f $1.50 SELF FILLING { FOUNTAIN PEI I FOR ft 98 GENTS.V We have a few dozen Self Filling Fountain Pens which we bought at a bargain and offer them , while they last , at the low price of I Ninety-Eight- . Postage paid to out of town customers. VALENTINE. NEB L. LET US FIGURE ON YOUR LUMBE BILLS BISHOP Cody , Neb. E. D. Fnencor. August Epke. Spencer & Epke , Crookstoir , Neb. Tubular Wells made to order at 60c per foot , complete with pump : Wind u- mills and Well Kepairs at reasonable prices. Call us up over the North Table Telephone Line. The Loup Valley Hereford Eanch. Brownlee.Nebr , Prince lloabdel 131603 and Curly Coat 112261 at head of herd. TUc blood of Fowler. Anxiety , I/rd Wilton and Sir Gladstone predomi nates ic ray herd. I have no bulls for sale until 1007. having sold all bulls on hand. I will handle only pure bred Herefords in the future. C. H. FAULHABEK , H. DAILEY , Dentis t. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. "Will be in Kosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904 : . JOHN F. POKATH and windmills. -B/eiUp'lby Telephone. . - . . 1 * : - --mav N , J. AUSJplU. . t. . J. W. Thompson. Austin c2s Thompson , ' " t&Tieral Blacksmithing .and Wood Work. isIT SHOEING A SPECIALSY. * - J. W. COUNTY SURVEYOR Valentine - Ncl > r. All work will be given prompt and careful attention. C. M. SAGESER Barber First-class Shop in Every Respect Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair Tonic , Herpicide and Coko's Dandruff Cure. Try Eqihpeian Face Massage Cream . TUCKEE , COUNTY ATTORNEY. i-V rJPficices { : in all State Courts. / , City Deliyeryman , .Trunks , valises aud .packages ; hauled to and - from the depot and all parts ol the City. SiK WASHINGTON GOSSIP. - ? > Republican tariff reform is as elusive as a peek through a peek- a-boo waist ; now you see it and again you don't. If President Roosevelt does not expend all the § 25,000 congress appropriated for traveling ex penses , will he turn the balance into the conscience fund , or leave the unexpended balance in the treasury. When a reporter asked Speaker Cannon if there was any thought of considering tariff revision at the conference at Oyster Bay he piously exclaimed "Great Father in Heaven" and the balance of his ejaculations would not look well in print. _ There is no end to the extortion of the coal trust and the price has been regularly raised ten cents a ton , each month since Spring and yet the administration has made no serious effort to punish the trust magnates , who in combination with the railroads are plundering the people. _ _ Senator Bailey , * like Senator Tillman , has triumphed over his enemies in his own state and in other states by being unanimously renominated for United States senator and democrats everywhere are to be congratulated that they will continue to have these two champions of honest government to expose the corruption and graftingjof the republican majority. Congressman Littlefield must be pushed very hard by his demo cratic opponent , for the news from his district says he is making a house to house canvass , which is usually recognized as the last re sort in 'an emergency. The people of Maine have not been thoroughly aroused for years , as the re publican machine , " in league with the corporations and saloons , has had them in a tight grip , but there are signs of a political awakening that bodes trouble for the corrupt standpatters. Secretary Shaw has left Washington for Iowa to try and down Gov. Cummins and incidentally to nurse his presi dential boom that has had rather a sickly existence. The treasury department seems to run quite as well without Shaw's attention as with it , for it is the exception to find him at his desk attending to business. He pops over to Wall street about every week and never makes a move that will affect the financial world but that the Rocke feller banks get a tip in advance. The top heavy government of the Philippines that the re publicans have erected is breaking down of its own weight , from sheer inability of the inhabitants to pay enough taxes to support it. Either the people of the United States will have to pay part of the local expenses , added to the present - { sent .taxes- they pay for the army ancb'navy .employed there , or we will have to give the islands up to the Filipinos to do what they like with and virtually extend the Monroe doctrine there to prevent any foreign nation from oppressing them. The democrats may well declare , "we told you so. " Gov. Cummins of Iowa had better look out , or he will be called to account at Oyster Bay. Here he is telling people that "the next congress will take up the revision of the tariff at the request of Presi dent Roosevelt. " And this when all the world knows , especially the Germans , " that the president is infer for a standpat campaign by agree ment with Speaker Cannon and the other campaign leaders. But perhaps Gov. Cummins has arrived at the conclusion that the people will elect a democratic majority of congress and the president will fall into line by recommending and signing a tariff reform1 bill , to the utter confusion of the stand patters. _ KEEP YOUR EYE ON