Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 20, 1906, Image 3

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Persian Cntii Pnnr.
Pttoeoe was the 4-year-old daughter
of a missionary to Persia , born In that
land of Oriental ease snd hospitality ;
her little mind was Imbued with
Ideas of mutual compliment and
lier little tongue so given to graces pf
speech that her New England grand
mother had many a shock.
The morning after the little girl ar
rived at the grandmother's home the
eld lady was brushing out Phoebe's
S !
curls , grating over her after the fashIon -
Ion of grandmothers.
"My little phoebe-bird ! ' she said over
and over again.
"Why do you call me phoebe-bird ? "
aeked the child at last
"Here in America we have a bird
that says 'Plncbe ! phoebe ! ' " explained
her grandmother.
The child smiled , and her mother ,
standing by , knew what was passing
In Phoebe's mind. Not so the grand
mother , who finished her task reluc
tantly at last , and then stooped down
for a kiss.
"In Persia , " said Phoebe , in her most
caressing tone , "we have one old cat ,
who say 'Dranma ! dranma ! ' "
A small boy's idea of greatness Is to
* be able to lick another boy a size larger.
\ \ \ \
I 9
Little Liver Pi
Must Bear Signature of
See FaoSlmllo Wrapper Below.
"Very small and as cosy
i talto as sugar.
* 3.5O & ® 3.OO Shoes
cannotba equalled atany price
To Shoe Dealert :
W. L. JXwglos' Job-
blng House is the most
complete In this country
Send for Catalog
Men's Sioea. $5 to $1.6O. Bpr SU.OCSs , S3
to $1.60. Women's Shoe . $4.OO to 81.0O.
MLss tt' & Children's Shoes. $2.26 to $1.OO.
fry TV" . I * Douglas "Women's. DUSBCS and
Children's shooa ; for style , fit and wear
they excel other makes.
If I couldf take you Into my large
factories at Brockton , Mass.and show
you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes
ere made , you would then understand
-why they hold their shape , fit better ,
vear longer , and are of greater value
than any other make.
Wherever you live , you con obtain W. l-
Douclas shoes. His name end price J * fltnmpea
on the bottom , which protects you affalnst high
orices and Inferior shoe * . Take no subtil *
totte. Ask your dealer for W. L. Douglas shoes
nd Insist upon having them.
fast Color Eyelets used ; they will not uear brassy.
Write for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles.
/ W L. DOUGLAS , Depf. 14 , Brockton. Masg.
all inflamed , ulcerated and catarrhal con
ditions of the mucous membrane such as
nasal catarrh , uteri ne catarrh caused
by feminine ills , sore throat , sore
mouth or inflamed eyes by simply
dosing the stomach.
But you surely can cure these stubborn
affections by local treatment with
Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic
which destroys the disease germschecks
discharges , stops pain , and heab the
Miflammation and soreness.
qpiajcthie represents the most successful
Jocal treatment for feminine ills ever
Thousands of women testify
t& this fact. 50 cents at druggists.
for Free Trial Box
g. PAXTON CO. , B 640R , M * .
Crested White Duck * .
Bulletin No. G-i of the Department
of Agriculture says of the Crested
White duck : \ j
Tie Crested White duck Is vrKat may
be called an ornamental duck , much , the
same as Polish chickens. They are
not bred to any great extent In this
country , and they are very seldom seen
In the showrooms. They have uo es-1
pecial value to the farmer , as better
and more easily bred birds are to be
found In the Pekln and Aylesbury.
These ducks have a medium-sized
head ; medium-sized bill , a large , well-
balanced crest upon the crown of the
head ; a rather long neck ; a medium-
length back ; breast , round and full ;
body , round and of medium length ;
medium-length wings that smoothly
fold ; hard , stiff tall feathers , with
well-curled feathers In the tail of
drake ; and short and stout thighs and
shanks. Their eyes are large and bright
and of a deep leaden blue or gray color.
The shanks , toes and webs are of a
light orange color.
I- - - " " * * ' i.
The standard weight of the .adult
drake is seven pounds ; adult duck , six
pounds ; young drake , six pounds , and
young duck , five pounds.
