Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 31, 1907, Image 4

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I. M. RICE Editor and Proprietor ,
MARK ZARR foreman.
Entered at the postoffice at Valentine , Cberry county , Nebr. . as Second
Class Matter.
Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; $1.50 when not paid in advance.
Display Advertising 1 inch single column 15c per issue or $6.00 a year.
' Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue
5c per line per issue.
Brands , li inches$4.00 per year in advance ; additional space $3.00 per
year ; engraved blocks extra $1.00 each.
10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears.
Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance.
l Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers.
Talk of the Town.
Captain Huston at the M. E.
church Feb. 17.
B. J. Hoffacker was in town the
first of the week on business.
Nels Rowley has moved to town
to school his children this winter.
Wm. Novak called today to ex-
his subscription a year in advance.
Mrs. J. E. Thackrey has been
quite ill the past week but is up
U. G. Welker and Cyrus W.
Hagen of Wood lake were in our
city yesterday.
Anton Trapple of Kilgore came
down yesterday and is in town to
day on business.
Don't forget the Jaquin sale
near Sparks , Feb. 7. See large
display ad in this paper.
Clyde Davenport has been con
fined at home with diphtheria.
( Quarantined the past week. )
A breach of promise suit against
a prominent man in our city. Ask
the members of the Shakespeare
Mrs. D. J. Clarke of Glenn ,
Neb. , is visiting friends and rela
tives in and near Valentine this
John Fenner , Mrs. Moon's fath
er , came out from Marshalltown ,
la. , last Friday and will make his
home with his daughter.
Don't forget the evangelistic
meetings at the M. E. church , be
ginning Feb. 17 , conducted by
Captain Huston of Chicago , 111.
John Calver and wife of Ains-
worth were visiting at the home
of his brother-in-law John Slon-
aecker for a few days this week.
Some people will accept all kinds
of courtesies and when he has a
chance to return them , cramps his
generosity to the conspicuousness
of a knocker.
The Presbyterian ladies will give
a 25c supper next Wednesday eve
ning , for the benefit of the build
ing fund , at the home of Mrs.
Shore , beginning at 5 o'clock.
The weather has been hovering
about zero the past week , and a
snow , three inches deep , covers
the ground. It is getting warmer
now and the snow is melting along
the roads.
Ted Orraesher came to town a
few days ago and had the doctors
cut off a joint and a half of his
ring finger on his right hand , the
same having been frozen recently
while riding the range.
J. J. McLean , our weather ob
server , has been sick with the
grippe the past week but has
managed , with the help of Mrs.
McLean , to take the observations
as usual. He is some better at
The many friends of Eva Harden
will be glad to know that she is
rapidly recovering from her rec
ent illness. She will take a much
needed rest for a month or so
from her work in the store.
Mrs. Nellie Williamson has
been quite ill with with grippe at
the home of her father , Judge
Towne , the past week but is re
covering. Mrs. Towne , too , is al
most down with cold. The Judge
is the only one able to be around.
C. S. Reece came to town last
Saturday and returned Sunday.
He doesn't mind the cold since he
got toughened to it and he is look
ing and feeling well. Recently a
nephew came up from McPherson
county , Kansas , and is staying
with him this winter.
The experience social held al
Bethel hall Tuesday evening , un
der the auspices of the W.C.T.U. .
for building fund for a kilchen.
was well attended and a lot oj
original poetry , some of whict
was pretty good , telling how eact
earned some money. § 17.30 was
taken in this way besides whal
the booths took in.
There is a heap of trouble or
the prairies about Cody this week
A man , who goes by the name oj
Jones , and who , by the way , came
to Valentine several months ago ,
sang a song one night in the opera
house , helped to start Moray's
automobile and clerked awhile ai
the Valentine House and latei
drifted to Cody where he founc
work at Frank Mogle's ranch soutl
of Cody. Frank is a good-heartec
whole-souled fellow , but he could
not stand the attentions which
this man Jones paid to his li yeai
old daughter and dismissed Jones
and told his girl to keep awaj
from Jones under penalty of
whipping which he afterward ad
ministered , after learning that th (
girl continued to meet with Jones
at convenient opportunities. Ai
night the girl took a horse f rorr
her father's barn and rode to Cod
where she hid away with one Mrs
Thompson who refused ad mittanc (
to Frank Mogle who came for hr
daughter , and also stood off tin
sheriff until he procured a searcl
warrant , when he th"eh compellec
her to admit him and searching
party. The girl was brought t (
Valentine and talk of sending hei
to the reform school so enragec
her that she claimed to know of j
stolen cow from the Diamond Bai
ranch and implicated her father ,
Earn Bannigan and a Mr. Cook
who is a son-in-law to the
Boy editor. These three mer
came down with Sheriff Simons
and this morning Wm. H. Cartel
of Cody came down and went or
Frank Mogle's bond for appear
ance Feb. 28. The other two gen
tlemen have not yet obtained bone
but their hearing is setforFeb.2S
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Valentine , - Nebraska
* * *
To the General Public :
As announced through these
columns in a recent issue , the
official board of the M. E. church
lave secured Captain F. M. Hus
ton of Chicago , 111. , to conduct a
series of revival meetings in our
church , beginning about Feb. 17.
