Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 08, 1906, Image 7

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    "Mister , " said the sad-faced Individ
ual who had sneaked jn the big sky-
ecraper , "can I sell you the great 'En-
cyclopaedia of Sporting Events ? ' "
"Nope , " replied the busy man. "We
have one encyclopaedia of sporting
fc events'already. . "
"That so ? Where do you keep it ? "
"Whyve ; try to keep him on that
Btool over there addressing envelopes.
I mean the office boy , and he is an. en
cyclopaedia on everything from a game
of sklddoo to the Olympian games. "
Chicago News.
There is no satisfaction
keener than being dry / / /
and comfortable- ' / / /tea 7/Z , .
_ .i _ . , i _ * v _ . . - / II'szr3ff ' y/\ >
when out in the.
hardest storm/
On sale everywhere
Tlic Greatest Seaport.
Ne\v York is the second great sea
port of the worldIn 1903 over nine
million tons of imports and eight mil
lion seven hundred thousand tons of
.exports were cleared through New
York Ilarbor. London is the greatest
seaport , exceeding New York In imports -
ports , though not in exports. Antwerp
and Hamburg are third and fourth , re
SIOO Reward , § 100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there Is at least one dreaded
disease that science has ben able to cure in
all Its stages , and that Is Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure 13 the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease , requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure Is taken internally , acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
Ej-jtem , thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease , and giving the patient
ptrength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature In doing Its work. The
proprietors have so much faith In Its cura
tive powers that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case that it falls to cure.
Bend for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
Sold by Druggists , 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
"World's Finest Harbor.
From the capital of Brazil , half the
land and half the people of South.
America are governed. It is the chief
financial and industrial city of the
greatest undeveloped empire on
earth. Rio Janeiro is a fast-growing
town. It had just crossed the half
million mark in 1S90. In 1900 it
reached three-quarters of a million ,
and .today it has at least 100,000
more. It is bigger than any town in
the United States excepting Philadel
phia , Chicago or New York , and it is
only 150,000 less than Buenos Ayres ,
which has now just 1,000,000.
To my mind Rio do Janeiro is one
of the most beautiful cities of the
, -world , writes Frank G. Carpenter.
The harbor is surrounded by great
fountains with tlielr tops in the
clouds. The mountains are covered
with a tropical vegetation from base
to summit , and they are of most
curious shapes. One rises out of the
sea like a sugar loaf to a hight of
.more than twice that of the Wash
ington monument ; another is a mighty
hunchback , and others are great forts
and massive battlements. The harbor
Itself Is shaped just like a pear , but
it Is so large that all the ships of all
the world could anchor there and have
room to spare. It is 100 miles around
It , and the water is almost everywhere
over 60 feet deep. Tlie bay is dotted
with islands which appear to float , as
It were , upon its diamond-studded sur
The Proved Remedy
For Over 50 Years.
Price 25c and SOc
Kecplng the skin of the work horses
clean , enables them to' sweat freely
and thus is essential to their health.
The true , type of a dairy cow is that
which furnishes the most and best
of any commercial products at the low"
-jst cost.
Do not undertake to keep too many
hens at a time. A few well cared for
is better than a large number left to
look out-for themselves.
Get rid of the surplus horses that are
not growing ink ) money. There is no
advantage in keeping enough extra
horses to eat all that useful ones earn.
It Is rather poor economy to cram
50 cents worth of drugs down the
throat of a sick chicken that would not
be worth over a quarter , If it were
Some people seem to regard it a
'pleasant surgical operation to "eat
their heads off , " and they feel it Is not
expensive to keep stock that will do
that same thing.
Regularity costs no more tban irreg
ularity and it means much in the
management of stock. Stock have no
timepiece , but it wonderful bow they
can tell when feeding time Is at hand.
Without exercise , It is Impossible for
the muscles of young norses to develop ,
thence the necessity of a good-sized field
for them to run in. If you would have
'horses with endurance , give the colts
a chance to develop their muscles.
Good sense and docility as well as
lack of sense and treachery are mat
ters of transmission by inheritance.
, This is true of ailments , habits of
'action ' , disposition and all those things
Avhich go to make a good or bad horse.
