Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 08, 1906, Image 3

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    Ftilr WarnlniT.
Together they were climbing A steep
( mountain path.
"What would you do , " she inquired ,
< \l I should faint1 '
"I'd catch you in my arms and kiss
jyou , " he replied.
"Get ready , " she said.
Spread Rapidly Over Body Limbs
and Arms Had to Be Bandaged
Marvelous Cure by Cuticura.
"My son , who Is now twenty-two
jfrears of age , when he was four months
'old ' began to have eczema on his face ,
spreading quite rapidly until he was
( nearly covered. We had all the doc
tors around us , and some from larger
places , but no one helped him a par-
icle. The eczema was something ter-
Drible , and the doctors said it was the
worst case they ever saw. At times
Ibis whole body and face were cov
ered , all but his feet. I had to bm- :
j lage his limbs and arms ; his scalp was
bust dreadful. A friend teased me to
! try Cuticura , and I began to use all
{ three of the Cuticura Remedies. He
jfwas better In two months ; and In six
Imonths he was well. Mrs. R. L. Ris-
Sey , Piermont , N. H. , Oct. 24 , 1905. "
' Lieut Hino of the Japanese infantry
fcas invented an automatic pistol
fire eighty cartridges a minute. The
, 'ffange is more than 1,000 yards.
The Ideal Family Laxative
Is one that can be used by the entire
family , young nnd old , weak and string ;
without any danger of harmful effects. ' It
should" ijave properties which insure the
same dcse always having the same effect ,
otherwise the quantity will have to bo
increased and finally lose its effect alto
gether. These properties can be found in
that old faatily remedy , Brandreth's Pills ,
cause its ingredients are p the purest
extracts , and every pill is kept for
years before being sold , which al-
them to mellow. We do not oolieva
re is a laxative on the market that is
0 carefully made.
| Brandreth's Pills are the same fine lax
ative tonic pill your grandparents used.
pChey have been in use for over a century
find are sold in every drug store and medi'-
pine store , eithei olain or suzar-coated.
Question of Dignity.
| Baroness James , don't whistle such
porrible tunes and such common musi-
Ical-hall songs.
' Footman But , my lady , you can't
.erpect a rhapsody of Liszt with cleaning -
! ing the shoes. That will come Liter ,
fwhen I am polishing the silver. Witz-
. . ' -Tills Will Interest Mothers.
' "Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chll-
iaren , used by .Mother Gray , a nurse in Chil
dren's Home , New Tork , cure Constipation ,
iFcverislmess , Teething Disorders , Stomach
{ Troubles and Destroy Worms ; 30,000 testimonials
menials of cures. All druggists , 25c. Sam-
FIIEE. Address Alien S. Olmsted , Lo
Sle , N. Y.
The Inq.ui tlvc Barber.
No doubt many readers have heard
pf the austere disposition of America's
jgreatest living actor , Richard Mans-
field. Perhaps the following conversation -
; tion , which took place in one of Bos-
n's lending hotels , better illustrates
he satirical nature of the player. En-
Bering the barber's shop one morning ,
3ie was immediately recognized as Rich-
nard Mansfield by the barber.
"Good morning , " said the barber af-
A grunt was the only reply.
"vYell , how was things over at the
jliouse lost night ? "
' "What house ? " answered the actor
"ironically. "
"The Hollis , " said the barber.
\ "What do you mean , sir ? "
' "Why , are you not Richard Mansfield -
field ? " the barber asked.
"bh , no , indeed , " replied Mr. Mans-
rfield , "I just got out of jail this rnorn-
( Ing. "
"What ! You're not Richard Mans-
tiield ; and you just got out of jail this
morning ! What for , pray ? "
"For assaulting inquisitive barbers , "
? vras the response.
ESJTS anil Their TJes.
"You seem greatly interested in the
! < 2gjj-eaticg contest"
"Yes , I am. I'm glad to encourage-
{ any reasonable system of utilizing this
{ admirable article of ioo.d"
"May I ask your business ? "
' "Certainly. I am an actor. " Clere
'land ' Plain Dealer.