[ t is earnestly desired that these
meetings may prove a great bene-
3t to the town in many ways.
Anything which promotes the
moral and religious interests of
; he community cannot fail to make
its impression upon the social ,
educational and commercial inter
ests as well , and the man who has
neglected his family , and has failed [
to recognize the duty one owes to
the community will certainly be a
better citizen if be can be inspired
to the necessity of doing his best
to promote every interest which
will be to the welfare of the com
munity in which he lives.
Captain Huston is a man who
believes that the religion of Jesus
Christ is a practical religion and
one that is not only calculated to
make a man respectable on Sun
day ; but one which will make him
a better father and husband in the
home ; a better neighbor in the
community ; a better citizen in the
town. A better merchant , law
yer ; doctor , mechanic , farmer ,
stockmen or whatever his station
in life may by. Captain Huston
preaches the plain gospel story in
a way that is not only interesting ,
but so convincing that a man can
not help but be inspired to higher
'desires in life. He puts the gospel
in story form in such an interest
ing manner that children and
grown persons alike are held
spellbound during the sermon.
Plan to attend these meetings
from the beginning and get ac
quainted with Captain Huston
the first night. You will enjoy
the social side of his life as well as
the religious.
Arabia Items.
Sam Tetherow is spending the
winter in Missouri visiting among
The fans here are already talk
ing base ball for the coming sea
son , so look out for the Arabia
A. Bunn is hauling lumber from
fort where he bought a 2i room
house. He seems to think he
struck a bargain.
C. S. Reece has unloaded a car
load of fine white cedar pasts at
Arabia and will freight them out
to his ranch near Simeon.
Allen Benson spent most of last
week at home , but is again on the
road , expecting to canvass over the
Black Hills territory before re
turning home.
About 20 of the boys and girls
of our neighborhood spent a very
pleasant evening at the home of
Mrs. A. Benson. An hour or so
was spent on the ice , after which
some time was spent over cards
flinch. Light refreshments were
Several of the members of the
Wood lake cornet band met at
Kreycik's last Sunday and enjoy
ed a very pleasant day. Mrs.
Kreycik gave them a most elabor
ate dinner , one they will always
remember with a longing for an
other such.
Mrs. Mary Jordan Shields de
parted last Thursday night for her
home in Dayton , Wyo. We are
sorry to lase Mary after she had
spent so many years in our midst
as one of us and a friend to every
one , but we all join in extending
our kindest wishes for here future
Taken Up
by the undersigned at my place ,
6 miles southeast of Valentine ,
Neb , the following : One roan
mare and bay colt , mare branded
3 on left hip. about 9 or 10 years
old , weight 1000 to 1100 pounds ,
colt about 6 months old. Also , 1
roan pony Imare and roan colt ,
mare branded reversed 2 T , is
about 8 years old , weight about
800 pounds , colt six months old.
Co-operation that / - > porat * s
On next Tuesday evening , FVb.
5 , the directors of the Valentine
Building & Loan Association will
close out series "E , " the same
having matured by that date.
The series was opened June 1 ,
1897 , and , maturing with the Feb
ruary of 1907 , will have run 9
years and 9 months , or 117 months.
There are only two shareholders
who were investors only , viz :
Henry Stetter and Miss E. I.
Mills. They own 10 shares each ,
and having paid 117 payments of
§ 10 each , will have paid § 1170.
They will receive § 2000 , or a gain
of § 830 , or an average interest of
a fraction over M per cent for the
average time.
The following is a list of the
borrowers with the amount of
mortgage canceled in each in
stance :
R II Watsai , 5 shares , mtg ? 1003. canceled
L 11 Smith , 2 sharej , mtg $225 cancld. cash § 175
Fannie Steiter. 5 shares , mtg § 1009 , canceled.
.1 T Galloway , :5 : shares , nit ; : § 600. canceled
Odell Peterson , 2 sliar es , nitu $4JO canceled
XV L Handy , 2 shares , int.J203 canceled
Amand iMCloud. . 1 shrii e nut ? S200 canceled
J T Keeley. 4 shares mtg 5800 c.uic-led
I ) tt Hanly. 1 share mtg2K ) canceled
1) Stinard. 7 shares intg 51003 cash $100
Kittle Cyphers. :5 : shares mtg SGOO canceled
F Kletecka. -.hares int. ; $50) canceled
J J Paul , 2 shares mtg $ :50J : cash ; 100
L L Biveiii. 4 shares mtg SSOO conceied
The Building & Loan is distinc
tively a home institution , managed
in the interest of all its stockhold-
holders , in which no clique nor
individual has ever had the least
advantage. Its management cer
tainly speaks for itself in the fore
going. It has provided homes
that never could have been had any
other way , and it should be en
couraged , first as a matter of busi
ness , and second as a means of
helping those secure a home who
could not "hope to otherwise.
A new series will likely be op
ened on closing of series "E" at
which time a large number of new
subscribers should join.
Cash will be paid to the non-
borrowing subscribers and the as
sociation is in first class working
As a savings institution , earning
good big interest , nothing com
pares with it in this country. As
a means of getting a home it has
demonstrated its usefulness , and
keeps doing so.
