inions of Great Papers on Important Subjects. KUSDEROUS IMPULSE DANGEROUS TO SOCIETY. jLFONSO , King of Spain , said , when congratulated on his escape , "Yes , but it will come again. " The risk is always there. And this boy has really little more to do with the actual government of Spain than the device on his coach. He is sentenced to death through no fault of his own , whether of commission or omission. Even his most virulent enemy admits that he Is of great personal amiability , anxious to do everything in his power for the people nominally his subjects. When President Garfleld was assassinated General Grant exclaimed , "For my parr. I am in favor of having the civilized nations put down t.iese assassins with a hard hand , " It was the natural cxp-pssion of a blunt and simple nature , and we hear it ec.-ed every time there is an anarchistic outrage. Andrew D. White would have an International bureau of poli e to run down bomb- throwers. But , anarchism being In defiance of all rea son , It is impossible to cure or crush It by reasonable methods. It Is an error to assume that T' se assassins strike for principle's sake. Their murderoi.x impulse springs from weakness , not strength of miru . The assassin loves a shining mark , and It is equally t. C.Q that he loves a shin- ! ng moment. In the case of the anarchist ? , theatricallsm Is carried to the point of a disease. No : . irchist kills , or seeks to kill , without careful regard for ; 19 dramatic and theatri cal value of the background. Ii iocs no good to prove to them that they are stupid as v. . .1 as inhuman ; that or ganized government must go o : . : and that , as President Roosevelt said In his first mess , ge , men will always be found to step forward and tal'j the place of the mur dered rulers. Anarchists care nothing for that or any other argument , since their chit t aim Is to create terror and produce an Immense sensation. St. Louis Chronicle. THE OLD HONESTY AND THE NEW. T is the fashion nowadays to deplore the gen eral want of moral principle and to lament lugubriously the decline of old-fashioned honesty ? But , really , how about this old- fashioned honesty ? It is always easy to see a saint In a dead relative , just as it is easy to see a statesman in a dead politician. Grandfathers' virtues , like grandfathers' clocks , may be . badge of respectability , but IH our own day they are not always in good running order. Our forefathers were not better than we are indeed , to judge from the crit- tcism of their contemporaries , they were a good deal worse. The world in which old-fashioned honesty lived was singularly uncomplicated. Smith knew Jones and Jones knew Smith , and if the one did not cheat the other there was every chance that each would die in the odor of respectability. Individualism set the limits to old- fashioned honesty. We need this individualistic honesty to-day , and we "have it. But we need to-day a very much bigger sort of honesty an honesty which sees that our obligations are set not alone by our relations with each other , but also by our relations with municipalities and States , with a nation and a world. Such honesty is not any too com mon , but it Is growing. Men have gone down to their mausoleums labeled honest millionaires who were direc tors In corporations whose methods would bring blushes to the cheek of a confidence man. According to the standard of old-fashioned honesty there was nothing to fbe said against these honest millionaires. 'But from the : point of view of the new honesty they were thieves though they robbed legally. One does not need to be an academic optimist to see A HEARTY WELCOME. One of the earliest acts of Abraham. : ncoln as President was to appoint Dr. William Jayne as first governor o Dakota Territory. It rested with the governor to determine what point la. the territory should be the temporary ary capital until such time as the leg islature should select a permanent seat of government ; therefore there was a great rivalry among the little towns In Dakota to secure the favor of the new governor. In connection with this rivalry the author of "A Brief ristory of South Dakota" gives this story : It was reported that Governor Jayne was driving out from Sioux City to look over the Dakota towns before he determined upon the temporary - porary seat of government , and the en terprising town of Vermilion energet ically prepared a great banquet in ills honor. Presently a carriage containing two -well-dressed gentlemen was seen approaching preaching the village from the east , and a committee of citizens went out to meet it and welcome the new gov ernor. The two men were invited to .accompany the committee forthwith to the banquet hall. There they partook of a fine dinner , and several hours were spent in