Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 27, 1906, Image 8

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Fred Q. Conrad
Ernest Stout's Unique Melodrama
" w f
"In A W
More heart > interest in this drama than most of the others
combined. It is vastly entertaining and is something
new. That's enough to commend it. You are sure to
L'i ' get even more satisfaction than you are paying for.
Seats willJbe placed on sale CHUECH'S STORE ,
one week in advance of date at Prices 25c , 50c and 75c.
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Prince Boabiie
131693 and Cut
Coat 112261 at he :
of herd The bloi
of Fowler. Anxiet
Lord Wilton and S
Gladstone predon
nates in my herd.
I have no bulls for sale until 1907. hiving so
all bulls on baud. I will handle only pure brt
Herefords iu the future.
Riege , Kebr
Tubular wells and windmills ,
me up by Telephone.
S. W.
Valentine - , . ' -Nebr
All work will be jjiven prompt
and careful attention.
Practices in all State Courts.
City Deliyeryman ,
-Trunks , valises and packages hauled to an
from the depot and all parts of the City.
ST. J. Austin. J. "W. Thompson
Austin & } Thompson
General Blacksmithin
and Wood Work.
Handles the
Opposite Postoffie. Phone 71' .
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Kosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1,1904.
First-class Shop in Every Eespect
Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair
Tonic , Herpicldfl and Coke's Dandruff Cure.
IryPompeian Face Massage Cream
' ; Itt-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind.
The tf-cent package s enough lor usual occas
sions. The family bottle ( GO cents ) contains a
supply for a year. All druggists sell thorn
December 20 , 1906.
PerCwt. Per Ton.
" Bran , sacked. . . . § 90 $17 00
-Shorts , sacked 1 00 19 00
t „ Screenings , sacked 70 ' 13 00
Chop Eeed , sacked 1 10' 2100
_ .wCorn , sacked 3 00 19 00
Chop Com , sacked 1 05 20 00
Oats , sacked 1 15 22 00
Agrcs In tlic Animal Kingdom.
A great variance as to length of lif
appears among different animals. Sorn
insects live for only a few hours , whil
lish. elephants and turtles are * fre
queutly centenarians. The averag
life of the mosquito is three tlays
Toads usually live to the age of abon
fifteen years , while carp have beei
known to reach 130. Chickens Hv
from twelve to fifteen years , dogs t <
the age of ten and occasionally fifteei
and parrots to extreme age. Thesi
birds have been known to pass tin
age of 200 years. Turtles are also fre
queutly centenarians , as are storks
and elephants are said to reach tin
age of 300 years. Whales have beei
known to live for 400 years.
Postage Stamps.
The largest postage stamp ever is
sued was a five cent stamp of thi
United States intended for newspape :
postage. It was 4 by 2 inches in size
The smallest postage stamp , on th <
other hand , was a twenty-five pfeuuij
stamp of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. is
sued in 1S5G. It was one-fourth th <
size of an ordinary postage stamp. In
cideutally it has been calculated lha
about 13,000 different kinds of postag <
stamps have been issued by the vari
ous countries of the earth.
A strange comedy and tragedy wa :
woven into the lives of Ibsen ant
Bjoruson. As young men they were
great friends ; then politics flung then
apart ; they quarreled and never rnei
for years and years. Strange fate
brought the children of these twc
great writers together , and Bjorusou'j
daughter married Ibsen's only child
The fathers met after a quarter of
century of separation at the wedding
of their children.
Excursion Bates to Lincoln ,
Via the Northwestern Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold Dec. 25
and 26 , limited to return until Jan
uary 2 , inclusive , on account of
State Teachers' Convention. Ap
ply to agents Chicago & North
western Ey.
A Woman's Power. "
Plays whose prominent features
are love , heart interest , heroism ,
comedy , pathos , vice and virtue , al
ways find popular favor. They are
sought after by theatregoers who
appreciate real merit. That is why
"In A Woman's Power , " an original
melodrama , booked at Church's
opera house Tuesday , January 1st ,
has met with such brilliant success.
It contains five acts and the scenes
are laid in California and New York.
Various types of life , good and bad ,
including a unique "Jew" character ,
ire introduced , while the scenic dis
play is said to surpass in vividness
ill previous attempts in stage real-
sm. Don't forget the date.
