Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 16, 1906, Image 2

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    The Valentine Democrz
Valentine , Neb.
I. M. Rice. Publish *
PORTED AS ABOUT $1,000,000.
Employes Tell Officers of Midnigl
Trips to the Bonk hy Preside !
Stensland and CasWer Hcring Ri
port to Be Sent to Springfield.
State Bank Examiner C. C. Jon <
completed his Inspection of the affali
of the defunct MilAA-aukee Aveni ;
State Bank at Chicago Sunday , an
will forward his report on it to the at
horities at Springfield at once. Th
official was reticent concerning the &
act results of his Investigations , bi
it is estimated that the total shortag
discovered is betAveen $800,000 an
The local police and the state's ai
torney's official continued their inqul
sitions. Inspector Shippy questione
more than a dozen of the institution1
employes , seeking information fror
watchmen , bookkeepers , assistant tell
ers and other minor officials. On
bookkeeper was positive that Presiden
Stensland's son Avas cognizant of th
shaky condition of the bank previou
to July 14 , the date on which youn ;
Stensland claims he first suspected ir
regularities on the part of his fathei
Other employes told the inspector o
midnight trips 'to the bank by Presi
dent Stensland and Cashier Hering.
According to the Chicago Chronlcl
Paul O. Stensland , the president of th
defunct bank , and for Avhlm the polio
In every important city are AA'atch
ing , has been seen in Chicago twici
within a AA'eek.
Two witnesses , one of whom , Will
lam Jennings , was for nine years i
porter in the .bank , told Sunday o :
having met the banker on the stree
and exchanging salutes with him
Each time , it is asserted , he was ac
companied by James Erickson , i
Stensland was made the subject of i
number of attacks from A'arious pul
pits Sunday.
Five Persons Are DroAvncd at Daven
port , Wash.
FJve persons prominent in the so
cial life of Davenport , Wash. , who
have been enjoying an outing on the
banks of the Spokane River about
twelve miles northeast of that place ,
were drowned Sunday.
The dead are Miss Winnie Jones ,
aged 19 ; A. L. Boigett , aged about 40 ;
Mrs. A. L. Boigett , aged about 35 ; Roy
Howard , aged 28 years ; A. L. Inman ,
aged 34.
Four of the drowned heroically sac
rificed their lives in an attempt to save
others. One after another they
plunged into the river only to be seiz
ed by the undercurrent and drawn
down either by the Avhirlpool or the
The body of Mrs. Boigett was tha
only one recoA'ered.
Rover Over Camp Game Starts Bloody
Battle in Illinois.
An affray in Avhich three were fa
tally shot and a fourth man wounded
by a negro occurred Sunday at Cam-
bon , Franklin County , 111.
The dead are Wiley B. White , 19
rears of age , of Benton , and two negro
coal miners , of Zeigler.
A Avhite man named Carlson , of
Pittsburg , Pa. , foreman of a steel
crew , was shot in the side , but prob
ably Avill recover.
The shooting started in a quarrel
over a crap game. The negro charged
with the shooting is named Drew. He
fled to the Avoods , pursued by two
Car Hits Automobile.
" One woman was instantly killed , an
other was probably fatally injured ,
and two other persons were slightly
hurt Avhen an automobile in which
they were riding AA-as struck by an
electric car In EA'anston , 111. , Sunday
Mad Mullah at It Again.
The correspondent at Aden of the
London Mail reports that the Mad
Mullah has raided the Somaliland bor
der , killing "more than 1,000 of the
Rareharon tribe dwelling1 in the Og-
dalen region and capturing 1,000
King Alfonso Visite Scotland.
King Alfonso and Queen Victoria
left CoAves Sunday for a visit to Lord
Leith of Fyvie , in Scotland , where
King Alfonso Avill indulge In some
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Saturday's quotations on the Sioux
City live stock market folloAv : Butcher
steers , $3.90@4.10. Top hogs , $6.00.
Must Remove Freight.
The officials of the Southern Pacific
at San Francisco AA'ill issue a state
ment to the consignees having freight
on the tracks of the company that it
will be unloaded at once and stored at
the cost of the consignees. This ac
tion was decided upon after a long
Official Killed and Robbed.
At Libau , Russia , the postmaster
was killed Saturday and robbed of
. $14,000.
