Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 30, 1906, Image 4

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I. M. EICE Editu , . .iiJ Proprietor.
MARK ZARR Foreman.
Entered at the postoffice at Valentine , Cherry count } ' , Nebr. . as Second
Class Matter.
Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; $1.50 when not paid in advance.
'Display Advertising 1 inch single column loc per issue or $6.00 a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue
5c per line per issue.
Brands , 3 } inches$4.00 per year in advance ; additional space $3.00 per
year ; engraved blocks extra $1.00 each.
10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears.
Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers.
THUKSDAY , AUGUST 30 , 1906.
Our government of the people ,
for the trusts and by the big stick ,
is the way they sing it now. It is
not so glorious as it was when
"equality before the law" was a
characteristic phrase , and Petti-
john and Towle were shouting for
"four years more of prosperity , "
and that "the republican party
would punish its own offenders. "
The trusts , monopolies , railroad
corporations and capitalists are
constantly shifting the burdens of
experimenting and developing our
country onto the government , while
they stand ready with some scheme
to gobble up the wealth derived
from such investigations. The
common people do not share equal
ly in the wealth that is constantly
being uncovered by the geological
surveys and , the expensive investi
gations which are carried on for
the benefit of only a few who are
able to profit at the expense of the
It is not a fair deal to invite the
stork to a feast and then serve
soup in shallow plates , nor to ex
pect the bear to eat meat out of a
small necked bottle. If the people
must stand the expense of investi
gations , geological and topographi
cal surveys which reveals hidden
treasure , they should be protected
in their share of that wealth , but
the custom has been to throw it
onto the market and force the sale
to some one financially able to pay
a small price that neither contem
plates the value of government
Mickey Fears Railroad Control
If Republican Ticket is Elected
From World Herald.
Lincoln , Nebr. , Aug. 2i. "If
the republican ticket is elected , I
fear the railroads will still have
control of the board of equaliza
tion. "
So declared Governor Mickey
this evening. He said that Land
Commissioner Eaton and Auditor
Searle probably would vote in the
future as they had in the past.
According to indications D. C.
Brian of Albion would be with
Searle and Eaton.
Governor Mickey also believes
that the officials are unwise in their
discussion of what they would
have done had they known a large
dividend would have been declared
by the Union Pacific.
From Aboard Bryan Train ,
From World-Herald.
Chicago , 111. , Aug. 25. "Bry
an's homefolk , " 114 strong , reach
ed Chicago shortly before noon to
day on the magnificent special train
over the Great Western , the larg
est train ever run from Omaha to
Chicago over that road. The run
to Chicago was pleasant and un
Thanks to the dilligent efforts of
Mayor Brown and Mayor Dahl-
man and Frank Dunlop the Great
Western special representative ,
who accompanied the tourists , the
NebrasKans are having the time of
their lives.
The entire train is already afire
with Bryan enthusiasm. In every
section of every car little groups
have been relating reminiscenses
of the "great commoner's" strug
gles and triumphs and defeats in
Nebraska , from the days of his
early battles to the time when he
is hailed as the greatest living
The country through which the
train passed , too , is replete with
democratic , ardor. Though the
hour was late , large'crowds , hur
rahing for Bryan and the Ne-
property nor the expense of in
vestigations and surveys , but pur
loins the rights of our people anc
robs posterity of a lawful inherit-
age. The coal lands and oil fields
of the Shoshone reservation , rec
ently sold in a block to a capital
ist , syndicate or corporation , for a
nominal sum , is said to be the
richest in coal and oil in the west.
