Did you kaow thai : our Coffees and Teas are the FINEST in town ? 'Nuff Said. T. C. Hornby. * * TraiiK-3Iiw uri Drv S us' For the first time in the history of America , a general movement has been inaugurated looking to ward the rapid development and settlement of the dry land sections of the west. Acting on the sug- . gestirig of many of Colorado's \ business men , Governor Jesse F. McDonald of this state has called the "Trans-Missouri Dry Farm ing Congress" to meet in Denver on the 24th and 25th of this month. The call has been sent to every state west of the Missouri river and assurances have already been received that delegates will come , with state sanction , from practical ly all of the sixteen common wealths included in the call. The importance of this move ment cannot be overestimated. Nine acres of farm land out of ev ery ten In the whole country west of the ninety-eighth meridian can never L > e irrigated , aud , because of slight rainfall , most * of this great territory must look for its redemption entirely to some meth od of scientific agriculture. With in the last decade the spread of the so-called Campbell system , more commonly known as l'dry farm ing , " has convinced the thinking men of * the country that in some such method as this lies the agri cultural salvation of the west , and it is now proposed to start a broad unprejudiced movenment , in which every state affected shall take part to further develop these soil cul ture systems and bring them to the attention < > f th < > vorld < r liryc. It is nece.vHr.ai . > o , o it hsaid by those who are interested , that some steps be taken to educate1 the farmers who are today coming in to the dry lands of the west In Colorado alone. 75000 new home- seekers have < uMtl ' < ! therti'-eh i\s within a year. Tuelve hundred homesteads in Kit Carson county , Colorado , were taken up in 1906 , and this record was almost , if not quite , equaled by other counties in other western states. Of these great bodies of settlers , the larger proportion are from eastern states , and are entirejy unfamiliar with western conditions. The purpose of the congress , which will meet this month in Denver , is , first of all , to form a permanent educational interstate organization somewhat on the line of the National Irrigation Con gress , and second , lo afford a full and free discussion of the princi ples of scientific soil culture , and We Sell Lumb BISHOP * " of their devolopmcnt in the we. t. SJM ! * < ; will .jj 'iih'Pi'.nl.'fr" ! } ! < T- ' ' ' ' rJati . ' < - * < " ! t'te vh-MMi : n.f- . Tiic L' s. ( K'parlment of agriculture mil be lepiedited , il is hoped , by Secretary Wilson. Every agricultural college in the west will have its man in attend ance. Mead of , Washington , Campbell of Nebraska , Olin of Colorado , Jardiue of Utah , and a score of others of the brightest agricultural minds in the country a i e on the program , and few thing that refer to dry farming will re main unsaid. j In order to prevent thefc gather ing of a large and unwieldly voting ing body. Governor McDonald has limited the number of official ; delegates who may attend Cher ry county , however , is entitled to ten delegates. Copies of the of ficial call , and an urgent invitation' to appoint delegates at once , have been sent to the county commis sioners , and it is expected that they will net in the matter within the next lew days. In spite of the voting limit , however , it is desired that ever.\ farmer and bubiuts.- ? > man in Cherry - ( ry county who is interested in dry farming and can get away from j home should attend , regardless of whether or not he is an official delegate from the county. Con vention headquarters have been opened at Room 5 , Albany hotel , Denver , where all visitors to the city will be made welcome , and full information given. o guspccted of Shooting Oapti.in Mackiin Under Arrest ut Fort iSeuo. Fort Keno , Okla. , Jan. 7. The finding of a khaki jacket , one sleeve of which was covered with blood and punctured presumably by a bullet , led to the arrest this afternoon of Corporal Knowles of the Twenty-fifth infantry , colored , on the charge of murderously as saulting Captain Edgar B. Mack- 1m on the night of December 21. When arrested the negro officer was found to have a severe ilesh \vouud in tiie wrist which he is buid 10 have Ucen lieating hmiaeli lor over three weeks , ihe wound ed wrisl i& declared to nave been injured by itie same size bullet as weal turougu llie sleeve of the jacket ttliieb Uuie iviunvleo miL- lb xas learned louigul ttiau airesi is to be made aud it is understood chat the next man to be taken into custody is another negro soldier. S t a t e Journal. Barnes will see you at the hotel about your eyes , Friday , Jan. 11. i W. A. Parker of Woodlake was in the city Tuesday on legal buss- ness. Get your property insured by 1. M. .Rice and you will be safe. His companies pay losses promptly. You can get a case of 2i bottles oi Webb's soda for Toe , delivered to your house. Try a case. Tel ephone 117. 