Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 25, 1906, Image 2

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    'The Valentine Democrat
Valentine , Neb.
. M. Rice. Publisher
Sudden Descent of Blizzard Results in
Heavy Loss to Sheep Growers
, Burned Packing Plant Was Enter
prise of Western Stockmen.
A general storm prevailed along the
eastern slope of the Rocky mountains ,
from Wyoming to Xcw Mexico , Sun ?
day. Snow fell in Colorado almost
iincessantly for twenty-four hours.
Suburban electric lines at Denver ,
Colo. , have operated with difficulty
and railroads have experienced delay
in running trains. As yet no serious
results are reported in this section , but
from Albuquerque. N. M. , comes a re-
jort of considerable property damage
there from high winds. The sudden
dropping of the temperature , accom
panied by blizzard conditions in north
ern New Mexico , has caused heavy loss
to the sheep raising industry , if rumor
is correct.
In Colorado the storm extended to
the western slope in the valley around
Buena Vista the snow lies two feet
deep on the level , and in the moun
tains throughout the state the snow
varies from two to five feet in depth.
Twenty-two inches of snow hod fallen
at Florence by nightfall Sunday. Ap
ple orchards In that section Avill suffer
considerably. The trees heavily laden
with fruit are breaking down. Thereof
roof of one of the buildings at thfa
cement works of Portland nava way
under the weight of snow. In north
ern Colorado the snow Is twenty inches
deep , and should a freeze follow heavy
loss will result to the potato crop.
Wyoming reports a general storm ,
that has played havoc with wire com
munication , and Is interrupting rail
road traffic. Several minor wrecks
have occurred. Live stock is threat
ened from exposure.
The burning of the Utah packing
plant north of Salt Lake , which oc
curred Saturday night , is the most se
rious single loss. The building had
just been completed at a cost of $100-
000 and was to have been put in use
in a few clays. The project was Inau
gurated by western cattlemen and was
in opposition to the large packing
housesin the east. The cause of the
fire has not been explained. Only a
small fraction of the loss is covered
Tby insurance.
Alabama Mob Quick to Take Advan
tage of Opening at Jail.
Robert Clark , alias Dan Dive , a ne
gro from Kansas City , was hanged
from a telegraph pole near the Luce-
dale , Ala. , depot of the Mobile , Jack
son and Kansas Citly railroad by 300
masked men at an early hour Sunday
after being mysteriously spirited from
the jail of Jackson county , Miss.
The negro was arrested late Friday
night by a posse who followed him to
within two miles of Mobile from Luce-
dale , where he had attempted to as
sault two white woman and had stolen
-a horse and shotgun. The' negro of
fered resistance and was shot In the
shoulder. Deputy Sheriff Hinton , of
"Lucedale " , took the prisoner from the
posse and managed to evade a Missis
sippi mob bent on lynching him. Hin-
'ton ' placed the negro in the Lucedale
jail and with another deputy guarded
'him ' until early Sunday morning , when
'both ' fell asleep. When they awakened
the negro was missing and was subse
quently found strung up to a telegraph
pole a short distance from the jail.
There is absolutely no clew to the
Identity of any member of the mob.
Stoops and Kisses Victim as She Lays
Dying in Street.
In the midst of a crowd of people
returning from church , John C. Moore ,
of Arkansas City , Kan. , Sunday shot
and fatally wounded his wife , Jennie
"Moore , from whom he had separated.
He escaped and Is being pursued by a
posse that threatened to lynch him.
Mrs. Moore was returning from
church with a. companion when Moore
shot her. A moment later as she lay
-prostrate on the sidewalk , Moore knelt
over his wife , raised her head and
Wssed her , saying : "I told you I would
do it and I have. " Mrs. Moore died
an hour later. In her last words she
forgave her husband.
Following the shooting Moore went
to the home of his stepdaughter and
.threatened to kill her and her hus ,
band. They fled and Moore escaped t.
the woods.
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Saturday's quotations on the Sioux
City live stock market follow : Stock-
< rs and feeders , $3.15@4.00. Top
$6.17 %
Shot Woman and Himself.
Samuel Becker , of Los Angeles , Cal. ,
declared by the authorities to have
fbeen a deserter from the United States
army , Saturday night shot Mrs. Pearl
iKirkpatrick and then killed himself.