Sheriff Sale
By viriueof anordPi-of "ale Issued by the
Jerk of the District Court of Cherrj county Ne-
iraska. Octo-er 13 , 190U , under a decree of
nortgage foreclo ute \\liereln W. E Efneris
-minim and Henry Letget and Flora Letcet ,
lushrnnd and wife , and .Solomon Mc ieut
Dele , defendants , I will rell at the front dour
f tlit > eo .rt house in Valentine. Cherry county ,
l-braska. that being the.building wherein the
wft t j m of court was held , on the 20th day of
amia-y , 1907 at 10 o'clock a. m. to satisfy
iidginentot Sl.OOOand mt rest at 10 per cent
rum date of judgment , Septembr-r 18.190G. a d
sts taxed at 23 40 aiul accruing costs , at piit-
c auction to rue highest bidder for cash the
blowing described property to-wit :
SVS EJi , S swjf otsectlnn 10 township 32 ,
inpJ27andS15jfNE 4. KJSsK&of section 2l !
! K4Mi'4 or section 28 , township 30 , ranire 30
gethf-r with all impr venients 01 whatsoever
uid. including write , wind mills , water tnks
ire and tencepo ts uo\v upon or in am way
sed I' connection with the ranch or rauue
itioining siid premises.
Dated this 20th oay of December 1900
P. K. SIMOfS ,
J ! ) 5 Sheriff
& MorrisBej atrys for pltf.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by tl
c erk of ih > dis rlct co rtof Cherry county v
bra kn < > ctofcti 15.1900 under a deem ) of tM
li-n fwec'osiir ' . whr in * .L eowell 5- < n ah
tiflf-mdj 1m Sell r.s tu4 Mrs Sell 'r . lir t an
re l name unknoun are dcfcudunN. I wi
p 1 at. tlif f-ont do-.r of the co rl-nousei
Valentine. Oherrj- county , Nebraska , that bein
th buil'ifnghercin the la1trm of said con
w * beld. o ihP20lh day of Te"eniJ er , 1900 ;
10 o'clock a m . to satisfy judpment of ? 77. <
and int ret at 7 per cent from date of judgmei
September II. 190G and costs taxed at $23.90 an
acouinp costs , at public auction , to the highes
bidder , for ca h , tlip following descrihed pn > i
erty to-wit The NEJi of section 27. townshi
33. mnyt27 , in Clierrj county JQe r ska
Uatrd this 23th day of November. 1900.
465 Sheriff of Cherry County.
Walcott & Morrissey , Attj s. for Pltf.
Contest Notice.
TJ. S. Land Office , Broken Bow. Nebraska , t
November 20 1000 f
B M fflcl nl pontest affidavit navlng been file
in this Oftlce by VVmfield s. Brisco. rent * stain
asMiiist homes cad entry Fo. 2306. made June li
1901. for v K 4. section 11. township 25. ranr 3-
by Marparo.i- . MoOalmanr. contestee. in whic
it is alleged that contest * * * has wholly abandot
ed said tract f--r rnor than six months la <
pa t , that said tract i not cultivated , improve *
or resided upon as required bv law , tbwt th
land is now in its wild state nnd thai the abov
allege dpfects exist at this date ad have DC
hppn cured.
Said t > arti"s are hereby ngtifi d to ap "ai
reipni d and offer evidence touchiuc said -Merf
t on at 10 o'clock a. m on January 12 1907 in
fore the rfr ster and rec-eiv-r at th Unite !
States land Ofiicp in Broken Bow , * ebni > ki : ,
Tlip sa'd contestant havmt ; . in a pr. > ppr aff
davt. filed v0v 17. moo. t-.t forth facts wlucl
show that after dn diligencs personal servic
of thi = notlf-e can tot b" made , it is hen > l )
"rdered that such notice be given bv due an
proper publication. JOHN HEKSK.
1C 5 Register.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Broken Row. Nebraska , (
November 20.190G f
A sufficipnt " affidavit bavinp been file
in this otlice by vvinfie d S. Brisco. cnnteetan1
against homestead entrj' No. 2 305. made Jim
13.1901. f ir4VJi N Wjf'and W",4S\V.i ml .SFJ
SWH Section 12 , Township 25. Range a
by Flori Grate , contes'ee , in whioh it i < ? allegpi
that contestee has wholly abandoned the sain
lor m re than six months last past ; that th
paid tract is not improved , cultivated or residei
upon as requir. d by law. that said tract is no\
in its wild state ; that the alleged defects ah > v >
exist , at this date an i have not been cured.
S id paities are hereby notified to npppa'
respond and ff-r evidence touching said alt
Kfition at. 10 o'clock a m. on January 12 1907. be
fore thp register amt receiver Ht thy U. s. Lam
OHlce in Broken Bow. Nebraska.