31 The ladies aid will serve a loc supper next Tuesday evening be ginning a 5 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. C. Northrop. Jake Stetter buys cattle and hogs and anything the farmers have to sell Office is where l.i 'e'btrluT slv p wa , east side of Main -trett. If . \ ou want to buy or sell anything see me. No deal is too large and none are too small. J. W. STETTEK , 0 ' Valentine , Neb. . . , - taf . , , ri > ; . * - jffr * a' Contests. "Smn-"g ) ! contest ; urc as old as the hilis , ' .nl nil antiquary " ( Jo t' < ! > * . - tauy. Like iu a Bronn ? . ] a . ' " ! you'll sue a yinokin.4 cuiU" t . , .s * Med - ed hi between the daaenu * - it' & ' " * and the wrestling bouts. " The old man took out his notebook. "The first smoking contest of which we have any authentic record. " he said , ' came off at Oxford , the English eat of learning , in 1712:5. : The conditions were that you should smoke throe ounces of tobacco without drinking or leaving the stage , the person tirst lin- fsbed to get a prize of 12 shillings. "Hearue says I copied it down here : " 'JIauy tryed. and 'twas thought that a journeyman taylor of St. Fe- ter's-in-the-East would have been the victor , he smoking faster than and be ing many pipes before the rest , but at last he was h > o sick that 'twas thought he would have dyed , and an old man that had been a builder aud smoked gently came off the conqueror , smok ing the three ounces quite out. and he told me that after it he smoked four or five pipes the same evening. ' " A German Duel. A young officer quarreled with n friend who was a solicitor. Hot words were exchanged , and the officer struck his friend. Here the matter might have ended there was something to forgive and regret on both sides. But the officer's legiment heard of the af fair , and a court of honor decided that he must challenge the civilian. So a duel by command took place , and the young lav 3er fell mortally wounded by his friend. When the officer re turned home he was arrested on the information of the president of the court of honor which had forsed him to fight. He was tried by nil ordinary tribunal and sentenced to three months' imprisonment. The president of the court of honor knew he was urging the officer to an illegal deed when he insisted on the duel , but hon or , as he understood it , must be satis fied at all cost Berlin Letter. The Ciijrr Mouthpiece. A rich Russian banker had been dis covered murdered in his house in St. Petersburg , says a writer iu lie Green Bag. There was no clew , but in the room there was found a cigar mouth piece containing part of a cigar o ? such an expensive kind that it was sup posed the banker hii self had been , smoking it just before the crime had been committed. Ou close examina tion the mouthpiece was found to bo worn away by the teeth of its owner , but the dead man's teeth did not fit the indentation. The servants were one by one examined , and it was then found that the hollows of the mouth piece compared exactly to the forma tion of the front teeth of the cojk. to whom uo suspicion had been attached He afterward confessed to the murder. "Fiery Dragons. " In.the year 1332 various parts of Great Britain were visited by a re markable meteorological phenomenon , which the old authors refer to as "the visitation of the flre drakes or drag ons. " The author of "Contemplation of Mysteries" says : "In ye letter parte of ye yeare (1532) ( ) ye fieri dragons appeared flying by flocks or companies in ye ayre , having swines' snowtes , and sometimes were they scene foure hundred flying togither. " In speaking of the lire dragons in another portion of his work he says , "Common people thinke fire drakes to be spirits which watch over hidden treasure , but the philosophers affirm them to be ye re sult of poisonous vapors which are spontaneously lighted in ye ayre. " Ireland's Const The finest cliff scenery in the United Kingdom is on the coast of the county of Donegal , at the northwest of Ire land , facing the Atlantic , where the variety and grandeur of the cliffs are most thrilling and impressive. Slieve League , south of Glen Columblcille. is a superb introduction to Donegal's coast splendors. In less than half a mile from the sea the mountain rears its height of nearly 2,000 feet. In the island of Achill , off the west coast of Ireland , the cliffs of Croghan , at Achill Head , rise sheer from the wa ter's edge to the dizzy height of 3,000 feet. London Standard. Smoked Gluss. Murphy \Yell , this bates the mis 4 chief. Dooley tole me that if I shniok- ed si piece of glass I'd be able to see the sphots on the sun. Sure , ain't I fairly kilt wid thrying to make me pipe draw ? 