I. M. RICE Editor and Proprietor. " -.MARK ZAIIR Foreman. Entered at the postoffice at-Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. , , as Second Class Matter. TERMS : Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; S1.50 when not paid in advance. Display Advertising 1 inch single column loc per issue or $6.00 a year. Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue 5c per line per issue. Brands , li inches84.00 per year in advance ; additional space $3.00 per year ; engraved blocks extra 81.00 each. 10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in. arrears. > Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance. Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers. THURSDAY , JANUARY 3 , 1907. Will Clarkson has begun putting up ice on Lake Minnechaduza. Jas. Galloway's family spent Christmas week out at the ranch , returning yesterday. Mr. Smith and R. O. Clifford of Atkinson were in our city this week looking at land. Mrs. Harry Van Orsdale of Crookston recently returned from her old home in Indiana. Born , Wednesday , January 2 , 1907 , to Rev. Beale and wife of the Presbyterian church , a son. Mrs. W. S. Barker and sister visited relatives and friends in the eastern part of the state last week. P. Sullivan of Merriman is in town today on business and called for a few minutes talk with ye scribe. Dr. A. N. Comptoii has gone to Honey Grove , Texas to spend the holidays with his parents and friends. . , A public dance will be given at the skating rink tomorrow ( Friday ) night. Music by the Valentine orchestea. Miss Fanny Thackrey returned i to Rosebud last Monday after a week's visit at the home of her sister Mrs. Chas. Reece near Sim- eon. Allen and Nellie Connell re turned last night from a week's visit with their grandfather , Jos. Van Buskirk of Gordon. " News comes to us of the birth of twins , a boy and a girl , to Jno. Carson and wife of Redford. Mrs. Carson was formerly Miss Anna Ladely of ttfe class ' 03. "In A Woman's. Power , " was rendered Tuesday night to a crowded house at the opera house and was a satisfactory perform ance. It was the biggest house of the season. Monday evening the snow be gan falling and Tuesday snowed some * more , laying about three inches deep on the level. The weather was warm but grew cold er yesterday and last night. It is rumored that the line of * railroad from Sioux City to O'Neill : which recently passed into the "possession of the B. & M. , will begin building westward in the spring and contemplate connect ing with their main line at Dunning - ning or Thedford and another line .will be extended up the Calamus into Cherry county. J. E. Thackrey's family has been quarantined on account of supposed diptheria for the past couple of weeks , ending Tuesday when there being no further signs of the disease the quarantine was raised. Jake Stetter buys cattle and hogs and anything the farmers have to sell. Office is where Lee's barber shop was , east side of Main street. If you want to buy or sell anything see me. No deal is too large and none are too small. J. W. STETTER , ' 50 Valentine , Neb. i * E. D. Spencer , of the firm of Spencer & Epke , tubular well drillers of Crookston , was in Val entine last Monday and made our office a friendly call. The firm has been running an ad in THE DEMOCRAT the past summer and fall and Mr. Spencer says that it has helped them to do a good business. We understand that a new line of railroad to be called the Midland Central , is to be extended from Albion to Newport the cominsf year. Work will begin in the early spring or about April 20fch , eastern capitalists having taken up the work , and before the next summer's close the people of Rock county may hear the welcome toot and clatter of wheels. Thomas Watkins has opened a roller skating rink in the build ing recently completed by the Red Front Merc. Co. , for a ware house on Cherry street , opposite their store. Sixty pairs of good skates are kept for use and sever al are developing into artistic skaters. The floor is smooth and the building will also be used for dancing and parties and public gatherings. Why coulJn't Val entine have an opera house on the ground floor ? The week of prayer will be ob served this year by union meet ings alternating between the Methodist and Presbyterian churches. The first service will begin the coming Sunday evening in the Methodist church when Rev. Beale will preach. Then following during the week ser vices will be held between the two churches , Rev. Connell conduct ing the services in the Presbyterian - - ian church Monday evening , Rev. Beale in the Methodist church Tuesday evening and so on. A full attendance is desired. lGRA-NT ( BOYER , . . 5'i" V ' S CARPENTER & BUiLDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all .size * j Valentine , Nebraska" ' . or five Merrimanbo. . > s & < wl . 