THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. RICE Editor and Proprietor. MARK ZARR Foreman. Entered at the postoffice at Valentine , Cherry county. Nebr. . as Second Class Matter. TERMS : Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; 31.50 when not paid in advance. Display Advertising 1 inch single column loc per issue or 86.00 a year. Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue 5c per line per issue. Brands , H inchesS4.00 per year in advance ; additional space 83.00 per 81.00 each. year ; engraved blocks extra 10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears. Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance. Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers. THUPvSDAY , DECEMBER 6 , 1906. " times" to the "Good means re publicans to be in power and po sition to get something from a boodle administration that in turn gets its boodle by higher taxes and robbing the masses of people to pay the bills. During Cleveland's last administration there were so many boodlers kicked out who had so long subsisted and depended upon an office or a boodle contract that the country was flooded with idlers and tramps who howled , of course for another boodle adminis tration. W. T. Bishop has built a large addition to his barn. Save your money for the big show , coming Jan. 1st. Jake Breachbill brought a load of wheat to town Monday. Len Bivens and family spent .Thanksgiving at Eosebud. Supt. Travis and wife visited friends in the city Monday. John Simpson is limping from the effects of a sprained ankle. Mrs. Will Searby of Crookston was in town the first of the week. Max E. Viertel , the Crookston merchant , was in the city Tuesday. X. A. and John Bullis returned yesterday from their western trip. Arthur Sherman's little boy , who has been staying at Del's , got a severe gash cut over his eye as a result of falling on the ice today. i Mr. and Mrs. John DeWoody came up from Ainsworth last week in time to eat Thanksgiving turkey with their daughter , Mrs. Frank Brayton , and are visiting in the city. In youth the trouble is to find enough to eat and when you grow up you'll want a stomach as strong as a 40 mule team and large enough to accommodate a flock of turkeys , a barrel of cranberries and a car load of generalities. Frank Peacock of Merriman was in the city yesterday on busi ness. We learned from him that he had sold the prescription stock of his drug store to H. Green and intends to move his remaining stock to some" other town. Mrs. Elmore has decided to re move her stock of millinery to Gordon where she owns a build ing and will engage in the millin ery business there. She shipped her goods yesterday and departed yesterday evening for Gordon. Tom , George and Harvey Horn by and Fred Cu mbow went up to Eosebud today to assist with work in the Jordan Merc. Co. store during the rush after the big pay ment to the Indians this week , which amounts to about § 30 per head. The Junior League , assisted by the professor and teachers of the school , will give a unique enter tainment "A College Opening" on Dec. 14 , at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hornby. Every effort is being made to afford an enjoyable time for all who may at tend. A cordial iiiitation is ex tended. Program will be printed | In next week's paper. ' PRICE OF WHEAT DOWN Republican Protection Does Not Protect the Grower. THE PROTECTED TRUSTS PEOSPEE Trices of Commodities Have Advanc ed on the Average Nearly 50 Per Cent , While the Farm era Have to Pay These High Prices With Fifty Cent Wheat. The export shippers of grain at Chicago cage declare that the trunk line rail roads refuse to accept grain for ship ment from Buffalo to New York , Bos ton and Philadelphia or contract for its future transportation. The railroads claim they have not cars enough to move grain , but the shippers declare it is all a scheme to hold back grain at Chicago and other western points until navigation on the lakes Is closed for the winter. Then the railroads can take their time in transporting it at the advanced freight rates which invari ably go into effect after navigation closes. This is bad news for the wheat grow ers , for it will probably force down the price of wheat , which is already too low for profit. It may also lead to the loss of a market for large quantities of wheat which would be bought by Eng lish buyers if delivered in advance of the Argentine crop , which begins to move in January. The price of wheat Is now but from 50 to 60 cents to the grower at the local markets , and a fur ther decline in price will be a disaster to many growers that have bills to meet based on the high prices of what they have purchased. How do those farmers who have ac cepted the stand pat doctrine that the wheat grower is protected by the tariff from the pauper raised wheat of Ar gentina , Russia , India and other coun tries like the outlook ? How can the Republican spellbinders and organs explain the low price of wheat , al though it is protected by a tariff duty of 25 cents a bushel ? The speeches of Secretary Shaw and Secretary Wilson , in which they try to prove that the tariff protects the farmer and is a uni versal prosperity producer , must fall rather flat and provoke anything but enthusiasm in the hearts of the west ern wheat growers. As the price of nearly everything the farmer buys is still advancing and Bradstreet's index numbers for Octo ber show that the average price of commodities has increased since June , 1897 , nearly 3D per cent , to make things even wheat should be 50 per cent high er and be advancing annually in price about 5 per cent , as other protected products are. How much longer will Republican farmers submit to this one sided pro tection that fosters trusts and