The < ? aid ccmtestant having , in a properalhdn
vit lilrd November 17. litoo , set forth fa-ts whit ]
blniw that after due diligence , personal servici
of this notice can not be made , it is lierpbv or
ilerd and directed tat. . such notice be given b'
due and proper publication.
4t5 5 JOHN KEESE , Kegister.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bvvirtupofanorder of sale issued by tl'i
clerk ot the ni tiict court of Olierry Cotiniv
Nebraska , Vovembpr 5.1900. under a decree o
moit'a e for-do tire , wherein the Valentin
Kuildinir& Loan Association of Valentine Ne
bruswa. incorporatf d , is plaintiff , and Mattii
( irham and Henry Graham are defendants. :
will sell at th front door of ihp court n ns
in Valentine. Cherry c-unty. Nebraska , that be
ngtheimiidi tcwncrinlhe last term of sair
court WHS he'd ' , on the iGth rtay of January
1907. at 10 o'clock a > atisfy judgment o
S3' 71 and interest at 10 per cent from date <
jndgmenr , January 30.1906 , and costs taxed ai
s510 SO and accruing costs , at punlic auction. t <
-highest bidder for cash the following < e
sc ! ib-d property towit : Lot No. 14 in olocli
N 2 of El. & C. H. Cornell's addition to the
Vil'ag of Valentine. Cherry county , Nebraska
Dated this 14th day of December 1906
Walcott and Morrissey , attj * s for pltf. 48 5
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of gale issued by the
lerk of the district court of ( > beiry Counry , Ne
Onska , October 9 , 190C. under a decree oi
mortgng- foreclosure wherein William M. Alt
s plaintiff and Frank I. . Tajlor , Jessie s. Tay-
> r , his wife , .sarah Taylor , widow of llaloh D.
rayhir , iloceased. and the unknown beirs ol
Rilph D. Ta\lor. deceased , detendants. I will
sell at the lrontf oor of tlie court house in Yal en-
; ine. Cherry rounty , Nebraska , that being t"e
uilding wherein the last term of sairt court was
ield. on the 29th d < ty of December , 1906 , at 10
) 'COCK a. m to satisfy judgment oi S1353.00 and
merest at 7 per cent Horn date oi judgment ,
-eptemueris , 190G , and costs taxed at 37.80aad co-ts. at public auction , to the hignest
) idder , for cash , th" following described prop-
srty to-wit : The S NE ; and V , 8Eh , section
0. township 30. range 40 , in Cherry coun.y , Ne-
) raska.
Dated this 28th day of November , 190G
405 Sheriff of Cherry County ,
iValcott & Mornssey , Attys. tor fltf.
Sheriff's Sale.
Bv virtue of an order of sa'e issued by the
lerk of the oistrict , ourb of Cherry countv , Ne-
iraska , oct her 15,1900 , under a decree of mort-
: aee ton clovuie , wherein O L. Oles n isnlaiii-
iffand Lizzie E McCuniber. Levi Mc'Uimber ' ,
l-ichel mallt-y ami Everett Smal'ey , her 1ms-
iand , defendants ,
will sell at tli front door of the court house in
ralpntine. Chjrry county. Nebraska , that being
lie building wherein the laft term of said court
as hfld , on the 29th day of Ducember. 1906. at
0 o'clock a. in. , tj satisty judtrraent of § 198 03
nd interestatlOpercent from date of judgment ,
eptembei 18,1900. and costs taxed at S19.C5 and
ccruing costs , at pin lie auction , to the highest
idder , for cash'the fo'lowiug descrinpd prop-
rty. to.wit : Tlie E iSW4 and W 4SE 4 section
J. towiistiip 35 , range 25 in Cherrry countj- .
Dated this 28th day of November , 1900.
Sheriff of Cherry County ,
falcott & Morrissey , Atty's for Pltf , 4(5 ( 3
By virtue of an order of sale issued by Ihe
erk of 'he district court of Cherry County , Ne
aik . October 13.1900 , und-jr a decive of taj
511 foreclosure , wherein M. K. Noble is plain
[ f and Andrew Graham and Mis. Andrew
raham. his wife , first and real name unknown ,
ife.ddnts , I will sell at the fiont door of the
urt. honsf ) in Valentine Cherry county. Ne-
aska , that beine the building wherein tlie last
rm of said court was held , on the 29th day of
2c mber. 1906. at 10 o'clock a in. , to satisfy
ligment of 514540 and interest it 7 per cent
) iu date of judgment , September 18.190C. and
sts tavd at $23.40 and accruing costs , at pub-
auction , to the highest bidder for cash , the
llowing described iropertv towit : bJiSW }
Section 28 and the E iNsW of Section 33 ,
vnship 85 , range 25 , m Cherry county. Ne-
Jated this ssth day of November inoc.
