Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 14, 1906, Image 1

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    * *
Society -
er Painter "
fc colic every
time tHereVanotHer
House painted with
Patton's Sun-Proof Paints protect , pre
serve and beautify. They are made of best
pigments and purest oil. They withstand sun
and rain , heat and cold twice as long as hand
made paints.
Send for book and color card ( free ) to
PATTON PAINT Co. , Lake Street. Milwaukee.
-We also carry a complete stock of
White Lead Colors in Oil ,
Eaw and Boiled Linseed Oil ,
Turpintine , Venetian Sed ,
Yellow "Ochre , Whiting , etc.
We also mention a few of the specialties which we carry , namely :
Patton's Dog Cart Carriage Paints ,
Patton's Gloss Enamle ,
Princess Floor Paints ,
Oriental Varnish Stain ,
Shu-Fli Screen Paint ,
Patton's Handy package paints in pint cans. and A pint
If you intend painting your house , your buggy or anything let us
figure with you.
Spring1 Clothing ;
Ladies Shirt Waists
and Skirts
Wagons and Buggies
Lumber and Hardware
Pictures Framed to Order ,
Dishes , Call Bells , Scales , Work Baskets ,
$ Dust Pans , and Steak Pounders
With Reservoir and Warming Closet $28.00
Picnic Goods , Paper Plates , Napkins ,
Cups , Hammock" Lawn , Swings-
Balls and xBats.
Tinware , Oils , Etc , Lamps , Crockery , Lime , Coal Paper
. .
-h. '
" " " *
Licensed Emlialmer
CJiarterpil as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank
June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
v'IN * s * A General Banking
$25,000. Exchange and
, Collectioa Business.
C. H. COBNELE , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M , V , NICHOLSON , Cashier , -
Talk of the Town.
Mrs. Emma Vincent is in the
city for a few weeks visit with
relatives and friends.
Miss Sadie Thackrey arrived
Friday morning from Kansas City
and will attend junior normal here
this summer.
Born to Prof , and Mrs. St vons
at llavenna , Neb. , a son. Mr- .
Stevens will be remptnborod in
Valentine as Miss Flattie Holcomb.
The Ladies Aid of the M. E.
church will serve ice cream and
cake Tuesday evening June 19 at
the home of Col. Thompson. Ev
erybody invited.
Miss Hattie B. Bushee , a sister
to Mrs. S.4A. . Lee , lately from
Fennville , Mich. , is visiting in the
city and has decided to engage in
the confectionery and lunch busi
ness next to Mr. Lee's barber
C. V. Thorn and wife came
down from the agency last week
and have been visiting' friends in
and near the city. Mr. Thorn is
out of the government service ,
through some misunderstanding
with Agent Kelly , and pend
ing a settlement of difficulties , will
remain in Valentine several weeks.
Phillip S. McClean , a son of
J. J. McClean of this city , and
Mr. McClean's sister , Miss Ellen ,
arrived here from Washington , D.
C. , Saturday morning. Phillip
will spend several weeks here in
recreation when he will return to
Washington where he has a po :
sition in a patent office. . Miss
McClean will make her future
home here with her brother.
The reunion last week was attended -
tended by a large number of' people
ple from this and adjoining coun
ties. Many old soldiers were pres
ent and , though the weather was
bad , there were good crowds each
day. Friday , the last day , there
were several hundred people pres
ent. The woods were full of pee
ple. A ball game followed the
speaking in the afternoon which
was close and exciting , but finally
won by the 1st battalion over the
3rd battalion in a score of 17 to 11.
The soldiers gave an exhibition of
scaling a wall and a race between
two soldiers in dismantling gun ,
blanket , belt and leggins on the
run and returning. Altogether ,
the reunion was a success , despite
the wind and bad weather.
On Thursday and Friday , June
21st and 22nd , Dr. John M. Caldwell -
well , \vhn has traveled extensively
in the Holy land , will lecture in
this city in the M. E. church , on
places he has visited in Palestine.
Dr. Caldwell , for many years , was
one of the most prominent pastors
in Chicago and is widely known
and admired. The lectures are to
be given under the auspices of the
women's societies of the M. E.
and Presbyterian churches and
the proceeds will be equally di
vided. We ask a generous patron
age and promise a delightful eve
ning to all who are there. Dr.
Caldwell invites and will be pleased
to answer questions in regard to
the land of our Saviors birth and
its present condition under the
Turk. Admission 25 cents' . Tick
ets on sale at Chapman's and El
U. S. Weather Bureau .Report
tor week Eii < iiug .Tune 13.