OYSTER BAY- Former Postmaster Smith who is editor of the Philadelphia Press , was invited "to. Oyster 'B&y seqn after the congressional-leaders and Penrose , the republican machine leader , had been thei . The Press is backing the Linco In-Democratic ticket and a dispatch to the Wash ington Post says it is believed that the republican leaders urged PresidentEoosevelt to remonstrate with Smith on the stand which his paper had taken. Is the president secretly aiding the old Quay machine ? It certainly looks like it. REGULATING RAILR'OADS. The Canadians have gone a long way ahead of this country in reg ulating railroads , the Canadian Commission having been granted all the power necessary to prevent unjust discrimination or ex tortionate rates. One of the great reforms the Canadians have accomplished is the prevention of stock watering , so that the people shall not be made to pay tribute on' bogus stock as the people of the United States are compelled to do. Our Harrimans , and Morgans , and Vanderbilts. and Cassatts and the other manipulators that have issued fictitious stock from their Wall street dens must be made to dis gorge. The railroad question like the trust and tariff issue will never be settled , until justice is done and we have only just entered the opening wedge on regulating the great highways of the nation. A REPUBLICAN MESS. The Washington Post declares that the German Ambassador has delivered an ultimatum to the state department on the tariff issue and threatens if Germans are not given reciprocal tariff privileges to annul the "favored nation" tariff treat ment to this country. That would place exports from the United States on the maximum basis which is virtually prohibitive and would shut out our products from the German market. "Standing pat" and "leaving well enough alone" evidently has its drawbacks , yet the republican leaders and President Roosevelt have decided to" "stand pat. " The news of that Oyster Bay conference has evidently aroused the German government to re taliate. Who will back down ? Emperor Bill or President Teddy ? 370,000,000 INCREASED PROFITS- How the trusts and combines are arc plundering the American people is shown by the enormous profits made this year by the steel trust. Every one pays their share of the vast toll that this gigantic combination takes from the grist run through its hopper. "On March 3 , 1897" says the New York World , "just before the party of high prices took possession of the grovernment , and when there was no steel trust , American steel rails were selling in the market at $18 to § 20 per ton. Forei ners can still get them for that , but Americans have to pay the trust $28 an increase of from 40 to 50 per cent. The trust has maintained the § 28 rate for home customers without variation since it was organized , representing a net increase of profits of over § 70 , 000,000 above a normal amount for that time. And Mr. Morgan enthusiastically "stands pat for the retention in power of an admini stration that stands for so much prosperity. " Do not imagine that because you have no railroad stock , or even if you never rode on a steamer or street railroad that the price of steel rails does not effect your pocket. In fact everything you buy is advanced in price by the freight that is charged for we can not expect low railroad rates and expensive railroad construction. Then just think of the large number of articles of steel or iron that you daily use , all of which are greatly increased in price by the extra toll the steel trust takes , because the competition the tariff gives the trust allows it to extort these high prices. This toll is nearly § 10 a year from each family , from this' one trust and there are 186of them protected by v- you will eat more you can do more work , enabling you to earn more money , so that you can buy more ISCUit do more work and earn still more money. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY the tariff in likf manner. PROTECTINGTHE FARMERS. The International Harvester company the agricultural ma chinery trust has just made a contract with the Tennessee coal and iron company for 25,000 tons of pig iron , the prices being § 13 a ton at Birmingham. That will make a good many harvesters and other farm machines which will cost the farmers of the United States at least 20 per cent more than it should through tariff pro tection of the trust. Paragraph 460 of the tariff law provides that ; "Plows , tooth and disk harrows , harvesters , reapers , agricultural drills , ' and planters , mowers , horserakes , cultivators , threshing machines and cotton gins , twenty per centum ad valorem" This trust is said to be selling its products cheaper abroad than here and our farmers have to pay high prices for the benefit of the trust and the foreigners. _ _ _ _ i * THE FARMbR AND THE POLITICAN- Clay Crisman , the young Michigan farmer who came to Washington to see the political celebrities , decided , after in specting the beef trust harassed countenance of Secretary Wilson , that "Can't that ' : see they're different from any other folk. " If Crisman had investigated the minds of the republican officials instead