1 * . F. IMONS.
Sheriff of Cherry , County.
Jlcott& Morrissey , attys lor pltf. ' 4G3
Notice to Creditors.
E STATK OF NKBUASKA / " _ _ In the County
CHEKUV COUNTI . j"bb Court.
n the matter of the estate of David A.
ircy , deceased :
'o ' the Creditors of said Estnte :
n are herenv notified. That I will sit at the
nty Court Itoom iu valentine in said county
the 5th day ot January , 1907 , "t 10 o'clock
n. to receive and examine ali claims against
1 estate , with a view to their adjustment and
iwancc. The time limited for the presenta-
) of claims against said estate is the 5h
' of January , A.D. 1907. and the time limited
payment of debts is one year from said 1st
of June , 1S06 ,
my hand and seal of saSd county court
this } 2th day of December. A. \ ) . I90t5.
48 * County Judge.
Low &af < > fo y < itional
G oivcrsrIssocififiim , Sail
Lake Cittj , Ufn/i.f
Via the Northwestern Line. E :
cnrsion tickets will be sold Jarr
ary 15 , 16 arid 17 , with favorab
return limits. Apply to agen
Chicago & Northwestern By. 483
Weather Data.
The following data , covering- pe
iod of 17 years , have been compile
from the Weather Bureau records ;
Valentine. Nebr. They are issued \
show the conditions that have pr
vailed , during the month in questioi
for the above period of years , bi
'must not be construed as a forecas
of the weather conditions for th
coming mcnth.
Mean or normal 27 °
The warmest month was lhat of 1S
with an average of 36 °
The coldest month was that of 19C
with an average of 19 °
The highest was 72 ° on 30,1904
The lowest was -34 = on 14 , 1901
Average for month .47 inches.
Average number of days with , ( l
of an inch or more 6
The greatest monthly precipitLtio
was 1 27 inches in 1902.
The least monthly precipitatio
was 0 05 inches in 1894
The greatest amount of precipit :
tion recorded in any 24 consecutiv
hours was 0.76 inches on 28-29. 1889.
The greatest amount of snowfa
recorded in any 24 consecutive hour
( record extending to winter of 1884-8
only ) was 4.6 inches on 10 , 1901
Average number of clear days , ] !
partly cloudy , 10 ; cloudy , S.
The prevailing winds have bee
from the W.
The average hourly velocity of th
wind is 10 miles.
The highest ve'ocity ' of the win- -
was 52 miles from the NW on 26. 189
Observer Weather Bureau.
Get your property insured by 1
M. Eice and you will be safe. Hi :
companies pay losses promptly.
E. D. Spencer. August Epke
UrookstoE , Kefo.
Cubular Wells made to order at 60 <
3er foot , complete with pump. Wind
nills and Well Repairs at reasonable
trices. Call us up over the Nortt
Table Telephone Line.
Sheriff Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by the
lerk of the district court of sherry county. Ne
raska on November 10.1906 under a decree o ]
Iort age foreclosure wherein F. M. Clark is
lamtilf mid Ira 1 $ Nichols and E. A. Nichols
re defendants , I wll sell at the front door of
tie court house in taientine. Cherry c-'imty ,
I braska. that HP in a : the bu Idmg wherein fhi
ist term of said mnrt was hold , on the 26th
ay of January. 1007 at 10 o'clock a m to sans y
irtgrnent of SO ! ? " OS and intere at 10 per < * nt
mm datof judgment. Ma eh 10.1900. and costs
ixed at 51580 nnrt aci-riiing cosis. at public
notion to the highest bidder lor easa the fol-
) wing described property towit :
The Wi of SEJi. SKJ4 of hW'f , S\V of XE } {
Action 9. township 33. range 3ti and also the
E4 ! of section & } . township 33 range 37 m
lierry county. Nebraska
Dated this isth day of December , looc.
4S 5 Sheriff
falcott & Morrissey , attjs for pltf.
50 YEARS *
Anyone sending a sketch and description inaj
rjulckly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest aecncy for securing patents.
Patents taken through JIunu & Co. receive
tpecial notice , without charge , in the
; clentiftc
. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest clr-
mlation of any scienttflo journal. Terms , $3 s
rear ; lour months , $ L Sold by all newsdealers.
Office. 625 K StWashineton. . DC
Double Track
luilroiut between Jlinsottri Hive.r
nd Cfiicaffo.
Direct line to St Paiil-JUintieajt-
Direct line to JBiack Hills.