Our glorious government which
we have been taught to , love , anc
from our earliest recollection have
sung its praise in unselfish and pa
triotic devotion , has fallen into the
hands of pilfering pirates , who ,
for paltry sums , lay claim to the
people's domain , and for which
the people do not get so much as a
mess of pottage , though their
birth-right has been stolen. The
theiving does not stop here. We
are plundered by the tariff and by
high priced , trust-controlled arti
cles which of necessity we must
buy. Oil is sold at immense prof
its. Local prices for gasoline are
now 30 cents per gallon , and has
been rapidly going higher during
the contemplated investigation of
the Standard Oil company. There
seems to be no redress for griev
ances since President Eoosevelt
has granted to individuals immun
ity from prosecutions , and the laxness -
ness in prosecution of trusts and
corporations makes no hindrance
and rather serves as an irritant
for them to be more vigorous in
their oppression , more exacting
in prices and more defiant of laws
of our government.
braskans , met the train at Harlan ,
Carroll and other towns in Iowa.
Early this morning as the train
passed through Dubuque , la.with
the great banner , "Nebraska Wel
comes Bryan Home , " adorning
the buffet car , sleepy heads were
stuck out of the dwellings of the
Dubuque households along the
right-of-way and cheers for Bryan
greeted the travelers.
Every section of the state is rep
resented on the train , and-all pas
sengers bear witness to a great
democratie revival in Nebraska.
"Shallenberger completely won
our hearts in his speech at the
Third district congressional con
vention at Norfolk , " said Dan
Stevens of Fremont. "Many of
us had been for Berge , but after
we heard the speech we are even
more in love with Shallenberger. "
"In Holt county , " said Arthur
Mullen , "democrats and populists
are thoroughly and harmoniously
united. Shallenberger will poll
an unusually heavy vote. "
The same story is told by "Bry
an folks" from a score of- other
counties. NEWBRANCH.
From the Stuart Ledger :
Where did Nebraska get its anti-
pass theory ?
In two years from now , Uncle
Joe's boom will be about the size
of a sweet pea bloom in September.
If the public demands democratic
measures , why notjhelp the demo
crats to do the business and give
the party the credit ?
The best man for the place is the
motto of the Stuart Lodger. Be
ing a republican , backed by the
machine and wearing a badge does
not qualify a man for office.
Reformers who go astray from
too great a temptation are 'better
than hypocrites who deceitfully
puts on the mask of reform to reap
the benefits of public patronage.
There is nothing to awe one in
the spectacle of harmony and dis
patch in the Kinkaid convention at
Kearney. Mr. Kinkaid picked his
men and he is one of the quietest ,
smoothest politicians in the state.
He is an artist in the study of col
or and effect.
The Roosevelt reforms that gave
him his popularity among the people
ple were chiseled from Bryan's re
forms. Roosevelt had the courage
to see and to do the right things ,
after Bryan , the great moralist and
preacher in politics , pointed out
the evils , of trust legislation. To
day these two great leaders are
more united on political issues than
are the leading mon of both parties.
The newspapers , are throwing
slings at Bryan because he earns
§ 1 000 a week writing for the asso
ciated press while he is in Europe.
The power to think independently
is the greatest mental endowment
that can be bestowed upon man.
There are so many little think shops
in the world , they can afford to
pay a big price to the brain prod-
cuts of a Bryan. There will never
be any law against the monopoly
of brain power.
D. M. Stuart , the republican can
didate for the 50th legislative dis
trict , is the best type of citizen and
business man. But he is put up by
men , who would use honorable
men for selfish , deceitful and dis
honorable purposes. The leader
are maskers , grafters and hypo
crites , endorsing any reform that
will keep them in favor with the
people ? Can' Mr. Stuart do the
square thing by the county , behold
ing to such a body and surrounded
by nothing but a scrapping set of
selfish lawmakers in the legislature ?
Mr. Stuart has a fine Christian wife
and a lovely family. He is a cred
it tw the party , but what will his
brother partisans do for him ?