A cavalry authority In Belgium esti
mates that there are more than 8,000-
000 horses in the world. There are 22- ,
| 000,000 in Russia , while Germany and
I Austria-Hungary each has more than
| the British isles , where it is reckoned
there are about 3,000,000.
In securing a good supply of eggs 'the
Inborn tendency of heavy laying is an
important point. It is a tendency
which goes in certain strains the same
as in certain families of cattle , and
without it no amount of skillful care
and feeding will produce the best re
The largest Individual wool clip ever
grown on the American continent was
shipped from Billings , Mont , to a Bos"
ton firm. The clip weighed 1,500,000
pounds , and forty-four cars were re
quired to carry it. The owner refused
an offer of 24 cents a pound for the
Let the farmer who wants good colts
select the best grade mares and breed
them annually to one good type of
horse. Of course , the quality of the
dam always has more or less influence
upon the progeny , but no matter how
good or how poor the mother , the best
sixe obtainable is none too good.
From observations made with a num
ber ef hens it was found that in every
instance the eggs were moved every
day and did not remain In the same
part of the nest more than three days.
The thorough manner in which the hen
turns the eggs may well furnish us a
clew to the most natural treatment of
the eggs when under the artificial con
ditions of the incubator.
In Missouri , where sheep or domestic
animals are killed or maimed hy dogs ,
the owner of such animal may recovou
against the owner or keeper of such
dog or dogs the full amount of danv
ages , and the owner shall fosthwifc
kill such dog or dogs ; and for every
day 'he- shall refuse or neglect to do so
after notice , he shaH pay and forfeit
the sum of 51 and it shall be lawfcal
for any person to kill such dog or dogs.
Cotton is king of the exports of the
TJnlted States , according to a state-
men * issued by the department ol coa-
jnerce and labor. The total value
Fthe raw product sent oui of the oua-
try In. the last fiscal year is plaeed at
§ 400,000,000 , exceeding by far the yal-
, iie o'f any other article of meroharndtee
shipped from our shares. Tbe ex # t
of breadstuffis aggregated § 135,0,0tf ,
those of provisions § 211 , < Jao,00 aad
ttioso of Iron and steel manufactures
§ 161,000,000 so it may readily be seea
. jvhat a lead cottea has oa Its rJrals.
Europe is the principal cousu r of
raw cotton , and Japan also takes a
great quantity of the unworked pro
A suggestion which has been made
by a number of experiment stations ,
and one that will at least be seconded
by .the stations of all states , is that
agriculturists el kld send samples o
Noxious weeds to their respectlTe , state
experiment stations with a flew to se-
tcurlng a scientific and reliable analy
sis of them and such suggestions os
will prove helpful ia their destruction.
The state officials in charge of this
line of work are always ready and will
ing to render assistance to residents of
the state lu the manner indicated.
A recent bulletin issued by the Iowa
experiment station on the subject < tf
alfalfa culture condenses the good
points of this valuable legume as fol
lows : It yields from two to three
times as much as clover and timothy
and is at the same time a more valu
able hay. It is rich in protein. For
hog pasture alfalfa has no equal. It
is superior to any other crop for en
riching the soil. Alfalfa fed in con
junction with corn will make most
economical gains. The bulletin fur
ther states that the growing of alfalfa
is entirely feasible for the north half
of the corn belt and even more north
erly latitudes , provided care is exer
cised in the matter of getting it start
ed. Interest in growing alfalfa is
bound to increase as its merits become
better known.
The Tussock Moth.
The Province of Quebec is threatened
with a plague of the tussock moth ,
which is very numerous in the roglon
of Montreal and attacks many kinds of
trees. The authorities are fighting the
pest by destroying their nests. This in
sect is some years very abundant in
the Northern States. The nests re
semble white patches of cobweb and
contain hundreds of eggs which will
hatch in the spring.
Pure Bred Poulty 011 tlie Farm.
When you have made up your mind
to raise thoroughbred poultry instead
of mongrels , determine also to keep
only one breed , one color and one type.
This is very important on
where arrangements are not usually
found for keeping poultry separate.
Very often a complete reorganization
of the poultry appliances will be nec
essary. It is perfectly obvious that ,
however valuable and pure bred a
stock may be , it cannot be kept so un
less certain things are observed.