$3ven "When the Facts About Cefle
ATC Plnln.
It Is curious how people will refuse
to believe what one can clearly see.
' Tell the average man or woman that
ithe slow but cumulative poisonous ef
fect of caffeSae the alkaloid in tea and
joUee tends to weaken the heart , up-
eet the nervous system and cause indi
gestion and they may laugh at you if
jthey don't know the facts.
Prove it by science or by practical
Idemonstration in the recovery of cof-
jfee drinkers from the above conditions ,
.and a large per cent of the human fam-
jily wfll shrug their shoulders , take
- ome drnss and keep on drinking cof-
Ifee or tea.
' "Coffee never agreed with me nor
. with several members of our house
hold , " writes a lady. "It enervates ,
-depresses and creates a feeling of lan
guor and heaviness. It TT.IS only by
Heaving off coffee and using Postmn
( that ve discovered the cause and cure
-Of these His.
"The only reason , I am sure , why
IPostum Is not used altogether to tbe
.exclusion of ordinary coffee is , many
persons do not know and do not seem
( willing to learn the facts nnd how to
prepare th'rs nutritious beverage.
There's only one wuy according to di-
rectioas boll it fully 15 minutes. Then
xlt is dfiliciou . " Name given by Postuin
. , * Battle Creek , Mich. Reafl the lit-
e" book , "The Road to Wellville , " in
pfcgs. "There's a reason. "
1415 Battle of Agincourt.
1GG3 Arrival of William Penn at New
castle , Del.
1751 Extraordinary eruption of Mt
1774 First American Congress ad
1775 Battle of Hampton , Va.
1777 Battle of Red Bank , N. J.
1780 John Hancock chosen first Gov
ernor of Massachusetts.
1814 First steam war vessel -was
launched , and named The Fulton.
1842 Island of Madeira devastated by a
1844 Many killed by explosion of
steamer Lucy Walker at New Al
bany , Ind.
1847 American fleet under Commodore
Perry bombarded Tobasco.
1854 Two additional asteroids discov
ered and named Polymonia and Po-
1S5S Theodore Roosevelt , twenty-sixth
President of United States , born.
1SG1 Second naval expedition , consisting -
ing of SO vessels and 15,000 men ,
sailed from Fortress Monroe.
1870 Convention'in Cincinnati to urge
the removal of the national capital
from Washington to some point west.
1871 Riots in Chinese quarter of Los
Angeles ; IS Chinese hanged
"Boss" Tweed of Tammany Hall ar
rested and bailed.
1S72 Steamship Missouri burned at sea ;
87 lives lost.
1874 Emperor William proposed the re
organization of the German army on
a larger scale.
1SS3 Henry Irving made his American
debut in New York ; scats sold at
$10 each.
1S93 Battleship Oregon launched at.
San Francisco.
1S9S The limit for the Spanish evacua
tion of Cuba extended to Jan. 1 ,
1899..Philadelphia celebrated peace
jubilee Dewey released the Span
ish sailors captured at Manila.
1901 Czoljosz executed at Auburn , N.
Y. , for assassination of President
1902 Great loss of life and property by
eruption of Santa Maria , Guatemala
Denmark declined to sell West
Indian islands to the United States.
1903 Emma Booth-Tucker killed in rail
road wreck in Missouri .Lou Dil
lon trotted fastest mile on record at
Memphis behind a wind shield.
1904. The Episcopal General convention
agreed on a new divorce canon. . . .
A 'railroad strike spread throughout
the Russian empire The New
York subway opened Gen. Kuro-
patkin appointed commander-ia-chief
of Russian army Russian Baltic
fleet fired on British fishing fleet in
North Sea.
College to Pay Smart Students.