'Tis the wajvl'm thinking , that either I haven't the right kind of glass or else Dooley's been fooling me. London Tit-Bits. Took Wind Out of Their Addressing one of his southern audi ences. Sam Jones once requested all the husbands present who had not spoken a harsh word to their wives for a month to stand up. Ele shook hands with those who arose and then intro duced them to the rest of the audi ence as the-"twenty-seven biggest liars In Tennessee. " Honesty and Ability. Uncle You see honesty is absolutely necessary , but ability is equally indis pensable. Nephew That may be , but what end does honesty serve ? Uncle To maintain your obligations. Neph ew And ability ? 'Uncle To avoid having them. II Monde Umoristico. li 3Inn n Harder Proposition ? Mrs. Benham The snake tempted Eve first Beuham Yes , I suppose he wanted to begin on something easy. New York Press. Necessary Limitations. Physician I would suggest a diet. Fatient Well , it will have to be epme- : hing that agrees with the cookv 2sTe\v STork Sun. to rent. Inquire of Mrs. Shore. . . KiH Cuuv < /ck Han been in oiiA th < * past \voek. , \ t L. C. Sparksvwas in Gordon the first of the week. B. J. Hoft'acker spent several days in town the past week. Henry Schafer and Hans Oster- man of Nenzel were in town the first of the week. Dr. A. N. Compton returned Tuesday from a visit to his father in Honey Grove , Texas. Mrs. D. M. Jeffers has gone to Cody for a week's visit with her son , Dr. Jeffers and wife. Ed TTichards came in last Thurs day from Kennedy to spend a few days with his family in town. a Geo. Cyphers returned yester day from Omaha where he had been since last Friday as a witness in the MoJisett land case. P. H. Young came in from Sim eon to meet Fred Metzger and his wife who are returning tonight from a visit with homefolks and will go out to Mr. Yrung's to spend a week. McLoan returned from Cloud county , Kan. , last Friday , where he has been visiting with relatives a couple of weeks. Be fore leaving town he left us the championship at checkers. The legislature is in session and work has begun in two different bills to control the railroads and transportation charges. One bill also relates to telephone and com munication lines. Both bills leave matter in the hands of the railway commission and they in turn must be reviewed by the courts which are slow at the best and very un- UQcerlain. We hear that a telegram was sent to Alva Green at Merriraan last Monday stating that Bert Tosto.vin had committed suicide at the survey camp about 75 miles from Helena. Mont. Alva had been with the surveying party but had started home. The mes sage was received before Alva ar rived and was opened by hi.s fath er H. Green which disclosed the startling tragedy. Gov. Mickey revealed a treach erous nature last week in pardon ing Mrs. Lillie as the last act of his administration and showed himself to be a tool , a Savage , and as he stated to a child once as he shook hands with her , that when she grew up she could say she had shaken hands with , a real live gov ernor. The numerous pardons , paroles and commutations during his term of four years show him , to be a desperado and prince of criminals. Our courts have been rebuked , and lawless ness has been shown more favors than Savage or Dietrich would have dared to father. A governor should not pardon any criminal unless it be found that some new evidence positively clears the pris oner. There is plenty of room and opportunity in the courts to obtain evidence and to each comm - * * m unity should be left the decision as to the guilt or innocence of their offenders of the law and it is because of the usurpation of this right that lynch law is so often resorted to. There ought to be some law to punish ex-governors for such misconduct in official duties. Her Intense Sorrow. He I callcSl to see you last evening and the servant told me you were not In. She Yes ; I was sorry to have missed you. lie I thought you must be ; I heard you laughing upstairs in such grief stricken tones that I al most wept myself out of sympathy. The Obstinate Cook. Father Cooking schools are of some use after all. Tin.e.iko i delicigus. Daughter Is it ? I tl-oiiirht it would be a terrible failure. Father Why ? Daughter I told the cook exactly