allows them to force up the prices of their tariff protected products and compels the farmer to sell his surplus products in the markets of the world at world wide prices ? No system of trust pro tection can protect the farmer in ob taining better prices for his products , of which more are raised than can be consumed in this country. The sur plus must be sold for what it will bring. No combination of wheat grow ers can force up the price of wheat , for the shrinkage and expense of stor ing will eat up any increase in price which might be gained by holding back the surplus from market , unless there should be a worldwide failure of the wheat crop to cause a very great ad vance lu price. The impudent attempt of the Repub licans to make the fanners believe that their prosperity has been brought about by the Republican policy of protected Instead of the bountiful crops which nature and hard work have provided Is entirely disproved by the disappoint ment of the wheat growers at the drop In the price of wheat. Xor can the Re publicans explain to the satisfaction of any wide awake farmer why under the system of trust protection that has so vastly increased the price of trust products the price of protected wheat should not be equally advanced. To explain how the tariff fosters trusts and does not foster agriculture would , If truthfull } ' given , entirely demolish the stand pat doctrine upon which the farmers are asked to support the Re publican ticket. Homer Tait drove IL from Ken nedy Tuesday after a load of freight. WHAT SHOULD BE MADE OF THE UNAPPROPRIATED iVEBNMENT LAND . . . By C. H. Cornell. It is estimated by best authori ties that when all the millions that ifc is proposed to expend , both in national and private capital , in the reclamation of the arid and serai- arid lands by irrigation , shall have been disbursed , that not to exceed ten per cent of said lands will have been brought under subjection. That is , that irrigation cannot pos sibly cover more than ten per cent of that vast area ; consequent ly the 90 per cent remaining can not be depended upon to furnish homes in such quantities as has heretofore met the requirements of the homesteader. True , what is known as ' 'surface cultivation" or the "Campbell system , " is be ing vigorously advertised just now , and is the agency through which many hundreds of settlers are being induced to locate on lands , that four or five years ago it would have been thought insane for a man to undertake to farm , and so far with comparative suc cess. However , while the rain falls of the past two or three seas ons have not been very much in excess of those of the years im mediately preceding , they have been seasonable , falling at a time when a given amount of moisture could do the most good. It is to be hoped that this' condition will continue to become more humid , but nearly thirty year's continuous residence , during most of which time dry winds have blighted the hopes and ambitions of the fron tier farmer , inclines me to fear the contrary. Even though a large area should become subject to the "Campbell system , " to an extent that a homestead would grow enough farm products to prevent its occupant deserting it in the hope of better results with each succeeding season , there would then remain a very much larger area that could by no pos sible means become agricultural lands. The sand hills of western Nebraska ; the bad lands of Dakota and Wyoming ; the rocky , craggy canons of almost every state con taining arid lands , and those mil lions of acres are used and will continue to be used for grazing only. Those are the lands that are in question athis time. Those are the lands that have been fenced by the mile , a single pas ture embracing hundreds of acres. Those are the lands for which sheep have been driven over preci pices and killed by the thousands , the intimation being that the own ers of cattle did so for the preser vation of what they termed their ranges , although it was at the time , and is yet , government land. Strange to say , there is no au thority in law for preventing tres- pcss.upon strictly public or gov ernment lands. Reservations , under special enactments , confer authority upon some governmental department to exercise jurisdic tion , as , for instance , the Interior Department over Indian , war over military , and the agricultural of the recently enacted forest reser vation. But the decisions are that people have trespassed upon the public lands since the foundation of the government , and although the public lands are under the con trol of the Interior Department , that department is not in position ( by reason of United States su preme court decisions ) to say to a cattleman nor sheepman that he cannot graze his herds upon nor drive them over said lands at his pleasure. It can say to him , due to the Van Wyck law of February 25 , 1885 , that he cannot fence the land , thus keeping off the other fellow , but he can stay there if the other fellow cannot put him off. Also no authority is confer red on any person to collect any revenue , and under present laws , neither nation , state , county nor i any other authority can levy a cent of revenue for use of those lands. In the past , where there were more public lands than were de sired by the herdsman or home steader , these conditions worked no injury to anyone , but , with the gradual settlement of those tracts that offer any inducement to the home maker , thus driving back the range stockman , together with the vastly increasing numbers of the latter , thus largely increasing the numbers of live stock , more particularly sheep , conditions have changed. While formerly range | could be had for the taking , or occupancy , now a contest is on be tween cattle and