Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 23, 1906, Image 8

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    p I
Recommended ly
* *
Prominent Phyr"ana
and Chemis
Baking Powder
Perfect in Quality
Economical in Use
Moderate in Price
First class line of Steaks , ' Roasts ,
Dry Salt Meats Smoked
Breakfast Bacon.
Highest Market 'Price Paid for Hogs.
New Hotel X Near Depot
Electric Lights ,
Chicago House ,
J. A. Hornback , Propr.
Guzsts for Trains a Specialty ,
Good Rooms , 3C Good Service ,
J. Edward Addicks of Delaware ,
or somewhere , shows his apprecia
tion of trying to fool the people
about tainted campaign funds by
sending in his dollar like a real
It does seem rather ungracious
to charge Sir Thomas Lipton a
large tariff tax on the gold cup he
has presented to the New York
Yacht Club , as a prize for the
yachts to race for.
A good many men who voted
for Mr. Koosevelt have not yet
paid their $1 assessment , or the
campaign fund would have over
$6,000,000 , which is just about
what the trusts and I insurance
companies put up in 1904 : , for the
Eoosevelt campaign.
As the republican leaders are
only asking for a dollar from their
active supporters for campaign
purposes , they ' must have de
termined to reduce the price for
votes in the close districts to about
the same figure. Rather a come
down from the usual price. .
There would never have been any
trust magnates , if republican laws
had not fostered them. Therefore
change tne laws instead of standing
pat as the republicans declare is
their intention. The issue is so
plain that ' 'way-faring man though
a fool cannot err therein. "
When you come to think of how
much it costs to live in these pip
ing times of tariff protected trusts ,
there should be no wonder that
ordinary republicans , who are not
favored pap-sucking government
officials , should be "rather slow"
at contributing to the campaign
fund that is to be used to elect
another stand pat congress.
Wheat is ten cents a bushel
-lower in price than last year
although it is still protected by the
tariff rate of 25 cents a bushel.
The price of all the farmers are
buying is however at the top notch
and in fact the price of all trust
products protected by the tariff is
higher thisyear than last. Puzzle ,
why do some farmers support the
republican tariff-trust policy that
plunders them ?
Gov. La Follette has accom-
plised results i n Wisconsin ,
through his persistent de
termination that railroad rates
shall be regulated with fairness to
both railroads and shippers. The
state railroad commission has
reduced grain rates one cent a
bushel. The reduction is not so
great , but it shows that rates can
be reduced when unreasonable.
According to the statisticians
the democrats are certain to win
in 37 congressional districts that
are now represented by republicans
andlhave more than an even chance
of capturing the 20 other districts
necessary for a majority. If those
independent and republican voters ,
who want the trust fostering tariff
revised , vote as they talk , the
standpatters will hardly have a leg
toQstand on.
Every three people , on the
average , use a barrel of salt a year.
The total amount consumed iast
year was 26,872,700 barrels , which
included only 1,151,133 barrels
imported from foreign countries.
The tariff duty on salt is 12 cents
per 100 pounds in packages and 8
cents per 100 pounds If imported
in bulk. This amounts to 33.32
per cent duty on salt in packages
and 83.16 per cent duty in bulk ,
according to the government
statistics of imports for 1905.
This large protective tariff duty
allows the salt trust to charge
about double the price salt would
sell for than it would if the duty
was abolished. So when the farm
er buys a barrel of salt about one
half the price he pays is increased
profit to the trust , because the
trust is protected from competition.
The salt imported in packages cost
in the country from which itwas
imported , 40 cents per hundred
pounds , and the salt in bulk 10
cents per hundred pounds. Salt
can be made here at about the
same cost as abroad , so the profits
of the trust , it will be seen are
enormous. As the salt trust is
protected by the tariff from 33 to
83 per cent , or an average of over
58 per cent , every family has to
pay about double for what they
use in consequence of this special
protection to the trust. The salt
trust is but one of many trusts
that plunders the American people
and yet the republican leaders
have decided to stand pat and let
the plundering continue. Do you
republicans feel inclined to follow
your leaders program ?
