Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 11, 1906, Image 4

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I. M. RICE Editor and Proprietor.
MARK ZAKK 1M filial ) .
Entered at the postofiice at Valentine , Cherry county , Neon , as Second
CJaas Matter.
Subscription 81.00 per year in advance ; $1.50 when not paid in advance.
Display Advertising 1 inch single column 15c per issue or 86.00 a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue
5c per line per issue.
brands , H inches$4.00 per year in advance ; additional space 83.00 per
year ; engraved blocks extra 81.00 each.
10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears.
Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers.
What has the republican party
done that you , as a republican ,
populist or democrat can admire
it or vote for its nominees ? The
record of the past six years has
been a continued increase of taxes
and expenditures and also permit
ted higher freight rates by non-
forcement of the laws which also
has permitted corporations to com
bine in restraint of trade. Six
years ago the republicans wanted
to redeem Nebraska. From what ?
We have seen how they redeemed
Nebraska and who it was that did
the redeeming in the name of the
republican party. Then , the people
ple thought they had some rights
that even the railroads and cor
porations were bound to respect.
Through the efforts of the demo
cratic and peoples par ties our state
was becoming the center of at
traction for the advancement and
bettering the condition of the
farmers and the whole people.
Nebraska passed the most favor
able laws for the common people
and our state government was
wrenched from the monopolistic
"railroads and corporations. We
reduced that state debt and re
duced - * he taxes. We reduced
freight rates and reduced the re
publican party until the campaign
of 1900 when millions was spent
in Nebraska to redeem the state
from its friends , turniog Joe Bart-
Icy free for fear that he might dis
close some of their former methods
and robberies for which he was
made to suffer imprisonment.
What excuse can they give for
his freedom ? Have you ever heard
What did they do to their Gov
ernor Savage who was elected as
lieutenant governor and succeeded
the rascal Dietrich , who went to
the U. S. senate and came near
going to the pen ? What are they
proud oft Their record ? Hovr
did they win ? Millions of dollars
for campaigning , buying votes ,
keeping people in the state to vote ,
sending every republican home on
a pass to vote and sending pops
and democrats away on a trip at
election time. Leading populists
were led astray by such men as D.
Clem Deaver with great promises
of reward. Many populists were
led to the assistance of the repub
lican party by treachery and de
ceit. Dissensions were stirred up j
in the ranks of the populists and
they were led to believe that the
democrats were treacherous and
that they were being led by them.
Their prejudices were worked up
on and many republicans went into
the party for the sole purpose of
stirring up dissensions , animosities
and discord. They were beseiged
n one hand and ridiculed on the I
other. No wonder that some of
the weaker ones , who so loyally at
one time floated the ribbons from
their coat lapels : "stand up for
principle , * ' gave way and sanK in
dispair as soon as the republican
In Buffalo county , the home of
Norrn Brown , the republicans
have formed a coalinon with the
democrats and populists , and an
anti-Brown republic in has been
nominated for tl. < legislature.
Those republicans \ \ ho have been
party regained power. Loyalty
to principle waned and they were
ready to shout for a republican
victory. They were not loyal to
the principles which they profess
ed to stand for , and the wave of
McKinleyism and a big campaign
fund swept them off their feet never -
| er more to be trusted as good and
j faithful servants who might enter
! into the joy of their own con
science in a glorious victory over
treacherous traitors and the sinful
and shameful methods -of the re
publican party to buy , force or
steal the election of both McKinley
1 and Roosevelt.
I Had the republican party failed
in their attempt then , it is most
likely that the populists who fol
lowed D. Clem Deaver would nev
er have been cast adrift but would
have found their way back into the
' paths of principle , and it was their
giving away when they were need
ed that lost us the battle in Ne-
I The same issues are at- stake
now in principle as when they
1 went into the "middle of the road"
as they chose to callit then.
j Do you see the mistake they
made ?
The world has recorded that
, ' blunder and , as history is written ,
there will be enough good , honest
republicans to take their places in
the democratic ranks if they fail
to return to be counted on the
right side of this great question.
Stand up and be counted on the
right side , brother. If you were
I wrong then , show to the world
that you meant to be right by get
ting right now. If you- made a
mistake then , make it right this
fall by going to the polls early.
Call on your friends and brothers
who sailed away with you into a
foreign sea. Come over onto the
right side now while there is an
issue before the people ; when you
can help to do what yon once fail
ed to do. Do not vote to please'
any person or party but vote once
more that time honored principle :
j "By the People. " Vote for what
! is to your interest and that of your
posterity. Don't let some spieler
josh you into disliking the name or
'phrase ' , but vote for principle
for what concerns you. Get together -
' gether with your neighbor who
will work with you , whose inter
ests are identical with yours , and
be faithful to yourself and family
and to the principle you once so
proudly bore and waved aloft.
