THEI. I. M. KJUS Entered at t-i th r.f * ' TERMS : - * " Subscription $1.00 n r < C.Tir. * . - riv-in'-r : * I.f0 . 'hrn nor'd 'i T ? ; " * - . Display Advertising' 1 inch single coiuuiu loc per issue or $ t5.UO a year Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue 5c per line per issue. Brands , H inches- 00 per year in advance ; additional space 83.00 per year ; engraved blocks extra $1 00 each. 10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears. Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance : Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers. THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 1 , 1906. A FINAL WORD TO THE VOTER ABOUT OUR CANDIDATES. J. W. STETTER , THE DEMOCRAT has not said For Commissioner. very much thus far on the county conimissionership for the reason that we have felt 11 all along that the people of this county were so jvvell ac- qainted with the democratic candidate , Jacob W. Stetter , that there could be no question about his election. How ever , it is not well to be too sure of anything and we must advise our friends who are interested in Mr. Stet ter1 s election to come out and vote , and to speak to their neighbor on the question of commissioner. There is not very much money in holding this office and this has a tendency to deter the best business men from ac cepting a place on the board. Mr. Stetter did not want the nomination but his friends prevailed on him to ac cept it. He has lived in this county so long and his business ability is so well known that his friends felt that he would easily be elected and his great business capacity would be of inestimable value to the county. The board of commissioners levy our taxes , and , when collected , they spend the money. This board has the business management of the county and it is certainly to the interest of every tax payer that a man of good busi ness judgment be elected to this office. I if The office is in no sense a party one. It is purely a business proposition and no one who knows Jake Stetter will doubt that he is just the material for a successful coun ty commissioner. For years he has been advocating in dependence in voting and urging our readers to look tea * a man's ability , integrity and general fitness. We want them to apply these tests to Mr. Stetter and we think they will find that no other man who has been proposed for this office would be of more service to to the tax pay ers than he. We are glad to find the Valentine Republican - lican with us in this fight. It is a good thing to see Mr. Barker lay aside his party prejudice in the matter and 'come out as he does in support of a good sound business administration of county affairs , and he is doing this by calling upon his readers to lay aside party feeling and vote for Jake Stetter. In its issue of last week it came out boldly and advocated the election of Mr. Stetter , and , in its issue of October 19th , it had the following to say : Editor Republican : As an old-time republican I beg for a small space in your paper for a word in behalf of one of the can didates for county commissioner. The office of county commission er is strictly a business olfice has no influence on or connection with politics and should be ad ministered without regard to poli tics. The location of a road or the building of a bridge has noth ing whatever to do with the rail road rate question or the tariff question , or any other question of state or national politics. We should select the best man for the office of county commission er , politics to the contrary not withstanding. i I believe you will agree with me i when I say that Jake Stetter is one of the best business men that ever ! came down the pike. His success j proves this assertion true. His fit j ness for the office and his integrity j cannot be questioned. Personally , j he is one of the best fellows on the j i face of the earth. He belongs to that class described by Old Abe as J "plain people. " One of the commissioners ought to be located at the county-seat for the convenience of all the people of the county. Jake lives there. Jske's election would not disturb the political preponderance of the board ; it would still have a republi can majority , and the republican party would still be found doing business at the old stand. A REPUBLICAN. While The Republican does not fully agree with every statement in the above communication , it can cheerfully and conscientiously en dorse a portion thereof. sire is to give every man his just dues , and having known Mr. Stetter for more than twenty years , we believe he would make a valu able member of the board. The Republican is fully aware of the fact that many republicans feel the same as does our correspondent pendent ; that they are not only going - ing to vole for Jake Stetter them- 'selves ' , but will do all they can to persuade others to do so. There is no use of concealing the truth , and The Republican will make no attempt to do so , for the tide is on in that direction and there is ap- parent no way to stay it. A wave of independent spirit is ris- jin high and will spend itself only in an independent voting of the people this fall. What are you going to do about it ? If the voters of Cherry county want Jake Stetter elected commis sioner and they appear to be determined that he shall be you might as well butt your head against