-1 \.m CURE FOR Ely's Cream Balm is quickly Absorbed. Gives Relief at Once. It cleanses , soothes , li als and protects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh nnd drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Kestores the Senses of Taste and SmelL Full size 50 cts. at Druggists or by mailj. /Trial / size 10 cts. by mail. Ely Brothers , 56 "Warren Street , New Tori * , Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Fac-Slmlla Wrapper Below. email and a * to taJte as n ar. f FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS , FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION - CURE SICK HEADACHE , W. L. DOUGLAS 3.5O & * 3.O0 Shoes BEST IFJ THE WORLD W.LDougIas$4GiltEdgaIina cannotbe equalled atanj price , Tor-Shot Dealers : W. L. Douglas' Job bing House is tbe most complete in this country Send/or Catalog IIHOE3 rOE EVERYBODY At ALL PK1CE8. 2 oa' Shoes. $5 to $1.BO. Bp * Shofe. $3 toL25. Women's Shoes. $4.OO to 1.50. TClaaos' & OhOdren's Shoes. $2.S5 to $1.OO. ryV. . I > . Douglas Women's , Misses and CnJld-ren's shoe * ; for style , fit and wear they excel other makes. If I could take you into my large factories at Brockton , Mass.and show you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes are made , you would then understand why they hold their shape , fit better , 'wear longer , and are of greater-value' * than any other make. Wherever you live , you can obtain W. L. Douglas shoes. His name and price Is stamped on the bottom , which protects you against high prices and Inferior shoes. Take no subitl * tate. Ask your dealer for W. L. Douglas shoes nd Insist upon having them. fast Color Eyelets used ; they will not wear brassy. Write for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles. ; W. L. DOUGLAS , Dept. 14 , Brockton , VivCSiv > ? A'JI9x ' < ! tc .iv'-ir. fa } ' 7- > - > 'A-ji/- ? k t T"OO * " " vc i * ' Tit * yri T % ' vtf/5 t-o > ; : - - . 5'c3 ' ; : ? : = = = = zs'.B-i' ' - = = - -ff = ; * r ' -5' A Small Grceuliouse. To speak of a greenhouse suggests idea of an expensive building that requires much labor on the part of some person to keep in order. While it is possible to spend almost any amount , a very practical house can be made of hot-bed sash , using the south piazza as a basis for operations. Hot bed sash , all ready for use , costs from $3.25 to $3.50 each , and measures 3x6 feet ; the gla ss in these frames meas ures 10x12 inches. Buy the sash first , and then build according to the number of sash. This little greenhouse can be heated by a smokeless blue-flame oil stove without injury to the flowers. For a beginner some of the bulb family will be best. Of late years , Roman hyacinths , narcissus of various kinds , freesias and tulips have had a great sale in the winter months. When grown for cut flowers they are put SIDE VIEW OF GREENHOUSE. in low boxes of a convenient size for handling , at a distance apart equal to about twice their diameter , and so they will just show above the surface. Gcneral-Pnriiose Horse. The general-purpose farm horse is one that can be well utilized in ordi nary farm work of all kinds and can also do the limited amount of road work needed in connection with the working of the medium-sized or small farm , says a well-known farmer. A horse called a "chunk" in market , standing 15 to 1G hands high , weighing from 1,100 to 1,400 pounds , compactly built , with good feet and legs , a tract able , lively disposition , a good , clean , rapid way of going at walk or trot , is in brief , the kind of a horse that I would call a general-purpose horse. This kind of a horse has a place on farms , and we say is the most val uable" class , so far as farm work is concerned. You will note that he par takes of the qualities of both the draught and coach or heavy roadster types , in both his conformation and disposition. Impure Maple Sirup. Impure maple sugar and sirup is the rule ratho * than the exception , both In this countty and in Canada. The , Canadian government has been rnafcing an investigation of the matter , and out of So samples of sirup only 22 were found to be. genuine , while 53 were Adulterated. In the same way , out of 0 samples of sugar only 11 were gen uine. These samples were purchased at stores In different cities and towns. Out