Financial reward for high standing and
financial loss for poor work on the part
of students of Columbia university is the
novel plan announced by the faculty offi
cers for the year 1907-08. On this plan
tuition is to be paid for on the basis of
$5 per point , a point meaning the suc
cessful completion of work one hour a
week for half a year. This would make
the total course for the three years
amount to $620 , except where deduction
is made for scholarship. Any students
who are credited with- ! ) ! points may re
ceive one point extra toward a hijjhi-r de
gree. Thus it will be possible * for a stu
dent to get twelve extra credits in three
years and for this ? < > 0 will be ( Inducted
from his tuition. On the other hand , stu
dents lose So for every course in which
they fail and the fee for delinquent ex
aminations is S5.
Artist "Wins Prize. /
The $500 Harris prize for the host
painting at the nineteenth annual exhi
bition of American paintings , new open
at Chicago , has been awarded to Ilarn
O. Tanner , a Pennsylvania uegro , for liis
work entitled "The Disciples at the
Tomb. " Mr. Tanner is a Pittsburg urt-
ist , who has studied in the best Par's
studios. His works have been hung in
the Luxembourg , the Carnegie institute ,
the Philadelphia academy of fine arts
and elsewhere.
Methodist Publishing Mercrcr.
After the executive- board of the Freed-
man's Aid and Southern Educational So
ciety had approved the pi in , all of the
publishing interests of the Methodist
Episcopal chnrch had finally been Consol
idated with headquarter ? at Cincinnati.
This includes the Board of Education So
ciety , the Sunday School Union , the
American Tract Society and Freedman's
Aid Society.
to .SiJicrin in a Yrar.
The Russian government , under Pre
mier Stolypin , continues its policy of ar
rest and exile for every one suspocred of
opposing its program. ; A rojort ) show. "
that 35,000 people have bt n exiled to Si
beria since the manifesto of Ocr. oO. 1905.
An imperial decree remove : ; all i-Iass rc-
itrictions regarding state employment , and
all persons are declared equal Before th ?
law. Peasants are re > ayel from the
communal system and vrill be allowed to
dwell where they please. The poll tax
will be abolished Jan. 10.
Diieoae Almost Entirely Eradicated
i liy Vaccination.
The records of the bureau of health at
Manila show that within the last twelve
months 213,000 have been vaccinated by
officials and many more by private physi
cians. When it is remembered that Ma
nila's population is not more than 220-
000 , it can be understood why , in the
year ended Dec. 31 , 1904 , there were only
27 deaths from smallpox. Ten of the 27
were Europeans or Americans who had
neglected or avoided vaccination.
| During the Spanish regime a law ex
isted making vaccination compulsory , but
1 the chief good which resulted from the
law was that the people became accus
tomed to its existence on the statute books
and did not greatly object to it or strenu
ously resist its application at the hands
> f the Americans. In a few provinces dif
ficulties were met. In these cases vaccinators -
nators were at once withdrawn and the
pueblos left to themselves. Within six
mentis the contrast between the vacci
nated and unvaccinated pueblos was so
marked that the chief men of the object
ing municipalities requested the vaccinators -
tors to return.
As smallpox is both epidemic and pan
demic in the Philippines , the necessity for
a division of vaccination in the board of
health is very great. The original plan
was to organize a corps of 350 vaccina-
tors. That number was considered neces
sary in order to vaccinate the inhabitants
of the islands within three years. Owing
to the depleted condition of the insular
treasury , the commission has been unable
to authorize the employment of so large
a number , and with the small number of
men available the question arises whether
vaccination will not have to be practiced
continuously for many years in order to
immunize the 6,000,000 iuhabiTants who
are now in those islands and their off
spring as it arrives.
Our Optimism Deplored.
Prof. Felix Adler , in his first fall ad
dress to the Society for Ethical Culture-
spoke of the "Present Moral Crisis in
American Life , " and referred to the rer
cent mass of exposed depravity in public
life. He said that the humiliating fact
was that the men high in state and church j
were those chiefly guilty. One thing , he j
said , was almost pathetic , namely , the j '
persistence of editors , writers and speakers -
ers , "when some heartrending revelation
has been made , " in affirming that the
people have the power and ability to set
things right. For his part he has no 1
faith in the fatalism that where the i
masses rule somehow things will come out j
right. Speaking of the Democratic plat
form demand in New York , "that the
fruits of labor of right Delong to the
laborer , " he asks how it is possible for
this to be done under our present factory
system , and insists on the need of new I
laws and new principles upon which to
settle those problems.