speechmakiug. The guest of honor thanked the people ple sincerely for their courtesy , spoke of his good Impressions of the country , and * declared Its Intention to settle among them. This declaration was greeted with hearty cheers , but at that moment three or four carriages drove through the village , stopping only for a mo ment , and then driving on toward Tankton. Some one brought word into the banquet hall that Governor Jayne and his party had gone through to Tankton without giving Vermilion tin opportunity to do him honor. Then the chairman turned to the guest at the banquet and asked hfcn his name. He said it was G. P Bigelow , and i&e was much surprised to know he had ' &een mistaken for the new governor of -the territory , supposing that he had i met the usual hearty welcome which the new towns of the West held out to .Intending settlers. „ . , Sorely as were the people of V r- the beginning of this new-fashioned honesty. We are doing the best we can to shape up laws which shall express a new social conscience. Morality Is always a generation or two ahead of legality. The number of offenses against the moral and legal codes is increasing enormously. Moral principle never cut so large a figure In the affairs of this American people as it does now. Our godly ancestors had one moral qualm where we have twenty. It never occurred to them that a lottery was wrong , or that it was wicked to drink rum , or to whip a child or a wife , or to enslave the black man and cheat and debauch the red man. Nine out of ten of the little conscientious niceties of life are discoveries of the last fifty years. More socie ties to do all sorts of good and work all kinds of reforms were created in the last two generations than had been formed or thought of before from the beginning of the world. Chicago Journal. SOLD LIFE FOE , 15 CENTS. WO Georgia fools quarreled over 15 cents T | and both were shot dead. There can be no I " protest against calling them fools. The lit- tleuess of the amount involved , as measured against life , or even against peace and order , is too striking. Yet , if all the men who put their lives up against trivial things were to be called fools there would be a lot of them. What a host of people are dead or maimed all over this and other lands just because they were plucky or foolish ! Physical courage , commonly accepted as one of the noblest qualities , may become one of the basest Like any other virtue It can become a fault An army of good men have been killed in defense of things not worth a thousandth part the cost Among them are those who , from mistaken notions of courage , get up in the dead of night to face the armed burglar that is sure to be ready and desperate. There Is fine courage In this , to be sure. But there is far finer courage and better sense In quietly suffering the loss of the sackful of baubles a burglar may carry off , which are of little value anyway compared with your life , and certainly are of no value at all when life is gone. Either of these Georgians , who are now shot to death , would have laughed to scorn the idea of sacrificing his life for so paltry a thing as 15 cents. It was uncon trollable temper and misapplied courage that carried them to their destruction. The best courage of all is the courage to control one's temper. Cincinnati Post THE FARMERS' 'NEW FRIEND. E automobile is said to be particularly pop ular In rural sections of Illinois , where a great number of machines are being used for commercial purposes. Illinois farmers have learned by experience that one auto will haul a dozen wagons.stretched out behind it , with a two-fold result : horses are left ut work In the field , and produce Is transported to town quicker and cheaper. An even more far-reaching result Is the demand for better roads. So long as the automobile was the play thing of the city leisure class it was regarded suspiciously by the farmer , who refused to become enthused over the city man's demands for good country roads on which to go scorching. But now that the automobile has been adopted by the farmer he is as anxious for passable high ways as the city man , and the two are working together to bring the road millennium to pass. Auto ploughs , rakes and harvesters have been intro duced into the Northwest and found practicable , but the adoption of the motor car by the farmer as a vehicle of transportation for himself and his produce is more re cent Des Moines Register and Leader. niilion disappointed , their sense of hu mor was too great to permit them to mourn long over the laughable mis take. "Governor" Bigelow lived with them for many years , and in the full ness of a ripe old age died among them , respected by every one ; but Yankton became the temporary and the permanent capital of Dakota Ter