There has never been much pro
spect of the republicans being able
to hold their 1904gamsm Missouri ,
but since Secretary Shaw has
taken the stump there , it is a sinch
for the democrats. If President
Roosevelt will keep him on the
stump in the doubtful states and
; ongressional districts , it will be a
god-send for the country in two
ways , for it will keep Shaw away
from the United States treasury ,
where he would be 'constantly
scheming in the interest of the
Rockefeller banks , and will ensure
a large number of republicans
voting the democratic ticket.
The whole tariff issue , as far as
the voters can settle it ; is shall
the tariff rate that shelters the
trusts be revised , so that being
high enough to produce what
revenue the government needs ,
yet not so high as to protect the
trusts from competition ? JThe
democrats take the affirmative side
of that proposition and the re
publicans the negative , the latter
having decided against any tariff
reform. The sensible voter cannot
but decide to vote for a congress
man , that is pledged to revise the
tariff , by eliminating the chief part ,
if not all of the protection to trusts
and combines , while producing
enough revenue to run the govern
ment , honestly and economically
A press , dispatch from Chicago
reports that"the president does
not deem the new meat-inspection
bill watertight. " Nor is that the
worst of it , for the same dispatch
says ; "under the new regulations
the packers lose that which is de
clared unfit. If a more rigid
examination is made before the
cattle are shipped or offered for
sale much of this loss would not
fall on the packers. " Secretary
Wilson is in Chicago to arrange for
close inspection of cattle at points
of shipment. This can only mean
that the administration is trying
to prevent loss to the beef packers
and throw the burden on the
farmers , but it would seem that
packers are amply protected for
they are not compelled to buy
cattle that are iiot in good condition
when they arrive at the stock yard.
The farmers and stockraisers
should insist on a square deal and
that the administration carry out
the law fairly and not attempt to
protect the packers , who are quite
able to care for their own interests.
A peculiarity of the campaign for
United States senator in the repub
lican party is that the papers which
are loudest in their denunciation of
the railroads are openly in favor of
Norris Brown , who in reality is the
candidate of the railroads and the
grain trusts. E. Rosewater is the
only republican editor in Nebraska
who has had the honesty to stand
up for the people's rights when in
conflict with the wishes of the rail
roads. This is Rooseveltism as
they want the people to see it and
as the- campaign is to be fought
along this line for the republicans ,
it would seem that some man who
is in sympathy with the Roosevelt
idea would be acceptable to them
for the senate. The past report of
the republican party is that they
do not desire a man in office who
has a strong personality unless he
is an easy tool to handle. Rosewater -
water is a man of the Roosevelt
type , and a man who would not
only vote for these principles but
would work to have them put into
It is of no consequence to us , you
might say , who is nominated on the
republican ticket , but it is. Such
a man as Rosewater would work at
least part of the time in the interest
of the people , while Norris Brown
would be the service tool of the cor
porations. This is patent to every
man who gives an honest thought
; o the situation. Our main object
s to call the attention of our read-
jrs to the fact and let-them do a
ittle thinking along this line. Too
often has the republican party
pulled the wool over the eyes of the
people already and it is time to call
a halt. Holt County Independent.
For Rent 3 rooms over THE
DEMOCRAT office.
Notice to Non-Hesident Defendant.
To Flora E. Ole , non-resident defendant :
You are hereby nntiliad that on the 2nd day o
August. 1900 , Henry It. Ole filed a petitioi
acainst you In the District Court of Cherry conn
ty. Nebraska , the object and preyer of whlcl :
are to obtain au absolute divorce from you on
the grounds or adultery. You are required to
answer said petition on or before the 3rd day o"
September , 1906.
29 4 Plaintiff.
In the County Court of Cherry Coun
ty , Nebraska.
In the matter or the estate of John Riege , de
All persons interested in said estate will take
notice that I have llxed Saturday , August 31
1900. at 10 o'clock a. m , as the time and my of
lice In Valentiue , Cherry County , Nebraska , < *
the place for the hearing ol tae petition of J'eter
Iliege for the probate of the estate of John
Kiege , deceased , without administration and
for a decree of the County Court determining
the heirs at law of the said Johu Kieue , deceas
ed , at which time and place all persons interest
ed In said estate may appear aud. show cau e
if any there be , why said estate may not b
probated without administration.
\V. K. TOWNE ,
31 3 Couuty Judge.
