r * - If > v Historical Society ' ' * . Hi- " - 'if VOLUME xxi VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. THUPxSDAY , JANUARY 10 , 190' ' NTITMRER 52 , 3SP&C333 We have them in the following lines : Furniture , Carpets , Rugs and Draperies , Carpet Sweepers , Silverware , Rochester Nickle Plated and Argentine Ware , "Kiipper Klub" Skates , Sleds , "Keen Kutter" Pocket Knives , Shears , Razors , etc , , etc , We wish especially to call your' atten tion to our line of PICTURES. They include the latest subjects , all high grade work , in neat attractive frames. Along with the above we carry a com plete line of HARDWARE , with many useful and valuable articles for the home. : : : : : : : : : : Come in and inspect our goods before buying elsewhere. It does not cost you anything to look at them. : : : : RED FRONT MERC. CO. Wishing you a happy and prosperous . New Year. We thank you for your liberal patronage of 1906 , and will endeavor to merit a continuance of confidence and patronage during 1907 D STINA CLOTHIER Yalentine , Nebr. Bargains from the Fort . Established in Va eutiue since 18S5. Wagons and Buggies Lumber and Hardware Pictures Framed to Order * TI N W A R E , OILS , ETC. -Lamps , Crockery , Lime , Coal. Paper. EURNITURE AND COFFINS. * Incensed Embtilmer Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a Rational Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAFiTAI. PAID rw A General Banking $25,000. ' C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. N . Cashier. New Hotel C Near Depot Electric Lights , C ! i i en 00 L JL JL % B/ . - M > J. A. Hornback , Propr. Guests for Trains a'Specialty , Good Rooiiis. C Good Service , : ead the A * at the 31. K. Chni-cli Every Sunday. MOKXIXG SEHVICES- Sunday School begius at 10:00 o'clock. " " 11:00 " Preaching : Junior League " " 2:30 p.m. EVENING SBHVlCE-3 Epworth League begins at C:30 o'clock. Preaching ' " 7.39 HEV. C. E. CoxxELr , , Pastor Talk of the Town. Wm. Erickson was in town the first of the week. Supper 15c by the ladies aida Mrs. Northrop's Tuesday evening. W. F. A. Meltendorfl' has a change of advertisement in an other column of this paper. Judge Wood of Rushville was in Valentine last Saturday in the interest of the remonstrance against a saloon at Georgia. Chapman tells you how to cure headaches in his ad this week which is to be found elsewhere in this issue. "Mis Ada Stinard has been com pelled to give up her school in the 'fjjJ * House district north of town on ac count of ill health. Geo. H. Hornby and daughter Helen drove to Crookston Wednes day morning to attend the funeral of Miss Bertha Schneider. . . , D. A. Kellogg , of Vienna. S , D. , a brother of Don Kellogg of north tiblo and a brother-in-law of jVIno * Cramer of our city is here visiting relatives and friends. Instead of Mrs. Harry Van- Orsdale as we stated last week , we are now reliably informed that it w.is Miss Mary VanOrsdale who returned from a visit back east. Roy E. Phelps , the Ains worth photographer , was in our city last week , taking the place of Mr. Barnett of O'Neill , who contem plates selling his building here , era a leasing to Mr. Phelps. ; i Bertha Schneider , a 16 year old girl ! , died . of diabetes north of Crookston ' Tuesday. She had been sick for some time. The funeral was held yesterday. The family came from the eastern part of the state a couple of years ago. The railroad company is putting up ice and have a big force of men and teams at work and are hauling ice by the train load. It was necessary to rebuild the old ice track or chute leading from Lake Minnechaduza to the top of the hill. Mrs. John Stedifor returned yesterday from Porto "Rico and -prefers the northern climate. Her husband is wagon boss for the government and formerly was stationed at Ft. Isiobrara , but went to Porto Ilico last October I when the fort was abandoned. It is expected he will also return soon. Delicious in Flavor- Pure in Quality & 4 ? K ftfrfr fr ft * ft * 4 ? ift * 4 ? Economical in Buying Healthy in its Use ftft Miss-Flora Hornback is living eon on her homestead near Brown lee. All are invited to the ladies aid loc supper at Mrs. Northrop's next Tuesday evening. Mrs. J. C. Pettijohn of Long Pine is visiting her daughter , Miss Laura and with friends in our Miss Florence visited in the city last week. Al Webb is clerking in D. Stin- ard's clothing store on account of illness in the latter's family which requires Mr * Stinard to be absent from the ttore. The week of prayer is being observed this week in union meet ing alternating betweed the Pres- "byterian and M. E. churches , con ducted by llev. Connell at the former and by Rev. Beale at the .latter place. . Geo. .Miller came in from Ches terfield hist week and tells us that the hay flats are so covered with ice that he was looking for black smiths to shoe 500 head of cattle so they could stand up to eat hay. Cows would be awkward on skates he thinks and it is necessary to haul hay to the sand hills for them. There is more ice than formerly this year. AH Kfgro Soldle is to Go to the Philippines Other Troops Ordered Also. Washington , D. C. , Jan. 5. The Ninth and Tenth cavalry and t and the'Twenty-fifth infantry , in cluding all the negro soldiers in the regular army in this country , have been ordered to prepare for service in the Philippines , and will pail at different times between Marbh 5 and June 5 of this year. t Thejrmly other regiment composed of negroes , the Twenty-fouth in fantry , is now doing service in the Philippines. Other troops ordered to tliej Philippines are the Sixth cavalry and the Eighteenth , Twenty-sixth. ] Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth in fantry. The troops which will bo re lieved by the sending of these new regiments will be the Fourth , Seventh and Eighth cavalry and the Eighteenth , Thirteenth , Fifth- teenth , Sixteenth and Nineteenth infantry. World-Herald. We will begin the new year , we think , better equipped for handling oar trade. Our lines of goods will be selected with the greatest care. Prices will be the lowest possible for first class merchandise. We thank all our customers for their valuable patronage in the past and trust you will continue to favor us with your business. Wishing you one and all a prosperous and * Plappy New Year , we are very truly yours , CROOKSTON. NEBRASKA. MAX E VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. what you have to sell. 3 what you want to buy. . - - Call and see us. Phone 23 W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL.iDSE . ! FRED WHITTEMORE , Pres. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier J. W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAH L. BRITTON , Ass't. Cashier o -J o . Valentine , Nebraska 3 Capital Surplus 6 rtcs $25,00 $2,500. , Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the methods employed in our business. : : : : : : v. : : Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods 3 3C Lunch Counter. . * aV' % > i - A tA mjrlvxs < vi ti Ip + s - . - * - ft"1 ! Fii'st class line of Steak Dry Salt Meats Smoke- ! Uj.'I ' - ; 'i ' m _ 'ji. ' JJ.jrBr rf' Breakfast Bucon. Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. Mrs. Len Bivens and children c are visiting her sister , Mrs. Sol Morey , in Crawford. I would like to have a school for the winter term. A. H. Keach Sparks , Neb.