When hearts were loyal brave and
true :
There's yet a work for us to do ;
We may have voted wrongly when
We thought 'twas duty led us then ;
But if the power guides us right
We'll make and keen our record
In future when our way we see.
Producers should not disagree.
Their aims and objects are the same ,
Then break old ties , "What's in a
name ? "
The grand old party may not prove
To ! ) e the same. If not we'll move
To p istures green where we in ly roam
Cn Jreedoui and protect our home.
led to believe that Brown was the
proper man to send to the U. S.
senate will have a hard matter ex
plaining the extreme dissatisfac
tion which exists in Buffalo county
among the republicans who have
known Brown for many years and
who lived there as his neighbor.
David City Press.
Geo. Elliott , is the republican
nominee for state representative.
He lives in town and caters to the
trade as a soda water dispenser.
George was a county clerk several.
/ sis i
years and is considered p1/ ! \rly \ good
mixer and you think al ineeting
him that he has takeui5& 4rticular
liking to you. Perpaps for this
reason and because he has always
had a hankerin' for an office that
he was permitted to name the dele
gation to nominate him clown at
Mr. Melzger is a stockman and a
producer of wealth , instead of a
caterer. His life on the ranch is
intermingled with that of his fellowmen -
men and he is in touch with the
people who have braved the rigor of
ranch life and borne the bmnfc of
civilizing and utilizing the country.
He has not been here as a vulture
to gather in the spare change that
his neighbor has accumulated. He
Has stood shoulder to shou'der with
.the stockmen to settle and build up
this country and make it what you
now see , instead of the barren sand
hills and swamps as it was. Mr.
Metzger belongs to the class of people
ple who have paid the great hulk of
Cherry county's taxes , and has coat
the least in expense. They have
asked no favors not even thit
the county seat bs locate. ! nearer
them , and have been content to be
counted as an asset to the county
without expense.
The stockmen and farmers are
entitled to representation in our
state government. They have agreed
without partisanship upon Albert
H. Metzger for representative in
whom they have confidence and will
support him. He is capable and
will have more influence , and place
our county on a higher level than
to send some caterer to or some
soclawater dispenser down to Lin
coln to be rebuilt into a law-maker
or for the selfish purpose af assist
ing him to find a new location for
a soda water stand.
Which will you have ? A stock
man or a drug store man ? A wealth
producer or a caterer ? A stosk
raiser or a soda water dispenser ?
Albert H. Metzger or George
Elliott ?
Plattsmouth , Xebr. , Sept. 2i.
Citizens of Cass county are a good
deal amused at that part of Mr.
Sheldon's campaign for governor
in which he denounces the rail
roads for tax dodging. This is
not so much because he belongs to
the party which permitted the
railroads to dodge their taxes , as
it is due to the fact that he and
his family are recognized as tax
dodgers on a large scale them
The history of Mr. Sheldon's
tax dodging is as follows :
Something over a year and a
half ago , Sheldon's father died
without a will , leaving his six
children some 3,500 acres of land ,
mostly in Cass county , valued at
about § § 0 an acre , and a consider
able amount of personal property
as well. In other words , he left
an estate of over § 300,000. Under
the laws of this state , this property
descends to the children , and ,
under the inheritance tax law of
the state , when this estate is pro
bated and the property divided by
the court , one per cent must be
paid into the county treasurer's
office as an inheritance tax. This
would be about § 3,000 , but the
treasurer of Cass county has wait
ed in vain for this money , because
Mr. Sheldon and the other heirs
have refused to have the estate
probated. Instead of doing so ,
they have been dividing the
property among themselves by
agreement without bringing it in
to court at all ,
Under the state law , if the tax
in not paid within five years the
statute runs and outlaws it and it
cannot be collected.
The people of Cass county are
glad to have Mr. Sheldon attack
the railroads for shirking taxes ,
but they feel that when he does co
he should at least do so with clean
hands and contribute his share un
der the law to the county which
has made him rich. World-Herald
s f f y g g fxjc r ji
We have the LARGEST STOClv and the BEST STOCK of
Buggies , Surreys and
Spring Wagons
ever shown in Valentine. Call and see them whether yen
wish to purchase or not.
Do Not Forget
that we are agents for
McCormick Binders , Mowers , Bakes and
.Twine. Also ; for Dain Sweeps and
Stackers , and Moline Wagons.
We have a complete line of general
Ranch and Farm Supplies ,
including Grindstone- , Sickle Grinders , Stacker Rcpe , Machine
Oil , Builders Hardware , Paints and Oils. Screen Doors.
e 9 Posts , Barbwire
See Us for Right Goods at Right Prices
i H Ji
Mr. Shallenberger is the fusion
candidate for governor. Mr.
Sheldon is the republican candidate
for governor. Mr. Shallenberger
represented the fifth congressional
district for one term and Nebraska
never had a better congressman.