A "Woman Enlightens "Women.
Mrs. Sally Morris Corey had some real
ly refreshing things to say to th'e club who attended the meeting of the
Society for Political Study at New York.
One was that a woman must be either a
fool or a toady without original or independent - j i
pendent speech if she is to be a popular j
club woman. She said that the business i
woman was all right if she was one , but '
that too many made a pretense of busi
ness , hoping to secure notice or make a
match. She compared the nineteenth cen
tury mother and homemaker with the up-
to-date college girl pursuing a foreign
title"neglectful mothers of unwished-
for children. " She insisted that until we
had women judges , jurists and execution
ers the sex would never be on a real equal
ity with men.
Discontent as a Disease.
Dr. A. R. Mitchell , , surgeon for the
Rock Island railroad , speaking before the
Chicago convention of railway surgeons ,
said that the prevailing popular tendency
to wage war on wealth and corporations
was a form of neurasthenia , which sweeps
over the country like an epidemic. He
said the power which had enable'd the few
to profit at the expense of the many was
the fault of the many. He showed that
men were led emotionally into destructive
methods , consequently the lobbies main-
tainad by corporations in different capi
tals were necessary to their self-preserva-
tion , because of the lower standard growing - '
ing out of perverted nerve action , which
is spreading itself in the form of a hysterical -
terical epidemic.
Kansas Anti-Trust Suit
Assistant Attorney General Jackson of
Kansas has begun criminal proceedings
against the International Harvester Com-
panp on fifty counts for the alleged violation
lation of the State anti-trust law. This
law provides that the violator may be
lined from $100 to $1,000 on each count ,
nnd that the fines would go into the
State school funds. All of the counts are
hascd on the exclusive contract feature
and of the contract issued to agents by
the accused companies.
Opening : of Persian Parliament.
The Shah of Persia has opened the first
parliament of his realm with great show
ind pomp. On account of impaired
health , his speech from the throne was
road by the Governor of Teheran. He
xpressed his belief that the people would
tot : abuse the freedom given them and that
parliament would support the govern
ment. His words were received with en
thusiasm , and there were great festivities
, n the capital , the city being illuminated
xt night.
FlKht for Earthquake Insurance.
According to report , a group of San
Francisco policy holders whose claims
unount to $5,000,000 out of a total of
joarly $20,000,000 written by the default-
ng German and Austrian insurance com-
amcs , have chosen Thomas Williams and
Iscar Sutro of the San Francisco bar to
rivoke the aid of the federal government
u an effort to shame them into paying at
ist a part of the defaulted' claims.
Morgan's S25OOO Bible.
The famous illuminated parchment
rjible , produced by the Cluny monks in
"ranee over 200 years ago , has just been
.eceived by its purchaser , J. P. Morgan
f Nov. ' York , who was required to pay a
'uty of $1,000 , its value being appraised
t $25,000. Morgan's brokers protested
gainst the duty , saying that the book
hould be admitted' free , because it is
iriuted matter more than twenty years
Id. The , Bible is about 20x24 inches and
' , inches thick , the cover being of stamped
Wo arc now to know for six days in
advance what we may expect the
weather to be. The. United States
Weather Bureau has had one of its
meteorologists at work for a long time
waking forecasts for several days ahead ,
and he has been so successful that he
Is to continue the work , and the bureaii
will publish his predictions. He has
been enabled to make the predictions
by receiving news of the atmospheric
conditions prevailing over almost the
whole of the northern hemisphere. The
bureau has lately made arangements to
receive daily reports from the Russian
metorological service , and for some
time it has been receiving similar re
ports from the west coast of Europe ,
from the AVest Indies , from Bermuda ,
the Azores , Bahama and Honolulu. In
a few mouths reports will be received
from the interior of Alaska , and within
a year from Iceland. With information
of the atmospheric conditions within
and around the arctic circle , it will be
possible to forecast pretty clearly the
place of the meeting of the air currents
from the south with those from the
north , with a consequent increase in
accuracy of all weather forecasts. Rain
and snow are caused , as the reader
knows , when a cold air current meets
a warm current saturated with moist
ure. Therefore the more one can learn
about the existence and direction of the
air movements the more accurately can
he predict storms.