ritory. WILL KEEP US WARM FOR AGES. IlnmiredM of Billions of Tona of Coal Stored Avray in the Earth. German statisticians ar * patient thorough workers , and the assurance of a leading German technical journal that the world's coal Is sufficient for reasonable future demands is backed by elaborate tables that inspire confi dence. Germany's deposits . are esti mated at 280,000,000,000 tons , or enough , allowing for Increased demand , to last until the year 3000. Great Brit ain and Ireland are not so well off , but their 193,000,000,000 tons , with twice the German consumption , will hold out 400 years. Other European countries have a less extensive outlook. Bel gium's coal deposits are estimated at 23,000,000,000 tons , of France at 39,000- 000,000 , Austria 17,000,000,000 and Russia 40,000.000,000. North America is * credited by this authority with GS1- 000,000,000 tons , or about the same as all Europe. But Asia and Siberia are believed to have even a greater store of coal as yet undeveloped. But calculations of future demands upon the wealth of nature sometimes break down In practice. The lumber supply of the United States was once supposed to be adequate for several hundred years , but the growing prices of the commodity show that already trouble is in sight The immense in crease in the use of steel and cement proves that substitutes for wood are sought Forestry principles will con serve the timber supply , but It will take time to supply them , and the country will be fortunate If they become effec tive before the havoc reaches the form of desert places. There was a time when a man who did not get along with his wife was con sidered disgraced for life. Now there la a good deal of charity for such a man , and some people go so far as to say : "He 1 * not.altogether to blame. " Society of Scarlet Death. The following remarkable description of the rites of the "Society of the Scarlet Death" is quoted from the Ural by Laffan's St. Petersburg correspond ent , who states that the votaries of the strange society are located near the Savodsk lake , and that the exposure has been made In consequence of the disappearance of one of the citizens , says the London Mail : "The Scarlet Death Is surrounded with much 'circumstance : ' In the house designed for the sacrifice there is a room in which there Is neither window nor fireplace. It is a grave without a tenant The room is lined with scarlet material , but one of the walls is covered with a black cloth. The floor is covered with scarlet Two cushions are placed in the middle of the floor. "The victim Is then led In , and his or her head Is placed on one of the cushions. Then all the attendants leave the room. After a few minutes a young woman , clad also In scarlet , comes from behind the black cloth. She slowly approaches , takes the second end cushion and places it over the face of the recumbent figure. Then she sits upon the cushion and does not rise till the condemned one has ceased -to show signs of life. "What leads up to the sacrifice Is variously explained by the local inhab itants. Some say that , it is to expedite the progress of the sacrificed to para dise ; and others hold that it Is a pun ishment for the commission of som mortal sin. " A Slight Confusion. Teacher What was the name of the man who carried the world on his shoulders ? Paul Map. Teacher Next. Second Pupil Atlas. First Pupil Well , I knew he was named f'ter some jography book. Bal. timora American. Literary Sarcasm. Tc I have my profound thoughts hidden in my mind. ' She Bound In calf ? Baltimore American. When people are kind to you , do you become Insolent and overbearing ? Th&l's the effect kindness has on cer tainly seven people out of ten * . A PLAGUE OF LOCUSTS. ttyriada of Them Laying "Waste the Harvest Fields of Hungary. Myriads of locusts are devastating the country in the neighborhood of Debrec- zin , Hungary. They are sweeping through the land , eating every green thing they find in their path. The crops on 60,000 acres have al ready 'been consumed , so that the ground is quite bare , and the authorities are help less to stay the advance ef the insects. All sorts'of desperate means are being tried without avail to keep back the in vading host. Fires have been lighted , but the locusts swarm into the flames until they are extinguished , and the survivors continue their inarch unimpeded. Twelve steam rollers are being used at one place , and roller brooms are sweeping up the dead bodies of the crushed insects. But no apparent progress is made. The locusts cover the earth in many places to the depth of several inches , and defy annihilation. To make matters worse , a storm has carried clouds of them over the River Theiss , arid they have devoured practi cally all the corn , which was standing