I ' tf 4i THE VALENTIN EMOCRAT I. M. KlCE Edito..J. . Proprietor. , . MARK ZARR Fo : email. - , " - . fr. r Entered at the postofflce at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr.V"as Second Class Matter. * . TERMS : Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; $1.50 when not paid in advance. Display Advertising I inch single column 15c per issue or $6.00 a year. Local No rices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue 5c per line pi r issue. „ } 9 Brands , H inches$4.00 per year in advance ; additional space $3.00 per year ; engraJ blocks extra $1.00 each. I 10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears. Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in a'dvance. Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers. THURSDAY , AUGUST 9 , 1906. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CON VENTION. The convention was called to order by Chairman Morrissey and the call was read by I. M. Rice , secretary. The above named were elected as a temporary organiza tion and then made permanent. Upon motion I. M. Rice , O. W. Hahn and M. F. Clynes were ap pointed a committee of three on resolutions and submitted the fol lowing which were adopted as read : RESOLVED ; That we , the democrats of Cherry county , in convention as sembled , renew our allegiance to the principles advocated by the demo cratic party from the organization ot the fedeiai government to the pres ent day. We congratulate the country upon the growth and general acceptance of the democratic doctrines so ably championed for the past ten years by America's greatest citizen , William Jennings Bryan. - We approve most heartily the able , honest and efficient service of our sheriff , P. F. Simons , and our county judge , Hon. W. K TWne. We protest agaiaaL the unwarrant ed attack made upon the live stock industry of Northwestern Nebraska by the Roosevelt administration for the purpose of detracting attention of the public from the frauds of east ern corporations , trusts aud monopo lies. And we protest against the extravagant use of public funds in the employment of secret service agents to spy upon American citizens and to destroy one t f the stable in dustries of Cherry -mnty. . And we especially condemn lion. M. P. Kin kaid. member of congress from this district , for his failuie to represent his people or to make any effort to protect the interests of his district. We condemn the present state ad ministration for its extravagance and and ; subserviency to corporate interests - . ests , and for its failure to enforce the anti-trust laws of the state. I. M. RICE , ) O. W. HAHN , SCom , M. F. CLYNES , ) The following delegations were then selected to attend the various conventions : To State convention A. M. Morrissey , W. E Haley , F. Roth/ lentner , O. W. Hahn , M.'JH\ 1 Clynes and P. F. Simons. To Congressional conversion James Hudson , James J&uigley , T. C. Hornby , I. M. l&ce , A. H. Metzgar and J. W. Stetter. To Senatorial convention L.E. Shepard , W. P Towne , Frank Fischer , WyT. Bishop , Richard Grooms a.y& John GStetter. . To Representative convention W. H/McCloud , EB. . Quible , Jluikmi , IC. . StottsV. . . Parker and Sam Heth. John W. McDaniel was nomi nated for county surveyor to fill the unexpired term. Mr. Mc Daniel is the present incumbent by appointment and has given faithful attention to his work. J. W. Stetter was nominated for commissioner of the 1st dis trict. Mr. Stetter is so well known all over our county as to need no introduction. It has been said of him that he could come nearer weighing a steer or a hog or a bunch of them than any man in the west. He is a recognized au thority on stock , and if his judg ment is good as to weights and valuations , it ought to be employ ed to good advantage in the county - ty commissioner's office. He has traveled over the county extensive ' # ly and is better acquainted with the conditions than most people. His knowledge and experience will be valuable in conducting our county affairs and being centrally located in the district is important asa * ' campaign * argument . * and increases - creases his usefulness. . The small attendance of the con vention was 'probably the cause of a majority being in favor of leav ing the office of county attorney to be nominated by a committee of three , which , by motion , the chair man , A. M. Morrissey , was to ap point. He appointed Frank Roth- leutner , Henry Stetter and L. E. Shepard on this committee , and it is probably safe to say that no one will be nominated by this commit tee , two of them having previous ly expressed themselves as opposed to it. This same committee was later empowered to fill any va cancies that might occur. We were in favor of nominating some one for that office for the reason that a great many people are not satisfied with the republican nomi nee and would prefer any good honest citizen to fill that office , ev en though he be not legally quali fied as an attorney. The rank and file of the republican party , we believe , would welcome