* *
The regulations for the enforcement
of the new pure food and drug act , as
promulgated by the Department of Ag
riculture , require that ingredients of
the package shall be stated precisely ;
that no deleterious or coloring matter
shall be used even in the manufacture
of candy , and that adulterations shall
be prohibited , but not to bar standard
drugs , provided they are branded so as
to show their actual strength or purity.
The label must bear the name of the
product , the place of manufacture and
must show whther the article is a mix
ture or a blend. Mineral substances of
all kinds are forbidden in confection
ery , and no substance may be used ,
with any food product which reduces
its quality or strength. The term
"blend" applies to mixtures of like sub
* - . _
Governor Magoon has spent much
time iu acquainting himself with the
leaders of the opposing factious in
Cuba , and'has accepted the resignation
of Assistant Secretary Mora and Prison
Governor Moutalvo , who were believed
to be responsible for the electoral ir
regularities which brought on the re
cent uprising. The Governor visited
the national insane asylum at Mazoara
and unearthed a shocking condition ,
many , of the sick being without bed or
bedding or clothes , notwithstanding the
fact that the managers admitted having
$5,000 on hand. Investigations have
been begun and orders given to imme
diately improve conditions.
* *
o u
Cuba Avill learn when Uncle Sam
presents his bill that she cannot dance
without paying the fiddler. When he
j made her a free and independent re
public it was on condition that she be
have herself and that life and property
, be made safe. She proved herself in
j competent to maintain the stability of
the republic and as a consequence the
j United States had to interfere. Al
ready our military department has ex
( pended over $1,000,000 and Cuba will
be expected to pay it. How much more
our bill will be before we again trust
the reins to the Cubans time alone can
Chief Chemist Wiley of the Depart-
1 ment of Agriculture has organized an
other squad of men in his laboratory
at Washington who will eat regular
food products containing saltpeter , for
the purpose of testing its effect upon
, the human system. This experiment
j will last about four weeks , during the
i first half of which the men will eat
pure food and during the last half of
which they will receive a saltpeter diet.
Et is also rumored that Dr. Wiley will
start a series of experiments to deter
mine the effect of alcoholic drinks on
the human stomach.
Twelve thousand four hundred and
seventy fewer names were on the pen
sion roll at the close of the last fiscal
rear than at its beginning. This is the
largest decrease in recent years. Forty-
three thousand pensioners died within
the twelve mouths , twenty-nine thousand -
' sand of whom were old soldiers. As
. the veterans are getting well along in
vears the mortality among them will
increase rapidly for some time to come ,
until the heroes of the great war will
be as scarce as the survivors of the
Tar with Mexico.
* " "
Acting upon the information of Eva
Stiring , the Florida agent of the Hu
mane 'Society ' , the President and Attor
ney General Moody have commissioned
Charles E. Russell , Assistant Attorney
General , to go into the South and make
personal investigation of those alleged
practices. Mr. Moody says that he has
selected Russell because he is a South
ern man , a Democrat , and familiar with
the existing condition in the South.
jtt pays to advertise in this pape ?
Heart Disease Carries OfT IS'estor oi
Chicago Judiciary.
Judge Joseph E. Gary , for forty-
three consecutive years a Judge of the
Superior Court in Cook County , died
at his home in Chicago Wednesday of
heart disease. Death , though sudden ,
was peaceful for the "grand old man"
of the Cook County bench. For eighty-
five years the sands of Joseph Gary's
life had been running their course , and
.when the final grain had dropped he
had gained the things that are sought
after and cherished as covetously as
gold the love and veneration of his
fellows. j
Joseph E. Gary was born in Potts-
dam , N. Y. , July 9 , 1S21 , his parents
being of puritan stock. He became a
carpenter and then studied law. In
1843 he came west to St. Louis , work
ing at the bench and reading law dur
ing spare time until 1844 , when he was ,
admitted to the bar in St. Louis , where ,
he remained until the gold diggings at-1
tracted him to California , where he'
practiced law and dabbled in mining.
