-Y s. _ . . s - = -x. THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT ' I. M. RICE Editor and Proprietor. MARK ZARK Foreman. Entered at the postotlice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second Class Matter. TERMS : Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; S1.50 when not paid.in advance. Display Advertising 1 inch single column 15c per issue or $6.00 a year. Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue 5c per line per issue. Brands , li inches$4.00 per year in advance ; additional space $3.00 per year ; engraved blocks extra $1.00 each. 10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears. Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance. Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers. THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 7 , 1907. WOULD RAISE SALARIES OF CERTAIN OFFICERS Dan Barnes of Lake spent Tues day in our city and called at our office for a chat. Dan is trying t3 get the people interested in a bill to raise the salary of county attorney to a price that will in duce the best attorneys to accept the office , and to raise the price for county commissioners to $5.00 per day and traveling expenses so our best men will be induced to do the work. Dan thinks it would be money well spent and the stock men would gladly pay their share of a § 2,000 salary for a good county attorney who could secure a conviction of a cattle thief rath er than have the good attorney on the other side aid the thief to go free. We are inclined to be lieve that Dan is right and that a good attorney should receive the highest salary of any of our coun ty officers rather than the meanest salary and bear the odium of hav ing nothing to do but look wise and dismiss cases or permit them to go by default for want of ability to cope with superior talent. Our commonwealth ought to be better able to pay for good services than the rogues who menace our stock men and pilfer here and there. THE DEMOCKAT says clean up the country and put these rogues to work. They are better in the pen than at large if they won't I ! I v/ork. If you see a man or set of II I I men constantly idle and making ' 1 no effort to find work they'll bear watching and should be taken as vagrants for the peace and safety of our citizens who earn their bread. Dan is right in his ideas and we could have done worse than to elect him county com missioner. Come to the front good people and think this matter over intelligently. There's com mon sense in it. When party lines are thrown aside and people use their God given horse s nse they will see where they have blundered in the past by following foolish customs and stampede ideas of all going together , or just because some one else said it was the popular thing to do. Get a thinking. A special term of court was held Tuesday by Judge Westover in which several confirmations of sale were made and other matters attended to that needed attention. March 25th and November llth are the dates set for our regular terms of court this year. Talk of the Town. W. E. Searby of Crookston was in town today. Rev. Waterman of Atkinson was in town Tuesday. 0. M. Sageser and wife have to Rushville to visit relatives. Born , to W. H. Hooper and wife of north table , Sunday morning , a boy. * Clyde Davenport is out of quar antine this week and at the store on duty. Frank Lamberson of Hot Springs was in town the first of the week. Frank Currie was in town Tues- J. O. Beatty went up to Gordon to spend Sunday. The supper given by the Pres byterian ladies at the home of Mrs. Shore tvas well attended. Mrs. JE. Brosius has purchased the Dave Peter's residence of John Thompson and has moved to town. Elmer DeboU has taken charge of the Valentine Barber Shop which he recently purchased from Clarence Sageser. FOR SALE 1 six room house , water in the house , good barn , large shade trees , nice lawn. In- q lire of W. A. Pettycrew. 