Offifclal of Failed Chicago Bank Eu
His Life.
' Frank Kowalski , paying teller of t
MilAvaukee Avenue State Bank at Cl
'cago , which failed last Monday , a ]
for some time assistant receiving tell
In addition to his other duties , sh
and killed himself Friday night at \
home , 340 North Carpenter Strei
Chicago. Criticism by the neighbo
and lifelong friends Avho accused hi
of a share in the doAvnfall of the bai
Is believed to have driven Kowals
to his death. .
KoAvalski had complained bitterly
the suspicion of his friends and d
clared that unless his character AV
speedily cleared he would take hewn
own life.
Kowalski's relatives assert the
firm belief that he was innocent
any knoAvledge of the mismanageme :
of the bank by President Stenslan
When the tank failed KoAvalski he
$700 of his own money on deposit
the institution and his immedia
relatives nearly $50,000. Had the tel
er known of Stensland's defalcation
they assert , he would at least hai
notified his relatiA'es and would ha
taken his OAA-n money out of the inst
The dead teller , who was 30 yea :
of age , had been Avith the bank f (
thirteen years.
While the search for Paul O. Stem
land , the missing president , is beir.
extended to all parts of the countr ;
Cashier Hering , who was arreste
Thursday , spent Friday with the state
representatives and Bank Examine
Jones in examining the bank's colla :
ral in an effort to determine ho
much the president is short in his ac
counts. After an all day's searc
forged notes aggregating more tha
$500,000 were found and are now i
the possession of the state's attorney
who AA-ill use them In the prosecutio
of the officials responsible f6r thel
From a statement Issued Friday b
Hering regarding loans made , b
Stensland as banker to himself and th
shortages found by previous investi
gations it is asserted that when a fins
adjustment of the affairs of the ban :
is made it will be found that Presiden
Stensland's defalcations will aggregat
nearly $2,000,000.
Evidence Against Standard Oil Com
pany and the Railroad.
Evidence of the direct rebate ar
rangements alleged to exist betweei
the Standard Oil Company and certaii
railroads was presented to the federa
srand jury at Chicago Friday by i
witness who , in the eyes of the gov
ernment attorneys , is believed to bi
Dne of the most important witnesse ;
Dn this subject.
Horace Tucker , chairman of th <
Chicago and St. Louis Traffic Associa
tlon , was the man who gave the infer
Other witnesses heard were C. A
Cennedy , of the Chicago Junctlor
Railway Company , and J. H. Howard
slerk in the auditing department o ]
he Chicago and Alton Railroad.
small Force Has a Fight ivith Band
of Pulajnnes.
First Lieut. John F. James , two pri-
ates of the Eighth infantry , * nd Con-
ract Surgebn SaH-in Snyder. and In-
ernal Revenue Collector Williams , of
llinois , were killed Thursday after-
teen in a hand to hand figTit with a
orce of Pulajanes at Julita. island of
eyte. The detachment , AtfTiich con-
Isted of ten men , was greatly out-
.umbered , but made a gallant fight.
The Pulajanes captured three pis-
ols , four Krag-Jorgensen rifles and
00 rounds of ammunition
Big Purse for Fighters.
Joe Gans and Billy Nolan , manager
3r Battling Nelson , have signed arti-
les for Nelson and Gans to fight in
foldfield , NeA' . , r abor day under the
jllowing agreement : Straight Mar-
uis of Queensbury rules to the fin-
ih. Weight , 133 pounds ; weigh in at
o'clock. Nelson will get $20,000 ,
in or lose , and Gans.Is to get $10-
DO , win or lose.
Dropped Under Car Wheels.
While en route from Peoria on the
hicago , Peoria and St. Louis , taking
te body of his mother , Mrs. Mary
iley , to Springfield , 111. , for burial
om Peoria , where she died , George
iley stepped out on the train plat-
irm and dropped to the rails. He
as Instantly ground to death. De-
ondency and grief caused Riley to
immit the act.
Standard Oil Indicted.
The federal grant jury at James-
wn , N. Y. , Friday returned indict-
ents against the Standard Oil Com-
iny of New York and Pennsylvania
lilroad Vacuum Oil Company , of
Chester , for violations of the inter-
ite commerce law.
JFolk Has XCAV Reform.
