TPhe Valentine Democrat Valentine , Neb. f. M. Rice. Publisher GAS WRECKS BLOCK EXTIIIE BLOCK IN RUI.VS AT COF- PEVVILLE , KAX. Gas is Supposed to Have Escaped from Leak Somewhere i" the Block Owners Carried No Insurance1 . Against Gas .Explosions. Two persons were killed , one is missing , four were seriously injured and twenty more were more or less In jured in a terrific explosion of natural gas which completely demolished five two-Htory business blocks at Coffey- ville , Kan. , at noon Sunday. The dead arc Jesse Ross , a negro ; Mrs. J. E. McDaniel. The missing are a young son of C. J. Clcssen , a grocer. The seriously injured are" C. J. Clossen , a grocer ; Cotton Ray , a cab man ; Mrs. Pearl Keeler , and a 3-year- old son of Mrs. Keeler. It is reported that the gas escaped from a leaking main somewhere in the block and that after a sufficient quan tity had accumulated it become ignited - -ed , causing the explosion. The build ings were in a row in East Eighth street and were occupied by a real es tate office , three stores and a restaur ant. The second floors of all the buildings were occupied by rooming houses. Neither Ross nor Mrs. McDaniel was was killed outright by the explo sion , but both were frightfully injured and died shortly afterward at a hos- pital. Brick and glass struck the ne gro cabman , and Mrs. McDaniel was crushed by falling debris. The entire block of five buildings was leveled to the ground , and only broken bricks , scattered lumber and twisted iron remain. The buildings and stocks in them are a total loss , and none of them was insured against gas explosion. A fire broke out immediately after the explosion , but the flames were quickly extinguished and little dam age was done from that source. Sev eral persons were buried in the debris , "but Mrs. McDaniel was the only one fatally hurt. The others who were rescued were only slightly injured. One littue girl , a daughter of S. D. Frazier , of the Kansas Land com pany , was under the timber and brick lor twenty minutes , but was taken out nninjuied. ALASKA WANTS HOME RULE. .People Make Campaign for a Legis lative Body. Delegate Thomas Gale , of Fair banks , Alaska , is on his way to Wash ington. "The people of Alaska , " he said , "are more interested in secur ing a territorial form of government than in anything else that is before them at present. We don't mean to go into all the ramifications of local self-government , into townships , coun ties , etc. We simply wish and it is a natural want of American citizens to be empowered to legislate for our selves. "We are anxious to secure as much government assistance as we can for road construction in Alaska. We want s. road from some point on the coast , Valdez , or some other , through the Yukon country. We would like to have the road tap all the interior. If the government will attend to the construction of the main trunk roads Alaskans thelmselves will attend to the construction of the branches. "The present provision for schools away from the incorporated limits of towns is meager and unsatisfactory and people in many places have to educate their own children after pay ing their revenue to the government. We look for more government assist ance along this educational line. "Alaska is sadly neglected in the matter of life saving stations along the dangerous coast. Navigators should be given a great deal more protection. " Washington Bank Fails. The People's Savings bank , of .Washington , was closed Wednesday by order of the comptroller of the curren cy. An examination by the national bank examiner showed the institution to be in an insolvent condition. The assets and liabilities are given at $210,000. Africa's Biggest Gold Shipment. The largest consignment of gold ever shipped from South Africa ar rived in London Saturday. Its value was $5,700,000. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Saturday's quotations on the Sioux City live stock market follow : Top eteers , $3.20. Top hogs , $6.15. Believed Several Drowned. Several persons are believed to have been drowned as a result of a colli sion In Wrangel Narrows , near Seat tle , Wash. , on the morning of Oct. 22 between the Canadian steamer Prin- .cess Beatrice and a gasoline lanuch. Roosevelt Is 48 Years Old. President Roosevelt was 48 years old Saturday. He was the recipient of many congratulations , but passed the 'day very much according to the rou- which marks his every day life. ' ' * * * ' JAPAN FEELS SORE. President and Cabinet Move to Avert Trouble. Friday's cabinet meeting lasted two and one-half hours and was attended by all the members except Secretary Shaw and Postmaster General Cortel- you. Among the important matters discussed was the situation growing out of the anti-American sentiment In Japan and the exclusion of Japan ese children from the public schools of San Francisco. It was stated by a member of the cabinet after the meet ing as the general opinion of the mem bers that the Japanese situation was exceedingly grave and would require the most delicate