gistorical Society . : < * . . - > . v . . , - . CRAT. VOLUME xxi \ AJLENTINE. NEBRASKA. THUESDAT , DECEMBER 27 , 1906. NTTMBER 50 We have them in the following lines- : ? * * § : ? Furniture , Carpets , Rugs and Draperies , Carpet Sweepers , Silverware , Rochester Nickle Plated and Argentine Ware , "Ktppper Klub" Skates , Sleds , "Keen Kutter " Pocket Knives , Shears , ' Razors , etc , , etc/ We wish especially to call your atten tion to our line of PICTURES. They include the latest subjects , all high grade work , in neat attractive frames. Along'with the above we carry a com plete line of HARDWARE , with many useful and valuable articles for the home. : : , : : : : : : : : t Come in and inspect our goods before buying elsewhere. It does not cost you anything to look at them. : : : : A RED FRONT MERC. CO. Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year. We thank you for your I.- liberal patronage of 1906 , and will * endeavor to merit a continuance of confidence and patronage during 1907 .C L O T H I E R STINA Yalentine , Nebr. Bargains from the Fort . Established in Valentine since 1885. . HORNBY , Wagons and Buggies Lumber and Hardware Pictures Framed to Order , TI N W A R E , OILS , .ETC. Lamps , Crockery , Lime , Coal , Paper. EURNITURE A\7D COFFINS. Liiccnscd Embalnicr Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a Rational Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1002 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) lOc.JSLEsof "" a. © . CAPITAL PAID TN B/ ° A General Bankm * tohatge and 825,000. Ptohatge . % KcfV jx-rv'v Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. NIOHOLSON , Cashier. Ask the Revenue Man The Pure Food Law going into effect" Janu ary 1 , 1907 , will not cause any change in .the goods sold by "W. F. A. MELTENDORFF , who car ries the finest line of. Whiskies in town. : : . : Just as well Get the Best while you are at it. , ' i * - C Wholesale Dealer in Pabst and Rrug Beer. ; : Wther E A , Meltendorft Heelings at the M. E. Church Evera Sunday. MORXIXG SEIIVICES- Suuday School begins at 10:00 o'clock. Preaching " " 11:00 : Junior League " " 2:30 : p. in. EVENING SEKVICE'S Epworth League begins sit 6:30 o'clock. Preaching " " 7.30 " KEV. C. E. COXXKLF/ , Pastor Talk of the Town. Chas. Peddicord was in town the first of the week. 3 Tacy Collett is home to ipend the holidays with her folks. John Bachelor spent several days in Hooper last week on busi ness. C. H. Cornell returned from a 3usiness trip to Omaha last Mon day morning. Misses Anna and Maggie Bollz departed Monday for a month's visit at their home in Nenzel. Clinton Collett returned home Sunday morning from University ? jace , Nebr. , to spend the holi days. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson of i ChaSron are visiting at the homes of Charles Sparks and 'T. C. Hornby. Miss Euth Stetter returned Sun day morning from Lincoln where she has been attending the State University. Alfred Lewis , who is attending the State University at Lincoln , returned home Monday to spend the holidays. Elder Julian held quarterly1 meeting at Crookston Sunday fore noon , and at Valentine Sunday night , week before last. Miss Fannie Thackrey , a teach er at Rosebud is spending her va cation with sisters at the home of C. S. Eeece of Simeon. Mr. and Mrs. Scovel of the res ervation are in town spending their holiday vacation with their daughter , Mrs. Lockwood. * Al Thacker and family have moved to town from Simeon and are living in the John Dambly residence across the street from the Eagle livery barn. V LOST A leather purse con taining a promissory note payable to Charbonneau Bros. Finder please notify Charbonneau Bros , at Valentine or leave at this of fice. 501 Eobert Ellis and family came in from Simeon Sunday and went westxm the night train to Harrison risen , Neb. , where they will spend the holidays with Mr. Ellis' moth er , two sisters and a brother. It was Mr. Ellis' home before he came to Cherry county and eight years have elapsed since he was there. Time flies fast as we grow older. > * * < < * > O O 3a < > Ci in < < O. O O < ? to tote to * ? tote r ? tote 19 tote * * toft ft Ladies Belts . Hand Bags Fancy Collars ftft 49 Fancy Handkerchiefs Men's Xmas Neckwear ftto ' 43 & Men's Fancy Yests Decorated China Ware tote 49 Men's Suspenders , Fancy Sox and Neckwear , . tote 4 ? 