Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 07, 1907, Image 1
VOLUME VALENTINE NEBRASKA , THUBSDATL.FEBRUARY 7 , 1907. NUMBER 4 . g j.iniMai'anBBgsa ' 4b- * * We wish to call your attention to our ex tensive line of "Keen Kutter" tools. We carry at all times a complete line of carpenter tools , including the best of everything - thing in hammers , saws , "planes , hatchets , auger bits , bit braces , squares , draw knives , chisels , files , etc. In fact everything that an up to date Carpen ter will need. Try one of our "Keen Kutter" axes or forks. They are tem pered right , hung right , and made right. Always buy a "Keen Kutter" pocket knife. We also have the exclusive sale of "Manard" spades and shovels. Their are many imitations of these goods. Always watch the lab el and accept nothing but a "Manard" and profit thereby. Each and every article is thoroughly guaranteed by us and backed by the makers. "The recollection of quality remains long- after the price is forgotten. " RED FRONT MERC. CO. > * ' Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year. We thank you for your liberal patronage of 1906 , and will endeavor to merit a continuance of confidence and patronage during 1907 D. STI CLOTHIER Valentine , Nebr. Durable Chairs SB.50 set. Desks $5.00 to $26.00. Side Boards $4:50 : up. Stove Boards lOc up. Established iu Valentine since 1885. it , "Wagons and Buggies Lumber and Hardware Pictures Framed to Order , TI N W A Pv E , OILS , ETC. Lamps , lYocKerv. Lime , Coal. Paper. EUPvNITURE A\D COFFINS. Chartered as a State Bank Chartered an a Uatlonal Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , The BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITA ! , PAID IN A General Banking $ Exchange and Collection Business C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAI , Vice-President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier. Winter We have just received a fine line of % Linens and Mexican Drawn Work ( rood assortment of Christmas Candies. PHONE 97 , Read the Advertisements. meetings at tlie 31. JB. Church Every Sunday. MOIINIXG SERVICES- Sundav School begins at 10:00 o'clock. /rrtwhl'sr " u 11:00 . ! uior I.ivsciir i-31 ji in. EVENING SKRN 1 < C-i- Epwoirli L. anne li 'us ' at 6."i o'clock. J'readui1 } , ' " " 7SO ' JlEC. . E. Co > xj5LL , Taster ' NEW TIME TABLE , C.&N.W. KAST KO CXI ) .No , 2 , Daily except dariu day. . . . 9:43 : p. m. , Tass NO. G , Uuli > . . . - . 4Jod , m. . 1' , Ao. b2 , Lraily , except auiiiUy . . .4UJ p. in , local No. llti.U ily .iMOa. m , Iwjti JJOUXD 'tf. 1. Daily , except Siuraay 0:50 p. in. , Tass i\o. f. , LMIIj 1:47 a. in. , rohS . si. Daily except Uuduy a:4o ; i. m. , local .Just a Wowl t i thii Christian 1'eople. No matter what your name , de nomination or church pret'erance > ay be , you are most cordially in vited'to attend and assist in the evangelistic campaign now being planned for by the Methodist church of Valentine. Your pres ence and help is most earnestly solicited. It is our sincere desire that not only 'the Methodist church may receive a great spiritual up lift , but that every other church and individual as well , may re ceive such a blessing from the Lord .that the town and comrmpu * itymay be lifted to a higher stand ard of morality and religious life. Let everyone who desires a better condition of things in the com munity put their shoulder to the wheel and let us ail push together and with the blessing of God upon us we shall see a gracious revival in the community. 0. E. COXNELL , : Pastor M. E. Church. TRESS G03CMEXTS. A man of wide experience , lis tened to with marked interest by large crowds Pontiac , 111. , Lead er. Church crowded to the door. He is a powerful speaker and ac complishing much good. Eacine , Wis. . Journal. A crowded house listened to Captain Houston last eveniag. He is meeting great , success here. Springfield , 111. , Journal. 