Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 13, 1906, Image 4

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I. M. RICE - Editor and Proprietor.
MARK ZARR - - Foreman.
Entered at the postoffice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second
Class Matter.
Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; § 1.50 when not paid in advance.
Display Advertising : 1 inch single column loc per issue or $ fi.OO a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue
5c per line per issue.
Brands , li inches84.00 per year in advance ; additional space $3.00 per
year ; engraved blocks extra $1.00 each.
10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears.
Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance ;
Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers.
We print an endless chain letter
this week which was received by
a young lady in this town and is
circulating around through this
county. We want to warn people
who write and receive such letters
that the postoffice department has
ruled against all endless chain let
ters and punishment will follow if
the practice is continued. Do not
send them.
Valentine , Nebr. , Dec. 6 , ' 06.
Dear Friend :
I have received the "Endless
Prayer Chain , " and not wishing
to break it , will write to you.
Hoping that you will become one
link in this beautiful chain and
that you may be richly rewarded
by acknowledging it ,
I remain as ever ,
Your Friend .
"Oh ! Lord Jesus we implore
Thee. Oh ! Eternal God , to have
mercy on mankind ! Keep us from
all sin by thy precious blood and
take us to be with Thee Eternally.
"Amen. "
This prayer was sent out by the
Bishop Lawrence , recommending
it to be written to nine persons.
Who will not say it , will be af
flicted by some great misfortune.
One person who paid no attention
to it met with a terrible accident.
He , who will rewrite the prayer
nine days and send it to nine other
persons , commencing on the day
it is received and sending it only
one a day , will on or after the
nintji day experience some great
joy. At Jerusalem , during the
Holy Feast , it was said that he ,
who will write this prayer , will be
delivered from every calamity.
Please do not break the chain.
Wife Deserter Ducited in
Lyons , Neb. , Dec. 10. Whip
ped , stripped and doused in an ice
cold river , was the punishment
meted out to Sewell Sampson , on
his return to his wife and large
family after a trip with another
man's wife , who also deserted a
large family.
Sampson was then notified to
quit town , never to return.
The affair was informal and was
carried through without a mishap
by the reception committee.
Sampson was met on the streets
and a gunnysack tied ever his
head. Then he was thrown in a
wagon and carted to the Logan
river. His clothes were removed
and a lash considerately applied to
.swarm him. After this , he was
ducked in the river to cool off.
On his exit.he was told that he
had ten minutes in which to leave
Sampson was somewhat angry
at his treatment. He has not been
seen since.Omaha Daily News.
4 * "
James Mono writes us that he
is selling out and leaving Cody. ,
We are so ry to hear of a good
democrat leaving Cherry county.
We need more of them.
The stork left a baby girl at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard
Bishop in this city last Monday.
Grandpa Bishop doesn't look any
older as a consequence of his first
Mrs. Bivens of Eosebud and her
daughter , Mrs. Charles Watson , j
visited with Len Bivens and fam
ily the first of the week , and yes
terday morning Mrs. Watson de
parted for her home in Eawlins ,
We want the people who are in
terested in a lease bill for govern
ment lands to write us their opin
ions. Address all communications
give your views as to leasing gov
ernment land.
J. F. Swain writes us from Hot
Springs , where he is running the
Commercial Hotel , that business
is good. Mrs. McFarland , his
daughter , and her children arrived
there yesterday morning from
Chico , Cal. , where her husband
died a few weeks ago. She and
family will make their home with
Mr. and Mrs. Swain. Mr. Swain
is getting to the front as an auc
tioneer and has already had a good
sale there.
Down the Biver.
Dave Archer has just finished
plastering his house.
James Hutchison and Irve Strain
were through these parts on their
way to the agency recently.
The girls of this locality , who
are attending school in Valentine ,
are looking forward to a two
week's vacation during the holi
Messrs. Hale and Burner have
quit working OH the hill. They
say is is too hard a work for such
little pay they receive , but they
were making a great improvement
on the road.
Along the Mississippi river bottom
tom it is so sickly it takes three
frogs to live a year , and two of
them have to be doctors , but in
some parts of Missouri they have
been unable to start a grave yard.