treatment to avoid an open rupture. It developed that the proceedings initiated in San Francisco to compel the authorities to receive Japanese pupils into the public schools were di rected by the department of. justice. Japanese restaurant keepers have suffered indignities in San Francisco , as well as Japanese school children , according to reports received by the Japanese ambassador "Viscounte Aoki from Japanese consular officers in that city. city.At At least seven or eight reports have been made concerning a boycott in augurated against Japanese restaur ants and in several instances stones have been thrown and windows brok en , according to the statements of Japanese officials. These cases have been brought to the attention of Secretary Root by Viscount Aoki , who says it is with great reluctance he brings to the at tention of the central government the demonstrations against Japanese , which are purely local in their nature. DUAL MURDER IX DAKOTA. Mystery Surrounds a Tragedy Xear Bristol. The d.sad bodies of two farm hands were discovered in the hayloft of a barn a mile northwest of Bristol , S. D. , Friday by a Bristol teamster who went there for a load of hay. The teamster brought the bodies to town and an inquest is in progress. That both men were murdered there is no doubt. Bullet holes in their fore heads and burned flesh indicates they were slain while asleep. Both bodies are badly decomposed and it is almost impossible to establish identification. In the clothes of one of the victims was found two beer checks marked Wellington hotel bar , St. Joseph , Mo. Beyond this there was absolutely nothing to aid the authorities. Both men arrived here two weeks to joint a threshing crew. BODIES DUG OUT. Recovered from Fire Ruins in Kansas City , Kan. Four bodies were removed Friday morning from the ruins of the Cham ber of Commerce building at Kansas City , Kan. , making the total known dead eight. The bodies , although badly charred and disfigured , were identified as Ed ward Winslow , city solicitor of the Nelson Morris Packing company , his wife and two young daughters. A systematic search of the ruins is being made. Four persons are still unaccounted for. for.At At the hospitals two of the injured are in a serious condition , but it is believed all the others will recover. Wants $10,000 for His Skin. W. G. Doll , of Cincinnati , O. Thurs day sued J. S. Atkins , G. A. Fackler , and J. C. Oliver for $10,000 damages for taking forty-two inches of skin from his leg. Doll had consented to part with six inches of skin to repair damages sustained by Atkins in an auto wreck. While under the influence of anaesthetics Drs. Fackler and Oli ver , he alleges took forty-two Inches. Bandits Make Escape. The Bank of Odin , 111. , was dyna mited and looted by a gang of safe blowers early Friday. The report of the explosion attracted a crowd of citi zens to the scene and a running fight ensued , in which more than thirty shots were fired. The bandits escaped with their booty. The amount is not known. Fatal Lodging House Fire. In a fire the Chamber of Commerce building , in the Riverview district of Kansas City , Kan. , at an early hour Thursday morning , it is reported that one woman was burned to death and seven persons were badly injured. The building has been used for a boarding house. Knife for Xavy Quarter Back ? Homer Norton , quarterback of the naval academy football team , Annapo lis , was taken to the hospital suffering with what is thought to be appendi citis. Every effort is being made to avoid an operation. Bellamy Storer Returns Home. Bellamy Storer , former American minister to Austria-Hungary , arrived in New York Friday on the steamer La Province. Plays Villain AVhile Wife Dies. While Jerold Havener was playing the role of villain at the opera house at Racine , Wis. , Thursday night his wife lay dying in the St. Mary's hos pital. He was informed of her condi tion and arrived at her bedside just before she expired. 3fissouri Bank is Robbed. The Bank of Jamestown , Moniteau Bounty , Mo. , was entered Thursday light by robbers , who blew the safe , secured $2,700 and escaped. FARMERS OAIX POINT. Opposition to Their Elevators is . Out. The hearing on grain trade condi tions before Interstate Commerce Commissioners Clark and Lane at Omaha was resumed Thursday. E. P. Peck , an Omaha grain dealer , told of the methods of arranging prices a year or two ago , during the life of the Nebraska Grain Dealers' association , but said no agreement of that kind now exists. He said he re garded "shovel houses" as unfair com petition , and used all means to drive them out of business. C. G. Crittenden , of the Central Grain company , of Lincoln , Neb. , said his company operated elevators on the Burlington line. They received from that road an allowance of 1 % cents a hundred pounds to cover elevation charges , until last summer , when it was discontinued. He knew of no- "shovel houses" in his territory. F. M. Terry , a general merchant of Little Sioux City , la. , who operates a "shovel