbe bill L
a lengthy one. evidently drawn by trn
naid promoters of some eastern chll
labor association , and shows its for
' 'gn origin by reference to all sorts of
offices that do not exist in Nebraska
If it should become a law , no chlM
under 14 years of age can be employed
in any regular occupation under heav
penalty on both employer and the
child's parents or guardian , and n
child between 14 and 1C years of age
can be employed except by goinu-
through a formal procedure to prova
his age and testify to his proficiency
in tbe schools to the extent of having
eased through the eight grade. Th <
bill provides the forms for all these
certificates and requires the child to
be publicly labelled more thoroughly
than is a penitentiary convict.
Railroad Lobby on Deck.
The big guns of the railroad lobby
came down from Omaha Monday af
ternoon. The delegation was headed
by Chief Lobbyists Frank Toung and
Tim Kelby. of the " "viington , Ben
White of the Xorth" tn'i\ and Edsoii
Rich of the Union Pacific. They dM
not state their business , but probablv
came down to assure the legislators
that there is no railroad lobby in Lin
s < *
Chu-kb's Terminal Taxation Bill.
In bis new bill for the taxation of
railroad terminals for municipal pur
poses , introduced Monday. Clarke , of
Douglas county , answers the argu
ment of the railroads that to tax this
property locally Avould be to take from
the school fund of the state money
they are now receiving from the rail
roads. In the following language ,
which is section 19 of the bill :
"This act shall not apply to nor In
any manner affect tbe assessment ,
equalization , levy or collection of any
state , county , township , school district
or road district tax , nor shall it affect
any assessments or levies heretofore
made on any property in the state of
Nebraska. Xor shall this act be con
strued to affect any specific tax which
may now , or which shall hereafter be
provided for by law , upon the proper
ty or business of any company or asso
ciation within the state ; "
The following recommendations
-vej e made in the house Wednesday :
7 y Homer of Buffalo Appropriat
ing money in library fund at the Kear
ney normal school for the purchasa
of hooks for the libray. For passage.
Fy Redmond of Nemaha Same bill ,
xeept raiatiug to Peru normal. Rec-
impended for passage.
I y E. P. Prown of Lancaster In-
'oterrrinnte sentence. Recommended
ror passage.
y Root rf Cass Giving governor
authority to summarily remove state
; 'vrintrindcnts. Recommended for
"ive county boards authority to
* rakfi anpropriations for detention
"ioro. For passage.
Jules not eligible to run for any
'jxc-pt judicial offices. For passage.
Allowing hospitals to incorporate
if r iivle nlte time. For passage.
? .Iaking punalty for safe bloTrin -
twenty years to life. For passage.
A resolution by Marsh of Seward
as adopted providing for the expend
iture of not more than $50 to pay a
second architect to examine the walls
of the south side of the .stata house ,
which George Berhnghof said wen ?
unsafe and darsercu .
t ref
& & '
of a good
&a the ex-
oJ tx t uJilty bguld not be
wlio is in
v init3 to
of & good
for healthy mater
nity is sscrrjilui" ' " ! bLiflia E.
l JjOkimutt's VftjffttaliLo Cojjynpund.
which la saa < l frexa aa1p&-e roots and
oiltar inediciaa because it gives tone
and steeng-th te tlie entire feminine
Qzwraalsm , curing1 displacements , ul-
ceratiwi aad i nil animation , and the
result is less suffering- and more children healthy at "birth. For raoro
than thirty ye rs
Piiskfeam'sVeget&Me Compound
C/7 fi
has ben the s&sndby of American mothers in preparing for childbirth.
Kotawli&tMrs JjimcsOhester.of4:2.7 : W. 35th St.,2Tew York nys in this
I recovorecl quickly and am in the best of health now. "
I dia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-ble Compound is certainly a successful
remedy for the peculiar wealcnesses and ailments of _ % v.omeji.
It has cured almost ovcry form of Female CoinpjaAnts. 'Draffging- Sensa
tions , Weak Back , Falling and Displc-cements , Jjiflammation , Ulcera-
iknis an4 Org-anSc Dise& es of Women and is invaluable in preparing-
Childbirth and during- the Change of Life.
Mrs. Pisldiam's Standing Invitation to Woiren
Women suffering fixmi any form ol fiemale weakness are invited to
write Mrs. Hakham , at I nru Mass. Her advice is free.
e highest and \yoriroan-
QP { ire cmhadiac ! in tlxpse s |
here SEC aoc5 IJiatcqsol iocflj fa eppwrancei
miTTycating Qji2ny23 | ihe price. They arc ]
That's what the naroe mc.ns. Thato vshat strig ] will pcave. By ]
allmea&5)arearnaaflrjift'f ) ! Sbocs. ; Demandmn of your dealer ]
INSIST. Sold everywhere. If you cannot get them
write to us.
We also make the "Wesfon laqy , " snd the.
Martha WasKingfaB' * comfort shoes and a lull Une
of men's , women's and children's ahoes. Our trade
mark is stamped on every sole.
-e Mayer Sot & Shoe Co. ,
Milwaahee , Wis.
Thev act like Exercise.
for the Bo-wels
\ ,
For Emergencies at Home
For the Stock on the F&rm
Is a whole medicine chest
Price 25c 5Oo & LOO
Send For Free Booklet on Horses.C&iieHoos !
Address Dr. Earl S. Sloan , Boston , Mass.
v" ,
'Tou young scamp ! " roared the old
broker , r-ushing In unexpectedly. "I
thought you told me you didn't smoke
cigarettes , rend dime novels or whistle
while you worked ? "
"Well ? " yawned the office boy lacon
"And here I come in and catch you
doing all three. "
"Yes , but you don't catch me work
ing. "
Oaln Heads 2 Feet
The John A. Salzer Seed Co. , La
Grosse , WisM are bringing out a new oats
this year with heads 2 feet long ! That's
a wonder. Their catalog tells !
Spetz the greatest cereal hay food
America erer saw ! Catalog tells !
Our mammoth 143-page Seed and Tool
Catalog is mailed free to all intending
buyers , or send Gc in stamps and receive
free samples of new Two Foot Long Oata
and other cereals and big catalog free.
John A. Salzer Seed Co. , Box C , La
On the Safe Side.
Schrcodcr ( to his neighbor , a widower -
er ) Why dil : you send your housekeep
er away , since she was such a good
cook ?
The Widower She made such splen
did puddings I was afraid I should
marry her. Fligeudo Blaettcr.
PAZO OINTiLENT is guaranteed to care anj
case of Itching , Blind , Bleeding or I'rotro *
Ing Piles In 6 to 14 days or money rerunded
Xe\v Zealand Christian Endedvorera
now namber 1.000. They publish a hand
some quarterly.
Teke LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablet * .
Druggists refund money If It falls to cure.
B. W.GROVE'S signature Is on each box. 25d
Because of the pressure , a whale can
not dive to a greater depth than 300
Mrs. winfttewta Soonrtf ftnror tar CMia *
Mthlnx ; tofunt tha ro&u , rMMM taannasr.ion ,
curw wind oclic. 35 ecata a bottla. , -
S. C. If. TJ. - - Xo. 6 1907.