Riot at Masonic Banquet.
A banquet attended by 600 Free Ma-
-eons , given in tfle chapel of a former
iCarmelite convent at Paris Friday
Tilght , caused considerable rioting and
| led to a nunaber of arrests.
Many Lives lost in the Soutiicni
A dispatch from Miami , Fla. , says :
The steamer St. Loucie. Capt. Bravo
commanding , has sunk off the Florida
coast. One of the excursion steamers
arrived in port Friday night , bringing
sixty Injured , who were taken to the
It Is believed now that a part of the
Florida Fish and Produce company's
fleet was destroyed. Manager Adams
sent out ono of their boats Friday
morning to look for the men and
boats. On their return they reported
no signs of the fleet. The fishing nets
were found strewn upon the shore.
Capt. Bravo says that he anchored
on the lee side of Elliott's key , tv/en-
ty-flve miles south of Miami , Thurs
day morning and that soon after a
tidal wave engulfed the island. He
saye there were 250 residents on the-
island , all of whom were lost.
The St. Lucle was crushed by the
same wave , and of the 100 passengers
on board twenty-five were killed. Capt.
Bravo was seriously Injured.
A barge containing 100 people is
said to have been torn away from the
moorings at Elliott's key and after
wards picked up near the Bahama
islands , fifty of her passengers having
been drowned.
Over One Hundred Killed in the City
of Havana.
The New York Evening Telegram
prints a dispatch from Havana report
ing more than 100 persons dead from
the cyclone there Friday. It says the
cruiser Brooklyn was torn from her
moorings and thrown upon the shore.
Latre advices state that the Brook
lyn has again been floated without se
rious damage.
Ninety-four of the fatalities were
confined to natives , while sixteen for
eign residents were reported killed.
More than 1,000 tents In Camp Co
lumbia have been blown to atoms and
houses unroofed. On trooper was
probably fatally hurt.
Fortunately the storm gave every
body about a half an hour's warning ,
and when the blast arrived the ma
rines on shore had sought shelter in
the warships. All but the Brooklyn
rode out the storm. These ships in
cluded the Minneapolis , Texas , Den
ver and Prairie.
of England Boosts tlie Rate of
The Bank of England Friday raised
its discount rate to 6 per cent. Not
fiince Nov. 7 , 1890 Just before the BarIng -
Ing Bros , failure , has the rate been
put to 6 per cent. A relapse in Amer
ican exchange , indicating a renewal of
demands for gold , and the probability
of large withdrawals of metal foi
Egypt seemed to have contributed to
the action taken.
At the Bank of England Friday af-
teroon the Associated Press was In
formed the rise in its rate of discouni
was due to the following causes.
To the withdrawal of nearly $5,000-
000 in gold for Egypt.
To the fall in sterling exchange in
New York.
To information of Impending with
drawals of gold , which it was hopec
could be avoided by the present dras
tic action.
Freight Sheds of Southern Pacific
Causes a Loss of $200,000.
Fire broke out Thursday night in
the freight sheds of the Southern Pa
cific company on Ferry street , in San
Francisco , and for a time made rapid
progress on account of the inflamma
ble material In its path. Surrounding
property was saved by the fire depart
ment. Alongside the sheds were four
tracks of freight cars , and these were
It is impossible to give an accurate
estimate of the loss. One estimate
placed the loss at $200,000 , and that
estimate may possibly cover the com
pany's loss.
Takes Away Jnneau's Honor.
Solomon Juneau was not the found
er of Milwaukee. This statement was
brought out Thursday at the fifty-
fourth annual meeting of the State
Historical society. Information which
recently has come into the possession
of the society shatters the Idol cher
ished by the Milwaukeeans for gener
ations , and gives credit for the found
ing to Morgan L. Martin , of Green
French Cabinet Quits.
Premier Sarrien officially informed
his colleagues at Paris Friday mornIng -
Ing that he had transmitted his resig
nation to the president , whereupon
the ministers resigned in a body.
Mrs. Cowden a Suicide.
It is stated that Mrs. Laura Cowden ,
daughter of Bishop Henry C. Potter ,
of New York , committed suicide by
hanging at a private sanitarium in
Cromwell , Conn. , Tuesday night.