in sheaves. What is left -worthless , as ani mals refuse to touch it owing to its pe culiar smell. The plague first appeared last year , when a force of GOO men was organized to destroy the locusts. This year the po sition of affairs is much worse , and many farmers are threatened with ruin. NEED TWENTY THOUSAND MEN. Canadian KorthTvcHt Cannot Har vest Wheat Without Them. The wheat growers of Manitoba and Saskatchewan have sent forth a cry to the older provinces in the Dominion for men to assist them in harvesting this year's crop of wheat. The yield will be greater than in any previous season. Cou pled with the yield is the increase in acre- gge and the farmers do not know where they will secure sufficient help to harvest the crop. I The Manitoba government estimates already in the province will be required that fully 20,000 men in addition to those already in the province will be required to care for the crop of wheat. The gov ernment has undertaken to secure men from the older provinces , and agents have been placed in the larger cities with in structions , to secure men and forward them to Winnipeg , from which point they will be distributed to the grain centers. ' The general prosperity of the country , which insures work for everyone ; the heavy demand for laborers in western Canada and in our own Western States , and the usual demand for extra men at this season of the year for the gathering of the crops , have resulted in an unusual shortage of farm help. NONCONTIGOUS TRADE LARGE. ( Figures for Fiscal Year Shovr 1 ness -with. "Dependencies. " I Trade of the United States with its non-contiguous territories amounted in the fiscal year just ended to $119,304,511. A bulletin issued by the Department of Com merce and Labor says : "The shipments to the non-contiguous territories amounted to $51,000,0156.07. against $43,500,000 in the fiscal year 1905 , this growth of about 20 per cent occurring in the shipments to Alaska , Ha waii and Porto Rico , but especially Porto Rico , while to the Philippine Islands there was a reduction of about $750,000. "Merchandise shipped from the non contiguous territories to the United States amounted to $07,000,000.07 , against $75- 250,000 in the preceding year , this fall oc- curing almost exclusively in the ship ments from Hawaii and being due chiefly to the decrease in the value of sugar. " The value of gold of domestic produc tion shipped from Alaska to the United States in 1900 was $12,500,000 , against $9,000,000 the preceding year , and of for eign gold $7,500,000 , against $10,750,000 last year , this "foreign" gold being the product of mines in the adjacent Cana dian territory shipped to the United States through Alaska. 158 DEAD ; CELEBRATED JULY 4. Medical Journal Asserts 73 of These Died from Tetanus. One hundred and fifty-eight persons are dead as a result of accidents in the Unit ed States during the last celebration of the Fourth of July. Tetanus is given as the cause in seventy-five cases. The total number of injuries reported is 5,308 , the largest in four years that statistics have been compiled. These figures are given in the current issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. A com parison of the total of accidents directly due to the toy pistol in the last four years shows a decrease until th > s year , when 979 persons were injured by blank cart ridges. The report declares that the greater number of minor accidents were due to giant firecrackers. Of the injured'twenty- two suffered complete loss of sight , seven ty-two one eye. fifty-six legs , arms or hands and 227 fingers. Root to Pan-American Congress. Secretary of State Root addressed the Pan-American congress at Rio de Janeiro , with a message of good-fellowship and cooperation - operation , which created a most favorable impression. He said American nations should aid each other , but that the United States coveted no territory. He compli- men ted Latin America on its progress to- fl ward stable government. He declared that we wished no victories but those of peace , and no sovereignty except sovereignty over ourselves. No rights were claimed which . we would not freely concede to every oth er American republic. He declared that the coming world's congress at The , Hague , at which all American countries would be represented , would be "the for mal and final acceptance of the declaration - tion that no part of the American conti 4 nent is to be deemed subject to coloniza tion. " Soldiers Ulay Shoot Lynch Mobs. Gov. Glenn of North Carolina has is sued an order to die State militia , giving the right to fire on mobs without wait ing for the permission of the local sheriff , as has been the custom. He warns that every man composing a mob is without the pale of the law. Industrial Farm in Utah. Through the efforts of the women * clubs of Utah , 800 acres of land have been secured as an industrial farm for friendless children. The cottage system be adopted. WEEKLY 1457 Book of Psalms , first book printed ; by Faust and Schoffer. 