Gov. Folk , of Missouri , will ask the
xt general assembly to pass\a law
which the retail liquor interests
11 be taxed for the benefit of the
blic highways. He plans to have
ch dram shop pay a ntate license o1
00 a year.
Slain by 10-Ycar-Old Son.
Dispatches AA'ere received here Frl-
y saying that Frank Mullins Avas
3t and instantly killed by his 10-
ir-old son Thursday at Bowerston ,
ss. It was said Mullins was whip-
: another of his children.
Three Rulers for Godfathers.
Dhe king of England and the em-
ors of Austria and Russia will be
Ifathers to Emperor William's
ndson , whose christening has been
itponed from Ausr. 12 to J1ap. . 29.
Official of Chicago Bank is He
Without Bail.
Henry W. Hering , cashier of t
Mihvaukee AA-enue State Bank ,
Chicago , Avhich closed its doors thr
days ago , Avas arrested Thursday ai
AA'as refused his release on ball un
his connection AA'ith the disappearan
of nearly $1,000,000 of the banl
funds is cleared up , Paul O. Sten
land , president of the defunct Insi
tution , is still a fugitive , and althoug
nearly 100 detectiA'es are searchii
for the missing president his wher
abouts is as much of a mystery :
Hering was arrested Thursday afte
noon tAA-o hours after the time he h
previously announced he Avould gii
himself up. He was taken at once
the office of Chief of Police Collii
and put through a thorough examini
tion as to his knoAA'ledge of Preside !
Stensland's mismanagement of the Ii
stitution. Hering declared he did m
know AA-here President Stensland
and had had no communication AA'il
him for over a week. The cashi <
strenuously denied the charge that J
( himself ) was partly responsible fc
the failure of the bank. Herln
maintained that if he is guilty <
breaking the banking laws of Illino
President Stensland is responsible , z
Hering in his examination declare
he never benefited a single dollar t
President Stensland's peculiar systei
of banking.
Bank Examiner Jones and Assistar
State's Attorney Gleason were preser
during the examination of Herinj
Neither they nor the police official
Avere satisfied Avith the explanatlo
given by Hering of his connectio
Avith the collapse of the bank and J
AA-as accordingly decided to refuse bate
to Hering until the matter had bee
further investigated.
ReceiA'er Stetzer reported to the su
perior court Thursday that a divl
dend of at least 25 per cent woul
probably be declared to depositors o
the bank within the next two weeks
This , it is said , will be fqllowed by i
second diA'idend , although the receive
AA-as not in a position to state hoA
much of their saA'ings the 22,000 de
positors would recoA-er from the de
funct institution.
Kansas City Victorious After Lonj
Kansas City , Mo. , Avon its long figh
for cheap gas when Mayor Beardsle :
Thursday promised to sign the so
called Fleming-Wilson natural gas or
dinance , granting a franchise to a syn
dicate of Chicago capitalists , whicl
Avas passed by the city council Wed
nesday night.
The franchise is to run thirty year ;
and provides that as long as the sup
ply of natural gas is reasonably ac
cessible it is to be furnished at 2t
cents per 1,000 cubic feet for domestic
consumption and 10 cents for manu
facturing purposes. If the natural
? as supply fails , then artificial gas Is
to be furnished at 75 cents per 1OOC
: ubic feet.
Man Who Stole $125,000 Had Only GO
Cents Left.
Clinton B. Wray , secretary of the
Jnion Trust Company , of Pittsburg ,
vho AA-as arrested here charged Avith
jmbezzlement of $125,000 , had only
iO cents in his pockets.
"I gambled it all away , " was his
mly answer to a query as to where
he fortune had gone.
"How much money am I supposed
o haA'e taken ? " Wray asked.
"Well , it's said you got about $200-
100. "
"Where Is all that money now ? "
"Oh , I gambled it away. I was
lealing in stocks and other things , and
haven't got a dollar of it left now. "
fany Carloads of Perishable Goods
A. strike of several hundred dock
ands , oilers and firemen on the rail-
oad tub boats in the harbor at New
'ork badly tied up the railroad tug
oat fleet Thursday. This in turn pre-
ented the movement of a large
mount of freight from the railroad
jrminals in Jersey City to New York.
It is estimated not more than a
lird of the freight arriving at the
Ulroad terminals was moved across
ie harbor Thursday , and that many
irloads of perishable goods and veg-
: ables Avere stalled. In consequence
ie local markets were short of sup-
Grain 3ate Xot Settled.