house , " said he was formerly discriminated against by the North western railway. For the last two years he had no reason for complaint. The Missouri Valley mills , at Missouri Valley , la. , he said , refused to buy his grain , giving as a reason that the -Up dike Grain company , of Omaha , would not sell them grain if they did , and would bid up the price so that they could not buy from farmers. Millers at Marshalltown , la. , also refused to buy his grain , he said , because he had no elevator and was not a member of the Iowa Grain Dealers' association. Mr. Terry said he received a letter from President Wells , of the Iowa Grain Dealers' association , some time ago from which he learned that the association fixes prices paid for grain and provides for pooling by its mem bers. UNUSUAL RAILWAY MISHAP. Fast Train's Engine Hit by Caboose and Five Men Injured. Running at a speed estimated at fifty miles an hour the fast train between Cleveland and Pittsburg on the Penn sylvania railroad known as the "Cleve land Flyer , " was sideswiped by the caboose of a freight train near Bellevue - vue station shortly -after noon Thurs day , five trainmen being injured in the wreck , all of whom will recover. A score of passengers were cut by fly ing glass , but none was seriously hurt. They were brought to Pittsburg on a wrecking train which reached the scene eighteen minutes after the acci dent and proceeded on their journey. The collision with the caboose threw the engine down an embankment thir ty feet high and it slid into the Ohio river. CHAUFFEURS GO ON STRIKE. Three Hundred Auto Drivers Make Demand for Higher Waggs. Three hundred chauffeurs employed by the New York Transportation com pany , which operates 350 public elec tric cabs in New York City , went on a strike Thursday for an Increase in wages. As a result nearly all the cabs remained in the garage. A non-union man attempted to take one of the electric vehicles from the garage end was set upon by a crowd of strikers. He drew a revolver and fired into the crowd , but no one was hit. A big force of policemen arrived just after the shot was fired. They charged the crowd and made two arrests. A Traitor is Assassinated. A man named Sprogge , once a prominent revolutionary leader in the Baltic provinces , was killed at Mitau Friday , while on the way to America , because he had betrayed his party. School Boys Fined for Hazing. The first conviction for hazing in the state of Ohio was secured in the probate court at Marietta Thursday when Sidney Colt and Clarence Tib- betts were each fined for attempting to kidnap and haze their schoolmate , Frank Bartlett , son of a wealthy oil operator. Exonerate Gov. Fraiitz. ! The president has received the re port of a committee recently sent to Oklahoma to Investigate the charges preferred against Gov. Frantz. . The report completely exonerates the gov ernor , and undoubtedly Avill be ap proved by the president. Shooting Will Be Taught. Rifle shooting will hereafter be in cluded in the curriculum of the elementary - . i mentary schools of England , according - | ing to Mr. Blrrell , president of the board of education , who made the announcement in the house of com mons Thursday. Disastrous Hurricane in Japan. A hurricane swept southwestern Ja pan Wednesday. Several hundred coral fishing boats are reported miss ing. Each boat is manned by at least two sailors. Mallory Steamship Line Sold. Charles Morse , of New York , the banker and steamship operator , an nounced Friday that he had purchased the Mallory line of steamships. To Punish Seal Poachers. Secretary Root has requested the Japanese government to cause the ar rest and punishment of Japanese poachers who attempted to land on the seal islands of Alaska recently , and who escaped to Japan after some of their party had been killed. Gen. Bell's Wife Goes to Cuba. Mrs. Bell , wife of Gen. Bell , left Washington Thursday night for Cuba , } taking passage on the army transport Sumner from Newport News. STATE OF NEBRASKA I XEWS OP Tins WEEK IN A CON DENSED FORM. A -Year-Old Child Takes Long Jour ney Disappeared from Koine In Hastings After Much Telephoning He is Located at Holdredgc. After his parents , aided by the city authorities , had vainly searched throughout the city for him , John Greenlee , the 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Greenlee. of Hastings , was located at Holdredge. The. child left home Sunday morning , and when he failed to return at dinner time his parents instituted a search for him. Late Sunday morning Manager Knee , of the Nebraska Telephone company , instructed his operators to advise ail subscribers when they called for con nections that the boy was lost and to ask if they had seen him. The oper ator on the long distance lines passed the word along to other towns , and at 7:30 Sunday night word came that the boy had been picked up by Swede- burg & Roth in front of their real es tate office in Holdreffe. The father went to Holdrege to bring him home. How the lad man aged to get as far away as