gistotical Society i . . . ' ' - - - i : i ' us - ! i-i' > fc'ry.f Jrr OD A T' i UKAl , VOLUME VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY , OCTOBER 18 , 1906. NUMBER 40 v Now is the time to look over .your stoves. J f you are going to need a Furnace , a Base Burner , : V a Heater , a Kange or anything in the stove line do not fail to look up the following. It means dollars to you. We car ry a complete line of Peninsular Base Burn = ers. Heaters and Ranges , a line of stoves made upon hon or. There are scores of them in use right in your own com munity , and everyone speaks praises for the entire line. Their make up includes all the latest improvements in the stove line. In addition to the Peninsular line , we carry a few special lines in heater ? , including Coles' Original Hot Blast , .absolutely air tight and a perfect stove for all kinds of fuel. The 20th Century Laurel , a perfect stove for soft coal or slack. Has closed grate and a 20th Century fire pot which is guaranteed for five years. Also the "Master Economy " and the ' 'Retort Jewel. " Come in and see us before buying elsewhere. It won't cost you anything to look. .CO. RED . . SEE OUR NEW LINE OF Boys' CHothing Ladies Shirt Waists and Skirts NARD FOR WAGONS AND BUGGIES Third car shipped this year , arrives this week. Bargains from the Fort Sale Stove Boards lOc and up , Stove Pokers 5c and up. Hay Hooks , Chairs and Settees , Side Boards , I ; i Desks , Electric Lampsx/5 for 55c , ife With Eeservoir and Warming Closet $26.00 NBY , Wagons and Buggies Lumber and Hardware Pictures Framed to Order , TIN WARE , OILS , ETC. Lamps , Crocker } ' , Lime , Coal , Paper. EUKNITURE A\D COFFINS. Kstabllslied in Va'entiue since 1885. Licensed EinlmJim-r Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 3 , 1884. August 12. 1002 , Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) . .rs'Vs : PAID IN C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON. Cashier. NEW TIME TABLE , G.&H.W. \VFSTHOUD , . EASTHOU > 'D. 1:47A.M. .No. 5 " No. " 4:35 A.M. 9:40 A. M. No. 81 frefsllt. No. 82 " 4:00 P.M. No. 11C " 5:20 A.M. 11:4.1 P.M. Xo. 119 " ( Doesn'tcarry at the 31. K. Church Every Sunday. MORNING SEHVICES- Sunday School beg ! as at 10:00 o'clock. Preaching " 11:00 Junior League " " 2:33 p in. EVENING SERVICES Epworth League begins at 6:30 o'clock. Preaching " " 7.3) ItEV. C. E. COXXRLT , , PilStOr Talk of the Town. Money to loan on improved real estate. L. K. BPOWNELL. Coming , The Keeney Stock Com pany Opera House Oct. 22-23-24. Geo. D. Huggins of Norclen was in town a couple of days the past \veek. A five foot cement walk is beipg laid in front of G. H. Hornby's residence. Mr. Keeley spent a couple of days last week in company with T. C. , B. H. , George , Jr. , and Harvey Hornby abd Don Grant hunting grouse and ducks. . The Keeney Stock Company will play a three nights engagement commencing Monday night Oct. 22. Tiie play for MonJay night is the four act rnelo-dranm "A Jblag of Truce. " Singing and Dancing specialties between acts. W. W. Severs of Walnut Grove , Minn. , is the purchaser of Mr. Swain's farm , having traded a livery stable property on the farm by pre-arrangement should be be the highest bidder. He ex pects to move down here in the spring. B. H. Hornby and nephew , Don Grant , who have been visiting T. C. Hornby for two weeks past , will , after a few more days of hunting and fishing , return to their home in Davenport , la. , in company with Grandma Hornby who has also been here visiting. John Bachelor informs , us that he recently sold a six year old Short Horn Durham steer at Cody that weighed 2100 pounds , receiv ing therefor § 100. This whopper of a steer was raised by Mr. Bachelor here in Cherry county on sand hill grass which certainly speaks well for the sand hills. Jas. Galloway and August Erickson are putting in cement sidewalks in front of the Home Bakery and the city Meat Market and in front of Goo. H. Hornby's residence. We hoar that side walks are also to be laid around the Valentine Stace Bank as soon as the masons can get to their place. J. F. Swain's sale last Saturday was a pronounced success. About Pour hundred people were present and