Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 20, 1906, Image 6

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    U " "The Valentine Democre
Valentine , Neb.
4. M. Rice. Publish !
o Persons Killed and Several Ser
ously Injured in Crash of TV.
Heavily Loaded Trolleys Polic
Stop Dispute of Surgeons.
Two persons are dead , three serlouj
ly injured , five sustained minor injui
ies and over a score received bruise
and cuts in the collision of two heavll
-loaded electric cars In San Francisc
Sunday afternoon. Following the ac
cident a clash of authority occurre
between surgeons of the United rail
xoad and the city emergency hospite
corps as to which should render ai
to the wounded and where the
should be taken. The police finall
took a hand in the matter and th
Injured were taken to the Centra
-emergency hospital.
The dead are William Pierson , boo :
cinder , and John Gelp , baker.
The seriously injured are Alber
Johnson , contractor , left foot crush
- ed , compound fracture of right leg
Arthur Johnson , right leg crushed
George Sngisch , left hip fractured
fracture of ribs and internal injuries
The accident occurred at Turk ani
Devlsadero streets , where an east
bound Ellis street car became uncon
trollable in descending the Devisa
dero street hill and crashed Into i
westbound Eddy street car as It wa
turning from Turk Into Devlsader *
street. The westbound car was pack
ed with passengers on their way t <
the beach. The Ellis street car strucl
the other car a glancing blow and tor <
off one side of it. The screams o
-women and children mingled with th <
crash of glass and timbers as tru
street car struck the other a glancing
"blow , ripping off one entire side.
Pierson "was killed on the steps
"where he was standing. Gelp was sc
fearfully crushed that he died seer
after arriving at the Central emergen
cy hospital. These two , as well as
practically all of the injured , were ir
the Eddy street car , those on the oth
er car escaping with bruises and cuts.
Goldfield Mining Camp Aroused tc
Frenzy of Indignation.
John Moriz , aged 19 , was shot to
< leath by Jack Thompson , a gambler ,
at Goldfield , Neb. , Sunday morning.
Moritz was a messenger for the tele
phone company , and had occasion to
go to a dance hall. There. It Is said ,
lie accidentally bumped into Thomp
son , who was dancing. Thompson
swore at him and threatened that he
-would fix the boy later. About 3
o'clock in the morning Moritz was
passing a saloon on his wheel , when
. Thompson drew a pistol and fired , one
-shot striking Moritz in the hip. He
fell from his wheel and Thompson de
liberately walked to the fallen boy.
leaned over him and delivered anoth
er fatal shot. Indignation is at a high
pitch , and there is talk of lynching.
KMoritz was well known. His home
. -was in St Paul.
Was Making Preparations for
Raid on United States.
The police Sunday discovered a
band of expert coiners having interna
tional connection , having fifty mem-
JT > ers , and several members of it were
( arrested , including several Latin
, 'quarter ' students , whose parents hold
[ high official positions. The students
are Implicated for having passed the
money , most of which was in ten and
'twenty-franc pieces. The process used
'was an almost perfect one , the coins
I being electroplated with gold dust.
, It is estimated. that 200,000 francs of
jthis money has been passed during
jthe past six months. The band oper-
jated also in England and Germany
land was making preparations to open
iusiness in Chicago and Buenos Ayres.
Fatal Political Feud.
Frank Jones was killed and I. C.
Jones , his father , seriously wounded
jby George Freeman at the Jones farm
Jin Oklahoma , twenty-five miles south
of Ashland. The cause of the trouble
was the elder Jones' appointment as
Democratic central , committeeman of
his township , over Freeman , who for
merly held the place. Freeman has
Strike on Oil Trust Fleet.
The oilers , firemen and deck hands
of some of the Standard Oil com
pany's fleet of fourteen tugboats at
New York struck Saturday for higher
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Saturday's quotations on the Sioux
, City live stock market follow : Butcher
steers , $4.15. Top hogs , $6.05.
Freight Wreck Burns.
Sunday afternoon an International
and Great Northern freight train from
St Louis was derailed at Price's
Switch , near Palestine Texas. One of
the cars was half filled with matches ,
which became ignited , and the flames
spread to fourteen of twenty-three of
the derailed cars.