1 Winslow is fortunate in securing | the services of an evangelist of national fame. Winslow , 111. , Journal. The Captain is not only a con vincing speaker but also a deep student of the bible. Menash , Wis. , Kecord. An immense crowd greeted Captain Houston at the Baptist j church last evening. Galva , III. , Standard. WHAT THE PASTORS SAY. Captain Houston tells the story of the cross in the simple correct' ' j manner of one who has a message to deliver and back of his preach- is a man of sympathy and refine ment. Rev. John H. Ryan , Pontiac tiac , 111. Our people liked him as a man and as a worker. Rev. N. A. Porter , Apple Creek , 111. An earnest , whole-hearted work er for souls. Rev. M. S. Free man , Union , 111. Earnest , loving and wise. I count that pastor fortunate who secures his services. Rev. J. A. Matlack , Galena , 111. Attractive and magnetic per sonality , has a striking and unique way of presenting the gosp el. No 4 ? I * Delicious in Flavor Pure in Quality ftft * * ft 4 ? ftft. ft.ft ft 49 r 49 49 49 4 ? ftfr Economical in 'Buying Healthy in its Use one will make a mistake in securing - j ing his services. Rev. R. Elmer Smith , Galva , 111. There will be a dance at J. M. Ralya's ranch on the Snake river Feb. 22 , 1907. Everbody wel come. It Take Sam Jones' advice : "Quit your meanness" aiTd get ready for the revival meetings. Dr. Shipherd , dentist from Ains- worth , will be in Valentine Feb. 19 to 20 at the Valentine House prepared to do dental work. 4-2 Four room house to rent ; also , 3 rooms over the Democrat Office for rent as an office or light house keeping. I. M. RICE. Don't forget the prayer meet ings Monday , Wednesday and Fri day evenings of next week. An nouncement will be made from the pulpit Sunday as to place. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Miller in this city Tuesday , February - ruary 5 , 1907 , a 11 pound boy. George went prancing up town as proud as a peacock. Told us the boy was a great big fellow. Couldn't walk yet , but tried to talk and made a great deal of noise. L. C. Sparks and Wm. Morrissey - sey attended the Lumber Dealers association which met in Lincoln Jan. 22 to 21 , returning via Oma ha where they purchased two car loads of agricultural implements , which are expected to arrive with in a couple of weeks. Farmers who need something in this line are invited to call and inspect same. U. S. Weather Bureau .Report tor week Ending F ! > . 7. The daily mean temperature shows a great departure from the normal being 5 ° and the latter 20 ° . The highest was 46 ° on the 1st and -14 on the 4th , the range being 60 ° . The precipitation was .07 of an inch making a total for the year to date of .43 of an inch. W. C. T. U. Column. The regular meeting of the union will be next Tuesday. The state treasurer's blanks are in and in order to send state dues with a full report of paid up membership before March it will be necessary for every member to come pre pared to pay dues. Some have paid but the majority are back. Please do not forget this urgent request. The silver medal contest is un der way. Look for further an nouncements before long. We are through invoicing and have odds and ends of different lines to close out at a bargain. We have got a lot of shoes and shirts which ff. . & we will sell below cost. Come an/i so . CROOKSTON. NEBRASKA. MAX E. VIERTEL. DEALER IN EVERYTHING. what you have to sell. what you want to buy- Call and see us. Phone 23 W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. FRED WHITTEMORE , Pres. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier J. W. STETTER , Vice Prea. ORAH L. BRITTON , Asa't. Cashier. Persons seekiny a place of safety for their money , will profitby investijrating the methods employed in our business. : : : : : : : : : : ? * a CONFECTIONERY Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. Phone 7 Home Bakery. mssms. wm FRESH FRUIT AND GAME JSI THEIR SEASON. 009 First class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Salt Meats Smoked Breakfast Bacon. Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. GET AT THIS YOUR PRINTING W- Can