* / ' / * ' ? / to nerir Ht nyent for rtttv *
anrl time
K M Faddts& HO.
? - Valentin or Kennedy.
on 1 ft
hr < nd (
01 lft
. 'mnlder
r thigh.
Some Some
i-nuided ; on riiihtiiigh
on left or .vhou der
or thuh
N. S. Rowley
ICeunedy. - Nebraska.
s as cut on left
iide and hip , and on
ieft shoulder of hoi
ses Also SSS on
* * * - on ieft I P
S me fat-
tie brana
"d husk ng peg ( either side up ) <
left side or hip. p on left jaw and e t should
of horses. UJ
UJQ on left hip of horses.
| \J on left jaw of horses
Slmron Net >
Stock branded
with 7 on left hip
ilso same as cut
Range between
tfordon and Snake
creeks and on thp
Viobrara river
George Heyne
Cody , Neb
Brand regitere i
No 1027
Horses branded on
left shoulder
Range north and
south of Cutcomb
Lake in Cherry Co
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle brande
as cut on lefc aid
Some Qyon le.
en left jaw (
V horses.
Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon ,
Pnstornce address
Hyannis , Neb
On right side
on left
also cattlf
on right s d <
Range la miles ;
north of H\annis
C. H Little.
Merriman , Nebi
On either side
Horses same on
hip Also g >
Range Lake r.Tt > t > i
Pat Peiper
Simeon Nebr
Roan Brothers
Voortlake Neb
ohn Roan's
Q left ear
O P Jordan.
Rosebud , 3D
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJBE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
, -i * . - - - T Tiay V , | of rustlers oi stock
saringany of these brands.
Albert Whipple & Sons
Rosebud , S. D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on rightside
Some cattle also
have a - fen neck
Some -with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind quar-
_ ters. Some Texas
ttle branded id O on left side and
left side.
> rses branded SOS on left hio. Some cattle
inded AW bar connected on both sides and
r. bin of horses.
om my place on Piosebud reser-
, tion , about Oct. 11 , 1906 , one
ay horse , 3 or 4 years old , brand- "
GB on left thigh ; one dun
Tse , 3 years old , branded
left nhoulder.
Liberal reward for information
iding to their recovery.
Ipd Eosebucl , S. D.
> \v ISutes to Denver. Colo. ,
tional and Western Live Stock
ow , via the Northwerstern Line ,
cursion tickets will be sold Janu-
' 20 , 21 and 22 , with favomble
urn limits. Apply to agents
icago & Northwestern Ey. 492
* . , Vf'
< 4 w KEAMEK
Gordpn , Nebr
Cauie brande
un ieftsidf a.-
cut , 6-inch 0 < >
box. Kejristereo tf7a. Kauutt < 5 miles south
on Niobrara river.
Parmelee Cattle Co.
Ko obud.S.D ,
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
with stripe under
Horses branded
left thigh.
Range on Soldier creek.
Metzsrer Bros. ,
RolfN i
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Hors'-s have
same brand on
left thigh.
Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of $250 will he j aid to-any person for
information leading to the arrest and final
conviction of any person or persons stealing
cattle with above brand.
Jos. .Bristol
Valentine , Nebr.
Range on NIo
brara river four
miles east of Ft.
Horses and
cattle branded
nB connected on
left hip or side as
shown ID cut
Postofflce address
Hyannis , Neb
Branded on lelt Bide
Range eighteen miles
north of Fvannis
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any Information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
Sandy Williams.
Morriman. Nebr.
Mostly on left
side Some on
rieht side.
Horses same on
left shoulder
Range Lake
Crook , S. D.
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
is on cut.left side
jorne on left hip.
Horses same on
eft shoulder.
Range Square
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cut on
left side.
Horses ,
branded )
on left
Range 6 miles
south of Irwln.
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
same as cut back
right shoulder and
on right hip
Range on the
Postofflce address
Cody , Nebraska
On left i
, side. Hor-i ,
ses left
Range norta
Cutcomb Lake '
Garner Brothers.
Cody , Nebr.
Anywhere on cat
Eorses on left
Range- North
Sawyer Bros.
ostoffice address.
Oasis , Nebr
JG. K. Sawyer has
charge of these cat-
I tie Horses D s enL
L left shoulder. Some
ckKTa left side
. FHorspKj' ' es same '
thigh. Knge oa snake riverBS nl
brasfea Land and Feeding Co.
Uett Richards Pres Will G Comstock V P
Chas C Jamison
Cattle branded on
anypartofammal ; 1
ilso the following
brands : Am
1f f 1