Rob North Dakota Bo-nks.
Four robbers blew the safes hi two
at Underwood , N. D. The rob-
Four Persons Killed In Vicinity
Two violent and seemingly distir
Etorms vlsitod Johnston county , Ne
Friday afternoon , resulting in t
death of four persons , the fatal inju
of two and the painful injury of fi
The dead are O. A. Giel , aged 4
leaves wife and five children ; Augu
Seeman. aged 45 ; leaves wife and thr
children ; Roy Carmine , boy 17 ; G
Koehler , school boy of 14.
The first three were killed by ligh
ning near the town of Elk Creek ,
party of threshers were at work <
the farm of Henry Waltherswhen
rain and electric storm came up. Foi
of tlie men craw" under the thres.
Ing machine , w' Th was shattered 1
a lightning bolt and three instant
killed. Henry Walthers , Jr. , was bai
ly shocked and burned , but will pro'
ably recover.
The second storm , a tornado in vt
lence , swept over a country distri
ten miles west of Tecumseh , Neb. , d ,
molishing a school house , killing tl
Koohler boy , fatally injuring two otl
er school children , names unknow
and inflicting severe injuries on foi
others in the school house. Mai
barns and windmills were blown dow
but there have been no further repor
of deaths or injuries.
There was a very heavy fall of ral
all over the county.
The fag end of the tornado strue
the town of Nelson , killing some stoc
ind doing considerable property dan
ige , but injuring no one so far i
known. The Rock Island roundhous
was torn to pieces and heavy timbei
Trom the wreckage blown against th
tiome of Harry Follmer , demolishin
> ne side of the house. The window
) n the south side of the high scho (
juilding were blown in , causing a par
c among the school children. Barn
Mithouses and windmills were levele
ill over town.
Sffort to Have All Railways Adopt tli
Some System.
Discussing the probable method c
) roceeding under the new railroa
ate law , Interstate Commerce Com
nissioner Cockrell , . of Washingtor
aid the first effort of the commissio :
vould be to secure the adoption b ;
he various railroads of a uniforr
ystem of conducting their business
"We are , " he said , "now giving moa
> f our attention to securing the adop
Ion of a general system , believing tha
iy pursuing this course we will lightei
ur own labors and render it possibl
or the roads to materially aid us ii
arrylng the law- Into effect. "
Accused of Swindling Hundreds witl
Forged Checks.
B. Q. Bender , said to be wanted h
'Ittsburg , Cleveland , Buffalo am
lany other eastern cities on charge ;
f forgery , was arrested by the citj
olioe of Omaha , Neb. , Friday. Thfc
; said by the officers to be one of th <
lost Important arrests made in a long
Bender carried letters of introduc-
on from many prominent easterr
Ulroad men and Is said to have vic-
mlzed hundreds of people by means
E forged checks.
irl Who Killed Aged Frenchman
Plotted Against Uncle.
A St Petersburg dispatch says : The
entiflcation as Tapiana Leontieff o
ie woman who. killed an aged
renchman named Mueller at Inter-
ken , Switzerland , Sept. 1 , in mistake
r Durnovo , former Russian minis-
r of the interior , opens up the final
lapter of an interesting domance , as
lie. Leontieff is one of the nieces of
MX Trepoff , who was concerned in
e unsuccessful attempt upon the lift
her uncle In 1905.
onze Statue Is Unveiled at Colum
People from all parts of the state
ire present at the unveiling of the
0,000 bronze statue of the late Presi-
nt McKinley.
Mrs. Alice Longworth , daughter of
z president , unveiled the statue.
Justice "William R. Day , of the Unit-
States supreme court , and United
ites Senator Daniel , of Virginia ,
re the principal orators.
No Red Hat for America.
[ t Is asserted on good authority at
j Vatican at Rome that the pope has
jressed his intention to hold a con-
tory in November , when he will ap-
nt seyeral cardinals. Among these
! name of Archibshop Falconio ,
jstolic delegate at Washington , is
ntioned. It Is not believed that
T American or English are included
the intended cardinals.
Earthquakes in Chili.