1510 Sir Richard Empson and Edmund Dudley executed on Tower Hill. 1521 Mexico surrendered to Cortez. } 534 Order of Jesuits founded at Paris by Ignatius Loyola. 1587 Virginia Dare , first white child in America , born. 1642 Gates of Coventry shut against King Charles of England. 175G Forts Ontario and Oswego de stroyed by Montcalm. 1759 Eugene Aram hanged at Tyburn. 17G9 Napoleon Bonaparte born. Died May 4 , 1821. 1776 Fight in Hudson river between American fire-ships nad British men- of-war. 1780 Engagement at Fishing Creek , S. C Battle of Camden , S. C. De Kalb killed. 1896 First stone laid for the Arc de Tri- omphe , celebrating the success of the Grand Army of Austerlitz. 1812 Detroit surrendered to the Brit ish. 1813 British sloop Pelican captured United States sloop Argus in English channel. 1831 Steamer Rothsay Castle lost ; 100 persons perished. 1842 President proclaimed Florida war at an end. 1847 Battle of Churubusco , Mexico. 1848 Oregon territory formed by act of Congress. 1850 Denmark ceded possessions on west coast of Africa to Great Britain. 1851 Lopaz captured and garroted at Havana. 1852 Steamer Atlanta lost on Lake Erie ; 250 perished. 1855 Russians defeated at battle of Techernaya , Crimea. 1859 Tuscany declared in favor of unit ed kingdom of Italy under Victor Em manuel. 1SG2 First issue of postal currency. 1SG3 Kagoshima , Japan , destroyed by the British fleet Mississippi river declared open for trade. 1SG5 Final proclamation of cessation of hostilities in the Ciril War. 1SG7 Dexter made the fastest time on record , 2:174 , at Buffalo. 1871 Steamship lost off the Florida coast , with 21 lives. 1SSO Cathedral at Cologne completed ; G32 years building. 1SS3 Kimball housn , Atlanta , Ga. , burned. 1885 The Caroline islands seized by Germany .German corvette Au gusta lost in the Red Sea with 285 officers and men. 1SSG Eight Chicago anarchists sen tenced to death. 1888 Convent of the Sacred Heart , New York , destroyed by fire. 1890 Davis Dalton swam across the English Channel en his back. 1891 Earthquake in Martinique ; 340 persons killed. 1892 Queen Victoria' carriage stopped by an insane man , who threatened to kill her. 1893 Receivers appointed for the North ern Pacific railroad. 1894 Steamship Camp mia established new record between Queemtown and New York ; time , 5 ( ? ays 9 hours and 27 minutes. 1903 Jeffries defeated Corbett in fight for the pugilistic championship. 1904 Naval battle off Vladivostok. Walking ? on tlie Water. Two inventors' are claiming attention of the scientific world just now in connec tion with a kind of aquatic shoes. Josa Antonio , a Mexican student in the depart ment of mechanical engineering at Cor nell , gave a successful test of his device by walking a mile and a half on the surface , face of Cayuga lake. The shoes , which closely resemble small boats , are con structed of tin , 5 feet 3 inches long , 14 inches wide and 9 % inches deep. Each contains four separate air chambers , be sides the compartment for the foot. The shoes are equipped with collapsible fans , which close as the wearer steps forward and then open to prevent the shoes from slipping backward. A somewhat similar footgear for water walking is described in the Technical World Magazine for August , and credited to Lieut. Arthur T. Sadler of the United States volunteer life-saving crew at Charlesbank , Mass. Sadler claims to have made a two-mile trip on his shoes. He says he got his idea from watching the way a duck uses its feet. His shoes are feet 3 inches long , 9 inches wide and S1.- * ! inches deep , being the smallest that vould carry his -weight , 135 pounds. American laborer Better Oft . The bureau of labor has issued statis tics for 1905 , and estimates that the la boring man is better off as to wages and hours of labor. In 1905 the purchasing power of wages was 1 per cent higher than in 1904 and the retail prices of food were slightly higher. This advantage was more than offset , however , by the increase in the purchasing power of his wages. The average wages per hour in 1905were 18.9 per cent higher than the average period from 1895 to 1899 , and the num ber of employes were 36 per cent VI The Ball In Lavrn Ten I . It Is a curious fact that every bcofc written on lawn tennis cautions tha player to keep his eyes on tbe ball at the moment of striking it , yet there are very few expert players who do so. A rifle shot looks at his target , a bowl er looks at the pins , and a billiard player generaly looks at the object ball , not the cue ball. I have found it next