how to make it , and she went and made it some other way. The Freshman. "Is Reggy improving by his life in college ? " "Oh , yes ; he's already learned to toe In with one foot ! " Detroit Free Press. * * Dr. Barnes , eye specialist of Omahnvill biit Prhlay , the dnlP. " ' " Four room house to rent ; also- 3 rooms over the Democrat Office for rent as an office or light house keeping. I. M. RICE. The Royal Neighbors of America extend to the Morern Woodmen of America a cordial invitation to be present at their installation Wednesday , Jan. 1C , 1907. RECORDER R. N. A. , Camp No. 851. Mrs. C. J. Callen returned from Lincoln last Friday where she spent the holidays with her daugh ter Mrs. C. Y. Thorn. She re ports thp.m doing well and heartily enjoyed her visit with them and with E. E. Thorn and family. U. § . Weather Ititreau H < jM 3't tor week Ending Jan. 9. The daily mean temperature shows an upward trend , being 3 ° than the normal , which is 14 ° . The highest was 49 ° on thetkh ; lowest-12 ° on the 3rd , the latter being the lowest of the season. The precipitation was in the formof snow flurries on the 5th and 7th , being a trace only. School Kotos. Flora Clarkson neglected to have the mumps during vacation but she is giving the matter at tention now. Grace and Lillie Grooms , Elsie Foster and Blanche Hutchison of the Sparks neighborhood have not returned to school since the holi days. Eighteen of the former gradu ates of the Valentine high school made pleasant calls at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Watson durinsr 3 the holidays. The school board of Ainsworth voted recently to give all their teachers Friday of this week to be spent in the Valentine schools ; hence we shall expect them to ar rive in Valentine on Thursday evening. Mr. McCrea gave all the floors of the school building a good coat of oil during the holidays. If this oil could have had time to become - , come thoroughly dry before school opened again our floors would have been in a fiae condition. Gertrude Shelbourn of the ninth grade was at her home in the country during the holidays hav ing a good time when she should have been having the mumps. She is now busy with the mumps when she would much prefer to be busy with her studies. Mrs. L. C. Sparks made a Christmas gift of five dollars to the school library to be invested in magazines for the coming year. This amount with a few dollars from the library fund was turned over to Mr. Elliott for which he will give us a fine lot of periodicals. t W. D. Clarkson is showing the proper spirit this year in not hiring - i ing school boys to work on the ice. If all men could realize how many boys fall behind their classes , and eventually leave school because they have been hired to work a few days now and then , we be lieve more men would feel just as Mr. Clarbson does. Any person who has observed closely knows that very few , boys who seek these jobs use their wages to buy clothes j or to help support the home. Most of them spefcd their wages in attending cheap shows or in some other way equally worthless. Headache at least no need of en during them. Y o t eighty-six people out'of every hundred have headaches at least at occasional intervals. We can offer youa prompt and certain remedy in Chapman's Headache Tablets. A remedy that will cure a splitting headache or relieve neuralgia i n from 20 to 60 minutes is worth knowing about and remembering. We believe it to be an ab solutely certain cure and we know it can't harm. PRICE 25 CENTS. i gl < grHT.t-L.-g ar'g Q Io VALENTINE. NEB HEW TIME TABLE , C.&H.W. KAST No , 2 , Daily except Saturday ! ) : ' 13 p. m. , Taliss No. C , Dnilj . 4:33 : a. in. . J'ass No. S'2 , Daily , except Sunday . . .4:00 p. in , local Xo. 110 , Daily . 5:20 a. m. , locu AVEST BOUXD No. 1. Daily , except Sunday . GoO p. in. , Tass No. 5 , Daily . 1:47 a. in. , Pass No. 81 , Daily except Sunday . * ) :10 a. m. . loca No. 110 , ( doesn't cirry passengers ) 11:15 p.m LET US FIGURE ON YOUR BILLS nsounn This Man Reads THE DEMOCRAT And is Happy jr * Jt / ubscribe NOW Only $1 a Year. One Way of Sayiugr Xo. Becrbohm Tree was once endeavor-- ins to got a well known actor back into his company. Tree received the man in his dressing room as he was making up. "How much would yon want to come back to me ? " inquired Mr. Tree. ' usy with his paint pots. The other named an exorbitant sal ary , to which True merely retorted as he.went on making up , "Don't slam the door when yon go out , will you ? " The LoL ? ers. "Well , " said the first lobster in a bored , tone , "what are you going to do now ? " "Get dressed for dinner , " the second lobster answerdt yawning.