of 319 samples of milk gathered in the same way , only ISO were genu ine. Canada is as much in need of a pure food law as is the United States , and one will soon be in operation on that side of the line. Sweet Potato Grorriiig : . The following suggestions about sweet potato growing are from' a Vir ginia lady : . Sweet potatoes succeed best on a deep and rich sandy soil with a warm exposure. The ground should be well plowed and harrowed fine. In each hill plant two sets , covering about two inches deep , and as they grow keep drawing dirt around them. They are among the very best vegetables for table use. Select a bright , clear day for digging , let them dry a day or two , then place in boxes with paper with a small quantity of slaked lime among the potatoes. Keep during winter in a storeroom. Corn Prices Being ? Maintained. Southern Planter says that the yield of corn will be a record one , probably near 2,750,000,000 bushels , and yet in the face of this prospect the price still keeps good , showing the marvelous ca pacity of the country to consume corn. In the South the yield will likely be a record one , and much more of it will be consumed on the farm than in the past. It is a most cheering and signifi cant fact that more of the corn crop now goes on foot to market here than ever before. This means fertility kept , onthe farm and money in the pocket Great American Hen. Some one has figured that the Amer ican hen each years earns enough to buy all the silver and gold dug out of the mines , all the sheep in the country and their wool , and leave a balance equal to the entire ' ' * cxx p of rye , barley , buckwheat and potatoes , says Farming. Or , as a hen enthusiast writes , "she pays the interest on all the farm mortgages , pays the entire State and county taxes of the whole Union , and then leaves a balance large enough to give every man , woman and child in the United States a dollar. Text of Afire in A rooster's age'is determined by the size of his spurs. If they are long his " " is small button is "antique. If there a ton on the ankle where the spurs come later he is a young bird. Ducks are invariably judged by the under lip of the bill. If a dressed duck will sus tain its weight by its under bill , "lay it back and try another , " for there in no telling how old it is ; certainly too old to be real tender. But if the bill snaps easily it is a young bird. Gob blers are told by their spurs , the same as roosters , the age of the hen turkey being determined by the length of its beard. Aside from the test applied to ducks there is one infallible rule which can be applied with safety in all cases. The back part of the breastbone can be bent easily in a young fowl. If it is sharp and hard and refuses to yield to pressure from your thumb it is an old bird. Iowa Farmers' Phones. For the first time a census of tele phones has been taken in the State of Iowa , and this has disclosed that there are now in. use 222,325 instruments. Of this number 104,524 are classed as in struments used in connection with rural lines. That is , they are used by the farmers of Iowa. During the past few years the Gov ernment Weather Bureau in Des Moines has arranged for telephone dis tribution of forecasts , and a large per centage of these farmers now receive by telephone every morning the fore cast of the weather for the coming thirty-six hours. This , in fact , has been one strong incentive for installa tion of telephones in the homes of the farmers of the State. IJuild. a. Toolhonse. Every farmer needs a good tool- house. It should be so convenient of access that there need be no excuse for leaving farm implements exposed to the weather when not in use. Prop erly cared for , many implements that now last only a few years ought to be serviceable as long , as the farmer lives to need them. Besides , a tool that has not been rusted , warped and cracked by exposure will work as well the second end and third year of use as the first. On many farms the tools are so much injured by being left out of doors that after the first season they cost more for repairs than they save in labor. Profitable Apple Trees. H. A. Squires , living near Dearborn , Mo. , has 125 trees of Wealthy apples and seventeen trees of Summer Queen ; there are eight trees of another early