such nomi nee and the democratic party should have shown a disposition to relieve the situation and trust to the wishes of the voters at election to choose either an attorney in name or one who would employ proper counsel for our county , who would willingly and vigorous ly prosecute all cases fearlessly and without favor or prejudice for the best interest of our county and commonwealth. The attorney business seems to be something of a monopoly here in Cherry coun ty. We have but one emocratic attorney and he refuses to become a candidate. Tliere are four re publican attorneys and the one whom thexrepublican ring selects , whetherft > ecause of fitness or party service , or for what he will fail or peglect to do , he is given the pow er and authority of county attorn ey. Our county affairs , prosecu tions and protection are also en trusted largely to that person. It has been customary , upon request of the county attorney , for the district judge to appoint and al low additional counsel at the coun ty's expense , where the case seemed of sufficient importance. Many persons desiring a prosecu tion have also employed private- counsel in our county because they did not feel satisfied with the ability ( ? f the county attorney , or because they mistrusted his wil lingness for a vigorous prosecu tion , or fearing that he may be friendly to the defendant. If Cherry county and this common wealth must go into court with in ferior counsel , she must admit that defeat stares her in the face. As a race horse , she could not hope to win many races with a wind- broken horse or a short winded horse , nor with a good horse and an inexperienced rider. Our readers might draw additional in ferences. Our people should nomi nate someone for county attorney and break up this ring or manipu lated monopoly. NOTES BY THE WAY. Give the people every every op portunity for expressing them selves when it can be done at no cost at no hazard.- $ Place the best man in office at all times. It is a recommendation to the party. . The democratic party would as sume no * resp'onsibility-beyond the honesty , integrity and business qualifications of a man for county attorney. The people know that it is all we could do and would not expect the democratic party to claim anything else for him. Since there was a demand for such nomination , would it not have been better to nominate some one than to try to defeat the plan ? It is quite natural that people who expect to make more out of the defense than in the prosecu tion would want an easy battle. They are generally satisfied with the least opposition. It is not a square deal to defeat the object of a prevailing motion in executing it'by appointing men who were pronounced or known to be against it. ABANDONED , . OR NOT ? Is Fort Niobrara abandoned , or not ? That is the question. Unquestionably as a FORT it is and that for all time. As a RES ERVATION it is not , and cannot be while it consists of so many acres , owned by the government. A reservation is a certain area of land withdrawn from settlement and awaiting the time when the government shall open it for en try under the laws and regulations of the land department. As such , Niobrara will still be a RESER VATION , but as a FORT it has been dismantled and abandoned , and all dreams of the troops com ing "marching back" are pipe dreams and all statements leading to the belief that Niobrara will at some time be reoccupied by troops are misleading , hoWever abtained , or by whomsoever uttered. ] will not imitate grave senators by bandying the words "lies" and "liars"butI endorse your ex pression that they are campaign stories. I believe you uttered the exact truth when you so designat ed the statements relating to the restoration of the fort. Let me call your attention to the singular features of this case. The story that the fort is not abandoned originated at O'Neill , from" a party in the confidence of .Kinkaid , if not from Kinkaid him self. It goes from O'Neill to the State Journal at Lincoln , and thence is sent fort to be quoted by the local press and to confuse the voters of the Sixth District. It purports to be based upon a letter from the secretary of war , direct ed to Kinkaid. Studied carefully it will appear to any man of com mon sense to be a transparent fraud. How came Secretary Taft to write such a letter , if he did write it ? How did he know that such a statement from him was re quired , in any case , at this time ? Why because he was implored to interpose. By whom ? Any one can guess , and I can imagine the secretary receiving Such a letter as this from a despairing congress man : "Dear Secretary I am in a devil of a fix throught the aband onment of Fort Niobrara. People say I have been remiss in the mat ter and it is going to cost me votes. Can't.you help with something no matter what that shall give a different complexion to the remov al of the troops ? " Now , look at the supposed letter from Taft. What does it really say ? First That Niobrara has not been abandoned AS A RESER VATION. Second That it