a stone wall , in hope of knocking it down , as to attempt to prevent them casting their ballots for him. ihe Republican correspondent is right in saying that one of the commissioners ought to be located at the coun ty seat. It does not matter so * much to the people who live in town as it does to the county precincts. An at tempt is being made to show that we are tryingto hog every tiling for the county seat. This is not true. We never favored the town to the exclusion of the country , for the town ought always to bear in mind that its growth and development depend upon the good will of the coun- .try. But it is to the convenience and advantage of the people who live outside and have business at the H 'County seat that a commissioner live in town. If you ] live out ten , tv/nity , thirty , forty , fifty or one hundred j miles from the county seat , you now and then , have busi ness there , and you may want to see a county commis sioner. Eow , if one member of the board lives here , you 1 - * - can lay the matter you are interested in before him ; get his view ? on it ; make your rxplr nation of if , PTK ! i _ " il e board mn > . thfr-- i , at i * : i-t. ic ni .U i . , . ' board thai unuor&tandb it , and yoyi do not have to make a special trip to the county seat when the board is in session. If Mr. Morris is elected and you come to the county seat you will not find him there. He has not been getting his mail in Cherry county. Johnstown , in Brown county , is his railroad point , and , how many farmers and stockmen of this county want to follow him over into Brown county to get an interview with him when they have some matter to submit to their commis sioner. Jake Stetter ought to be elected because he has superior qualifications for the place and because it is to the interest of every man having business before the commissioners to have a commissioner where they can meet whenever their business brings them to the county seat , without having to make a special trip regardless of the weather , the condition of the roads , or the inconven ience and expense it may make them to come to the coun ty seat at stated times when the board may be in session. R. H. WATSON , Only a few years ago the For state Supt. Pub. ins. politicians o f Nebraska would have frowned upon the idea of a man from west ern Nebraska for a state office. But with the growth and. development or this section or the state has come also her political , recognition. This year one of the 'great ' parties has recognized the ' rights of western Nebraska and has nominated Professor Watson , the superintendent of our schools , for state superintendent of public in struction. This is a well deserved compliment. It was due western Nebraska ; it was due the Valentine schools , and it was due Professor Watson. It shows that the demo- R- HWATSON. . cratic party has come to recognize the portion of the state west of the one hundreth meridian and we hope in due time the republican party will take a similar step and nominate for state offices some of its leaders who live in pur part of the state. The nomination of Prof. Watson is the best advertisement that our schools could possibly have. For years we have been working to raise our schools to the highest standard and their excellence is generally recognized by the leading educators of the state. It was Prof. Watson's work that made this ex cellence possible and his election to this office would be a fitting recognition of his work. This is the first time the voters of this county have had a chance to vote for a home man for a state office and we hope they will make the-most of it by giving Prof. Watson such a majority that it will be notice to the people abroad that we are loyal to our own people and proud of our own school and the man who has placed it in the front rank of educational institutions of the state. A. H. METZGER , This is the last issue before For Representative. election , and , according to usual campaign tactics , a party paper is filled with charges and accusations against the opposing candidates. We have never adopted that method of campaign work , and are not going to. During the course of this contest for local office we have said nothing detrimental to anyone. We do not expect our men to win because of their own strength. In the matter of a representative for this dis- A. H. METZGER. j trict we have put forward Mr. Metzger , whose record as a citizen and stockman is sufficient to assure him the re spect of every voter in the district , whether he intends to vote for him or not. We doubt if a candidate was ever nominated in this county whose ability , integrity and general fitness for the office were so universally admitted. He is one of the pioneers who laid the foundation for the county's greatness. While lie lived and prospered himself , he lias helped others prosper. Metzger Bros. ' ranch has been a stopping place for the lonely way-farer for the past eighteen years. No one ever came to that ranch who was not given the friendly hand and the best the ranch afforded. Mr. Metzger represents the best there is in our western good-fellowship. He was equip ped by nature and education for leadership and his pow ers have always been used for the advancement and up- j la I building of the community. The men who have been - , i.