sort , making 150 trees , or three acres , of apples ripening at this season. This year Mr. Squires sold the fruit from these three acres for $1,000 net , after paying for the barrels in which the fruit was shipped. More than $300 an acre is not a bad record in a year like this. Of course , Mr. Squires had a good crop , some trees making six and seven barrels of choice apples , but prices were not as high as is often the case. Handy E rsr Turner. When keeping eggs for hatching they should be turned frequently. The sketch shows a combination egg drawer and turner which is very effective. The EGO TUENIKG DEVICE. bottom of the egg drawer is removed and the eggs rest upon a roller curtain cloth , -which winds upon a rod with a small crank. Winding the roller a very short distance turns each egg and jostles it slightly. A single turn on the " be sufficient. crank "will usually i Medicine from Hogs. For certain medicinal uses natural gastric juice is necessary , but the sup ply is very slight. Spallanzani first gathered gastric juice by means of a fine sponge attached to a silk cord ; a raven swallowed the sponge , and then it was -withdrawn from the stomach. Brown-Sequard , a French-American physician , tried the same experiment upon himself. This devotion to science nearly cost him his life. Xow AVB gather gastric juice from the living hog by performing the delicate opera tion of inserting a glass tube. The hog seems to thrive after these opera tions. One Wu > ; to Kill Rats. Here is the method used by one farm er to dean out rats : On a large num ber of old shingles he put about a half teaspoonful of molasses each , and on , that , with his pocketknife , he scraped j a small amount of concentrated lye. He then placed the old shingles around under the stable doors and under the ' cribs. The next morning he found forty - , ty dead rats , and the rest left the farm for parts unknown. He has cleared many farms of the pests in the samp , way , and has never fcnown it to fail. . ' Worltl'w Finest 1Is.riior. From tfcD capital of Brazil , hilf the .land and bait , the people of South America. are governed. It Is tbf chief financial and industrial city of the greatest undeveloped empire on earth , Rio Janeiro is a fast-growing town. It had just crossed the half million mark in 1S90. In 1900 it reached three-quarters of a million , and today it has at least 100,000 more. It is bigger than any town in the United States excepting Philadel phia , Chicago or New York , and it is only 150,000 less than Buenos Ayres , wbicluhas now just 1.000,000. To my mind Rio de Janeiro Is one of the most beautiful cities of the world , writes Frank G. Carpenter. The harbor is surrounded by great mountains wiih their tops in the clouds. The mountains are covered with a tropical vegetation from , base to summit , and they are of most curious shapes. One rises out of the sea like a sugar loaf to a hight of more than twice that of the "Wash ington monument ; another is a mighty hunchback , and others are great forts and massive battlements. The harbor itself Is shaped just like a pear , but it is so large that all the ships of all the world could anchor there and have room to spare. It is 100 miles around it , and the water is almost everywhere over 00 feet deep. The bay is dotted with islands which appear to float , a3 It were , upon its diamond-studded sur face. PUBLIC DUTY. tfonpelier , O. , Man Feel * Compelled to Tell His Experience. Joseph Wilgus , Montpelier , O. , says : "I feel It my duty to tell others about Doan's Kidney Pills. Exposure and driving brought kidney trouble on me , and I suffered much from Irregular yt passages of the kidney secretions. Sometimes there was retention and at other times pas sages were too frequent , especially at night. There was pain and discolora tion. Doan's Kidney Pills brought me relief from the first , and soon infused new life. I give them my endorsement. " Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. Igrnorance Migrlit Have Been The late Paul Laurence Dunbar used to like to joke about the higher educa tion of women. In one of his lectures Mr. Dunbar said : "A lady on a sultry summer after noon called on some friends. The talk buzzed along briskly , fans waved and the daughter of the house kept twitch ing uncomfortably , frowning and mak ing little smothered exclamations of an noyance. Finally , with an impatient sigh , she rose and left the room. " 'Your daughter , ' said the visitor , 'seems to be suffering from the heat. ' " 'No , ' said the hostess. 