to Impossible to carry In my mind , while moving rapidly to play a flying balL the exact height of the net , the direction of the lines of my opponent's court and his position , so that It ha , become second nature with me with most other players to look up the direction that the ball is to go' before it actually leaves the racket. It w Is principally because the reverse o this Is necessary in golf that lawn ten nis players have EO much trouble la mastering the old Scotch game. From tennis habit they take their eyes ofC the ball too soon for golf success. J. Parmly Paret , in County Life In Amer ica. N Inside "VicTT. Mrs. Smartset Don't you think that divorce has a bad effect on the children. Mrs. Upperten Yes , indeed ; they are' thrown so much more with their parents , New York Sun. Absent-Minded Papa. "If Mr. Jinx calls to-night , papa , Bhall I say ? " "That will depend on what you hold er that is to say , send him to me. " Houston Post. BACKACHE IS KIDNEYACHE. Get at the Cause Cure the Kidney * . Don't neglect backache. It warns you of trouble In the kidneys. Avert the danger by curing the kidneys with , Doan's Kidney Pills. J < A. Haywood , a welli known resident of Lufi kin , Texas , says : "I wrenched my bacl $ working in a sawmill,1 was laid up sir weeks. and from that time had pain in my back when-t ever I stooped or lifted. Tbe urine was badly disordered and for a ( long time I had atj tacks of gravel. After I began using Doan's Kidney Pills the gravel passed out , and my back got well. I haven't had backache or bladder trouble since. " Sold by all dealers , 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co. . Buffalo , N. Y. NEW ELECTRIC LIGHT. Cheap Substitute for Present Fila ment Wires in Bulbs. A new electric lamp , which threatens to revolutionize the present system of lighting by means of the electric cur rent , has been devised by an Austrian chemist Dr. Hans Kuzel who has oc cupied many years in studying the prin ciple involved in his invention. He has succeeded In devising a lamp which ha calls the Syrius lamp , and which prom ises to reduce the price of electoal < lighting to a wonderful degree , the New York Tribune. As is known , incandescent gas lighting 13 much cheaper than electric light under the present sj-stems , because the fila ment wires of the latter are very ex pensive , and the glass bulbs soon wear out in service. Dr. Kuzel has Invented a substitute for the glow thread , by forming out of common anil cheap met als and metalloids colloids in a plastic mass , which can be handled like clay , and which , when dry , become as hard as stone. Out of this mass very thin wire threads are then shaped , which are of uniform thickness and of great homogeneity. Tbese two characteris tics are of great value in the technics or Incandescent lamps. The Kuzel or Syrius lamp requires scarcely one-quarter of the electric cur rent which the ordinary electric lamp with a filament wire requires. Exper iments have shown , it is asserted , t ti the new Syrius lamp can burn for & , - 500 hours at a stretch. Another ad vantage claimed for the Syrius is that the Intensity of the light always re mains the same , the lamp bulbs never becoming blackened , as is thp case with the ordinary bulb. GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP. No Medicine So Beneficial to Drsiij * and N"erve . Lying awake nights makes It hard to keep awake and do things In daytime. To take "tonics and stimulants" under such circumstances is like setting the house on fire to see If you can put it outThe The right kind of food promotes re freshing sleep at night and a wide awake individual during the day. A lady changed from her old way of eating to Grape-Nuts , and says : "For about three years I bad been a great sufferer from Indigestion. After trying several kinds of medicine , the lector would ask me to drop off pota toes , then meat , and so on , but In a few ; days that craving , gnawing feeling would start up , and I would vomit ev erything I ale and drank. "When I started on Grape-Nuts , vom iting stepped , and the bloating feeling which was so distressing disappeared entirely. "My mother was very much bothered with diarrhea before commencing the Grape-Nuts , because her stomach was BO weak she could not digest her food. Since using Grape-Nuts she is well , and says she don't think she could live with out It "It Is a great brain restorer andnerv builder , for I can sleep as sound an _ undisturbed after a supper of Grape- Nuts .as In the old days when I could not realize what they meant by a 'bad stomach. ' There Is no medicine so ben eficial to nerves and brain as a good nlghfs sleep , such as you can enjqj ; after eating Grape-Nuts. " Name given by Postum Co. , Battle Creek , Mich. . . : "There' * a reason , *