He was entitled to more credit
than any other man in congress
for the passage of the oleomarga
rine bill. That has driven the
beef trust out of its fraudulent
practices of taking lard and tallow
and manufacturing it so that it
looked like butter and selling it
for butter. As a result of it the
people get real butter now and the
farmers are getting a better price
for their butter. Scor3 that for
Shallenberger. When the irriga
tion bill came up in congress the
general disposition was to let the
state control the water within the
state. Shallenberger led the fight
against it and declared that the na
tional government must control the
waters. Many even in Nebraska
thought he was holding the move
ment back but Shallenberger was
right and even President Roosevelt
finally took his side in the contest.
If the other view had prevailed ,
Colorado could drain the South
Platte dry with irrigation works
and Nebraska would not get a
drop of water. Wyoming could
have drained the North Platte dry
and Nebraska would not have got
ten a drop of water. But as it is
now the water will be divided
equitably , and the use of these
waters will make homes for thou
sands and thousands of people and
adjl millions of dollars to the tax
able wealth of the state. Score
another for.Shallenberger.
Butsomeofthe republican news
papers that certainly know better ,
are claiming that the railroads are
favorable t o Shallenberger.
Nothing could be farther from the
truth. In this county Mr. Dick-
son is the acknowleged railroad
leader. He is whooping ifc up for
Sheldon and fake reform. Dr.
McDonald is another active rail
road heeler and he likewise is
whooping it up for Sheldon and
fake reform. Billy Coates , another
railroad stool-pigeon , is hollering
for Sheldon and fake reform.
And so it is all along the line in
this county. Hall , Weekes , Akin
and all of the other pass grabbers
are whooping it up for Sheldon
and fake reform. Every man in
Holt county who rides on a pass is
against Shallenberger. Every
railroad heeler in this county is
for Sheldon and fake reform.
That tells the story. Whether
such silly stories will be believed
in other parts of the state we don't
know , but up in Holt county we
are too wise to be fooled by the
railroad stool-pigeons and the fake
reformers. Holt Co.Independent ,
1. The abuses that the republi
can ticket promises to correct are
products of republican legislation.
2. The leaders have adopted a
reform plank , not because public
sentiment demands reform. The
democrats have been demanding re
form for years , when there were
not a hundred red cents in it. The
republicans want reform because
there are millions in it for the
bosses. One platform is honest :
the other is dishonest.
3. Xorris Brown is not a candi
date of the people. He got his
nomination by his Northwestern
backers playing possum and keep
ing in the background. He is a
fake candidate. His platform is a
fake. His logic is buncome.
Mr. Dickson , the leader in Holt
county , has always been a railroad
man. He is attorney for the North
western and he works for the men
who hire him. He was for Norris
Brown , not openly. He played
double and pulled strings that pack
ed the convention with Brown del
egates. At the county convention
Mr. Dickson , Mr. Weekes , Mr.
Coats and Mr. Gilligan all had
passes in their pockets. They put
in the anti-pass plank. They re
tired Coats and Gilligan. because
they knew their railroad records
in the state house would defeat the
party. The county platform is a
fake. The leaders know it is a
The leaders are not sincere and
their candidates can not be trusted.
They will owe their election to the
When a party is in power too
long , it becomes rich and power
ful , and attracts as leaders disrepu
table men , who use politics to be
fog voters , loot the public and fill
the private purse of bosses and
office holders.
Therefore , the Ledger rolled
over to the leser of two evils.
Stuart Ledger.
Soft , beautiful platino photos at
Barnett's studio. First four days
of each month. 3i
Sunday dinner at Donoher Ho
tel 35 cents.
You can get a case of 2i bottles
of Webb's soda for 75c , delivered
to your house. Try a case. Tel
ephone 117. 31
Closing : Sale.
Greatly reduced prices on two
new pianos. Cash or good note.
36 4 Valentine , Neb.
Excursion Bates to Denver ,
Colorado Springs and Pueblo ,
Via the North-western Line , will
| be in effect from all stations , October
13 to 16 , inclusive , with favorable
return limits , on account of Ameri
can Mining Congress. For full in
formation apply to agents Chicago
& North-western B'y. 4 36
JTjotv Rates to Buffalo. JV. F. ,
Via the North-Western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold Oct. 10 to
12 , inclusive , with favorable return
limits , on account of International
Christian Convention. Apply to
agents Chicago & North-Western
B'y. * > *
For U. S. Senator
of Grand Island.
For Governor
ot Alma.
For Lieutenant Governor
of Creighton.
For Secretary of State
of Saunders county.
For Treasurer
of Adams county.
For Auditor
of Kearney county.
For Attorney General
of Doug-las county.
For Land Commissioner
of Lancaster county.
For Supt. Public Instruction
R. fl. WATSON ,
of Valentine.
For Railway Commissioners
of Johnson county.
of Polk county.
of Fillmore county.
For Congress Sixth District
of Scotts Bluff county. <
For State Senator 14th District i
of Gordon.
For Representative 52nd District
of Merriman.
For Survevor
For Commissioner First District-
Jt * f