'She is just back home from college , and she is suf fering from the family grammar. " ' Milwaukee Sentinel. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh than cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. We , the undersigned , have known F. J. Cheney for tire last 15 years , and believe him perfectly fionorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING , KINNAN & MARVIN , Wholesale Druggists , Toledo , O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. TVImt It Was. "Pop ! Pop ! " For a moment the German crowd about the station swayed irresolutely. "Vat eet ees a shoot gun ? " "No , eet ees a auto vaggin exbloding 'eets ' tires ! " But both suggestions were wrong. It was only Emperor William kissIng - Ing King Edward on both cheeks. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Winter Tourist Kntes. Chicago to Florida and Cuba via th' Big Four Route through Cincinnati am' Chattanooga. Leave Chicago 11:30 p TO. . , arrive Jacksonville 8:50 : a. m. Fast est service to the South. Inquire of I. P. Spining , General Northern Agenr 238 Clark street , Chicago. At the Dime Museum. "This , ladies and gentleman , " said the lecturer , "is the famed Circassian beauty. Observe her alabaster brow , her rose tinted cheek , and her classic nose. Gaze upon her wonderful hair. Ladies and gen tlemen , Castorine grew that hair , and we can prove it ! Passing on to the nest platform , permit me to call your attention to Herr von Skyce-Kraper , the modern Colossus , known as the Tallest Man on | Earth. " Marlon liar land. The celebrated authoress , so highly es teemed by the women of America , says on pages 108 and 445 of her popular work , "Evt'a Daughters ; or , Common Sense for Maid , Wife and Mo-ther" : "For tie aching back should it be slow in recovering its normal strength an Allcock's Plaster is an excellent com forter , combining the sensation of the _ sustained pressure of a strong warm , hand with certain tonic qualities developed in the wearing. It should be kept over the 6eat _ of uneasiness for several days in obstinate cases , for perhaps a fortnight. " "For pain in the back wear an All- cock's Plaster constantly , renewing as it wears off. This is an invaluable support when the weight on the small of the back becomes heavy and the aching incessant" It iS thought that t < game of whist was first played in th , . time of King Henry VIII. of England. Mnu 'WlnsloWa Boonrate STBTW far OhHOreii teething ; loftana the gnmi , r dacM Inflammation , u > 7 * Pain , cures wind oolto. 33 conu a bottle. S. C. X. TJ. - - - Xo. 46 1006. Wliat Bo They Cure ? The above question Is often asked c < ra- ' cerning Dr. Pierco's two leading medi cines , "Gulden : pedical Discovery" and "Favorite Prescription. " I The answer is that "Golden Ttfcdical ' Discovery " is a most potent alterative oe. i blood-purifier , and tonic or invigorator and acts especially favorably in a "cure ttes way upon all the mucous lining sur faces , as of the nasal passages , throat , bronchial tubes , stomach , bowclo and bladdei/ curing a large per cent , or catar- r al daaes whether-tfie liscasc affects the pa a&es , the tfrKQat , larynx , bron chia , stomach\as catamval dyspepsia ) , bowels ( as mir ous > tl isr4iCss ) . bladder , uterus or other pEmc orgSlrs Eygn th _ Qr nWrii.tivi * sjftgps or atfPctlonsT it ? s of ton sinwnssfnl in affect- is a ; powerful yetTgontlyju-utigllwigora ting - ing tonic and nervine. For weak worn- out , over-worked women no matter what has caused the break-down , "Favorite Prescription "will be found most effective in building up the strength , rrgulating the womanly functions , subduing pain and bringing about a healthy , vigorous condition of the whole system- A book of particulars wraps each 1" ' giving the formulae of both medieii quoting what scores of eminent im i- ical authors , whoso works are consulted by physicians of all the schools of practice as guides in prescribing , say of each in gredient entering into these medicines. The words of praise bestowed on the