According to a dispatch to La Nan -
n , of Buenos Ayres Friday from
itiago , Chili , earthquake shocks
re been experienced between Sane -
' , o and Maule. They are attributed
: he Chilian volcano , which is in full
Etliel Roosevelt in 3Iishap.
Fhile driving from Sagamore Hill
Oyster Bay Friday , Miss Ethel
jsevelt , daughter of the president ,
i thrown out of her buggy , her
so becoming : frightened at an au-
tobile. Miss Ethel was unhurt and
vo home.
Tragedy at Boat Races.
wo men were drowned in the rao-
boat races en the Hudson rivar
lay. The * ivsre Harry Ferry and
Half a Million Acres in Oklahoma
Go to Highest Bidder.
The sale of pasture in Oklahom
in which * cattlemen of the westei
country are Interested , Acting Seer
tary of the Interior Ryan said wou
prbably be consummated in Decembe
This "pasture" so called is located ;
Comanche county , Okla. , and include
480,000 acres. The land will be sol
through the sealed bid system Instea
of at public auction , under the rui <
and regulations of the interior depar
ment. Persons who purchase the :
lands must have all the qualificatior
of homestead entrymen and must , a :
ter they have been successful In blc
ding for the same , make entry of th
land purchased by them , and therea ;
ter they will be required to compl
with all of the provisions of the home
stead law before obtaining patents. A
sales and entries will be subject t
any existing lease for agricultural pui
poses which may have been heretofor
made , but entrymen whose lands ar
covered by such lease will be entitle
to all rent accruing after the sale ]
made to them.
None of said lands can be sold o
less than $5 per acre , one-fifth of th
purchase price to be paid at the tlm
the bid is made and the remainder t
be paid in four equal annual install
ments , but in case any purchaser fail
to make any annual payments whe :
due his rights to the lands covered b
his purchase and any payments there
tofore made will be forfeited and hi
entry will be cancelled.
Oudaliy Bros. Lose $400,000 ha th
The big packing plant of the Cuda
riy Brothers Packing company , a
2udahy. Wis. , six miles south of Mil
tvaukee , burned Friday evening.
Patrick Cudahy estimates that thi
.oss will reach about $400,000. Th <
? lant carries an insurance of abou
One fireman was killed and severa
Iremen are said to have been serious
y injured.
The big building In which the larc
efinery , beef house , glue works anc
tilling department are located Is t
otal loss. The fire got Into the malr
mildlng , but the flames were checked
here and the structure was saved
Che fire started In the lard depart-
nen. The cause is still unknown. The
lames spread with great rapidity anc
vere not discovered for some time , as
he workmen had gone to their homes ,
? he entire town turned out to assist In
Ighting the blaze. Long before the
iremen could get water on the flames
he fire had spread aver the entire
'Uilding ' , which is about 300 by 900
eet in dimensions and six stories high.
? he Milwaukee department sent sev-
ral pieces of apparatus.
The fire throws 500 men out of em-
loymont , but the building will be
ebuilt Immediately. The report that
fireman had been killed proved er
'eople ' of Seattle Turn Down Proposi
tion by Big Majority.
Municipal ownership of street rail-
ays , as represented in a proposal to
end the city of Seattle in the sum of
4,272,000 , of which $1,172,000 was to
e charged against the general funds
E the city and the balance to be an
idebtedness against 20 per cent of
le gross receipts of the system when
i operation , was defeated at a special
ection held in that city Wednesday ,
ut of a total of approximately 13-
)0 ) votes cast municipal ownership
.eked 935 votes of a majority. Four
recincts out of 96 have yet to be
2ard from , but the result will not be
: aterially changed by the missing
) tes.
Registration for the special election
as 23,000 , of which a triue over hall
as cast. The weather was inclement ,
it the working classes voted heavily.
It was proposed to build a great
unlcipal street railway system that
Duld parallel and extend beyond the
les of the Seattle Electric Railway
mpany , owned by Boston capitalists.
Flood in Oklahoma.
The heaviest rain in the history of
clahoma City fell Thursday. The
ecipitation in two hours were 2.76
2hes. The Atchlson , Topeka and
nta Fe railway track was washed
t between Paul's Valley , and Pur-
11 , I. T. , and trains to Texas are be-
? detoured from here via Chicka-
a , I. T.