A Splendid Wheat Crop.
The annual crop and business report
of the Commercial National Bank of
( Chicago , covering -Mississippi VaJ-
ley , and a few of the more important
States of the Pacific coast , says , In
part :
"Thewheat crop of 1900 will be
among the largest and best ever pro
duced. The yield not only will be
great , but the weight and quality will
ibe far beyond the ordinary. In these
respects it may be considered nearly
perfect The period of uncertainty is
closing rapidly and the crop may now
be called practically out of danger. yield of soft winter wheat Is large ,
quality the finest and movement free.
Inasmuch as this movement has begun
early and all grains are now nearly or
quite on an export basis ( with the ten
dency of prices downward ) , a largo ex
port business may be expected. "
The Farm Toolhousc.
No building on the farm pays hotter
than a good toolhouse. It should 'be so
convenient of access that there need be
no excuse for leaving farm Implements
exposed .to the weather when not In
use. Properly cared for , many Imple
ments that now last only a few years
ought to be serviceable as long as th
farmer liyes to need them. Besides , ;
tool that has not been rusted , warped
iand cracked by exposure will work as
rev-ell the second and third year of use
as the first On many farms the tools
are so much injured by 'being left out
of doors that after the first season they
< st more for repairs than they save
In Jabor.
, Marketing- Farm Produce.
A small farmer 'who has made a euc-
icess of marketing his produce gives
sound and ingenious advice In a recent
magazine. His preliminary work sug
gests Hannah Glasse's famous preface
to her Instructions for cooking hare
. "First find a lady customer , " Is his ad-
Tice. To her sell nothing but the
'choicest ' of fruit and produce. It will
not be long before she will acquaint
her friends , and they in turn will pass
Along the word to others. It pays to
jsell nothing but the best ; the Inferior
iproduce can be fed to stock , and in a
Bhort time the farmer will find be has
a good market and a good price , with
no leakage of profit to the middleman.
I raise five crops instead of one on
the same ground , and on the same vines
with hardly any extra work. Plant in
the usual way. When a cucumber is
taken from the vine let It be cut with a
knife , leaving about an eighth of an
inch of the cucumber on the stem. Then
slit the stem with a knife from its end
to the vine twice , leaving a small portion
tion of the cucumber on each division'
On each separate slit there will be a
cucumber as large as the first By this
method you will only need one-fifth the
ground that you would need if grow
ing cucumbers in the old way. Walter
Strosnider in Epitomist
Soot and Smoke Kill Cattle.
What was at first thought to have
been a contagious disease among cows
belonging to Allanson Hallcock , of
Washingtonville , n ar Mlddleton , X y. ,
bne been discovered to bo the reeutt of
too much smok and soot Eight cattle
lied and post-mortoni
save shown larg * quantities f
: helr stomachs. Near the piaro
Jit cows were fpartaroft a ku-f * etwkm
shovel has been operating and clouds
of smoke from the engine settled upon
the wet grass upon which the animals
Proflta of Middlemen.
Consumers of fruits and vegetables
In large cities are charged high prices
&y the hucksters and grocers. In Chicago
cage peaches are selling retail for thir
ty-five or forty cents for a small basket
containing about twenty to twenty-five
peaches ; other fruits and vegetables iu
proportion. It would be interesting to
farmers to know just how much of this
is booked as profits. Farmers get no
such prices ; In fact they are lucky if
they get one-third of the prices now
prevailing In Chicago. Either some
class of handlers is making exorbitant
profits or there Is an unnecessary ex
pense attached to the business of dis
tribution. It costs money to handle
produce. It requires storage , horses
and men , and none of these things are
cheap in the city , but there Is no good
reason why the consumer should pay
three hundred per cent profit on what
the fanners sell. Farm , Field and
Tnc RolVber Cow.
Two cows cost $40 each a year for
keep. One of them yields 4.000 quarts
of milk a year , that bring $ SG. The
other yields 1,200 quarts , that bring
$20. The latter loses about $14 and
reduces the gain ou the former from
$40 to $32. Why do you keep that 1,200-
quartcow ? You-would be better off with
the one that clears $40 , for you would
have only half the investment , half the
work and half the feeding , and you
would gain $14 each year.