While en route to the west he m t
Murray F. Tuley in Las Vegas , N. iT.f !
and.'in ' 1856 he located in Chicago , '
where he found Mr. Tuley. They j
! formed a law partnership and their !
close personal friendship continued
until the death of Judge Tuley. |
Mr. Gary ascended the bench of the
Superior Court of Cook County In 1SS8 1
and he was elected at each succeeding
term. He was given a popular ovation
on the occasion of his fortieth anniversary - 1
sary 011 the bench , on which occasion
he sat as an ex-officio Judge of the
Criminal Court. j
; Probably the most notable utteranca
by Judge Gary was that on the sen
tencing of the anarchists , some of
whom were hanged Nov. 11 , 18S7. Ho
said in part : I
The people of the country love theii
institutions. Thoj love their homes. Thej
love their property. They will never consent -
sent that bj violence and murder those
institutions shall be broken down , theii
homes despoiled and their property de
stroyed. And the people are strong eneugi
to protect and sustain their institution
and to punish all offenders against theii
laws ; and those who threaten danger tc
civil society , if the law is enforced , art
leading to destruction whoever may at
tempt to execute such threats. j
; The existing order of society can bi
changed only by the will of the majority.
Each , man has full right to advocate 03
. speecli or print such opinions as suit himself - 1
self ; but if he proposes murder as a
. means of enforcing them he puts his own
i life at stake ; and no clamor about fre
speech , or evils to be cured , or wrongs
to be redressed will shield him from th
consequences of his crime. His libertj
is not a license to destroy.
j Vaccination for Geriu Diseases.
Sir Almeroth E. Wright , the noted Lon
don physician , who is credited with th <
discovery of the opsonic index , whicS
indicates the power of the1 blood to de
stroy diseased germs , is now visiting in
this country , and recently delivered an
address at the Philadelphia College of
Physicians. He said he had reached the
conclusion , after much experimentation ,
that bacteriological inoculation is th
best means to fight any disease that owei
its inception to germs , not excepting even
tuberculosis. The general plan of treatment -
ment is the same with that as with othei
! diseases. After the opsonic test on th
patient's blood the vaccine is introduced
into the body until the blood is suffi
ciently strengthened to throw off its im
H of Churches in Germany.
I The official order book of church mem
bership in Germany , issued by . .Pastoi '
Schneider of Elberfeld , as translated and
, reviewed by the Literary Digest , ehowi
that the number of conversions from tin
. Roman Catholic church to the Protestant
j is considerably greater than those who
i have gone from the Protestant ranks into
j the Roman faith. According to this au
thority , 75,978 members of the Catholic
church in Germany became Protestants
between 1800 and 1S94 , while only 1,054
went from Protestantism to Catholicism ,
The order book draws attention to tha
fact that not only in the empire as a
whole , but in each and every State tha
Protestants have been making the greatez
ains. Relatively these are much greatei '
to France than elsewhere.
Farmers Holding Bade "Wheat.
The scarcity of wheat on the market
indicates that the farmers in the wheat
belt are dissatisfied with the low price
of 50 and 60 cents per bushel and are
forming unions to hold the crop out of
the market. The vast quantity of grain
coming from the Canadian northwest haa
kept the price low.
Mexico Fisrhtinj ? Beef Trust.
The Mexican government has decided
to establish meat markets throughout
Mexico City and sell meats at actual cost ;
or lower if necessary to drive the' meat
trust out of business. This is due to tha .
fact tht the trust recently advanced tha
prices of meat , so as to place it out of
the reach of the poorer classes.
English Girl's Syvlmminjj Record.