Sad News for the Women.
At a meeting of ribbon manufactur-
- in New York it was decided to n < lice -
ice prices Oct. 24 from % to %
cent per yard on all lines of ribbons.
Body Found in the River.
The body of a man tied in a cotton
saok was found in the river near Paw
paw , I. T. The sack was bound with
wire to which had been fastened a
piece of railroad iron. The back .of
the man's head was crushed In , and
he apparently had been dead several
Earthquake in West.
A sharp earthquake shock was felt
over a wide area in Idaho and Wyo-
jning Thursday. No damage ve.s Coi e.
( Vardaman Hopes to Begin Crusade In
Announcement of a carefully plan
ned campaign to secure the repeal of
the fifteenth amendment of the consti
tution of the United States , that which
gives the negro equality with the
white man as a citizen , was made
by Goy. James K. Vardaman , of Mis
sissippi , who was in Chicago Thurs
day , attending the Railway Surgeons'
Gov. Vardaman. who is seeking elec
tion to the United States senate , de
clared that if he won a membership in
the upper house he would make his-
flght on the floor of that body , believ
ing that he had the support of the en
tire south. He insisted that a crisis
in the relation of the races in the
southern states was at hand and thb
problem of white supremacy or black
domination should be settled.
"I favor unqualifiedly and without
reserve the abrogation of the fifteenth
amendment of the constitution , " saia
Gov. Vardaman. "It is my hope
through the United States to demon
strate that there is only one practical
way of settling this matter , and that is
by plainly showing the negro his prop
er place in our system of government.
"The race question must be settled ,
and that very soon. It cannot be dis
posed of. however , until the nation as
a whole has been convinced that there
Is a distainction between the white
race and the black.
"The laws now specifically recognize
the difference between the white man
and the Indian , the Chinaman , the
Esquimo , or Malay. There is just as
wide a gap between the white man
and the negro. The negroes of the
south , notwithstanding the millions of
dollars we have spent in attempting to
educate them , are becoming more ir
responsible , more disrespectful of law
and more anlmal-liko in their charac
ters and desires. "
They Are Fostering the Anti-British ,
The St. Petersburg Telegraph agen
cy has received a dispatch from To-
kio saying that the anti-British move
ment in India is receiving much en
couragement from Japan , where effort
is being made to foster a feeling of
kinship between the two dark races
and to preach the lesson of the Russo-
Japanese war. The Buddhists of the
two countries are fraternizing and ex
changing visits and steps are being
taken to encourage the coming of Hin
dee students to Japan , where they will
be surrounded by an atmosphere ol
The Hindoo students now in Tokio ,
the correspondent of the agency con
tinues , have just published an address
in which they appeal to India to heed
the call of "Asia for the Asiatics" and
to rise and cast off the British yoke.
Taking advantage of this ferment , cer
tain merchants of Japan have sent a
mission to India to endeavor , . Jo sup
plant the boycotted British merchan
dise with Japanese goods. These ef
forts are meeting with a warm wel
Atlanta Society People Cashed His
Bnd Checks.
"Kingdon , my son , is with me here
In our home. The man who uses my
son's name In Atlanta Is a fraud. "
So said George Gould when he was
asked about the report that his son
was in Atlanta , flying high in society.
Atlanta dispatches tell of the ap
pearance of a young man there who
spread his name on the register at
the Piedmont hotel with a wide flour
ish that threw ink on the clerk's
white vest.
"I am a son of George Gould , " the
youngster is said to have announced.
"My father is in Mexico , and I shall
wait here for my private car , then go
further south to hunt. By the way ,
'er , I'm a trifle short today. I guess
you will cash a check for me ? "
All Atlanta began cashing little
checks , and the young man had a fine
time. With him was one "De Bres-
sles" whose name suggested nobility
to Atlanta folks.
Ten Perish In Flames.
Ten men were burned to death and
three seriously injured as the result of
a fire which destroyed the boarding
house of Mrs. E. E. Watley at Bir
mingham , Ala. , Friday. There were
twenty-one boarders in the house , al
most all of whom were street railway
Saves Mother ; is Slain.
