Up to Date. Dolly Dimples So Ileggy Bonds proposed - , posed to you the other day ? Was be rery nervous ? Sally Smiles I should say so.7hy , lie was up in the air. Dolly Dimples You don't mean it And were you calm , dear ? Sally Smiles No , I was up In the air , too. You see , he proposed to me when he took me up in his new bal loon. Attractive. "I am so afraid of lightning , " said the pretty girl , who was n horn llirt. "And well you may he , " rejoined one of ber masculine victims. "You have a heart of steel. " A Positive CURE Ely's ' Cream Balm is quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at Once. It cleanses , soothes heals and protects the diseased mem brane. It cures Ca tarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Ee- etores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full size 50 eta. at Drug gists or by mail ; Trial Size 10 cts. by mail Ely Brothers , 55 Warren Street. New York. A Sensitive Canine. Baxter That do& of yours is not a full Wooded Boston terrier , is he ? Bixby Iluxh , old chap , don't let him hear you. He thinks he is. Woman'a Home Companion. ETINNING SORES ON LIMBS. .Little Girl's Obstinate Case of Eczema Mother Says : "Cuticura Rem edies a Household Standby. " "Last year , after having nay little girl treated by a very prominent physician - -cian for an obstinate case of eczema , I resorted to the Cuticura Remedies , and was so well pleased with the almost instantaneous relief afforded that we discarded the physician's prescription and relied entirely on the Cuticura Soap , Cuticura Ointment , and Cuticura Pills. When we commenced with the Cuticura Remedies her feet and limbs were covered with running sores. In about six weeks we had her complete ly well , and there has been no recur rence of the trouble. We find that the Cuticura Remedies are a valuable household standby , living as we do twelve miles from a doctor , and where it costs from twenty to twenty-five dollars to come up on the mountain. Mrs. Lizzie Vincent Thomas , Fair- jnount , Walden's Ridge , Teiin. , Oct. 13 , 1905. " Dcclnctlve Reasoning. Hotel Reporter I've got a breezy lit tle talk here with a Scranton ( Pa. ) man , but City Editor Well ? "There's an Important omission. I forgot to inquire his business. " "Oh , that's easily supplied. He runs a correspondence school , of course. " Puck. Hasty Conclusion. Tommy paused a moment in the work of demolition. "This is angel cake , all right , " he said. "How do you know ? " asked Johnny. "I've found a feather in it. " Chicago Tribune. THEY CURE AN/EMIA / Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the Most Successful Remedy for All Forms of Debility. Anicmia , whether it results from ac- jual loss of blood , from lack of nutrition due to stomach trouble , or whatever its cause , is simply a deficiency of the vital fluid. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually [ ' make new blood. They do that one tiling and they do it7 li. I "As a girl , " says Mrs. Jessie Fink , of 180 East Mill street , Akron , Ohio , "I suffered from nervous indigestion and vhen I "was eighteen years old I was reduced in weight to 93 pounds. I was anaemic , nervous , couldn't eat or sleep , g tlie Mow Made Eaay. An easy method of filling mows with straw from the thrasher or with hay when partly full Is as follows : Fasten a piilley on a rafter a little beyond beam. Hall two wide boards G on the fceama for too bundle to slide upon. TJifl appe D having a hook upon one ecd , is placed under and around the B&GW and fastened. The bundle Is thea LiSad by a man at D. When it reaches too top beam it swings in ami te lowaced into4 * ue mow. It . . .con'then FOB 2TT.T.TITQ THE MOW. fbe placed where wanted and unfast- [ enei. This device is very aandy and much time. Macaroni Gcant Eoblnson of St. Paul , Minn , , has purchased 40,000 acres of land In ( presidio county , Texas , which he will ; devote to the culture of macaroni I wheat on a scale the largest ever at- | temptcd In the world. Extensive prep arations are now going forward for the consummation of the plans of the capitalist Seed for planting will be brought to this country from the Vol ga region of Russia. The field will be cultivated on the rery latest and most Improved method of wheat farming. Monster stake plowa will be utilized in breaking up the land ; In fact , all of the latest types jof farming machinery will be used on plantation. Mr. Robinson proposes to have the largest and best managed wheat farm In the world. He will build a system of tenant houses and supply the wants of iris laboring men from a commissary. A school will be built for the children of the laboring men , as well as church es , etc. The farm Is near Valentine , accessible to the railroad , and has jproven under tests to be admirably adapted to the culture of macaroni wheat Sowing : Spinach. Early spinach Is seeded In the fall. The ground should be plowed and made fine , plenty of well-rotted manure ap plied , and the seed sown In rows about 16 inches apart , which should be done with a seed drill having a small roller to cover end press the earth on the seeds , the depth of planting the seeds being about half an Inch. The seed should be sown before cold weather sets in. When the plants are up let thorn grow until \the \ ground Is frozen , land then cover with straw , which should be removed early in the spring. [ Spinach Is a very hardy plant and la seldom injured by cold. Sheep Shearing : Table. Moke a table