4-i Judge Walcott returned Tues day morning from a business trip to Omaha. Miss Katie Noble also returned from Lincoln where she had been visiting friends. After another severe cold spell , lasting from Friday till Tuesday , the .weather is again mild and warm. The ground hog saw his shadow last Saturday if he wasn't frozen up. . Mrs. W. F. A. ' en tertained twenty-four young people ple in honor of her niece , Miss E iith Adamson , last Monday eve ning. A sociable time was en joyed by all present. § 250 will buy the hospital stew ard building at Fort Niobrara if nabbed quick. Six room house , soft white pine lumber , § and is a good building ; lumber and shingles almost as good as new. Miss Anna Melton and Almanzo Clark were married by Judge W. R. Towne last Saturday and the couple departed to make their fu ture home in Texas where Miss Melton had secured property. A whip and newspaper man came to town this week , giving a whip with each subscription free. THE DEMOAKAT bought his supply of whips and we have them in our office window. While they last we will give a buggy whip to ev ery person paying upon sub orip- tion and a dollar in advance , aiuJ to all n w subscribers who pay a year in advance GRANT BOYER , r.E , 'A'v All Remember Captain Houston , the evangelist , at the M.E. church Feb. 17th. John Ohe and wife of Savannah , "II. , arrived in oiir city Tuesday vening and are visiting at the lome of J. C. Northrop and fam- ly. Mrs. Ohe is a sister to Mr. Northrop and will be remembered ) y friends who made her acquaint ance when she visited at the Northrop rep home several years ago. Mr. Ohe is the gentleman whohaspur- ihased the Donoher hotel and will assume Charge about the 18th. Public Sale. There will be a sale of the old school building of district No. 19 of Cherry county , at Crookston , tfebr. , on Saturday , February 16 , 1907 , at 1:30 : o'clock p. m. Said Building to be sold to the highest ca h bidder. BY ORDER OF SCHOOL BOARD. Taken Up by the undersigned at ray place , miles southeast of Valentine , Neb. , the following : One roan mare and bay colt , mare branded 3 on left hip , about 9 or 10 years old , weight 1000 to 1100 pounds , C"lt about 6 months old. Also , 1 roan pony | mare and roan colt , mare branded reversed 2 T , is about 8 years old , weight about 800 pounds , colt six months old. 35 B. F. ClIARBONNEAU. EDUCATiONL NOTES SUPT. R. H. WATSON , Editor Anna Ashburn and Hazel Grah am are at home sick with mumps this wees. Hilda Green has been out of school part of this week on ac count of sickness. Miss Carlson's seventh grade pupils are doing some excellent work in making geography scrap books. Agnes Taylor writes to her folks that she is enjoying her teaching at Kennedy very much. She also writes that she has a very pleasant boarding place. Judging from the little college paper which comes weekly to our desk , the Wesleyan students and alumni' are having a strenuous fight over a proposed change in college colors. Geo. Hornby sent us this week a cloth bound copy of the Chicago Daily News almanac. The book is full of useful information con cerning Geography , History and Civil Government. Ethel Sherman called last Sat urday for a brief talk about her school work. She had taught one week and seemed well pleased with her work. Miss Sherman has always shown special interest in small children and we prophesy she will make a good teacher. TRY AGAIN. The dew was sparkling on the grass , While the rainbow its colors cast ; The little birds did chip and sing. While the cock laid down his wing" . The ants were bosy at their work , While the little bees did never shirk ; The spider spun his web with might , But not to fail he tried it thrice. I thot once more of the da3 that's past , How I had tried to do some task : But all m3T ambition was in vain , l < \ > r I had never tried again. CHARLES LEWIS. De Laval Cream Separators FOK SALE BY Valentine A 'I Nebraska A Scheme to Plunder. It was , of course , improbable that the ship subsidy bill could be expected to become a law without charges of bribery and corruption. Mr. Alexan der R. Smith has been defending him self from such charges in the New York Sun : ind , of course , denies it. He admits that money was needed , but "when I said that I might be able to secure tl'e f.nids to meet the expen-p" the - -.f course , no tlicr z r co-\ „ ; fr . : t\ ] \ very ( - . j , " * fji.it. t f UIH ; * r i > e : tv i * rv u.i „ t liit : VMS ? ] w & > & iiv ? to c1 LEGATE IVOTIOES. Sheriff Sale Bv virMie of an ord i of sale issued by tin clcrK ot the L ) strict Court ofOherrj county N < - tiniska Oct ' T 15. 