Executive officers of the western
unk lines met in Chicago Thursday
consider the differential between
ie gulf and seaboard on shipments of
: port grain from points of export
ain from points west of the Missouri I
iA'er , but Avere unable to reach a set-
estern League Ball at Sioux City , la.
FolloAving is a schedule of Western
; ague games to be played at Sioux
ty in the Immediate future :
leblo Aug. 14 , 15. 16 , 17
jnA-er Aug. 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 j
ncoln Aug. 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 I
naha Aug. 30 , 21. Sept 1 , 2
Xo Bishop for the Poles.
The announcement made in Toledo ,
, Wednesday that Bishop Weber
d been appointed by the pope as
shop for the United States to look
: er the welfare of Poles in America
incorrect. No Polish bishop has
2n appointed for America.
OH Prices Reduced.
A. Cleveland dispatch says : The
indard Oil Company Thursday re-
ccd the selling price of all grades
refined oil % cent per gallon.
Rains Almost a Cloudburst Lei :
* %
River Country Flooded in the Lov
lands Town of Decatur Suite
Heavy Damage.
A Broken Bow special says : Or
of the heaviest rainfalls in years o <
curred In this part of the county dui
; ing Sunday night. Nearly three incl
es of water fell in a little over thre
1 hours. As near as can be learned Ii
tie serious damage was done to th
surrounding country , owing to th
small amount of wind accompanyin
; the storm. In this city sidewalk
were floated , foot bridges washe
away , foundations undermined an
cellars converted into subterranea
pc ols. The small creek overflowed il
banks and a large lake divided th
north and south sides of town.
At Loup City one of the severe *
electrical storms which ever visite
the section occurred Sunday night , ac
companied by almost a cloudburs
Monday morning the Middle Lou
River was the highest it has been i
thirty-two years , according to the old
est inhabitants. The storm was eve ;
more severe up the valley , a fall of si
inches being reported at Arcadia , Sar
gent and other points. No fatalitie
are reported , but the storm playei
havoc with the country lines of the tel
ephone compapies.
The hardest rain ever witnessed ii
Decatur fell there Monday forenooi
about 11 o'clock. It was in the na
ture of a cloudburst , as the northwes
part of town and the creek runnins
through town from the west over
flowed its banks and fully a foot o
water was running down Main street
south from the bridge , for upwards o
twenty minutes. All the busines ;
places on the east side of Main stree
had fully an inch of solid mud 01
their walks after the water had sub
The small grain that is down will b <
greatly damaged and threshing will b <
greatly retarded as a result of so much
Family and Authorities in Wrangle
and Body Held Two Weeks.
Coroner Brailey , of Omaha , is stil
holding the body of J. W. McMasters
the man who dropped dead near Flor
ence nearly two weeks ago. The cor
oner notified relatives of McMastere
at Lincoln and was advised they had
fHlvancerl money to a Lincoln under
taker. The Lincoln undertaker ad-
Vioiiu he received no money and re
fused to accept the case. The Doug
las County commissioners would not
2onsider the case , which came under
the class of "non-resident paupers. "
Last Aveek Coroner Brailey applied teState
State Superintendent of Instruction
McBrien for relief. Mr. McBrien was
joing to assign the body to a medical
college , but was restrained by Mc-
Vlaster's relatives. Xow Coroner
Brailey is endeavoring to get the Lan
caster authorities to stand the ex-
jense of burying McMasters.
iegcncratc Arrested by Officers for
Debauching His T\vo Daughters.
Through the efforts of the Humane
Society , Ivery M. Huit , of South Oma-
la , Avas bound over to the district
: ourt in the sum of $5,000 on the
: harge of debauching his 10-year-old
laughter , Avho is blind. Three com-
ilaints inA'olving relations Avith anoth-
: r daughter have been filed against
lim in Sarpy County. Huit and his
rife have separated and for a time
IB lived in Albright , across the Sar-
iy line. Later he moA-ed to the At-
intic Hotel in South Oma.ha.
Children Go to Grandmother.
