Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 02, 1906, Image 3

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I. M. RICE Edito. . . . .v. : Proprietor.
MAKK ZARR Foreman.
Entered at the postoffice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second
Class Matter.
Subscription 81.00 per year in advance ; S1.50 when not paid in advance.
Display Advertising 1 inch single column 15c per issue or $6.00 a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue
5c per line per issue.
Brands1 inches$4.00 per year in advance ; additional space $3.00 per
year ; engraved blocks extra $1.00 each.
10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears.
Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers.
The democratic county convention
is hereby called to meet in the court
house at Valentine , Neb. , on Satur
day , August 4th , 1906 , at two o'clock
p. m. , for the purpose of placing in
nomination candidates for the follow
ing offices :
County Attorney.
And the delegates present from the
First Commissioner District will
nominate a candidate for the office
ot Commissioner for said district.
And for the purpose of electing
delegates to tht following conventions
State convention , 6.
Congressional convention , 6.
Senatorial convention , 6.
Representative convention , G.
And for the transaction of such
other business as may propeily come
before the convention.
The basis of representation for the
several precincts will be two dele
gates at large for each precinct and
one delegate for every ten votes or
fraction thereof cast for Hon. George
W. Berge for governor in Nov. 1904.
The various precincts are entitled
to representation as follows :
Buffalo Lake
Dewey Lake
Goose Creek
Pleasant Bill
Sharps Ranch
It is recommended that the precinct
caucuses be held Saturday , July 28 ,
and that a precinct committeeman
be selected by each c.tucus.
Secretary , Chairman.
The republicans are sending out
notices for a Eopul r subscription
to the campaign fund this year
and expect each man who is want
ing a republican victory to con
tribute a dollar. They expect tc
Tally around the great achieve
ments of "Teddy" Koosevelt and
what congress has done , Eoose-
velt is to be a central figure
II and his achievements a cebtral
thought during the campaign.
We wonder if , after the campaign
is over , an itemized statement will
be made of the donations and the
names of the donors published , or
will the dollar be shoved down in
the pockets of a few who control
the republican party.
If the republicans wish to be
fair they should call upon the people
ple to criticise that party in the
next election for what they had an
opportunity of doing and failed to
do. The laws of our country have
been in their hands for execution
and they are entitled to some
credit for what was done along
that line , but the miserable failures
that have characterized'the. majority
of that party hocid be remember-
against that majority as a lesson to
them in the future execution of
laws ; that all men should meet
their just fate alike , and that pun
ishment should be meted out t
rich and poor without discriminja-
tion. Heretofore those who bl
ed the democratic party as J&nd-
ering the making of laws\Jffectual
for control of the railroads and
corporations , will have/no trouble
in finding wya > % ? ? ystood on all
public qu/estiouv during the last
congress They will 'also notice
" 'whom ife was that tried every ef-
4. i
fort and/scheme to foil the railroad
" J. '
and rrfecommission bill that was
finally amended to admit of a court
review which counteracts the ef
fect of the bill , and by taking the
shorter course the court review
would not necessitate a commissioE
review and leaves us where we
were before , excepting to be bur
dened by an extra law that Presi
dent Eoosevelt and a republican
congress is to be the central figure
and thought as a campaign argu
ment this fall.
The democratic county conven
tion to be held Saturday , August
4 , 1906 , should have a good at
tendance , but if people should be
too busy haying to get away , they
should know that their precinct has
one representative if they possibly
can send it or in some way com
municate their wishes. J. W. Mc-
Daniel , our present county sur
veyor , will probably be nominated
to fill vacancy as county surveyor.
Who will be nominated for coun
ty commissioner of the 2nd dis
trict ? As yet we have heard no
candidates mentioned Then an
other important matter to be look
ed after is the nomination of coun
ty attorney. A good citizen ,
farmer , stockman or business man
can be nominated if we have no
attorney to nominate. The stat-
tutes do not require a candidate
for county attorney to be admitted
to the bar but may employ a dep
uty to do the work the same as
other county officers do. We
should have a full ticket in the
field and no one who is selected to
make the race should shirk the
responsibility. What we want is
good officers of the law and if the
republicans fail to put up the
proper material as candidates , the
democrats should nominate some
one in whom the people have coii
fidence and give him loyal supp
at the polls. It is time that
people take a hand in the afianrs ol
our county and break up a/ few
THE DEMOCRAT/has heretofore
annunced that/Judge Westover
would accept/the nomination for
songress ha this district , but the
Judge hjeCs concluded that he would
prefeiy to remain on the bench and
has \jfritten that he cannot become
a candidate this fall. This is to be
regretted for Westover would
si/rely be elected.
The democratic electors of Valen
tine Precinct are hereby called to
meet at the office of the ! county
Judge , at 8:00 : , o'clock ! p. m. ,
August 3rd , 1906 , for thelpurpose
3f selecting ten delegates lp attend
ihe county convention tobe held
August 4th , 1906.
The best Strawberry Sodj
pbafc Webb makes. 22j
, r
( State Journal. )
O'Neill , Neb. , July 28. It has
been published extensively that
Fort Niobrara was to be aband
oned as a military reservation.
Some color was given to this re
port by the recent removal of the
troops there to the south. Con
gressman Kinkaid is in receipt of
the following letter from the sec
retary of war which shows that it
is not the intention of the govern
ment to abandon the fort :
Washington , July 15 , 1906.
My Dear Judge Kinkaid : There is
no truth in the statememt that Fort
Niobrara is to abandoned as a
government military reservation.
On the contary , it will be retained
for military purposes , especially
that of encampment , I have just
directed the allotment of about
§ 300,000 for an addition to Fort
Very sincerely yours.