sheep men , with here and there the homesteader "butting in" to the discomfort of both. This , with no one tosay nay , with the least authority. While formerly these arid plains had no value because there was a surplus of acres , now the stock man occupies them , conducting a more or less paying business , each anxious to increase his area , with no one to adjust differences , con sequently chaos. My position is that congress should enact laws vesting in some branch of the gov ernment , preferably the Interior Department , the right of absolute control over the same , to the ex tent of depriving anyone of the use of any part of the government do main if found necessary , but since it is better for the land itself that someone should occupy and con trol it , said department should be authorized to sell , lease or other wise dispose of the same. Since conditions differ so materially in the several states , I shall not at tempt to deal with the 5)V disposition of the lands as a whole , but confine myself to the sand hill counties of Nebraska , and for illustration take Cherry county ; Cherry county is 63 by 96 miles , comprising 3,684,000 acres , di vided as follows : Sections 16 and 36 State school lands 214,667 School indemnity 27.321 Total state school lands. . 241,988 Fort Niobrara military reservation 60,501 Forest reserve 177,188 Patented to individuals , and taxable 722,132 Under homestead filings. 1,167,869 Vacant or unappropriat ed ( See report Comr. Gen'l Land Office fiscal year ending June 30 , 1906) ) 1,314.322 Total 3,684,000 It must not be inferred from the above that Cherry county com prises all poor land since the deed ed ( taxable ) land covers an area a little larger than the combined areas of Pierce and Madison coun ties , and some of these acres are producing as good farm products as the most favored spots of Ne braska. However ; surveys were made in the latter seventies , since which time invitations have been out to the homesteader to avail himself of 160 acres free. That offer not appearing sufficiently attractive , congress on Apri [ 28 , 1904 , or nearly thirty years after the lands were surveyed for set tlement , under the "Kinkaid Act , " multiplied the area by four grant ing an actual homestead settler 640 acres. That attracted atten tion to the remaining vacant lands as nothing else had , and brought about examination by persons de sirous of establishing actual bona fide homes and in some cases a re sumption of filings , some of them in good faith but many not. How ever , the records show that at present there approximately 1- 157,869 ocres held under home stead entry. It would require one familiar with the country , to be very optimistic to predict that more than fifty per cent or a little ( Continued of page 5) ) V ® . -Tie lumber Co. desires to call your attention to their excellent line of Lumber , Lath , Shingles , Moulding and Posts , We also have Tables , Ash Cans , Lamps , Chairs , Settees , Spring Cots , Mattresses , Pillows , Tools * at less than half price. $5.00 per cord CORD WOOD The largest , cheapest and best line of VEHICLES in Cherry County. " G LUMBER CO. Valentine - Nebraska. New Hotel 3C Near Depot Electric Lights * Chicago House , J. A. Hornback , Propr. Guests for Trains a Specialty. Good Rooms , 2C Good Service , GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of' wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes. Valentine , - Nebraska Winter Goods Underwear and Caps at Half Price. Corne and See Us. Moved across to east side Main street. PHONE 97 , .JOHN W. C. T. 17. Column. We hope on Dec. 18 we may have a special program at our regular meeting by a superintendent of de partment work. Let us rally our forces and make our meetings in teresting and profitable. Excursion Katos to Xnneol n. Via the Northwestern Line. Tick ets will be sold December 11 to 14 , inclusive , limited to return until Dec. 17 , inclusive , on account of Nebraska Cora Contest and Con vention. Apply to agents Chicago & Northwestern Ey. 472 "In A Woman's Power , " a play for the masses , appeals so strongly to the hearts of the people that it has become endeared to the theatre- going public. It will appear at Church's opera house Tuesday , Jan. 1st. Wait for it. Mrs. Marsden of Ains worth is visiting her daughter , Mrs. Slon- ecker , in this city. A lot of railroad ties are being unloaded at Valentine , preparatory to building the new track from Arabia to Valentine , which will probably be done the first thing in the spring. Surveyors are busy every day looking over the ground. C.W. Cramer and wife departed last Thursday evening , going to St. Joe from here , where Mr. Cramer expects to consult an eye specialist and will visit their daughter in St. Joe. Mr. Cramer was in very poor health when he left Valentine. We Sell Lumber BISHOP & YOUNG , CODY , NEB. U S. Weather Bureau Report tor week Ending Dtc. 5. The daily mean temperature was 33.4 ° and the ° normal 80.3 , a rise of 3 ° above. The highest tem perature was 64 ° on the 3rd , low est 15 ° on the fifth. The precipitation was 0.2o of an inch in the form of rain , sleet and snow. The sleet here was very heavy ; thfi snow very light but cov ering the ground. The total pre cipitation for the year to date is 26.39 inches and the average for the same period for 18 years is 18.83. Fischer's New Orchestra is now open for concert , dance and re ception engagements. Reasonable prices. Latest standard dance and concert music. Special music fur nished for any occasion. This or chestra does church , benefit and charity work at actual expense/ Frank Fischer , conductor ; Boberfc > ' J.Webb , trombonist ; Wallace Mc Donald , cornetist ; Miss Blanche Springer , pianist. We also solicit out of town engagements. 46