There would be no surplus butter on
the market for years to come and
prices would rule strong if all the
cows were eliminated which are kept
at a loss. Dairy farmers have not yet
half waked up to an understanding of
the great practical knportance of weedIng -
Ing out the unprofitable cows from their
herds. Many a man would make a fair
profit , that now faces constant loss , if
he would keep only such cows as pay
a profit on their keep.
Heavy Horses.
The weight of a horse is an Import
ant Item in estimating his value for
draft purposes , for the fine-boned horse ,
with well-developed muscles , may do as
much work as the heavy-boned one for
a short time , and is even better for road
purpose. But in plowing , or other
heavy , steady drawing , the light horse-
Is less useful. Then , in price , the
weight Is an Important item. If a good
horse weiglis over 2,000 pounds he may
possibly sell for as much as $1 per
pound , and from 1,800 to 2,000 pounds ,
for less , the price rapidly declining ,
1,200 to 1,500 pound horses selling at
from 10 to 30 cents per pound , though
it Is considerably more than any other
grade of stock on the farm will bring
If the norses are well bred.
"Water deeded by Corn.
Much interest has lately been mani
fested In determining the exact amount
of water required for the growth of
plants. This Is just a Important In
the east as in the Irrigated region , for
we often have droughts which made
necessary the most careful cultivation
to prevent plants from suffering. Pro
fessor Clothier has found that after
corn1 becomes two feet high each stalk
uses up three pounds of water a day
until'the ears mature. This is equiva
lent to an inch of rain a week. In
regions where the average rainfall is
lower , and where a good , milky quality ,
of sweet corn Is desired In the garden
during August and September , it Is ob
viously necessary to have the soil In.
the most perfect state of cultivation seas
as to retain as much moisture as is
Hogr-Rlnglngr Trap.
The frame for this hog-ringing trap ,
should be made of 2x4-Inch lumber
bolted together at corners. The dlmen-
sions are 4 feet 2 Inches long , 2 feet 4i
inches high and 1 foot 6 Inches wide.
There is a sliding door at the back end.
When the hog puts his head through
the hole in front , jam the lever against
his neck.
Fattening : Stock.
Weight is the main object of the
farmer in fattening stock for market ,
and this weight is easiest obtained by
feeding corn in order to produce fat
Farmers have long been taught by ex
perience that fat Is a desirable quality ,
and that it adds to the attractiveness
of a carcass on the stall. It has been
demonstrated at the experiment sta
tions , however , that the -weight can be
secured at less cost , -with a greater proportion - ,
portion of lean interspersed with the
Cat , by feeding a nitrogenous rationn
tv hich means that , In addition .to a Mb-
; ral supply of corn , an animal should- ,
receive a variety of food that is not so
> ich in oil , starch and sugar as la corn.
EhSs fact -worthy of consideration.
UOTT About ItT
The carries * apple
He * ben born ,
Bat who wald ask
For eobteai corn ?
-New York < Snn.
What Ails You ?
Do you Icel weak , tired , despondent ,
have frequent headaches , coated tongue ,
bitten or bad taste la morning , "heart
burn , " bokuing of gas , aoid risings in
throat after eating , stomach gna-w cr
burn , foul breath , dizzy spells , poor or
variable appetite , nausea at times and
kindred symptoms ?
If yoQSi ve any considerable number of
you are suffering
liver with indl-
Jjr-gjcrcgls Golden
Tjj covqrv fnacu up jf the most
J.i esJtnown to
ceifqrLthe ermAnejitcurcol
_ It is a most
efficient liver Invlgorator , stomach tonic ,
bowel regulator and nerve strengthened
Tha "Goldon Medical Discovery " Is not
a patent medicine or secret nostrum , a
full list of its ingredients being printed
on its bottle-wrapper and attested .under
oath. A glance at its.formula will show
that it contains no alcohol , or harmful
habit-forming drugs. It Is a fluid extract
made with purs , triple-refined glycerine ,
of proper strength , from the roots of the
following native American forest plants ,
Viz , , Golden Seal root , Stone root , Black
Cherrybark , Queen's root , Bloodroot , and
Mandrake root.