5-f1 ff " 'an- j wenl'doivh to Cody last Christmas dayexpecting'to return on the | the * passenger. In this they were disappointed and were put off by the conductor , who told them that they did not stop at Merriman and would not carry them. The boys got on the bumpers and thought they could jump off when they reached Merriman , or if not , they would ride through to Gord on. When they reached Merri man the White boy jumped off all right and thought he was the only one who risked jumping as the train did not stop and was going pretty fast. Earl Fitch also jump ed but was thrown against the platform or was struck by the car steps after falling and dragged under the cars which cut off his legs. Another train going west dragged him several rods , after which a train going east dragged him back nearly to where he first fell and the body was not discov ered until morning when it was gathered up , mangled almost be yond recognition , both legs and arms severed from the body which was cut and bruised. An inquest was held and the remains taken to Norfolk for interment , the former home of the family. Breezy Summit. John Batchelor was in these parts recently buying hay and cattle of J. Eastman. Harry Ju- nod will take care of them. J. B. Leader has lost 5 valuable horses lately. Paul Kennicott is building a large cattle barn. W. Or. Ball arc ! drove a herd of hogs to Woodlake Christmas. Will Carter -teaching a suc cessful term of school at Breezy Summit. Mrs. Brown of Cherry Valley died Saturday. Rev. Peason con ducted the funeral. A. B. C. Statement of Condition at the. Close of Bnsiness , January 2 , 190 ? , of North Table Telephone Company : RESOURCES : Cash on hand § 89.55 Telephone line 890.40 Accounts due 67.50 Material on hand 73.85 81121.30 LIABILITIES : Shares of paid up stock § 1070.00 Bills Payable 51.30 § 1121.30 State of Nebraska , ) Cherry County , f ss C. M. Van Metre and Lottie Cramer , each being duly sworn , each deposes and says that , C. M. VanMetre is president and Lottie Cramer is secretary of North Table Telephone Company , a corpora tion. That the above and forego ing is a true and correct statement of the accounts of said company at the close of business January 2 , 1907. C. M. VAXMETRE , LOTTIE CRAMER. ' ' Subscribed in my pres- SEAL ence and sworn to before ' - ' me this 2nd day of Janu ary , 1906. A. M. MORRISSET , Notary Public. My commission expires Decem ber 29 , 1910. U. S. W * tther Bureau HP port tor week finding JFan. 2. Daily mean temperature 8 ® : iigher than the average or 26 ° ind the average or normal 18 ° . Rigestoo0 , lowest-6 ° . The lowest this morning , the kd , was-12.5 ° . i The precipitation was .26 of an nch. The total is 26.54 : inches. You can get a case of 24 bottles ) f Webb's soda for 75c , delivered ; o your house. Try a case. Tel- 117. 31 GOVE No One Escapes His Share of Tariff Taxes. TRUSTS AHD BA1TKS BENEFIT , Necessities Pay More Per Cent Than Luxuries Republican Promises of Tariff Revision Never Fulfilled Ex tra vaprant Appropriations Further Burden the People. Every dollar expended by the gov ernment is paid by the people in taxes , except a small and gradually decreas ing amount from the sale of the public lands and a few small sums from other sources. The total receipts for the year ended June 30 , 1003 , the last offi cial report published , were $097.101,270 , of which $201,798,857 was tariff taxes and $2 4,093,741 was internal revenue taxes , and those amounts have been largely increased during the past fiscal year. Extravagant appropriations by congress mean more taxes , and there fore every one is interested in an eco nomical and honest government both hi the legislative department that makes the laws which authorize the expenditures and in the executive de partments which expend the mdney. " \Vhen congress authorizes more taxes to be collected than are needed to pro duce enough money to cover expendi tures and there is a large surplus in the United States treasury it very nat urally leads to larger appropriations because there is a constant demand by the individual congressman for an ap propriation for his district , besides the general demand for appropriations for all kinds of purposes. * There is now a surplus in the treas ury of over $200,000,000 , of which over $154,000,000 has been loaned to the na tional banks and upon which they payne no interest. That large sum would al low the tariff taxes to be reduced one- half and still produce a surplus for the coming fiscal year , and if the tariff rates were so revised that diamonds and other articles that are luxuries paid as much per cent tax as some ar ticles of necessity are now made to pay there would be about as much money collected as there is at present , and the price of articles of necessity would be cheaper , but the price of diamonds mends , etc. , would be higher. The trusts and combines that are now charging exorbitant prices for their products would be compelled to lower their prices , or similar products manu factured in England , Germany or else where would be imported at the re duced tariff rates and compete with the trusts' products. Under such a plan of reducing the tariff rates on ne cessities one-half and increasing the tariff tax on luxuries the trusts would either have to reduce their profits or lose part of their trade. The knowledge that reasonable tariff revision would reduce trust profits is the reason the trust magnates are all Republicans and are willing to pa } ' a percGutage of their large profits to Re publican campaign funds to help keep that party in