will be retained for use AS AN ENCAMPMENT. Third That he , the secretary , has just directed the allotment of ABOUT § 300,000 for an addition to * Fort Niobrara. In regard to the first statement I admit that Niobrara has not been abandoned AS. A RESERVA TION ! for the reason that it can not be , at present. The govern ment owns it and , whether it uses it or not , it is a reservation. In regard to the second statement , its use as an encampment , it is merely a supposition.Other places have recently been selected for that pur pose and such would only be oc casional and for a limited period , if ever it should be used at all. Butth third statement is'tne one A which most creates unbelief and most clearly 'betrayg the scheme f U Q I E S U We have the LARGEST STOCK and the BEST STOCK of Buggies , Surreys and _ u : : Spring Wagons * , ! * -ever , shown in Valentine. Call and see them whether 'yen - . . ' - * wish to purchase or not. Do Not Forget that we are agents for w * . McCormick Binders , Mowers , Eakes and \ : , Twine. Also ; for Dain Sweeps and S ti ' Stackers , and Moline Wagons. < - f. * * * 7 - f We have a complete line of general Ranch and Farm Supplies , V S including ; Grindstones , Sickle Grinders , Stacker Rcpe , Machine Oil , Builders Hardware , Paints and Oils. Screen Doors. Lumber , Posts , Barbwire See Us for Right Goods at Right Prices IJ fr We Sell Lumber BISHOP & YOUNG , CODY , NEB. and the fraud involved. The letter reads : "I have just directed , etc. , etc. " Now , insert the words "After receiving your letter" after the word "just , " and you get the whole thing as it doubt less is. A clerk is directed to write a slip not an official order to the effect that $300,000 are al lotted , etc. , which will give color to the secretary's reply and save him from a lie , as they would cal it in the U. S. senate , and which slip is to be torn up and tossed in to the waste basket before mai time. That is one way in which a corner is sometimes turned in the departments. Then , notice the assumption "I have allotted. " It is generally believed that appro priations for all purposes are made by congress and that such sums as § 300,000 are not left to be thrown hither and thither at the sweet will of even the secretary of war. No such appropriation was made for Fort Niobrara. Then we read that it was to pay for an addition to the fort. Good heavens ! Is this the action of the government of the U. S. ? Not long ago it secured several thousand acres to enlarge the reservation. Now it abandons the reservation , removes the troops , dismantles the fort , and yet is going to spend § 300,000 for an addition. An addition to what ? The whole thing is so absurrl that one wonders that Kinkaid should try and befog the people with such a-story. But as a climax I quote the fol lowing , not from O'Neill , by way of the State Journal , but from the headquarters of the department of the Missouri which exercises juris diction over Fort Niobrara. In about a year the reservation will be open for settlement. The. article follows : Up' through the jSixth Con gressional district it is said that Dongressman Kinkaid is circulating ' a , report that Fort Niobrara 'has aot been abandoned , but instead New Hotel 3C Near Depot Electric Lights , Chicago House , J. A. Hornback , Propr. Guests for Train ? a Specialty , Good Rooms , . 5C Good Service , ' * Groceries - . . Fresh Fruit arriving Every Day. : * PHONE 97 , . JOHN , DAVIS & GO. EW3 FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON. First class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Salt Meats Smoked .Breakfast .Bacon. Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds-of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes. Valentine , - Nebraska will be retained as a military reservation. The facts are that more than ten days ago the last of the soldiers departed from Fort Niobrara and ihat the post has been abandoned , ihe last vestige of everything per taining to the army having been removed. The information comes ! rom the headquarters of the department of the Missouri , that exercised jurisdiction over Fort Niobrara. At army headquarters it is stated that if the provisions of law governing such matters are 'olfowed ' out , within one year from the date of abandonment , the old reservation must be transferred : rom the war department to the department of the interior. orld-Herald. Two or three other papers in printing this story said the § 300t- 000 had been allotted to Ft. Rob inson , but in any event the story is misleading and calculated to deceive. ED. A special edition of nearly every - ery republican paper in the state was gotten out last week to print the proposed constitutional amend ment. It's the same old republi can graft for republican newspa pers , amounting this year to about § 5,000. "Grafters" isamild term. The moving pictures presented by Whitney's Bioscope Co. , are the best ever seen here , being shown without the usual flicker and vibration. Superior , "WIs. , Evening Telegram , Jan. 4. 1904 ,