Iva and Hazel Eaton , the two little
iris Avho Avere taken by County Judge
Humphrey , of Broken Bow , from
heir father and aunt on account of
xcessive cruelty , are noAV in care 01
leir maternal grandparents , Mr. and
Irs. D. D. Shepardson , AA-ith whom
icy will hereafter li\'e. There is also a
-year-old boy Avho Avill remain In
ie custody of the county until the
eptember term of court , Avhen the
ise is to be appealed by Mrs. Powers ,
IB aunt.
Jaw Split Tjy Fall.
Frank Major , Jr. , of Kearney , had
Is lower jaw split in an accident
hile he was at work on a residence ,
e was at work on a scaffold about
venty feet above the ground Avhen a
illow workman jumped down beside
[ m from a slightly higher eleA-ation.
he scaffolding broke , precipitating
te two men to the ground. In the
.11 a board struck Major on the chin ,
dittlng it up and doAArn.
Former Convict Works Sheriff.
Ed L. Taylor , a discharged convict ,
ho has been working for Sheriff Bau-
an , of Fremont , is missing and.also
> out $500 which he had confidenced
om his friends , and a diamond be-
nging to the sheriff , a couple of re
ivers and other things. Taylor was
nt up from that county about a year
id a half ago for horse stealing , and
is released only last week.
Bidder Unable to Make Good.
Although W. R. Burch , of Chicago ,
.d the effects of the Sioux City , Ho-
sr and Southern Raihvay knocked
: to him by Sheriff H. C. Hansen , of
ikota City , at sheriff's sale at $16.-
0 , when it came to making a cash
yment of $2,000 Burch failed to put
the money and Sheriff Hansen has
ntinued the sale.
Fusion in Furnas County.
The Democratic and populist eon-
ntions were held at BeaA'er City |
2dnesday. The conventions were
Id separately , but conference com-
ttees from each made arrangements
icreby but one ticket AA-as nomi-
Gasoline Eplosion.
The residence -Henry Downs at
more was slightly damaged by a
> oline explosion. The building Ava
ed from destruction by the prompt
ival of the fire department.
E. Trucsdale ami Companions Stm
by Train Near Grand Island.
E. Truesdale , z : telephone linemi
with two assistants. Julius Jones a
PoAvell Perrine , were run into by
Union Pacific freight train late S
urday night near Grand Island , a
Truesdale Avas instantly killed Avh
Jones and Perrine jumped in time
saA'e themselves , one landing on c
side of the train and the other
the opposite.
They had been out in the country
put in a farmer's phone. To compli
the Avork they labored after the st
per hour and at 11 o'clock Avere :
turning to the city. As they a
preached a crossing from the we
and were yet driving somewhat pi
all el to the track , they saAV a tr
from the east , just pulling out
Grand Island. They doubted AA-heth
they could cross ahead of the oncoi
ing train , and their attention seems
haA'e been centered Avholly upon t
approaching headlight. The driv
Avas of the opinion he could crc\3s a :
hurried the horse. The horse shl
as he Avas approaching the m'.Odle
three tracks. The men looked up.
freight train from the Avest was up <
them. Jones and Perrine jumpe
One of them landed on the south ai
the other on the north side of tl
train. Avhich came from the west. Th
heard the vehicle struck. "When tl
freight had passed they looked f
their companion. They found his r
mains horribly mangled , a distan
of about fifty feet away.
Women and Horses Get Man at Be ;
vcr City Into Trouble.
Walter Degarmo , now in the coun
Jail at Beaver City aAvaiting trial <
the charge of bigamy , is certainly
much Avanted man.
A message from the state attorn <
it Carthage , 111. , confirms the confe
= ion of Degarmo that his Avife , Mauc
Degarmo , is aliA'e and has not bet
The sheriff at Huron , S. D. , Avir- -
: hat Degarmo is wanted for her :
; tealing , and on being confronts
, vith the charge he confessed and sta
> d that the horse , harness and bugs
.vere sold by him in that county.
The Illinois authorities AA-ant hi ]
ilso on a charge of horse stealing an
o this he also acknoAA'l edges , giA-in
he name of the to\vn in IOA\-a AA-hei
he stolen animal was sold.
From Red Cloud comes another ir
[ iiiry and it is prob'able that he Avi
iave another charge to face.