Wants to Fight an Editor.
Gen. Llnres , who commanded the
anlsh troops at Santiago , Cuba , dur-
j the Hi-Spano-American war , irri-
ed by the attacks of the editor of
3 Espana Nueva at Madrid , has re-
ned the captain generalship of Cat-
mia and sent his seconds to the ed-
r , Senor Soriano.
EVill from Train Instantly Fatal.
Fred Egan , of Joliet , 111. , aged 28 ,
I from a Chicago and Alton train
ir Dwight Thursday and was in-
ntly killed.
Advance in Sugar Prices.
Ul soft grades of refined sugar have
; n advanced 15 cents and all hard
.des 5 to 10 cents a hundred pounds.
Jar Forty-Eight with Trachoma.
Quarantine officers at San Francis-
refused landing to forty-eight per-
s on the steamer Siberia , which
t arrived from the orient , who had
nietakable evidence of trachoma ,
theaa twenty-aoven were Japanese.
Firemen Aid Western Miner * .
'he Brotherhood of Locomotire
m n of Milwaukee at Friday's
ilon appropriated $1,600 for tha
fit of the Western Federation of
Shot in Saloon Row Charles Dugan
Norfolk Gambler , Mortally Woun
ed Another Man Killed Quarrel
Over Gambling Other News.
Ono man was instantly killed , a
othqr probably fatally wounded aj
another shot in the hip as the result
a shooting scrape in a saloon at No
folk Monday night Lee Bailey w
killed instantly and Charles Dugan
badly wounded that it is believed ]
cannot recover. Earnest Clause ,
bystander , was hit in the hip by
stray bullet.
The men had been quarreling. BE
ley had a gun and aimed it at Duga
and is said to have declared he wou
will Dugan. Dugan put his face
the gun's nose and dared Bailey
shoot. Later Dugan went for a gt
and then both i-eturned to the saloc
and firing began. Five shots were e :
changed. Bailey was shot in the lur
and fell dead. Dugan was shot in tl
stomach and was taken to his roor
where he war operated on.
A fourth person was shot throug
the sleeve , but not injured.
Charles Dugan. theman who shi
and killed Lee Bailey and who wj
himself shot through the abdome ;
died Wednesday. The coroner's jui
found that Lee Bailey was killed t
Dugah , without cause , and with mu :
derous intent.
rhought to Bo Suicide , the Result <
Domestic Trouble.
The body of a harvest hand , Jac
Foster , formerly of Lincoln , was foun
sn the Milwaukee track near Mellett *
3. D. , terribly mangled , three train
laving passed over him before he wa
It is believed he threw himself i
iront of one of the trains with suicide
ntent , the result of domestic trouble ;
: t is not known jus when he commit
: ed the deed.
About three months ago he separat
; d from his wife after a quarrel , th
esult of long disagreement. Sine
hen brooding seemed to drive him ou
> f his head.
City Held for Flood Damage.
An Important damage suit was
iy former City Engineer Ed McClur
: gainst the city of Broken Bow In dis
rict court. During the recent heav ;
ains McClure's mill was seriousl :
iamaged by the flood. He proved ti
he jury's satisfaction that this couh
lave been avoided had the city put ii
iroper drainage when he previous ! ;
/arned them. McClure was givei
1,100 damages.
A New Tire Protector ,
'he Sliama Tire Protector companj
f Humboldt has turned out the firsi
lachlne-made tire guard for automo-
iles and had the same on exhibitior
t Lincoln during the state fair. The
ictory will soon be in active opera-
ion and the guards will be turned oul
s rapidly as possible. The demand
remises to be quite heavy as the at-
ichment seems quite practical and
as stood very severe tests.
An Overdose of Cocaine.
Mrs. Clarkson , a negro woman ,
bout 30 years of age , who has been
ving with her sister , Millie Hawkins ,
i the south part of Falls City , took an
verdose of Cocaine late Saturday
ight and died from the effects of the
rug Sunday morning. She was an
abitual user of cocaine , so it is
lought she took it this time with the
itention of committing suicide.