Bernard Clohr , of Chicago , a Rus
sian laborer , Thursday shot and fatal
ly wounded his son , aged 21 , and then
comitted suicide by swallowing car
bolic acid. His son had prevented
Clohr from killing his mother.
Mrs. Cowden a Suicide.
It Is stated that Mrs. Laura Cowden ,
daughter of Bishop Henry C. Potter ,
of New York , committed suicide by
hanging at a private sanitarium at
Cromwell , Conn. , Tuesday night.
Gen. Wm. Hemphill Bell Dead.
Brig. Gen. Wm. Hemphill Bell ( re
tired ) died at his home near Denver ,
Colo. , Thursday night of pneumonia.
Santa Fe Trains Collide.
Two men were killed , while more
than a score of passengers were injured
result of head-on collision
jured as the a -
sion between two Santa Fee express
trains near Manzanillo , Colo. , Thurs
day afternoon.
Shooting ; Two Victims.
As a result of a quarrel Ira DonJ J
ley , a miner , was shot and killed Wednesday - }
nesday night and Mrs. Angeline .
Boggs severely wounded by John Fra-
zer at Kimberly , Ohio.
Count Makes Great Gift John A.
Creigliton Presents Nearly Half Mil
lion to University Donation on
Seventy-Fifth Birthday.
Count John A. Creighton , of Omaha ,
signalized the celebration of his 75th
birthday Monday by deeding to
Creighton university$400,000 worth ot
real estate. In the presence of his
relatives and friends and of the fac
ulty , students and friends of Creighton
university , he delivered the deeds to
the property into the hands of Father
Dowling , president of the university.
The endowment consists of two
large business blocks in Omaha , one
the building on Ninth and Howard
streets , of which the Byrne-Hammer
, Dry Goods company will soon take
possession , and the other the ware
house on Jones street , between Tenth
and Eleventh , occupied by the John
i Deere Plow Co. The former is eight
[ stories and basement in height and
. 2overs ground 132 feet square. The
site cost $40,000 and the building and
' site are worth nearly $250,000.
j The Deere building is 6G by 132
Ceet and six stories in height. These
two buildings were erected under long
j time leases. They will bring the uni
versity something over $2,000 in
monthly rentals.
! Two years ago Mr. Creighton gave
the college $200,000 worth of property -
, ty , consisting of the Arlington block ,
on Dodge street , just west of the head
quarters of the department of the
; Missouri , and the Creighton block , at
" Fifteenth and Douglas streets. The
Income from these two and the two
Included In the gift on Monday will
[ yield an Income of about $30,000 a
J year.
Mvs. Ida Young Saturates Clothes
With Gasoline and Applies Match.
After thoroughly saturating her
clothing with gasoline , Mrs. Ida
Young , aged 30 , ignited her garments
with a match and burned to death
about 10:30 Thursday morning at
Omaha. She was the wife of Harry
V. Young.
Temporary insanity is ascribed aa
the cause for the deed. After her husband -
. band had gone to his work Thursday
1 morning she attempted to commit sui
cide by turning on the gas jets in her
i room , but in her delirium conceived
i the Idea of burning herself , which was
I successfully carried out.
Gets Small Judgment.
TAy jury In the damage suit of John
H. Beery against Charles E. Nims , in
! which Mr. Beery sued Mr. Nims for
1 $2,000 because Mr. Nims hit him and
. knocked him down , brought in a ver-
! diet at Falls City for damages for Mr
I Beery in the sum of $5. This is Jusf
! heavy enough to make Mr. Nims pay
I the costs in the case , amounting to
I about $50. Mr. Beery is a preacher
I and "VIr. Nims an elder in the same
church at Humboldt.
To Oust Gas Company.
The Lincoln city council Monday
night adopted the report of a commit
tee declaring the Lincoln Gas com-
I pany without a franchise , and instructed -
; structed the city attorney to begin suit
! of ouster. The gas company is capitalized -
; talized at $3,750,000. It is owned by
I what is known as the McMillan syndicate -
, cate , of New York. H. L. Dougherty ,
| of Denver , la the president.
Loses Leg Under Cars.
A man giving the name of M. C.