Miss Luella Thompson , of Wilsor
'ille , has been notified of all the fact
ogarding the scoundrel who impose
limself upon her and succeeded in ot
aining sums of money. It was he
lope that his Avife in Illinois had se
; ured a divorce so that the marriag
lere Avould have been legal. . ,
trange characteristic of Degarmo i
hat he freely confesses his sins an
las made but little attempt to shiel
'lames Sci/c Young Victims Xea
South Omaha.
FiA-e young children of Thoma
'Daniels Avere cremated Wednesda ;
vening in a fire AA-hich destroyed thei
ome on the estate of Dr. George L
tiller , the A-eteran journalist , at Sey
lour Park , near South Omaha.
The children's names are : Lillie
ged 15 ; Ernest , aged,9 ; Bertha , agec
; Earl , aged 4 ; Florence , aged S.
Mrs. O'Daniels is in a precariou ;
indition Avith seA'ere burns all ovei
er body as the result of her desper-
te attempt to save her little ones
he father also is suffering frc-m i
jflly burned hand.
Ethel , the oldest of the children
one escaped.
The house AA-as entirely destroyed
id Avith it a stable containing three
iluable thoroughbred horses belong ,
g to Dr. Miller.
Attempted Suicide.
J. Walsh tried to commit suicide
' cutting his throat Avith a razor in
s room at the NCAV York Hotel at
remont Friday morning and is now
the hospital in a critical condition ,
it Avill probably recover. Walsh
me there Aug. 1.and registered
om Cheyenne , Wyo. He has been
ere since and most of the time has
en drinking heavily , especially the
st two days.
Hurt While Switching.
August Russ , a brakeman on the lo-
1 freight , Avas severely injured while
itching in the yards at Hartington
mrsday. He AA-as riding in the en-
ne just back of the cab and stuck
s head out just as the engine was
ssing an open gate on the stock
rds. He was struck on the side of
e head , a deep gash being cut , an < ?
was otherwise bruised.
Xo One to Operate the Hotel.
The Meadows Hotel at Veaver City
shy a landlady. Mrs. J. J. Beboard
s been in charge for five weeks. Fri-
y morning Mrs. Beboard was gone
d with her disappeared a consider-
le amount of silA'erware , linen , etc.
ft behind is a $400 mortgage and
rious debts to merchants. Mr. De- .
ird has been section foreman or
i Burlington at Mascot.
Afelcs for Damages. ;
W. H. Bennet , of Sterling , Colo. , Is ,
: plaintiff in a suit for damages
linst Ernst Roth , of Grand Island , ,
the sum of $0,000 , $3,000 on each ]
three counts , for defamation of
iracter. The suit grows out of alle
ions in a diA'orce action.
Heavy Rainfall. ]
Continued rains have giA'en two
hes of rainfall around Harvard cr
ce August came in. Stacking and
eshing is thereby delayed and dam-5
! to Avheat must follow a continuat
i of this Avet Aveather.
Fire Destroys Old Hotel.
Mre destroyed the Missouri Pacific t
: el at Auburn , the loss amounting t
ibout 54.000. partly coA'ered by in-
ance. The fire is supposed to have
n caused by a lamp left lighted by . °
ounc : Avoman curling her hair. "
en discovered it had made consid-1
. This old 8'
3le progress. removes an
Imark. * <
. o ;
incoln Man Killed at CraAvford.
, from Lintt
ert Taylor a carpenter -
i. V.TS killed by lightning at Craw- ' (
I Tuesday afternoon P' '
Secretary Bennett has certified t
the various county clerks the levies a
made by the state board of equallza
tlon. The total amount Avhich Avill b
realized for the general fund on th
43/2-mill leA-y is $2,191,527.32 , an In
crease from $2,131 , 296.69 over las
year. The one-half mill levy for th
schools will realize $156,537.65 , an In
srease from $152,235.48 ; the uniA-er
3ity _ - vy of 1 mill will realize $313 ,
075.32 , an increase from $304,470.9
raised last year. The redemption fund
L-mill leA'y raised the same amount a
: he university leA'y. While the In
: rease In the assessment is raised eve
8,000,000 , the increase in the amoun
) f taxes to be paid for state and schoo
aurposes Avill be increased only $60 ,
230.63. The.increased assessment Avll
) e felt , howeAer , where the local lev
es are highest. Douglas gets the blj
ncrease in the state taxes , the amoun
> elng Increased $6,516.79 , AA'hile pee :
> ld Lancaster , with all Its state build
ngs , Is only increased $6,319.79.
