Historical Society r y v xz-i VALENTINE. NEBBASKA. THTJESDAT , NOVEMBER J , 1906. NUMBER 42 Now is the time to look over your stoves. If you are going to need a Furnace , a Base Burner , a Heater , a Range or anything in the stove line do not fail to look up the following. It means dollars to you. We car ry a complete line of Peninsular Base Burners - ers , Heaters and Ranges , a line of stoves made upon hon or. There are scores of them in use right in your own com munity , and everyone speaks praises for the entire line. Their make up includes all tha latest improvements in the stove line. v In addition to the Peninsular line , we carry a few special lines in heater ? , including Coles' Original Hot Blast , absolutely air tight and a perfect stove for all kinds of fuel. The 20th Century Laurel , a perfect stove for soft coal or slack. Has closed grate and a 20th Century fire pot which is guaranteed for five years. Also the "Master Economy" and the ' 'Retort Jewel. " Come in and see us before buying elsewhere. It won't cost you anything to look. RED iFRONT MERC. CO. SEE OUR NEW LINE OF Boys' Clothing Ladies Shirt Waists IBRAffD WAGONS HE AND BUGGIES ttf , Third car shipped this year , arrives this week. Bargains from the Fort Stove Boards lOc and up , Stove Pokers 5c and up , Hay Hooks , Chairs and Settees , Side Boards , Desks , Electric Lampsx/5 for 55c , With Reservoir and Warming Closet $26.00 Wagons and Buggies Lumber and Hardware Pictures Framed to Order , TINWARE , OILS , E TC. Lamps , Crockery , Lime , Coal. Paper. EURNITURE AV'D COFFINS. Established in Va'.entluo since 1SS5. Incensed Kmbaimf-r Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June , 1 , 1884. August 12. 1002 , The FIRST BANK c uii * & Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAH ) IN / " -A General BankiDg \ C K OHO Exchange and jX/V/v. Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. NTOHOLRON Cashier , HEW TIME TABLE , C.&H.W. . WE8TI50UI ) , EASTBOU.VD. 1:47A.M. Ko. 5 " No. 0 " 4:35 A.M. 9:40 : A. SI. No. 81 freight. No. 82 " 4:00 : T. M. No. 11G " 5:20 A.M. 11:45 P.M. No. 119 " ( Doesn't carry psgrs ) meetings at the 3 . K. Church Every Sunday. MORNINU SERVICES- Suaday School begins at 10:00 o'clock. " " ' PrcacldDff 11:00 Junior League " " 2:30 : p.m. EVENING SEBV1CE3- Epwort'.i League belies at 0:30 o'clock. Preaching " " 7.30 HKV. C. E. CoxxELt , , Pastor Tak ! of the Town. Chas. "Williams and family moved out in the country this week. Money to loan on improved real estate. * L. K. BnowNiaLL. Ed. Thackrey is moving his family into Will Epke's house. Will Ogle came down from Fort Robinson to spend Sunday with his family. Davenport & Co. are haying the electric lights put in their sre this week. " " * - - ' Frank and Al Cowden shipped a car of horses to Iowa last Sun day , Frank accompanying them. A pleasant dance was given last Friday evening in Church's Hall by some of Valentine's young men. men.A. A. John & Co. are moving into the building recently vacated by Ayers Bros , on Main Street , this week. Frank Fisher returned from Lincoln Monday where he has been attending school , to assist in his father's store. No new cases of diphtheria this week , and people are begining to hope that the physicians have it under control. I would like to have a school for the winter terra. , A. H. Keach , Sparks , Neb. You can get a case of 2i bottles , of Webb's soda for Toe , delivered to your house. Try a case. Tel ephone" 117. 31 . C. W. Cramer sold a sucking mule five and one half months old last week for § 00. Why not raise mules in Cherry county ? Geo. Wcisflog was in tows , yes- derday with his brother ErniJ , who a * been here from Dead wood vis iting his people the past week. Col. Thompson is moving . his family down to the fort this week. The Col. has been appointed as one of the care takers of the fort. C. H. Cornell returned last week bringing his father , Hiram Cor nell , with him from Mississippi , who has been in poor health and will remain in Valentine this winter. Only a few days more to list land and stock in catalogue that goes to 3000 of best dealers of the United States. See Henry Harri son Manager of Cherry county Land & Stock Co. A. J. Spethman , F. C. Gottsch , J. H. Siert and W. D. Flower , the first three of Bennington and the latter of Omaha , were out at Hackberry lake last week and made an excellent bag of ducks. Frank Grooms returned this morning from Aberdeen , S. X ) . , where he has been the past sum mer working in the harvest fields. Frank stopped off in Sioux City on his way home and had two opera tions performed on his eyes , mak ing them now perfectly straight. Walther Meltenclorff's auction sale of live stock came off as scheduled last "Monday and every thing sold well , considering the storms several days previous , which had some people guessing as to whether they would have hay enough to run them through the winter. I > ! attngiiis2& ( I Visitor * November loth , Thursday , Mrs. Flora D. Palmer , Field Secretary for the Borad of Home Missions for the Northwest , will visit Val entine. Reports speak of her as intensely interesting. She will meet the women of the con gregation at Dr. Dailey's home in the afternoon , and in the even ing address a general meeting at the church. All are requested to remember these two meetings , and prepare for them. ftfr tpit JL I L . 4 ? . .AMERSCAN BEAUTY STYLE 103 Kalamazoo Corset Co. Sole Makers Though Un = Married Buy your clothing at Hornby's. Then the girls will begin to . sit up and take notice of you. Try us on Hats and Shoes too. Lat est Shapes in Patent Leather- . The Editor and family went down to O'Xeill this morning to hear W. J. Bryan and A. C. Shall- enberger who will speak there to night. = > P. 1 H. Young returned from Iowa the first of the week where he had been on business. Mrs. Young returned from Merriman Tuesday morning and was taken ill at the Chicago Hotel and is there yet , but is recovering. W. J. Bryan and A. C. Shal- lenger , fusion candidate for gov ernor , are making a speaking tour together in the eastern part of the state this week. They have been addressing large crowds who have shown great enthusiasm and giei much encouragement to Mr. Shal- lenberger , our next governor. They speak in O'Neill tonight , which is as far west as they come on this line. The U. S. Weather Bureau re port for the week ending Oct. 31 , 1906. The daily mean tempera ture was 36 ° , being 6 ° colder then the average for IS years. The highest temperature was 62 ° on the 28th : the lowest was 22 ° on the 30th. Only a trace of pre cipitation fell , the normal for the same period being .18 of an inch. However the precipitation for the month was o.il inches an excess for Oct. of 2.51 inches , the IS years average being only 0.90 of an inch. On Thursday , Friday. and Saturday , Nov , 8th , 9th and 10th , we have made arrangements with the well known firm of Miller & Paine of Lincoln to exhibit their line of fine furs made by them in their own factory. The high class character of this firm is too well known to need comment. They have been manufacturing furs for over two years , and have in charge of their fur department a furrier of large experience , and exceptional merit. Their gar ments will stand favorable com parison with the finest of eastern manufacture , and are not excelled anywhere. Mrs. E. A. Compton will be in charge of the exhibit and will be prepared to sell or take your meas ure for special garments. If you are thinking at all of purchasing anything in furs , you should make it a point to see this display. MRS. E. S. ELMORE. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING BOOTS SHOES ETC. ETC. , , . , . , are in , and we invite you to come and inspect them. PRICES ARE RIGHT. CROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , MAX E VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. what you have to sell. what you want to buy. Call and see us. Phone 23 _ JS W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE.jj FRED WHITTEMORE , Pees CHARLES -PARKS , t'asbier. J. W. STELT/ES , Vice Pres. OR AH L. BitiTTOM , Ass'i Cashier ? 15- o . Valentine , Nebraska 0 O P CD jr- Capital Surplus C5 $25,000 , $2,590 , , ' Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investijatinjj { the methods employed in our business. : : : : : : : : : : S3Z3SS3OSSSS ? SSSS S33222 SS32S2S Sa Tobaccos and Cigars. . " . Canned Goods 2 3C Lunch Counter. Phone ? i J ? * gJTpVclTOIjETSri . . ; ! ] pTf TO11 mT .P.rl If 11" I'l ' i i. /s UiiiCjl IP7 V l t JA ik AiiiLso nra FRESH FRUIT ASD GAME S ( THEIR SEASON. First class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Salt Meats Suioke i Breakfast Bacon. Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. Hammond & Bullis are having their Club feed stable decorated with a new sign. For Rent. Two large un furnished rooms , inquire of J. R. Ayers.