several ingredients entering into Doctor Pierce's medicines by such writers should have more weight than any amount of non - professional testimonials , because such men are writing for the guidance of their medical brethren and know whereof they speak. Both medicines are non-alcoholic , non- secret , and contain no harmful habit- forming drugs , being composed of glyceric extracts of the roots of native , American medicinal forest plants They are both sold by dealers in medicine. You can't afford to accept as a substitute for one of these medicines of known composition , any secret nostrum. Dr. Pierce's Pellets , small , sugar-coated , easy to take as candy , regulate and in vigorate stomach , liver'and bow ° K Remained to DC Seen. Inquiring Friend Was your uncle In his right mind when he died ? Poor Relation We can't tell about that , of course , until we hear his will read. Chicago Tribune. iTou all inflamed , ulcerated and raUrrhol con ditions of the murous membrane such a * aasai catarrh , uteri n catcrrn caused by feminine ills , scfr& fc roat , mouth or imJanfcd ey ? s by dosing the stomach. „ But you surely can cure these stubborn- affec'tions b > ! "c Paxtine Toilet Trhich destroys the disease germs.chfrcks , discharges , stops pain , and heab tho' ' inflammation and soreness. Paxtine represents the most successful. local treatment for femlnlno ills ever' produced. Thousands of wouicn testify to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box THE R. FAXTON CO. , Boston. Mae * , * tr ? New Wheat' IN THE Canadian West additional miles of railway thi- yea ? hrwe opened uo a largely incrcastd U ? ritory to the progressive farmers of "Westeafc Canada , and the Government of the Dominlil- continues to give 1 60 Acres Free to Every Sstllar. The Coiseiry Hes Coal , wood and water in abundance ; chnjcha - and schools convenient : markets easy of accesK taxes low ; climate the best in the northern te * | perate zone. Law and order prevails everywhere * For advice anil information adores * tjw Superintendent of Immigration , Ottawa , CaoaoL or the authorized Canadian Government \V. D. Scott , Superintendent of Ottawa. Canada , or E. T. Holmes , 315 Jackj St. , St. Paul , Minn , and J. M. MacLachlan , nb , Watertown , So. Dakota Authorized Govcr ment Agents. Please Bay where you unvr this advertisement. CySionx City List Should w mo for oar PRINTERS line ot STATIONED taamplnc. The complttest vt _ issued. Sioux City Newspaper Union * ' Sioux City. Iowa. -i3 The Circulation Stimulated and the Muscles and Joints lubricated by using Price 25c 50c Sold by & 11 Dealers 1 "Sloans Treatise On The Horse'Sent Free I Address Dr. Earl S.SIoan.Boston Mass. lni > rvA\ With a Perfection Oil Heater yon can beat a cold bed-room , make a sick-room more comfortable , warm a chilly hallway , heat water quickly , and do many things better than can be done with any other stove no matter what fuel it burns. The superiority of the FTT i riram I Jtj A J Oil HeafeF ( Equipped witfi Smokeless Dc rice ) j | | lies In the fact that It generates intense heat without smoke or smell. The oil fount and the wick carrier are made of brass throughout , which insures durability. Gives great heat at small cost. Fount has oil indicator and handle. Heater is light and portable. Absolutely safe and simple wick cannot Be turne'd too high or too low. Operated as easily as a lamp. All parts easily cleaned. Two finishes nickel and japan. Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer's write nearest agency for descriptive circular. T't , can be used in any room nnd is the best all-round house lamp made. Gives n clear , steady light. Is the safest lamp you can bny. Brass throughout and nickel plated. Equipped with the latest improved burner. Handsome simple satisfactory. Every lamp warranted. Write to nearest agency if you cannot get it from your dealer. STANDARD OIL COMPANY THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE MEDICINE CANBY CATHARTIC BEST FOR THE BOWELS PUTNAM FADEL DYES Cotor more BOO * * brlo&ter and faster colors titan say otter dy . Ow lOc package colors atl fibers. They tfve In cofd wativ better tban any other eye. Tea can any ansatiUioatrl > j > tafl apart. Write for frae bocJUet-lSKrk Dye , Bludi and Mix Colors. MOJVRO& 2)52 VC CO. . " - -