of their persons , he would tiave discovered a vast difference between the official mind and the minds of the honest farmer. For whereas the official is constantly inventing some plan to tax the people for his benefit or the ad vantage of the tariff fostered trusts and combines that republican officials are so anxious to favor through the tariff or other monopoly breeding device , the mind of the farmer is , when he thinks about the matter , wondering why wheat is low and trust prices high. REPUBLICAN IMBECILITY- "Standing pat" on the tariff and other economic issues is absurd. Conditions change with time and what may be for the advantage of the people one year , is to their disadvantage hereafter. To "standpat" on the tariff as the law is today , when it is proven to be plundering the people for the benefit of the protected monopolists is not statesmanship , but bourbon- ism. The fact is the republican party has become atrophied by standing pat and lost virility by being fed by the pampered trusts and special interests it has itself created. It stands pat because it does not feel competent to throw off their incubus and again assume its original spirit of liberty and devotion to its pristine conceptions , which were announced in the great declaration of independence , but which it now says are obsolete and glittering generalities. The re publican party stands now for taxation without representation , it allows the trusts and protected combines to tax the .people ten f will sell my entire business and ranch at CO. , consisting of = " 37 R0ro ULU. I will sell ranch and stock together or in part , stock separate from ranch or ranch separate from stock- Keason for selling : On account of health. times the amount , than even the plundering tariff law compels the people to pay to the government itself. To stand pat on such a system of legalized robbery is imbecility. The great doctrine of equal rights to all and special privileges to none has no lodgment in the heart of the republican standpatters. THE TARIFF AND COST OF LIVING. It is impossible for the re publicans to disguise the fact that the % 'trust era" is synchronous with the present tariff law , which , so lavichly protects those special interests at the .expense of the American people. No one has ever heard of our manufacturers selling their products abroad cheaper than at home until the tariff was Increased beyond the high rates of the McKinley bill , to purposely protect the manfacturers from foreign competition. There were some trusts before 1897 , but they were feeble infants compared to those vast combines that now control our markets. There are now 168 trusts that enjoy direct tariff benefit and there are 38 other trusts that benefit to some extent. To these giant corporations must be attributed the enormous in crease in prices , through the pro tection granted them in the tariff law , so that the cost of living , according to Dunn's Index figures , which are published in the United States Statistical Abstract 1905 , page 5il shows that in July , 1897 the necessary articles consumed on the average by each individual cost § 72.45 , whereas on January 1,1905 those figures had increased to § 104.45 and arc now § 106 or 47 [ per cent higher than in 1897. pThuspit now takes § 1.47 to buy [ what cost § 1 ia 1S9T. And yet President Roosevelt and the re publican leaders stand pat and propose if they have a majority of the next congress to continue to "stand pat. " THE FARMERS AND THE TARIFF. The farmers can hardly approve the republican standpat program , when they find the price of wheat , oats , corn and cotton declining and the cost of all they buy rapidly advancing. Where does the boasted protection to agriculture come in under the present pro tective tariff and how are farmers protected , although the tariff law provides that 25 cents a bushel on wheat and 15 cents a bushel on oats be collected on imports ? The price of wheat is now lower than it has been for two years or since the present tariff law was enacted in August 1897. Those farmers , who are re publicans , should demand of their kistandpat" leaders a fair deal , and if the agricultural machinery trust , the barbed wire combine , the lumber association and the clothing trusts , are to still be protected by the tariff in charging exorbitant prices for their products , that some method of raising the prices of cereals and keeping them stable should effect trust high prices. The fact is , however , that no tariff can protect the farmers on his products , of which the surplus must be sold abroad , as the price paid by the foreigners for that surplus fixes the price here. The only relief the farmer can receive is to be able to buy in the cheapest market and this he can never do as long as the trusts , that control all he buys , are .protected by the tariff from competition. It is plain therefore that the farmer who votes for a republican con gressman and for republican canidates for the legislature , who in turn will elect republican senators , is voting to continue the protection to the trusts and for high prices , with no protection to help the price of his own products *