Holdrege , when he was without money , is a mys tery yet unsolved. He rode on a Bur lington train , which makes several stops between Hastings and Holdrege , and why he was not put off at the first station is not known. FACE SERIOUS CHARGE. Two Young Men Charged with Entic ing Girls From Home. Last Monday evening two young men , accompanied by two young girls about 15 years of age , arrived iu Plattsmouth and spent the night In the Perkins hotel , registering as broth ers and sisters , but failed to give their residence. The next day they went to Maynard. Thursday morning Deputy Sheriff A. J. Grace arrived from Pot- tawattamie county , Iowa , and took the four young people back with him. The girls gave their names as Mary Horst and Gady Sandiland and stated that their residence v.-as in Avoca , Ta. The young men were traveling with a carnival company when they be came acquainted with them. The war rant charged the young men with en ticing the girls away from home for immoral purposes. PREFERS DEATH TO PRISOX. Young Convict Hangs Himself in He bron Jail. At noon Tuesday James Dickson. a young farmer from near Gilead and whose home is at Decatur , 111. , com mitted suicide in the county jail at Hebron. Mr. Dickson had been con victed of forgery and was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. He killed himself by hanging and used an ordinary towel , which was tied around his neck and then to the bars of the side of his cell. His sentence to the penitentiary and his dread of serving the time seemed to have prompted him to commit the deed. Trains Delayed at Stella. While a freight was switching in the yards at Stella the track spread , let ting the engine , one of the large battle ship type , 'down on the ties. Several hours were spent In trying to raise the engine , which was then given up and a temporary track built around the wreck and traflic was resumed af ter a delay of seven hours. Xcw Odd Fellows Hall. The Odd Fellows are making prepa rations to erect a $7,000 building at Eustis. The structure will be a double store building , two stories high. The upstairs will be fitted up for a hall , to be used as a lodge room and opera house. The work of construction will be commenced as soon as material and help can be procured. Body of Missing 3Ian Found. The mystery surrounding the disap- .pearance of Michael Shannon from North Bend about three wfcks ago was solved by the finding of a bad ly decomposed body on the bank of the Platte river near that town. It was identified as the body of Shannon by the clothing and especially by a red necktie which his sister had given him a few days before. College Cornerstone Laid. A memorable event In Wayne's his tory was the laying of the cornerstone of the new main building of the Ne braska normal college Saturday after noon by the grand lodge of Ancient. Free and Accepted Masons of Ne braska. Prisoner Is Pardoned. Gov. Mickey Thursday morning again took up his pardon pen and re leased from the county jail of Seward county William M. Campion , against whom there was a judgment of $1,000 in favor of Nellie Latimcr , who sued j him on a paternity charge. Child's Leg Broken by Door. The 7-year-old son of A. E. Hand J was seriously injured at the cereal | mills in Beatrice by a largo door fall ing on him. His leg was broken and he was terribly bruised about the ! body. Morphine Habit Causes Suicide. Fearing that he would go inpsne from the effects of morphine. Benja min F. Ayres committed suicide Ly shooting at Kearney. Valuable Ccw Dead. Christian & Lang , cf York , breeders j and importers of thoroughbred Aber- ! deen-Angus cattle , met with quite a | loss in the death of an imported Tro jan Erica cow , bred in King- Edward of England's herd , a show animal that cost them several hundred dollars. Death was caused by pneumonia. Accident at Fairmont. While working in the yards at Fair mont Brakeman Lantz slipped while switching and caught his foot , under the wheel of the engine , cutting it off. . FOUXD DEAD IS JAIL. Thomas CofTey Apparently Commit * Suicide : it MiHard. Thursday night a man named Thos. Coffey , recently employed by Con tractor Fitzgerald on the railroad grade , came to the town marshal and asked permission to sleep in the Jill- lard jail. This v.-as granted and the door v.-as left open so he could leave when he was ready. About .10:30 o'clock he came to the marshal and asked that the door be locked , as "they are after me and I'm afraid they'll gzi me. " .His request was granted. Friday morning , when the marshal unlocked the door , the body of Coffey v.