The following loading medical authorities ,
amonsr bast of others , extol the foregoing
roots toy the cure of Just such aiknents as the
above symptoms indicate : Prof.R. Bartholow ,
M , D. . of Jefferson Med. College. Phlla. : Prof.
H. C. Wood , 1L D. . of-Univ.of Pa. : Prof.Edwin
M. Haw. M. I ) , , of Hahnemann Med. Collcue.
Chipper Prof , John Klne , M. D. . Author of
Aniericaa. Dispensatory : Prof. Jno. M. Scud-
der. M. D. , Author of Specific Medicines : Prof ,
liourenco Job'nson , M. D. . Mod. Dept. Univ. of
N. Y. ; Prof. Finley Elllngwood. M. D. , Author
of Malaria Medica and Prof , in Bennett Medi
cal CoUoffo. Chlcasro. Send name and address -
dross QoPostal Card to Dr. TL V. Pierce. Buf
falo. JS , Y. . and receive free booklet giving
extracU from writings o.f all the above medi
cal Huttiora and many others endorsing , in the
stroaseat possible terms , each and every in-
eredidat ot which "Golden Medical Discov
ery " Is GQtnjjQsed.
Dr. JPterco's Pleasant Pellets retrulato and
lnvlaoalo ; stomach , liver and bowels. They
may bo ttsad ha conjunction with "Golden
Medical Discovery " If bowels are much con-
Etlp&tGO , 5)Eey'ro ) tiny and sugar-coated.
So Is Also a Printer.
The versatility of printers is aptly
Illustrated by the following advertise
ment which recently appeared in a
Western paper :
Wanted By a printer who Is capa
ble of taking charge of a publishing
and printing plant a position as fore
man Can give valuable advice to per
sons , contemplating marriage , and has
obtained a wide reputation as a
trance medium. Would accept an'ap
pointment as pastor of a small evan
gelical church or as substitute preach
er. Has had experience as strike
breaker and would take work of this
character west of the Missouri River.
Would have no objection to forming a
small but select class of young ladles
to teach them In the higher branches
or to give them information as to the
cause of the Trojan war. Can do odd
Jobs around a boarding house or would
accept a position as assayist of a min
ing company. To a dentist or a chiropo
dist his services would be invaluable ,
and can fill with satisfaction a posi
tion as bass or tenor singer in a Meth
odist choir. Address , etc.
What the result of this advertise
ment was I did not learn. Lippin-
With. Irritating Skin Humor Hair
Began , to Tall Out Wonderful Be-
sult from Cuticura Remedies.
"About the latter part of July my
whole body began to itch. I did not
take much notice of it at first , but it
began to get worse all the time , and
then I began to get uneasy and tried
all kinds of baths and other remedies
that were recommended for skin hu
mors.but I became worse all the time.
My hair began to fall out and my scalp
itched all the time. Especially at
night , Just as soon as I would get in
bed and get warm , my whole body
would begin to itch , and my finger
nails would keep it irritated , and It
wa $ not long before I could not rest
nigfit oe day. A friend asked me to
try tiie Cuticura Remedies , and I did ,
and the first application helped me
wondenfully. For about four weeks I
would take a hot bath every night and
then apply the Cuticura Ointment to
my whole body ; and I kept getting bet
ter , ana by the time I used four boxes
of Cuticura I was entirely cured , and
my hair stopped falling out. D. E.
BlankeojBhip , 319 N. Del. St , Indianap
olis , Ind. Oct 27 , 1905. "
Here ftre a few helpful don'ts for a
man who doesn't know anything about
It :
Doa't bo reckless especially In your
lying ,
Don * * glye to the Lord and then go
out and rob \3dow. } .
Doa't acquire the borrowing habit ,
or tha day will come when you will
run ou * ot friends.