Smith and claiming to come from
Dubuque , la. , had his right leg com
pletely cut off above the ankle in the
i Burlington yards at Tecumseh. He ,
> in company with two companions , had
been attempting to sell cheap jewelry
on thp streets and had been drinking
until all three were drunk.
Science Healer Dies.
Ezra M. Buzwell , one of the leading
Christian Science practitioners and
teachers of the west , died quiet sud
denly at his home in Beatrice Monday.
He suffered from dropsy and heart
failure , but declined the services of a
physician. He was a close personal
friend and student of Mary Baker Ed
dy , founder of the doctrine.
Fine Team Stolen.
A team of fine black horses , a set ol
( harness and an excellent rubber tired
buggy owned by R. Laumban were
stolen from a hitching rack in Wayne
Saturday night. At the same time a
saddle horse was taken from a horse
owned by S. E. Aucker near by , also
an overcoat and a lap robe from a
ouggy of Ray Herdue.
Elgin Boy Disappeared.
August McClintock , a farmer bov
living near Elgin , has dropped from
view , and foul play is feared. He was
ilast seen when he started home on a
horse. He never arrived. The horse
has not appeared , but was seen , it is
thought , west of Clearwater , with a
strange rider.
Threaten to Enjoin Gas Company.
The Eaton Gas company selected a
small tract of land on lower Market
street near the river bank in Beatrice
| for Its new plant. The company ex
pects to begin work at once , but residents -
, dents of that locality threaten to en
join the promoters in case they begin
operations in that part of the city.
Woman Attempts Suicide.
MKS. L. A. Kucera , living about five
miles northwest of Weston , took
.strychnine with suicidal intent , after
which she cut a gash in her neck and
also one on her wrist , but failed to
sever the artery.
Golden Wedding Celebration.
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Peckham cele
brated their golden wedding at their
Ibeautiful country home seven miles
'from Gothenburg , fully 500 relatives ,
'friends ' and neighbors being present
at the reception.
Novel Scene in the Nebraska Supreme
The court room was crowded at
Lincoln Wednesday morning when
Philip Mclntyre , a convict at the Ne
braska state penitentiary , began to
plead his own case before the supreme
court. This Is the first time in the
annals of the state that a convict has
acted as his own lawyer.
Mclntyre is now serving a three-
year sentence for cashing a forged
check for $250 at the Chadron First
National bank. The loss fell upon
Capt. Allen G. Fisher , who had In
dorsed the check at Mclntyre's re
quest. It was through Capt. Fisher's
later efforts that Mclntyre was ar
His defense before the supreme
court was eloquent , his claim being
based on the plea that he is held there ,
without due process of law , and that
the manner in which he was delivered
to the Nebraska authorities was in le
gal effect equivalent to kidnaping. He
insists that because of this irregularity
his whole imprisonment is illegal , and
declares that he will carry the case to
the supreme court of the United States
if he does not win out in the Nebraska
Make Deal With Insurance Agent and
Must Pay Notes for Policies
A life insurance agent giving his
name as H. C. Smith defrauded a num
ber of people of Rule and vicinity in
a novel manner. Representing the
Kansas City Life Insurance company ,
he went there and after trying to sell
policies in the usual manner , proposer !
to several persons that he would give
them each 20 per cent of the prem
iums paid In a radius of five miles of
their home if they would take a policv.
in each case saying that the use of the
name would be of that value to him.
As he gave written guarantee of his
offer he found no difficulty in making
such arrangements , his victims giving
notes for policies In the company , to
be paid later by the 20 per cent com
After Mr. Smith left it was found
that the notes had been sold to an
"innocent purchaser. " A letter by
one of the victims to the company
brought answer that Mr. Smith was
no longer in its service ; note ? were
sold and guarantee not binding on the
Jumps from Saloon to Death.
Pleasant Richardson , a teamsten
Monday morning plunged head first
from the top of a saloon to his death
on the sidewalk at Fremont. He is
believed to have gone Insane. He
mounted the stair steps to the rear
and climbed out on the roof , where he
{ stood thirty minutes , while a crowd
gathered. Then he jumped just as
a policeman started up to bring him
down. He died at the jail.
Dentists' Offices Robbed.
Two dentists' offices were robbed at
Fremont and three others visited. Dr.