We are creatures of habit. Day
after day we go about life in the
same old way. In time we become
automatic , machine-like , set and
unchangeable. It has always been
considered bad taste to get in a
rut. Life is full of examples that
prove conclusively that getting in
a rut is more than bad taste. A
German scientist who had been
writing on the subject says that
over half of our daily life is purely j
of automatic performance. We
go on doing things because we did
them so yesterday and the day be
fore and gave no. reflection to
them. Humanity is lead by
the nose of habit. It makes us
do things without thinking of
them , perform them unconsciously
and without effort. Half of one's
life is a serious slice out of it and
it is just as well to be anxious as
to the direction in which that
guidance is leading one.
Did you know that our
Coffees and Teas
are the FINEST in town ?
- 'Nuff Said.
T. C. Hornby.
Don't fail to read Frank Fisch
er's big advertisement elsewhere
this paper. It will pay you.
Wm. Erickson was in town yes
terday and tells us that he is go
ing to have a house warming Fri
day evening in his new 15 room
house near Kennedy which is just
about completed. The neighbors ,
far and near , are expeted and a
big time is anticipated.
Coine to town and see the
fine displays and decora
tions for Christmas and
Holiday trade. Look over
this paper for Christmas
advertising and things that
you may need. The stores
always shine and glitter
with splendor as the approach
preach of the holidays
makes each youthful heart
beat stronger. Let us turn
to the brightest leaf of our
Half or more of the shows or
plays that come here are not
worth your time to attend , and
most of the time when you go you
wish you had waited for the next
one. It is intemperance to try to
go to everything that comes along
or to think if you don't take an
everything you might miss some
thing sometime. Try to enjoy an
evening at home. There is no
better place for an evening than
with your family.
( Thursday Each Week )
Tells what you want to know
about Cherry county.
11.00 A YEAE.
I. M. RICE ,
Editor and Proprietor.
Valentine , Nebr.
Advertise for
What You Want
What Other People Want
We bring Buyers and Sel
lers together.
"Get the Habit and
Keep in Touch. "
I have Farms and Ranches
for sale.
I write Insurance in Good
Companies afc Lowest
Bates on Farm
Buildings and
SEOT ) 81.00 for
and begin a profitable ac
* > J
W C T. U Column
1 The regular meeting of the W. ( ' .
T. U. will be on Tuesday , Dc. 18.
'A ' program under the leadership of
I the Supt. of Scientific Temperance
Instruction will bu carried out. We
hope the members will plan to be
The following article shows a
great advance step in reforms in
Japan which would be well for us
Christian America to emulate :
The Japanese government seeing
what a ravage the tobacco habit was
working in the physical and mental
development of her youth , passed a
a law forbidding the use or sale of
tobacoo. If a minor is caught
smoking , his tobacco and smoking
implements are confiscated , his par
ent or guardian allowing the youth
to smoke is fined one dollar , or the
equivalent in Japanese currency and
the tobacconist selling the tobacco ,
cigars ar cigarettes to the minor is
fined ten dollars for each offense.
The Japanese minister of educa
tion issued insturctions that all
students in school of the elementary
or middle grade , \vithout reference
to age , shall be forbidden to use to
bacco in any form. This will reach
a much larger class than the law ,
as there are many students who
are not minors. National Tem
perance Ass'n. in Union Worker.
A millionaire brewer/'a / state sen
ator , said to Mrs. Hunt of the Wo
man's Christian Temperance Union :
"I shall vote for your bill providing
for instruction in public schools of
the physiological effects of alcohol.
I bavo sold out my brewery and I
am clean from the whole business.
Let me tell you what occurred at
my table. A guest was taken dan
gerously ill at dinner and there was
a call for brandy to restore him.
My little boy at once exclaimed ,
'No , that is just what he doesn't
need ! It will paralyze the nerves
and musclss of the blood vessels so
they will not send back the blood to
the heart ! ' When the liquor was
poured out to give the man the lad
insisted on pushing it back. 'You
'will kill him ; he has too much
blood In his head already. ' 'How
do you know all that ? ' I asked.
'Why , it is in my physiology at
Echool. ' It seems the text-books ,
prepared by such men as Professor
Newell Martin , F. E. S. , of John
Hopkins University , have succeeJed
in giving tne lad some definite
information which has proved use
ful. " "Senator , " said Mrs. Hunt ,
"are you sorry your boy learned that
at school ? " "Madam , " the man
replied , raising his hand , "I would
not take § 5,000 for the assurance
it gives me that my boy will never
be a drunkard. " National Tem
perance Advocate.