Dated August 4,1906.
Notice to Creditors.
CHKKIIY COUNXI . | aa Court ,
In the matter of the estate of Agnes Archer
To the creditors of said estate :
VTou are hereby notified , That I wilj sit at th
County Court Koom in Valentine iu said county
on the Sth day of September 1900 at 10 o'clock a
m. . to receive and examine all claims agains
said estate , witn a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The Mine limited lor the preenta
tiou of claims against said estate is the Sth daj
ol September A. I ) . 1'JOG and the time limited for
payment of debts is one j ear irom said lit day
of Septemner 1905.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
EAL county court , this 13th day of Angus
f 1906. W. K. TOWNE.
31 4 County Judge.
In the District Court of Cherry Coun
ty , Nebraska.
M. K. Xoble. plaintiff , vs Andrew Grauan
and Mrs. Andrew Gratiam , wife of Andreu
Graham , first and real name unknown.
The above naniea defendants will take notice
that on the 9th day of August. 1006. plamrif
herein liled a petition in rue District Court o
Cherry County , Nebiaska. the ooject and pray.
er of whieh are to forenlose a certain tax Her
upon the 8 } SW $ of Section 23 ; E1N WJ.i o.
Section 33 , Township 33 north. lUnge 25 west o
thf 6th 1' . M Cberrv
, County , Nebraska , ac
quired by virtue 01 A tax sale certificate issued
upon the above named premises for the paynien
or taxes at private sale ot said premises for the
> ears 181)3 ) to 1902 and .subsequent taxes upon
said premises lor th i year * 1903 , 1901 and 1905
upon which there is now dtits plain till the sun
of § 145.50. together with interest irom August 9
1900. and costs of suit , for which plaintiff pr y
judgment and a decree of foreclosure. Tuc
above named defendants are required to answer
said petition on or before Monday , the 17th day
of-September , 1906.
30 4 M. K. NOBLE , Plaintiff.
By Walcott & Mornssey. her attorneys.
In the District Court of Dod e Coun-
In the matter of the application * )
of Wallace Wilson , admiiitatra- Notice of Ad-
tor of the estate of William E.ministrator's }
Wilson , deceased , for leave to i Sale ,
i-ell Real Estate. J
Notice is hereby given that , in pursuance of
an order oftne Hunoraole C. tiollenbecl ? , judge
oi the district coirt of Dod e Couuty , Nebraska ,
made on the 28th day of July , 1900 , for the sale
of the real estate hereinafter described , there
will be j-old at public ve due to the highest bid
der for ccsh , at the front door of the courthouse
in the city of Valentine , in Cherry county. Ne
braska , on the 4th day of September , 1900. at the
hours of 10 o'clock a.m , the following described
real estate , to-wit :
The southwest quarter and the southwest
quarter of the souttipast ( riarter of section 12 ;
the west half of tne northeast quarter , tnu west
half of the southeast quarter , the north half of
the northwest quarter and the utheast quar
ter of fhe northwest quarter of section 13 : the
northeast quarter of section 24 , All in township
33 north , range 33 west ol the 6ih I1. M. ; also
the noitheast quarter of section 17 , and the
southeast quarter of the sou'Invest quarter ,
lot 3 , and the northeast quarter of the south *
west quarter of section JS ; lot 1 and the east
half oithe nontwest quarter of section 19 ; the
northeast quarter of section 20 : the east hall
of the northwest quarter and the north half of
the northeast quarter of section IS , all in town "
ship 33 north , range 31 west , containing in all
1360 acres , more or less , act ording to govern
ment survey.
Said sale will rein tin open one hour.
Dated this tith day of August. 1900.
30 3 Administrator.
Estray Notice.
Notice is hereby glvjn that there has been
found in our enclosed premises in Cherry coun
ty. Nebraska , strayea there at a time unknown
to me. one brown mare , of which the following
is a description , to nit : Age rbont 9 years ,
weight about BOO rounds , crippled in right
front foot and branded round cornered tri-angle
on left shoulder.
The unknown owner thereof is hereby notified
to prflve property , pay all fees and legal charges
theron and take the same away within the time
fixed by law. Dated July 24 , luoc.
2D 5 By E. C/ Harris , Pres.
B M Faddis & Co.