* * *
Though he believe the legality o :
he publication of the proposed rail-
oad amendment to the constitutior
rill not be questioned if It is tfublishec
or thirteen consecutiA'e weeks prior t <
he election , Secretary of State Galu-
ha Saturday telegraphed and tele-
ihoned to each of the papers to whicl
IB had sent the amtJhdment , to pub-
Ish an extra edition of the paper tc
nsure the legality of the publication ,
jate Saturday eA'eninjr he had heard
rom nearly all of his wires and extra
ditions will be published. This wttl
riake the necessary three calendst
lonths. The extra edition idea was
uggested by Deputy Attorney General
'hompson , Avho said it would remoA-e
11 doubt as to the validity of the pub-
cation of the notices. Attorney Gen-
ral Brown Is out campaigning and In
is absence the legal department
rould hazard no opinion as to the law
i the matter.
* * *
Gov. Mickey received a draft from
r. H. Harding , of Omaha , for $43.85-
rith a letter explaining the money had
een left with him by Detective Dono-
oe. Mr. Harding explained that he
ad advanced Donohoe the money to-
efray the expenses of getting a prls-
ner from Kansas City , and Donohoe
) ld him the state would refund the
Loney as soon as the proper voucher
ad been filed. Donohoe , he said , had !
ft the money with his bartender but
ad not told him what It AA-as for.
ater , he wrote , he saw the notice Irs
le paper about the affair and had re-
irned the money at his first opportu-
ity so the goA'ernor could put It
eher it belonged. He also informed
le governor he thought Donohoe had
) t intended to get anything that was >
jt due him.
* * *
The report of State Treasurer Mor-
nsen for the month of July , filed !
lth Auditor Searle , shows there is in
e treasury noAV in all funds a total
1524,468.16. Of this sum $201-
.6.79 is in the permanent school
nd. This amount would be mate-
illy less than It is had the governor
Tennessee delivered bonds Avhicb *
e state treasurer had purchased ?
iring the month , but because the
uthern gOA-ernor was out of his--
ite the bonds have not yet been de-
rered. The temporary school funcS
ntains $141,740.96.
* * *
The talk of the railroad politicians
and out of Lincoln Is to the effect
at there will be no nomination ot
ilted States senator in the Republic-
state convention , nor any in the
smocratic state convention , either ,
r that matter. The pins are all set ,
they say , to head off instructions in
ough counties to leave a working ;
? .Jority that will vote the senator-
Ip off the call altogether.
* * *
Secretary Mellor , of the state board3
agriculture , has receiA'ed notice of
3 commencement of building on the-
wr Ancient Order of United Work-
sn hall on the state fair grounds ,
e Modern Woodmen of America of
5 state will also build a. permanent
; st" room for the entertainment ot
imbers while visiting the fair. These-
lldings will be built of artificial
ne and will be ornamental and use-
Motor boats in use on the small
: es about Lincoln will hereafter car-
one life preserver for each passen-
, a government license and a II-
ised engineer , or subject their own-
to the possibility of being flnecZ
10. Information to this effect Ava ?
eived by the surveyor of the port
Lincoln , L. L. Lindsay. At present
3 will affect the motor boat in use
Epworth park and the one at Cap *
* * *
Employes of Harpman Bros , and
ikstaff Bros , at Lincoln haA'e gone
a strike because the heads of the
firms refuse to sign up the union
le. About thirty-five men are out.
i men on strike are leather workers
ty assert they are not dissatisfied ;
ti the wages paid them n&r tha
rs , but Av-ant the firms'to sign the ,
* * *
he Democratic congressional com-
tee met and decided to hold the
locratic congressional convention
. incoln on the morning of the state
mention , Aug. 15. The Democrats
Lincoln say they will nominate a
ng man , inasmuch as they think
" have a fighting chance of electing
tie Epworth Leaguers had a hard
i of it owing- the frequent rains ,
the crowds continued to attend ,
rithstanding the mud. Mrs. Xesbit ,
'awaee ' City , deliA'ered an interest ]
address to the Woman's Christiana
perance Union section in which ,
said the mothers were responsible
great degree for the development
ie appetite for strong drink. Mrs.
lt said too Aiany mothers gave
children alcohol and narcotics
nedicine , and in this way the
e for strong drink was started.
> : I