11KW , under a derive of mortgage foreclo tut wherein W. K. Efncris piatnnU and Henry Letget aud Flora Letuet , husbrand and wife , aud > olomou Mc > 'ight , smirle , delendants , I will sell at the Trout floor of the co .it house in Valentine. Cherry county , AVtiiMska. that beinir he building wherein ihe last r-rm of court WHS held , on the 8th dnv of February , I907.at 10 o'clock a. m. . to satisfy judgment ot Si. 000 and int rest at 10 per cent iroin date of judgment , Septemii r 18. 190G. and c sis ia\ed at ? 23 40 aud accruing costs , at pu'i- ' Iic auction to the hight-bt biduer for wish the lollowing described property to- wit : SVisEtf , /SVVor section 10 township 32. range 27 * ndrfEJiNE > 4. KJSgKii ot section 21 , NEKiNKJi 01 section 2S , township 30 , ran e 30. together with II inipr venients 01 whatsoever Kiiui. itu luding w Us , wind mills , water t < iiiKs. wire and letice ponts now upuii or in anjway used i'i conut-ction with the ranch or range adjoining said premises. Dated this 20th nay ot" December 1900 P. F. S1M * X3. 52 5 Sheriff. Walcott & Morrissey attys for pltf . Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sa'e ' issued by the clerk of the oistrict court of Cheny county , Ne braska , .January 11 , under a decree of tax lien lorrcloMire. wherein John Shulte < * is jilain- I iff. and Luizi Rehbein , impeaded with t"e SKJi of h'ictlon 8. t wnship 33u , range 32w Cheiry couniy , NehnisKa , deft ixlai.t. 1 will sell at th front door of lue court iiou-e ii Vrti-niine , Cli rry unty MB > rasii. . thai i-cini ? the t'uilding wheiein th lattHino saidtouit was h ld , on ti e 23rn d.iy of Febru i v , 1907 , at 10 o'clock a. in. , t ) satisfy jndirui. nt of $9050 aud interest at 7perceiitfr md.i ! < > 'j dgm. nt. Ni.vembe 12. 19 ; 5. an i cos's taxed at 37.95 and accruing costs , ut put lie auction , to the liL-lient bidder , for cash , the fo lowing descried prop erty. to-wii : TlieSKJ4.it sections , township Kin . range 32\v. Cherry c .unty Nebraska. Dated this 24th day of .January. 1007 P. F SIMONS , heriff of Cherrj Comity. Walcott & Morrssey , Atty's for Pltf. 25 Contest Notice. U. S. Land Office. Broken Bow. Nebraska I Ja uary 14 1U07 \ i A sufficient contest affidavit navu-g berii illel in this ollice by l an K.Vtld - n. oiu slant. against homes -ad n ry No 2433. m de Auuu t 20. 1S01. tor M & * KX SK'4 * K'i. sect.on 32. an i i .svVJiNH J4.secti n 33 , township 25. range 33 , I by Charles Phillips , contest' e. in which it is alleged that , contests IMS wholly abandon ed said tract f r mim- than six months ia t pa t , that said tract 11 not cultivated , improve- ! or resided upon as required l > v law , tiirtt the land is now 1.1 its wild state and tha the atiove allege defects exist at this date a. . d have not been cured. Haid parties are hereby notified to app nr respond and offer evidence touclnmr said allega- t on at 10 o'clock a. m on Keoruary 23 lt'07 he- lore the r'-gi.ster and receiver at th" United States land Ollice in Broken Bow , * ebra ka , The saul contestant having , in a proper affi davit. Hied Ja . 12. 1907.ct lorth facts which show that after du * diligenca personal service of thinotue cannot brf nude , it is hereny ordered that such notice be j iven by due and proper publication. JJA.lt I US M. AMSBUKG , 1 5 ileceiver. Notice to Creditors. TUK STATK OK NKHUASKA i In the County OUKKUY COUNTV. fB ! > Court In the matter of the estate of Lucy B. Elliott , deceased : To the Creditors of said Estme : You are herebv notified. That I will sit at the Co1 nty Court Iloom in valentine in said conn y on the 7th day or IM'rn irv , 1907 , nt 10 o % lock a. in. to receive and examine . h claims against said estate , with a view to iheir a'ius'm ntand allowance. Tue time limited for the presenta tion of cl.iims against said i state is the 7th day of February , A.I ) . 1907. and the time limited for payment of debts is one > ear from saiu 22i.d day ol May , 190(5 ( , Witness my h < ind ad seal of said county court ' this 12ih day of January. A. I ) . 11)07. SEAL \V.K TO\VNK. v 1 4 County Judge. Notice to Non-Resident Defendant Gertrude M. Brown , 1'laintiff , vs Arlington D. Brown , Defendant The above lunied defendant will ra'-e n"tic ° that on 'h * 17th rtav of Jamidry , 1907 , plaintiff hereift filed her petition in rr.c District "oiirt of Cherry pinny. Mebraska , the object and prayer of which are to oh ain a divorce from the defendant upon the gr 'ii-d ot ex'reme crutlty. Said defen tant is hereby required t" answer said petition 011 or Lefore Monday , tin 4th day of March. 1907. 