with a hollow top , on which to lay the sheep. On each side of the board have a strap or rope with a snap hook to hold kicking sheep. The liollow top places the sheep at a dlsad- rantage in trying to get up. This table Is also very handy hi tagging sheep ; also in cleaning hogs , as the water will Virginia , anfl generally considered * e no commercial value. , Lime IViirojjen. i Every gardener likes to use a slliu- ' ulatlng fertilizer to hurry the crop. * along. For this purpose nitrate of soda and sulphate of ammonia are most frequently - - quently employed. Nitrogen Is the ele ment chiefly sought and all known means of obtaining it cheaply have been tested. Lately much interest hajs been shown in limo nitrogen or calcium cyanamid. The results of recent experi ments with this fertilizer indicate a high value for it. In some tests it has shown only 80 per cent of the effec tiveness of nitrate of sodn while In other tests it proved superior. Lime nitrogen soeins to be harmful if placed in direct contact with tha seeds or roots of plants. It should pi'o- ferably be mixed with the soil and ap plied from eight to fourteen days be fore seeding. It will then greatly has ten the growth and maturity of gar den plants. Some gardeners have found that it is best to mix the lime nitrogen with the soil five to ten inches below the surface. Tha best results ' have been obtained by mixing the fer tilizer with twice Its weight of dry soil before applying. Limo nitrogen should not be applied at a greater rate than 125 to 270 pounds per acre. Si&ve Kalliiifi : Leiives. , When the leaves begin to fall , do not burn them. Save all of them. They 'make the humus that by and by be comes soil , and la of immense value In all its stases of change. The most ir rational work ever dona by a human belng Is to take what nature has spent the -whole summer In creating for him. and thro\r It back Into its elemental conditions. These leaves are nature's contribution , and her very best con tribution to man's wealth. They are naturally spread all over the lawns each year , as a winter protection ; and after they have accomplished that mis sion they are worked over Into a com post ofhumus. . As a rule , do not rake them too completely off the lawns. The leaves yon do take Instead of burning , use for banking up buildings , for that will save coal ; to cover or bank around plants ; for stable bedding ; or on the floors of henhouses , and in rooms where the hens may scratch during tha winter. Good Poultry Feeder. Get a flat , empty grocery box and cut a section out of it , as shown in il lustration. Nail a strip of thin board over the beveled portion and set the - , * _ < * 't SJBfc SELF FEEDING BOX. affair against the wall. Here you have a self-feeding box inwhich can be put grit , bone , charcoal or grain. One or two partitions put in before cutting out the beveled section would make two or three compartments , inwhich two or three of the articles could be kept at the same time. This is the easiest possible way to make a self- feeding box. Have the top or cover part of the box slanting , so that the fowls cannot roost on it Cold Storage for Farmers. Putting first-class apples In cold stor age for sale In late winter or early spring , is usually very profitable , says Farming. Other fruit and farm pro ducts may also be stored to advantage. The expense of a cold storage plant precludes Its use by most fruit grow ers. Co-operation among farmers will sometimes be possible along this line. Granges and other farmers' organiza tions may do educational and practical work also. But available for every farmer are the refrigerator plants newfound found in almost every city. Rooms or space may be rented as one needs. Gen erally it Is best to store In tb.8 city . where it is intended to sell , that the produce may be on the ground in case of an advantageous market Many a grower of fine fruit -would be dollars ahead by availing himself of cold stor age facilities. Parlor-Car "Pocter , " said the fussy lady In the parlor car , "I wish you would open this tvindow. " The lady hi thefseat directly across the car heard the request and drew a cloak about her. "Porter , if that winao-fv Is opened , " ; she snapped , testily , "I shall freeze to .death. . " l' ' "And if the window is kept closed , " returned the other passenger , "I shall surely suffocate. " i The porter stood timidly between the two fires. j "Porter , " remarked the commercial traveler , "your duty is very plain. Open the window and freeze one lady. Then close it and suffocate the other. " Puck. A WOMAN'S KIDNEYS. Women have so much to do. so many pains to suffer , so many critical periods to go through , that it is important to keep the kidneys well and uroid the back ache , bearing down pain , headaches , diz ziness , languor and other common signs of weak kidneys. Mrs. Charles E. Smith , of 22 Boydeu SL , Woon- socket , R. I. , says : "My kidneys were weak from childhood , L and for eigbt or ten years past my suffer ings were terrible. My hack was very painful and I had many annoying symp toms besides. When I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills I weighed only 120. To-day I weigh 1G5 , and am In better health than for years. Doan's Kidney Pills have been my only kidney medi cine during four years past They , 'bring ' me out of every attack. " Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. Spoiled u Trip. Mrs. Jeuner Lee Ondego This spell of pool weather is