Don > t marry an indolent man expect
ing him to brace up , or you may have
to take in washing to pay for the
Don't be so mean-minded that you
can sea no good in a man. He may
be tha first to loan you money in time
of need
Don't spread butter on both sides of
rour bread Just because you have $3 in
Four pockets. An earthquake may come
along and shake the change out of
them. Denver News.
. Adam Zawfox Have yon named the
new babj at your house ?
JobSturky ( with a resentful sniff )
Yea ; but we haven't found a name for his
twin sister yet.
Tha first central station for incandes-
xml lighting was built by the Edison
xwnpaoy ou Holborn viaduct , London ,
n 188 %
Claim United Slates Laws Give Lit *
tie Protection to Inventor *
"I happened to be chatting with
Thomas A. Edison , in his laboratory
at Orange , New Jersey , one uight while
he was w-orking on his most recent
creation the intensified dynamo , "
says a writer in Success Magazine ,
"and heard him discuss thoroughly the
injustice that is done inventors in the
United States. 'This very day , ' he
said , 'several of my well known pat
ents expire , and become the property
of posterity , which means Tom , Dick ,
and Harry. The government professes
to protect thp inventor for seventeen
years , and after that time his crea
tion is no longer his own. But , as a
matter of fact , the government does
no such thing. It lets any poacher
run in and bring suit , or .apply for an
injunction , disputing the inventor's
patent , already granted by the patent
office , and in all the courts , pending
the iong-drawn-out litigation which
follows , the other fellow is permitted
to go on manufacturing and selling the
thing he claims to have Invented before
the real inventor made it.
" 'Do you see that little lamp there ? '
asked Mr. Edison , as he arose , full-
length , in his ragged old linen duster
of the workshop , and he pointed with
his pencil to an ordinary Incandescent
electric light beaming brightly over a
draftsman's table. 'It was my inven
tion , known as a primary invention ,
because I took two things , a piece of
metal and electricity , and made a
third thing out of them light. Now ,
I fought fourteen years in the courts
for that little lamp , because a.French
man bobbed up and claimed it after I
had secured the patent. During all
this litigation I had no protection what
ever , and when I won my rights , after
fourteen years , there were but three
years of the allotted seventeen left for
my patent to live. It has now become
the property of anybody and every
body. There is no protection given an
inventor by the courts or the patent
department. ' "
The Ambidextrous Society of England
devotes itself to encouraging people to
use both hands with equal facility.
"Worn Down by Five Year * of Snf-
ferinB : from Kidney Complaint.
Mrs. Romethe Myers , of 1GO South
Tenth St. , Ironton , Ohio , says : "I have
worked hard in my time and have been
exposed ajraln and
again to' changes of
weather. It Is no
wonder my kidneys
gave out and I went
all to pieces at hist.
For five years I was
fading away and final
ly so weak that for
six mouths I could net
get out of the house. I was nervous ,
restless and sleepless at night , and laiw
and sore in the morning. Sometimes
everything would whirl and blur Before
me. I bloated so badly I could not
wear tight clothing , and had to put on
shoes tw.o sizes larger than usual. The
urine was disordered and passages were
dreadfully frequent. I got help from
the first box of Doan's Kidney Pills ,
however , and by the time I had taken
four boxes the pain and bloating was
gone. I have been in good health ever
since. "
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foater-Milbuni Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
A Colnborer In the Great "Wort * .
"What's all this racket about ? " de
manded the policeman , who had heard
sounds indicating a disturbance while
passing the building , and deemed it his
duty to investigate.
A meek , crestfallen man was sitting
on the floor in a corner of the room , amid
an array of overturned chairs and miscel
laneous furniture , while over him stood a
resolute , red faced woman , who turned
and faced the officer.
"I am engaged in the work of uplift
ing a husband , sir , " she said. "There is
uo occasion for your interfering. * *
Jtak Yonr Dealer for Allen's Foot-Ease
A powder to shake Into your sboes. It rests
the feet. Cure-J Corns , Bunions , Swollen.
Sore , Hot , Callous , Aching , Sweating feet
and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Foot-Ease
makes new or tight shoes easy. Sold by all
Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample
mailed FREE. Address Allen 8. Oltnsted ,
Le Roy , N. Y.