1-4 OKRTRliliE M BROWN. Plaintiff. By Walcott & Morrissey , her atioiueys. Notice to Creditors. THE STATK OF XK15RASKA , I COUNTY OF CHKUKY. f SS In theCoimtvilourt : Jn the matter of the estate of Willia-n Bingh- ham , deceased : To the creditors of said estate : You are hereby notified , thar. I wi.l sit at the County Court Room m Valentine in said county on the ICtn da % of February , 1907. at 10 o'clock a. in. to receive and examine all claims against said estate with a view t their adjuscmenr and allowance. The time'imited ' for tlie pre-enti- t on o claims atraiust said state is Mi ic h diof February , A. D. 1907 and th time .io.it- ed for paj nient f oebts is on y > .ar from said Kith day dny of March 190ij. vit ess mv ha d jn.d seal of siid Con ty Court , tins 23 d dziv of Kiiui .ry , 1007. SEAL , W. R T UNH , . 2 4 County Judge. Xotice to Creditors. THE STATK or NKIUIASKA i In the County CHKUKY COUNTY. f Court , In the matwr of the estate of Rooert H. Montgomeiy. deceased : To Hie creditors of said estatj : Von are hereby notified , J'nat I will sit at the County Court Kuom i Valentin in said coumy on the 2 d day of March , 1907 at 10 . . 'cli cr , a" , m. . to receive a ml examine all cla nis atrainst said estate , wit n a view to their adju-tment ai.d allowan-e Ihe Mine limited tor the pre mta- tion of claims against said estate is the 2nd d-ty of March. A. D. 1907 and the tnu- : limned l..r payment of debts is one > ear tr > m said 4th day of July 1900.Witness Witness my hand and the ? e il of said SEAL county court , this Gih dav of he ra-try , 1907. W. R. I'uv * NK. 4 4 County Jn ge. In the District Court of tne State o Nebraska , Within and for Cher ry County. The South Omaha National Bank. " ) Plaintiff , i vs } - James P. Sweeney et al , I NOTICE . Def ndants. J To Citizens National Bank aud Citizens Na tional Bank of De Moines : Yon , ami each of v u re hereby noiified that there is on H'H ' in the ui-tnct Coti't of Oherry County Nebras. < 'i a n liti > n wheiein tti S mth Omahii National Bank us pi un itf h is brought suit against yonrse.ves , im l * udcd with Jam-s P Sv\eeueyetal the oojett add prajer ot said petition is to foreclose tw > c nam"nnr giges t vi-nteii by Jam a P. S\vv noy an . io-e a B sw eoey to a-d pi i tlir on of wims nl III I lt.Mt.fS HXUCtlted Uil , ; er2S. UOt ilid c v ! ' > the ol < 'Wiiia de-icnbea p- ti'itv in he ry i mint } \ tins , i : * y o Vj.f a H V 14 , > cfl n"2l I > II li _ , i : . li , v 44 I * c ! \ \ ( - 14 < l I 'II 7 ' 'W-- . ' " AW ' _ af-d ft - ' - K-nj ' Powder sold at a price. Com- plies -with the pure food all states. Trust Baking Powders sell for 45 or 50 cents per pound and may be iden tified by this exorbitant price. They are a menace to public health , as food prepared from them con tains larce quantities of Rochelle salts , a dangerous cathartic drug ; Saved ar Made Furniture and Hardware , Household Neces sities in the best Enamel Ware , Rustless Tin , Copper and Nickle Plated Cooking Aressels. Everything- furnish the home. My goods were bought before the raise. Come and get them at the old prices which are equal to a big discount. To see is to believe. Come and be convinced. FISCHER , Hardware , Furniture and Coal. XOHANOE oor Center A IIAPPY NEW YEAR to you , and may you start it RIGHT by using the RIGHT KIND'of WINES and LIQUORS. With us PURITY and BEST QUALITY means "RIGHT , " and we guaran tee nur goods to be that in every sense of the word. And while all good Wines , Whiskeys , Cordials , etc. . must vary according to vintage and age , they should be pure and free from adultera tions under all conditions , which is what we claim. We desire the PUBLIC TO KN'OW that we are neither BLENDERS , COMPOUNDERS NOR RECTIFIERS : also that we use the utmost care to purchase our goods from the most reliable houses in America , and just as we get them , they pa < ? s into the hands of our customers. NO SPURIOUS IMITATIONS or IMPURE LIQ- OURS OFFERED FOR SALE. WE HAVE THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN- WHOLESALE DEALER IN MELTENDORFF PABST AND KBUC BEERS Monthly Meteorological Summary , STATION : Valentine , Nebr. MONTH : December , 1906 NOTE : "T" indicates t ace of precipitation ; " nelow zero ; -VQ" partly cloudy. JOHN J. MCLEAN , Observer Weather Bureau. . \i-u property injured by I. i ! ' ' f 1 < ; I' US FiGURE fl < i h - j- R