4f ( put up in individual and Xmas cartons. ) tote 4 ? We are closing out a small assortment of DOLLS , tote tote 4 ? GAMES , ETC. , at a price. tote 49 tote tote to tote to tote to * tote 4 to tote to tote to tote to 49 tote tote to tote to tote to tote Miss Maggie Eobinson , who is holding a responsible position in Lincoln , is home spending her Christmas vacation. / Miss Nellie Collettis spending her holiday vacation with her par ents in Valentine. She is teach ing at Yutan this state. The Junior League social at the home of Mrs. Geo. Hornby was well attended , despite the cold weather , "and the net proceeds were over § 18. * . . ' * * - A. V On account of Rev. Connell" be ing called to Cody Sunday to con duct a funeral there was no ser vices in the morning at the M. E. church. Mr. Easly filled the pul pit Sunday evening. I. M. Rice and wife and Law rence went down to York , Nebr. , Monday to spend a week with Mrs. Eice's parents. They ex pect to visit Omaha while away and return in a week. Miss Leta Stetter , who is teach ing at Dewitt , Nebr. , came home Sunday morning to spend Xmas with her parents. Miss Leta re turned to Lincoln last night to at tend the state educational associa tion. Judge AValcott returned last Friday from Omaha , where had been the past six weeks. His son Oliver came up with the Judge to spend the holidays. We're glad to see the Judge on the streets again. B. J. Hoffacker and Hon. A. H. Metzger , democratic repre sentative-elect from this 52nd dis trict , spent Christmas in our city. Mr. Metzger will go down to Lin coln as a member of the legis lature the first of the year. Oliver Walcott , Cloycl Qtiigley and his sister Marguerite , and Fred Jones are home spening the holidays with their parents and friends. They are attending Bellevue - vue college. Cloyd is associate editor on the college paper , "Pur ple and Gold , " and is also a cor respondent for the Omaha Bee. This is Cloyd's third year at Bellevue - vue and it needs bub one more / for him to finish the philosophical course , after which he intends to take a three year's law course. Cloyd has the making o a bright lawyer and we wish him success. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING BOOTS , SHOES , ETC. , ETC. , are in , and we invite you to come and inspect them. PEICE3 AEE EIGHT. CROOKSTON , MAX E.VIERTEL NEBRASKA. . DEALER IN EVERYTHING. SS9 S what you have to sell. what you want Call and see us. 'Phone 23 . W. A. PETTYCREW , .fiEBERAlSOK. FRED WHITTEMORE , Pres. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier . . ; J. W. STETTEK , Vice Pres. ORAU L. BRITTON , Ass't. Cashier. 5-0 P o > Valentine Nebraska J - > - . , - JH 5 Capital Surplus Ocio $25,000. $2,500. CD O Persons seeking a place of safety for tfrsir money , will profit by investigating the methods emploj'ed in our business. : : : : : : : : : : I Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods ZCZC Lunch Counter. 5s Phone 7 Home % Bakery j- g. MI FRESU FRUIT AND GAME IIS1 THEIR SEASON. First class line of Steaks , Roasts , Di-y Salt Meats Smokel Breakfast Bacon. Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. I would like to have a school for the winter , term. A. H. Keach , Sparks , Neb. Soft , beautiful platino photos at Barnett's studio. Eirst four -days of each month. '