decidedly refreshing. Mrs. Seldom-Holme I am glad you { find it so. It is decidedly annoying to me. I was just getting ready ' ; o have the iiay fever. Chicago Tribune. Steel Roofing ; at a Bargain. The quality of steel roofing sold for 1.50 per 100 square feet is something surprising for these times of high prices. By sending for catalogue No. [ \V. \ 749 , Chicago House Wrecking Co. , phicago , referred to in another column Of this paper , those contemplating to pulld or repairing old roofs can get im portant information. Her Oniy "Yes , " said Dreamy Darius , "I put all , my brains into this little poem. " "And it's an awfully short poem at that , " rejoined Sarcastic Susau. Eor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Couldn't Keep n Secret. Mother ( impatiently ) You have been very naughty to-day , Juanita. I shall lhave to tell your father when he comes 'home. ' Juanita ( aged 7) ) That's the woman of it ! You never can keep anything to [ yourself. Wliere the best things are not possi ble , the hest should he made of those that are. Hooker. I Two Grateful Letters from Women Who Avoided Serious Operations. Many Women Suffering from Like Conditions WiSi Be Interested. When a physician tells a woman , suf fering1 from female trouble , that an operation is necessary it , of course , frightens her. The very thought of the operating1 table and the knife strikes terror to her heart. As one woman expressed it , when told by her physician that she must undergo an operation , she felt that her death knell had sounded. Our hospitals are full of women who are there for just such operations ! It is quite true that these troubles may reach a stage where an operation is the only resource , but such cases are much rarer than is generally supposed , because a great many women have been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound after the doctors had said an operation must be per formed. In fact , up to the point where the knife must be used to secure instant relief , this medicine is certain to help. The strongest and most grateful statements possible to make come from women who , by taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound , have escaped serious operations. Margrite Ryan , Treasurer of St. Andrew's Society , Indianapolis , Ind. , writes of her cure as follows : Dear Mrs. Pinkham : " I cannot find words to express my thanks for the good Lydia E. Pinkham's "Vegetable Compound did me. The doctor said I could not get well unless I had an operation for the trouble from which I suffered. I know I could not stand the strain of an operation and made up my mind I would bo an invalid for life. Hearing how Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had saved other-women from serious operations I decided to try it , and in less than four months Irts entirely cured ; and words fail to esprcsc my thank fulness. " Miss Margret Merkley , of 275 3d Street , Milwaukee , Wis."writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham : "Loss of strength , extreme nervousness , severe shooting pains through the pelvic organs , cramps , bearing-down pains , and an irritable disposition compelled mo to seek medical advice. The doctor , nftor making an examination , said that I had a serious female troubleand ulceration. and advised an- operation as my only hope. To this I strongly objected and I decided as a last resort to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "To my surprise the ulceration healed , all the bad symptoms disappeared , and I ainonce more strong , vigorous and v/ell ; and I can not express my thanks for what it has done forme. " Serious feminine troubles are steadi ly on the increase among women and before submitting to an operation every , woman should try Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Compound , and write Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn , Mass , for advice. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been curing the worst forms of female complaints , all functional troubles , inflammation , ulceration , falling and displacement , weakness , irregularities , indigestion and nervous prostration. Any woman , who could read the many grateful letters on file in Mrs. Pinkham's office would be convinced of the efficiency of her advice and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. bars , pinknam s ASvice A Woman Best Wnaerstanas a wosan s ali The government printing ollice spends for lithographing and engraving $240- 000 a year. What is it that no one wishes to have and yet when he has it he does not wish to lose it ? Ans. A bald head. AGENTS WANTED SiTS ? Automatic Shoe : md Humes * Repairing Ouiti Does away with needles and bristles In repairing harness and shoes. Sample FREE 1.A u TON & BUSII3IAN , Mfrs. , Curling- toil , Wis. S C. X. IT. - - - Xo. < J3 1006. FAVORITE B3EQSO33E CATHAB.TSC BEST FOR -i * ' - * ' * = - . . . . * " " XV . " ; > Si . . * . " -3 < ' : S . . TVJ > - V ' If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the game to the winning player , so exceptional merit in a remedy : ' y ' * T : ' ensures the commendation of the well informed , and as a rea sonable amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the health and strength , so does a perfect laxative tend to one's improvement in cases of constipation , biliousness , headaches , \ - etc. It is all important , however , in selecting a laxative , to choose one of known quality and excellence , like the ever -.v'