Littlechild's office was entered by
breaking- the gloss in the door. About
$50 in gold was taken and everything
rummaged. Dr. Murphy's office was
entered , probably by means of a skele
ton key , and about the same amount
of stuff taken , besides a new coat and
an overcoat.
Bravery Medal for Grand Island Mar , .
County Clerk George Poell , of Grand
Island , who saved the life of the child
of Paul Ussary on the St. Joe and
Grand Island railroad several years
ago , received a medal from the com
mission passing upon deeds of heroIsm -
Ism , under act of congress of Feb
ruary , 1905. Accompanying the same
there was a button to be worn on the
coat lapel.
Must Face the Music.
C. H. Walker , who is charged with
securing money for stock In his fake
umbreila factory at Omaha , transfer
ring it to his wife in Sioux City and
then when the Investor demanded the
return of his money , turning him off
with a personal note which is not
worth the paper it is written on , must
stand trial In the Omaha courts.
Gasoline Explodes in Store.
A can of gasoline that accidentally
fell on the burner of a gasoline stove
in use by a demonstrator in a store at
Stockham exploded. A counter con
taining burning goods was carried Into
the street by several men , whose hands
were badly burned , but the store was
saved. The loss will be about $300.
Boy Has Skull Fractured.
Eugene Ainsworth , a 16-yearrold
son of Ira Ainsworth of Fremont , had
his skull fractured at the Standard
Sugar company's factory at Leavitt.
He was tending a machine which was
controlled by a lever , which in some
way flew back , striking him on the
Boy Gets Three Years in Pen.
For holding up and robbing Henry
Jones , a new found friend , of $18 in
South Omaha September 21 , Roy
Tracy , a 19-year-old colored boy , was
sentenced to three years in the pen
itentiary Thursday afternoon. He pro
tested his innocence to the last , but
was positively identified by Jones.
Railroad Gets New Name.
The name , "Sioux City , Homer and
Southern , " as applied to the few
miles of railroad track extending
southward from South Sioux City , is
about to pass into history. The line
has been rechristened and will be
known as the Sioux City , Crystal Lake
and Homer.
Car Shortage.
Elevator mej are complaining of
the scarcity of iars and farmers are
unable to market a part of the large
crop of York county grain due to the
fact that the elevators of this county
are loaded to the top and some have
grain left in the driveway.
Nebraska Bank is Robbed.
The Bank of Mayweed , at Mayweed ,
Frontier county , was opened with dy
namite by unidentified parties , who se
cured $4,000 of the bank's funds. Th *
robbers escaped.
The following delegates have bcetV
appointed by Gcv. MIcUey to repreA
sent Nebraska at the seventeenth annual - \
nual session of the Trami-Mississipple \
Commercial Cingrcss , which meets ir * \
Kansas City. Nov. 20. 21 , 22 and 23 : \
F. W. Judson , J. M. Guild , Mark L. \
Kelker. Omaha ; J. Clay Fox , Newport ; '
C. C. Gray. Columbus : A. C. Sullivan , .
Tecumseh ; H. H. Partling , Nebraska.
City ; W. E. Kinney. Shelby ; II. II. Cul
ver. Mllforil ; J. C. Bowen. Brown ,
Bow ; T. L. Porter , Alma ; Merl Mather , .
Aurora ; C. C. Cobb : York ; V G Ly-
ford. Falls City ; Cass Cornell , Ord ;
Adelbert Abel , 'Hebron ; V/altor Jr k-
son Valentino ; A. V. Anderson. No-
ligh ; Platte White. North Platte ; W.
E. Hardy , W. S. Whitten , H. M. Bush-
neil , Lincoln : W. J. Hissrins , Schiylor ;
C. B. Dempster. Dan Cook , Beatrice ;
J. H. Arends , Syracuse ; S. C. Oaks.
Scward ; C. B. Anderson , Crete : B ,
E. Sandrock , Geneva ; E. L. Means , .
Orleans ; C. F. Cathor. Rpd Cloud : C.
D. Marr , George Wolz. Fremont ; J. TS.
Dill , Grand Island : A. B. Van Decarr
St. PaulM. ; , D. Willert , Tekamah ;
John F. Crocker , Kearney ; W. F. Han
ris , Ogallala.