Murdered by His Sons.
Isaac Williams , a wealthy farmer
ving eight miles north of Auburn ,
as Thursday shot and killed by his
vo sons , Clarence and Charles , aged
( spectively 23 and 21 years. They
id quarreled over money matters
id the sons claim their father attack-
l them with a pitchfork and they
lot in self-defense. They are in jail.
Woman Steps Off Moving Train.
Mrs. Nancy Cozad , 68 years old ,
epped off the eastbound train as it
is aprpoachlng Beaver City and the
heels of the rear coach passed over
> r right ankle , crushing "the bones
id amputation was necessary. Mrs.
> zad went to the platform when the
nductor announced the station and
2pped off the car.
Child Scalded to Death.
The 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. Wade , of Allen , was scalded to
ath. The mother having filled the
isher half full of boiling water , went
ck into the house to look after the
we. It is supposed the child in try-
j to get upon the washer slipped
d knocked the plug out , allowing
s hot water to flow over him.
Omaha Man Killed by the
While trying to board a moving
ssouri Pacific freight train at Stella ,
nmett Brisley , aged 25 years , was
n over and died from the injuries.
s legs were both cut off , one arm at
j shoulder , and there were other see -
e injuries. The young man's fath-
llves in Omaha.
David City Man Disappears.
E. Carson , who came to David City
ly in the spring , as a painter , and
s a good one , and worked up a nice
siness , keeping three or four men
? y most of the time , came up miss-
; last week , leaving no word where
was going.
Must Face the Music.
2. H. Walker , who is charged with
uring money for stock in his fake
brella factory at Omaha , transfer-
g it to his wifp in Sioux City ancT
n when the investor demanded the
arn or his money , turning him ofr
h a personal note which ia not
rth the paper it ia written on , must
ad trial in the Omaha courts.
Slight Frost at Brohes Bow.
L slight frost prevailed In th eoun-
around Broken Bow Thursday
tit. Little damage Tras doao
State Board Accepts Building for
Norfolk Asylum.
The new cottage at the Nebra
state insane hospital at Norfolk
been complete * ! and accepted by
state board of public lands and bui
Ings , who were in Norfolk Thursd
The board express themselves as v
much pleased with the now build
and say that it is the best cottage
the ground.
The capacity of the other three c
atges of the hospital is 150 , but . '
are now being taken care of , show
that added room is much need
There are 69 rooms In the building
new feature , unknown to any other
sane hospital , is an out of doors per
enclosed , for winter use. This poi
is on all three floors and will give <
ercise and air to the patients all w
ter long.
Officer Discovers Hole Dug Par
Through the Wall.
Another attempt to break Jail f
been made by George Gage , who
confined at Broken Bow on the chai
of horse stealing. Owing to the lai
cage of the jail being full of m
awaiting trial Gage was placed in t
lunatic cell. Jailer Lowsley on ent <
ing noticed the bedding huddled s\
piciously in a corner. Pulling it asi
a large hole was discovered drill
half way through the brick wall. T
work had been done with an old poc
ot knife. Although Gage denied ha
ing anything to do with it he was
curely shackled and linked to the st (
bars of the cell. It Is alleged th
Gage escaped from the reform scho
where he was sentenced for a term.
rhrough Train Crashes Into O :
Loaded with Grain.
A flagman , mistaking orders , sent
through freight Into the rear of
? rain freight at Crete Sunday afte
loon. Several cars flJled with gra
vere broken open and the conten
strewn along the track. Traffic rw
lelayed for several hours.
The brakeman on the grain tra
rvas slightly injured. The engine m <
m the fast freight saved themselv
) y jumping. This is said to bo one
he most expensive wrecks ever o
: urring on this division of the Bu
Serving Time a Habit.
Tom Etherlngton , who says he hs
erved so many sentences for petit la
: eny that he < * annot remember the
lumber , was Aven thirty days in it
: ounty jail Wednesday for embe :
ling $10 from Miss Major , of Fr <
nont. He had not been in jail fc
everai months and got a Job as a hac
[ river. The woman handed him tli
ill , but instead of handing her bac
9.75 in change , he jumped on h
lack and skipped out to Omahi
rhere he was arrested and brougJ
ack to Fremont. As usual he pleac
d guilty.