Helping : Ont.
With an exclamation of delight the
hardened tourist rushed out on the bag
gage platform and started to smash his
trunk with an ax.
"Hold on ! " shouted the baggage man.
"Are you crazy ? "
"Not at all , " replied the hardened
tourist as he continued to smash. "I
read that baggagemen were overworked
at this season , so I thought I would
smash my own trunk and save you the
trouble. "
Mr * . WlnaloWo Boonmra BTBTTT far
tunning ; toltani tha zanu , rwaaoes laSaausttioa. ul >
Ifcyi pain. our wind oollc. 23 o au a bottU.
Appalllnnr Effect of Prosperity.
The struggling author opened the letter
the postman had just brought.
It was from his publisher and contain
ed a check for a large amount.
"Well , " he chuckled , "I seem to have
found the secret of write living at last ! "
Health Thus Lost Is Restored by Lydi *
E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound.
How many women do you know who
are perfectly well and strong ? Wej
hear eve/y day the same story over and. .
over again. " I do not feel well ; I am
BO tired all the time ! "
More than likely you speak the same
words yourself , and no doubt you feel )
far from well. The cause maybe easily
traced to some derangement of the female - '
male organs which manifests itself in
depression of spirits , reluctance to go-
anywhere or do anything , backache-
bearing-down pains , flatulency , nerv
ousness , sleeplessness , or other fej
male weakness.
These symptoms are but warnings
that there is danger ahead , and unless
heeded a life of buffering1 or a serious
operation is the inevitable result.
The never-failing remedy for all these
symptoms is Lydia. E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound. ,
Miss Kate McDonald of "Woodbridge ,
N. J. , writes :
Dear Mrs. Piukhnm :
" Restored health has meant so much to me
that I cannot help from telling about it for
the sake of other suffering "women.
" For a lone : tune I suffered untold agony ,
with a female trouble and irregularities
which made me a physical -wreck , and no mat
thought I would recover , but Lydia E. Pink-1
ham's Vegetable Compound has entirely
cured me , and made me well and strong , andt
I feel it my duty to tell other suffering women
what a splendid medicine it is. "
For twenty-five years Mrs. Pinkhamr
daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham,1
has under her direction , and since her
decease , been advising sick women free
of charge. Her advice is free and
always helpful. Address , Lynn , Mass , "
Is made ofthe best
. .
ju3un.nAja.uiA f
S SSSfcll
Thai's the
Western Canada
This Year
This with nearly 80,000,000 Bushels of
Oats and 17.003.0CO Bushels of Barley
means a continuation of good times ,
lor she farmers of Western Canada.
Free Farms Big Crops
Low Taxes , Healthy Climate , good
Churches and Schools , Splendid Rail
way Service
The Canadian Government offers 160 acres ol
land FREE to every settler willing and able to
comply with the Homestead Regulations. Ad
vice and information may be obtained free frong
W.D.Scott.Sppe-iatMid ntof Immigration , Ottawa ,
Canada , orIi. . T. Holiues. & 15 Jiu-k on bt. . Sl.Pa
Minn. , and J. M. McLnchlun , Box 116. Watertown ,
Dakota , Authorized Government. Aleuts.
Please say where you guvr this advertisement.
C37 3iouz City List
Relief that comes from the nse of
pills or other cathartics is better
than suffering from the results of
constipation , but relief and cure
combined may be had at the same
price and nore promptly , for
is a cure for constipation , and the
headache , backache , sideache and
general debility that come from
constipation stop when the bowels
do their proper work.
Sold by all dealers at 350. and 500.
nnHiTmn Snouia virtie tor
rnlR I iKS * ine ° - * 3' A TIO _
I 111II I LIltJsampleB. Tne completes : eva
issued. Sioux Ctty Hewopapor Unloq *
Sioux City. Iowa.
s. c. x. cr. - - Xo. 38 1906.
Sale Ten Million Boxes aYeffrT
,5Gc. , UK
Ttey jjyejo coH rater tettsr Uaa any * f yt. Yea CM ft *
MQjVKQtRVG CO.fniMHfJe , Mimmd