Superintendent Avery. of Pawnet
county , has written a letter to Stato-
Suprlntendent McBrion In which he-
said the wages of school teachers in
his county has been increased over
last year from 57 to $ S a month. One-
school board , which last year paid"
$30 and $35. is this year paying 550 ,
and a director said that the district :
had the best and cheapest school it
had ever had. Superintendent Avery
also said only one teacher in the coun
ty is working for the same saiary she-
roceiv d laat year. This teacher , ho-
sald , had failed to attend a summer
school and had not taken ary educa
tional course at home. lie failed to-
spaaJc of the teacher's ability , bat left
the impression she had be n dicsriml-
imted affainst because she had foiled ?
to contribute to the summer school , ,
in which are employed numerous educators
caters who otherwise would have to-
get other jobs.
* * *
The fire nemesis is still pruslng tht >
Younj ; Men's Christian association of *
Lincoln. Less than two years ago *
the Young Men's Christian association-
quarters at Thirteenth and P streets
were destroyed by fire , the association *
losing several thousand dollars In >
property beyond its insurance. A cm
voss for subscriptions netted enough *
.money to repair the quarters and also
to build a new gymnasium , which is
to serve later as a wing for an entirely"
new building" , the entire plant to cost
in the neighborhood of $80,000. Ear *
ly Monday morning : a cottage belong
ing to the association , only a few"
feet from the new gymnasium , was-
found to be ablaze and the flames had *
gained such headway that the fire
man could only chsck their spread to
ten' adjacent buildings , while the rot- \
tngc was practically gutted. The Toss-
IB estimated at $2.500 , only half of
which la covered by insurance.
* * *
There will be a number of changes'
in the blank schedules furnished as
sessors in the future. Secretary Ben
nett made up the copy for the new
schedules Monday and fourteen items-
which were on the old schedules have-
been eliminated. These are things-
which properly belong under the-
heads of merchandise or household *
goods and which , while they occu
pied room on the old blanks , seldorrr
had anything listed after them. A
number of Items have been added to
take the places of those which were
cut out. For Instance , automobiles ,
which have heretofore been listed with
bicycles , have been given a separata
line. There Is also a line for creanv
separators and one for saddles and'
* * *
The commercial interests of Lincoln-
arc looking forward with decided interest - _
terest to the fruition of the rumored'
plan of the Union Pacific railway
looking to the construction of an air"
line from Omaha to the capital city
by which the latter is to become r
main line station on the Harriman * .
system. These rumors come from ap
-arently authentic sources , the pro
-ram providing for an extension of the-
Lincoln line on to the west , tapping"
the present main line either at CentraL
City or Grand Island.
* * *
Advocates of the proposition to asR *
the legislature to construct a second"
building on the state house grounds
for the particular purpose of housing-
the supreme court , the clerk and the-
state library have encountered so *
many protests , the latter based on ob
jections to destroying the beauty an < 2'
symmetry of the surroundings , that
they have mapped out a new program.
The new plan Is to submit a proposi
tion for a new wing to the capltol on
the south side , the same to cost $200-
* *
The wholesale and retail dealers or
Lincoln have been warned that ther
are destined to encounter a. gradual'
boosting of flre Insurance rates. It-
is reported that an increase in Insur
ance rates on several large stocks of
goods In the city has been decided on
and that In one instance the increase
has been demanded.
The Lincoln city council adopted the-
report of a committee declaring the
Lincoln Gas company without a fran
chise , and instructed the city attorney-
to begin suit of ouster. The pas com
pany is capitalized at $3,750,000. It is ?
owned by what Is known as the Mc
Millan syndicate of New York. H. L .
Doherty , of Denver , is the president.
* * *
Deputy Secretary of State Fred Mil
ler has prepared the copy for the-
sample ballots to be sent out to thw
varies county clerks as a guide for
the publication of the ballots to be
used in the coming election. The bal
lot , as usual , has the names of the-
partles at the top with circles for voters -
, ers to use In voting- straight tickets.
'The ' parties appear In the following-
order : R-epublican. Democratic , Pee
ple's Independent. Prohibition Social-
list. At the head of the ballot Is thw
resolution on the " constitutional
amendment. "