Nebraska re publicans have made
themselves a laughing stock for the
world at large. There has been no
vital principle at stake to dignify
and exalt the campaign as there
was in Iowa. It has been engaged
in a low demagogic warfare that
has its origin and aim in thirst for
personal power. It is not a fight
for principle , but a cheap dog-show
scramble for office. Corporation
candidates , politicians and news
papers have waved the banner of
corporate reform. Every honest
republican knows that the game has
been one vast play of pretense , de
ceit and dishonesty. The party is
in the hands of schemers and graft
ers , who are taking advantage of
the public denunciation of trusts
simply to reap the personal gain.
Valentine W. C. T. U. , )
Valentine , Aug. 29,1906. f
Whereas the all wise Father of
the universe in his infinite wisdom
has seen fit to call unto himsslf the
husband of our beloved sister , ' Mrs.
Mary Fowler , therefore be it
RESOLVED , That we , the sisters of
the Valentine W. C. T. U. , extend
our heartfelt sympathy to Sister
Fowler and family in their hour of
RESOLVED , That a copy of these
resolutions be sent our sister ; that
they be spread upon the minutes ot
our union and that they be pub
lished in the town paper.
MBS. C. J. CALLEN [ Com.
We have the LARGEST STOCK and the BEST STOCK of
Buggies , Surreys and * ;
Spring Wagons
ever shown in Yalentine. Call and see them whether yen *
wish to purchase or not. * * \
Do Not Forget
that we are agents for
McCormick Binders , Mowers , Bakes and
Twine. Also ; for Dain Sweeps and
Stackers , and Moline Wagons.
We have a complete line of general
Ranch and Farm Supplies ,
including Grindstones , Sickle Grinders , Stacker Ecpe , Machine
Oil , Builders Hardware , Paints and Oils. Screen Doors.
Lumber , Posts , Barbwire
See Us for Right Goods at Right Prices
IJ ji
For U. S. Senator
of Grand Island.
For Governor
ot Alma.
For Lieutenant Governor
of Creighton.
! ; For Secretary of State
of Saunders county.
' For Treasurer
of Adams county.
i ; For Auditor
of Kearney county.
For Attorney General
of Douglas .county.
t For Land Commissioner
of Lancaster county.
For Supt. Public Instruction
of Valentine.
For Railway Commissioners
of Johnson county.
of Polk county.
of Fillmore county.
For Congress Sixth District
of Scotts Bluff county. j
For State Senator 14th District
( Convention not yet held. )
For Representative 52nd District ;
( Convention not yet held. )
For Survevor
\ For Commissioner First District
People of North Nebraska will
have an opportunity to see one of
the greatest attractions ever ex
hibited in the state , at the O'Neill ,
Nebr. , race meeting to be held
Sept. 5 , 6 and 7th. The famous
guideless wonder , Honest Abe ,
with a pacing record of 2:18 : , will
be turned loose on the tracK with
out bike , driver or prompter and
will pace a full mile in 2:25 : or bet
ter. This will be an exhibition
no one in this part of the state
should miss seeing. The Society
has up § 1500 in speed purses and
there .are already from 5 to 13 en
tries for every race. This large
field of entries insures three days
of fast racing.
Raes to Boise City , XclaJio ,
Via the North-Western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be-sold August
80 , 81 , and September 1 , with
favorable return limits , on accoun t
of National Irrigation Congress.
Apply to agents Chicago & North
western R'y. 32 2
Miss Blanche Bishop has been
luite ill this week ?
First class line of Steaks , Boasts ,
Dry Salt Meats Smoked
Breakfast .Bacon.
Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs.
New Hotel X Near Depot
Electric Lights.
Chicago House ,
' ' * < M *
- !
J. A. Hornback , Propr.
Guests for Trains a Specialty ,
Good Rooms. X Good Service ,
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sfees.
Valentine , r Nebraska
: 5 n r :
Monthly Meteorological SunVrnaJy . * ,
STATION : Valentine , Nebr.
MONTHJuly : , 1906.
* < _
NOTE : "T" indicates trace of precipitation ; " below zero ; "PC" partly cloudy.
JOHN J. MCLEAN , Observer "Weather Bureau.