Fusciiialiiif ? Tree Work.
Grafting and budding young trees is
fascinating work for ladies , and Wb
know several who can do a good , neat
bit of work. Quick , precise movements
are requisite and the ladies pick it up
readily. Every boy should learn the
process. One Massachusetts farmer's
son recently applied for work on a
California ranch. "We have plenty of
farm help , " said the owner , "but I wish
I could get a man who understands
grafting and budding. If you can do
that I will pay you high wages and
board the year round. "
Saving the Corn Fodder.
While the selling price of hay has
in the past , as a rule , largely deter
mined the value of corn fodder , the
time is at hand when , regardless of the
price of hay , such a system of han
dling the corn crop should be adopted
as will put an end to the enormous
waste which is annually witnessed in
practically all of the corn belt west
of the Mississippi river. A more care
ful and sensible handling of the stalk
and leaves of this important cereal
plant will mean the addition of many
acres to the farm area. The nrtherto
wasteful methods which have prevailed
in this respect haye without doubt been
due to the existence of large farms ,
relatively cheap land and that system
of handling the crops which marketed
the products of the soil in the shape
of the grain itself rather than in the
more condensed form of butter , pork
and beef. However , with land values
steadily increasing and more and more
time being devoted to dairying and
stock raising , a condition has arisen
which practically compels more thrift
and care in the handling of this most
important farm crop.
o "WinterVThea. .
At the proper time for seeding , win
ter wheat is sown , using the press drill.
Unless Hessian fly is to be fought the
wheat is drilled in about the middle of
September. This method of treatment ,
accomplishes two things , the plawea *
land wiK take up more of the rainfall
than unbroken stubble , and It will
store it up for the use of the wheat.
C B # . The early plowing aad subse
quent disking and harrowing make a
fine , well-compacted subsoil free from
large air spaces and give a fine , loose
suotface. Such a seed-bed is ideal for
wheat Tie moisture stored up en
ables the young plants to make a good ,
vlgpcous start and to develop a stsongj
root system before freezing weather ,
stops the growth. They are thus much.
better able to withstand the rigors of
Tie fourth year , after the wheat
crap is harrested , tue soil is treated
just as for the oat crop. If the land
is in fairly good shape , the rotation is
repeated by putting Into the corn the
foUowiag spring. If the land shows
that it Is running down in fertility ,
it is seeded la the fall to grass , if
the seasan is wet enough , sowing the.
grass about the last of August or the
first of September. Fall plowing gives
a crop that first year , thus saving the ,
loss of the. land for one season. If too
dry for foil seeding , the land Is sown
to grass the following spring. The land |
is thus left in grass from two to five ,
years , when It Is again broken up and
put under cultivation.
SatUHcd Them All.
Aunt Panthea Brooks lived in a lit
tle New Hampshire village very many
years without quarreling with any one
and was < > o thoroughly liked by every
one for miles around that her popular
ity excited the Interest of a summer
"Aunt Panthea , " he asked , "how is it
that you keep on such good terms with
every one , while the } * are all quarrel
ing among themselves ? "
"Well ) " said Aunt Panthea , "being as
you arent ! to stay here long I'll tell
you. When I go down the street I
meet Jason Purdy , and he says , 'Why ,
Panthea , how well you look ! '
" 'I'm glad you think so , Jason , ' I
cay , smiling at him.
"Next 'minute up comes Ezry Dra-
" 'Well , now , Panthea , ' he says , 'how
porely you are looking this year. '
" 'My land , Ezry , ' I say , 'how quick
you are to notice those things. '
"So it is with everything. Those
who like to think one way , I let 'em
think it , and those who like to think
the other , I let 'em think it"
Who can deny that Aunt Pantlipa
had discovered a comfortable philoso
phy of life ? Youth's Companion.
Thousands o f
women suffer daily
backache , h e a d-
ache , dizzy spells ,
languor , nervous
ness and a * dozen
other symptoms of
kidney trouble , but
lay it to other
causes. Make no
mistake. Keep the
kidneys well , and
these aches and
troubles will disap
pear.Mrs. . Anthony
Cadrette , 77 Me
chanic St. , Leorainster , Mass. , says :
"My sight failed , I had sharp pain in
my back and bearing-down pains
through the hips. I was nervous , fret
ful and miserable. The urine was
greatly disordered and I began to have
the swellings of dropsy. I was running
down fast when I started using Dean's
Kidney Pills. A wonderful change
came and after using them faithfully
for a short time I was well. "
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Ancient Bailie Notes.