The temperature has raised very
little. The daily mean tempera
ture was 6i ° and the normal GS ° .
The highest temperature was 80 °
on the 13th ; the lowest 46 ° on the
9th , a range of 34 : ° . The preci
pitation was 0.11 of an inch , giv
ing a total of 10.T3 inches from
Jan. 1 to date. The winds have
been a little less than the average.
A * < ftt *
* 0-0-0 wQ-0 0-0
Have you - seen the new
things in Men's Furnishings ? * >
The new soft Collars in assorted - ! *
sorted sizes and colors , the >
latest styles in the low linen V ?
Colars and the nobby effects & >
in the wide low ties. *
I *
tSOlt Collars , ' yiiittf , Tan and Blue 25C
Club House Bow Ties , Puresiik. ! 60c
Men's Shirtfe'Silk , Mohairs and Mercerized 75c to $3.50
.49 49 Men's Underwear , in black , brown , blue , white..50c to $1.50
49- ' Men's Oxfords , in tan and black $3.00 to $4.00
49S Men's Union Suits , per suit $1.25
S ' Men's and Boys'Bathing Trunks , each 15e
- - " *
Mocha and Java
Boquet Coffee
The Best The Cheapest
Mrs. Bartlett , a sister of Albert
Webb , and formerly a resident of
Valentine , has been visiting in the
city the past week.
. . Myor C. M. Thompson of New
port , and LamBer.t brothers of
Cams , Nebr. , were Tues
day , buying fractional government
land tracts which were sold at the
U. S. land office. The editor took
Mr. Thompson out for a drive
through the farming section on
north table.
A new band of fifteen pieces has
been organized in Valentine by
the young men. They contemplate
giving a series of open air concerts
during the summer. Ed Morey ,
Wallace McDonald and Fred Jones ,
cornet ; Len Bivens and George
Hunter , mellophone ; Flo.yd Petty-
crew , baritone ; Robert Webb , slide
trombone ; Harvey Hornby and
Roscoe Fischer , clarinet ; Frank
Fischer and George Hornby , tuba ;
Byron Shaw and J. H. Jones ,
drums. They meet next Tuesday
evening at 8:30 : on llooton's bal-
conyN Heretofore the bands or
ganized in Vaieu'ine have depend
ed upon the encouragement re
ceived from the citizens of our
city and have fallen to pieces when
that support waned or the people
ceased to pat them on the back
which they expected in a continu
ous stream of applause. They ,
however , were not without their
prejudices and upon sundry oc
casions manifested it in various
ways. But with the new organiza
tion of the band we hope the kick
ing and grumbling element will be
eliminated , even though many of
the same members compose the
band now. The thought should
not be , how much the people of the
town owe to the band , but rather
that the band contribute their mite
to the society of the town which is no
more than every good citizen does ,
though we don't all toot our own
horns and perform our functions
in a loud and brazen manner.
This new band may expect as much
appreciation and commendation as
they show other worthy and com-
mendable'enterprises. They are
only a part of the social features
of our town and should be content
with only a fair appreciation and
< 5 / V t {
I Spring and
Come and inspect our
Stock. We will try
and please you.
North Table Telephone
( Call Two Long Rings. )
Dealer in Everything.
S r vVlS fcX g
Have advanced 20 to 25 per cent.
: s SPARKS , Cashier.
, f. W. STEDTER , Vice Pres. ORAH L. BRITTON , Asa't. Cashier.
Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by
the methods employed in our business. : : : : : : : : : :
& ,
Tobaccos and Cigars.
Canned Goods 2C2C Lunch Counter.
Phone Home 8
7 Bakery.
kelson Polen died at his home
northwest of Sparks last Thursday
of brigkts disease. He had been
in failing health the past winter
and had probably never fully re
covered from an accident which
happened last fall when his team
ran away and threw him out of the
wagon , crippling him. Mr. Polen
was about 59 years old and has
lived in Cherry county nearly 20
years" He leaves a wife'and fam
ily of grown up sons and daughters.
The funeral was held Sunday at
the M. E. church and intermen t
made in. Mount Hope cemetery.
Halldorson's photos 1 , 2 , 3 ,
and 5th of each month.
I have 1 Thoroughbred Regis
tered Short Horn Bulls , 2 years
old , for sale. ive miles south
east of Wood Lake , Nebr.