A Portland , Ore , saloonkeeper
said to a friend : "I tell the saloon
keepers we can fix the laws regard
ing liquor drinking any way we
choose. But the people will down
the whole business sooner or later
as sure as the sun rises. They
would do it at once if it were not
for the factthat they have locked
arms with it to get revenue. "
An Albany saloon man said :
"Whenever the saloon men get to
gether and talk over the future
prospects of liquor selling , there
are at least 5 per cent of them say
they expe3fc the people will shut up
the drinking places in time. "
A saloon man in Salem said :
"The saloon men are greatly an
noyed at the evident increase of
prohibition sentiment throughout
the country , but we will light it as
long as we can , with all the money
the traffic will put up. Still , ifc is
only a question of time when liquor
drinking will be downed. National
Temp. Ass'n. in Union Worker.
Supt. Press VToyli.
Rates for tlte
Via the Northwestern Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold at re
duced rates on nine dates : Decem
ber 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 2J , 25 , 30 , 81 ,
190G , .and January 1 , 1907 , Seed
returning until and including Jan
uary 7 , 1907 , to all stations on the
is the only
High Grade Powder
offered to the
consumer at a
Moderate Price
It should not be
confused with ,
the cheap , low
grade powders
on the one hand ,
northe high priced
trust powders on
the other.
New Hotel A ) Near Depot
ElectricLights. .
o House , \
* " ' * _ j
, . Hornback , Propr.
Guests for Trains a Specialty ,
Good Rooms. 2C Good Service ;
- i -
i + fc -
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock * tanks made in all sizes. .
Valentine , - - Nebraska
We have just received a fine line of
Linens and Mexican Drawn Work-
Good assortment of Christmas Candies.
PHONE 97 ,
Ask the Revenue Man *
t % f-t :
The Pure Food Law going into effect January - * '
ary 1 , 1907 , will not cause any change in the * !
goods.sold by W. F. A. MELTBNDORFF , who car
ries the finest line of Whiskies '
in town. : : : .
Just as well Get the Best while you are at it. f\ - *
Wholesale Dealer in Pabst and Krug Beer.
Walther E A , Meltendorff ,
Northwestern Line , ( including C.
St. P. M. & 0. E'yand ) to points
on certain other lines , for full de
tails of which apply to agents Chicago
cage & Northwestern E'y.
Hon. Frank Cur He of Gordon
is in town and we enjoyed a pleas
ant visit with him in conversation
concerning the stock interests of
this country.
U. S. Weather Bureau Report
lor week Ending ! > rc. 12.
The daily mean temperature ,
27 ° , shows a downward trend
again and has averaged 3 ° below
the normal.
The highest temperature was
.i3 ° on the ilth and 12th ; lowest
5 ° on the 6th , a range of 48 °
for the week.
The precipitation in the form of
snow was only a trace. The
ground is almost clear except
where it drifted.
Notice to Creditors. |
THE STATK OK NKBUASKA i „ „ In the County
tu the matter of the estate of David A.
Piercy , deceased :
To the Creditors of said Estate : !
You are hereby notiiied. That 1 will sit at the
Coi nty Court Jioom In v alentiue in said coiinry
on the 3th day oi January , 1S07 , n 10 o'clock
a. in. to receive and examine all claims ncninst
said estate , with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the presenta
tion of fUiing against said estate is the 5 h
day of January. A.D. 11)07. and the time limited
i'or payment of dt-bts is one year from said 1st
day ol .June , 1900 ,
Witness my hand and seal of said county court
- ' this lath day of December. A. I ) . 1900 '
N 4t > I Co iatv Judge.
Double Track
Uailrontl between Missouri
anil CJiicayo.
Direct line to St Paul-jUinneat > .
Direct line to Slack. Kills.
Apply to nearest agent for rates
maps ana time cards.
from my place
on Eosebud reser
vation , about Oct.
11 , 1906 , one
gray horse , 8 or 4 years old , brand
ed CB on left
; one dun
horse 3 years old , branded >
on lett nhoulder. m * &
Liberal reward for informant
leading to their recovery.
Eosebud , S. D.
I Fischer's
New Orchestra is now
open for concert , dance and re-
ceptioa engagements. Reasonable
prices. Latest
standard dance and
concert music. Special
musjc f ur-
mshed for any occasion. This or
chestra does church , benefit and
charity work at actual expensed
* ! rank Fischer , conductor : Eobert X
J. ebb , trombonist
; Wallace Mc
Donald , cornetist : Miss Blanche
bpnnger , , pianist. We also solicit
out of town