Auction of Lots at Fremont.
An auction sale of lots In the
[ all & Lee's addition to Fremont wa
eld on the premises near the nei
ound house Tuesday afternoon. Ther
'as a good crowd out and on some o
le most desirable lots the biddin
as spirited. The streets in the addl
on have been graded and over
lile of four-foot cement walk laid o :
ie principal streets. Many of the lot
ere sold for building purposes , am
3 there is a good demand for house
ear the round house quite a buildini
oem Is expected down there this fall
State Must Not Interfere.
The state game and fish laws an
at binding on military reservations
hief Game Warden Carter has a let
: r from Secretary of War Taft , stat
ig that he must not interfere witl
unting on the Fort Niobrara reserva
on. Recently the warden's deputie ;
ere escorted off the reservation by i
[ uad of soldiers and the warden ap.
jaled to the war department
Burglars at Tekamah.
The Merchants and Brooklngs ho
ls at Tekamal were robbed at aboui
o'clock Tuesday morning. A dia-
end scarf pin valued at $1,000 , a few
atches and about $50 was taker
onipthe Merchants hotel. A fe w
atches , about $40 in cash and small-
articles were taken from the Brook-
gs. There is no clew.
Fall from Roof Is FataL
Joseph Krumenacher , of Fremont ,
is killed by falling off a roof at the
rn of Herman Lange , about four
lies from Scribner , Monday after-
> on. He was putting up lightning
ds when he slipped , sliding down the
of , and fell to the ground , striking
avily on his head and shoulders.
: ath was almost instant.
Held for Robbing lowan.
C. V. Storz , charged with robbing
: arles Sheldon , of Stuart , la. , during
B race meeting held at Beatrice in
ly , furnished bond in the sum of
,000 , and was released until the first
y of the fall term of the district
urt. He has been in the county jail
, ce his arrest.
Safe Crackers Get Money.
Tacob Klein , Twenty-sixth and N
eets , South Omaha , was loser by
out $550 in cash and checks Monday
rht from the robbery of his safe ,
rglars entered his wholesale liquor
use through the rear door , tipped
? r the safe and broke a hole through
> bottom with chisels.
David City's New Hospital.
[ "he new hospital that is about to be
: it at David City is to be built of ar-
2ial stone manufactured in that
' . The building is to be 30x46 , with
htDen rooms in all. The operating
m is on the second floor.
New Opera House for McCook.
.IcCook's $20,000 opera house is
t approaching completion. It will
t 1,200 people and will have stage
ommodations equal to any ecier-
cy the equal of the larger cities in
t and equipment. It will rank wit *
best and largest in the stats.
Dr. Peabedy D ad.
> r. James H. Peabody , one of the
est and best known physicians In
aha , Is dead as tha result of an
ration. Dr. Paabodywas born Iv
shlngton , D. C. , Jl&rch 7 , 1833.
i An Inquiry is being made Into
expenditures of the state unlversltyj.
1 evidently with a view to the introduc--
tlon of a bill In the next legislature ,
to reduce the 1 mill tax that es to-
the support of the university. This-
levy has been Increasing from year to-
year owing to the increase in the as
sessed valuation of all property of th
state. In 1903 the assessed value of
the state , on which the 1 mill levy wa *
based , wag $188,458,379 ; in 1904 , .
$294,779,244 ; in 1905 , 5304,000,000 ;
in 1906 , $313,000,000. The levy produced - -
duced in 1903 , $188,458 ; In 1904 ; .
$294.779 ; in 1905. $304,000 : In 1906 it :
will produce $313,000. At .the close of
the blennlum. in November , 1904 , a.
total of $600,000 had been expended
by the university from a total of
$874.500 appropriated by the legisla
ture for the university for all pur
poses. Including $231.491 spent foip
salaries and nearly $100,000 for build
ings. An appropriation of $35,000 forr
a building was not expended owing to
the failure of the regents to secure-
plans and begin work in time. Tha *
friends of the university will oppose a
reduction of the 1 mill levy on ths-
ground that all of the money appro
priated by the legislature Is need and ; *
that if the university is to retain its *
place in the educational world it must
be liberally supported. It is said that :
during the last five years Missouri * .