The oldest bank notes in the world
are the "flying money , " or convenient
money , first issued in China in 2G97
B. C. One writer tells that the ancient
Chinese bank notes were in many re
spects similar to those of the present
day ; bearing the name of the bank , the
date of issue , the number of the note ,
the signature of the official who issued
it , and Its value , in both figures and
On the top of these curious notes
was the following philosophic injunc
tion : "Produce all you can ; spend
with economy. " The note was printed
in blue ink on paper made from the
fiber of the mulberry tree. One of these
notes bearing the date 1399 B. C. is
still preserved in the Asiatic Museum
at St. Petersburg.
Mining enterprises and limited com
panies arc DOW taxed 2 per cent of their
net profits in Bolivia.
Porjnfants and Children.
The Kind You Have
ay !
-AXfcgejable Preparalionfor As
similating UieFoodandBedula-
lingjJte Stomachs andBowJJs of
Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur-
nessandltest.Contains neither
Opium.Mbrplime nor Mineral.
ISoT > JAR. c o TIC .
silx.Serutt *
Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-
acss and Loss OF SLEEP.
FacSunile Signature oF
PER 100
Most eaonomFeal and durable roof covering known. Eay to pat on ; renal res no
tools but a hatchet or a hammer. With ordinary cans will outlast any other kind
Thousands ot satisfied customers everywhere have proven its -virtues. Suitable for
covering any building. Also best for celllnir end Biding. Fire-proof and water-proof.
Cheaper and more lasting than shingles. "Will not taint rain-water. Makes your bmldlbsr
cooler In summer and warmer In winter. Absolutely perfect , brand new , painted red two
sides. § 1.50 la our price for our No. IB grade of Flat Semi-Hardened steel roollncr and
tiding , each sheet 21 inches wldo and 21 Inches long. Our price on the corrugated , like
Illustration ; sheets 2 Inches wldo x21 Inches Ion ? $1.50. At25 cents per equareadclltlonal
no will furnish sheets 6 and X feet long. Steel pressed brick siding , per square 92.OO.
Fine Steel Beaded Celling , per square 32.OO. Can also furnish standing scarn or "V"
except Oklahoma , Texas and Indian Territory. Quotations to other points on application.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. We will Feed this rooting to any
one answering this advertisement C. O. I ) . , with privilege of examination If you will sen *
us 25 per cent of the amount ot your order in cash ; balance to be paid after material reaches your Station. If
not found as represented , you do not have to take the shipment and we will cheerfully refund your deposit.
Ash for Catalog No. W. 749. Lowest prices on Hoofing , Eve Trough , Wire , Pipe , Fencing , Plumbings Doors ,
Household Goods and everytalng needed on the Farm or in the Home. We buy our goodi at sheriff's and ro-
, Sale Ten Million Boxes a Yean
as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when in health and
how conducive to health the games in which they indulge , the outdoor life they
enjoy , the cleanly , regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome
diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved ,
not by constant medication , but by. careful avoidance of every medicine of an injuri
ous or objectionable nature , and if at anytime a remedial agent is required , to assist
nature , only those of known excellence should be used ; remedies which are pure
and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect , like the pleasant laxative remedy ,
Syrup of Eigs , manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has
come into general favor in many millions of well informed families , whose estimate
of its quality and excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use.
Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally , because
they know it is wholesome , simple and gentle in its action. We inform all reputa
ble physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs , obtained , by an
original method , from certain plants known to them to act most beneficially and
presented 'an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are
used to promote the pleasant taste ; therefore it is not a secret remedy and hence
we are free to refer to all well informed physicians , vn do not approve of patent
medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication.
Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs
always has the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly
printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in bottles of one size
only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent size , or having
printed thereon the name of any other company , do not accept it. If you fail to get
the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects , Every family should always have
a bottle on hand , as it is equally beneficial for the parents and the children ,
whenever a laxative remedy is required.
a o e 99