-as found hanging from the top of one of the cells , to which it was at tached by his suspenders. The top of the cell is so low it permitted his feet to touch the floor and he had bent his knees to produce strangulation. Little Is known of the man around IJHiard. Mr. Fitzgerald says he has known him casually for twelve or fif teen years and that he was a well edu cated man , but had been ruined by drink and drugs. He was about 44 years old. CL/AUSE IS HELD VALID. Railroad Must Pay Ten Dollars Per Hour for Delay. g other cases decided in court at Burwell was one of more than gen eral interest to the stock shippers of this state. The action was brought un der the provisions known as "The Stock Speed Bill , " introduced by Sen ator E. D. Gould , of Greeley county , and passed at the last session of the legislature. As to the time of departure of cars from their place of shipment and the arrival of same to their destination there was but little dispute between the parties and the questions involved was the constitutionality of the law. On this point the court held that the $10 per hour was not a penalty , but was liquidated damages that the legislature had a right to determine and that the law of the state is a part of every con tract ; that the liquidated damages , as fixed by the legislature , was reason able. There were many other points raised , but the case seemed to turn on the questions stated. CONVICTS WILL HUSK CORX. Applications Maefe to Governor of Ne braska , for Paroled Men. Even the convicts from the peniten tiary are being taken out to labor in the Nebraska corn fields. Never before were there so many applications in the governor's office for paroled prisoners and never before was the need for corn huskers so pressing and so hard to fill. Rollin Rivers , colored , left the pen itentiary on parole to husk corn for his old employer. Claus Sass , of Gret- na , who wrote a personal letter to Gov. Mickey , begging that his old farm hand be returned to him. The state labor bureau is unable to supply the demand for workers in tlu corn Melds. Not a name is now on file in the department and the constant applications of the farmers for help have to be refused. This scarcity has undoubtedly caused the unusual de mand for paroled prisoners. Woman Fatally Burned. Mrs. Harwarger , living south ol Minden , was badly burned while try ing to light a fire with coal oil. Mrs. Harwarger was alone at home at the time of the accident , her boys being at work in the field , and upon returning home found their mother lying on the floor In the house , her clothes com pletely consumed by the fire , and the building on fire. There is no hope for her recovery. Stole Railroad Property. John E. Stevens , who lives northeasi of North Plp.tte. was arrested the lat ter part of last week and fined § 50 for larceny of property belonging to the Union Pacific. The property consist ed of a car door , cross arms for tele graph posts , lantern , hammer and enough other articles to fill a dray. Memorial Windows. Two memorial windows have just been placed in the Methodist Epis copal church , at Valley , one by Chas. Harrier to the memory of his de ceased wife , and the other by Mrs. June Lentell to the memory of her father and mother , Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Williams. Fanner Killed In Peculiar Way. Mr. Ira Moore , a prominent farmer living about four miles south of "Long Pine , was killed by being hit by a broken singletree. Mr. Moore was stacking , and through some heavy strain the singletree broke and flew hack , hitting Mr. Moore In the region of the stomach , killing him instantly. Decapitated by Train. Robert Mattcrn , employed at the stone crusher at Wymore , was struck by a train and instantly killed. The boc y was fjund a short distance below the crusher with the head decapitated. Mattcrn har been drinking heavily for the Ust week , and his friends be lieve he committed suicide. Colin Lcses Commission. Gov. Mickey will revoke the notary commiFFion of MaCohn , of Nebraska City , who is charged with having at tached hi > . c2l to an instrument which he failed to see the party sign. KcalSi of J. C. McBride. w'ortl was received in Lincoln Mon day announcing the death of Gen. J. " " . McPrKe , of Savannah , Ga. , former- 'y a citizen of Lincoln and ex-state treasurer. Tail IJi'catcr Captured. Sheriff Phipps ? , of Eurt county , and thp Fhe'-iY rf Onawa captured the last -f t'io jo'l breakers who broke pall at Onaivp. in. , last week , four miles west of Oakland Sunday afternoon on the 'a.rr.i cf Swan Strand , where he was buskins corn. 7"ailicad ! Water Works. The Northwestern railroad has a 'arpe ' force of men at work In West Point erecting a water tank and putting tingIn an extensive system of water Dorics. In his biennial report to b > is uet- the first of the year Secretary of tftatc- Galusha will recommend to the LITIS- lature that the cash fund at the vari - ous state institutions be abolished , or that the present methods of { jetting , money out of that fund be changed Under the present system the cash. fund is made up of the receipts from the superintendent of sales made by stock raised at the institution or a" > - money that is received from SSUPU- sources. The superintendent practi- al ly has free rein in spending this ? money. The cash fund in some oi the institutions at times amounts lc * > $8,000 to $9,000. It is not turned into the state treasury at art , but is ktpt by the superintendent and checker ! check. ShouM a out on his personal superintendent be so disposed he could for speculating or he- use the money could buy state warrants with it incP collect the interest and no one would : be the wiser. Mr. Galusha will recom mend this money be turned over to the state treasurer and be paid out on ; warrants just as the other money ap propriated for the maintenance of state institutions is paid out. The executive committee of State Teachers' association has tesu announcement of a preliminary program of the annual meeting , to bt held in Lincoln , Dec. 26 , 27 and 28. W L. Stevens , president , is president ex- ofiicio of the executive committee. Tht , other committeemen are W. H. Gard ner , of Fremont , A. L. Vavines , of. Fairbury , and G. H. Thomas , of Mc- Cook. President Charles McKtnncjv of the Milwaukee state normal , an ed ucator of marked power and originali ty , will address the Child Study asso ciation , the teachers of histoiy ant : the general session. Dr. S. H. C"ark , of the University of Chicago , authf of "How to Teach Reading , " will tie ! an address and give a recital. He > "I I read "Ulysses" or "King Lear. " Prof T. C. BlaSsdell. head of the depart ment of English in the state agricul tural college of Michigan , will adflros ? teachers of English and the genera ; ' ' session. Dr. Reuben Post Halleck wil- ' deliver three addresses one before * the grammar school section , ono be fore the high school section and the ? third before the general session. * * * It is the general impression of thcsc- risiting Lincoln that the next ler a- ture will refuse to make an appro priation for a new library building U house the state library , the supreme court and the legal department ot state , as badly as such a building is needed. Most of the visitors say it It foolish to think of a new building here as long as that § 2,500,000 debt i ? hanging over the taxpayers , while oth ers say Nebraska will need a new : capitol - itol building by the time the Ftat. debt is paid. It Is by no means ceiV tain , some of the visitors say . th-F the new capitol building will be erect ed in Lincoln. Other towns nearer the center of the state have long wanted * the capital location changed and it ia- said these towns will refuse to coun tenance any more buildings arouno the present state house. * * o The decision of the supreme- court ? in the Central granaries assessment : case , In which it is held grain dealer ? must be assessed on the average amount of capital invested during th < * year rather than the amount of grair on hand April 1 , puts a feather in the cap of Geo. D. Bennett , secretary ot the state board of assessment. This plan of assessment was dug out bj Bennett a year or so ago , after various- plans were tried out to get a just as sessment of this class of property. The grain men iicked on the plan and many of the assessors believed if wrong , but Bennett held on to it , au thorized the county assessors to work under it , and finally he has been sus tained by the supreme court. * i > # Deputy County Attorney Foster , o Douglas county , has written to the le gal department of the state asking : how to arrange the constitutiona - amendment proposition on the vc machines. In his letter Mr. F . . asks what can be done and then sayt- it is impossible to put "for" an < T "against" side by side on the machine. Inasmuch as the legal department of Douglas county has the machine be fore it and is supposed to have some. legal knowledge regarding the election law , the state legal department is at a jjloss to know what to answer , for , the problem cannot be solved Douglas county , it is hard for the state attorneys to figure it out. The federal grand jury made its re port Monday morning and was dis charged. Twenty-seven indictments were returned , but the court refused' to make public any of the Indictment ? except those returned for illegal salei of liquor. The most important' held back until arrests are made.It is understood , however , that C. T. Stewart , of Council Bluffs , has als f been indicted for complicity In lan < , entries in McPherson county. The interest on delinquent . paid into the state treasury every yeas has become an important item in the. state's finances. The average amount - of penalties paid In for the negligence > of people in not paying their taxes when due is § 39,049. This is the. amount of Interest collected in 1903 and is said to be about the average for the last few years. * * * S. JJaseba , a member of the parlia ment of Japan , arrived in Lincoln last week , accompanied by his secretary. " Yamachita Y. Bryan , and the two' gentlemen were entertained at dinner- by Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bryan at their home at Fair-view. Mr. Haseba , Is making a tour of this country. Yamachita Y. Bryan Is the young Japi- anese protege of Mr. Bryan , who camj to Lincoln six years ago and made hla home with the Eryans four years. adopting their name. He left for Ja pan two years ago after scouring a de- from the University of Hebraska