Miss Jennie Fletcher of Leichester ,
England , a IG-year-old girl , has beaten
the world's swimming record of 100 yard * j
for women , her time being 1:201-J : >
j Professor James Laurence LaughUn ,
1 who says that if tbe United States
does not enter into a reciprocity treaty
PROF. LALUHUX. He was born at
Deerfield , Ohio , in 1ST 0 , was graduated
from Harvard in 1873 and since that
time has had a notable career as teach
er and .author. In 1S95 he prepared
for tbe government of San Domingo a
scheme of monetary reform that sub
sequently was adopted. Professor
Laughlin was a member of the mone
tary commission appointed by the Indi
anapolis monetary conference in 181)7.
and is considered an authority on moa-
Princeton , Ind. , has a preacher who >
believes in printers' ink. The town has
three daily papers and every Saturday
Rev. H. G. Otto ,
pastor of the Chris
tian Church , runs a
display "ad" in
these papers invit
ing the people to
come and hear his
sermon on the fol
lowing Sabbath. His
"ads" are written in
an attractive way
and Rev. Mr. Otto
vclt , owes his pre
ferment to the sol
dierly qualities dis
played at San Juan
and in the cam
paign in the , Phil- ,
ippines. General
Pershing jumps
over the heads of
nearly 1,000 officers
who ranked him as
captain , which has
stirred un quite a
with German } ' the
latter country w.ill
declare a prohibitive - -
tive tariff against
A ni e r i c a n pro
ducts , has been-
chief of the depart
ment of political
economy in the
University of Chicago
cage since 1S02.
says his attendance EEV. ir. c. OTTO.
has greatly increased since he began
to use printers' ink. Rev. Mr. Otto says
a church has as much right to adver
tise as anything else and he thinks the
time will come when other churches
will advertise their wares. In this day
tind age he thinks a preacher who does
not advertise is behind the times.
Rev. Dr. Sheldon Jackson , general
agent of the United States in charge-
of education in Alaska , has had note
riety thrust upon
him in a manner
that has been any
thing but agreeable.
The doctor , how
ever , makes a Hat
denial of the charge
that government
funds have been di
verted toward the-
support of secta
rian missions in
Alaska ana tlmt
i5 responsible for
the official croo'kedness. The accusation
was made by Frank C. Churchill , a
special agent of the Interior Depart
ment , who was sent to Alaska to in
vestigate. Xo one , not even the offi
cials of the government , believes that
the doctor an estimable man is any
thing more than the victim of an unfor
tunate mistake.
Brigadier General John J. Pershing ,
who attained his new rank from a cap
taincy by order of President Roose-
in JJ
muss the army.GEX- -
General Pershing was in the West
Point class of 1886 and has repeatedly
distinguished himself In the service
during native insurrections. He vir
tually subdued the Insurrection of Mia-
John W. Yerkes , commissioner of in
ternal revenue , who has issued the de
partment regulations controlling tfce
making and han
dling of denatured
alcohol , is enthusi
astic in his predic
tions of what it
will accomplish in
the industrial
world as an agent
of light , heat and
power. Mr. Yer
kes is preparing-
JOHN w. YERKES. for an increased
force , especially in field and chemical
work , to carry out the new regulations.
"Wife Baptizes Husband.
The unusual spectacle of a woman
evangelist baptizing her husband was wit
nessed at Kokorno , Ind. , when Mrs. May
Foster completed a series of revival meeet-
ings by baptizing thirty persons in the
river. Her husband was the last of the
thirty to receive the rite.
SIllc Inilnstrj- Oklahoma.
George E. Gardner , who is acknowledg
ed in Oklahoma to be the corn king be
cause of his successful efforts In develop
ing corn-raising in that part of the coun
try , has begun the cultivation of the white
mulberry tree , to develop the raw silk in
dustry. Already he has a number of silk
worms feeding on the mulberry leaves and
ac work spinning cocoons , and has sub
mitted samples o the thread to Secre
tary Wilson.
The Duchess of D'Aosta madfr a ballooav
ascension from Milan ,