? ostofflce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
rsraon left thigh
Horses on
left shoul
der or tliich
Soin3 .on left
elioul der or
S0mp OTion right thigh or shoulder ,
N. S. Rowley
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
Same as cut on left.
side and hip , and cm
eft shoulder of her
ses. AlsoESB on
eft side
F -f on left side.
: d nptr teitliftr side up ) on
left side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder
of horses , | jj
jjQ on left hip of horses.
on left jaw of horses
0. IV. Bennett
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
with 7 on left hip
also same as cut
Range between
Gordon and Snake
creeks and on the
Niobrara river
Postofflce address
Cody , Nebraska
On Jett side of cat
tle ; horses O right
Range , north and
south of Niobrara
st of Cody
George Heyne
Cody , Neb
Brand registered
No 1027
Horses branded on
left shoulder
Ranee north and
south of Cutcomb
Lake in Cherry Co
Albert Wnipple & Sons
Rosebud , S , D.
Cattle Branded
SOS on left side
OSO on rlehtside
Some cattle also
have af fen neck
Some with A on
left shonlder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind quar
ters. Somes Texa
cattle branded S O on left side and somej
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattle
branded AW bar connected'on both sides and
Inft hio of horse1 * .
P. II. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on lefc side
Some QV ° n 1 * *
" " " "
on left Jaw o
V horses.
Range on Gordos Creek north of Simeon ,
Postofflce address
Hyanms , Neb
On right side
on left
also cattle
on right side
Range 16 miles
north of Hjannis
Sandy Williams
Mcrriman , Nebr.
Mostly on left
side. Some on
right side.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Lake
Creek , S , D.
C. H. Little.
Merriman , Nebr.
On either side
Horses same on
hip. Also >
Range Lake Creek
GvE. Seager.
Postofflce address
Cody , Neoraska
Cattle branded as on
cut on left side , hip
and shoulder ; horses
Range , Snake Creek
Pat Peiper
Simeon Nebr.
Roan Brothers
Woodlake Neb
John Roan's
private mark , slit
"n left ear
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cattv
same as cut ; ak
CJBE JJ on riglu
Ilauge on Oak and
Eutte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
tearing any of these brands
Gordon , Ne&r.
Cattle branded. f.
on leftside aim
out , 6-inch DOS.
and2VInch circle
Brand registered
iieft shonl-
'der. ' 'SH
Inchc circle. 1-Ia
box. Registered 876. Kange-6 mllea south
Irwln on Niobrara river.
Parmelee Cattle Co.
Ko ebnd.S.D ,
Cattle branded
as cut onMeft side
with stripe under
Horses branded
left thigh.
Range on Soldier creek.
Metzger Bros. ,
Rolf Neb
Cattle branded
anywhere on lefc
Earmark , square
crop right ear
Horses have
same brand on
left thigh.
Range on Gor
don and Snake
CTjReirrtrd of $25O will be paid to any
person for Information leading to the arrest and
tinal conviction of any person or persons steal
ing catlle with above brand.
JOB. Bristol
Valentine , Nebr.
Range on NIo-
brara river four
miles east of Ft.
Horses and
cattle branded
nB connected oa
left hip or side as
shown in cut
Fostofflce address
Hyannis * Neb
Branded on left aide
Range eighteen miles
north of Kvannls
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
J.F. Swain
Sparks , Nebr.
Cattle branded oa
ft side as shown
n cut.
Range South
of Sparks on NIo-
brara river ,
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cut on
left side.
branded ]
on left"
Range 6 miles
south of Irwln.
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
same as cut back
right shoulder and
on right hip
Range on the
j r1
Postofflce address
side. Horses
ses left .
P ange fnortn
Garner Brothers.
Cody , Nebr.
Anywhere on cat
Horses on left
Eanjre- North
Sawyer Bros.
ostofflce address ,
Oails , Nebr
G. K. Sawyer has
charge of these cat-
I tie. Horses p S on
) | lelt shoulders Some
ockKp ? ? left side
! orafym , 63 same
tnigu itug ou Snake rlver fiSf
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
3artlertKichards Pres WIUGComstockj V.P
Chas C Jamison Se'c&Traas
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
also- the following
worses 1
Gordon on the . .