The directors at this time are as
follows : D. E. Sherman , pres ;
J. H. Yeast , vice pres ; J. T. Keel-
ey , sec'y ; F. A. Cumbow , treas ;
R. H. Watson , H. Dailey , C. H.
Cornell , H. Hoenig , W.S. Barker.
Snake River.
( Rec'd too late for last week's pa
per. )
Mrs. F. F. lialya has been quite
H. A. Danis is building a new
frame barn 2i ft. square.
Miss Maud Ralya , who has been
under the weather , is much im
The Snake river school expects
to be in session Feb. 1 , with Eos-
coe Ward as teacher.
Mrs. John Thompson of Valen
tine has been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Thompson and friends
along the Snake.
A surprise party gathered at
the home of J. B. Lord to bid fare
well to Mr. and Mrs. Hesselgesser ,
the latter being a daughter of Mrs.
and Mr. Lord. Mr. Hesselgesser
aad wife will soon depart for their
future home in Wyoming.
Jaa. IS. , a dance Und basket
social was given at the ranch of
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ralya on the
Snake. A large crowd gathered
to trip the light fantastic toe. The
orchestra consisted of nine pieces :
four violins , guitar , mandolin ,
mandolette , piano and a snare
drum. The dancers enjoyed them
selves immensely till 5 a. m. , then
a lap breakfast was served , after
which dancing was resumed. The
proceeds of the dance is to be ad
ded to the fund being raised for
Mr. Kennedy and family.
Get your property insured by 1.
M. Rice and you will be safe. His
companies pay losses promptly.
' * * -
i TTV'fr
ar Made
Furniture and Hardware , Household Neces
sities in the best Enamel Ware , Rustless Tin ,
Copper and Jfickle Plated Cooking Yessels.
Everything to furnish the home. My goods
were bought before the raise. Come and
get them at the old prices which are equal
to a big discount. To see is to believe.
Come and be convinced.
Hardware , Furniture and Coal.
A HAPPY NEW YEAR to you , and may you start it
RIGHT by using the RIGHT KIND'of WINES
and LIQUORS. With us PURITY and BEST
QUALITY means "RIGHT , " and we guaran
tee our goods to be that in every sense of the
word. And while all good Wines , Whiskeys ,
Cordials , etc. , must vary according to vintage and
age , they should be pure and free from adultera
tions under all conditions , which is what we claim.
We desire the PUBLIC TO KNOW that we
NOR RECTIFIERS ; also that we use the utmost
care to purchase our goods from the most reliable
houses in America , and just as we get them , they
pass into the hands of our customers. NO
Monthly Meteorological Summary ,
STATION : Valentine , Nebr. MONTH : December , 1906
NOTE : "T" indicates trace of precipitation ; " nelow zero ; "PC" partly cloudy.
JOHN J. McLEAN , Observer Weather Bureau.
. . , . COPYRIGHTS &c
Anyone sending n sketch and description mas
nnlckly ascertain our opinion free fietlier an
Invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions Btnctly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest acency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
ipecial notice , without charge. In the
A handsomely HlustratPd weekly. T.arpest cir
culation of any scientific journal. Terms , S3 r
year : four months , f L Sold , by all newsdealers.
g CQ.3618roadwa > - New Yorf
acb Office. fi25 F St _ 'Washincton. DC
East fJherry Comitv Teachers
High School Bldg. 1:30 : p. m. Feb. 9
Putman's Psychology , chap
ters 7 and S , - Lulu Kortz
Primary Plans - Bertha Gordon
Current Topics , W. H. Katzenbach
Normal Training as a Prepa
ration for Teaching
Stella Newman
Essentials of Teaching Head
ing , chapters 7 and 8
R. IL Watson
Cody , Neb.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an ord-r of sale issued by the
clerk of the ttistrict court of Cherry county Ne
braska , January 11 , under a decree of tax
lien forvcloMire. wherein John Shultes is plain
tiff , and Luiz-t Renbein , itnp ended with tde
SKH of section 8 , t.wnship 33n. range 32w ,
Cherry county , Nebraska , defendant ,
I will sell at tn- front door of the court bouse in
Valentine. Cherry county. Nebrassa. that beinj ;
the hniUUng wherein the lat-t term 01 said court
a8 e 'ontbeT3ra dy of February. 1907. at
clock a m. ta satisfy judgment of § 90.50
ati0JPercfnt "om date of Judgment.
.1906 , and costs taxed at S37195 and
accruing costs , at public auction , to the highest
ertfto wlr Thel ' 1 1 described prop-
r J ? " , . TnebKj . .i sections , township
33n. - .
ra-ge32\v. Cherry n-mnty. Nebraska.
Dated this 24th day of January. 190T
. -sheriff of Cherry County.
Walcott & Mornssey , Atty'd for Pltf. -b
Jake Stetter buys cattle and
hogs and anything the farmers
have to sell. Office is where
Lee's barber shop was , east side
of Main street. If you want to
buy or sell anything see me. No
deal is too large and none are too
small. J. \ \ \ STETTER ,