- ; ; JX . . < ; . . . , ; -if , * nu ki v. i r is tiue blue. I he stockmen and farmers are for him because he is at one with them and knows their needs. And the people of Valentine and the other towns in this county ought to be for him because he is as well able to represent them as if he came from the town , and , as a matter of business , they ought to concede to the farmers and stockmen a representative. They ought to show that they appreciate the good will of the people outside the towns and that they are anxious to cultivate a good feeling between the people who support the town and the town itself. The business men of the towns cannot afford to turn down the people who support the town , aijd we are sure they are not going to do it. The big industries of this district are agriculture and stock raising , and they want one of their number to represent them. Are you willing they shall have him ? If you are , speak a word to your neigh bor and ask him to vote with you for A. H. Metzger for representative. / / / / x. r " > c s v T 06- " Our Cartoon. I Our cartoon this week shows the old man Kinkaid , w'ho wants to be the congressman from this district in one of his many disreputable acts that he has committed in Holt County. An agreement was made between this old reprobate and farmer Hyatt to the effect that Kinkaid was to furnish the money for Hyatt to buy cattle , which ; Hyatt was to feed and care for and when they were taken to market and sold , shylock Kinkaid was to have 35 percent of the sale for the use of the money. The time in which Hyatt was to purchase the cattle was from May until Xovemj j ber and as most of the cattle was ' bought late this old shylock would get as his pound of flesh full 50 percent on his investment , The cattle was sold in March and Hyatt came in to settle for the pound of 11 flesh. Kinkaid refused to settle ! unless Hyatt would first give him' the drafts for the sale. Hyatt ! knowing this man refused to de liver the drafts in full but offered to deliver to him what was his due. due.Here Here is where the character of the old shylock came to the sur face. He at once went before a justice of the peace and swore that Hyatt had stolen the drafts and had him arrested. He saw he was going to fail in this and went to a friendly sheriff who with a gun deliberately took the drafts and delivered - livered them to shylock as his pound of flesh. The case got into the courts and this modern shylock - lock was about to wear stripes , but he got out of the deal in some way and farmer Hyatt never got a cent for his winter's work , or for the 90 acres of corn or the hundreds of tons of hay that he fed during the winter. It was in this case that Judge Maxwell took occasion to point out wherein Kin kaid had testified falsely and which we published last week. Read it again and then say if you think this man is a fit man for to repre sent you in the congress of the United States ? It will be remembered by our readers that last winter Sec. Taft c made an order that all supplies'v ' for the Panama canal should be purchased in the open market. This had the sanction of President Roosevelt and a resolution was placed before the United States congress by the pliant tools of the trusts to the effect that all supplies for the Panama canal should be bought at home and all competition with the trusts be crushed. The resolution easily passed the sub servient senate and went to the lower house , and , after a short fight by the friends of open com petition the resolution passed the house. Let it be said to the ever lasting disgrace of Nebraska that she had two members in that body that supported that resolution. One ' was Kinkaid , the boneless and spineless : old skinflint from the Sixth ! district , and the other con gressman ; Kennedy. This is a matter of record and not any cam paign ; assertion. It is a matter that i any citizen of Nebraska can look up and satisfy himself. Now , this old shylock poses as a friend of i the people when his record shows him to have always been on the side of the trusts. He is a tool of the trusts and his own re cord convicts him. The do nothing policy of this man has cost the people of Cherry county and the western part of Xebraska a market created by b > FortXiobrara. Any congressman with the interest of his district at heart 1 could have saved this fort to Valentine and the West , but Kin kaid was being wined and dined by the corporation henchmen for hi.- good work in voting for * ' „ . - when they needed him , a : pt while the peeple were b'rob bed of their Fort. Volumes might be writfc ' " the acts of this old shylock o quiet , ( he never does anything openly ) that would show him to be more than just a servile tool of the railroads. It might be shown that this old shylock had left lasting lisgrace and mental ruin in at least two instances in Holt county , by his personal lust. The record of this man smells to leaven and the vote in his own jounty this fall will prove what sve say. Two years ago the state senate was solidly republi can. Out of 100 members in the house , 91 were republi cans. The governor was republican. Mr. Sheldon , now republican candidate for governor , was a member of the V senate. If , under such favorable conditions , they would not give the people any relief , why have we reason to be- heve that if a republican governor and legislature elected tins fall that they would be more sincere ? are