We hope the above article is
true and that the reports to the
contrary heretofore circulated
have been idle talk. However ,
the operations at present indicate
that Fort Niobrara is being dis
mantled and that the William H.
Taft article is a campaign story ,
calculated only to deceive the people
ple and let them down easy. We
are not willing to believe the story
in the face of operations to the
contrary , confirming former re
ports that Fort Niobrara was on
the list for abandonment.
If Mr. Taft can find § 300,000
that can't be used elsewhere , we
think he might feel disposed to
spend it on an addition to Ft. Nio
brara. This may occur during
Mr. Taft's present term of office
as secretary of war , but since the
government is at present straining
a point to dig the Panama canal
and Keep up the tremenduous ex
pense of the soldiers in the Phili-
pines , together with other large
expenditures and appropriations
which will run the government
expense higher than McKinley's
war administration , it is more like
ly that the allotment of " S300-000
" "
will be slow incoming toT'orl
Niobrara and oiar government will
ba on the veryge of another stamj
act or issue/of bonds , by the time
Mr. Taft jnas spent all the monej
he has planned to spend. Also ,
the deonand elsewhere for money ,
so fajf , exceeds .the supply that the
goy/ernment is now burdened with
ejxpense that means so little for
internal improvements and so
much as a constant drain in run
ning the government , because of a
want of these improvements and
necessary equipment for a saving
of mountains of expense.
The troops were moved from
Ft. Niobrara Manday night. It is
said that the hardest things to load
for this moving were the colored
soldiers. They filled up on "bug
juice" and painted the town in a
bright red color. The report fur
ther says that many Valentine
families were terrorized by their
hoodlum actions. The people of
that city ought to rise up in thank
fulness for this good riddance.
Ainsworth Star Journal.
We feel sorry that such reports
as the above would find space in
the Star-Journal of Ainsworth. In
the first place it would ' reflect on
the officers as not being in control
of their troops , and second , that
the general conduct of the army
was more dangerous to the peace
ind safety of citizens during their
uncivilized In-
report and
ej soldiers
- *
* . *
U/ S 8 .
u We have the LARGEST STOCK and the BEST STOCK of
Buggies , Surreys and
" Spring Wagons
ever shown in Valentine. Call and see them whether you
wish to purchase or not.
Do Not Forget
that we are agents for
McCormick Binders , Mowers , Eakes and
Twine. Also ; for Dain Sweeps and
Stackers , and Moline Wagons.
, 1
We have a complete line of general 4
Ranch and Farm Supplies ,
s including Grindstones , Sickle Grinders , Stacker Ecpe , Machine
Oil , Builders Hardware , Paints and Oils. Screen Doors.
Lumber , Posts , Barbwire
See Us for Right Goods at Right Prices
1J Jj
were not brought fee Valentine un
til about 9 iSOo'clock p. m. and
then marrJaea down Main street in
ojp&erly manner and were not dis-
rorderly or drunk. Hundreds of
Valentine citizens were at hand
near the depot when the
soldiers were marched up
from Fort Niobrara , and knew
that they immediately boarded the
trains upon their arrival , and that
they did not leave the trains after
their arrival to roam about town
and further , a large number of
our citizens left their homes un
guarded , and with doors open or
unlocked to go down town to see
the soldiers depart and stayed four
or five hours until they departed.
Leg Without Body Bides
Kushville Aug. 1. With a human
leg dangling from the stirrup of a
saddle , a horse was captured
yesterday thirty miles north of
this place , galloping over the
An effort was made to find the
man. but up to the present time
without success.
It is believed the horse came from
some distance and that it has been
roaming over the prairies for a
long time.
The foot was firmly fastened in
the stirrup , and there are many
conjectures as to how it parted
with the body.
Some believe it was wrenched
offaf ter the owner had been dragg
ed to death ; others are of the
opinion that the" man was struck
somewhere by a train and that the
horse escaped -fatal injuries.
Omaha Daily News.
For a bargain in a Cream Separator
rater c.all on A. F. Webb. 27
New HotelA ) Near Depot ,
Electric Lights ,
Chicago House ,
f -3 * 7
J. A/Hornfoack , Propr.
Guests for Trains a Specialty ,
Good Rooms. 2C Good Service ,
Fresh Fruit arriving Every Day.
A. JOHN. DAVIS & 00.
SS MjiiFfBF ! ? IRIRiTl'l '
First class line of Steaks , Eoasts ,
Dry Salt Meats Smoked
Breakfast .Bacon.
Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs.
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes.
Valentine , - Nebraska
320 acres of black loam , gently
rolling , and running water , known
as the Dyer Ranch , at the head of
Horse Creek , about 3 miles north
west of the Eosebud Boarding
School , will be sold August 6,1906 ,
to the highest bidder. Sealed bids
will be received by the U. S. Ag
ent at Eosebud up to 12 o'clock ,
noon , August 6 , 1906 , where fur
ther information may be had upon
application , or from
25 Eosebud , S. D.
Halldorson's photos 1 , 2 , 3 ,
and oth of each month.
Strayed or Stolen.
From my range on Gordon creek ,
north of Simeon , ] STebr. , in 1905 ,
one three year old steer , branded
11 on left side , dehorned ; also ,
four head of young horned cattle
branded SB on right side.-
A suitable reward will be paid'
for information leading to recovery
of this stock by the owner
21 Valentine , Neb.
Don't miss seeing "Carmen" the ,1
equine watch charm and favorite
clown pony with Bonheur Bros
Golden Mascot Eailroad Show
Wednesday and Thursday , Au < ru' '
1 and 2.