Iowa , Minnesota and Illinois univer
sities have been taking some of Ne
braska's best talent by paying higher-
wages. The pay roll of Wisconsin irji
1904 was $323,527. of Michigan $421 , .
442 , of Nebraska , $193,937.
* * *
Because of his refusal on July 2B
to draw a warrant for $78.50 on a
$5,000 appropriation from the federal1
government to the University of Ne
braska Agricultural college , State'
Auditor E. M. Sarles has been made ?
defendant in a mandamus suit before-
the supreme court for the purpose ol"
compelling him to do so. The action *
is brought In the name of the Spencer-
Lens company , a firm dealing In opti
cal instruments , which holds a claim *
for apparatus sold to the agricultural *
school , but it Is in reality backed by
the university board of regents , whicrr
desires to have the 35,000 placed at its
disposal for the current expenses ol"
the branch institution. The university-
people maintain that the act of con
gress appropriating the money was & >
lirect donation to the agricultural ex
periment station and as such the unl
/erslty authorities have a right to use ?
t regardless of any action by the state-
egislature. As the congressional act-
provides that it must be paid out for-
ixpenses Incurred prior to June 30 oi"
: his year , they are extremely desirous
> f getting the money now.
* *
Hattie E : Seagren , of Holdrege ,
aundry girl who charged Dr. D. -
Palmer with criminal practices , has-1
lisappeared. She first testified against-
he physician and later filed an affi-
lavit denying the truth of her flrsjc
tatement. The state board of healthr-
vhich had recommended that Dr.-
almer's license be revoked , still has-
he case under consideration. An affi--
lavit filed by another person Inti--
nates that the girl in the case was--
mproperly influenced when she re-
racted her accusation. John Wyatt-
mployed in a laundry , who originally-
estlfied in a way to corroborate tha
harges against the physician , later-
led an affidavit denying his state-
lent. He has now filed an affidavit *
lying that he was paid $10 by the de--
jnse to contradict his first statement-
* * *
Within three hours from th * > time ,
lat C. A. Davis , of Friend lost ? 4,20aa
i cash and drafts at the state fair
rounds , supposedly from the opera-
ons of a pickpocket , all but $50 oi'
mt sum was delivered back to him'
irough the agency of the exposition *
lanagement. The envelope which'
> ntained the money was found on slate - >
late in one of the exhibits at horti-
iltural hall , where someone ha < J
( aced It under an apple to keep item -
om blowing away. Fifty dollars In *
reenbacks that the envelope had con-
.Ined was missing , but the remaining"
intents were Intact. The finder of
IB envelope took it to headquarters
here Davis had previously reported ; *
s loss , and it was promptly returned"
Auditor Searle has looked up the *
w in regard to fees for county cor-
lers and finds that they are entitled
no more than $10 for acting in cases-
accidental death , murder or suicidey.
lich come before them. The coroner-
Douglas county wrote to the aud-
> r relative to this point , stating that *
5 was formerly allowed there In ev-
y case , but that the county auditoi'
.d cut it down this year to $10 The'
iter of the letter thought that a ,
stake might have been made in-
inting the law as it appears In the
itute books governing the
Jon of coroners. Auditor Searle
wever , has detected no error , and , .
far as he can learn , $10 has always *
en the legal fee applying to alj *
anties of the state.
* * *
Examiner A. E. Ward , a member or
2 state examining committee fur *
inty certificates , of the state super-
endent's office , has handed Superin-
dent McBrlen his
resignation '
as a'-
mber of the said committee to act -
t the chairmanship of the congrcs-
nal committee of the Third dfctric-
; duties on the state examining
nmittee will be assumed by
na Howland , who has served a
of the committee.
state board of educational lands *
I funds bought $25,000 of Massa-
isetts state bonds at a rate to net
state 3.42 per cent interest The
chase was not made in pursuance
ver a Httlo private purchase
> d upon after State Treasurer
m reported that the mone
r was on hand. State Tre
tensen. said
. th
oed one and
majority of
rd accepted it