prices were fair and reasonable for both seller and purchaser. Mr. Swain's farm of 320 acres was put up and sold at public auction , bringing § 4500. This was the biggest auction sale of land im the county. His personal property brought § 2000 , and both Mr. Swain and wife are well' pleased with the result. They left for Walnut Grove , Minn. , Tuesday morning. G. L. Jacquins of Nbrden was in Town Tuesday and called at our office to insert a notice that he has a remedy for blackleg which he , claims to cure all cases where given in time. Mr. Jaquins has given considerable study to the cattle industry and the care of stock. He has lived in New York , Illinois , Iowa , Missouri , Kansas , Oklahoma and Nebraska. These are the principal stock stato.s , and if he has learned what stockmen want to know-they are willing to pay liberally for it. ERICAN BEAUTY CORSET W if * The Kind That Fit , I Try Them. V . .AMERICAfyBEAUTY . STYLE 103 Kala/nazoo Corset Co. Sale Makers How be Happy Though Un = Married Buy yourclothing at Hornby's. Then the girls will begin to sit up and take notice of you. Try us on Hats and Shoes too. Lat est Shapes in Patent Leather. Dan Barnes is going to sell a hundred head of thorohred Aber deen Angus cattle at Cody , Neb. , next Saturday Oct. 20 , 1906. His big sale bills have been circulated over the county quite extensively and buyers of good cattle are ex pected to be there. The prices ought to range higher than ordinary cattle. Those who are prepared to start a herd of this breed of cafctle and all who are interested in good cattle should attend this sale. JK er Crovre. Frederick C. Metzger and Miss Jennie Crowe were united in marriage at the home of the brides parents in Merriman at high noon Monday Oct. 15 , 190G , by Rev. Scamahorn of Gordon , in a beauti ful and impressive ceremony in the presence of near relatives of the bride and groom. The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crowe of Merriman and is well aij l popularly known to the teachers of Cherry Co. , having spent several years in the teaching profession and later was cashier of the Anchor Bank of Merriman. Mr. Metzger is a bright young man engaged in the live stock business in partnership with his brother M. 0. Metzger and they own a splendid ranch , well stocked with cattle and horses a few miles north -Merriraan. . Wm. A. and Albert H. Metzger of Rolf , in this county , thirty-five miles south of Merriraan , are also brothers of the groom. Many useful and valuable presents were received as mementos of the occasion. A year ago this day Miss Stella Crowe , a younger sister to the bride , was married to P. H. Young of Simeon and they were present to celebrate their wedding anniversary. The bride and groom depart this morning on their wedding tour , going to Mr. Metzger's former home in the east ern part of the state whore they will vnit relatives several weeks and then return to ( Jhprr.v county to make their home ,011 the rand ) near Merriman. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING BOOTS , SHOES'ETC. , Kf . ' * ' are in , and we invite you " to come and inspect them. ' ' PKIOES ARE , EIGHT. " . CROOKSTON , IE * MAX pigL NEBRASKA. yij DEALER IN E ERYTHIttG. what you have to sell. what you want to buy. Call and see us. Phone 23 W.-A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. FRED WHIT DEMO RE , Pres. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashie- . J. W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAH L. BRITTON , Ass't. Cashier. O-Ji 00 Valentine , Nebraska O C C P E - - < Capital Surplus S.S O rtC5 $25,000. $2,500 5T o C5 , . , , i Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the methods employed in our busine33. : : : : : : : : : : Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods ZC2C Lunch Counter. S Phone Home Bakery. I -'j FRESH FRUIT AND GAME | j SEASON.M ! | IN THEIR SEASON. First class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Salt Meats Smoke ! * Highest Market Priae Paid for Hogs. n r nk \vtjll atteinl * ! and 3t- -brought ' . . . - * . fair prices. a oaly Don't Fail to Hear Ex-Attorney General C. J. Smythe in Court House on Tuesday , Oct. S3 , at 3:00 : P , S