power. That is the rea son a Republican congress stands pat and refuses to consider the bills for reforming the tariff that wcro intro duced by the Democrats at the last and former sessions of congress. Undoubt edly this stand pat attitude of the Re publican leaders led to the defeat of a number of Republican candidates for congress and the greatly reduced ma jority of others. Still the Republican leaders declare they stand pat , al though they promised tariff revision when necessary. But the promise is never fulfilled , and now the declara tion Is mads that after the next na tional election , if intrusted with an other lease of power , they will again promise In their national platform to reform the tariff after election. An Honest niul Impartial RcjinMican. The retirement of Secretary Hitch cock from the cabinet is a great loss to his countrymen. lie is the only member of the administration that has accomplished real results in his depart ment that are worth talking about. He has not boasted or blustered , but has pretty effectually cleared out the land thieves and punished them without fear or favor. Republican United States senators and congressmen that were mixed up with the land grafters were not shielded , but prosecuted with as much vigor as the lesser grafters , and , as this Is the first time in the his tory of the Republican party of a cabinet officer being Impervious to party pressure and impartial in pun ishing and preventing fraud , Ethan Allen Hitchcock is entitled to the thanks of Democrats , the more so as so many of his own party arc secretly denouncing imd backbiting him. It is too bad that similar good deeds cannot be recorded of any other member of the official family of President Reese velt. Not Statesmanship. Secretary Taft declared that Foult- ney BIgelow could not have found out much about conditions at Panama in his four days' visit , but expects Presi dent Roosevelt In three days to have everything about the canal at his fin gers' ends. . This endeavor to create faith In the omniscience of Teddy and denunciation of others who have hon estly exposed the mistakes in Panama management can hardly be considered as statesmanship. A Hunj ry Flock. As twenty-seven Republican candi dates for congress were defeated by the Democrats , besides those , like Gen eral Grosvenor. who were refused re- nominations by their party. President Roosevelt will have a big flock of lame ducks to provide for. Did you know that our leas are the FINEST in town ? 'Kuff Said. T. C. Hornby , May Discharge all Soldiers. Washington , Dec. 28 , 933. When congress again takes up the Brownsville affair for discussion it will be urged to rid the army of all colored soldiers. This drastic action has been proposed and is receiving serious consideration from army officers and members of congress. Four regiments would be af fected : The Ninth and Tenth cavalry and Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth infantry. j j The suggestion grows out of the ; fact that since Roosevelt has discharged - ' charged three whole companies of i negroes a regular wave of crime has swept over the negro troops. At Loavenworth , Kan. , mem bers of the Ninth cavalry have in- We- Sell Lumber BISHOP & YOUNG , CODY , NEB ; XCHANCE Liquor Center A HAPPY NEW YEAR to you , and may you start it RIGHT by using : the RIGHT KIND of WINES and LIQUORS. With us PURITY and BES1 ? QUALITY means BRIGHT , " and we guaran tee nur goods to be that in every sense of the word. And while all good Wines , Whiskeys , Cordials , etc. , must vary according to vintage and age , they should be pure and free from adultera tions under all conditions , which is what we claim. We desire the PUBLIC TO KNOW that we are neither BLENDERS , COMPOUNDERS NOR RECTIFIERS ; also that we use the utmost care to purchase our goods from the most reliable houses in America , and just as we get them , they pass into the hands of our customers. NO SPURIOUS IMITATIONS or IMPURE LIQ- OURS OFFERED FOR SALE. WE HAVE THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN. WHOLESALE IN DEALER W. F. A. MELTENDORFF PABST AND KRUG BEERS . . . GOOClS Of All Kinds. We have just received a fine line of Linens and Mexican Drawn Work Good assortment of Christmas Candies. PHONE 97. A Monthly Meteorological Summary , STATION : Valentine , Nebr. MONTH : November , 1906 JNOTK : "T" indicates trace of precipitation ; " helow zero ; " W partly cloudy. k JOHN J. MCLEAN , Observer Weather Bureau. dulged in a street car riob and at "Fort Sheridan , near Chicago , the sergeant of the Ninth cavalry shot and killed a corporal. 1 Wednesday a member of the Twenty-fifth assaulted a white woman on the streets of El Keno. A continuation of such incidents undoubtedly will provoke a strong- movement for the repeal of th& law authorizing the enlistment of the four negro regiments. Colored troops are given credit for being good fighters in warbufc are unruly in time of peace. The war department has had difficulty in stationing them , because nearby forts don't want them. Representative Slayden of Terr as has introduced a resolution congress providing for the dis charge of all Negro regiments and intends to press it after the holi days. Omaha Daily News.